Sound of Freedom (2023) Movie Script (2024)

The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from traffickers. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[♪ musical swirl ]

[ ♪ Choir voices ]

[ ♪ drum beat ]

[ ♪ music ]

[ ♪ Na na ]

[ ♪ na na na na na ♪]

[ ♪ Na na na ]

[ ♪ Na na ]

[ ♪ Na na na ]

[ ♪ na na na na na na ♪]

[ ♪ Na na n... ♪]

[ door bell rings]

[Door squeaks open]


Hello. I’m Giselle.

I heard you singing
in the market.




You’re even prettier
than I remember.

Is your daddy home?


Mister Aguilar?



Founder of “Discover
Your Dreams”.

Nice to meet you.

I’d love to steal five
minutes of your time.

I believe Rocio may have the talent
to be in the entertainment business.

But of course,

you’d need to bring her to
our annual audition tomorrow.

If I were you, I’d convince him.

[door opens]

And who is this cutie?

Is he your little brother?


What’s your name?

[engine and road sounds]

[acoustic guitar plays softly]


No stage-fathers allowed.

But pick-up is at 7 p.m. Sharp.

- Okay.
- Bye, daddy.

Bye, sweetie.

Give me a hug.

See you later, okay?

[background conversations]

Take good care of them.

Don’t worry.

[door closes]

[soft music plays over action]

[Camera clicks]

[soft voices sing]

Yeah. Let’s see a cute smile.

Let’s fix something.
Your hair like this.

[soft music and voices continue]
Yeah, you look like a star.

[music intensifies]

[camera clicks intensify]

[creaky bus noise]

[engine sound]

[knocking on door]

[knocking on door]

[knocking on door]

[pounding on door]

[door opens]

[deep breathing]

[drum beat]

[pounding on doors]

[drum beat intensifying]

[door opens, deep breathing]

[distant road noise]

[opening credits, music]

[mouse clicks]

[intense music]

[computer hum and typing]

[smooth jazz music]

[mouse click]

He's in.

He's uploading.

If he logs out

we can kiss the max
sentence goodbye.

[deadbolt opens]

[floor board squeaks]

[jazz music continues]

[door clashes open]

[no audio]

[door creaks open]

[lights humming]

[intense low sound]

[engine noise]

It's messed up world, man.

You know, I've been to a lot

of murder scenes.

This sh*t's different.

Like, as soon as I lay down

all I see are those kids faces.

I don't think I can
do this job. Tim.

Let me ask you something.

[car door shuts]

How many pedophiles, you caught?

As of today,

288, not so bad.

How many kids you found?

It is a high probability

that most of those kids are
outside of the US, Chris.

So our job,

is to get the pedophiles.

And that's it?

It's a messed up world, right

[soft acoustic guitar]


[acoustic guitar continues]

[intense electric guitar]

[door opens]

Hello, Mr. Oshinsky

I'm Agent Ballard.

I'm in charge of your case.

Everybody's gone
home for the weekend,

So it's just the two of us.

How about we grab
some fresh air?

Come on, put your shoes on.

[light switch flipped]

[door closes]

[heavy jail doors
close and lock]

TIM: I really feel
connected to you.

Like maybe you'll understand.

TIM: But I need to know.

Can I trust you?

TIM: See, part of my job,

is looking

at everything.

You tell me how I'm
supposed to gaze

at so much beauty,


being drawn to it?

TIM: Without wanting it.

You want me to believe
you're one of us?

You think I'm that stupid?

TIM: "Only the courageous act.

The rest are tyrannized

by a legal system,
made by cowardly men

who cannot admit
their true desires."

TIM: End quote.

So what?

You read my book.

I studied your book

[intense drum beat]

[door closes]

[light switch flip]

[drums continue]

[water running and splashing]

Daddy's home!

[soft acoustic guitar]

Okay, everybody. Come on.

You gotta clear your plates now.

You're gonna be late.
Let's go. Come on.

