Keep it Steady, Eddie - outofmygourd (2024)

Chapter 1: The Precarious Intimacy of a Drug Deal

Chapter Text

“Please, Eddie,” Robin whined, leaning over the checkout counter, pausing from working the returns cart. “You told me yourself when I started taking you to parties that they were actually pretty fun. When did that change?”

“The actual party is fun,” Eddie clarified. “What’s not fun is constantly getting stuck in a corner with Steve Harrington because you’re off with Vickie, and I don’t know anyone else.”

“What if we promised to stay with you guys the whole time?” She offered, but Eddie gave her a knowing look. “Okay, fine. What if we promise to stay with you guys like… 60/40?”

Eddie stared at her as he debated the proposition. “70/30 and I’ll think about it,” he countered, Robin pumping a fist in triumph.

“Deal!” She grinned in excitement.

“And to be clear,” Eddie pointed at Robin, “You and Vickie stay with us 70. Alone time is the 30.”

“Yeah, I know Eddie. I’m not trying to swindle you,” Robin scoffed. “Let me know by Thursday. Steve offered to give us a ride, so you don’t gotta worry about sobering up.”

“What a gentleman,” Eddie muttered with a flat expression.

“Hey, he’s the reason we get invites to any of these things,” Robin pointed out. “And don’t act like you didn’t enjoy Chip Hudson’s birthday party.”

“I barely remember Chip Hudson’s birthday party,” Eddie retorted. “But you guys don't shut up about it. I don't even think I know who Chip Hudson is.

“Exactly!” She beamed. “Trust me, you had a great time. You and Chip sang a Queen song together and then you and I argued for the rest of the night over whether or not he was gay.”

Eddie made a thoughtful face. “What side was I on?”

“That he wasn’t,” Robin informed, Eddie nodding in understanding.

“Well, if I go,” Eddie was sure to accentuate his uncertainty on the event. “My goal is to actually remember the night. While remaining intoxicated enough that the awkward silence with Harrington doesn’t kill me.”

“You always seem to be talking fine every time I find my way back to you,” Robin said with a skeptical arch of her brow.

“Yeah,” Eddie scoffed. “That’s after all the painful small talk and long sips of alcohol to distract from the fact neither of us particularly enjoy each other.”

“Did he say he doesn’t enjoy you?” Robin asked in that way she did when she already knew the answer.

“He didn’t have to. I can just tell,” Eddie shrugged as he began finally restocking the candy next to the register. The box had been sitting there for easily half an hour, but the store was dead and he didn’t have anything else to do. What he liked most about this job was it had enough downtime for him to write songs or plan D&D campaigns. Well, at least when Steve wasn’t working with him. He always felt self conscious about him seeing whatever he was working on, especially if it wasn’t finished yet. Steve aside, Eddie was eternally grateful to Robin for getting him a job at the Family Video Store.

“Are you sure you were reading it right?” Robin asked genuinely. “You and I aren’t the best at reading open-ended social cues.”

“Pretty sure, Rob,” Eddie gave a pointed smile.

“Whatever you say,” Robin sang, unconvinced as she resumed putting tapes back in their correct spot. Eddie finished restocking the candy and disappeared into the back to put away the rest. Just as he came back, the bell above the entrance dinged, Steve Harrington himself sauntering through the door. There was no sign of his work smock, and Eddie didn’t remember seeing his name on the schedule for today. Though, he did actually come in the store quite frequently on his days off, renting a different movie every time. Except for a few, which Eddie noted he’d rented multiple times; Blade Runner twice, Raiders of the Lost Ark a whopping five times, and– shocking Eddie deeply– Grease for a total of four times.

Eddie actually hadn’t seen Steve rent Grease himself, but one slow day– after the fourth time Steve came in to rent Raiders– Eddie got bored and curious so he decided to check out Steve’s rental log. Grease was rented twice in the same week, which Eddie found amusing enough to bring up to Robin, and she informed him he’d rented it a couple of times two weeks prior while she was working. He never said anything to Steve about it, instead decided to keep it filed in the back of his mind for ammo if the man was being particularly annoying. In fact, the only conversations he and Steve really had were when the latter decided to entertain himself by pestering Eddie.

“You workin’ today?” Robin asked with furrowed brows as Steve wandered over to the action movie section, only giving Eddie one of those cool-guy-nods in greeting. Eddie suppressed an eye roll, pulling out one of his magazines and flipping it open on the counter.

“Nah, just stoppin’ in for a movie,” Steve idly browsed the movies. That was another thing Eddie noticed, despite knowing literally where everything is and more or less their entire stock, he always took f*cking forever to actually pick a movie. Eddie noticed out of the corner of his eye Steve glance up at him before he said, “Convince Munson to come to the party yet?”

“She’s certainly trying,” Eddie sang, flipping the page of his magazine.

“C’mon,” Steve dragged out the word. “Why don’t you wanna come?”

Eddie looked up at Steve properly now. He was leaning lightly against the returns cart while Robin grabbed movies off of it, his arms crossed as he looked at Eddie in casual waiting.

Eddie shrugged. “I’d rather smoke my weed in solitude where random people aren’t trying to weasel some out of me,” he made claw-like shapes with his hands and wiggled his fingers, letting them fall back onto the counter before adding, “Plus, I usually just end up being a background character, anyway.”

“Yeah, tell that to Chip Hudson’s birthday party,” Steve supplied with a smug scoff.

Thank you!” Robin gestured to Steve appreciatively.

“C’mon, Munson,” Steve tried again. “Live a little.”

“If you want free weed out of me you’re gonna have to try harder than that, Harrington,” Eddie smirked, but internally a pang of melancholy shot through him.

