The End Times Timeline 2521-2524 - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    1 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    2 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524


    Timeline by Jackdays

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  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    3 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    Table of Contents Table of Contents......................................................................................................................................................................3

    THE END TIMES AND STORM OF CHAOS (SOC) TIMELINE............................................................................................4



    Auric Bastion - The Empire and Kislev border............................................................................................................7

    WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY CAMPAINGS........................................................................................................................9

    Paths of the Damned (WFRP2)...................................................................................................................................9

    Terror in Talabheim (WFRP2).....................................................................................................................................9

    The Thousand Thrones (WFRP2)................................................................................................................................9

    The Enemy Within (WFRP3).....................................................................................................................................10

    2521 (BRETONNIAN YEAR 1543, KISLEV YEAR 997, DWARF YEAR5521/7044)...........................................................11

    Electors of the Empire (2521).................................................................................................................................................13The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2521)....................................................................................................................................13

    2522 (BRETONNIAN YEAR 1544, KISLEV YEAR 998, DWARF YEAR5522/7045)...........................................................14

    Electors of the Empire (2522).................................................................................................................................................16The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2522)....................................................................................................................................16The Council of State & The Emperor's Other Advisors and ClosePersonel............................................................................17The Twin-Tailed Comet...........................................................................................................................................................19The Wall of Fate......................................................................................................................................................................23The Nine Prisoners..................................................................................................................................................................24

    2523 (BRETONNIAN YEAR 1545, KISLEV YEAR 999, DWARF YEAR5523/7046)...........................................................35

    Electors of the Empire (2523).................................................................................................................................................37The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2523)....................................................................................................................................37

    2524 (BRETONNIAN YEAR 1546, KISLEV YEAR 1000, DWARF YEAR5524/7047).........................................................44

    Electors of the Empire (2524).................................................................................................................................................47The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2524)....................................................................................................................................47Auric Bastion...........................................................................................................................................................................48Armies Invading Sylvania........................................................................................................................................................53Ritual of Nagash Reborn.........................................................................................................................................................55The Mortarchs.........................................................................................................................................................................56Ceremony at the Castle von Rauken.......................................................................................................................................61

    2525 (BRETONNIAN YEAR 1547, KISLEV YEAR 1001, DWARF YEAR5525/7048).........................................................64

    Electors of the Empire (2525).................................................................................................................................................64The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2525)....................................................................................................................................64

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    4 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    The End Times and Storm of Chaos (SoC) Timeline

    This all started from my Storm of Chaos (SoC) timeline project,which itself started originally around the time WFRP2

    was published (2005). Games Workshop had published Storm ofChaos WFB Campaign year before. Any detailed

    timeline/dates were never given about the event later, so Istarted building something up. But I didn't finish it back when

    the WFRP2 came out. Years later, I started again to gather allthe information about the event in a single timeline. Then

    in 2014, during the time Games Workshop was publishing WFB 8thedition books, started The End Times WFB

    Campaign. This timeline revised, or rebooted, the entire SoCevent. And not just SoC, The End Times are really burning

    the world down. As it started to advance the history from 2522point forward (to the bitter end), I started to build new

    timeline for The End Times.

    Problematic is to place events in the actual dates, or evenmonths and how they happen side by side with other events.

    Now that SoC event has been erased, it's hard to say whichevents did occur from that campaign and which did not. I'm

    trying to collect everything and place them as best I can. Andalso consult the original SoC events and characters.

    Then some things that should be mentioned and various otherideas:

    If The End Times WFB book and the novel does not go hand tohand, then I try to adjust the events more with

    the stuff in novel.

    The capture of future Everqueen of High Elves Princes Aliathra,by Mannfred von Carstein, is one of the difficult

    events. WFB 8th: Vampire Counts very much gives idea that theevent happens maybe late fall, yet other

    sources say it happens early 2522. Either way, the time of thecapture to the time when rescuers reach

    Nagashizzar is also troublesome. This is because Mannfred shouldget back home to Sylvania also in time to

    cast the darkness and do other evil things. So, that doesn'tgive much time for the rescuers to hear about the

    capture, find where Aliathra is kept and actually reach for her.In fact, this probably happens little too fast, but I

    have managed to give them couple of months for this effort.

    If the capture and rescue of future Everqueen was fast-paced,then the other events related to Elves are like

    extra slow. It seems to take forever for the rescuers to go backUlthuan, plan a new rescue attempt and then

    send that group back to the Empire (not to mention the time toget there). But, my timeline is loyal with

    information what is in the books. Elves are not the only ones.It takes pretty long for the Liche Arkhan and

    Mannfred von Carstein to finish their crusades before the comingof Nagash.

    Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2) names Kasmir XI as one of the ArchLector's (he should be Arch Lector of Nuln) and

    Thorgrad IV as another (Talabheim). Also SoC event makes JohannEsmer III as the next Grand Theogonist.

    But The Enemy Within (WFRP3) and The End Times (WFB) namesKaslain as the Nuln's Arch Lector. And

    Sigmar's Blood (novel) names Aglim as second Arch Lector. AlsoVolkmar the Grim is lost now during his attack

    against the Sylvania in 2522 and after that Kaslain becomes thenext Grand Theogonist. Because Sigmar's

    Heirs info is not fully correct anymore (as the events of TheEnd Times change alot of things), I'll have to make

    some adjustements, based on what happens.

    The Enemy Within (WFRP3) gives idea that it happens two yearsafter the death of Elector Count Marius

    Leitdorf in Black Fire Pass. So, the year would be 2522. Whenoriginal SoC events were still part of the timeline

    all the background events indicated that the campaing happensduring the year 2521, when Warlord Surtha

    Lenk leads his vanguard invasion against the Empire (year beforeactual SoC event). But, in The End Times

    timeline it is possible that it happens 2522. I'm tryin toconnect these events to the events of Sigmar's Blood

    WFB Campaign (and novel) and also to events found in The EndTimes sourcebooks. To fit the Spring Driving

    campaign to this new timeline, it must be pushed little laterdate that it fits better Volkmar the Grim's crusade to

    the Sylvania AND also to events in The End Times sourcebooksthat describe the first attack of the northmen.

    The End Times sourcebooks have huge number of DaemonicIncursion, especially in the year 2522, which is

    the year of Storm of Chaos. I place most of these events toGeheimnistag, which is very logical starting point,

    because the borders of between reality and the Realm of Chaosare then thinnest. Small rifts become large and

    large rifts become immense and so on...

    Warhammer Fantasy Battle Dwarfs 8th Edition changed the Dwarfenyears. Two different years are now given

    and used in this document. First one is the original timelinegiven in Dwarfs: Stone and Steel (WFRP1

    sourcebook) and second from the WFB book.

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    5 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    NOTE! This document features huge amount of spoilers fromvarious stories and sourcebooks! Also, you

    should check your GM first, if you play Warhammer FantasyRoleplay, that should you read any further.

    SECOND NOTE! Timeline is based on the products found below, butit is very much unofficial and my vision

    how things are moving. Idea is to make more accurate timeline toserve all the fans.

    Following sources have been used and should be credited (theyare also mentioned in the entries):

    The End Times Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) sourcebooks: VolumeI: Nagash, Volume II: Glottkin, Volume

    III: Khaine

    The End Times novels: The Return of Nagash, The Fall of Altdorf,The Curse of Khaine

    Prequel to The End Times: Sigmar's Blood WFB Campaign andnovel

    Various Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) sourcebooks have providedmore or less details. Main ones are

    probably Lizardmen, Dwarfs, High Elves,The Empire, Warriors ofChaos, Vampire Counts...

    Also I use some knowledge found from the original SoC (old)sourcebooks and background information:

    Darkness Rising (WFB) and Storm of Chaos: Defenders of theEmpire (WFB).

    I have used various other novels/stories (some not linkeddirectly to The End Times), like:

    o Gotrek & Felix: Orcslayer, Manslayer, Elfslayer,Shamanslayer, Zombieslayer, Kinslayer

    o Swords of the Emperor: Sword of Justice, Sword ofVengeance

    WFRP sourcebooks (many WFRP2 sourcebooks mention the event,because they are dated post-SoC). The

    problem in many of these sources is that some of the informationhas changed since the reboot of SoC event. I

    have still tried to connect as much as I can. Example: I usevarious original SoC events and connect them to the

    Chaos Invasion in 2522, which still is the year of Storm ofChaos.

    The Enemy Within (WFRP3) provides interesting details about thewar-year, which would be 2522 now.

    Then there are even some WFRP fan-sources that I have used andhave been in my timeline.

    Finally - Special thanks to Dave Graffam (and any help he mighthad) for creating Calenders of the Empire.

    Calender(s) have provided much help, when doing this project. Hecreated four different sets of calenders,

    based on the various years. Note! Calender used in The EnemyWithin (WFRP3) campaign and the WFB 8th:

    The Empire -books is actually Series I: For years ending in 00,04, 08, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32...etc.

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    6 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524


    There are couple of special "walls" (magical walls) that shouldbe mapped here with explanations. These are the walls

    covering Sylvania (including the unnatural darkness coveringit's sky) - The Wall of Fate and the Wall of Bones; and then

    the Auric Bastion roughly placed in the border area of theEmpire and Kislev. Maps are parts taken from the Super Huge

    Detailed Map of Warhammer World by Gitmans Gallery.

