Willows Daily Journal from Willows, California (2024)

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Willows Daily Journal VOLUME 3(5 'NO 60 RK MNWILI APPUAIEmK OfGoodlritentions i prices MAKING PROGRESS IN PERSONAL MENTION 2OTII Governor Stephen will visit Hotdey who has GRIITH CONERS COUNTY DEED REPORT SOCIETY ITEMS Ray to Carpenter to mylltf LODGE NOTICE Thurs jnlltf OPENING DANCE SHOTOVER INN NUGHARBOR' HAMILTON CITY 100 NEW KELLY TIRE CUSTOMERS JU Thursday and riday) Special a big event presenting Rich I ard Barthelemess in adapted from Joseph I famous Saturday Evening Post story In con Cor Butte and Sycamore Sts VUlowft Cafl iinwiifiimi A i vJjA vfiti and near sons part ollowing the busi program of excep aanse it Claims right control its own foreign affairs PLANNED RATE OCAL PENJNCn and may and 2 of Or A PROGRESSIVES ELATED OVER SENATORIAL VICTORY MENDOGMAN MAY ENTER STATE SENATOR RACE receive the from me as If elected ntetidu a two reel Cristie comedy entitled' eckless Sex a sure laugh Admission 40 cents children 20 cents WASHINGTON Jnnc Progrew hives everywhere are elated over the victory of Brookheart for the repub lican nomination for senator from lown Store yonr grain nrvrioiiRc ment WILL INVESTIGATE GAS PRICE RAISE Boyd buffet Curry Mrs Advertisem*nt showered' beautiful 1 and useful presents of china silver UNITED ftRESS DISPATCHES Willow Local No 207 of Carpen ters and Joiners of America meets 1st and 3rd riday of each month 8 I hall Rec TI MKddy tlTtf is better' to have loved wrote the poet Well he have been right at that Price daughter or Mr and Mrs Price also formerly of Willows Mr Richardson while tn Willows was employed by John Manford a former barber of Willows Mr Rich ardson is a prosperous farmer orchardist on the Colfax road The have two Highest cash 7nces paid for eggs Willows ish A Poultry Market eor UTalntfl Diiltn CM A daement Jl7tf' HAN June To night and Thursday fair light south erly wind WILLSON 11 1 GOVERNOR STEPHENS TO VISIT WILLOWS JUNE Highest casn price paid ci'' 1 BAPTIST MEET? DO YOU KNOW thnt nineteenii' chant tailors out of twenty tn Sanli'rnnclsc'i have their work made op oirtslde their own premises and koep'tm tailors at all all their work being made up In the big back shops of the city at a much less price? Toni Ajax tailnr has made same ar nnd is now displaying of suits tn his store priced 335no and up made strictly to vour own measure Call and see these models and get the prices Thous ands of samples to select from Ad vertisem*nt alStf action must be taken to reduce the I feel kindiv Colusa counties will Hlgnest casn price paid for all kind of poultry at Willows ish Poultry Market Phone 328 Adver tisem*nt jnSltf tTMHNNATrrxrrlITO ERM road union officials meeting here to day give ns tlutir private opinio! Jim strike vote will lie overwhelm Ingfy Id fnvtir of a Wnlk oyt na a protest against wage cuts Ion will iirptent ilmins soon It la cliilmed' showing Hint wage cuts are Inequitable unscientific and without regard to needs of workers ing the helped to make the program a most fitting one for the closing meeting" Enthusiastic ex pressions of appreciation were heard uij titt titles 1 The hostess Mrs Carleton served dainty refreshments style and was assisted by Mr rench Mrs Harry Bell and Ira ender WASHINGTON sated tlie ndmlnlsfrntlon Is making steady progress In settlement of tlie real strike The nature of the de velopments unknown hnt it is asserted alms ultimately to a stahlll ration of the whole Industry SOMETHING NW Call at Ajax the tailor: made to measure high class suits jirlced as low as ready mades See the New Models now on display' Have a tailor fit you Advertisem*nt riday Evening June 9th Mudic by Bogue's Orchestra Admission $100 OR THE LADIES to know that I will make vou your Norfolk Knick erbocker Suits and Skirts for your vacation trip Prices lowest Tom A lax Tailor Advertisem*nt 1 8tt AIRMS DECISION I KANSAS CHT June Two big railroad mergers are re garded as practical rertnlntlee The Chicago Alton with Missouri' Kan sas