The Altoona Tribune from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)

To the Members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Chicago and New York Markets. AbTOONA, June 28, 1S87. A. L. Drinker brokers, office in Couch's building, furnish the following quotations of Chicago and New York markets: NKW YORK STOCKS.

Open- High- Low Closing. VM'i est. est. log. 07 110' Lack.

A Jersey Central Reading Lake Shore New York Central St. Fa I St. Paul Omaha Louisville Nashville Pacific Mail Northern Pacific do preferred Oregon Trauscoiit'l Union Pacillc Western Union Tel Erie A. C. O.

Kansas Texas Northwest Canada Southern Richmond New England Kingston Denver liio Pel. Hudson Ft. Worth Missouri Pacillc C. I The following poem is ttiken from a volume recently published by Patrick Feimell, (Shandy Magnire) unci dedicated to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Mr.

Feimell is a true poet, and his book ought to have wide elrculatlou. Sobrietv stands as our motto the first, And ever by us must be cherished; Renieniber, dear brotbers.lntemieraneo is cursed, Ami thousands by drinking have perished. Touch it not taste it not handle not then The eause of muoh sadness and weeping. But true to our motto, we'll prove ourselves men, And future rewards will bo reaping. Sobrietv.

beautiful gem of my soul 1 While life has a thought worth wssessing, 1 11 prize thee, and keep thee witlim my control, And itive thee my fondest caressing I'll shield thee from all that tempestous crew In Alcohol's stormy dominions I'll bear thee aloft through the llrmaueiit blue When departing on fetterless pinions. Dear brothers, a glance will sullleo to discern The wrecks on life's river now sailing, Swept on bv the tide to that mourn nil bourne, Companioned by weeping and wailing. So touch not the cup that is garnished with crime, The cause of wide spread desolation Although it mav beckon witli gestures sublime, Concealed in its depths there's damnation. Aloft then our banner we'll wave to the sky, And rally around it like true men The public pavs tribute to those who can die When on duty, like you men. Our brotherhood, then will survive every shock, Krected on such a foundation, And stand through the future, its base on that rock, And pointing us on to salvation.

IN OTHER COUNTIES. f0.j 110 (14 -Pi MA 30 lli 11.S 0(1 my 3(1 102 mva 4 Si mi 'M'i n'A 117 ")7 4 A ion look 33 Hii LS My, iA 3S 100 WA low Let le Bargain Brigade ADVANCE and take our establishment try storm. Evebody will carry off a trophy in the shape of a Grand Matchless Bargain. Come, Join the crowd. Come where you can buy Ladies' Croquet and Opera Slippers at 45c, Ladies' Fine Kid Button Shoes at $1.25 and $1.50, Come where you can buy Men's Fine Shoes at $1.25 and $1.50, Men's Brogans at 95c.

Come where you can buy new Lawns, Satteenes and Crinkled Seersuckers at the Lowest Prices. Come and see our new 25c. Dress Goods. Come where you can buy fine Marseilles Counterpanes at 85c. and $1.

Come where you can buy new Rag, Ingrain and Brussels Carpets at fully one-third under price. Come and 3'ou will be convinced we are giving Grand Bargains. John A. Sprankle Corner Eleventh. Avenue and jSTinth Street, ALTOONA, PENN'A.

ss 3(1 MX r. am 117'S 101 31 RANOE OF CHICAGO MARKETS. Closing. 72', 21'Ai, Open- High- Lowing, est. est.

Wheat Julv 70'5 Aug 72'i WW Tl Corn Julv Aug ss)-a 3sw; Oats Julv 20 215 2i Aug 2I 27 SHORT Kills Jy. 7 r7 7 f7 7 SO An 7 77 7 77 7 115 Lard July. 6 -IS '10 Aug 6 (10 6 (12 (i A Standard Wrecking: Car. A new tool car has been built at the car shops in this city for the use of the wrecking crew at P.lairsville. It is one of the best adapted cars for the purpose ever built by the Pennsylvania railroad company.

