The Daily Telegraph from London, Greater London, England (2024)

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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7 1895 4 PRINCE or WALKS theatre THIS KTKNINQ Uo GENTLEMAN (TH CfcDbTI- Nr Armor RoMru Nrun PbilRTraMAEAlW TMra AMbrawlgto raid Drain Mradranra PbTlHa BrougbtonJ Li MraW Ncu Jerome A Newton EUenii Fran £iw Dm KntrLottm At a won am a capbice LYRIC THKAYHK THIS EVENING 1 815 AN ARTISTS MODEL HeMrane Lsf booutri Doom Hudraw studboinM era I AITCH PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE AITCHISON'S PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FEES PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE 4 FLEET-STREET End 6 POULTRY EC MB MB MK MR -to the eipenaea attending the promotion of the company I for securing the auhacription of the company share capHal to none of which the company Is a rally Applicants for shares ball be doomed to hava notice of ail aucb contract and to hava agreed with the company as trustees for the director to waive the specification tn the prospectus of the dates and the names of the parties thereto as required by flection 38 of the Companies Act 1887 and ail claims under that section or otherwise The reports above mentioned copies of the memorandum and articles of association and the abve-ateattoaed agreement for sae con be inspected at the offices of the solicitors of the com Pany Applications for shares should be made on the form accompanying the prospectus and sent with th deposit direct to the bankers In any caw where no allotment Is made the deiKisit will be returned in full and where the number of shares allotted is less than the number applied for the surplus will be credited In reduction of the further amount payable on allotment Copies of the prospectus and forms of application tor shares may be had from the bankers and brokers and at the offices of the company 1th AfWt 1895 The Subscription List will Open on Wednesday the 7th August and will cloae on or before Thursday the 8th August for London and at noon the following day for country applications Selected by Captain Borthwlck for the Arrow Gold Mining Company of Melbourne after several months spent In careful examination of the West Australian Gold Fields The Arrow Gold Mining Company state that It la a developed mine proved to a depth of 140 feet UK AITCHISON'S PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE WR I AITCHISON'S PEHFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE 31 8 31B PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FREE PERFECT SIGHT TESTING FRPE Th remedy for all difficult! with (ha eyes will be at once shown by Mr wall knowa and well -proved system Very often glasses are nut required Consultation is free-There can be no risk as neither drugs are used nor any sort of operation made Spectacles and eyegussa guaranteed correct at the moat moderate prices 47 FLEET-STREET and 8 POULTRY LONDON MR MR MR MB 3IB MR MB MB MB 47 FLEET-STREET and POULTRY LONDON EC ORSES CATTLE DOGS BIRDS STABLE is COMPLETE WITHOUT For SPRAINS and CURBS SPLINTS when FORMING SPRUNG SINEWS CAPPED HOCKS OYER-BEACHES BRUISES and CUTS BROKEN KNEES CORE SHOULDERS SORE THROAT8 BORE BACKS Ac SPRAINS CUTS BRUISES in DOGS CRAMP IN BIRD8 -ROYAL- JjMBROCATION JLLIMANW yLLIMANS £LLIMAN'S JLLIMANS JLLIMANS JLLIMANS JLLIMANS jLLl JLLIMANS LLI MAN'S JLLIMANS jLLIMANS REMARKS 1 think It very useful Rutland Master of Belvour Hounds" I consider It Indispensable in any stable but especially in the stable of a Master of Hounds HaDDfWCTON Master of Berwickshire Hounds I have much pleasure In recommending your Anyal Embrocation I always keep a stock in my stables and kennels Mv farm bailiff has also found It of much value among my herd Wm BfriLIY" Master of Carinartheiiuire Foxhounds 'Bluefields Penn Jamaica Feb 14 1894 Have used your Embrocation on my horeea and found It superior to anything else on tuy calves for mumps and the effect were all 1 could wish and on my dogs for sore throats which soon disappeared A wors Kcinzdt" 'Tandem Stables Evanston U8A 6 1890 It Is with great pleasure I certify to the quality of your Embrocation I have usod it with success hen other remedies failed and 1 ara never without IL STBTH fcNSON Scbwedt aO Germany 14 189a I beg to Inform you that the Royal Embrocation has been very efficacious by using It for the horses of my regiment and I beg you to send again twenty-live bottles Lieut-Colonel Blcmcxtbal 2d Drag 00a Regiment Southern Cros Western Australia Sept 19 1694 All the carriers on tbo track from here to Coolgardie sav KUtmon is the best Kmbtocation they ever used Not a team starts without a supply It fte selling vary readily Chadwick Chemist Southern Cross W-A" ROYAL MBROCATION ORSES CATTLE DOGS BIRDS J-0 STABLE is COMPLETE WITHOUT ILLl MAN'S jiLLIMAN'S LI MAN'S JLLIMANS ILLIMANS jLLIMAJTS JPLLIMANS JLLIMANS JLLI JLLI JLLIMAN'S JLLIMAN'S LI 1 MAN'S ILLI JLLIMANS jpLLIMANS JLLIMAN'S JLLIMAN'S JLLIMAN'S BOTAL EMBROCATION Gives much satisfaction" Fiasicis Lovell Master of Nemr Forest SUg Hounds Exceedingly good for sprains and cuts in horses and also for cuts in Brown (Major) Master of South Staffordshire Hounds I consider It most valuable" BrRTON I'KRSSE Master of Galway Couuty Hounds But especially for sore throats and wheu used as a hsndogo os a mild Bkilajit Master of the Isle of Wight Hounds have ueed It regularly many years and have always found it Lionel Fatton Master of Taunton Yale Hounds to be most effectual" Kl Comm Master of Mr Hounds think It an Invaluable Geoooe Pars (Admiral) Master of the Dartmoor Hounds find the results most satisfactory 8 ii Bctson JF 'Major) Master ol the Kilkenny Hounds I think It very useful" Hmr Leach Master of Pembrokeshire Hound Used In my stables with most satis actory Blaee (Colonel) Master of burrey Union Hounds I find It a very efficacious remedy" Moore (Major) Master of Kildare Hounds have ued it for some time poet and find it very efficacious if property Walton Knolle Master of b4uUi Union Hunt (Ireland) If used frequently no blistering Marsuall Master of Marshall Hounds I find It Invaluable for strains both In horse and hound Ficn FrrzKOT (Captain) Master of Taunton Yale Hounds Sold by Chemists and Saddiere Price la 2s 2s 6d 3s od Prepared only by ELIIM SONS and CO LOUGH ENGLAND LEGAL NOTICES IN the Matter of the Companies Acts 1852 to 1890 and in the Matter of the BANK of WESTMORLAND Notice is Hereby Given that in order to facilitate the winding-up 4 the above company all holders ot notes of the Bank of Westmorland Limited) hose business is now and has been for nearly two years ast conducted by the London and Midland Bank (Limited) on their own hhaif are requested to preut the same at any of the branches of the said loid-m and Midland Bank (Limited) by whom the said note ill Ik exchanged for notes of the Bank of England or gold and Notice is iit-reby Further Given that oil other reons having claims against tho said I oink of WVstinerland (Limited) are required to nd in their such clonus to the under- nauicN and addresses and particulars of igiird on or before the 30th September next Doled this 24th day of Julv 1895 JObEPH RWAlNsoN 1 Liquidators 12 Lowther- street Kt idal PURSUANT to an Order of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice dated the 17th June 1896 and made in the Matter of the Parliamentary Jieposits Act 1640 ex arte the undertaking of the DAREN ill VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY for making a railway Irom the rth-stret Hue of the buutliEohtru Railway at Dart ford In the county ot Kent to Farninghara in the said couuty and in the Matters of tile 161 and 17tn Victoria chapter 63 and the Parliamentary Deposits and opt i bv the The Fertect Food For Children and Invalids T) life and with so many reaaous to be has fslt himself constrained thus to and to demand what must be and forthcoming deliverance for Armenia from ht wrongs and sufferings er The Duke of Westminster by his presence at the assembly quite as much as by what he said opening its proceedings sspmated thoJ proceedings from all taint and trace of Mr Gladstone quite eagerly repeated expression of the Chairman and tbe phrasing the leading resolution confirmed the absolutely national character of the movement It ran this meeting expresses its conviction that her Majesty Government will have the cordial support of the entire nation without distinction of party in any measures which it may adopt for securing to the people of Tur-kish Armenia such reforms in the administrj tion of that province as shall provide effective guarantees for the safety of life honour ligion and property and that no reform can be effected which are not placed under the continuous control of the Greet Powers of This resolution was unanimously adopted by those present and may be taken broadly as expressive of the feeling of the English people at large about tbe abominations which have been practised and the necessity that they should be brought to an never to recommence or be at any and every cost The unveiling of those abominations was a difficult task and Mr Gladstone showed the sincerity of his mind and his absolute detachment from partisan recollections by giving honour in this regard where honour was undoubtedly due and attribute ing to the Special Commissioner of Th Daily Telegraph in Armenia that which he haa richly deserved the chief merit for these revelations Ho spoke with praise aud gratitude of Dr Dillon as one who in the discharge of an