City Texas and the Union Pa ct fle with the Central Pacific' $ome authorities say the mergers are the result of the suggestion of the Inter state Commerce commission as eco nomic measnrfw Others predict a transportation war Capriflgs will be ready about June 15 to 20 Am taking orders now St Davis Iflvono 598Y: Advertisem*nt jn7tf Wednesday afternoon quite a large punt her women of the Baptist Church and their friends drove out to th beautiful country home of Mrt qarleton Boyd for the last meet Ing of the before adjournment for (he summfr Lark spurs and other flowers enhanced the attractiveness of the home The meeting opened with a devo tional service led by Airs I 8 Jenka 'Echoes from the Baptist state convention held at Chico were very enthusiastically given by the delegates who attended The chief buaineaveuf the af ternoon was the election of officers to serve for be coming year The elected: President dan vice president Gambell 'secretary Conover treasurer Mrs Will Bielar The president announced the follow ing committees: Program Mrs Will Bielar Mrs Gambell Mrs Nellie itelth Sehorn Entertainment: 5lra Harp Bell Mrs Linebaugh Mrs Curry rench Visiting and Re Handy of' Ukiah whose name was recently mentioned a a possible candidate for Senator of the Sufth district comprising Glenn Colusa Mendocino and Lake countieswas a visitor in this morning He wits' accompanied by Byrnes Sheriff of Mendocino county Mr Handy Is 'a business man of Ejktah and one who makes a hlglily favorable Impression on a short ac quaintance He hgs outwardly the signs of ar) earnest upright consci entious and unassuming citizen ful lyTstistaTnTn gTt 117 reports' from "hts home town of his creditable reford as a man In thorough touch and sympathy with the people and one with a determination to accomplish results If called upon tn serve the people In legislative capacity Mr Handy is making a tour of the district (or the purpose of taking' political soundings and taining the sentiment on public pjat ters ftnd requirements foremost in the minds of voters In an Jnter view this morning heAsaid am emphatically In favor of fewer iqws What we want' are laws that are ef fective and Tlpplicabl to the wants of th popple The majority of peo ple sfiduld qbtain through the legis lature such remedial and necessary legislation as they need" Continu ing he said: "I am strongly In favor of keeping down taxation The peo ple are already overburdened and of increasing public ependl turetri wmi the present excessive costs of state administration toward Glenn and and thetr interests same share of attention those nf mv owp countv I want tQ of the wholeclistftct because I consid er the interests of the four counties forming the district are identical in every Mr) Handy intends to return at an early date to form a closer acquaint anceship wih the voters of Glenn and Colusa counties RTIOTR Regular "meeting in day at 7:30 Come? meet the Store your grain with Willows Boys of Willows De Molay Warehouse Advertise POWER Toparch meat myUtf Advertisem*nt 4 JnS WILLOWS GLENN CAL WEDNESDAY JUNE 7 1922 decorated in La sprays of honey large porch and resplendent with Auburn Japanese lanterns and electric lights and tw0 daughters all taking A musical program was enjoyed 'n tle musical by all Recitations and recalling of o5 Pubnc or any kJ Al of Bond or Insurance see Ed Avery happy events in the days gone by 234 Sycamore St Advertlmenl caused the 'evening to slip by rapid ly into the night eBh fish received fresh every day After refreshments Wefe served by at Willows ish A Poultry Market the hostess the happy twenty summers was with a large number of' resh milk end cream delivered I twice dally from our famous alfalfa ranch and high grade stock Order I now Rumlann Bros Phone 804 i Advertisem*nt tf This evening at the high school nudilorlum occurs the class day ex ercises of the senior class of Glenn county high school A very inter esting program has been arranged by the class of '22 which will be car ried out by thia class exclusively with the exception