He felt completely detached from who he was before… well. Before Chrissy Cunningham. And the constant terror that was his life after that. On the run for a murder he didn’t commit but would definitely be charged for, and then immediately thrown into fighting a tentacled version of Freddy Krueger. Before all that he would’ve been way more eager to go out to a pointless party just to see what happened. Now he found himself wanting to hide away most days. The world was scarier than it used to be. But so was his empty trailer. It often felt like Eddie had nowhere to exist in peace. Except maybe Robin’s house.

“Okay, look,” Steve said with a half-hearted roll of his eyes as he uncrossed his arms and used his hands to brace the cart behind him. “I won’t drink, so as soon as you wanna leave I’ll take you home. That better?”

Eddie raised his eyebrows at this, incredibly surprised that Steve Harrington, of all people, was going so out of his way to get him to go to some dumb party. “Fine,” Eddie said with an exasperated sigh. “Since your guyses’ enjoyment is apparently so dependent on my presence,” he grinned, trying to come off as full of himself as possible. “Here I was thinking Robin was the glue.”

“Alright,” Steve held a hand up, walking back over to a movie he had been looking at earlier. “Slow your strokes, Munson. We want you to come to a party, not be our cult leader.”

“Well, apparently people think I’d be pretty good at that, too, so,” Eddie joked, but a tinge of bitterness tightened his stomach. He returned his attention to his magazine, the words on the page blurring into a block of nothing as he just stared at the colorful spread.

That was another thing that changed after Chrissy. He’d always been one to get lost in a daydream, sure, but this was different. It was like he was lost in thought, but he wasn’t even… really thinking. At least not anything in particular that he could pin down when he came out of it.

Sometimes he was vaguely aware of what was happening around him, however it was like everything was a tv show playing in the background, volume low but just audible enough. Sometimes he had no awareness of what was going on at all, or how long it was going on for.

Like now, for instance, when suddenly Steve was in front of him, sliding a movie onto the checkout counter. Steve seemed to notice Eddie’s weird state, a confused but curious look crossing his face, but only for a brief moment as he apparently decided to drop whatever questions he had in his mind. Opting to annoy Eddie instead, of course. “I know I’m pretty, Munson, but no need to stare,” he teased, sliding cash onto the counter.

Eddie just made a face as he rang up Steve and inputted what he needed into the system. Even though Steve was joking, a tingle of fear always shot up Eddie’s spine when he teased him like that. He didn’t tell Steve he was gay, and Robin and Vickie would never out him, though comments like that set off alarm bells in his head. Like there was a big, flashing, light-up sign above Eddie’s head that said “QUEER” in all caps.

He didn’t even think Steve would care– he was completely fine with Robin and Vickie, after all– but Robin was Steve’s friend. And Eddie was most definitely not Steve’s friend. They just tolerated each other because of their mutual proximity to Robin. And because they sort of saved the world together, Eddie supposed. But he tried not to think about that. For a lot of reasons.

“Alright,” Eddie said, sliding the movie back over the counter after typing in its serial number. “Enjoy Blade Runner... for the third time.”

“Excuse me, sir,” Steve said in an exaggeratedly offended tone, perfectly mimicking some of the older people that came in. “I don’t think it’s in your job description to judge my movie choices,” he snatched the movie back dramatically, face falling into a smirk as he dropped the bit. He lightly tapped the counter with the tape, still smiling as he said “Pick you up at eight on Friday. See ya when I see ya, Munson,” he told Robin to be ready by 7:30 before turning on his heels and leaving the store, bell jingling as he did so.

“You’re right,” Robin said flatly, and Eddie could feel the sarcasm coming. “He’s your worst enemy.”

“Okay, so he tolerates me enough to annoy me for entertainment,” Eddie responded just as flatly. “What a valuable friendship.”

“Ya know, if you gave him a chance maybe you would be friends,” Robin said as she pushed the cart to the other side of the store. “You guys actually aren’t too different.”

Eddie gave a humorless laugh. “Yeah, practically twins.”

Robin sighed dramatically. “Whatever you say, Eddie. Just figured maybe saving the world from certain annihilation might be considered a bonding experience,” she gave him a blank look. “Clearly I was insane to assume such a thing.”

He didn’t mention that killing Vecna together had actually raised quite the storm of questions, all centering around what exactly Steve thought about him. But then Vecna was dead, and so was the weird, charged air that followed them around when they were fighting for their lives together every day.

Everything felt so flammable then. Like any moment could be his last– or the last time they saw someone. His future knowing any of them could’ve been burned to ashes in an instant. There were certainly plenty of close calls.

A lot of them had seemingly random intimate moments. He saw it first between Steve and Nancy, and it made perfect sense. Hell, for a second Eddie thought he might’ve even been a little in love with Robin. And they’re both strictly gay. It’s what happens when someone saves your life, or you theirs. Anyway, once Vecna was dead nothing else ever happened to indicate Steve thought of Eddie as anything more than Robin’s friend.

And as much as it weirded out Eddie to admit, Steve wasn’t a horrible guy. It was clear the people he did care about, he cared about deeply. When someone cares about people like that, they generally make at least a small effort in being nice to the friends of those people. If Robin wanted to pretend that meant he and Steve were also friends, Eddie was fine in letting her live in that delusion. He just simply would not be joining her in it.


Work was painfully slow. Eddie had been managing to pass the time messing around with some song ideas, but that would unfortunately end soon, as Steve was due in any minute. It really wasn’t something that was Steve’s fault, and Eddie knew this. He was surprisingly very secretive about the raw versions of whatever he was making, letting very few people see ideas straight from his brain. Simply, he wasn’t comfortable sharing things that weren’t polished to his idea of perfection. Not with just anyone, at least.

Robin occasionally asked what he’s working on when things are slow, and he showed her with no hesitation. Truthfully, though, she was the person he got closest to not only during everything last year, but after. Sure, he spent a lot of time with the kids, running campaigns for them or sometimes being a PC, but it felt weird to speak about things on a deep level with a bunch of high school sophom*ores. Maybe the occasional comment one on one about Vecna related topics, especially when Lucas was really struggling over what he apparently witnessed with Max.