arduous commission with care and labour and with a hazard of his life went into Turkey making use laudably making ot disguise that ho might make himself master oi the facts He published his results before anj public authority had given utterance to its judgments and those results have been completely confirmed and established by the inquiries of tho delegates appointed by tbe three Powers England France and In those memorable sentences our gifted and courageous representative will already find a high and substantial reward for his fidelity of which we on our part cannot possibly speak with too warm an appreciation That dreadful story of murder rape and to nse Mr Gladstone own compendium came thus first to the knowledge of offended humanity It was characteristic of the great constraint which the venerable speaker put upon himself that even in dwelling upon certain horrible incidents he objected to the statement that the Sultan had the But indirectly Mr Gladstone holds the Porte responsible and its officers pashas and soldiers directly responsible and very positively did ha affirm his belief that the disclosures made by our Commissioner in Armenia have not been and cannot and will not be gainsaid by the Turkish authorities Being then mainly true aud undeniable what is to be done about these monstrous acta Tbe voice of the whole country had already answered that question before the change of Government occurred That voice will give a fresh and imperative mandate to the Administration of Lord Salisbury as an immediate result of yesterday's meeting It seems doubtful according to existing information whether the answer of the Porte to the demands of the Powers has been satisfactory or the reverse Well 1 tho will of England stands that either it must be satisfactory or that satisfaction must be obtained by resolute and direct action The concurrent agreement of the two Great Powers concerned along with ourselves is so valuable so almost indispensable that no statesman could possibly be blamed for patiently labouring to make every step on the part of Christendom in this matter harmonious and conjoint Nevertheless this country in ite present mood of deep discontent with the maladministration of the Porte and lively horror ab the butcheries of Sassoon does not wish or intend that diplomacy should clog the footsteps of human justice It echoes in a great measure Mr statement of yesterday We must not fear the word It would be better that there ahould be diplomatic chaos and the stern reversal of established policies rather than that this innocent and helpless blood should continue to cry out against statesmanship and most of all against British statesmanship Never again so long as the Treaty relating to Armenia exists and the name of England is subscribed at its foot by her representatives must there be so much as a chance of the continuance or renewal of these abominable atrocities Nor is there tho slightest reason to doubt that Lord Salisbury is perfectly awake to the foeling of the country aud perfectly willing to give effect to it He haa shown in the terrible matter of the massacre of English and American missionaries female aud male by the Chinese a promptitude which could not be surpassed and we are quite sure his action towards tbe Porte in the present business will be energetic resolute and within the limits of possibility implacable The resolution of the meeting at Chester most wisely did not attempt to define the stops which the Powers ought to take supposing tliat the Government still dreams of finding refugo in subterfuges and promises But it did declare what the country will echo and what we ourselves whatever our anxirties and hesitations do not scruple to endorse that no exclusively Ottoman Administration can henceforth be trusted or tolerated in Armenia There must be restitution justice peace and security for her miserable people and theaa must be at any cost by the methods and under the constant watchfulness of Christian agency BURY LANG THEATRE ROYAL Augustus Harris Lessee and M-oag-r -On SATURDAY 11 the new sim) orlfinal DKARAbr bit Augustus Harrta Csell Kalatsti sad Henry Hmls DELPHI THEATRE Sol Proprietors Usssn A nd 8 Gattl BunrifM Uantffr Mr and EVERY KVENlMLNStelgHt by Merer David Beioaco and Franklin Fyire olttid E'GIRL I LEFT BEHIND Mr William Torrls and Mire Mill ward tv- Maeklin Charles Fulton Mr Julian Crcre Mr Ablnydan Mr Kiehard Purdon Mr Ci co*ckbum Mr Harry Nlcbolls Mtai Blanche Wolatey I Min Mary Allretro Mias Dora Barton I Mias EUmI Earle LAST FOUR NIGHTS WILLIAM TKRRISS TO-NIGHT mi ekht ROYAL ADELPU1 THEATRE THE GIRL I LEFT ME 188 MJLLWARD TO-NIGHT at ekht ROYAL ADKLPH1 THEATRE THE GIRL I LEFT IND ME HARKY N1CHOLLS TO-NIGHT ROYAL ADELT111 THEATRE THE GIRL ND ME 1 at 745 Shirley and su THE SEA Poore open Box-office open dally Messrs Charles Ulenney Lionel Rignold Austin Melfovd Baasett Roe Ac Misses Beau moot Collins Harriett Clifton Fanny Selby PRINCESS'S Popular Prices Private boxes one JL and two guineas stalls 5a grand circle Is brat circle pit stalls Is 6d pit la gallery 6d EVERY urcLsful drama SAVED AIETY Lessee and Manager George hd warde EVERY EVENING at eight (doors open 740 THE SHOP GIRL By Dam Music by Ivan Carvll Additional songs by Adrian Roes and Lionel Mo nekton Mr Arthur Williams Miss Katie Seymour Mise Lillis Belmont Miss Maud Hill Me Mart Davis Miss Maggie Roberts Miss Helen Lee mee-BUiel Sydney Mias Topsj Sindon Miss Limine Terries Mr Iran Wbeeler Mr Geo Groesmitb Jun Mr Colin Ooop Mr Cairns James Mr WUlie Warde Mr George Mudie Mr Robert Naiaby and Mr Seymour Hicks Music conducted by the Composer Boa office open dallv trom ten till six MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT at two Doors open 146 TRAND THEATRE Mr Wilfred MOM DAY Auk 19 St 815 A YoUNGSTKHK ADVKN-RE a sketch by Ctsrko followed by a new farce in three NEW YORK DIVORCE acts entitled VAUDEVILLE Mr Fredk Kerr Lessee Mr Weedon Grossmtth TO-NIGHT at 6 minutes to 9 punctually THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF MlttS BROWN By Robert Bucbanau end Charles Marlowe (For cast see under clock) At BETWEEN THE POSTS Doers open at eight MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT at three GLOBE THEATRE Lessee 8 Penley CHA RLEY AUNT By Brandon Thomas Third yei EVENING at of success still running it nine Preceded at eight by THE Box -office open dally ten to five KY EVERT JOURNEY END MATINEE TO-DAY and KVBl CRITERION THEATRE Lessee Mr Charles day) hSDA at three hades Wyndl ill be produced the new and original musical farce entitled DW Criuira- ALI ABROAD By Owen Hail and James Tanner Music by Fredk Boss lvrics by RL The cast Includes Mr Charles Stevens Mr If do Lange Mr Little Mr John Coates Mr Kae Mr Carroll Mr Fr ere and Mr Horace Mills Mies Kate Cutler Muss Alilly Thorne Miss Amelia and Hiss Ada Reed Doors open at 710 To commence at eight Box-office now open from ten a till six pm AVENUE THEATRE Lessee and Manager Mr William Greet QWONG-HI a succi il comedy in tbrt WlLllE EDOUIN as Qwong-Ui Mr Hawtrey Mr Oswald Yorke Mr Forbes Dawson Mr Douglass Mr Ernest Cosham its Fordyee Miss Millward Miss Day Miss Dryer and Miss May Kdnuin Doors open at 745 At eight DAGGERS Box -office open tan to five MATINEE TO-DAY and SATURDAY NEXT at 240 Proprietor Mr EDWARD TERRY EVERY EVENING at 830 THE PRUDE'S PROGRESS By Jerome Jerome and Eden Doors open at 80 Box-office 100 100 TIN EE MA HOUGH SATURDAY NEXT at 230 YDWA DWARD RIGHTON CYRIL MAUDE Arthur Playfair KmMt L-loestor Mftwiauttis Alice Manstield Ettie William- SStiS Templeton In THE EVENING at jpKINCE of WALES Lovell Ettie William- PROGRESS EVERY THEATRE The success of the day" of the best of Its Times GENTLEMAN JOE (the Hansom CabbyL By Basil Hood and Walter Slaughter Arthur Roberts Phyllis Broughton Clara Jocks Denny Kitty laoftus (For full cast se under clock) EVERY EVENING at 830 MATINEE TO MORROW (Thurs ffav) at three Preceded at 750 by A CAPRICE Doers open 730 Box-office ten to Proprietor Edgar Bruce MR ARTHUR ROBERTS will SING at EVERY PERFORMANCE his new highly successful bong "She wanted something to play with shilling list All for one sho be missed All lor Champion of Cricket he (78000 aside) He will have something to play with For knocking up such a big sc re Something he well be proud of For ev rrimr PRINCE of WALKS THEATRE TJOW READY SHE WANTED SOMETHING As TO PLAY WITH words by Laidlaw music by Mila Chapman SUNG with unprecedented success by ARTHUR ROBERTS in GENTLEUAN JuE at the PRINCE OF THEATRE Conies now ready Price 2s net post free Of all Musicseilers and the Publishers Berters-rtreet JYBIC THEATRE Lessee Mr Horace Badger TO-NIGHT and EVERY 1 EVENING at 815 MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY 20 Mr George New Production The Revised Version of AN ARTIST'S MODEL By Owen Hail Lyrics by Harry Green bank Music by Sidney Jones The Dally Telegraph rajs: An Model will be on 2 of the play of the summer season" Messrs Hayden Coffin Eric Lewis D'Orsay Farkoa Soutar Le Hay Porteous Dixon ElJisciu Blakeley Mesdamee Louise Beaudet Dennis Hod son Stud holme Cadiz Collette Gregory Cannot i Fairfax Davis Adams Flopp Nield and Letty Lind Conductor Mr Leopold Wenzel Bo -office open ten a-m till ten pm-LYRIC THEATRE J1RAEAXGAR THEATRE JL Lessee and Manager Mr Henry Dana TIIE PASSPORT By Stephenson and Yard ley EVERY EVENING at nine Preceded at 815 by IN AN ATTIC by Wilton Jooos Doors open 745 Miss Fanny Coleman I Mr York Stephen Miss Lydia Cowell I Mr Allred Maltby and I and Miss