Are you okay?

[flag moving in the breeze]

Come on, Tim.

What's going on?

Just give me a week,


That's all I'm asking.

One week.

[door opens]

Mr. Oshinsky...

Time to go home.

[car door opens and closes]

[drums and electric guitar play]

[kettle whistling]

TIM: Bottom line,
they've got you.

20 to 30, conservative.

But here's the thing...

Whatever they build
up against you...

I'll knock down.

That's my job.


here's the thing I need...

I need a real one.

I don't act on my fantasies.

TIM: What about that
trip you took last year?

TIM: The one out of Cartagena?

The "Butterfly Cruise".

TIM: Come on.

I need this, my friend.

Almost as bad as you do.

[intense tones]

[camera clicks]

[background music
and conversations]

But I already have three copies.

OSHINSKY: Not like this.

There's an inscription
on the inside.

Just for you.

TIM: "To the
bravest man I know.

Though I didn't know
it at the time."

So Sweet.

Flip the page.

OSHINSKY: His name
is Teddy Bear.

My God, he's so little.


This time tomorrow,

that little boy

is gonna be yours for
the whole weekend.

"Better a millstone

be hung around your neck

and you be cast into the sea

than that you should

ever hurt for one of
these little ones."

What does that mean?

["Long Gone" playing]

You're under arrest for
crimes against children.

♪ I'm driving down
the dusty road, ♪

♪ in a dirty Cadillac. ♪

♪ I light another cigarette, ♪

♪ dressed head to
toe in black. ♪

♪ And when you see me ♪

♪ screaming down that
lonely desert road, ♪

♪ get down on your
knees and pray ♪

I trusted you.

♪ Cause you're
never going home. ♪

Never trust a pedophile.

♪ Long, long, long, gone. ♪

[violin plays]

[traffic noises, car honking]

[dog barking]

Line six.

[One, two, o, four.]

[motor stops]

[soft choir music]

[guitar strum]

Is there some kind
of problem officer?

Oh, yeah, that...
that's an old picture.

You know kids are these days.

They just grow up so fast.

That's him.

No, no, no, I'm his uncle.

I'm his uncle, you just ask him

[van door opens]


What’s your name?

[soft piano]

Teddy Bear.

No, not that name.

Your real name.


Miguel Aguilar.

Nice to meet you, Miguel.

Come with me.

[violin playing]

Why don't you go
right over there?


He has lacerations

consistent with sexual abuse.

It's only three
or four days old.

That’s a Mustang.

That’s a very fast car.

I’m hungry.

Wanna get a burger?

[soft piano] Let me guess.

You’re seven and a half.

Is it April?

No. It’s July. July 12. Why?

[background conversations]

Then I’m eight.

I’ve got a son just your age.

His name’s Kalen.

And I’m Tim.

Tim Ballard.

But you can call me Timoteo.


That’s my name in
Spanish, right?

It has your name on it.

My sister gave it to me.

You rescue children, right?

Maybe you can help me find her.

Where is your sister?

The beach is the perfect
spot for a photo shoot.

You like the beach, right?


Simba? What’s wrong?

My name is not Simba.

Well… From now on, it is.

Ma’am? But my papa doesn’t know.

Your papa knows.

[van door shuts]

[van road noise]

[intense music swells]

[garage door closes]

On your feet. Come
down, come down.

Let’s go.


Go, go. Go inside!

No! Where are you taking
us? Please, take us home!

Shut up or you’ll get a beating.

Help us, please. No,
please! Help us, please.

[door shuts]

[faint children's screams]

[boat horn]

[water sloshing]

[children's screams
beating on tin walls]

Help! Please!

Help! Please!

Get us out of here!

[intense music]

And where did they take you?

What do you see?

Four men.

Are they nice men?

Why are you giving me
this? Dad gave it to you.

It’s yours now. Don’t lose it.

[doors open]

Stand up! Get in a line! Now!