of the last num ber In which the chorus will join The cnS numbers twenty live unusually bright young men and wo men Not only have they mastered the curriculum with credit hut they Xv 11a ae IkmIa havn 4n tvas Mhktu AoM 1 UMSi 'and In other school uiiti ai wU be WU" 1' a dozen have gone through their school together beginning tn i lx primary grade TWINS RECEIVE "0 and linen Tii bride will be re xnembered as Having spent her girl ihood (lavs in Willows and the cou i 4 i pie were iiiui rjeu nei iw eni yetti The country home of Mr and Mrs ago by Rev A Pier Mrs Rich Charles Richardson near Auburn wag' tllg smA bf A' bttf attair lrtlfllt Winnifrd Eriday evening when a group of friends about 70 In number gath ered to help celebrate' the 20th an niversary of their wedding day The home was prettily rance roses and suckle while the yard were riiade and their came 1 in oniv Because nor so many years ago Dad and Mother made up their minus io save anu lhlh John orchestra is giving a dance at Shotover Inn Hamilton QtyonridayJunSHrManynew features will be introduced it is an nounced The orchestra is compos ed of Bogue saxophone 1 1 piano: McGeoghegan banjo Druch portion of the public jail in making valley trombone Hoobier drums his escape therefrom Before mak to visit southern Chief of Police Rhodes started jdng his second escape Aie was ar rov Heard nt ralgried on this charge and entered f8te tor Sheriff a plea of not irolay he 1 ays tn peared to have a date set for thee tritel Mrs Elizabeth District Attorney McGowan lle(n vlsitng Mrs Marshall has asked for an Immediate trial and pne rancigco and will visit the date was set for June 13 Car polnt ofterert in California roi Byrd appointed by the jpfOre returning to her home in court as attorney for defendant New York City There Is much obstinacy in the Mr Mrs Ball of Har make up of Le ernier With in rington Wash who have been the controvertible testimony against of Mrs: XelJie Kellh Sehorn he assumes the air Of an innocent for several days departed this man and there is a tendency for Woodland shift 'the trouble jinto which he ifly yy Poland returned night now enmeshed upon the shoulders from iNapa of his brother Jerry Le who Is out on probation WASHINGTON Juno Con ahf ttie Mirt of fus llM ism ftwluv Linlnra In An flntrn art a sis rv ji ixi dgHlIon of 11 MisoUne price In JUT of Glenn county and that herPnc Tlie committee liptherefore could not be convicted of empow'erwl to call witnesses 'to dc crime which he was invited to tvriiilnu 'tlie rctugm for the increase commit by the officers Error of in' tlie face of the biggest gasoline the trial court was alao charged rewrve tlx country hfui ever knownJ District Attorney McGowan An endeavor will lie made to discover contended Ip his argument on the If llu re Ih an agreement to Inpreaac appeal that Heusers was lawfully Ia AAnvIpf nd Ivn 8 i a)I1ahz the detectives Budd and rank Mursa proved a violation of COAL STRIKE SETTLEMENT the law against defendant and that lit was no cWShse to mAirrtnh June la rc jwas entrapped enticed Into the committment of a crime by officers of the law when defendant was ready able and willijig qke a sale of Intoxicating liquor or to com mit the crime without the aid of officers The higher court found no excep tion to the proceeding and affirms the court in the Upon receipt ofa remittitura will be Issued for Heusecs following were Mrs Ci Mrs rancis Mrs Thomas 1 JAIL TRIAL HAS BEEN SEI OR JUNE 13 David 22 1922 neK of se of sec SA SO OA IS RESUMED TODAV I cv yc Jessey Evans et ux to sti utiiera April 27 1 922 nwU of nU nf sec 9 two 22 3 20 acreR jiu Moseley et ux to Gus uruck the I i et ux May 24 1922 south 20 acres of lot 16 subd 14 Murdock subd $10 Hazelton et ux to Harold Waitei 9 May 8 lots 1 i and wU of lot 3 blk 61 town land810 In connection' two reefs of ox News Pictures AROUND THE Special TO ACE WITH 1022 Class ENTERTAINS THIS EVENING AU New Regular Guarantee We make all adjustments here to" your satisfaction SALE ENDS JUNE lOth I ALLEN B0ICK AGCNPL 5 Ihla escaoe