Gertrude Kingston Mr George Giddecs For full cast sec under clock MATINEE TO-DAY and EVERY WEDNESDAY at three fV RAND THEATRE Islington Sole Lessee and JT Manager Charles NIGHTLY at 730 the popular musical comedy A GAIETY GIRL by arrangement with Mr George Edward es For two weeks SURREY THEATRE Commencement of the Autumn Dramatic Season and return of the popular Surrey company rsttinie in London or Mr Jeff drama of THE VERDICT and Every Evening during the week introducing the grait sensation of The Maniac's Knife" Preceded by the favourite farce of OBLIGING A FRIEND On Friday for the farewell benefit of Ernest Leicester see benefit hills FhirWy Powerful company New scenery Novel effects No foes IjiLKPHANT (and CAoTLE) THEATRE THE -J SHOP GIRL from the Gaiety Theatre Doors open seven commence at 735 'V'EW PAVILION THEATKE ilend The 11 Drury-lane of the East (opposite 8t Matlon Met and District Manager Isaac TO-NIGHT at 745 Messrs Drew and Auld's Company in the celebrated Austra-lian drama ROBBERY UNDER ARMS ipARKHUKBT THEATRE Holloway TO-M NIGHT at eight Mr Lancasters Company in the famous farcical comedy TIIE PRIVATE SECRETARY Monday Aug 12 revival of the celebrated drama Proof PARK HURST THEATRE Return visit of Mr Lancafter's Company in THE PRIVATE SECRETARY the moat successful farcical comedy of the century MONDAY (Bank Holiday) and Every Evening during the week at eignt rglHEATRfi METROFOLE Mr Mul- holland Owner and TO-NIGHT and Each Xvening at 745 the musical farcical bnrlesqu1 GO BANG Mr George Minahull Mr Edward Colrnan Miss Alice Brookes and full company Box-office at theatre ilO to 40 Telephone 8202 1 YUIO OF ERA HOUSE Hammersmith THE TRUMPET CALL EVERY EVEN ING at 730 Mr Charles Dalton Mr Taylor Ac Special scenery and effects Prices 6d to £1 Is Box-office open ten till live Mrs bernard-beeke provincial tour under tlM direction of Cecil llcryl PRINCE of WALES' THEATRE HIRMINGHAM TO-NUiHT WILSON BARRETT ON TOUR THE MANXMAN THE SIIN OF THE CROSS and repertoire Tiii week GRAND THEATRE BLACKPOOL VINCENT STERNROVD will APPEAR the PALACE THEATRE EVERY EVENING Vf AUGUSTE VAN B1ENE 1TJ The Actor-Musician In THE IiKOKEN MELODY All communications care of ssrs Asc fcrurg KiRMML riHBATRE DU CASINO Muuicipale de Boulogne- sur-Mr -Mr Isidore de succsful opera AMY RoBSAKT will be uroduowl on AUG 8 arid 12 with following east Mesdaiues Villette and Adlnl Messieurs Melchissedec iliette and MISS ALICE LETHBRIDGE DISENGAGED ALICE Address care of AKenta Elae-smore or Hart TTNION DEPOSIT BANK XJ Mo 17 KING WILLI AM STREET Chari nsroaa London WC Established 1867 ADTANCES MADE in TOWN or COUNTRY Without sureties or deductions For hort or long period In sum of £30 to £5000 On persona security furniture stock-in trade reversions also deeds ai life policies without mortgage expenses from 1 to 15 yar Prospectus gratis or post free on application Personal VUdt preferred AD transactions strictly private Temporary advances Immediately made upon deeds and reversions Interest allowed on deposits 5 and per coot Apply to the ONEY on NOTE OF HAND ALONE it I Strictly private cash advances Irom £20 to £101000 sta few notice without sureties preliminary fees or objection able lean office routine Also upon deeds reversions life policies private incomeskcfroDi 4 rent Call or writ No 10 Adam-etreet Strand WC (private gentleman) Liie lnUrwU urf cmx Ac ADVANCED upon and PURCHASED tram 4 per cent Mopn- itlon Craven -street Strand from 4 Advances made dunug completic IK you require ADVANCE of £3 to £1000 pn- vateev at one notice only repayable by easy Instalments apply to the actual lender Mr BOBRV66 (late of 70) FinsDury-pavement KC Absolutely uo preliminary fees required NATIONAL HEVEKblONAKY INVEST- HUNT COMPANY (Limited) Founded 1837 Reversionary I nterests (absolute and contingent) Life Inteaeets Life Policies and Anuuiiiea purchased The company pays ail its own cuets of purchase Apply to Secretary No 63 Old Broad-street London EC ILLIARDS GEO WRIGHT and CO Billiard 1 appointment to HRH the Prinoe Vales Makers to HRH tbo Duke of York and the leading Courts of Europe 200 TABLES in stock guaranteed to stand any 1 climate Full-size tables in oak walnut and mahogany with cues marker rests and balls complete from 40 guineas 10ft by Sft 86 guineas 9ft by 4ft 6in 30 guineas 8ft by 4fL 18 guineas 7ft by 3't 61n 15 guineas 6ft by 3ft 12 WRIGHT and CO Manufacturers and Patentees of the Neoteric Billiard and Dining Tables 162 to 164 Westminster Bridge-road 8E See catalogue 19 Prize Medals Several Secondhand Table in stock LND1KN GRILLON A Laxative fjAALAR And Refreshing Fruit Ieenge Met Atirrahl To Tra Hot QONSTIPATION orrhoVln Rite Headache Lora of ApuetiMb Gastric and Intestinal A Bax 2s 6d stamp Included Mbyall Chemists and Dragglst toami 47 bouthwaU-itrect cn A susyi Fjm a 1 day ef August ef August at noon fjli Limited under the Companies Acts 1162 to Capital £500000 divided into 600000 shares of £1 each 250000 shares are now offered for subscription payable 2s 6d on application 2a bd on allotment and the balance In calls of 5a or leas at intervals of not lets than three months The remaining 250080 shares will be issued to the fenders in part payment of the purchase-money Dtaecroes A Fowler Director of John Fowler and Oo (Leeds) (Limited) Leeds Manby M-Inst CE Director Nitrate Railways Company (Limited) Input Director of the ban Jorge Nitrate Company (Limited) William KeswicK of Messrs Matbeson and Ca 3 Lombard-Ore KC Waiter Sax 1 1 lxndon Director of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company (Limited) Arthur Wilsou DL JP of Thomas Wilson Sons aud Co (Limited) Hull Managino Dubctob iw Australia John Howell (late General Manager Broken Hill Proprietary Company) Bankers in Messrs Brown Janson and Co Abchurch- lane London KC BaAkers In Union Bank of Australia 'Limited) Messrs Iue Colt and Inee St Bene -chambers Fenchurch-strest Messrs Laing and Urulckshank 3 Dra EC Messrs Price Waterhouse and Co 44 Greaham-street EC Socretary tpro tarn) and Barnes 20 Bllliter-square- buildings London EX SMELTING COMPANY of AUSTRALIA (Limited) rara PRoffP EC1 UK The Smelting Company of Australia 'Limited is formed for the purpose of erecting extensive metallurgical works for the treatment of sulphide and other ores at Lake Illawarra near Sydney New South Wales and to acquire from the Camden Syndicate 'Limited the following properties and rights: 1 300 acres of freehold land as a site fur the work at Lake Illawarra New South Wales 2 The sole license to use in the Illawarra district the Marsh end Storer Patent No 3456 for the treatment of sulphide ores subject to a small royalty payable to the patentees 3 A one-half interest in the said Marsh and Storer Patent and In all Improvements thereof which may hereafter be patented by the said patentees 4 The mining propertv known as the White Rock Sliver Mine situate about three miles from Fairfield New South Wales together with extensive machinery plant Ac 5 4The mining property known as the Webb Silver Mine Ernrna-vllie New bouth Wales together with extensive machinery plant Ac 6 The following silver minffig properties viz (a North Lev is Ponds Silver Mine in the district of Orange New South Wales (b Lewis Ponds Silver Mine ditto ditto (c) South Lewis Ponds Silver Mine ditto ditto (d) Spicers Lewis Ponds Silver Mine ditto ditto Boorook Silver Miie in the district of New England ditto In respect of which mining leases have been applied for by the vendors 7 The benefit of an agreement to grant the 6ole license to nse In the Colony of New South Wales the electrolytic process of Messrs Siemens Brothers and Oo (Limited for the production of metallic zinc patents for which are to be obtained in such Colony by Messrs Siemens Brothers 8 The benefits of certain agreements as to the supplies ef coal and magnesite and of an option to lease the Ooeau Steam Collieries New South Wales The question how to sucoeesfuily treat sulphide ores which are found in such enormous quantities not only In the mines of Broken Hill but in many other mining districts in the Australian Colonies has for a long 'time past occupied the attention of the most prominent metallurgists of the day Mr Jacquet Government Geological Surveyor of New South Wales in bis report to the Government states The most vital question bearing on the future of the silver mining industry at Broken Hill is the success that will attend the attempts to profitably treat the sulphide THE SMELTING COMPANY of AUSTRALIA (Limited in order to obtain tbs opinion ns to the proper methods to be adopted in the treatment of these sulphide ores the Barrier Ranges Mining Association of Broken Mill instructed Dr Schnabel Royal Counsellor of the Prussian Mining Department to advise as to the best mode of treatment and in his report to such association ited the 15th day of March lt92 he recommended after full consideration of all the known 9 treatment of sulphide oies those processes wnicn consisted primarily In roasting the sulphide ore and the subsequent extraction of the zinc contents by means of sulphurous phur acidl or tbus freed from the zinc being subsequently melted a blast furnace and bullion produced inererrom (Bee Government report New South Wales 1894 Department of Mines and Agriculture page 98) m-hraira tiIm'tors consented to issue this prospectus the Eand papers relating thereto were CtmSL iffm Aohn Howell late general manager of the CnmPM7 and Mr Maotrar FRB ufdSSS- 1TwDreTsWnt Institution of Mining and Metallurgv thamFH 7k0IrathtInltute