The inside of the tool room is finished entirely in hardwood, which is a decided improvement over the material heretofore used in the construction of this kind of cars. It is also arranged with bunks for sleeping, tool boxes closets, cooking apparatus, etc. This is to be tho standard tool car, another one of which will shortly be commenced for the Gallitzin crew. The car is now in the hands of the painters, and was erected on track 9, under the charg of Track Foreman O. P.

Bush. The work reflects great credit upon the mechanical skill of those who had charge of its erection. The Mountain City Electrio Lig-ht Company. The stockholders of the Mountain City Electric Light company held a well attended meeting Thursday eveningand elected the following officers President, Louis Plaek; vice president, B. M.

Bunker; secretary, AV. II. Markley; treasurer, Theo. II.AVigton; directors, John O'Xeil, AV. AV.

Ritz, Martin Hoelle, J. E. McDowell, George A. McCor-mick. The company has purchased an eligible site on Ninth avenue and Ninth street for the location of its plant and will at once proceed to the erection of the necessary buildings and the purchase of the machinery needed in an enterprise of this sort.

The gentlemen who are at the head of this company are all energetic, wide-awake business men who can be depended upon to push things. State Teachers' Association. The State Teachers' association will this year be held July 5, and 7, in Clearfield. I Teretofore the association has been held in the cities, but the extreme heat suggested the cool retreat of the mountains. This association.comprises thecollege men, state normal principals, superintendents and teachers of the state, and its discussions are always able and dignified and in the interest of improved legislation and methods of instruction.

The excursion up the Bell's Gap railroad and on to Cresson Springs will be a delightful one. It will be had on Friday, July 8th. All persons desiring to visit Clearfield during this meeting should address J. Fletcher Sickle, ticket ageut, Germantown, and secure orders for special rates of excursion. OIL MARKET.

Items of Interest Clipped or Condensed From Our Exchanges. Foxes are lie-predating some portions of the Juniata valley. Some Huntingdon county wheat fields will scarcely repay cutting. It is said that a bear recently killed three i Low- Clos est. ing.

Opening. 61 STEWART'S RESTAURANT. $11,000 Nsueep- 101 ti iiiiiimi imij'i nm mines have -WORTH OF- 1308 Eleventh Avenue. 1308 Lunch and meals served at all hours. DINNER, 25 c*ntS.

Ice cream always on hand and sold by the pint, quart anil gallon. suspended operations for the present. Centre county has a lad that has broken the same leg four times, and he is still young. One Ebcnsburg family, that of Lewis Hoover, is afllicted with several cases of tvphoid fever. Loose, per $0 30 Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream In packing can, per 35 lu packing can, per 1 20 In brick or melon form, pcrqt 35 WATCH ES EWELRY To be disposed of at once for Less Money than it took to manu tacture the same.

We bought these Goods from a New York firm that failed and shall almost Give Them Away. Call and Secure a Genuine Bargain at A venerable tortoise bearing the inscrip tion, "1822, II. A. has been cap-' tured in Juniata county. The Johnstown manufacturing company's brick yard is now using natural gas as a fuel nnd the sunerintendent savs lie is dclisrhted connection with the afliiir is that the electric current entered at a window, making a small hole in the glass and a precisely similar hole in the boy's head.

From the Johnstown Tribune we learn that an unknown man, aged about 45 years, struck and instantly killed by work-train engine No. 3115 about a quarter of a mile east of Lilly's Station at o'clock yesterday morning. His skull was terribly crushed. Nothing was found on his person that would lead to his identification. His remains will be interred by Cambria county.

The republicans of Bedford county have nominated the following ticket: Sheriff, Jacob Chamberlain prothonotary, AW C. Smith; treasurer, S.I). AVilliams; register and C. Stuckey; district attorney, E. AW Pennell; commissioners, AVilliain Masters, Hiram Blackburn; director of the poor, J.

P. Young; auditors, P. C. Smith, Azariah Blackburn. Dr.

C. P. Calhoun was elected chairman of the county committee, and AW H. Aaron and D. M.

Painter delegates to the state convention. Mr. Young, the nominee for director of the poor, is a colored man. The Johnstown Tribune is responsible for the following: On a recent Sunday a new-made bride and groom, accompanied by several friends, took a walk from their country home out on to Coon's ridge, in Upper oiler township. AVhile in the woods they heard a noise in a tree like the bleating of several very young calves, and a search discovered the branches of the trees alive with blacksnakes.