Eddie hadn’t been there, but he knew all too well how scary it was to see something like that. He couldn’t imagine if it was someone he cared for that deeply. It was the strangest feeling, such an overwhelming joy that Lucas sought him out because he trusted him, coupled with the all encompassing heartbreak of watching someone so young go through such unfathomable terrors. Terrors that he was still drowning in himself.

The song he was writing touched on the subject matter. Or, at least, that was his goal. He was trying to figure out how to turn Vecna into some kind of metaphor, so far failing miserably, when the bell to the store jingled. In walked Steve, shrugging on the blue work smock. Eddie flipped the small notebook closed and shoved it into the pocket of his vest, where it was hanging over a stool.

“Morning, Munson,” Steve nodded as he headed to the back to clock in. Eddie simply waggled his ring-clad fingers in greeting, pulling out a random magazine from the drawer he kept them in. If their manager ever found them, she certainly hadn’t said anything.

“Slow day?” Steve asked as he came out from the back, leaning back against the counter. Dear god, Eddie dreaded. Small talk time.

“A ghost town,” Eddie supplied, flipping a page.

“Ya know, it’s rude to indulge in your p*rn stash around others,” Steve teased. He walked over to where Eddie was, leaning one hand on the counter as he tried to get a look at the magazine. “Whatcha reading?”

Eddie briefly flipped it close, marking his spot with his finger as he checked the cover. “Rolling Stone. Sorry to disappoint.” He gave a sarcastic pout before opening the magazine back up. “Want one?” It was an attempt to end Steve’s apparent obligation to talk to Eddie.

“You have more?” Steve raised his eyebrows.

“Harrington, how do you not kill yourself from boredom?”

He shrugged. “Usually I just spin around in circles really fast on the spinny-chair in the backroom,” Steve said matter-of-factly.

Eddie chuckled genuinely at this. “‘Course you do.” He reached down, pulling open the drawer and stepping to the side, giving a flourishing gesture. “Have at it.”

Steve circled behind Eddie to crouch in front of the drawer, starting to flick through the options. “So uh, I’ve been meaning to ask you…” Steve started, still looking through Eddie’s collection of various magazines. Honestly, he’d amassed so many over the months working here he forgot most of what he had. “Do you still sell weed?”

Eddie looked down at him with a sly smile. “So you were trying to get free weed.”

Steve rolled his eyes in jest. “Clearly not, Munson, considering I’m asking to buy some.”

“Yeah, I still sell weed,” Eddie said with a lazy smile. “Twenty for half an ounce. What time you get off?” He knew Steve was rich, and probably should’ve up-charged him, but he was Robin’s friend, and supposed that would be unnecessarily rude.

“Usually somewhere between the hours of midnight and three AM, what about you?” He asked, and Eddie furrowed his brows.

“We close at–” his confusion fell into a flat stare when he saw Steve with a stupid grin. Eddie grimaced, and to his utter disgust, felt his face heat. He turned back to his magazine to be sure it wasn’t seen. “Thank you for that horrid image, Harrington. Frankly, I should make you find another dealer.”

“C’mon…” Steve dragged, “You know you love it.” Steve lightly swatted Eddie’s calve with a magazine he had been inspecting, earning a glare from the latter. Steve’s proud smile had given way to a co*cky smirk as he stood up with his choice, lightly kicking the drawer to close it. “I close today. What about you?” He asked, seriously this time.

“Unfortunately, so do I,” Eddie sighed, attention back on his Rolling Stone. “You can just follow me to the trailer park.”

“Whatever gets you goin’,” Steve remarked, walking over to a free space on the counter beside Eddie, sitting on top and opening the magazine. Eddie shook his head, amused.

Time passed agonizingly slow, but eventually closing time came, and Eddie drove home with Steve riding his tail lights. The lights were off in the trailer, as they should be at the early hour. Eddie unlocked the door and led Steve into the trailer, turning on the lights and closing the door behind him.

“You live with your uncle, right?” Steve asked, looking around. “Guessing he’s not here?”

“Nah, won’t be home for a few more hours. Not that he doesn’t know about my second form of income,” Eddie supplied as he walked to his room. “Well, the pot, at least. I just don’t like… conducting business in front of him.” He paused, noticing Steve standing in his living room, looking like he didn’t know what to do with himself. “Honestly, Harrington, it’s disconcerting when you’re all–” Eddie stiffened his posture in an exaggerated manner before relaxing back to normal. “Stiff and weird. C’mon,” he gestured for him to follow.

Steve scoffed in surprise, raising his eyebrows at Eddie as he followed him to his room. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but ‘stiff and weird’ have never made the list.”

“Yeah, probably because when you’re stiff and weird, no one wants to talk to you,” Eddie smirked, rummaging through the deeper drawers in his dresser.

“So, you said your Uncle knows about the pot…” Steve didn’t hesitate to make himself comfortable now, plopping himself down on the foot of Eddie’s bed. “What doesn’t he know about?”

Eddie paused his searching, looking at Steve curiously for a moment before resuming his quest in another drawer. “Uh, currently, co*ke and shrooms. But I can get LSD and X…” He looked back over at Steve again, raising his eyebrows softly. “Am I still just looking for weed, or…?” He was surprised. Eddie never took Steve as the kind of guy to experiment with harder drugs.

“Yeah, yeah,” Steve gave a small shake of his head. “I was just… curious,” he shrugged.