of Cimi8try with instructions fGr investi(fat the various processes and to whither intent so as to satisfy themselves wneinr the methods proposed to be adopted would be successful wLtTJTV" r- Jih" Mr Mactrar and Mr ct'j'p By th carryll8 0( ore to Illawarra whare the fuel la of llno "OluHoo before eme'Un eame tb? vlutlon 'be ilnr and ronrertlnc the 01 Iinc- oxide of line and epeltsr Broken at Iu'v'rri ohout one fifth ef that at riTHE SMELTING COMPANY of AUSTRALIA -w (Limited ufea "Taa lrt da of 1W5- work3 nf magnitude and on the 1 lS pm't Plant together JT communication and the excellent ihJ mon mnortfUlt and other ingre- dlents reiuired in the reduction of the ores and above all a cheap and abundant of a most excellent quality of coal and ko ii give to the proposed works a verv great and Important advantage over any similar works situated in any other part of the country 9 In addition to the many and Important advantages above enumerated the fact that your syndicate has acquired the right to the Marsh and Storer patents for the treatment of nc ores is also or much importance At present the great difficulty in the treatment of the argentiferous lead tine sulphide ores of Broken Hill and other parts of Australia Is the largo quantity of zinc blend that they contain Ac Reducing the zinciferous ores by a desulphurising roasting to a condition in which the zinc contents can be leached out by water and dilute sulphuric add presents no difficulties whatever and Is an inexpensive operation where coal can be cheaply obtained The Broken Hill sulphide ores deprived of their nine contents by the above process can be successfully and cheaply reduced by ordinary blost-furnace smelting most Important part however In the manipulation of the zinciferous ores Is the recovery of the valuable zinc contents In a marketable condition by a method that would leave a good profit over all expenses of treatment and realisation rherpos This th Marsh and Storer pr oess will accomplish by simple and reliable chemical reactions Ac Such a plant situated on the sea-coast at Lake Illawarra and within two miles of the Great Southern Cool Fields of New South Wales would command the ores of rearlv nil the mod Important mining districts of New 8 uth Wales Victoria South Australia New ZeLnd and Tasmania and with competent and experienced management could not fail to be a most important and profitable Mr Mac tear In his report dated the 22nd day of June 1335 States (inter all as follows: I have carefully studied the deters of the scheme referring to the proposed establishment of metallurgical works for iha treatment of the refractory sulphide ores of the Broken Hill miffing district and I have no hesitation in saying that I consider the plan of as derailed to be in every way a sound one and that these (res hitherto bo refractory will mot successfully treated by the methods you propose to adopt The smelting company of Australia (Limited Man ao tut Arrangements have been made wlh Mr John ITowell to act ws the managing director of this company In Australia an appointment which the directors consider wM be of the utmost value to the com(ny seeing that he ha been the general manager of the Broken Hill Troorietary Company for several years past where he has had the charge of one of the largest metallurgical works In the world with marked success as thL company has during the past five years paid over £4030000 in dividends The prposd works which will be erected under the personal supervision of Mr Jnhn Howell and in accordance with his plans and specifications will be general ore red-ction works but de signedrnore especially for the treatment of the sulphide ores of the Broken Hill Silver Mines Site The works will be located on a site having a frontage to Lake Illawarra 50 miles south of the City of Sydney in the centre of the great southern coal-field close to the Government railway line and within easv access of practically Inexhaustible supplu of fuel and fl ues As regards thid site Mr Mactear his report States as follows viz As the treitmcnt of one ton requires fully three ton of fuel the carrying of the ore the fuel is clearly the proper cours to be adopted and the con veil of the ground at Lake Illawarra and cheapness of the fuel gives great advantages over any attempt to treat the ores TEEATMKNT Of TRt ORB The ores will be roanted and the ores contained therein be leached out with dilute sulphuric acid and the ores thus freed from zinc can then be easily smelted in the usual manner and the silver and the lead recovered The sulnhate solution obtained as a bye-product will be dealt with in the following ways: 1 Part of the solution will be treated for the production of metallic z'nc by the electrolytic process above referred to of Messrs Siemens Brothers and Co (Limited) and in reference to it they write as follows: Anne-gate Westminster London July 15 1895 Dear We have treated a ton of Broken ore at the Experimental Works of Messrs Siemens and Halske in Berlin according to the process which you intend employing at your works and wo have much pleasure in stating that the zinc produced Is of good quality as regards the cost of production we estimate that a ton of zinc produced will cost you about £3 12s and In this estimate we have Included a charge for labour supervision and fuel but wo have not included the cost of the ore and the cost of extracting the sulphate of zinc from We are de sirs yours faithfully SirMBN Bros and Co Limited) Alex Siemens Director The Smelting Company of Australia car of he Camden grndlcate Billiter-sauare-bulldings EC" THE SMELTING COMPANY of AUSTRALIA (Limited 12 Queen Westminster London 8W '2nd July 1895 Dear Sire--It has been pointed out to us that the first paragraph of our letter of the lfth instant might lead the reader to suppose that the process of zinc extraction which is to be adopted for your works had never been tried except on one ton of Broken Hill ore In order to meet this Impression wre beg to state that Messrs Riemcns nd Halske have for many years devoted their to the electrolytic deposition of zinc and the present process Is the outcome of their latest experience with a great variety of zinc ores Including sulphides The object of treating a ton of Broken Hill ore was to demonstrate that the process is applicable to it and that there are no constituents in the ore to interfere with the regular deposition of We are dear sirs vours faithfully Siemens Bros and Oo (Limited) ALx Siemens Director The Smelting Company of Australia care of the Camden Syndicate Billiter-square-buildings 2 The remainder will be treated for the production of cxlde of zinc under the above-mentioned Marsh and Storer patent FrzL A provisional contract has been entered Into for a supply of coal for one year w'th an option of continuing the contract for a further term of four years and under this contract the coal will be supplied at the works at the following prices viz 6s per ton for unscreened coal and 3s 6d per ton for small coal Further provisional contracts have also been entered into for the supply of fuel on satisfactory terms But as tie question of che ip fuel Is one of great importance to the company it is proposed to exercLe the above-mentioned option of leasing the Ocean Stam Collieries situated in the immediate vicinity of the works from which according to the reports ample supplies of coal can be obtained at small cost Validity of Patent The validity of the Marsh and Storer Patent for New South Wales has been Investigated by experts in Australia and the result of their investigations with the patent have bon submitted to the late Attorney -General for New South Wales Mr Wise who gives it as his opinion that the patent la good and valid in law rriHE smelting" company of Australia I (Limited White Rock Min Mr John Howell In a letter dated the 15th July 1895 addressed to the board states amongst other things as follow: bout seven years ago I wa asked to make a report on the White Rork Mine which had Just been sold for very large sum of money and was considered at the time one of the most extensive and valuable mines In the country I made a very careful Member of tbo Cam lieu Syndicate (Limited) examination of the property and had a large number of assays made and while I could not bear out the very glowing and In some instanoee extravagant reports that had been made by the other experts on the property I gave it a my opinion that If a proper concentrating and ore-reduring plant was erected and of rapacity equal to the ore producing capabilities of the mine and all under competent and economical management a profit of from sixty to seventy thousand pounds (£00000 to £70000 per which is situated near Fairfield in the Colony of New South We)e about 270 mile from Sydney is one of the largest mines In the country and the workings when I reported on the property di-ciosod an immense body of ore the bulk of which contained from 12 to 15 ounoes of sliver and fr to 4dwts of gold per ton of ore Very much richer veios of ore however are met with in working the mine These ich veins produce ore containing 120 ounces and upwards sll ver and about half an ounce of gold per ton of ore and I undersf and that since I reported on the mine the rich veins have considerably increased in size The character of the ore is a sulphide but not verv refractory and could be treated successfully and cheaply at the proposed Smelting Works at Illawarra about 85 per cent of the ore as it is broken from th min would have