Stand up! Come here!
In line, standing up.

They're ready Amigo, you pick.

[children breathing heavy]

That one there.


No! No! No!

- Come.
- No.

- Don’t take him! No!
- Come, come, come!

These are good for
when he wake up.

Alright now, Fuego.
Don't party too much.

[hatch closes]

[soft music]

Want another one?

Here’s the deal:

I can help you, but you
need to help me too.

If you don’t help me,

the bad men...

will find out and they
will kill your sister.

No, no, don’t worry.

Just do what I say,

and your sister will be fine.

Promise me you’ll do
whatever I tell you.


Come on, eat, eat up.

Eat, eat.

Ever flown in an airplane?

No? No?

Captain Miguel, with the stars.

[imitates airplane noise]

You gonna love it.

You just gonna really love it.

["Peligrosa" plays]

Teddy Bear.

Do you like it?

“Teddy Bear.”


Teddy Bear. I like it. We’re
gonna call you Teddy Bear.

How long you were with her?

A week? A month?

A long time...

Mister Timoteo?


Will they hurt my sister now?

I promise...

they will never find
out what you told me.

I promise.

[airport annoucement]

[background conversations]

[soft violin music]

We don’t know for certain,

but we think he spent about...

three months in Tijuana.

[background conversations]
[soft violin music]

You’re a father.


May I?

Could you sleep at night knowing
that one of your children’s beds...

is empty?

[father crying]

She's just Miranda's age.

Imagine walking into
her room right now...

Seeing an empty bed.

What would we do?

[parking garage noises]

Please keep this.

No, it’s yours.


[van engine leaving]

[ ♪ Choir voices ]

[drum beat and guitar]

You're gonna rot in jail, Earl,

the only question is which one?

And normally I'd
extradite your ass

straight to Colombia.

There you'd be raped every day,

have your balls cut off.

Which quite frankly you deserve.

Or you can tell me
what I need to know,

and stay in the U.S.

Get this to our embassy
in Columbia as soon as

possible and set me up
for another call with

the national police.

Got it.

Captain Jorge? I'm good,
thank you. Hey, I...

[tattoo gun buzzing]

[low violin music]

[birds flying]

[door opens]

[shuddered breathing]

[Rocio trying to sing]

♪ na, na, na, na ♪

♪ na, na, na, na

♪ na, na, na...

[Rocio crying]

TIM: Rocio Aguilar.

The boy's sister.

Now pull-up on the
reins here, son...

we're going to hand this
case to the prosecution,

and we're gonna let the
Colombians mop-up Colombia.

Which means she'll
disappear, sir.

For good.

We're Homeland Security,

you know we can't
go off rescuing

Honduran kids in Colombia.

Look, the boy's back
with his father...

that's a career-capper,
take it and move on.

I can't.

I don't...

think you understand
what I'm asking you.

See ah...

This job tears you to pieces.

And this is...

my one chance to put those
pieces back together.

I suppose I could
tell DC that you're...

You're going down there to
have a "training seminar".

Fund it out of discretionary.

Keep it under ten grand.


[soft music]

[music builds] [plane landing]


Welcome to Cartagena.

Mucho gusto. Nice to meet you.

[music continues]

[big truck engine]

So, I took the liberty
of sending your report

to a "non-police" type.

And he came back with a lead.

Welcome to his office.

[background conversations]

Hey, Mami! Keep an
eye on my Ferrari.

[conversations and
street noise] Okay.

There are two things you
should know about Vampiro.

He ran the Cali cartel's
money-laundering operations

in the nineties.

He did time in prison.

And the second thing:
He buys children.

And then he sets them free.

He puts these kids
in safe houses.

He gives them a
new chance at life.


[music continues]

[soft bar piano music]

Some ground-rules, Timoteo.

Don't ever step into my
office again looking like

you just walked
out of a friggin'

Banana Republic ad.


Save that for Bogotá, man.