    Sylvania Map of Sylvania is compination of maps found from theThe Return of Nagash (novel), The End Times: Nagash - Book I

    (WFB), The End Times: Glottkin - Book I (WFB) and the map foundfrom the Sigmar's Blood (novel). In Sigmar's Blood

    the area of darkness (Mannfred von Carsteins Sylvania) is muchsmaller, than in other books. In Sigmar's Blood it

    doesn't include the Bylorhof Marsh, central Stirland,Siegfriedhof or the northern forested region known as

    Hundsheimerwald where River Stir curves next to Gersdorf,Krugenheim and Bissendorf. My map is kind of compromise

    from all these maps.

    Bone Wall, the (Magical Wall; White-yellow line borderingSylvania). There is no official name given to the

    magical wall of bones summoned by Mannfred von Carstein usingvery difficult ritual (ritual where the blood of

    very special individuals is needed) - So, I call it The BoneWall. It is magical wall, that appreared from nowhere

    (or from Aethyr) and protects the borders of Sylvania now. It ispossible that the wall can regenerate itself and it

    is probably hard to scale (no details really given). Yet, it ismagnificient (and horrifying) creation. I would imagine

    that the ritual is similar to Father W'soran's Architect foundfrom the Night's Dark Masters (WFRP2 sourcebook).

    In that ritual caster determines the internal layout of themagical tower summoned by the ritual. In the Bone Wall

    ritual Mannfred had created series of deep grooves to the floor.They were inlaid with a rich gold and then the

    holy blood of the victims was flowed to these channels. Thisshape was the shape of area that was protected by

    the wall.

    Castle Sternieste (Ruined Castle). I used the Sigmar's Blood mapto place the castle. If you see the map in

    the Night's Dark Masters (WFRP2 sourcebook), page 89, you canfind a "ruin" where Castle Sternieste should

    be. Town of Sternieste is actually located much more northern,next to the water known as Svarsee, and the

    there is also a castle there... On the other hand - If you seethe Sigmar's Blood map you can see, that the

    Svarsee lake is now named as Helsee, which should be reallylocated in the middle of the Sylvania based on

    the Night's Dark Masters map.

    Darkness covering Sylvania (Magical Veil). Another difficultritual that summoned darkness that covers the

    entire realm.

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    7 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    Heldenhame (Fortress & Town). Grandest fortress ofTalabecland, next to a bustling city. This is troublesome,

    a new place, even it should be old place. Well, the Empire hasroom to place locations like this one, but the

    Grandest fortress of Talabecland?! Is this mistake? I mean, thefortress-town is situated in the official maps

    south from River Stir, on the area which should be pretty muchStirland. And next to a bustling city - in

    backwoods of the Empire? I don't think so... I placed thefortress next to River Melk, which runs to River Stir.

    You can either ignore the Talabecland info, OR we can decidethat the mostly forested area north of the River

    Melk, named Hundsheimerwald, is actually part of Talabecland.Offcourse Siegfriedhof is still part of Stirland as

    is also Marburg. In the map I place Heldenhame next to Zipf,maybe that is little larger town then (not city, but

    still good-size town).

    Nine Daemons & Glen of Sorrows (Unholy Site). I placed thisstone circle pretty central Sylvania. It is located

    near the lake known as Helsee - well, it is that in the Night'sDark Masters (WFRP2 sourcebook) map. Site is

    also close to the settlement of Gerhof and the Grim Moors.

    Red Cairn (Unholy Site). One of the new places found from theSigmar's Blood map.

    Wall of Fate, the (Magical Wall; White-yellow line borderingSylvania). The Wall of Fate uses the power of

    all the holy symbols in the area, drawing the power of symbolsfate into a barrier of fate. If any Undead

    creatures (from mighty Vampire to lowly Zombie) tries to crossit, creature is instantly obliterated in a explosion.

    The Undead can enter Sylvania through the wall, but cannotreturn after this. Perfect and powerful trap, known

    also as Gelt's Wall. Gelt didn't actually have the knowledge forthis ritual, but he was manipulated by the forces

    of Chaos to gain access to the ritual and knowledge to performit. In my map I considere the wall to be about the

    same place as the Bone Wall, or at the edge of the darknesscovering Sylvania.

    Auric Bastion - The Empire and Kislev border The location ofAuric Bastion is in The End Times: Glottkin - Book II (WFB) map. Itseems to run with the Empire and

    Kislev border, which actually is not a direct line from the cityof Erengrad to all the way to Castle Rackspire in the World

    Edge Mountains. But that is not really important. Campaing hasnumber of new places situated in the border area. I'm

    not adding all of them, only the most important ones.

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    8 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    Alderfen (Village). Settlement that plays important role in theThe End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB). Is

    situated about the other end of the Helreach. In The End Times:Glottkin - Book II (WFB) map it is situated

    about middle of Bechafen and Castle von rauken. But thislocation just doesn't work with other information

    found from the books. Mentioned also in the Kinslayer(novel).

    Auric Bastion (Magical Wall; White-blue line bordering theEmpire and Kislev).

    Badenhof (Town). Imperial town famous for it's hot baths.Mentioned in the Kinslayer (novel).

    Castle Rackspire (Fortress). Powerful fortress situtated in theWorlds Edge Mountains, near Badenhof and

    Kislev border. In Gitzmans map I expanded the World EdgeMountains little closer to the Badenhof.

    Castle Skarlan (Fortress). Fortress where Elector CountAldebrand Ludenhof oversees his section of the

    border. This is probably after the dead of Elector Count WolframHertwig, because it is situated pretty east and

    Elector Count Ludenhof was originally guarding the middlesection of the wall. Castle is located about three

    days ride from Alderfen.

    Castle von Rauken (Fortress). Family fortress of Elector CountValmir von Raukov. Used as the gathering

    point and home of the Emperor and the commanders of the army.Location of the castle is based on the maps

    found from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th Edition: Slaughterat Volganof (WFB) and from The End Times:

    Glottkin - Book II (WFB).

    Gastmaar (Town). Another town missing in the map, that I justwanted to add. No role in the campaign.

    Heffengen (Town). Location of this town varies from the map fromSigmar's Heirs (WFRP2 sourcebook) to The

    Thousand Thrones (WFRP2 campaign) map. I use the TTT-map. Itplaces the settlement on the side of the river

    roughly halfway from Remer to Eisental. This location is alsologically connected to the Alderfen location in my


    Helreach (part of Auric Bastion). Section of Auric Bastion. Thisshould be about 20 leagues (about 70 miles)

    span. It very much seems it is close (or starting) from theCastle Rackspire and it includes also village of

    Alderfen (which again doesn't suit the map from the The EndTimes: Glottkin - Book II).

    Kurzycko (Village). Kislev Village fortified by Imperial forces.Stands between Auric Bastion and the Trzy

    Siostry. Mentioned in the Kinslayer (novel).

    Trzy Siostry - Wilhelmshgel (Standing Stones & ImperialFortifications). Standing Stones on a hill. Trzy

    Siostry (Three Sisters) is used by Imperial Magisters to keepthe Auric Bastion up, otherwise Imperial forces

    occupy this are guarding the Bastion. Imperial forces call thisplace Wilhelmshgel. Mentioned in the Kinslayer


  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    9 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Campaings

    Here are some ideas/notes for a various WFRP campains.

    Paths of the Damned (WFRP2) Date: c.2522, just after originalStorm of Chaos event.

    Starting adventure is Through the Drakwald (Warhammer FantasyRoleplay 2nd Edition Core Rulebook). This is

    based on the battles fought in Grimminhagen against the Beastmenhorde of Khazrak One-eye during the SoC.

    This can still happen, because many Beastmen herdes rise duringthe Storm of Chaos in 2522 and also there is

    large northmen invasion. Just ignore any attacks againstMiddenheim or anything that mentiones Archaon's

    invasion. I have actually added these events to this timelinealso. I had to push the events few months further

    than in original SoC, so they will happen nicely same time asWolfenburg invasion.

    Ashes of Middenheim. Basicly all the changes needed is theMiddenheim itself. It has not been under siege and

    therefore not damaged by the forces of Chaos. Otherwise fightingin the north (the Empire - Kislev border) is still

    on and many important rulers and most of the armed forces arethere. If you start this adventure just after the

    Through the Drakwald (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd EditionCore Rulebook) then it is dated to happen at

    Nachgeheim (7th) in this timeline.

    Rest of the campaign can be played more or less as it is. Anyveterans of the war could have served in the

    Siege of Wolfenburg.

    Remember that the years 2522 is when the Storm of Chaos hits theworld. This means that the world is full of

    Chaos incursions and strange (and terrifying) events. The Windsof Magic flow wildly.

    Terror in Talabheim (WFRP2) Date: c.2522-2523, after originalStorm of Chaos event.

    This campaign can easily be set for any age, but the detailabout the city is mostly post-SoC.

    During The End Times the Skaven forces are probably all gatheredto the southern Old World, but this is not

    really a problem. As Skaven openly start their attack againstthe southern states of the Old World (namely

    Estalia and Tilea) some of them may also attack the Empire. Asthere are other invasions going on, this

    invasion can happen easily in Talabheim.

    Remember that the years 2522 is when the Storm of Chaos hits theworld. This means that the world is full of

    Chaos incursions and strange (and terrifying) events. The Windsof Magic flow wildly.