“Alright, good… because honestly,” Eddie gave a halfhearted snort. “Lord knows I’m not a saint, but I’d feel pretty bad if I got you addicted to crack. And I’m pretty sure Robin would kill me.” He gave a sideways glance as he reconsidered his words. “Actually I know she’d kill me.” Eddie looked under his bed, yelling out an “Aha!” as he found a small, black, tin chest. He popped back up with the old lunchbox and sat next to Steve on the bed. Eddie pulled out one of the bags of weed, which he had pre-measured out into groups of half ounces, and passed it to Steve.

Steve, who pulled a twenty out of his wallet before tucking it back in his jeans, took the baggie and gave Eddie the money. “Pleasure… conducting business with ya, Munson.”

Eddie smiled, tapping his nose twice before closing the lunchbox and showing Steve back to the door. “Anything for a payin’ customer.”

Steve was almost out the door when he stopped abruptly, turning back around and hesitating a moment before saying “I really wasn’t, by the way.”

Eddie’s brows knitted together. “Wasn’t what?”

“Trying to get it for free,” he said with an earnesty Eddie hadn’t seen since… well, since then.

“Yeah… I know, Harrington,” Eddie breathed an uncertain laugh. “No worries.” He gave Steve’s shoulder a swift clap, still caught off guard by his sudden demeanor.

Steve gave a lopsided smile. “See ya at work, Munson,” he said as he walked backward down the steps, before sliding in the driver’s seat. Eddie waved with a smile of his own, pulling his trailer door closed. And now he was alone.

He just stood there for a moment, the silence and room around him fading into background as half-formed thoughts entered and left his mind. His eyes drifted upward, falling on the ceiling. Falling there.

His chest tightened, breath becoming shallow as the only thing in focus was that awful, tainted space. Eddie vaguely recognized he was shaking, instability racketing his body, but he couldn’t tear his gaze away. It was as if he could see her right in front of him. Eyes lifeless and body contorting in impossible, sickening angles.

A dog barked outside, snapping Eddie out of the horrifying stupor with a gasp. The soreness in his jaw broke through in that moment as well, and he realized he had been clenching it tightly. He walked out of the trailer with urgency, trying not to slam the door behind him.

Eddie’s heart pounded in his chest as he sat down on his steps, his breath ragged and shaky like he’d just run a mile. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a few jerky but deep breaths, until he could feel himself inhale and exhale without a hitch. On the final exhale, frustration prickled through him. Eddie pulled out his carton of Marlboro Reds, plucking one out and hastily lighting it. A shaky stream of smoke puffed into the cool air, dissipating quickly. He used to love the fact he had the trailer to himself.

But these days, he f*cking hated being home alone.

Chapter 2: A Discussion of Distinguished Media in a House Full of Drunk People


steve harrington walked so patrick swayze could run, that's all i'm saying.

also this chapter is a little longer than most will be


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Before Vecna, Eddie had to say he was an atheist-leaning-agnostic. But once an interdimensional monster– who apparently used to be just some guy? He wasn’t very clear on the details– levitated a human and gruesomely killed her right in front of him, and then he went on to kill said monster with the help of a telekinetic teenager, his mind definitely opened up a little.

All this to say, he was thankful to whatever higher power aligned to give Steve the insight to pick up Vickie and Robin before him. When he slid into the backseat next to Vickie, Robin and Steve were already arguing half heartedly over something unknown to Eddie. Vickie greeted him with a wave, watching on in amusem*nt.

“Well, if you think she’s so boring you shouldn’t have flirted back with her,” Robin said matter-of-factly.

“I didn’t flirt with her,” Steve defended.

“Who did you, or did not, flirt with?” Eddie asked.

“Tammy Thompson,” They answered in unison, glancing back at Eddie. Steve started the car.

Eddie let out a short cackle at this, raising his brows at Steve. “Why would you flirt with Tammy Thompson?”

“I didn’t,” Steve insisted, glancing at Eddie in the rear view mirror.

“Tell him how you got invited then,” Robin challenged.

Steve sighed, “She was at a restaurant I went to and she came up to me, and ya know, I wasn’t gonna be rude… so I went along with the conversation. She’s asking me about what I’ve been up to, I tell her, ask her a question I think will have a short answer– ya know, goin’ through the motions–”

“Get to it, Steve,” Robin rushed.

“Okay, okay. She had been planning this sort of giant reunion party with her boyfriend, but then they broke up so she ended up having to take on the whole thing by herself… and then she started crying–”

Eddie cut him off, “She started crying?--”

“And… I sorta panicked because I’m not great at the comfort thing–”

“Shocking–” Eddie chimed in again, but Steve continued as if he said nothing.

“So I said ‘any guy would be lucky to plan a reunion party with her’--” he was cut off by everyone else in the car groaning, Vickie the only one attempting to hide her amusem*nt. Steve glared at Robin, but continued. “And she said the party was already planned, but that I should come. I asked if I could bring friends and she said yes.”

“God, Harrington, you’re one of the most annoying kinds of people,” Eddie laughed. “The kind that flirt with everyone and don’t even know.”

“Gotta say, Steve,” Vickie sucked her teeth disapprovingly. “The damage your kind does is monumental.”

“Not you too, Vickie,” Steve glanced back at her in disappointment.

“Wait… ‘giant reunion party’...” Eddie said, furrowing his brows. He looked at Robin, who looked at Steve. “How big is this thing gonna be?”

“Uh…” Steve said as he and Robin looked between each other. “Like… a little over a hundred people–”

A little over a hun–” Eddie’s eyes bulged, cutting himself off. “Harrington, I thought this was gonna be thirty people.”

“It’s a reunion party!” He defended.

“It’s a field trip!” Eddie immediately responded.

“Look, our deal still stands. If you hate it I’ll take you home,” Steve bartered.

“Fine,” Eddie sighed, collapsing back against the seat. “But I’m getting incredibly drunk and no one’s allowed to give me sh*t if I’m annoying.”

“When have we ever said you were an annoying drunk?” Robin asked.