This is Cartagena.

It's a beach town, a party town.

Lighten up.


guy's down here looking
for a little pedo-action,

what's he wear?

Chancletas, flip-flops, T-shirt.

Exactly. What I need to see

is some horny hung-over
rich American,

stinking of beer,

crawling out of a big
honking automobile.

Rent something obnoxious.

And black.

And now Timoteo, the kid.


He's back with his father, huh?


How did that make you feel?

Giving a child his freedom?

Felt good.

Like, "back-rub" good,
or "chicken-wings" good?

What kind of good are
we talking about here?

The kind that gives hope.

Come on, amigo.

You've been at
this for 12 years.

Why are you doing it?

[piano continues]

Because God's children
are not for sale.

That is why I am giving
you my Friday night.

And the plan unfolds.

Now the sister, the pretty one,

What's her name?


As of this moment,

she could be a
block down the road,

or she could be in
Moscow, Bangkok, L.A.

And yes,

I do know an young
attractive woman

who matches your "Giselle".

Major operator,
runs 10, 15 kids.

Sources her children
out of Central America,

so she doesn't have to deal
with the Colombian cops.

Lures them in with her looks,

promises the sun and the moon...

a month later,

they're turning five,
six tricks a night.

You got a photo?

That's the easy part.

Meet Miss Cartagena.

A verifiable beauty queen.

Her name's Katty Juarez.

She's clean,

not even a parking ticket
in the colonial area.

No record of leaving
Colombia since she was 12.

Set me up on a date.

Tell Miss Cartagena

you got a horny,
hung-over, rich, American

looking for a
little pedo-action.

You don't just set up a
date with Katty Juarez.

She only deals with
street traffickers,

people she knows, old friends.

She keeps her nails very clean.

That is a tough marlin to hook.

[drums beating]

[street noise]

[drums and percussion]


[phone rings]

[drums beating]

Guy was making close to a
quarter million a month.

You said that Katie has about
15-20 kids, right? Who’s this?

Scattered all over Cartagena?

Probably some in Cali, Medellin?


So Rocio could be anywhere.

But what if we needed
all those kids?

I don't understand, amigo.
I don’t understand, amigo.

You ever heard of Club Bangkok?

It's a members-only club
full of rich perverts,

jet-setters, CEO's. It's
a high-end facility,

stocked 24/7 with
a hundred kids.

And who supplied them?

A bunch of sex traffickers
who got greedy.

If they can build one in Bangkok

why can't we build one here?

You wanna build a
high-end sex hotel?

TIM: Yes I do.

And I found just
the right investor.

[car driving off]

Pablo Delgado... runs
a four billion dollar

real estate development
company, with holdings

all over the world.

He loves to play cop.

We've already used him
on two separate missions,

he eats this stuff up.

That's the look, my friend.

And he can build a sex hotel

anywhere he wants.

You know someone who can
bring a deal like this

to the marketplace?

["Braty Puti" plays]

Hello, pretty. Hi,
love. Hello, pretty.

Calacas! Calacas!

Vampiro! Vampiro!

Where is your horny friend?

Change of plans.

Put on a bow tie.

We're going to the
classy part of town.

[El Calacas laughs]


This is sweet.

Like the old days.

Wow! This guy
knows how to party.

[sounds of Tim getting
sick in the bathroom]

That's it, amigo.

No more aguardiente.

[birds tweeting]

I think I may have
to expand your mind

to an entirely new reality.


These gentlemen want to build

a one of a kind,

members-only club
near Cartagena.

Annual fee:

one hundred grand per member.

They take care of the facility

we take care of the talent.

And the members,

they get a world-class resort

with full access
to models, 24/7,


Live-in models. Young ones.

How young?

TIM: Shock me.

Which one is this?

El Calacas.

VAMPIRO: He used to deliver
escorts for Escobar.

He sold me a chicken last year,

9 years old.

And she was...

Nine legit or a 15
year-old with pigtails?

