Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 20, 1942, p. 5 (2024)

vc f the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 20th 1942 page fivk pickles zest sweet mixed pickles sweet gherkins zest crunchie crispie dill pickles 1 gal tub 195 27- oz jar 29 28 oz jar 35 19 j4 oz jar 35 18 oz jar 25 as if you are making your own pickles we have x a complete line of spices in bulk and 5c pkgs vinegar white winand cider per gal hornes dutch process cocoa per lb 25 american blend coffee per lb 39 hcleans fresh fruit marmalade 4 lb tin 63 velvo chocolate syrup per tin 23 post toasties while ihey last 2 pkgs 15 quaker corn flakes 3 pkgs 25 christies soda biscuits bulk 19 clarks soups 3 tins 25 for a hurryup snack on a busy summer day teabisk 35 rogers golden syrup 2 lb tin 27 fresh fruits and vegetables in season lake nipigon whitefish fresh every tuesday morning ratcliffco phone 198 town delivery harvest well in hand quired sohe farmers through everybody i by the end of the present week many farmers in the local district trill complete the grain harvesting in fact quite a number report being through now but there is still thousands of acres of grain lying in the fields and to really clean up the situation another week will be re- it seems is looking for the threshing machine and the threshers havo been working over time to handle the situation it is a grand harvest despite the help short age for the weather has been most cooperative and the crops while hard to handle are yielding good returns fourth double wedding event for gooding family gormley harvesttime specials prime rib roast per lb milsted goodixg wlnger goodixg- gormley llennonite church was the scene of a pretty double wed ding on saturday august 15 when evelyn margaret eldest daughter ot rev and mrs a t gooding gorm ley was united in marriage to charles franklin milsted youngest son of mrs marshal milsted o zephyr and dorothy irene second eldest daughter was united in marriage to floyd a winger third youngest son of mr anthony wing er of stevensville rev a t good ing the brides father officiated and miss dorine gooding the brides sister presided at the piano both brides evelyn given in marriage by her brother eldon and dorothy given in marriage by her brother vernon were dressed alike in long white satin gowns with long sleeves pointed over the hand and finger tip veils of english silk net embroidered both brides carried bouquets of red roses and babys breath glena- keetch niece of the groom in pale green silk was flow er girl for miss evelyn and marjory winger niece of the groom in mauve taffeta was flower girl for miss dorothy both flower girls carried sweet peas mr allan doner and mr robert taylor acted as ushers during the signing of the register mr joseph cherry sang o promise me following the wedding a recep tion was held at the home of the brides parents where the brides mother received wearing a gown of blue and white sheer and a corsage of sweet peas and babys breath the two wedding cakes decorated the brides table for travelling the brides chose navy outfits with white accessories mr and mrs milsted will relido at queensville and mr and mrs winger at stevensville this is the fourth double wedding in the brides relations in the month of august the late grandparents of the brides were married in a double wedding sixtysix years on aug 23 two aunts were married sixteen years on august 4 these two aunts and their husbands were guests at the wedding an uncle was married in a double wedding six years on the 15th he and his wife nee mabel- wright of cannington were also guests guests were present for satur days event from plattsville gait kitchener dundalk terra nova new toronto toronto cedar brae brougham stevensville fort erie duclos point and agincourt fall wheat yield much increased a preliminary estimate of the production of fall wheat in ontario county for 1942 as prepared by the ontario department of agriculture placed the crop from 19722 acres at 690270 bushels or an average of 35 bushels to the acre last year there was a crop of 375324 bushels from 12987 acres or 2s9 bushels to the acre on the average the department reporting on the condition of field crops in this coun ty as of august 1 cites the situa tion as follows in percentages ot normal spring wheat 95 oats 95 barley 90 soy beans ss husking corn ss potatoes s9 buckwheat 90 mixed grains 96 hay and clover 101 corn for fodder ss roots 92 and pastures 102 called for breakfast was on roadside some miles from home talk about farmers being over worked we have on record this week- an instance of a young farm er bruce winterstein who one night last week was so overcome for sleep that he pulled his car to the side of the road and gave way to sweet dreams and peaceful rest he snoozed away so long that the night passed on to early morning and his father after investigating and learning that he had left stouff ville for home during the night started out to look up the missing son he found him still delightfully sleeping in the car on the side of a concession road bruce was ready for breakfast and another busy day on the farm its just a simple illustration on how the farmers are working and using up every ounce of energy to harvest the great crop that lies over the countryside 8th line markham mrs barry ot toronto visited with mr and mrs homager mrs c f derstine of kitchener spent last week with mrs w shank mr and mrs james greenwood were visitors last sunday with friends at frenchmans bay rev cecil collins from gormley will speak in the wideman church at the morning service next sunday mr and mrs george sale of tor onto visited at the home of the latters parents mr and mrs harry spang over the weekend last