    The Thousand Thrones (WFRP2) Date: c.2523, maybe a year fromoriginal Storm of Chaos event.

    Campaign has great connections to the rise of Nagash and The EndTimes, as it features the Vampire

    Prophecies. Also child Karl, the possible Chosen of Sigmar,works even better because world doesn't know

    about Valten yet in The End Times timeline. Valten is stilltravelling the lands of the Empire and is unknown

    person. Even he has done few deeds, his legend starts 2524 atthe Battle of Alderfen.

    Just ignore any Archaon's and Crom's invasion details and theSiege of Middenheim. Also remember, if the

    presence of Grand Theogonist is needed, that Kaslain is theGrand Theogonist as Volkmar the Grim is lost in

    the Sylvania in previous (2522) year (and also that Johann Esmerhas not risen as Grand Theogonist - altough

    for some reason he still might be banished to Marienburg).

    Wolfenburg is still on ruins after the invasion of Surtha Lenkin 2522 (as also is the rest of the northern Empire).

    If you play The Thousand Thrones -campaign in circa 2523, andthe Chapter VII: Death Do Us Part takes

    characters to Sylvania, then remember two new elements that mustbe faced: The Darkness over Sylvania and

    the Bone Wall covering the borders. The wall must be scaled orperhaps the brothers of Siegfriedhof will provide

    some magical means to go through the Bone Wall. Siegfriedhofshould still hold their position against any

    undead attacks, even they are now trapped inside the darknessand the Bone Wall. It is holy place, so maybe

    some protection from Morr helps them (sun still shines on thislocation?). After Geheimnistag of 2524, when

    Nagash returns and binds the Wind of Death (Shyish) to flowthrough Sylvania, most of the brothers probably

    become mad for this impact. That is probably also the end ofSiegfriedhof.

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    10 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    If you play The Thousand Thrones -campaign in circa 2523, thenthe Chapter VIII: The Black Witch takes

    characters to Kislev and other side of the Auric Bastion. I haveleft open the exact time, when the Auric Wall is

    risen - It probably happens during the year 2523 and takes sometime to cover the entire borderline. It is

    possible that characters go around the wall (from Erengrad) orthe wall is created sometime after they enter the

    Crags of Shargun.

    The Enemy Within (WFRP3) Date: c.2522

    Nothing really needs to be changed. The main events connected tothe war in the north, can be found from this

    timeline. The Surtha Lenk's invasion fits well in The End Timestimeline (in original SoC timeline Surtha Lenk's

    invasion happened in 2521, which is ignored here). Just ignoreVolkmar the Grim, who is lost in the Sylvania

    early in the year 2522. Also Emperor Karl Franz wounding fitspretty well to the events.

    Remember that the years 2522 is when the Storm of Chaos hits theworld. This means that the world is full of

    Chaos incursions and strange (and terrifying) events. The Windsof Magic flow wildly.

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    11 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    2521 (Bretonnian Year 1543, Kislev Year 997, Dwarf Year5521/7044)

    Events - Warhammer World:


    Events - The Old World:

    Border Princes: The terrible reign of Bragthorn the Necromancerends in the Masserschloss area in Border

    Princes suddenly. Renegade Crowns (WFRP2)

    Bretonnia: The Bretonnia has just survived the Year of Woe(2520, Bretonnian Year 1542), when great armies

    of Daemons had ravaged the four corners of the realm. Then inthis year Norse raid the northern coast of

    Bretonnia sacking isolated villages within dukedoms ofL'Anguille and Couronne. Finally there is the Uprising.

    Mallobaude, bastard son of the king, had long been gathering anarmy in Moussillon. This army has been

    gathering since 2517 (1539). On Winter's Eve of this year, heloosed it to seize the throne. Disgraced knights

    and Dark Magisters from across the realm (and the Empire) flockto Mallobaude's serpent banner. Even Liche

    Arkhan the Black is not openly helping Mallobaude, Arkhan is thedark sponsor behind his rebellion. Also in the

    Mallobaude's army is the Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler. The EndTimes: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Bretonnia: A group of knights arrives unbidden at a battleagainst Norscan raiders near LAnguille. Their

    standard bears the heraldry of a gold snake on a black field.The group leaves midway through the battle

    without explanation, and many brave knights die at the hands ofNorscan berserkers as a result. WFB

    The Empire: Respected and affluent professor Ehrwig von Dankien,from the Arcane History of Altdorf

    University, publishes infamous study about the origins of magic.This book is titled The Inconvenient Truths and

    tells his finding from this journey to Lustria in 2519.Publication is met with mixed feelings and reviews - Sneers

    and open mocking by some, revulsion and condemnation by others.Regardless, this seemingly innocuous

    tratise sents shockwaves through both the academic and arcanecommunities. The Colleges of Magic soon

    start destroying the copies of the book. Winds of Magic(WFRP3)

    The Empire: Magister Matriarch of Gold Order Christa Feldmanndisappears suddenly. Supreme Patriarch

    Balthasar Gelt (Gold Order) becomes also Patriarch of the GoldOrder. Matriarch Christa Feldman killed the last

    Matriarch and was worshipper of Tzeentch. Realms of Sorcery(WFRP2), Realms of Sorcery (WFRP1)

    The Empire: The Electorship of the Grand County of Averlandremains in dispute following the death of the

    Elector, grand Count Marius Leithdorf, who was killed whilstcampaigning in Black Fire Pass in 2520.

    The Empire: Kristoff Haamar is engaged by an unknown patron towrite the definitive history of Black Fire Pass.

    The receipt shows that the text was to include descriptions ofprominent features both geographical and

    sociological, along with a series of twentyfive wood cutillustrations. Kristoff set out in the company of a band of

    Mercenary Soldiers under the command of one Captain GerhardOlenbay of Wissenland. On the fifth day of

    Kaldezeit, a merchant named Ubrecht Fell discovered Kristoff sbody in Black Fire Pass and brought the poet

    historians journal to Altdorf for publication. Black Fire Pass -A Guide to Adventures on the Fringe of the Empire


    The Empire: Snorri "Father Rustskull" Nosebiter is in Averlandand joins mission to free fallen Dwarf brewery of

    Olgep Wynters (brewery fall during the time of The Third BlackFire Pass Battle. In the group is Slayer Grudi

    Halfhand (former Master-Brewer Grudi Wynters from the brewery),and Knights of the Black Bear: Volg "the

    Voluminous" Sthaal (leader of the expedition, Angmar ofNordland, Kislevite Grim Hogan and Wastelander

    Flanders Drahl. Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology - A Cask ofWynters (novel)

    The Empire: The Imperial School of Engineers claim that theiringenuity surpasses that of their Dwarf allies,

    leading to raging arguments. The resultant "field testingcontest" escalates when each side decides to

    demostrate their superiority in the field of counter-batteryfire. Before long the air is filled with silvered shot, runic

    cannonballs, flaming naptha and helstorm rockets, whilstexploding flying machines and clockwork angels duel

    with steel zeppelins and Gyrocopter squadrons in the skiesabove. WFB 8th: The Empire

    The Empire: Elementalist "Modernists" leaded by Christoph Adlerlose their charter in Averland. New Count of

    Stressen, Kastor Leitdorf, will not grant charter to them afterthe dead of his uncle last year. Modernists must

    flee to the wilderness and they are not hunted because thecoming war. They disappear. Lost in Translation:

    The Return of Elementalism (WFRP fan-source by Alfred NuezJr)

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    12 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    High Seas: Nyklaus von Carstein, tired of teh infighting of hispeers, uses shadow magic to translocate his

    entire castle into the fabled nautical realm of the Galleon'sGraveyard. There he becomes Count Noctilus, terror

    of the seas and commander of the fabled Dreadfleet. He is hunteddown and killed in his lair by a confederation

    of pirate lords led by the vengeful Captain Roth (this happensc.2521-2522, before Grand Theogonist Volkmar's

    crusade against Sylvania). Dreadfleet (novel)

    Skaven Under-Empire: Skaven Clan Mors Warlord Queek Headtaker isrecalled to the City of Pillars in an

    attempt to bring an end to the ongoing battles there. Elsewherethe copper mines of Grim-Duraz in the Grey

    Mountains become the latest Dwarf holdings to fall under Skavencontrol. WFB 7th: Skaven

    World Edge Mountains: Skarsnik prepares to lead the crooked Moontribe to wipe the Skaven and Dwarfs out of

    Karak Eight Peaks. Grimgor Ironhide tires of slaughtering Skavenbeneath Red Eye Mountain and sets off on a

    new trail of blood and destruction. WFB 8th: Orcs &Goblins

    Events - North:

    Chaos Wastes: Rise of Archaon Everchosen, the Lord of the EndTimes. Former Templar of Sigmar finally

    ends his quest (that started over a century ago) for sixTreasures of Chaos.