I deal in pure cocaine, papi...

So how many chickens
do you want?

For starters,

50 or 60.

[Calacas laughs]


Go big or go home. Right?

I think your amigo ate the worm.

I think he just sobered up.

[stifling laughter]

That's a lot of chickens, papi.

No one can do that alone.

I'm not asking you if
you can do it alone.

I'm just asking
if you can do it.

["Awa Didjen" plays]

[Motorcycle engines]

[camera clicks]

plus five support agents
for a month in-country,

the penthouse in Bogota,

the mansion in
Cartagena, on and on,

and yet somehow...

somehow, you have
failed to bring me

one real-world lead,

or one American child, or
one American trafficker,

or one reason DC would
let you within a million

miles of this, and a
bunch of glamor shots

of Miss Cartagena don't count!

She has the girl.

And I say the girl is in Russia.

Prove me wrong.

It's over, Tim.

Close up,

get on a plane and

come back home.

Bureaucracy is sh*t.

This is why I operate black.

Have a nice flight, Timoteo.

TIM: You were a cartel guy...


Kept your mouth
shut, did your time.

Could've picked up
where you left off,

bought yourself a
condo on the beach.

Instead you're
doing this. Why?


[Vampiro takes a deep breath]

I had that condo on the beach.

Fifteenth floor,
marble everything,

overlooking the whole bay.

First night out of jail
I slept in my own bed.

Day two, I was back in business,

same old life.

But it doesn't feel right...

not the drugs, not the hookers.

But dammit if I
didn't keep trying...

[Vampiro takes
another deep breathe]

So one night

I'm leaving a bar
all jacked up on coca

and I notice this young
girl on the corner.

Fine looking, maybe 20, 25.

I take her up to my place,
do the deed, pay the bill.

She's putting on her shoes,

and I notice something.

I notice her foot.

She's got these little

pink cat faces painted
on her toenails.

And it hit me.

She's not 25.

Then she glances up
and our eyes connect.


it was like I was granted
a glimpse into her soul,

and all I saw was sadness...

Out of nowhere she
starts talking.

Turns out she's not
25. Not even 20.

This girl is 14
years old, Timoteo.

She's been doing this
since she was six.

Looks at me,


takes the money,

walks out the door.

All of a sudden I'm
hit by this tidal wave,

this tsunami of darkness,

and I know

I'm the sadness
in her eyes. Me.

I'm the darkness.

And I know

the darkness has to die.

So I get my 45.

Put it to my head.

Put my finger on the trigger.

Now if there's a time
to ask if God exists,

that would be it.

[soft violin plays]

So I did.

When God tells you what to do,

you cannot hesitate.

[acoustic guitar plays]

Katherine: So you've
thought of that...

of doing it on your own?

TIM: I won't be on my own.

I just have to convince Pablo.


So you quit your job

and you go and
rescue these kids.

[horns play softly]

My resignation's in your box.

Wait. You do realize

you're ten months away
from vesting your pension.

TIM: I do.

You know I did
everything I could,

but the law is the law.

TIM: Did you know that
were over 22 million

new images of child p*rnography

on the web this past year?

That's a five thousand percent

increase over the
past five years.

Five thousand percent.

The fact is

it is the fastest growing
international crime network

that the world has ever seen.

PABLO: I agreed to it
because we were working

with the U.S. government.

TIM: If you back out now
this whole thing will blow!

It has already passed
the illegal arms trade.

And soon it's gonna
pass the drug trade.

You Wanna know why?

Because you can sell a
bag of cocaine one time.

But a child, the most
precious child...

You can sell a five year-old kid

five to ten times a day

for ten years straight!

And everyday ordinary people

don't want to hear it,

it's too ugly for
polite conversation,

but meanwhile over two
million children a year

are being sucked into the
deepest recesses of hell.

Trust me, man.
If we do nothing,

their pain is gonna
spread and spread

till some day it's gonna
reach the likes of you.