There were several pocket guns in the party, and with those a few of the snakes were knocked to the ground, but they had to cut the tree down to get all. The snakes measured from four and a-half to live feet in length. Port Itoyal Times Port Royal is possessed with rather a peculiar and interesting curiosity. A hen owned by Postmaster Mc-Culloch several weeks ago laid four eggs and began to hatch them, when shortly afterward more eggs were placed under her. After the hen hatched the hist four eggs a cat of the postmaster's, whose litter of kittens were drowned, undertook to take care of them while the hen is hatching the other eggs.

The cat lifts them in and out of her nest daily and helps to gather food for them. AVhen night conies she lifts them in the box again and the "chicks" crawl under the cat and they all remain there until morning. The cat is very proud of her flock. Farmer Fuller, who has charge of John E. Dubois' farm at Dubois, gives some statistics, iis follows: They are growing two hundred and forty acres of oats, thirty acres of potatoes, sixty-one acres of corn, thirty-five acres of wheat, ten acres of rye, and three hundred acres of fine bottom land in grass, which will cut two and a half tons to the acre.

Besides this Mr. Fuller says they will put in forty acres of buckwheat. Speaking of stock he said Mr. Dubois was pasturing one hundred and five 2-year-olds, which would by and by furnish his meat market with choice roasts, steaks, etc. Six hundred trees of all kinds of choice fruit are just about arriving at the bearing age, and an acre of grapescomes under Mr.

Fuller's care. Death of Daniel Sherbine. Mr. Daniel Sherbine, a citizen of AVil-niore, Cambria county, died at the resilience of his daughter, Mrs. T.

A. Gmisalus, Xo. 707 Eighteenth street, Monday afternoon. He was born December 11, 1811, and was, therefore, aged 75 years, 0 months and 7 days. He came to this city about two weeks ago to visit hischildren, but it was the will of God that lie died here, to be tenderly cared for by his loving daughters.

His illness, though brief, was one of great pain and sullering, all of which he bore without a murmur, always assuming his wonted cheerfulness in addressing those about him. He was a consistent member of the Lutheran church in AVilniore. He was the father of ten children, nine of whom survive hini one having preceded him to the grave years ago. Four sons, Aaron, Philip, George and Isaiah, reside at AVilniore, and Daniel at Youngstown, Ohio. The four daughters, who reside in this city, are Mrs.

T. A. Gunsalus, Mrs. K. C.

Trees and Mary and Tillie being unmarried. His remains were taken to AVilniore on Johnstown express AVednesday morning, there to be laid at rest bv the side of his beloved wife. All orders receive prompt attention. Special rates to committees on festivals and picnics. DREAD! DREAD I Fresh bread and cakes received every day.

Orders taken and delivered every afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Marvin's extra tine Sponge Lady Fingers, Almond Macaroons, Fruit Cake, Orange Cake, Lady Cake, Jelly Roll, Pound Cake, Marble Cake, Vienna Jelly Cake, Gold Cake, Angel Food, Mountain Cake, Sponge Cake, Turtle Cakes, Wine Croquettes, etc. 1308 jeldiw-tf 1308 i with the change from coal. RUDISILL The Reliable Jeweler No. 13 10 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa.

ESMen come here because we sell the best for the least money and give them entire satisfaction or return their cash. This is business. GOETZ, The Tailor. The Dos: Grot the Worst of It. Thursday afternoon a horse attached to the delivery wagon of Kilday Miller, had a harmless runaway to himself and vehicle.

He came down Twelfth street at a moderate gait, turning up Eleventh avenue. At this juncture some parties endeavored to stop tho animal, and were joined by a large white dog belonging to Mr. John Rodgers, but this only induced the horse to quicken his speed. The dog's barking was soon turned to unearthly howls by the animal tramping on, and two wheels of the wagon passing over him. After this exciting episode, the horse continued his way up the avenue, turning the corner at Fourteenth street safely, down which he, proceeded at less speed to hisquar-ters at Potter's liverv stable.