    Norsca: Skaeling Jarl Hinrikson is asked by his King to join theArchaons Horde, but his tribal Seer advises to

    refuse order and seek new home or they will not enter the Hallsof Olric. So, Jarl Hinrikson and his clan sets

    sails for new land leaving Norsca. Norse sail to the south inthe lands of Border Princes. There they settle in the

    Khypris area where they establish town of Hinrikness. Khypris(WFRP fan-source by Steven Lewis)

    Events - West:

    Albion: Sacred mists of Albion are restored by the LizardmenSlann. In 2520 the Gates of the Old Ones are

    opened to the island. Scar-Leader Kroq-Gar leads the first warparties to cleanse the isle of warm-bloods. Under

    the manipulations of Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi, the climateof the isle is altered. SoC (WFB)

    Lustria: Vashnaar the Tormentor launches his great raid intonorthern Lustria, eager to claim the hearth of a

    Slann and offer it up in sacrifice to the name of his darkpatron. Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi and Kroq-Gar

    return to Hexoatl to crush attack led by Hung warlord Vashnaarthe Tormentor. Druchii (Dark Elves), with their

    barbaric Hung allies, attack jungles of Lustria and Lizardmen.Druchii sack the ruins of the temples surrounding

    Tlanxla and Quetza. Disturbed from their efforts by thesedistractions, the Realm of Chaos has grown further,

    and occurrences of Daemonic intrustions are increased.Eventually Lizardmen are beating the Dark Elves back.

    Remaining forces of Dark Elves escape to their Black Arks. WFB6th & 8th: Lizardmen, SoC (WFB)

    Naggaroth/Dark Elves: Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact withSlaanesh. Seeking power and a way to dominate

    the Druchii nation of Naggaroth, Morathi - The Hag Queen,travels far to the north accompanied by many of her

    favoured Sorceresses. They use Dark Pegasus to travel far northinto the lands of Hung marauders. In the

    Chaos Wastes, Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact with Slaanesh,and with the power of her Daemonic patron,

    takes over a tribe of marauders known as the Hung. Morathisummons sixty troupes of six Daemonettes and

    makes them attack the Hung tribe's main Kurgan rivals. Hungbelieve that Morathi is the chosen of Slaanesh.

    She becomes known as the Consort-Queen of Shaarnor (name theHung use from Slaanesh). Morathi takes

    her new force south towards Lustria, to seek ancient artifactsof power from the temples of the Old Ones. The

    Hung are lead by warlord Vashnaar the Tormentor. SoC (WFB)

    Events - East:

    The Ogre Kingdoms/Mountains of Mourn: The Ogres, having growneven more numerous and wealthy under

    the rule of Greasus Goldtooth, find their population is becomingtoo large for the Mountains of Mourn. Greasus

    orders the conquering of new lands - A New Migration starts. WFB8th: Ogre Kingdoms

    Events - South:


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    Electors of the Empire (2521)

    Averland: contested (since 2520 when Marius Leitdorf was killedin the Battle of Black Fire Pass)

    Hockland: Aldebrand Ludenhof

    Middenland: Boris Todbringer

    Moot: Hisme Stouthearth

    Nordland: Theoderic Gausser

    Ostermark: Wolfram Hertwig

    Ostland: Valmir von Raukov

    Reikland: Emperor Karl Franz I Holswig-Schliestein

    Stirland: Alberich Haupt-Anderssen

    Talabecland: Helmut Feuerbach

    Wissenland: Emmanuelle von Liebewitz

    Ulric: Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir

    Sigmar: Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim

    Sigmar: Arch Lector Aglim (Talabheim)

    Sigmar: Arch Lector Kaslain (Nuln; since 2515 afterdisappearance of Kurt Mannfeld in the Chaos Wastes)

    The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2521)

    The Amber Order: Patriarch Setanta Lobas "Wild Father" (since2516 after death of Kerwen Sigmarsson)

    The Amethyst Order: Patriarch Viggo Hexensohn

    The Bright Order: Patriarch Thyrus Gormann (Supreme Patriarchbefore Balthasar Gelt)

    The Celestial Order: Patriarch Stern Glanzend

    The Gold Order: Patriarch and Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt(after strange disappearance of

    Matriarch Christa Feldmann this year)

    The Grey Order: Patriarch Reiner Starke

    The Jade Order: Matriarch Arburg "Jade Mother"

    The Light Order: Patriarch Verspasian Kant

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    14 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    2522 (Bretonnian Year 1544, Kislev Year 998, Dwarf Year5522/7045)

    Events - Warhammer World:

    The World: Storm of Chaos sweeps across the world, spreadingoutwards from the poles to roll across the

    lands of men and other than men one by one. Daemons are born anddie in moments, or tore their way through

    the membrance of the world to sow terror for days or weeks onend. Blood fell as rain, seething and searing

    whenever it touches living flesh. The skies and fields balzewith multicoloured fire, the clouds and stars twist into

    leering faces to witness the destruction. Proud cities that hadstood for hundreds of years collaps into foetid

    squalor, as the water they rely turn black and noxious.Everywhere, mortals are overcome by selfish desires

    and wanton impulses, throwing themselves into the most obsceneand blasphemous of acts. In every city of

    every land, seers, madmen and prophets speak of The End Times.The Return of Nagash (novel), The End

    Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    The World: With every orbit since the coming of the comet, darkMorrslieb had drawn closer to the world. Now,

    beneath the moon's leering face, the firmament began to writhe.From the ground rose monoliths. Some are

    black splinters of long-ago meteors now pulled to the surface bythe moon's sickly green glow. Others were

    ancient idols, toppled and overgrown or else cast down into ruinby other powers. Some of these are: To

    Drakwald (a monolith so immense it towered over the talleststructures built by man), the malformed pillars that

    grew in the Arden Forest oozed, monument of living flame aroseout of the glacial fields of Naggaroth, the

    dreaded Six Spikes herdstones once again stood tall in the GreatForest, a number of contaminated sites rose

    in Athel Loren. Then, from out of the dark woods, came theBeastmen. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    The World: Everywhere in the world the Greenskins have theoverwhelming feeling that something big is

    brewing. Lone and scattered tribes feel compelled to seek outand join others of their kind. Huge Greenskin

    hordes are created. From the deepest wilderness come nomadicsavage Greenskins. The gathering of

    Greenskins increases exponentially the Waaagh! energy, which iscrackling. Not all the Greenskin shamans can

    harness this surge and while others are imbued withextraordinary powerful magics, others are overloaded

    (which causes deadly effects). Greenskins flock under thecommand of powerful, like Grimgor Ironhide,

    Skarsnik the Warlord of the Eight Peaks, and the prophetWurrzarg. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    The World: Chaos cults serve their wicked Gods and causesabotage all over the World, Beatsmen herds roam

    in large numbers in the forests, harvest is poor and the winteris savage.

    The World: The Aethyr flows stronger than ever from the north.This can be sensed by all Magisters and other

    magic-users sensitive to Winds of Magic (witchsight). Manymystical and strage events occur around the World

    during the year. Many storms of magic collaps as suddenly asthey broke. Realms of Sorcery (WFRP2), The

    End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Events - The Old World:

    Athel Loren: Ariel believes that Cyanathair rallies for yetanother assault upon Athel Loren. WFB 6th: Wood


    The Empire: Norse reavers also raid the northern Imperialcoastline attacking Neues Emskrank area. Omens of

    War (WFRP3)

    The Empire: There are rumours of "The Conspiracy" and mysteriousperson connected to this called simple as

    The Black Cowl. The Enemy Within (WFRP3)

    The Empire: In Middenheim strange things happen. The time-worndefences are mysteriously being dismantled,

    watchmen and wardens disappearing, rumours about man-sized ratsin the sewers and crypts (usually laughed

    by most), tales about scratching noises in the dead of thenight. SoC (WFB)

    The Empire: There are rumours of Chaos plots in Middenheim afterthe Storm of Chaos and the war in the

    north. This happens when the Middenheims army, with Graf Boris,Ar-Ulric and Middenmarshals (excluding

    Watch Commander), are still hunting remains of the remains ofChaos hordes. Church of Ulric takes active part

    in these happenings and old rivarly with Church of Sigmar risesagain. Details are not given to public, but some

    group of heroes were involved. Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2)

    The Empire: Two powerful Beastman arise among the scatteredtribes of Drakwald - Shaman Urslak

    Cripplehorn and Gargorath the God-Touched. Shaman Urslak plan isto cast mighty ritual that will transform

    everyone living in the forests of the Empire into Beastmen usingenchanted menhir. Gargorath's herd will be

    huge in the end of year, when he moves them against the Empireforces. Shamanslayer (novel)

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    The Empire: Dreaded necromancer Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmlerreturns to the Empire after the events of

    Mallobaude's rebellion. He remains unseen and disquised untilthe end of the year when he will finally strikes.

    Zombieslayer (novel)

    Sea of Claws: There are rumours of Dark Elf corsairs in the Seaof Claws. And also about Black Ark. Witch's

    Song (WFRP3), Elfslayer (novel)

    Skaven Under-Empire: Deep within the Skaven stronghold of HellPit, and in the caves beneath Middenheim,

    Skaven race is stirring again. The ratmen are on the move oncemore, looking for any opportunity to further their

    own schemes. Deathmaster Snikch of Clan Eshin returns to the OldWorld from the Far East, at the command

    of the Council of Thirteen. SoC (WFB)

    Skaven Under-Empire: As meteors rain from the skies, volcanoserupt and unnatural storms sweep the lands

    the ruling Council of Thirteen meet. The great Horned Rathimself appears to the council with message:

    "Children, We Shall Inherit!". After this council unleashes thefirst stage of their Master Plan. The End Times:

    Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Tilea: The Fall of Miragliano. A massive Skaven force from theBlighted Marshes crushes the defending

    mercenary army and sacks the city of Miragliano. The disgracedformer Imperial Count Leopold von Stroheim -

    once an aspirant to the lordship of the fledgling province ofNeuland on the island of Albion - led the remnants of

    the defeated force through the Blighted Marshes until corneredand destroyed by a force led by Warlord

    Quickpaw and Grey Seer Squelch. White Dwarf (warhammermagazine)?