to be concentrated in the works at the mine Tba remaining 15 per cent would probably be rich enough to ship directly to the Smelting Works To work the mine to its ore-producing capacity would require a plant capable of concentrating 300 tons of ore per day which would yield from 22 to 25 tons of concentrates rich In silver Mining and delivering the ore at concentrating works would probably not cost more than 2s per Ac Pm or its It Is proposed to erect works capable of treating 200000 tons of ore per annum and It is anticipated that the principal source of revenue will be derived from the treatment of sulphide ores from the Broken HHl Mines Mr John Howell shows in his report as to profits that £1 12 2d per ton net profit on these ores should be obtained by the company after allowing a net profit to the mine owner or 20 per ton The smelting company of Australia (Limited) The vendors the Camden Syndicate (Limited) have fixed the above mentleaed 50000 in cash or the optioa of the All ccst and charges incidental to the formation cf the company and the issue of shares up to allotment will be borne by the veudors COffTIACT The agreement for sale Is dated the 1st day of August 1895 and made between the Camden Syndicate (Limited) of the one part and the coir pro of the other part Other contracts and arrangt- Iwicnts havH been made by the vendors with mfsrence to the nutters referred to in the agreement for said and also with refer- Tbs List will Open on Thursday will Close cm or before Friday tbs 9 lb day for both London and Country SMELTING COMPANY of AUSTRALIA is of of St on the 3 on In Collett (Jrerory Cviuon Foirfai Nelld raid Lelljr Lind' Maran Umydrai Coffin Eric LrarM Iraki Sou Ira Le Uuy Furtcmu Btatetey TRAFALGAR THEATRE THIS DAY It ud I THE PASSPORT Mtop Fanny Colemrai Learn Cornu Kate Tuiij Grace Lam Marlon Lind Al'r MaIUo Common and George kit 1MI Ramery Kicbrad Blunt IN AM ATTIC Gulden At 816 Palace THIS EVENING 745 ClSblE LOPTCS Huatra Clraa WMmnd The Leopold Korrra nmNota WIU Cracklra 'a BI1 Rom Roma and Vlnrant stranrord Mumcra Dale Rnen and Reddtnr John Le Hy Edwin Brawlca May Bvaue and TABLEAUX VIV ANTS BRITANNIA THEATRE THIS EVENING at NO MAN'S LAND Mime Ida Millais Beatrice Toy Cecil Anton Summers Arnold Metirt Alarm on Mini SUadmau CarraleOael Howe Rowland sydendam Bigwood i UaUiuiat A SOLDIER LEGACY LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE WORLD THE SALE OF THE DAILY TELEGRAPH Amounts to an Average which if Tested WILL SHOW AN EXCESS of HALF A MILLION COPIES WEEKLY OVEE ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER Advertiser sad Subscribers are requested to make their Post-office Orders payable at the Ludgate-circus Money Order Office to Archibald Johnstone of 111 Fleet-street London KC All Society and Fashionable Paragraphs inserted in The Daily Telegraph except those relating to official incidents will be charged at a minimum rate of one guinea for two lines each succeeding line 10s 6d additional LONDON WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7 In answer to demands presented by Great Britain to China in consequence of the massacre of missionaries the Tsung-li-Yamen has agreed that the British Consul at Foochow shall proceed under military escort to hold ar inquiry at the scene of the outrages that an Imperial edict shall be issued directing the offenders to be executed and that stringent regulations shall be drawn up for the protection of missionaries A mission station has been burned in tho Province of Fuh-Kien and gunboats have been telegraphed for to protect the foreign settlement at Foochow Speaking at Chester at a meeting convened by the Duke of Westminster to consider the state of Armenia Mr Gladstone declared that the question was non-political and related to the broad considerations of humanity and justice Neither was the issue a religious one although it happened that the sufferers were Christians The evil arose from the fact that the Armenians were under an intolerably bad Government one of the worst that ever existed The acts of massacre at Sassoon had been amply substantiated and they knew that unspeakable horrors had been taking place day by day and were going on The situation was best indicated by the four awful words plunder murder rape and torture The responsibility for what had occurred lav with the Government at Constantinople and its agents Tho Powers were entitled by treaty to interfere and this country had also a special treaty right They must not be put off with promises of reform The whole matter lay not in things promised but in guarantees for their performance Very inclement weather prevailed at the Isle of Wight yesterday The German Emperor enterod the Meteor for the Queen's Cup but did not compete and the Britannia with tho Prince of Wales on board had a walk over In the early morning the Kaiser paid a visit to his battleship Woerth In the evening the Royal Yacht Squadron entertained his Majesty at dinner Further progress was made with a number of competitions at the Shoeburyness Artillery Meeting In the single gun contest the 3rd Detachment L'nd Glamorgan took first prize and the 1st Detachment L'nd Glamorgan the second Judgment was delivered upon the appeal of Mr Theobald one of the auditors of the London and General Dank against a decision of Mr Justice Vaughan Williams holding that tho auditors were liable together with the directors to replace the sums of A'549t) and £'8488 which had been improperly paid out of the assets of the company in dividends As to the latter sum the previous decision was confirmed but in relation to the £5 498 it was held that the evidence was not sufficiently strong to establish misfeasance against tho auditors Evidence was closed in the baby claimant case and counsel addressed the jury Mr Justice Hawkins who explained that he had not much to say deferred his statement until tdis morning After further evidence had been tendered at Bow-street Lady Gunning was again remanded on the charge of having uttored a forged bill of exchange It was explained that the Hon and Rev Spencer father of the accused whose signature is alleged to have been forged was unable to attend in consequence of illness At Brighton Mr Je D5vou5 won tho Corporation Plate Mr A Miller's Barneyhill the Brookside Plate Mr Peard's Minstrel Boy tho Bristol Plate Mr Hibbert's Ankles the Marine Plate Mr Smith's Stillwater filly tho Patcham Stakes Mr Jersey's Garrick the Brighton Handicap and Baron de St Johann the Alfriston Plate In the International Chess Tournament now in progress at Hastings the feature of yesterday's play was the match between Tchigoriu and Lasker victory falling to tho Russian champion after a brilliant game in which Lasker at one time had the better position Dealings in the Stock Markets aftor the holidays wore limited Consols closed steady and TV to 5 per cent better and some Colonial Government Bonds improved English railways showed an irregular tendency aud American lines and Grand Trunks were weak while Mexican (Vera Cruz) improved Foreign Government Bonds showed illness Spanish Four per Cts fell 1 and Italians nearly A rise occurred in mining shares At the Bank £138 000 in gold was received from abroad Honour ami praise and reverence are the feelings which must throughout the Kingdom and throughout the civilised world be evoked by tho re-appearance yesterday of Mr Gladstone aud by the general tone and temper of the wonderful addresa which be delivered He rose in the Chester Town Hall to speak upon the Armenian atrocities in the character wholly new to him and to his countrymen of a private individual The last shred of public responsibility and official obligation has fallen away from him with what he playfully called on the day before mysterious letters Yet one would be inclined to declare while hearing or even (erasing that magnificent oration that he has never been so truly a statesman as when he ceased to be a statesman at all Yesterday it may be for the first time he shook himself absolutely free of any prejudice or partisanship due to local or personal traditions and raising a voice which is still surpassingly powerful and persuasive for the sake of common humanity he uttered words and sentiments that do him as much honour as he ever before earned making himself the spokesman and advocate of a oljcy above all party and of a plea which must and will carry with it the admiration'and the adhesion of Christendom We have gained the right by many anl many a frank criticism of the right honourable gentleman in days gone by to be believed when avew that in almost all its noble periods burning with the flame of a sincere philanthropy and free from every passion except a passionate pity and most righteous indignation we find restored to history and to contemporary admiration the true and real Gladstone emancipated from the political exigencies which did his inner nature wrong Apart from these loftier reasons for eulogy and respect there is of course the physical marvel of the display tbe amazing exhibition of mental force and fire undimmed by age and under tho inspiration of a sufficient impulse capable as we see of sustained efforts of oratory which astonish while they dominate and charm Important momentous as was the subject matter of remarkable meeting it is impossible to approach its consideration without some tribute first of all and foremost to tbe part taken in the proceedings by tbe venerable recluse of Ua warden Indeed one of the moat terrible and telling counts in the