therefrom Before mak Rhodes started Mn? his second eacane tie was ar i i jz ttmuno utt juvouaj uuitc avui ttnu ycBieruay measuring cne distance will be the guest of the chamber from the sidewalk of awninga in of commerce at a luncheon at which of business buildings of Wil he willJ be the maJn speaker hisljows The ordinance 'requires that he the Bonus (they be seven feet He found sev BHI? Later on in the day the crn that were lower and owners of Governor will speak at Los Molinus the buildings were ordered "to raise arrange them niucn A ouwjrr was vjreiaitu vn i this morning at the Willows Sana DEACON TO itorlum by Dr Lund for ap NTERTAIN TENNIS CLVB The operation was suc icessful and the patient is resting Members of the Willows Tcnnla ea8lly mother and sletar who PRIZE emcnaineu wmorrow real(Je at McCloud are at his beL I wwv 8jqe Mr and Mrs Henry Haynes of 8Wrnmn tanK in tast illows by Willows parents of Oliphant Rex Paetmaster In the GLEJfx Haynes and Oliver Max Haynes win gi'e on oi born on Ripe Olive day ebruary feeds 1921 have received a cash prize of1 150 fi'vm the California Ripe Olive OD CONOLLEY CASE nMoclutlon In 'Commemoration uf' ttie'f birth of the twins Both children! sro cxceptlortaily healthy rosv 1 of 'Vf0' cheeked and 7 jConollcy was resumed today This! afternoon defendant was being with Willnvra firtlinoJ Ti la cvnnr'to)l In oLico Advertise 1 tomorrow Ths Third Dlatrlct Court of Apr peal yesterday affirmed the super ior court hero In the case of HdUI8ik cortvlctcd oh a charge of violating the Wyllle focal 'option law The un The case was tried here last Janu ary amt me jury after a brief de liberation found defendant guilty He was sentenced to pay a fine of I50Q or in default to serve one day in the county jail Tor each (4 of the fine Attorneys 'll Belleu and Clifton appealed the case for Heusers on the ground that defend ant was convict upon the tcatK mony of employed by the DIetrlct Attorney and Hher in his latest west eru produetion entitled" Riding With A of startling sensations by Jacques Jaecard I AT TO THEATRE ft IIUIUH Proprietor 'J TONIGHT A William ox presents' the noted screen star BUCK JONES Curry rench jruit? Mrs A Wood White Cross: JenKs ness session a merit was conducted by Mrs Read whose wit and humor provoked Inany smiles of keenest ap WITH CHURCRILL jI)rcatiOJ from audience The Why and When of oreign LONDON June Arthur Grlf were brought out in' vari fith and the Irish delegation todayj oig articles and discussions China conferred wit Churchill regarding an(j India being the specific fields British objections to tlie free state studied The charm and sweetness constitution The objections are al the leader's personality permeat leglance to the king is not 'definite the governor authority is not recognized Provides suits may be appealed to the Irish high court south wind 1 Lowery was here today from outs Springs Mr and Mrs Jacob Haffig and children will the morning Vs hill i fl 1 "MW" '7 fnr a months auto tour of Cali Joe Le fernier appeared before fornia They will go first to Wilbur TifJoo Rail ftalc mr rnlna rw rs 44 4a a' BprinKX ir a may ml ueveiai DeLasaux 'charge of injuring and destroying a then to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite Before returning they plan California Stonyford carl Ir speninc a fw f0OHN tNTHE PMNE WclwJ 4 i wHtyioiMKJ IM WOOT OH UJ (4 Iih'lumpy ROAP I I Jdwr'wwip ir 1 pe A5KIH' TOO I ComeovT 9 I inTtf I WANTED I ill is iihii 'lw I MB 1 I a I Ml Illi III 4 I 3 A H'c I Non Skid Non Skid Kelly abrics Cords Red Tubes 30x3 $975 $175 1075 $1575 175 32x3i 1575 2175 275 31x4 2375 275 32x4 2075 2575: 275 33x4 2175 2775 275 34x4 2275 2975 275 32x41 2375 3475 375 33x44 3675 375 34x4 3875 375 35x41 3975 375 33x5 4375 475 35x5 4475 475 37x5 4775 575 'W nw and their came in only because nor so many years ago Dad and Mother made up their minds to save and DID.

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Willows Daily Journal from Willows, California (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.