    World Edge Mountains: Waaagh! Grimgor horde is now in the HighPass after battles against the Skaven in the

    Hell Pit. His horde is attacking against the invading Kurgan andthe Norse war-bands, which are moving through

    the Pass to join the Surtha Lenk's horde. SoC

    Events - North:

    Chaos Wastes: Daemonic legions congreate in numbers beyondmeasure, marshalling into four great hosts of

    damnation assembled beneath the most exalted servants of tehChaos Gods. One by one, the four exalted

    Daemons bent knee in fealty to Archaon Everchosen, the Lord ofthe End Times. Tribes beyond counting

    are drawn north to the Inevitable City, their Chieftains drivenby ambition to kneel before Archaon's grim throne.

    For long months, the shamans and seers of the northern tribesread signs of glory in the stars and omens in the

    shifting winds. Eventually many chieftains grow restless. Somefight amongst themselves, others lead their

    tribes south in search for plunder and victory. Archaon caresnot. He waits, for soon the greatest horde ever

    seen will march to south. The End Times: Nagash - Book I(WFB)

    Chaos Wastes: High Zar Surtha Lenk decides to lead mighty armyof several Kurgan and Norscan tribes to the

    Empire. But this is just then beginning of greater war. TheEnemy Within (WFRP3)

    Events - West:

    Lustria: As the Twin-Tailed Comet returns and the Lizardmentemple-cities are attacked, Advocate Tekto,

    Speaker of Hexoatl's sacred council, meets with mighty SlannMage-Priest Mazdamundi. Mazdamundi declares

    that the Great Plan has failed and starts The Exodus. The EndTimes: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Events - East:

    Grand Cathay: The great hordes of the Northern Wastes hurlthemselves at the Great Bastion of east. Khazags,

    Kul, Kurgan, with mustered Daemon engines. The smoke of theresulting destruction is reported seen as far

    south as the Border Princes in the autumn of this year. TheReturn of Nagash (novel)

    The Ogre Kingdoms/Mountains of Mourn: First comes the signs ofChaos (strange multi-cloured lights on the

    northern horizon, meteor storms...etc.), then start the volcanicactivitity. This is followed by a season of blood,

    as this wakes great beasts from their long slumber and makesother beasts to go wild. Many Ogre tribes enter

    into prolonged Beast Wars. Then tribes start to split from theOvertyrant Greasus Goldtooth rule forgetting their

    oaths. Some, like Golgfa*g Maneather, and his army go westwardstowards the Old World, some north to join the

    barbarian humans of the wastes. The End Times: Nagash - Book I(WFB)

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    Events - South:

    The Land of the Dead/Nehekhara: Settra, King of Kings, calls hismost loyal priests of Mortuary Cult to consult

    the signs. They all have noticed the strange whisperings thatdrift upon the Wind Shyish and also the Daemonic

    incursions and other signs of Chaos. Settra soon summons hisHierophant and bades him to wake all the kings

    and every legion. Soon all the cities of Nehekhara start to stirand move. The End Times: Nagash - Book I


    Electors of the Empire (2522)

    Averland: contested (since 2520 when Marius Leitdorf was killedin the Battle of Black Fire Pass)

    Hockland: Aldebrand Ludenhof

    Middenland: Boris Todbringer

    Moot: Hisme Stouthearth

    Nordland: Theoderic Gausser

    Ostermark: Wolfram Hertwig

    Ostland: Valmir von Raukov

    Reikland: Emperor Karl Franz I Holswig-Schliestein

    Stirland: Alberich Haupt-Anderssen

    Talabecland: Helmut Feuerbach

    Wissenland: Emmanuelle von Liebewitz

    Ulric: Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir

    Sigmar: Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim

    Sigmar: Arch Lector Aglim (Talabheim)

    Sigmar: Arch Lector Kaslain (Nuln; since 2515 afterdisappearance of Kurt Mannfeld in the Chaos Wastes)

    The Imperial Colleges of Magic (2522)

    The Amber Order: Patriarch Setanta Lobas "Wild Father" (since2516 after death of Kerwen Sigmarsson)

    The Amethyst Order: Patriarch Viggo Hexensohn

    The Bright Order: Patriarch Thyrus Gormann (Supreme Patriarchbefore Balthasar Gelt)

    The Celestial Order: Patriarch Stern Glanzend

    The Gold Order: Patriarch and Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt(since strange disappearance of

    Matriarch Christa Feldmann in 2521)

    The Grey Order: Patriarch Reiner Starke

    The Jade Order: Matriarch Arburg "Jade Mother"

    The Light Order: Patriarch Verspasian Kant

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    The Council of State & The Emperor's Other Advisors andClose Personel

    The day-to-day demands of governance are too much for one man orwoman to keep track of. Dozens of decisions

    each day demand the Emperor's attention, from policy on graintaxes to the final appeal of a prisoner condemned for

    treason to officially opneing the Grand Altdorf Fair. Toprioritise this mess and make sure that only those with the

    most urgent business get an audience with the Emperor himself,successive emperors appointed members of

    prominent families to advise them on matters of law, finance,diplomacy, and military matters, among others. Over

    time, this group of advisors grew into a formal body, theCouncil of State, the membership of which almost always

    includes the current Grand Theogonist.

    Matters Spiritual: Grand Theogonist (during 2522 Volkmar theGrim disappears and Kaslain is chosen)

    Chancellor of the Reikland (Imperial Spymaster): Count Siegfriedvon Walfen

    Counsellor on Matters Magical: Supreme Patriarch BalthasarGelt

    Chamberlain of the Seal (Foreign Relations): Amadeus Mencken,Baron of Stirgau

    Personal Military Advisor to the Emperor: Reiksmarshal KurtHelborg

    Chancellor of the Imperial Fisc: Lotte Hocksvoll, BaronessofStimmerswald

    Supreme Law Lord (Legal Affairs): Lector Agatha von Bhr of theCult Verena

    Champerlain of the Imperial Household: Arne Damstadt, Duke ofHeilborn

    The information and text above is taken from Sigmar's Heirs(WFRP2). The information below is from various other


    The Emperor's Champion: Ludwig Schwarzhelm (many sources; WFB:The Empire)

    Huntsmarshal of the Empire: Markus Wulfhart (WFB 8th: TheEmpire)

    The Emperor's Chief Aide: Markus Lofdtir (WFB: The End Times:Nagash - Book I)

    Tactician and Chief Advisor of the Emperor: Mickelbach (DarknessRising)

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    Hexenstag - Witching Day

    On the Hexentstag 2522, the eve of the New Year, the Brotherhoodof Untold Aeons is going to summon Changer of

    Ways in Nuln at the Baron Rundsted mansion. But brotherhood'ssecrecy is been compromised and Witch Hunters

    leaded by Witch Hunter Markus Reiner raid the mansion just intime. Mysterious magus, called Arch-heretic Veneficus,

    disappears/escapes. Tome of Blessing (WFRP3)

    Bretonnia: The Year of Woe (last year) and it's DaemonicIncursions in the Bretonnia had set back half-prince

    Mallobaude's, bastard son of the King Louen Leoncoeur, andArkhan the Black's plans for the rebellion. But for a half a

    year the army had been gathering in the Mousillon. Disgracedknights from across the realm flocked to Mallobaude's

    serpent banner. On the Winter's Eve Mallobaude loosed his armyto seize the throne. The End Times: Nagash - Book I


    15th Nachexen (1st month)

    Mannfred von Carstein sents the teeming ghoul-packs thatcongregated about Castle Sternieste to strip every Sylvanian

    temple, shrine and burial ground of what holy symbols yetremained in the province. He'd ordered the symbols to be

    buried deep in unhallowed graves and cursed ground. The Returnof Nagash (novel)

    17th Nachexen (1st month)

    Bretonnia: Mallobaude's armies win the Battle of Chlons and sametime Morgiana le Fay disapears Morgiana is

    captured by Drycha of Athel Loren and is to be taken to theSylvania to Mannfred von Carstein. The End Times: Nagash

    - Book I (WFB)

    23rd Nachexen (1st month)

    Bretonnia: The Dukes of Carcassonne, Lyonesse and Artois declarethemselves for Mallobaude. Mallobaude's rebellion

    has become civil war. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    24th Nachexen (1st month)

    Border Princes: Phoenix Delegation of Ulthuan is marching fromthe Border Princes to World Edge Mountains on a

    diplomatic mission to Karaz-a-Karak. High Elf King, Finubar, hasagreed to parley with the High King of the Dwarfs,

    Thorgrim Grudgebearer. King Finubar has sent future Everqueen ofUlthuan, Princes Aliathra. To meet Aliathra's

    delegation Dwarfs send an honour guard over a thousand strong,lead by Elder Thane Orgrimm. Both forces are

    attacked by horde of Orcs and after this attack Mannfred vonCarstein strikes. With Mannfred is huge army of Undead,

    dreaded Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler and Wight King Krell.Kemmler rises just died Orcs. Thane Orgrim is killed.