friday evening just after mr a r wideman had completed cutting a twenty acre field of oats along the sth line members of the harvest help club of markham to the number of about twenty appear ed and stayed with the job till the entire field was in stook the mark- bam boys have been doing some very worthwhile work among the farmers who are short of help this year large sausage small pork sausage round steak sirloin steak stewing beef chuck roast pot roast lb 15c lb23c hamburger w lb 30c lb 33c lb 20c lb 25c lb 19c lb 18c 2 lbs 35c home rendered lard lb economie soap flakes large pkg o stouffrlue ontario meat market phone 3801 i nte rfcsti ng sat u relay wedding an interesting wedding ceremony took place last saturday afternoon at the home of mr and mrs ira d rusnell main street east stouff- ville when their youngest daugh ter marion pearl became the bride of mr earl gordon crowder son of mr and mrs gordon crowder of this town rev h shantzi mbc pastor assisted by bishop william heapps of the methodist church in binghaniton n y tied the nuptial knot v to the wedding march played iby mrs heapps the bride was given in marriage hy her father and was gowned in a lovely v length gown of white triple sheer with long veil her flowers were roses and babys breath the ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreens banked with pink and white glads miss lola forsyth was brides maid wearing a length gown of pink triple sheer with short veil her flowers pink roses and corn flowers lome crowder brother of the groom was best man and mrs heapps soloist mrs rusnell and mrs crowder received wearing gowns of blue sheer and corsages of pink roses the reception was followed by the wedding supper served to about 50 guests gift to the bride was a gold lock et and chain to the bridesmaid a silver dish to the bridegroom gold initialled tie clip and to the organist a silver dish the bride and groom left later in the evening by motor for a trip to sudbury and the north country the bride wearing a grey suit with matching accessories cripples out to cripple hitler communities all about are doing a lot of tooting about the way busi ness men and the retired gentry of the respective places are going out to lend a hand with the harvest even toronto is making great capital over mayor conboy pitching sheaves and it is right that they should do so but nereis stouffville after all the al individuals are picked lip we dont just stop there last week a crippled brigade was organized and actually went out and did the entire threshing on the farm of leslie wideman just east of town when the farmer was totally stuck for help there was one man said to be sound in the wind but a little soft since he has lived retired in town for a few years and he is james jarvis because of jims superior condition he was looked upon as the foreman the rest of the gang was composed of fred smith dis abled veteran john spence alt pugh frank williamson william risebrough all hasbeens over 70 years but still determined and fred chessman who was given up for dead less than a year ago but who is making a marvellous recovery from a motor accident we havent space to list the ills of these men but we would congratulate them on doing a job that some younger men couldnt perform with all their boast of health and strength church hill mrs john paisley spent thurs day with mrs lazenby misses laura and dorothy beach have been yisting with their sisters near mount albert mr and mrs c montgomery of toronto had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs h fegg miss lilian wagg and sister from manitoulin island had dinner at mr a clarks on sunday mr and mrs lazenby and leone had tea on sunday with mr and mrs bruce maclean congratulations to mr and mrs wallwork of ballantrao who will celebrate their 50th wedding anni versary on thursday of this week mr joseph martin attended the wedding on saturday in toronto of his son floyd martin to miss leola daniels congratulations to the bride and groom victoria square miss ruby avlson is holidaying this week at her home here we are pleased to bear mrs wm smith is somewhat improved mr and mrs samuel robb and family visited with friends at mea- ford on sunday dr and mrs wm nursey and mr murray smith of toronto had tea on sunday evening with mr and mrs charles smith 1 mrs mckay miss peggy and miss marion boston attended a confer- ence at lake simcoe on sunday where rer mr mckay has been staying for the past week the church service this sunday will be held at victoria square at 3 oclock nd will be in charge of the young peoples union miss ruby avison will be the speaker please keep in mind the young peoples picnic on wed aug 26th to centre island come and bring a friend and picnic lunch cars will leave the square corner at 1230 oclock there was a splendid attendance from victoria squaro at the church service at headtord on sunday morning last the junior choir from here under the leadership of mr allan read supplied the service of praise quite a number ot friends and relatives gathered at the home of mrspollon on tuesday evening when a miscellaneous showerwas given to her daughter miss etith folloh who was married on saturday last we extend congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple miss shirley sanderson was in charge of the young peoples meet- ing on sunday evening the scrip ture was read by miss vera boyn- ton and a reading was given by miss bertie forster the topic a challenge to farm youth was very ably handled by miss mabel sander son jk a 4 an a l a co to church sunday is it a squart- deal tottw to ocflect tbc church hen you would not live in a community without the church if the church is the back boa of ay community the ccottr ol