And that will be a nightmare

that you never
gonna wake up from.

I'm sorry.

[violin music swells]

Sir, the gentleman who just left

asked me to give you this.

[opening an envelope]

[Tim takes a long exhale]

[light knock on the door]

[door opens]

["Urge" plays]

[plane landing]

[group greets each other]

[office and phone noise
in the background]

Jorge found us a property
on Cartagena Bay.

It's a private
island confiscated

by the Colombian government.

Here's some intel on that.

The palapa will be located here.

The traffickers will
arrive up here...

So what do you think?

2.6 Not bad, huh?

So let's go meet him in Bogota

and get him excited.

[all laugh]

[music playing]

[all laughing]

My love…

Pablo Delgado. Nice to meet you.


Too stiff.

If you don't know what
to say, Loosen up!

Just don't say anything at all.


Don't forget to smile.

I forgot.

Loosen up! Loosen up!

My love... My love…

Pablo Delgado. A pleasure.

Yeah. I don't know
about the kiss.

[music plays]

Welcome. Beware of your heads.
Welcome. Beware of your heads.

[Elevator dings]

My soul brother, let me
introduce Katty. My soul brother,

Katty, this is the
man that's gonna make

your dreams come true. Pablo.

A pleasure.




Don Fuego.

Don Fuego.

You know El Calacas.

Extravagant. Extravagant.

Who would like a drink?

We've got fourteen members

showing up for the
"Kick-Off Party," plus

a dozen prospects.

And we would like all
our talent on site,

rested, tested and ready to rock

the day before the
first guest arrives.



How many can you deliver?

You asked for 50.

At least that,

more if you're lucky.

[all laugh]

Tell me, amor...

What do you like?

[soft jazz plays]

Depends on the mood.

The pretty boy is horny!

[Tim refills her drink]

Just deliver no
less than 50 models.

And you will leave the island...

with 100 grand

[soft jazz plays]

Cheers. Cheers, hermanos.

Cheers. Cheers.


[Tim's phone rings]

FROST: Ok, it's handled...

you have the support of
our Embassy in Colombia,

One of our guys
will track the raid

in case you need
any legal back-up.

Hey Tim,

I hope you find her.

[music and boat engines]

For you, papi.

Gracias. Gracias.

[background conversations]

Negotiation is over there.

I want the kids back here,

as far away from the
traffickers as possible...

[music plays]

They didn't bring all the kids.

It doesn't surprise me.

It gotta be less than 30.

Let's go. Quick, so you
don't get wet. Let’s go.

Quick, so you don’t get wet.

Remember, it’s a party.

This is beautiful.

You keeping the
rest of the talent

in the glove compartment?

They'll be here soon.

I died...

and went to heaven.

This is a paradise.

Osorio Rodriguez.
Osorio Rodriguez.

But my friends call me Carne.

Carne is our lawyer.

He got good friends
at the borders.

He’s our Don King, papi.

No, no, no, no, no.

No Don King.

I like to get in the ring.

["Quien Es el Patron?" plays]

[men giving the children orders]
Get happy. Cheer up, cheer up.

[group laughing]

Tenacious. Love him.

That's it.

[faint children screams]

Excuse me. Want more?

Excuse me. Want more?

And what's plan B?

We wait.

We're not gonna lose the
kids in the other boat.

TIM: Rocio must be with them.

Jorge, listen to me.

When you land,

take their fat bulldog and
get him off the island,

keep him separate
and no handcuffs.

TIM: No, no, no, no,
no. Sorry. He's mine.

Choose another.

CARNE: You're joking, right?

[party music plays]

You know where is the most

dangerous place in Colombia?

Between me

and my chicken.

You're a real big man, huh?

I can kill you without a glance.

Respect me, asshole!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Give the man what he wants.

Carne, tell your fathead
goon to put this gun away.

[island breeze]


Come on, guys.