    Princes Aliathra is captured by Mannfred von Carstein who flyessouth towards Nagashizzar. WFB 8th: Dwarfs

    24th Nachexen (1st month)

    New Moon(s)

    Ulthuan: With magic the Phoenix court soon learn that Aliathrahas been captured. Message is sent around Ulthuan.

    28th Nachexen (1st month)

    The World Edge Mountains/ Nagashizzar: High King ThorgrimGudgebearer leads a throng to free the future Everqueen

    of Ulthuan, Aliathra. They track Mannfred von Carsteins minionssouth from Karaz-a-Karak to Nagashizzar. WFB 8th:


    32nd Nachexen (1st month)

    Ulthuan: All the greatest of Elven heroes arrive to capital.This is greatest assemblage of Elven heroes in many hundreds

    of years. There is Prince Tyrion, the Everqueens Champion; hisbrother Teclis; Eltharion of Tor Yvresse; Edyra of

    Tiranoc; Ystranna of Avelorn and Belannaer of Hoeth. TheEverqueen, Alarielle, is certain Aliathra lives and Teclis uses

    his spells to find her location as the great rescue departsUlthuan. WFB 8th: High Elves

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    18th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

    Full Moon(s).

    The Twin-Tailed Comet appears in the bright night sky.Especially in the Altdorf thousands of people throng thestreets,

    driven to hysteria by the rumours and the comet. GrandTheogonist Volkmar appears daily on the steps of the temple of

    Sigmar in Altdorf. There are many rumours about the war in thenorth. Streets are full of doomsayers, flagellants,

    curates, students, scholars, fishwives, pickpockets, preachers,riots...etc. There are also rumours about the Champion of

    Light, who would arise to face the possible Everchosen of Chaosor the return of their ancestral warrior-god. The skies

    also blaze with multicoloured fire, which all those withwitchsight sense as the powerful flow of the Winds of Magic and

    power of Chaos flowing from the poles. Darkness Rising: The Signof Sigmar, Darkness Rising: Wizard's

    Correspondence, Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire(WFB)


    Luthor Huss, a self-styled prophet of Sigmar, has started tochallenge the hierarchy of the church of Sigmar. Huss claims

    that the priests had become corrupt and decadent, ignoring theteachings of Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim and

    abandoning Sigmar's mission. He makes many enemies, theseincluding Johann Esmer. His arguments started from the

    Sigmarite Council in Altdorf, after Arch Lector Kurt Mannfeld ofNuln disappeared during his crusade against the north in

    2515. Even then Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim was absentfrom the the council spending more and more time in

    the high pinnacle at the top of the Temple of Sigmar. Malignrumours circulated in the council and doubt Volkmar's sanity

    because of the many hours he has spent reading unholy grimoiresto find answere to the dark menace gathering in the

    far north. The Empire 6th & 8th Edition: Luthor Huss(WFB)

    The Twin-Tailed Comet

    The twin-tailed comet mentioned in the Darkness Rising and TheEnd Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB) books is seen

    as important event. Some believe it heralds the destruction,others the hope in the form of Sigmar Reborn. Saga of

    Sigmar itself mentiones that comet heralded the coming of SigmarHeldenhammer when the lands were overrun

    with darkness. Yet, many also remember the fate of the dark cityof Mordheim, destroyed by a twin-tailed comet.

    Also comet was sighted during the Great War Against Chaos.

    The honoured Heironymous of Nuln also states: "Every time thatthe wings of fire have appeared in the sky, they

    have heralded the coming of great things."

    That is for sure, that Volkmar the Grim believed that thetwin-tailed comet was sign from the Sigmar to him. That

    Volkmar would be the Champion of Light (Herald of Sigmar) andmust face Archaon. But truth is not really said

    anywhere. So, I'm tryin to build some ideas here:

    Comet could also be warning that The End Times have started.Lizardmen see it as warning sign and start

    the Exodus.

    This date is the 18th birthday of Valten - and some sort ofcoming of age. Valten that is the exalted of

    Sigmar and will be the true Champion of Light (Herald ofSigmar). Maybe this marks that Valten is ready.

    It could be that during the Spring Driving Archaon consults hisChaos Sorcerers from all the Dark Gods and

    makes an unholy ritual. Maybe comet could be warning from theGods, that Archaon has left behind, that

    they are ready for his (and his Dark Gods) challenge.

    For the actual date I use the date when Moon(s) are full. Justto bring little more mysticism to the event.

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    Valten is a son of Lachenbad's blacksmith with strange birthmarkon his chest, shaped like the twin-tailed comet of

    sigmar. In the eve of Valten's eighteenth birthday came from thedepths of the Reikwald the beastmen horde leaded by

    powerful brute named Rargarth. Valten refused to run. Taking uptwo hammers from his father's forge he set about the

    horde like a hurricane with cries for anger and vengeance. Thepanicking vallagers saw this, and were heartened by his

    incredible display of bravery. They gathered their swords,pitchforks and scythes, and ran to join the blacksmith's son.

    Following the boy, they cut through the warband until Valtenstood before Rargarth himself, and shattered the brute's

    skull with one mighty hammer blow. With their leader dead, thebeastmen fled, and the exultant villagers chanted

    Valten's name. Soon after these events and spurred by a feelinghe could not explain, Valten left Lachenbad behind and

    travelled north to find his destiny. The End Times: Nagash -Book II (WFB), Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire


    Mitterfruhl - Start Growth (Spring Equinox)

    Pflugzeit (3rd month)

    The Twin-Tailed Comet grows brighter. The End Times: Nagash -Book I (WFB)

    F During spring months the Drakwald becomes alive with rumourconcerning a being the commoners name Malagor. For

    centuries, there has been tales of this winged beastman, storiesof villages cursed and crops blighted by the coming of

    the one they called the Dark Omen. These stories had always beendiscounted as supertitious drivel by the learned men

    of the cities, but now Gregor Matak, head of the Amber College,claimed to have caught sight of the creature amidst the

    ruins of a small village near Middenheim, and the naysayers hadfallen suddenly silent. By day, travellers, caravans and

    patrols fanish from the Drakwald's roads. The End Times: Nagash- Book I (WFB)

    1st Pflugzeit (3rd month)

    Message arrives to all the Electors of the Empire to meet inAltdorf in the Conclave of State at Sigmarzeit.

    30th Pflugzeit (3rd month)

    The World Edge Mountains/ Nagashizzar: The High Elven rescuereachess Nagashizzar. They battle Undead hordes

    and with much dimished numbers reach finally the deep dungeons,where princes Aliathra is kept in a deep socerous

    sleep. But, when they return they face the great Undead host ofMannfred von Carstein. As battle starts also High King

    Thorgrim's throng arrives to help the Elves. In the end it isDwarf steel that turns the tide. Mannfred hacks his way

    through the Elven ranks, wounding or slaying many of theirheroes and once again captures Aliathra, spiriting her away

    into the darkness. After the battle Tyrion shows no gratitude tothe Dwarfs, instead blaming them for the loss of Aliathra

    and making many insults. Many Dwarfs grow wrathful, but Throgrimholds still. In the days after, Thorgrim's counsellors

    urge him to inscribe a new entry in the Gret Book of Grudges,but Thorgrim refuses. WFB 8th: High Elves, WFB 8th:


    33rd Pflugzeit (3rd month)

    Mannfred von Carstein returns from Nagashizzar to Sylvania, withPrinces Aliathra.

    Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    The Twin-Tailed Comet sped past glowering Morrslieb. The EndTimes: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    F When Morrslieb and the Twin-Tailed Comet close the Empire (andthe World) is struck by huge number of mutation. Not

    just in the squalid rookeries of the cities, but amongst thewealthy classes as well. Some of the afflicted hear darksinging

    upon the winds. Many abandon their lives, they journey to thenorth, lured by a growing darkness in their hearts and

    minds. Disease appear and in the Altdorf Sisters of Shallyawoefully declare the blight immune to their prayers. Thinking

    that the outbreak is an artifice of evil men, rather than thewill of cruel Gods. In response to the sicknesses of mind and

    body, unscrupulous merchants amassed fortunes in gold crowns,selling tinctures and elixirs that would proof one

    against the stigmata of Chaos. Cure-peddlers are not the onlyones to profit from the doom-laden times. Doomsayers

    and zealot priests found their congreations burgeoning withbelievers as the portents become ever more frequent and

    malign. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

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    21 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    2nd Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Full Moon(s).

    The Twin-Tailed Comet sped past the constellation of Kerr. TheEnd Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    F The great darkness shrouds across the province of Sylvania andthe light day is no longer seen. Mannfred von Carstein

    cloaks the province in impenetrable darkness. Many peasantssought refugee in neighbouring provinces. Sigmar's Blood

    (Novel, WFB), The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    4th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    When disease wreck havoc in Altdorf Arch Lector Kaslain leadsand expedition into the Unberogen ruins buried deep

    beneath the city, but he finds nothing in those tunnels save forrats and a sense of mocking eyes watching his every

    move. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    5th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Norsca & Troll Country: Several enormous hordes of Chaos(mostly Kurgan with Norse) drive southwards towards

    Kislev, the largest led by the Warlords High Zar Surtha Lenk andAelric Cyenwulf. Across the world seers and prophets

    go insane as visions churn through their minds. The SpringDriving begins.