The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, druggist, Dippus, testifies: "I can recommend Electric Ditters as as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case.

One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheumatism of ten years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Dellville, Ohio, aflirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my twenty years' experience is Electric Ditters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Ditters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidnevs or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at C. F. Randolph's drug store. 2-ihtw-lw Bucklen's Arnica Salve.

The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillbains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. F.

Ran-lolpli. A LTOONA MARKETS. Al.TOONA, Jl'NE 20, 1SS7. Wholesale. Retail.

A curiosity said to exist at Lock Haven is a bush from which a full blown rose has fallen and in place of it, on the same stem, a bud has appeared and is opening. Bellefonte News: The wheat in some portions of the county among them Spring township is distressingly poor, and in a majority of instance an entire failure. A Mifllin county cow's tail became entangled in a small tree on Sunday and in her desperate efforts to get away the unfortunate animal tore that useful appendage ofl. A timid citizen of West Taylor township, Cumbria county, John Harney by name, has made information against his wife, swearing that he is afraid that she will do him bodily harm. Jacob Young, the colored man who was nominated for director of tbe poor by the republicans of lied ford county, has declined in favor of John Deremer, his principal opponent.

The barn of J. W. Mizener, near Lock Haven, was struck by lightning on Tuesday night and burned to the ground with all its contents, including hay, grain, meat and fanning utensils. WiUiainsport's newly issued directory contains the names of 110 Smiths, of whom ten bear the name of John. Altoona's directory names 118 Smiths, ten of whom also answer to the name of John.

Simon Ilutzel, an employe at the Aurora coal mines at South Fork, Cambria county, had his collar-bone broken on Monday morning. He was working in a mine when a mass of coal fell upon him. David Hite, formerly publisher of tbe now defunct Mountain Echo, of Johnstown, died at the residence of his sister in Stony Creek township, Cambria county, on Tuesday last, aged about 51! years. Francis X. Sedlmevcr, a prominent citizen of Conemaiigh, died on Friday evening last, aged 09 years.

He was a native of liavaria, but came to the United States and located in Cambria county in 1846. Martin Clay, a well known resident of Carroll township, Perry county, died on Saturday last, in the 08th year of his age. John TIager, a much esteemed citizen of the same county died recently in the 05th year of his age. James Van Laughlin, who resides near Greensburg, was engaged in cleaning a revolver on Thursday when his wife approached to show him a cat. The weapon was accidentally discharged, the ball entering the woman's left side, inflicting a dangerous wound.

At a barn raising, at Scott Martin's, in W. L. SHELLENBERGER, Dealer in Sewer Pipe, Terra-Cotta Ware, Flue Pipe, Chimney Tops, Building Brick, Flue Brick, Paving Brick, Imported Cements, Kosendale and Windsor Cements, Building Sand, Mason Sand, White Sand, Duncansville, York and Ohio Lime, Plastering Lath, Plastering Hair, Calcined Phtster, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Turkey Island Kock Salt, ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COALS OF ALL KINDS. OFFICE AND YARD 1710 Ninth Avenue, Altoona. Telephone Connections.

Hite Fraser. There were a large number of the friends of the contracting parties present on Thursday evening last at the residence of ex-Select Councilman R. Eraser, Xo. 492 AVal-nut avenue, to witness the joining in marriage of Mr. Ciilmoro Hite and Miss Mary E.

Eraser. Rev. AV. A'. Ganoe, pastor of the Chestnut Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, officiated.

The groom is an industrious and excellent young man, being employed in the company's flange shop. The bride is the only and much beloved daughter of John and Alary Eraser, and is possessed of those qualifications which will go to make happy the gentleman who has won her as a wife. Their friends will unite in wishing them much happiness. liuttcr is 20 Eggs IS 23 Ham 1-1 Shoulder, Sides 11 Uriel Beef, 20 2." Lard 10 I PohUoes, per bushel 1 00 Sweet Potatoes, per peck Onions, per bushel 75 1 00 Turnips, per peck, 20 HEALTH TO TRESPASSERS We the" undersigned do hereby notify all persons not to trespass on our properly situated along 'lover creek, for Hie purpose of 'fishing, hunting, etc. Persons disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

John s. Acker, J. 11. MiUHAW, .1. U.