Let's have a drink, huh?


you'll have all afternoon
in that damn bungalow.

[boat engine in the distance]

Now! Green light…

[intense music]

[water splashing]

Hurray! Finally arrived! Come.

Hurray! Finally arrived!

[waves crashing]

Come, come.

Let’s go to the party.

moves! Stop! Hands up!

[children screaming]
[men shouting]

Nobody moves!

I’m victim! I’m victim!

On the ground! On the
ground! Stop! Police!

- On the ground! On the ground!
- Calm, calm!

[intense music] [men shouting]

[music stops abruptly]

[Carne grunting]

Who set us up?

Your Don King? Shut up!

Leave him with me.

[background conversations]

[boat engine starting]

[waves crashing]

Fifty four kids.

Did you get their names?


I'm sorry, Tim.

But we rescued 54.

Uncuff them.

[children's choir
music softly plays]

[clap rhythm starts]

Hear that?

That's the sound of freedom.

I hear it.

[clapping and choir singing]

[music stops]

[slams phone down]

[opens door]

[deep sigh]

[low violin starts playing]

[starting to cry]

Come here.

Come here, son.

[soft music plays]

[paper sliding across table]

Do you know what happens
to pedophiles in cell 142?

Just ask your friend Carne.

Okay, okay! Okay,
you asshole, okay!


Okay, what?

Asshole, what?

The Scorpion.


[Rocio teaching drum beat]

Little princess...

It’s time you make
me some real money.

[music intensity grows]

[background conversations]

[takes deep breathe]

Fuego handed her off here.

At a village on
the Guáitara River.

South of that river,
it's all rebel territory.

No one goes in.

Not the army, not the police.

Not us.

[takes deep breathe]


That's it?

You're talking about extracting

an 11 year-old girl
from unknown terrain.


It's controlled by
an army of rebels!


Forget about what
could happen to us!

She could be killed too...


What if this was
your daughter, Jorge.

Sorry, man. She's gone.

She got sold to the wrong guy!

VAMPIRO: Unless that
guy needs our help.

I remember hearing
about a groups

that could sweet-talk
their way into those areas.

Medical folks,

treating cholera,
malaria, dengue fever.

Makes me wonder

if there's any epidemics

going around the
mountains these days.

[acoustic guitar play softly]

Put up your hand.


I said "put up your hand".

[both laugh]

These gringos. These gringos.

["La Maza" plays]

Now you're a doctor.

Moving up in life.

[door shuts]


I got orders.

I can go as far as the river.

No further.

When you get on that water,

you're on your own.

Do me a favor.

Keep these with you.


You can keep it in
your wallet or...

I don't know, inject it.

So you can locate
our bodies, hm?

[song continues]

[background conversations]

[driving noise]

[background conversations]


[frogs, crickets and
other creature noises]

[lighter clicks]

Hey, Timoteo...

If things go south tomorrow,

which is not
particularly unlikely,

there's no Marine unit coming.

We're done.

[Tim pats his shoulder
in understanding]

[I should put the
kids to bed now.]

[Give them one
of my bear hugs.]

[I always do.]

[You know]

[I feel like she's
my child too.]

[I love you.]

[soft tone plays]

[birds chirping]

Jorge: Hey.

Take this.

I'll feel safer.

I think I'll be
better off without it.

[boat motor starts]

[birds chirp and fly]

[soft whistle tones play]

[drum beat adds to music]

I hope we get a warm welcome.

We’re doctors.

[gun shots fired]

Don't shoot.
Don't... Don’t shoot.

Get down! Are you
out of your mind?

We’re doctors. Don’t shoot.

Get down! Get down!

We’re doctors from
the United Nations.

Down, down!

Lay down! Don’t look at me.

Doctors from the United Nations.

Shut up!

Easy, easy!

[dumps boxes out in boat]

What do they have?

Vaccines. They’re clean.

Alacran? Alacran, copy?

It seems they’re just vaccines.