    6th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    The Conclave of State. All the Electors have gathered to Altdorfthis rainy day. Mannfred von Carstein "message" is

    delivered through the glass dome of the Grand Atrium where theygather. Body of witch hunter Gunther Stahlberg,

    disappeared in Sylvania two years earlier. Elector Count WolframHetwig loses an eye to a splinter, Elector Count

    Helmut Feuerbach is wounded by another shard of glass, ElectorCount Boris Todbringer gets yet another facial scar,

    Elector Count Theoderic Gausser's hand is pinned by glass to thepolished mahogany of the table. After this a message

    is found where Mannfred von Carstein declares Sylvania as hisrealm and no longer part of the Empire. This is his notice

    of secession from the Empire. Also same time his spies steal theCrown of Sorcery in the vaults of the Sigmar Temple.

    Sigmar's Blood (Novel, WFB), The End Times: Nagash - Book I(WFB)

    7th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    As Chaos hordes close Erengrad and the incursion is ready tostart Vignar, Champion of Khorne from the Aesling tribe of

    Norsca, leads his band of Chaos marauders to join the incursion.In the Crags of Shargun they are lured to strange

    cavern pulsing dark magic (Dhar). The Thousand Thrones, ChapterIX: Womb of the Black Witch (WFRP2)

    14thSigmarzeit (4th month)

    New Moon(s)

    Bretonnia: King Louen Leoncoeur's bastard son marches toQuenelles and the Battle of Quenelles start. By now

    Mallobaude's evil is revealed and his pact with the ancientLiche Arkhan the Black. Arkhan's necromancers have risen a

    mighty army of undead far greater than the king's army. So direhas things grown by this point that the Wood Elves of

    Athel Loren lend their strength to King Louen's cause. The EndTimes: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    15th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Bretonnia: At the height of the Battle of Quenelles Mallobaudefights King Louen Leoncoeur in single combat, and casts

    his father's broken body into the mud. With their king's fall,the Bretonnians lost all will to fight They flee thebattlefield,

    leaving the Wood Elves to make what escape they can. King Louendisappears. Many fear he is dead. The End Times:

    Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    15th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Athel Loren: After the Battle of Quenelles the remaining WoodElves return to their forest. Then the Mage Queen Ariel

    collapses. She is taken by the Eternal Guard to the Oak of Ages.Even she is had come through the battle unscathed,

    her strength has failed somehow. The End Times: Nagash - Book I(WFB)

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    23rd Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Athel Loren: The Mage Queen Ariel is not healing and also thefirst signs of rot apprears upon the Oak of Ages. Soon the

    sickness spreads throughout the forest. Ariel is dying and so isthe forest. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    26th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

    Full Moon(s).

    In Middenheim, the Elector Count Boris Todbringer hangs amerchant from the city walls after he lost a nephew to a

    lethal infusion of hagbane and docksnare. The elixir trade inMiddenheim is noticeably curtailed after that. The End

    Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Sommerzeit (5rd month)

    The Twin-Tailed Comet sped past noble Mannslieb. The End Times:Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    F State troops are mobilised in several cities to aid watchmenin containing the baying crowds. In Nuln, even this proved

    insufficient. The city is overwhelmed with fanatics to such anextent that the nobility scarcely dared venture beyond the

    gates of their estates. As it transpired, walls are no barrierto the mob, and the mansions are soon ransacked for

    valuables. Bonfires are lit on every street corner, fed by thepossesionsof the wealthy. Some nobles are imprisoned;

    others are pilloried. Even the Elector Countess Emmanuelle vonLiebwitz is almost sent to the bonfires as a witch and

    adulteress, were it not for the actions of a retired dockwatchcaptain. Gathering a desparate band of watchmen and

    militia, this captain rescues the Countess from the flames,reclaiming the city's old quarter and holds it enought time for

    the Knights of Griffon and reinforcements from Reikland tofinally quell the riots. Sigmar's Blood (Novel, WFB), The End

    Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    2nd Sommerzeit (5th month)

    High Zar Surtha Lenk's armies break through the armies ofKislev. Half of Kislev is now awash in a sea of barbarians and

    Daemons. The Enemy Within (WFRP3), The End Times: Nagash - BookI (WFB)

    20th Sommerzeit (5th month)

    Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim and his force ("crusade")moves to Sylvania with the ship Luitpold III. With him is

    small force of less than a hundred. They include Sigmar's Sonsregiment, Imperial great cannon, Bennec Sootson's

    artillerymen, Knights of the Blazing Sun leaded by preceptorLupio Blaze, number of Sigmarite flagellants known as

    Tattersouls and also infamous witch hunter Alberich von Korden.The Crusade of Sigmar starts against the Sylvania.

    Sigmar's Blood (Novel, WFB)

    33rd Sommerzeit (5th month)

    The horde of Norse reavers, who have sailed the Sea of Claws,land in the Starivoda Bay (Altwasser Bay). After landing

    Norse force moves fast through The Northern March to meet withHigh Zar Surtha Lenk's main force. The Enemy Within


    Sonnstill - Sun Still (Summer Solstice)

    1st Vorgeheim (6th month)

    High Zar Surtha Lenks armies pass into the Empire. First theyface the armies of Ostland leaded by Elector Count

    Valmir von Raukov. The Enemy Within (WFRP3)

    Chaos Wastes: Valkia the Bloody, the Gorequeen, gathers theBloodied Horde (Khorne). She doesn't care about the

    Archaons plans, the Blood God needs skulls. Her horde willadvance against the Dark Elves. The End Times: Nagash -

    Book I (WFB)

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    23 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    2nd Vorgeheim (6th month)

    Arch-Alchemist, Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic andPatriarch of Gold College, Balthasar Gelt, manages to

    craft an echantment of faith and drawing the power of holyartefacts of Sylvania (now buried deep in unhallowed graves

    and cursed ground by servants of Mannfred von Carstein). Thisechantment creates a wall that encircles Sylvania and

    stops Undead of moving out of the area. This is called the Wallof Faith. This enchantment is first presented by Gelt's

    apprentice wizard Dieter, who is really killed and his place istaken by Changeling Daemon tasked by Tzeentch to

    manipulate Gelt into sealing the vampires into Sylvania. LaterDieters body is found throath torn, believed to be work of

    von Carstein forces. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB), TheReturn of Nagash (novel)

    Famous Slayer Engineer Malakai Makaisson is made professor inNuln. His airship is used to transport new guns to

    Middenheim to help fight Archaon's Horde. Manslayer (novel)

    3rd Vorgeheim (6th month)

    Ostland State Army is caught unprepared for second Chaos Host.Norscans, who have sailed the Sea of Claws and

    marched inland in great secrecy, attack suddenly. The greaterpart of Ostland's strenght is destroyed. Elector Count

    Valmir von Raukov dispatches messengers to Nordland, Middenland,Ostermark, and Altdorf. High Zar Surtha Lenk is

    well prepared for this and many of these messengers areintercepted and killed. The Enemy Within (WFRP3)

    The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Last refugees allaround the Border Kingdoms and Badlands come to Barak Varr

    with huge Greenskin army following them. Siege of Barak Varrstarts. Karak-Hirn is taken by the huge force of Orcs. King

    Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak-Hirn was commanded by the High KingThorgrim to defend and to clear the Silver Road of

    Greenskins and then attack Mount Gunbad. Now that King Alrik isaway with the main army of Karak-Hirn, it is left for the

    prince Hamnir to defend the hold, but Prince Hamnir has leftKarak-Hirn weeks before and traveled to Barak Varr for

    trading mission. Orcslayer (novel)

    8th Vorgeheim (6th month)

    Elector Count Helmut Feuerbach leaves Talabecland and joins thewar with his elite forces. As he is missing the

    remaining Talabecland forces will just guard their own borders.This leaves Talabheim unprotected. The Enemy Within


    The Wall of Fate

    The Wall of Fate uses the power of all the holy symbols in thearea, drawing the power of symbols fate into a barrier

    of fate. If any Undead creatures (from mighty Vampire to lowlyZombie) tries to cross it, creature is instantly

    obliterated in a explosion. The Undead can enter Sylvaniathrough the wall, but cannot return after this. Perfect and

    powerful trap, known also as Gelt's Wall.

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    24 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    9th Vorgheim (6th month)

    New Moon(s)

    Mannfred von Carstein makes unholy ritual using the blood of hisnine special prisoners (these including just captured

    Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim). With this ritual, he summonsa massive escarpment of bone which rises to tower

    all the Sylvanian's boundaries. The End Times: Nagash - Book I(WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    10th Vorgeheim (6th month)

    High Zar Surtha Lenks armies mash through Smallhof and pressinto the Forest of Shadows, en route for Wolfenburg.

    The Enemy Within (WFRP3)

    15th Vorgheim (6th month)

    The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Barak Varr is under asiege of Greenskins. Hamnir, the prince of Karak-Hirn,

    learns that Karak-Hirn has fallen to the Orc's during histrading mission to Barak Varr. Orcslayer (novel)

    18th Vorgheim (6th month)

    The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Barak Varr is under asiege of Greenskins. Hamnir, the prince of Karak-Hirn, is

    gathering an army to free the lost hold of Karak-Hirn. Rumoursalso tell that infamous Felix Jaeger and Slayer Gotrek

    Gurnisson have arrived back to the Old World with Bretonnianship and to the Barak Varr through the siege. Orcslayer


    19th Vorgheim (6th month)

    War-counsel gathers in Altdorf. Because of the situation inSylvania, the Emperor Karl Franz decides that gunpowder

    and steel would serve if faith has failed. He orders that thearmy must be ready in three days to depart to Sylvania. The

    End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    20th Vorgheim (6th month)

    Elector Count Valmir von Raukov pushes his army to Erengradthrough the armies of High Zar Surtha Lenk's marauders

    and Norse reavers. He trusts that Elector Count AldebrandLudenhof can handle the central eastern front of the Empires

    border. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    The Nine Prisoners

    Following persons are Mannfred von Carsteins nine specialprisoners. They are all from special bloodlines that had

    been identified by an enciphered prophecy buried in the books ofNagash and first three are the most powerful ones:

    Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim (Sigmar), High Priest of cultof Sigmar. Carries divine blood of

    Sigmar Heldenhammer of Unberogens.