“Well, hopefully never!” Eddie retorted. “And you’re not allowed to start tonight.”

They parked down the street from the address Steve got, and Eddie knew before he even stepped out of the car that they were in an incredibly rich neighborhood. The houses were all two to three stories high with large, lush lawns. Eddie couldn’t help but prickle a bit.

Music could be heard as soon as they turned the corner, despite the house being at the end of the street. Another thing that always mesmerized Eddie about rich people: they were somehow able to get away with throwing the most obnoxiously loud parties. Part of him wondered if some of them just straight up paid off the cops.

Upbeat pop music blared throughout the house, Steve leading them in and Eddie sticking close to Robin’s side as they moved through the swarm of people. They had yet to move through a room that didn’t have anywhere from five to twenty people in it.

Thankfully, no one needed to tell Steve to navigate them to the kitchen, and Eddie didn’t know if Steve had been there before or just had a secret skill for locating the alcohol at any venue, but soon enough Eddie was mixing himself a drink.

“Damn, you know she’s rich when she’s got,” Eddie picked up a bottle, reading the label before showing it to Robin and Vickie. “French orange liqueur.”

“Why not just use American oranges?” Steve wondered aloud and– as far as Eddie could tell– was completely serious.

“It’s… it’s a French brand, Harrington. The oranges aren’t French,” Eddie informed, biting back a laugh.

“How do you know the oranges aren’t French?” Steve countered, matter-of-factly.

“Guess I don't,” Eddie conceded, taking a healthy sip of his own drink. Obviously, he used the French orange liqueur. When in Rome, and all that.

Robin led the group into a large room with plenty of places to sit, everyone with drink in hand save for Steve. The stereo and multi-speaker set up– which Eddie mostly saw used for large concerts rather than house parties-- was still heard clearly despite being in a different room. It was muffled enough, however, for conversation to flow a bit easier.

The four sat on a large couch, Robin wrapping an arm around Vickie, sitting close but angled to talk with the group. “Luckily for you, I think you can avoid Tammy in this crowd,” Robin had to raise her voice a bit to be heard over the music and other conversations, but it wasn’t hard to hear her.

“Let’s hope so, since apparently I’m so irresistible I can’t have a conversation without it being considered flirting,” Steve grinned haughtily, Robin and Eddie rolling their eyes.

“I think you mean ‘insufferable,’” Eddie scoffed in disbelief, smiling at the absurdity of Steve’s ego.

“Keep tellin’ yourself that, Munson,” Steve smirked from beside him, Eddie simply shaking his head and taking a sip of his drink.

Surprisingly, Steve was not the one to get recognized. “Eddie Munson?” Eddie turned at the sound of his name, and looked up to see one of his regulars standing not far from the couch. He came over properly, a smile as he said “Thank god you’re here, man. These rich people do not share their weed, dude. And they’re mostly all doing co*ke, anyway.”

Eddie chuckled. “Seabass,” This seemed to be funny to Steve, as he turned to Eddie amused, eyes wide and brows raised. “Unfortunately I’m not here on business. But trust me, I sympathize.”

“C’mon… you don’t got anything?” Seabass asked with pleading eyes.

Eddie glanced at his friends. He started to get the same feeling that prevented him from selling in front of Wayne. “Why don’t we go to the bathroom. You know,” Eddie gestured vaguely to the party-goers around them. “How rich people can be sometimes.”

“Oh, for sure, for sure,” Seabass nodded, “It’s probably gonna be full, but I opened a broom closet earlier on accident.”

“Perfect,” Eddie stood up and looked back at his friends. Robin and Vickie had busied themselves in a quiet conversation until that moment, but Steve had been watching the interaction. “I’ll be back in five, guys. Uh… Harrington,” Eddie made a show of batting his eyelashes. “Be a dear and hold this,” he gave Steve his drink.

Steve gave a small two finger salute. “Guard it with my life, Cap’n.” Then he winked at Eddie. And Eddie froze for a moment, something akin to panic ran up his spine. But it was like… exciting panic. He was vaguely aware that his mouth had fallen open in the slightest, as if his mouth was trying to say something, before he realized he had no response.

“You comin’?” Seabass called from a few paces away, snapping Eddie back to the task at hand.

The broom closet was just barely big enough to fit both Seabass and Eddie inside, the former elbowing Eddie in the ribs in order to turn on the light. “I don’t got a lot on me, I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t here for business.”

“I don’t care, man, I’ll take what I can get,” Seabass urged. “My girlfriend just dumped me.”

“Oh,” Eddie’s face fell a little, feeling awkward because he really didn’t know this guy outside of selling him weed. “Sorry… to hear that, Seabass… Uh… I can sell you some joints for five bucks. That good?”

“Yeah, thanks man,” Seabass awkwardly pressed into Eddie while trying to get his wallet, nearly knocking him over as the floor was mostly filled with cleaning supplies. Eddie tried to not let it annoy him, but he was feeling a little scatter-brained. Seabass finally pulled out two fives and shoved his wallet back into his pocket, holding out the money to Eddie. “I’ll take two.”

Eddie, thankful that he had the foresight to roll some joints while he was waiting to get picked up, ended up elbowing Seabass himself as he reached into the inner pocket of his vest. He pulled out a plastic baggie with three rolled joints, tucking away the five before pulling out two of the joints and pocketing the other. Eddie held them out gingerly to Seabass, who tucked them into his beanie.

“Pleasure doing business,” Eddie smiled before clumsily following Seabass out of the closet, separating and making his way back to his group of friends. Steve was holding Eddie’s drink to his chest, gesturing wildly with the other hand as he animatedly talked to Robin and Vickie about something.

He glanced up, face brightening a bit as he saw Eddie. “Munson! Settle something,” he handed Eddie back his drink as he returned to his seat. “Is it inherently flirty to tell someone they have nice eyes?” All three of them looked at Eddie expectantly.