indictment yesterday heard against the Turkish administration of Armenia lies palpably in the fact that such a man as Mr Gladstone at his time of in it of to THE GOLDEN ARROW MINE (Limited) £120000 tot which £25000 wUl rewrvad tor wort tali in 120000 shares of i1 each of which a minimum mg capl of 40000 will be taken by the vendors In part payment for the property and the remainder are now offered for subscription payable 6d per share oo application 5s on allotment 5s 12th Bop-teinber 1695 and the balance as required In Instalments not ta exceed 2s ad per share and with not less than 38 notice DuBCTone The Hon Howard Spensley (formerly Solicitor-General of Victoria Australia and Chairman Mainland Consols (Limited) Haxrbon Daws Director Taltapu Gold Estates (Limited) Henry McDowell 31 Aid ford-street Park lane Rutland cFretident of the Chamber of Commerce Francois) Brussels Comte De Monceau 7 Boulevard Anspacb Brussels Charles Katy Manufacturer Brussels And one director to be nominated by the vendor Bank ere -I-omdon Messrs Drown Jaueon and Ca 32 Ab-church-lane EC Brussels Messrs Schwabach and 8oua-reiae Australia: Bank of Australasia Solicitors--London: Messrs Harvey and Speed 1 Inn WC Brussels: Mr II CairaoucUe (Avocat la Cour Appel) Broker -London Messrs Billet Campbell and Grenfell 26 Austin Friare aud Stock Exchange Brussels Messrs Bwytn Robyns and Cie 159 Rue Neuve Messrs 8chrurs and Cie 69 Boulevard du Midi Messrs Chatteris Nichols and Co 1 Queen Vctorla-street EC Secretary and Registered Mr Moore Throgmorton House Copthall-avenue Bond EC mil GOLDEN ARROW MINE (Limited) ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS This company has been formed to acauire from the Arrow Gold Mining Company af Melbourne and to work three mining claims containing about 35 acres situated at Broad Arrow In the Coolgardie Gold Fields viz Tb developed and proved Gold Mining Lease No 196 of 15 acres in extent situated between the well known St George Proprietary and McDonald's Mine 2 Two claims of about 10 acres each immediately adjoining th said lease on the east and west boundaries thereof This gold mine has bean reported upon by the following ex part: Captain Charles Thomson Manager of Gold Mining Company Mr John Wilson Chairman of th West Australian Mining Proprietary (Limited) Mr Fearby ME M8E Newcastle-on-Tyne and Cooi-gardie There reports have been submitted by the solicitors of the company to Mr Charles Hogg CE of Coolgardie and 1 fft Helen London wl has analysed them and made a report to them thereon dated the 25th February 1W5 The Information given herein is obtained from these reports from cables from the manager of the mine and from recent intelligence published in public reports copies of all of which accompany this prospectus Captain Charles Thomson who reported on the property on June 30th 1394 when but little development hod taken place states that Gold can be freely seen in the bottom and on both sides of the have every confidence that this will when opened up prove a highly payable Mr John Wilson reports under date the 12th November 1891 that: Through the whole of the lease there are two distinct auriferous lodes about two chains apart which run almost parallel to each other The southern boundary ndjein McDonald's lease No 85 on which there Is a inall battery of three stampers at work and Mr McDonald informed me that the stone token from his mine which Is a continuation of your western lode yields 16oz of gold to the ton On the western lode tlere are three prospecting shafts sunk No 1 le down to depth of about 70 fret Each shaft discloses the lode carrying auriferous quartz vary ing from 2 to 3 feet in thickness The stone speaks for itself and should yield at the rate of 12 to 14 oz of gold per rjlHE GOLDEN ARROW MINE (Limited)Mr Frarby reports undra dt th 2Sth Numbr 18841 the 72-feot level there has lieeii a level run in on the foot wall side of the reef for a distant of 70 feet to the south east the reef being left standing showing a well-defined reef 3 feet wide with a good wall on both -ides This is one of best formations I have seen in Wet Australia it is of soft mica slate and there is not the least danger of the lode being pinched out tn it This is a verv true line of reef and runs from one end of th block to this other The adjoining mine has paid her way from the start and has not token out much seme thev have crushed 16 tons of stone for a return of 750oz smelted gold and wortn £4 per oz and have 100 tons at grass this will give 7oz per ton or sav 7G0oz this will be l450oz from 118 tons of tone A sample taken from the 72-feet level tin the Arrow Mine of gave 8 groins of free gold 24oz 17dwt 8grs of gold per ton of quartz) Since these reports were made the following cables Indicating the progress of the work have been received December 6th The body of ore Is increasing In width Ore improving in quality os developed Mr Fearby an Engdsii mining expert of great repute tested ore last week at the bottom of the shaft yislded 25oz of gold per ton Developments ad joining mines north and 6outh Incontestably prove reef a splendid one and extends full length of March 30th Shaft has reached a depth of 140 feet shows a body of ore four feet wide The body of ore Is increasing in width Very rich In Mr Hogg in the analysis contained in his report reti-mates the reserve ore down to the 75 level the depth then reached to be £216000 On the 2nd May In view of the fact that slncethe above analysis was made the reef has been reported to be proved to 140 feet In depth Mr Hogg added the follow ing to his report Since the above was compiled the cable received fmm tl manager stating that the shaft has reached a depth of 140 feet shoevs a body of ore 4 feet wide The body of ore is increasing In width very rich in gold justifies the conclusion that the quantity of the nbore estimated body of ore may be doubled thus giving upwards of £400000 as the value of ore in sight available for treatment Mr Hoee est'mates that with 10 heads only of stamp the net monthly return should be hot less than £000 permitting of a monthly dividend of Is per share on a capital of The erection of additional stamps should increase this revenue proportionately The purchase consideration for the property has been fixed at £95000 payable to £25000 In cash £40000 In shares and the bulanro In cash or share or partly in cash and partly in shares at the option of the directors The vendors will pay all the preliminary and other expenses of and Incidental to the formation and promotion of the company up to allotment of shares except brokerage registration of the company and legal expenses connected therewith These arrangements will leave 25000 of the shares available for the provision of working capital Prospectuses and application forms may be obtained at the office of the company and alo from the bankers solicitors and brokers London 1st August 1805 fflHE TARARU CREEK GOLD PANY (Limited '-Capital £95000 Shares of 10s each at par DraecToRs Wilson Esq Chairman of the Haurakl and Kapanga Gold Mining Companies A Travers Fq Directors of the Komata Reefs Gold Charles Bingham Esq Mining Company Charles Clark Esq Great St KC Thi company has been formed to acquire and develop certain minee situated on Ihe left hank of the I'nraru stream on the famous Thames Goldfield in the Haurakl Mining District New Zealand in close proximity to the eele'jrated Caledonia" Siiot-over and llauraki Mine The properties it is proposed to acquire are the licensed holdings known as the Norfolk No and Niirlolk South" ot and Excelsior "Mines together containing an area of about 155 acres a battery of 40 stomps with six Burdun blanket tables and all necessary adjuncts in working order in a strong building erected on a piece of freehold land containing two acres three roods and 29 perches included in the purchase together with water and tunnel rights so thaf work ou an scale can be commenced almost immediate The properties have been reported upon by four well-known raining via Captain Hodge Manager of the Haurakl Gold Min mg Company Captain Argali Manager of the Kapanga Gold Mining Company Mr Adams Mining Engineer Authorised Surveyor Thames and Mr A Fond FGS Auckland Captain Hdg the manager of the Haurakl Mine which has developed in such a briiiuut manner says 1 consider the mine very valuable In my opinion mines will develop into a fine propertv The situation of the property is all that can be doeired" Mr Adams statue You have secured the ground on the line of reef for over a mile Rich surface ilejiosits have leen obtained on the lodes from tin Suoheuii i toward- your south-western boundary to the Caledonia near your norths boundary Subsequent work has proved permanence of the lodes and the existence of payable gold beneath there surface Since these reports were written a cable message ha been received advising that good ore has been rime in the Dunedin section assays from which give 4o of gold to the ton and places at the command of the company a valuable body of high-grade ore This confirms the opinion contained in Captain Hodge's report that good ore would be struck below the old workings Prospectuses and copies of reports may be obtained from the Consolidate 1 Bank (Limited) 52 Threadneedle-street EC from Messrs Hartridge and Co 5 and at the Offices Dash wood House New Bio-d -street The Prospectus of the Company will be advertised or Thursday the 8th insi when the SUBSCRIPTION LIST will OPEN to bo CLOSED FRIDAY EVENING for London and on Saturday