all wr bt life ihoofht and development tbc rcalcit builder of private and public oookicece the toutt chool for a cbaracicr aon villi live throhih cterairy and the fiver throulh its nembenhip ot more thin 80 per ccot cf all charily u it a square deal for you to let others do all this for you cod carry your dead veifbt beside melville be peachs st james presbyterian church stouffville united churches minister rev a j orr sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am peachs 1115 am melville 730 pm bethesda the melville choir will hold a special service on sunday evening next august 23 at 730 when the rev dr mitchell will preach the choir is arranging an attractive musical- programme and an offering is asked for to behalf of the choir fund minister rev t decourcy rayner sunday august 23rd 1942 945 am divine worship followed by sabbath school and bible class come und worship god goodwood whitchurch couple wed in vi vian church a pretty august wedding was solemnized by rev w e morton of stouffville at vivian church when amelia giles became the bride of albert taylor of vivian the bride was attended by mrs d graham of sharon and the groomsman i was mr george mc- cormick otyivian i the bridewas dressed in a pale blue gown with white accessories and wore a corsage of roses with maiden hair fern the bridesmaid was dressed in a pale blue gown with- blue accessories and wore a corsage of pink sweet peas with maiden hair fern miss gertrude mitchell played several selections during the signing of the register the bride and groom left for toronto and other points and oil their retnrn will reside at vivian and mrs elmer reid have re turned to montreal after holidaying here with his parents mr and mrs j f reid ronald darling of toronto was here for a day visiting with his par ents dr and mrs darling mrs ernest sykes and son bill also miss jean wilkinson toronto spent the weekend with their par ents here sorry to lose mr and mrs lloyd wagg who moved to uxbridge the house vacated by the waggs here is being occupied by william beard the new section foreman slemonville church young people were guests of the local united group last meeting and enjoyed a splendid evening goodwood de feated the visitors in a game of ball at the park lem clark did the loc al twirling the visitors provided a fine program at the church later mrs s ottewell had a lot of vis itors from far and near the past week they included mr and mrs macdonald of kitchener mrs h banner from winnipeg mrs speck of toronto sister miss o otte well mr and mrs g holman and daughter toronto mrs c watson and sons also audrey feasby have returned from a holiday near penetang mrs charles harper held a re- nn ion for her sons and daughters which proved a happy affair among those present were her daughter evelyn and husband rer eugene beach of ripley and their three sons also jessie and her husband mr harper bearer and son of st catharines irene and her husband and son and daughter from mount zlon they all spont the greater part of a week here stouffville baptist rev duncan macgregor pastor glenn ratcliff organist sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 11 00 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service the pastor will preach at both services wed 800 pm prayer meeting we invite you to share our services with us come and receive a blessing dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev p g lehman pastor dicksons hill sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am morning worship the pastor will preach 1100 am bible school i mount joy j 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening worship we welcome you stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am- sunday school 1100 am divine worship 230 pm mongolia s s 730 pm evangelistic 730 pm altona tuesday evening 830 mon golia meeting wednesday evening 830 altona prayer meeting thursday evening 830 stouff ville prayer meeting come and worship withus the best results are obtained from tribune classified advs i christ church anglican rev f herman rector jiiss elizabeth foote organist august 23 1942 twelfth sunday after trinity 200 pm sunday school 230 pm evening prayer and sermon august 24 st bartholomew monday come kneel and pray with us in his house on sunday a hearty welcome awaits you stouffville christian church miss nora stnplcton organist sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm gospel service church hill 200 pm church school 300 pm worship everyone welcome second markham baptist church norman rowan pastor sunday august 23rd 1942 955 bible school 11 am morning worship pastor s b whitehouse of toronto will preach prayer meeting on tuesday evening at 830 pm blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scorn- ful psalm 11 v stouffville united church rev douglas g davis minister sunday august 23rd 1942 1000 am churchschooi 1100 morningworship dr thosv mitchell let us all rally to the morning worship no evening service bloomington ringwood christian churches rev gw brown pastor sunday august 23rd 1942 1100 am blomlngton 730 pm ringwood we cordially invite you to attend these serrlces a thought for today therefore being justified by falth we hare peace with god through our lord jsus christ rom 51 o master who long ago didst calm the wild and angry wares of gali lee look down upon a troubled world today from thy great throne and hear our anxious plea for help the winds and wares rise mountains high on every land and threaten hard to nil and overturn cur ship of lleiand oh k we long- to bear- once more thy peace be still n



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 20, 1942, p. 5 (2024)


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