“Mmm…” Eddie thought about this. “No? I guess not?”

“What?!” Robin exclaimed as Steve clapped his hands together, smugly looking at her.

Thank you!” Steve proclaimed.

“Aw, Eddie,” Vickie frowned. “I thought we all agreed Steve is a menace that must be stopped.”

“I know, I know,” Eddie gave a deep sigh, mustering up his most forlorn face. “But I unfortunately have to agree with the menace on this one.”

“Are you kidding?” Robin’s eyes bulged. “Saying someone has nice eyes is the universal code for ‘I wanna smash.’”

Steve rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Please, it is not,” Steve gestured to Robin. “I think you have nice eyes!”

“Wow,” Vickie deadpanned. “Stop trying to f*ck my girlfriend, Steve.” Eddie barked a boisterous laugh at this, biting the rest of it back behind his lip as he shared an amused look with Vickie.

“A guy can’t compliment his friend’s eyes anymore? Jeez,” Steve said dramatically, leaning back and draping one arm across the back of the couch, behind Eddie. “Munson has nice eyes,” he said matter-of-factly, gesturing to Eddie loosely before looking him directly in the eyes and saying, “Nice eyes, Munson.”

If there was ever a time Eddie knew what a deer felt like in headlights, it was right now. His face heated and for a second his entire body froze. He scrambled to distract from the weirdness of the situation by pointedly ignoring Steve and looking at the girls. “Okay maybe there’s no way for him to say it without being flirty, but it’s definitely possible for other people.” Steve made a show of rolling his eyes. “Who are you telling that they have nice eyes, anyway?” Eddie asked, curious,

“Tammy’s best friend, Clarissa Sherfield,” Robin supplied.

“She has nice eyes!” Steve blustered in defense.

“Great!” Robin laughed. “Was telling her that worth her thinking you're trying to sleep with her?”

Steve let out a groan, collapsing back onto the couch, arm still slung over it. “Why does everybody gotta read into things?”

“I think the problem is you don’t read into things at all,” Eddie chuckled, taking a sip of his drink, which he had been thoroughly enjoying while everyone ganged up on Steve.

“Neither do you,” Steve grumbled. Confusion washed over Eddie’s face.

“What?” Eddie asked, turning to look at Steve properly. “Trust me, Harrington, I’m definitely on the side of reading into things too much.”

“Chip. Hudson’s. Birthday Party,” Steve announced in a suddenly louder voice, sitting up again like he had the answer to a million dollar question.

“Again with Chip Hudson’s birthday party,” Eddie muttered to himself, giving a defeated gesture with his free hand. Steve continued.

“You and Chip sang Somebody To Love by Queen, and while it was clear that you were just having fun– drunk out of your mind– Chip had his arm around you the entire song,” Steve explained, Eddie vaguely remembering snippets of this, but it was extremely fuzzy.

“He was grinning at you the whole time,” Vickie added.

Steve nodded. “Basically serenading you and you didn’t even notice.”

“And then you had the audacity to argue with me over whether or not he was gay!” Robin's eyes were wide with amusem*nt.

“Admittedly, that doesn’t sound like the most heterosexual scene,” Eddie conceded with a laugh of his own. “And I frankly remember almost none of that night, so I guess I can’t argue my point again.” With this, he finished off his first drink. “I’m gonna go get another.”

“I was actually about to do the same,” Robin said, unwrapping herself from around Vickie.

“Bring me another, too?” Vickie asked, handing an empty cup to Robin who agreed before walking with Eddie back to the kitchen.

“Hey, by the way,” Robin said, leaning close so Eddie could hear. “Did you show Steve where you keep your mags?”

Eddie furrowed his brows. “Yeah… why?”

“I know he doesn’t know... ya know… and I don’t know if you remember but you have some… pretty damning evidence in that drawer,” Robin informed, and suddenly Eddie remembered going through a gay soft-p*rn mag with her on a particularly slow day. They had played a game where they guessed if the guys were bottoms or tops to pass the time.

“sh*t, you’re right,” Eddie tried to keep the rigidity running down his spine to a minimum, but anxiety had already set in. “He didn’t find anything on your shifts together?”

“No, not that he said to me.” Robin assured. Good, Eddie thought to himself. Now all there was to do was wait until his next shift, which if he remembered correctly would be before Steve’s. “Although… I’m not saying you have to tell him, obviously. Do that when or if you want… But I really don’t think he would say anything. At least, he wouldn’t be a dick about it.” She scoffed a bit as they finally pushed through the people into the kitchen. “I mean, it’s Steve, so he might make some dumb joke, but not in a… hom*ophobic way.”

Eddie sighed. “I know he’s not… like that. At least not with you and Vickie, but… I dunno, guys sometimes are… different when it’s another guy,” Eddie shook his head, feeling like he was implying he thought Steve was a sh*tty guy, which he really wasn’t. “They think we’re… predatory, or some sh*t… and suddenly feel threatened or uncomfortable around us. And if things got weird between Steve and I, it’s not like I only see him when I hang out with you. We gotta work together, a lot of the time alone.”

Robin gave him a sympathetic look, patting his back lightly before sliding her arm around his shoulders loosely. She let out a thoughtful sigh. “I get you. Girls can kinda act the same way when they find out a girl isn’t straight. Just thought it was worth mentioning.” Her arm dropped away as she started on making Vickie’s drink.

“Thanks, Rob,” Eddie knocked his shoulder lightly into hers when she wasn’t pouring, and soon they walked back to the couch where Vickie and Steve seemed to be talking about Fast Times.

A few drinks later, and Eddie could safely say he was thoroughly wasted. Not quite one-eye drunk, but he definitely lost all sense of spatial awareness and balance when he walked. At some point, Vickie and Robin got up to dance and didn’t return, but Eddie didn’t complain because one: he was too drunk to care. And two: he felt they were sufficiently fulfilling Robin’s 70/30 deal.