    Priestess Morgiana le Fay (Lady of the Lake), carries divineblood of Ladrielle, the Lady of the Lake.

    Mannfred gives her the Blood Kiss.

    Aliathra (The Everchild), believed to carry divine blood of Ishaand Asuryan, but in truth is not the daughter

    of the Phoenix King and this way not carrying the full divineblood.

    Templar Lupio Blaze (Myrmidia), Templar of the Order of theBlazing Sun.

    Priest Olf Doggert (Ulric)

    Priest Mordecaul Cadavion (Morr)

    Priestess Elspeth Farrier (Shallya)

    Priest Russett (Taal)

    Priest Sindst (Ranald)

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2015 Jackdays

    25 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    21st Vorgheim (6th month)

    The Twin-Tailed Comet is now so bright in the skies that it wasvisible by day, a second sun peering down from the

    heavens. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    F Messengers of Kislev arrive to Altdorf. Syrgei Tannarov, Boyarof Chebokov and his escort of ungol horsem*n come to

    Altdorf at dawn, two days before the Emperor is due to departfor the Sylvania campaign. The Kislevites have ridden their

    steeds half to death, and carry dire news - the northlanders areon the march once again and the Kislev is already half-

    fallen during their Spring Driving. Within the hour, hundreds ofheralds are set out from Altdorf, beginning the task of

    strengthening the northern border, and redirecting those armiesalready nigh upon Sylvania. The End Times: Nagash -

    Book I (WFB)

    Ulthuan: Cackling Daemons haunt the nightmares of all who sleepin Tor Achare, and many such dreamers never

    awoke, their souls stolen away from their slumbering bodies. Theclouds atop the Annulii Mountains descend, a tide of

    wild magic flowing in their wake. Wherever the mists touch,madness follows. Trees twist into vile shapes, and bellow in

    a language that was old when the world was young. The creaturesof the sunlit meadows flee before the magic's

    onslaught, or else are warped into new and terrible forms.Spirits of the rivers and the hills scream in agony as thepower

    fu Chaos floods through them. Wherever the magic flows, thewalls of reality become thin and Daemons pour in throught

    the breaches. Rivers of Cothique and Ellyrion become thick withvirulent noxiousness. The End Times: Nagash - Book I

    (WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    23rd Vorgheim (6th month)

    Elector Count Valmir von Raukov's message reaches Atldorf. Themessenger dies of his wounds before he can deliver

    more than the broadest details of the situation in Ostland.Emperor Karl Franz assumes the worst. The Reiksguard and

    the soldiers from Altdorf and the Reikland are mustered.Dispatched calls for aid are sent to Averland, Wissenland, and

    Stirland. Also instructions are sent to Talabecland, Hockland,and Middenland to muster their armies. The Enemy Within


    25th Vorgheim (6th month)

    Bretonnia: Mallobaude's army reaches Couronne. Once againMallobaude sents forth his challenge of combat, but this

    time it is not mortal duke or baron who answeres, but theSacremor: the legendary Green Knight, returned from the

    Lacrimora in the hour of his peoples' need. The Green Knightstrikes the traitor's head from his shoulders before

    Mallobaude can flee. Arkhan the Black has long disappeared, manyof the Necromancers flee too. Army of death

    collapses and army of the living is soon won. The End Times:Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    26th Vorgheim (6th month)

    Bretonnia: In the aftermath of the Battle of Couronne,Mallobaude's body is burnt and his ashes scattered to thewinds.

    With victory at last archieved, the dukes' thoughts go to thesuccession. By now the dukes believe that King Leoncoeur is

    death and no obvious heir left alive. Soon the risk of civil warrises again, until suddenly the Green Knight reveals himself

    to be none other than Gilles le Breton, the founder of therealm, gifted new life by the Lady in order that he could leadhis

    people once more. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    27th Vorgheim (6th month)

    Countess Emmanuelle of Wissenland commissions Brunbar, a Dwarfweaponsmith, to forge seven identival swords for

    the seven colonels she intends to send north to aid in the warsagainst the coming hordes. Paths of the Damned 3:

    Forges of Nuln (WFRP2)

    29th Vorgheim (6th month)

    Bretonnia: Returned Gilles le Breton, the Green Knight,recoronation as Royarch. The civil war ends and the dukes

    swear loyalty to him again. It is finally time of celebration...For few days. The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

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    30th Vorgheim (6th month)

    High Zar Surtha Lenks armies besiege Castle von Rauken. Only aseries of brilliant harrying attacks masterminded by

    Elector Count Aldebrand Ludenhof saw the fortress preserved. Oneof the most dangerous of enemy armies march

    under the banner of Vilitch the Curseling. The End Times: Nagash- Book I (WFB)

    Famous mercenary unit known as Star of Victory arrives toWolfenburg. Unit is lead by Captain Bruno Hauptleiter,

    originally from the city of Wolfenburg. Mercenaries are hired byElector Count von Raukov to defend the city. Sigmar's

    Heirs (WFRP2)

    32nd Vorgheim (6th month) [Siege of Wolfenburg 1st day]

    High Zar Surtha Lenks armies arrive to Wolfenburg. Siege ofWolfenburg starts. Northmen start to construct siege


    There are many Dwarfen Slayers in the Wolfenburg as the Siegestarts ready to face all the Daemons and Chaos

    Champions [NOTE! Even there probably were slayers in Wolfenburg,in the novel it is mentioned that they were in

    Middenheim during the siege. Because Middenheim Siege has nothappened in this timeline I have changed this event to

    Wolfenburg]. Amongst these Slayers is also old and legendarySnorri Nosebiter, who is also called by the younger

    Slayers as "Father Rustskull". Shamanslayer (novel)

    It seems almost mircale when Slaaneshi horde that sacks Bovenbypasses Wurzen on the way to Zundap. But many

    mark this as the testament to the Baron von Wallestein, ofWurzen, skills of organisation and strategy. Truth is something

    different - Baron von Wallenstein is agent of the Lord ofPleasure. Von Wallenstein betrays the defences at Zundap as a

    sign of "good faith". Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2)

    33rd Vorgeheim (6th month) [Siege of Wolfenburg 2nd day]

    Arch Lector Kaslain is elected by the Lectors as the next GrandTheogonist. Johann Esmer III is strongest opponent.

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    27 The End Times Timeline Version 0.1: 2521-2524

    Geheimnistag - Day of Mystery [Siege of Wolfenburg 3rd day]

    This dreadfull day (and especially night) is full of dark magicall over the Empire and Kislev. Sorcerers of the Chaos

    armies and the servants of the Ruinous Powers perform dreadfullsummoning rituals.

    River Aver turns to blood and birthed a slavering host ofDaemons that overran every town and village along its banks.

    Only Averheim survives the onset, and then only because theDaemons fade within the moments of reaching its walls.

    The End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB), The Return of Nagash(novel)

    Maggot King, Epidemius, brings his Festival of Disease inMiddenheim. Pox-scarred victims are sent to the fires long

    after the fly-swathed host departs the city. The End Times:Nagash - Book I (WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    Dark portals open in certain, long-hidden places withinSylvania, vomiting forth Daemons by the score. The End Times:

    Nagash - Book I (WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    Two powerful Beastman arise among the scattered tribes ofDrakwald - Shaman Urslak Cripplehorn and Gargorath the

    God-Touched. Shaman Urslak plan is to cast mighty ritual thatwill transform everyone living in the forests of the Empire

    into Beastmen using enchanted menhir. Gargorath's herd will behuge in the end of year, when he moves them against

    the Empire forces. Shamanslayer (novel)

    Athel Loren: The Vaults of Winter crack asunder, and spewlegions of Daemonkin into the glades of Summerstrand. The

    End Times: Nagash - Book I (WFB)

    Bretonnia: Plague brokes out in the southern provinces, layingwaste to what remains of Quenelles and Carcassonne.

    Then comes warpsone meteors, blazing from the skies to bringdeath and mutation. Wind screams with the voices of the

    damned and blood-red rain fells from the skies. The End Times:Nagash - Book I (WFB), The Return of Nagash (novel)

    The Ogre Kingdoms/Mountains of Mourn: The great Firemouthvolcano erupts. Such is the force of that fiery blast that it

    is visible even through the gloom then enshourds the Dark Lands,a deep red glow that can be seen through all the bet

    the thickest ash fall. This also begins a chain reaction: up anddown the Mountains of Mourn, other volcanos began to

    erupt. Ogres that stay are swallowed by the lava. Amidst theblack rain and boulder storm, racing before the magma flow,

    the great exodus begins. The Ogres, all of them, are now on themarch. The End Times: Nagash - Book

The End Times Timeline 2521-2524 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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