at twelve for applications from the country C'ITY of TORONTO GENERAL CONSOLIDATED LOAN DEBENTURES for £251500 Bearing 3 per cent Interest and redeemable 1st July 1929 In bonds to bearer of £1000 £590 and £100 with coupons due 1st January and 1st July the first coupon belnr for six months interest will be payable 1st January 1896 Minimum price of Issue 99 per cent Messrs Harnbro and Son are prepired to receive tender for the above bonds at their office 70 Old Broad-street London EC on Wednesday the 7th August According to the circular of the Mayor of he City of Toronto dated 8th July 1895 the assemble value of the property in the city wm ffl46T8 6 Hi or about £30OCOOOO the property owned ov the city was SlfCGOOOO or about £2 46' 000 and the estimated revenue for If 95 So(F0958 or about £629000 The net debenture debt of the city after deduettng sinking funds in hand and Including the present issue amounts to 016874111 or about £3426 300 Tenders way be for the whole or any number of the bonds Each tender must state what ainoimt of money wilt be given for every £100 of stock The minimum price below which no tender will be accepted has been fixed at £99 for every £100 of stock All tenders must be at prices whk are multiples of sixpence Tenders must be delivered before two at 70 Old Broad-street Tenders at different prices must be on different forms The amount of stock applied for mut be written on in outsiue of the tender In the event of the receipt ef tenders for a larger amount of bonds than that now offered at or above the minimum prioe the tender at the lowest price accepted will be subject to a pro rata diminution A deoosit of £5 per cent on the amount of bonds tendered for must be paid at the time of the delivery of the tender and the deposit must not be enclosed in the tender Where no allotment made the deposit will be returned and in case of partial allotment the balance of the deposit will be applied towards the remaining instalment The balance of the purchase money will he payable on the 15th August payments In arrear will be charged interest at 3i per oent The bonds of the City of Toronto will be ready for delivery agaln-t fully paid letters of allotment or ecrip on and after the 10th September 1895 No 70 Old Broad street London EC Saturday MINING COM divided Into 190100 ISSUE of 90000 SHAKES port of the above 3rd August 1895 (GEORGE and MAY GOLD MINING COMPANY Extraordinary (ienerai M-eting of ahereholders Notice is Hereby Given tliat an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of shareholders of the above company will be held on THURSDAY the 12th day of September 1895 at four o'clock In the afternoon in the BOARD ROOM of Batlelhtmu-buiiding Johannesburg for the purposes following I To consider and thereafter or otherwise a certain Firovtsional agreement (with or without modifications) entered nto between the directors of the George and May Gold Mining Company (Limited) and the directors of the West Rand Mines (Limited) whereby the George and May Gold Mining Comi (Limited) agrees to sell to the West Rand Mines (Limited) al property and assets (cash excluded) for 97500 fully paid-up shares npai ah it 7500 fully paid-up shares td West Rand Mines (Limited) in a capital of £426000 whereof not Jess than 25000 shares shall be reserve shares and subject also to the other conditions and previsions regarding the said sale which ore embodied in the said offer which said offer will lie at the office of the secretory of this company from this date for the inspection of all shareholders 2 That if the said agreement be confirmed with or without modihqations then to resolve upon the liquidation and dissolution this company and for that purpose to appoint liquidators ith such powr as may be necessary to finally liquidate the said company and with power also if necessary to apply to the High Court for the official liquidation thereof also to authorise the liquidators of the said company to receive from the West Rand Mines (Limited) the shares and money to be paid by that company to this company as the purchase consideration for the assets this company and to apportion the same amongst the shareholders of tills company and to convey transfers of the ciaimsand property of this company to the West Rand Mines (Limited) and generally to consider and pass the neo-sear resolutions which shall be submitted at the meeting for carrying the foregoing into effect Johannesburg July 14th 1895 By order of the Board A BCD COCHRANE Secretary Form of proxy may be obtained at the London office 17 Great EC DANIELL and BREWERIES Notice is Hereby Given that COUPON No 17 for interest the Five per Cent Debenture Bonds of the company due 15th instant will be PAID on and after that date at the Messrs Gurneys Round Green and Co Colchester or will be received at Bank (Limited) Lombard-street London EC for presentation and payment at the above named By order POINTING Secretary Castle Brewery Colchester August 1st 1896 HE AFRIKANDER GOLD to Fl Notice hereby ftnu that the REOIHTEKKO VEH of the Company hare been removed from 19 bt Hwithln e-lane to 23 CuLLEGK-HIlI Oannonetreet EC No 23 College-bill EC Ai 4 M86 TEN to £500 LENT privately by a private gentlo-men on borrower a owp note of hand Easy terms ot repayment arranged Mr WELLS Huraley Villa ClenfeU-road Maidenhead Herkt Dlance no obi act IMPORTANT NOTICE Keventoaa Life Ladies or gentlemen entitled to money or property death of parson now living whether vested or contingents or receipt of an tuooase under will or settlement requiring to gKLL nr B04SROW upon thatr Interest sftanld apply to ttee CITY REV ERbiuN ARY COMPANY 148 Aldengatstrect London Ilata mention an and all lafar-Rat af tnterai GL YN Secretary of th as 7a SUMMER HOLIDAYS NEGRETTI and ZAM- BKA BINOCULARS and TLLLSOOPES isoie nakis ronncaniflchetructir or "iheraiaay raodeeraUdeuw rementimerMiyonOrew who have bren sub- NicllpUt covered with brown leather Price £2 1C Uus-jts ted to on inlury or loss in cont quince of the compul-op powers price list of binoculars and tel -pes port iree Opt'cians to the 33 Hoi horn Viaduct Branches 45 Cornbill 122 Regent-street Photographic Studio Crystal laoce rpHE 1395 Pattern FILTERS render drinking watr ierfectly pure at a reasonable rate Pamphlet Biod Poisoning bv pnt The ATKlNcj FILTER and COMPANY (Limited) 65 Far- ringdon-road London EC ointment OINTMENT HEALS SORES of taking property conferred upon the above wieni company by th above-mentioned Dnrenth Valley Railway Act tor injury or loss no or inadequate compensation has been paid and also the creditors or the said railway company and also any person or persons claiming to be entitl to the residue of the £30u0 cash in court to the credit mentioned in the said order after payment of such compensation (if any) and the -fits of such creditors (if any) or to any part of such residue arenersonally or by their solicitors on or before the 31st October 189b to come in and prove their claim at th Chambers of Mr Justice North Royal Courts of Justice Mrand London or in default they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order Thursday the 14th November 1895 at twelve o'clock noon at the said Chambers is appointed for RIDGE FOOD (Regd) This Is the most perfect food we have examined Cha Pucmsr FIC FC81 Public Wm Joascox FIC FC8 I DR DR DR RIDGES RIDGES PATENT FOOD COOKED FOOD RIDGES FOOD CAUTION All the Genuine Packet and CanlaUr ara closed in White Wrapper RIDGES RIDGE'S I)R DR bR DR DR PATENT COOKED FOOD FOOD FOOD The Word Dr RIDGE'S PATENT COOKED POOD Are printed boldly thereon So that none need be deceived or mistaken PATENT COOKED FOOD RIDGE'S RIDGES FOOD FOOD The Perfect Food for Children and Invalids DR DR RIDGES RIDGE'S PATENT FOOD COOKED FOOD FOOD Sold Retail By all Leading Chemists and Grocen Throughout the Kingdom FOOD Prepared at The ROYAL FOOD MILLS LONDON RIDGES FOOD eHrrams RIDGE'S FOOD LONDON BY PARCEL POST TEA The distinctive feature ef MOORE system IstoSU PFLY FAM I LIES DIRECT first hand AT TRICKS for ready money a system so highly appreciated that without the enormous expenses of sensational advertising we have for 72 years conducted oue of the largest Tea and Coffee Businesses In the Kingdom Recommended Superior Tea 1 6d verv fin Is 10d £1 vatu sample orders will he sent carnags paid Special circular sent tree application MOORE BRU8 Merchants36 King Wlliam-etreet London EC A PHENOMENAL bCCCKfifi FLOR DE DINDIGUL a medium mild INDIAN CIGAR of exquiolte flavour and aroma klr balawrites: Bear favourable comparison with choice Ravaimohs at about one-third their 22s and 20s per 100 (two 1 sizes carriage paid Samples 4 and 5 Is (12 stamt-s) BEWLA A CO 49 and 74 Strand and 1 il Cheapwde Lstd 1780 FIr de Ihu tigul Cigarettes talLuhacco leatno paper) a delightful whiff Price 8s per 100 Samples 12 stamps mOBACOONISTS COMMENCING" See IlldTGaidi JL and Catalogue (250 pigs 3dt How to Open Respectably Outfitting Co 186 Euston-rd London HK4IS OLD WOUNDS HEALS PILES HEALS FISTULAS Ac Sold bv All Chemists OINTMENT LIME JUICE CORDIAL The Favourite Beverage Delicious Wholesome And Refreshing rCRIFIES the BLOOD Purchasers should be careful To order Roee Cordial in the bottle Engrave 1 with the ime Fruit as Trade Mark And so avoid sourious imitations JJOSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL Sold by ail Grocers Wine Merchant Ac Entirely Free of Spirit TABLE WATERS UNSURPASSED FOR EXCELLENCE" Manufactured entirely from an and Inexhaustible Spring" situated on th" premia and exclusively