Steve had wanted to smoke a cigarette, so Eddie was currently doing his best to navigate a relatively spinning hallway in order to get to the backyard. Eddie lost his balance just a bit, stumbling into Steve with a giggle he wasn’t coordinated enough to hold back. Steve steadied him easily, pushing him slowly into a sturdy stance with a laugh. “Walk much, Munson?”

“Shut up,” Eddie laughed again, catching his bearings.

“Here,” Steve repositioned Eddie so he was in front of Steve but facing forward. Steve’s hands rested heavily on Eddie’s shoulders as he gently began to push him to a walk. “Think you need a babysitter,” Eddie could practically hear the smirk in his voice, likely because it was so close in his ear it would be hard to miss.

Eddie’s already unclear head became fuzzier, a lazy smile permanently affixed to his face. The outside air hit Eddie like a wall, and he didn’t realize how humid it had been inside until that moment. He took a deep breath, sobering in the slightest. The backyard still occasionally dipped on its side, but he felt less like a newborn deer.

Steve and Eddie sat side by side on the edge of the porch, feet dangling a few inches off the grass below. Steve pulled out a pack of Camels and lit one before tucking the box back in his jacket. “See you dropped the jacket/vest combo for just the vest.” Steve commented, pulling the cigarette away to let out a puff. “Aren’t you cold? It’s like the middle of spring.”

While typically a spring night in Hawkins would likely be too cold to forgo a jacket, Eddie had a simple answer for Steve: “Knew I was getting drunk,” he shrugged. “Don’t get cold when you’re drunk. And thank god for that decision, because a leather jacket in there would’ve been hell.” Eddie was finding it particularly hard to get out his 'L's, 'S's, and some 'R's, but he managed.

Steve smiled at this. “Fair enough.” He took another puff of his cigarette before looking back over at Eddie. “Want some?” He held out the cigarette between his fingers.

Eddie, well aware that if he wanted a smoke he could pull out his own, said, “Sure,” and took Steve’s offer. Frankly, getting out his own cig and lighting it was a lot of hand/eye coordination Eddie wasn’t sure he could be bothered to attempt. He blew out a puff of his own, saying “Thanks.”

Steve looked at Eddie with curious amusem*nt. "...Seabass?" Eddie laughed at this, Steve joining in. "Is that really his name?"

"No, his full name's Sebastian, obviously," Eddie smiled, his mouth moving slower than he would like but getting the words out eventually. "He wasn't born and his parents were like... Ay," Eddie began in an exaggerated New York accent. "You know what that kinda reminds me of? A 'saltwata' fish."

Steve laughed harder at this. "I guess that's a good point," a small silence fell between them as Eddie smoked. “So…" Steve began again when he composed himself, "On a scale of one to Tammy Thompson’s singing, how much are you hating this thing?”

Eddie hummed. “Like a four. 'S pretty fun, actually,” Eddie turned to face Steve, grinning. He felt warm all over. “But what can I say, I’m a helluva bartender.”

“Certainly succeeded in getting yourself drunk,” Steve noted, accepting the cigarette from Eddie after he took a second hit.

“Can you blame me? This," he gestured to the general area, "Is intimidating. Guess I prefer kickbacks,” Eddie mused idly. “Less eyes on you. Lower stakes.”

"You helped kill a disciple of the Mind Flayer and you think a party with a bunch of college kids is intimidating?" Steve raised his eyebrows humorously.

Eddie rolled his eyes in amusem*nt, turning a patronizing look on Steve. "Ooh, 'disciple,'" Eddie leaned in, air-quoting tauntingly before leaning back out of Steve's bubble. "That's a big one for you, Harrington."

"Thanks, learned it from Henderson," Steve smirked.

Eddie drunkenly giggled a bit to himself, muttering, "'Course you did."

"Ya know, it's funny," Steve said, “All those reasons are actually kinda why I like bigger parties,” another puff of smoke.

“How so?” Eddie raised his brows, not seeing how more people could mean less eyes.

Steve shrugged. “At bigger parties, there’s so many people and so many things happening all the time, if you f*ck up… or do something stupid…” Steve gestured vaguely with the cigarette to the separate groups of people scattered around the backyard, all having various forms of boisterous conversations. “Everyone’s so preoccupied with their own sh*t that no one’s really paying attention to you.” As if to add to Steve’s point, Eddie only just then realized a group of loud guys were having a very intense cartwheel competition. They erupted into a cheer as a guy did, admittedly, a pretty impressive cartwheel.

“Guess I never thought about it that way,” Eddie conceded thoughtfully, looking back at Steve.

Steve smirked, tapping his temple. “I’m more than just a pretty face, Munson.” He passed the cigarette back to Eddie.

“Hey, a pretty face can get you far in life,” Eddie pointed at him, his words slurring in just the slightest. He opened his arms wide, gesturing to the scene Steve just referenced. “Got us to this party, didn’t it?”

“And next, the White House,” Steve said in a whimsical tone.

“God, for America’s sake I hope not,” Eddie chuckled, taking a drag. “Though I guess even you would be better than Reagan.”

Steve scoffed, muttering. “Ain’t that the f*ckin’ truth.” Relief flooded Eddie that he agreed with the sentiment. Steve supporting Reagan would’ve likely had Eddie walking all the way back to the trailer park.

“Kickbacks also have their benefits, though,” Steve said. “Sometimes you don’t wanna be surrounded by drunk total strangers. Instead… you wanna be surrounded by drunk friends and friends of friends.”

“And you get to see everyone doing stupid sh*t,” Eddie passed the cig to Steve. “Remind your friends of how dumb they were.”