Okay, boss.

Why the hell are
you looking at me?

Just one of you
will come with us.



- Who’s coming?
- Easy, easy.

Me, here.

The vaccines.

Pass them to me.

Come on. Come on. Help him!

Yes. Easy.

If I come back in the
dark, be ready to run.

What are you talking about?

Do you want your
ass full of lead?


Let’s go.

[boat engine starts] Let’s go.

[GPS beeps]

What's happening?

He's on his own.

[takes deep breaths]

[soft violin music]

[soft music]

[background conversations]



[low violin tones]

Keep moving.

[low horn tones]

You got some cojones
coming here, amigo.

The cholera must be bad.

There are cases in Leticia,

San Gil, and it can
spread like wildfire.

So with your permission

I'd like to take the
rest of the evening to

look for anyone

who might need our
immediate attention.

If I do... God forbid...

we'll have to evacuate
them immediately.

It's the only way to
make sure the cholera

doesn't spread.


Yes. It's just our protocol.

Yeah, yeah.

[flicks lighter]

If you find sick people...

God forbid...

you bring them to me.

My protocol.

[bell being rung]

[background conversations]

[soft violin plays]

[soft piano notes]


Rocio Aguilar!

[violin plays]

I came here… I came
here to help you.

Come here.

Oh, sh*t!

You need… You need…

I need you to tell
me where you sleep.

In which house?

Oh look.

There you are.

Is this one sick?

No, no, no. They're
fine. She's fine.

Come on, come on!
Get back to work.

Come on.

Take the gringo
to check my boys.


Ei, amigo. Ei, amigo.

Let's go, man.

[water squishing and sloshing]


[crickets chirping]

[men singing]

[singing in Spanish]

[door creaks open]

[quiet footsteps]

Rocio... Rocio. Rocio.


No! No! No! No! No!

[singing abruptly stops]

[Rocio catching her breath]

Take it.

Take some of this.

This guy doesn’t know how to
play. Come on. Just take a drink.

[flicks lighter]

I’m gonna check
on my little girl.

You need to do exactly
what I tell you.

Or they’ll kill us both.

Do you understand?

[slurred singing]

[door creaks open]

Why did you scream, my child?

A bad dream.

Poor thing.

Don’t worry.

I can make your bad dream...

go away.

[footsteps walking away]

Calm down.

Calm down.

Why are you afraid?

You know I won’t hurt you.

[music building]

That’s it.

Close your eyes.

[floorboard creaks]

[scuffle and fighting]

[men singing in Spanish]

[fighting and wrestling]

[muffled background noise]

[children's voices singing]

[memories of her
past crying playing]

[violin music]

It's time to go home now.

Tu casa. Your home.

Vamos. Let's go.

[music building]

Boss, boss... Boss.


Alacran, Alacran! Alacran.


Checho! Checho!

[piano beats]

[water splashes]

[soft violin]


Piranha, Piranha!

Yes, sir?

Check the river.

Yeah, yeah. They took the boat!

[GPS beeping]


He's on the move.


[boat motor noise]

Let's go, let's go.


Go, go, go, go, go.

[muffled gunfire]

[muffled gunfire]

It’s okay, it’s okay.

You guys good?

You alright?


Yeah, we're fine.

[ ♪ Choir voices ]

[driving noises]

[piano chime]

[music fades]

[phone clicks]

["Pienso en Ti" plays]


Rocio. Rocio.


It’s me. Your papa.

And your brother, Miguel.

[music stops abruptly]

[drum beats]

♪ na na

♪ na na na na na ♪

♪ na na na na

♪ na na

♪ na na

♪ na na na na ♪

♪ na na na na na ♪

♪ na naaa na na na...

[children's choir voices]

♪ We, God's children,
♪ are not for sale

♪ We, God's children,
♪ are not for sale

[clapping rhythm joins]

Sound of Freedom (2023) Movie Script (2024)


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Article information

Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 5547

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.