Acker, Wii.i.iam A. ForsE, I), (i. Acker, Jacoh Lecrone, L. J. Acker, .1.

(. (iiiKASER, E. F. Greaser, .1. Eoi'su, A.

U. ForsE, J. B. Hoover. jc23-w2t STRAYED CATTLE About the latter part of May, 1S.S7, live head of young cuttle from II mouths id 1 year old, strayed from tbe premises of the undersigned in Pleasant Valley.

The stock ('(insisted of two yellow heifers (one being a Jersey), right horn of one having shell off. one brown lieii'er, one dark red heifer, and one red and white steer. Any person giving information concerning the whereabouts of the same will be rewarded. WILLIAM A. SLIPPEV, Pleasant Valley.

P. O. Address, lrdl) Fourth Avenue, Altoona. jc23-vvlt PRESERVING the COMMON SENSE LIFTZpiMp FORCE LmML 1 2 iff CO 5 wis llm 51 2 Attacked by Tramps. AVhile the train drawn by engine 1049, Conductor AVingard, was laying at South Fork Tuesday night for thepurpose of coaling, two tramps made an attack on one of the brakenien, whose name is Hess, with the intention of robbing him.

For this purpose they used a knife, which resulted in Mr. Hess being pretty roughly handled. The tramps did not succeed, however, in their undertaking. Fast line was (lagged and stopped and the injured man was brought to this city this morning. He was taken to the hospital in the ambulance.

AVe iid not learn the full extent of his injuries. CORSET. mi mm, let otners le.ia you into buying wortmess i mirations, as this is the Origi- mm wxm tmu )imw nal Coiled Wirb Spring Elastic Sec- TION CORSBT and money will be refunded to wearer after four weeks' wear, if not perfectly satisfactory. mhlT-lv For suU'by Wm. MruiiAYA Son, Altnnim.



DANIEL I.Al'OHMAX. a Tod township, Huntingdon county, on Tues K. B. 1SETT, President. Theo.

h. wioton. Cashier. AB-Interest allowed on time deposits. Special attention paid to bank correspondence.

ocl8-ly day altcrnoon, lUr. 1 erry iienson ten irom the top of the frame to the sleepers, upon his head and shoulders, and sustained seri $1,000.00 $500.00 each $250.00 $100.00 $50.00 $20.00 $10.00 1 PremiunH 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, Will be Under the Supervision of an Al-toona Man. A meeting of the state board of building commissioners for the erection of the Pennsylvania Stafe Industrial Reformatory at Huntingdon was held in Pittsburgh on Thursday. The progress of the work was discussed and it was the opinion that the reformatory should be completed and ready for use early next year perhaps by January 1, or at least not later than April 1, 1888. They elected J.

Chester AVilson, electrical expert, of this city, to supervise the introduction of the electric light, etc. It is expected that 800 incandescent and a large number of arc lights will be necessary to properly illuminate the buildings, contracts for which will be let after Mr. AVilson prepares his report upon the subject and submits it to the commissioners at their next meeting, which will be held July 27. Election of Officers. At the regular meeting of AVashington camp Xo.

31, Patriotic Order Sons of America, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing term President, AValter Mat-tingly; vice president, Max K. Fay; master of forms and ceremonies, George Mullen; recording secretary, A. E. Sarvis; conductor, Sandford L. Green inner guard, Thomas Ilavlin; outer guard, B.

F. Fonner; trustee, Robert Shultz; delegates to state camp, II. II. Herr, Robert Shultz, AA AV. Yon; alternates, S.

B. Trees, G. R. Gibboney, J. A.

Fox. The financial secretary, J. D. H. Myers, and the treasurer, D.

L. Peightel, held over. ous if not fatal injuries. "When last heard from he was in a critical condition. Wesley Dowman, the colored man accused of shooting his mother-in-law, Betsy Harshberger, at Johnstown, has been held for court in the sum of $300.