the private property of th firm at Rulhiu TL ELLIS and SON Ruthin Wales rOLUN AlilS THE QVEKN OK TABIK WATERS The tvpe of what natural effervescent ioie wau shoud Laud and Water Its purity and the abundance of Its natural rarhonic acid combine with its soft vet ust to uiokt It pre-eminent" Medical Jo'imal IETER ROBINSON MOURNING WAREHOUSE REGENT-STREET MOURNING Upon receipt of letter or telegram Peter Robinson's experienced Assistants and Dressfitter servants at the same reasonable prices os charged in the warehouse in Regent-street 1 FUNERALS FURNISHED Telegraphic Address PETER ROBINSON LONDON" Taleuhone Number APELPH1 THEATRE Sole Proprietors and Managers Messrs A and Gotti THIS EVENING at 8 THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME Mr William Terris and Miss MUlward Messrs Macklm Abingdon Fulton Purdon Cross Cocliburn May Harry NichoUs Misses Woisaley Ailaatraa Barton JL Earle THEATRE TH18 EVENING at 745 SAVED FROM THE SEA Merer Chartaa Glenney Lionel Bignoid Austin Melford Boaaatt Boa Ac Misses Collins Clifton SHfry Ac GAIETY THEATRE THIS EVENING at 8 THE SHOP GIRL Hicks Frank Wheeler George Oroaamlth jun Colin James Willie Warde George Mudi Robert Namby and Arthur Williams Misses Katie Seymour Beimore Flaud HUL Marla Da via Lao Sind an Roberts Sydney and EliaJina Terri as VAUDEVILLE THEATRE THIS EVENING at 855 THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF MISS BROWN Mr Fredk Kerr Mr Lionel Brough Mr Beau chomp Mr Farquhor Mr Harwood Mr Power Miss A Palfrey Mis flomfrey Mia Beringer At Mr Buckatooe Mlm AuMaaaor GLOBE THEATER Leaa 8 Pooler THIS DAT st 3 snd CHARLEY'S AUNT Newtco LtnCn Walter Kvarard Sydney Paxton Farmer Caelt I Brad Raavaa Smith Mlaaaa Ada Baanaco Maanek Grata Kiidaaa Mahal Laoa At THK JOUENKTS END AVENUE THEATRE Manacvr Mr William frrat THISDA Yat2JC and t0 QWONG-HI Ma wBUeEdou'n Haartray Oswald Yorke Jerboa Dawson Dnurtsaa Untea Miasm Faarars Fcrdyca MlDward Day heym aud May kdouio At I DAGGERS DRAWN TERRY'S THEATRE i Proprietor Mr Edward Tarry St 830 THE PRUDfN THIS Mredamw Fanny Williams Messrs Htrarab Doris Templeton Alim MsnahaM Etna I- uyrll nuda Arthur PUytalr Derail and Edward Rich ton hearingand adjudicating on the claims I January 4863 a sum £3000 was deposited in court under the provisions of the Parliamentary Deposits Act 1846 in the Mutter of thu abovc-m-u-lioued Darenth Valley Railway Company Dated tills 2nd August 1895 A LFREIi RA WLINMiN Chief Clerk A BECKETT TERRELL aud CO 93 and 64 Chancery- lane WC Solicitors forthe Applicant LICE PORRITT Deceased Notice in Hereby 'emands against of 12 Foreter- Given that all persons having claims or demands against oi upon the ESTATE of ALICE PORRITT late terrace West Hartlepool in the county of Durham bpinster deceased In respect of their claiming to be the next of kin nt the aid Asctsssed are hereby required to send In particulars in writing of their claims to us the undersigned on or Defate the first day of November next And Notice is Herehv further Given that ai the expiration of such time th administratrix will proceed to administer the estate amongst such of the next of kin ho shall send in and prove their claims and who may be legally entitled to rank for distribution and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the assets so distributed to any persons ot hose claims she shall not hav had notice Dated this 29th dty of July 1895 TURNBULL and TILLY West Hartlepool Holicitor for th said Administratrix Its ULIET All per- sons having claims or demand unon th ESTATE of JULIET HODGSON late of Old Ihorrivilie near Yoik deceased are requested to send full particular thereof and of any socuritie hold therefor to us the uudersigued her late solicitors Dated the 3rd day of August 1895 GARDINER and JEFFERY 13 Chcapside Bradford Solicitors rpHE BANKRUPTCY ACTS 1883 and 1890 -In JL the High Court of In Bankruptcy -NoWOof 1135 Re WILLIAM TUCKER (4 447 Mansion House-chambers formerly 86 and 87 Greshara-street both In the City of London ami lately residing at Conduit Lodge Blackheath tn the county of Kent Gentleman formerly Silk I Benjamin New-stead of 3 Chureh-passage Guildhall in the City of London Chartered Accountant Hereby Give Notice that 1 have been duly appointed and certified by the Board of Trade os trustee of th estate of the above-named bankrupt All persons having In thuir possession any of the effects of the bankrupt must deliver them to me and all debts due to the bankrupt must be paid to me Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debts to me (Signature of Trustee) BENJN NEWSTEAD Date 27th day of July 1896 DM1N18TKAT1VE COUNTY of Music and Dancing Theatre and ot I ier Application fora Music and Dancing Dated 25 We the undersigned CHRISTIAN HI ITER and THOMAS PUZKY of the Cannon-street Hotel In the City of London Wine Merchants Hereby Give Notice that we Intend to APPLY under the provisions of the Statutes 25 Geo IL chap 36 and 51 and 52 Viet chap 41 to the London County Council for a LICENSE for MUSIC and DANCING to be carried on within the bouse or premise? situated in the City of Loudon in the parishes Saint Mary Bothaw Saint Swithin London Stone Saint John Baptist and Saint Anthohn in th London County Council Electoral Division of Urn City of London aud known as Th Cannor -street Hotel and now in our occupation and we further give notice that such application will be made at a meeting of the Theatres and Music-halls Committee of the said Council sitting the Licensing Committee to be held on or about the 2nd day of CHRISTIAN RlTTElfi THOMAS TUZEY THE MONTHLY MUSICAL RECORD for AUGUST contains Music tn Studio In Modern Opera Organ Works by Best (Stratton) --Letter from Two Beethoven Studies by Professor Concerts Reviews Ac 24 pages of Articles and Augeuer and Co 86 Newgate-street and 1 Fuubert's-plaoc London K1BKMAN and ft ON Manufacturers of PIANOFORTES Tor Hal Hire or on the Three Yeare Hyftem illustrated price iiela rant on application Aientr In all tbe principal 'town 12a GEOKliE-S TRUET HANOTZB-HQUARB (Oppraite St Oeorfp' burehl PIANOS for SALE with 25 per cent di- count for easfi or 15s per month (secondhand 10s 6d per month) on th three years' hire Lists free of STlULfl and OO 42 houthampton-row Hoi born Pianos exchanged SLIGHTLY-USED STEINWAY PIANOFORTES A few of the celebrated instruments that hare bean returned from hire for SALE as bargains Grands from £100 Uprights from £60 Condition perfect and ully warranted for soma eriod as new Lists free on application at flteinway all 16 and 17 Lower Seymour-at Port nun -square London BACON at FIR8T COST offer finest Reading smoked bacon by the aide of about 461b to 50lb at 6d per Finest smoked Hams about 141b each at 84d Finest home-tnade Lord guaranteed pore at 844 per lb for 141b and upward RffU on itoMpt of Address BERKSHIRE BACON COMPANY Reading mo "ALL WHO is Ain TYunSu? VISITORS to LONDON should have their POR: TRAITS taken at Mo 10018 (da Maunr'a) STUDIO 328 Kuatoo-rund (a tom dean cartce is 12 cahlneu 12a Uire cabinet raid all carta mat of Ham paCaad -road) 12 Id one caMnM and aix carte 5a Nature Blood tr) SULPHUR SKIN PEARLS taatairaa purify th btraad el hSB Old portraits copied PEPPERS rt quite small perfectly i all humoura cure skin krae- tftUUO laboratory London It is a mere accident of language that ws cannot describe the -ird of April 1908 by anticipation as one of the most memorable dates in the history of mankind For the if at least the Reverend Baxter has got hold of the truth is that subsequent to that date then will be no to commemorate it nor indeed any in the present acceptation of the word to preserve the memory of it Tho race if it continues to exist on earth at all will exist only in a new and glorified form the millennium will take the place of oar present divisions of time and there will prs sumably be no chronicler reader or events to chronicle Such at any rate seems to be only tbe legitimate corollaries of the conclusion to which Mr Baxter has been drawn by a concatenation of Biblical evidences that the end of this age will take place on the day named It must be admitted that a singular multitude of prophetic testimonies converge upon this momentous 23rd of April It is the end of tho seven covenant from Passion V' eob 1901 which terminates two thousand three hundred and forty-five years from Passion Week bc 445 when Nehemiah was commanded to rebuild Jerusalem and which also terminates Daniel's forty-five years from tho Crimean War Treaty of Peace in April lb-id according to Daniel viii 14 ix 25 xii 11 id Not content with this the irrepressible April 25 coincides with tbe end of the six thousand years from the creation of man and the two thousand five hundred and twenty years from Neevueadnezzar and the three hundred and sixty years from Luther's Reformation in Daniel iv 16 and Revelation It is too much to suppose that all these coincidence ar accidental and they leave even tho moat cautions of Danielic and Apocalyptic critics with hardly any alternative except to sink his saving an annuity instead of investing them sih not acquiring any leasehold property with more than fourteen years of unexpired term Dani1 is true does not men two tbe Crimean or the Treaty of 1856 in bo many words but prophetically fixing two thousand throe hundred years from Bc 445 as the commsocemeu the of the sanctuary" he re-ferred in a manner too plain to be the decree of the Sultan recorded in tnrt treaty by which Jews and Christians.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.