The old woman is improving and it is believed she will recover. Some of the colored people think Dorman innocent and the shooting accidental. William Goodwin had a close call near Belleville, Mifflin county, recently. He was Officers Elected. At the regular meeting of Bethany circle Xo.

20 B. U. (II. of held Tuesday evening the following were elected officers for the ensuing term E. I).

M. Horning; C. B. F. Brubaker; C.

J. AV. Gettleman; C. Smith AVoods; II. S.

J. AV. Nichols; H. 1). AV.

AVitts; II. E. A. AValker; H. AVilliain Battou; AV.

of IX, AVilliain Banard; AV. of Frank Hilenian; representative to grand circle AV. R. Eraser; district deputy, I). AV.

AVitts; trustees, Frank Hilenian, John M. Hilenian and AV. R. Eraser. Excitement in Texas.

Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head. Everybody said he was dying of consumption.

A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six" pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for consumption free at C.

F. Randolph's. Wooll Wool I Wool! AVilliam Murray Son are paying the highest cash price for wool, in exchange for dry goods and carpets, or part cash and trade. AV.m. Murray Son, niyl9w2m 1315 Eleventh avenue, Altoona.

ADM INISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel R. Williams, deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of Daniel K. Williams, late of A'ntis township.

Blair county, deceased, havingbeen granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present the same without delay. MRS. MARY WILLIAMS. Administratrix. jeOw-Ot Sabbath Rest P.

Pa. State of Pennsylvania, 1 Blair Coi'nty, ss. TOTICK to the legal heirs and legal rep-rescntatives of James lilway, deceased, late of Altoona, Pa. At an Orphan's I'ourt held at Hollidavsbmg on the 23d day of June, A. D.

1SS7, before the honorable John Dean, president, and Joseph Fiehtner, esip, bis associate judge of tbe same court, on motion of H. Price (Irallius, tbe court granted an alias rule on the heirs and tegal representatives of James Elway, late of Al-loona. deceased, to appear in court on the first Monday and 3d dav of Octolier next and accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said deceased at the valuation thereof or show cause why the same should not be sold. GRAHAM M. MEADVILLE, Sheriff.

Sheriffs Olliee, Hollidaysburg, June 21, 1SS7. je30-w(it For full particulars and directions see Circular in every pound of Arducklks' Coffek. ORK1NG CLASHES ATTENTION! We are now prepared to furnish all classes with employment nt home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Husiness new. light anil profitable.

Persons of either sex easily earn from oO cents to jtcr evening, and a proportional sum by devoting all their time to the business. Hoys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send "their address, and test the business, we make this offer. To such as are not well satislied we will send one dollar to pav for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free.

Address, tiEURUK STIXSOX Portland, Maine. decSOwly engaged in blasting stones out of a well, and on this occasion when he got to the top of the well looked down to see if the match was burning. It was, and Goodwin had an ear blown off, an eye damaged and received other injuries. The Greensburg Press says that Frank Zimmerman, an 1 1-year-old boy, residing at Webster, Westmoreland county, was struck by lightning on Monday evening and instantly killed. The most singular fact in HE HESS BONE PHOSPHATES, Energetic bnnineefl men who will give it proper attention, are wanted to handle this pump in every town in N.

and N. and will be accorded control of suitable territory not already occupied CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY MANUFACTURER USSS Office: 25N E. City Hall Square. tlhilorfolnhia Pa Opp.

Broad St. Station P. R. B.rllll(IUBIIINl, Tit ap21wl3t 4 "TOU CAX LIVE AT HOME AND 1 make more money at work for us than at anything else in this world. Capital not needed you are started free, ltoth sexes; all ages.

Anyone can do the work. I-arge earnings sure from the first start. Costly outlit and terms free. Better not delay. Costs you nothing fc send us your address and find out if von are ve you will do so at once.

II. HAI.LETT Portland, Maine. decSJwly MECHANICALLY PREPARED IX GOOD DRILLING CONDITION. -g-Funners who use them once use them again ap2Sw Cm.

The Altoona Tribune from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.