“Yeah, like you at–” Steve started, Eddie rolling his eyes humorously as he joined in to say “Chip Hudson’s birthday party.”

Eddie smiled, nodding in amusem*nt. “Yes, yes. Despite remembering next to nothing of that night, I’ve had quite the vivid picture painted for me.”

Steve laughed at this. “I can’t help it, alright. That was the first night you really... let loose. And boy did you draw attention. Mr. Less-Eyes.”

Eddie groaned. “Please tell me I didn’t do anything ridiculously embarrassing,” he looked at Steve, nervous and bracing for the worst.

An impish smirk crossed Steve’s face, “I’ll never tell,” he said downright mischievously. He took a drag, still smirking as he looked at Eddie out of the corner of his eye.

With a noise that was halfway between a groan and a chuckle, Eddie hid his face in his hands. He moved them away, forcing the embarrassment down and replacing it with his own smugness. “You know what, I will not be shamed by a man who has rented Grease four times.”

“Hey,” Steve tried to manage a serious demeanor, but was smiling as he pointed a scolding finger at Eddie. “I draw the line at Grease slander. It’s a fun-loving movie for the whole family.”

A laugh fell from Eddie without permission as he looked at Steve’s frail attempt. “Listen, I’ll give it to you that the music is great. But four times?” Eddie raised his eyebrows, determined to humiliate Steve for this even if his words slid together. “And with very little time in between. Some would argue that’s a concerning amount of Grease consumption.”

“And I would argue that they’re a killjoy. And are living a sad, Grease-less life.” Steve retorted, pulling another laugh from Eddie.

“I guess John Travolta was pretty hot in it,” Eddie wondered aloud, mostly to himself. Realization at what he said hit him, but he barely had a second to freeze up over it.

“See!” Steve gestured appreciatively. “Fun for the whole family,” he emphasized. Eddie felt his worried mouth turn back into a smile. Steve held out the short cigarette, “Here. Kill it.” Eddie obliged before snuffing it out on a heavily-filled ashtray next to him.

“Hey! There you are,” the guys turned to see Robin’s arm slung over Vickie, Robin looking worse for wear. “Robin’s feeling kinda sick. Do you mind taking us to my place?” Vickie asked Steve.

“I threw up in a vase,” Robin supplied groggily, inebriation glassing her eyes that could barely be considered open. Eddie breathed a laugh.

“Uh, yeah, ‘course,” Steve said, standing up and looking down at Eddie. “You ready to go?”

Eddie nodded, attempting to stand up but immediately lowering himself back down when the world span just a bit too fast. “Whoa, easy there,” Steve chuckled as he grabbed Eddie’s hand, pulling him up slowly and steadying him by the shoulder with his other hand. “Alright, let’s get the party animals home.” Eddie allowed himself to be led out of the still packed house, Steve this time leading him through the sweaty bodies by the hand.

When they got outside, Steve glanced at Eddie. “Can you walk by yourself or am I gonna have to carry you to the car bridal style?” He teased.

“You wish, Harrington,” Eddie slurred out, chuckling essentially to himself as he dropped Steve’s hand and made a show of walking in a straight line to the sidewalk. When he spun around to take a bow, he almost tipped over, but Steve had apparently been following closely and quickly reached out to steady him by the waist. “See? Practically sober.”

“Hate to tell you this, babes," Vickie said sweetly . "But you were essentially serpentining through the yard." There was an entertained smile on both her and Steve’s lips. Robin had her eyes fully closed, Vickie leading her.

“I’m better than her,” Eddie said with a poorly timed hiccup as he gestured to Robin. “She’s not even one-eye drunk, she’s no-eye drunk.”

“In her defense,” Vickie said. “We did some shots in the kitchen.”

Eddie gasped in offense, dramatically placing a hand over his chest as Steve and Vickie steered the group in the right direction. “Without me? Hurtful, Vickie. Hurtful.”

“We couldn’t even find you guys,” Vickie chuckled.

“We thought… you guys went up to a room together…” It was clear that it took all of Robin's brain power to form sentences, face contorted like she might throw up again. But still, her words were heard clearly. Eddie barely registered Vickie elbowing her in the side.

Eddie blew a raspberry that turned into a giggle at the absurdity of the notion. “Why would we do that?” Steve remained silent.

Robin shrugged in slow motion, eyes still closed. “I dunno anymore. But there was a reason.”

“Aaand we’re here,” Steve finally cut in, slowing Eddie to a stop by the shoulders when he almost walked past the car. “Nope, this is the car, Munson. Vickie, I’ll drop you and Robin off first. Robin if you're gonna throw up hang your head all the way out the window like a dog, 'kay? Way easier to clean the outside than the inside.”

“Whoo,” Robin cheered quietly at the mention of her name, not at all acknowledging what Steve said to her.

Robin and Eddie sang along, no doubt obnoxiously and off-key, to ABBA on the radio as Steve drove them to Vickie’s house. The ride flew by and miraculously Robin didn't throw up again. Soon they were waiting for Vickie and Robin to get inside. Vickie gave a little wave as she cracked open the door before ushering Robin into her house, the door closing behind them.

“Alright, next destination: casa de Munson,” Steve said as he pulled out of Vickie’s driveway.

It was then that Eddie was reminded other people existed. “sh*t, what time is it?” He tried to force his eyes to focus on the dashboard clock. He let out a small noise of frustration. “Why are analogue clocks so hard to read when you’re drunk?”

“It’s a little past midnight,” Steve glanced at Eddie. “Why? Did you need to be home earlier?”

“No, the opposite,” Eddie sighed. “It’s fine. I just thought we’d be home later and my uncle would be asleep…” he trailed off, hesitant to add “I don’t really like Wayne seeing me like this. He gets… worried. Ya know, after everything…” As soon as he said it he felt like he’d shared too much, burdening Steve or something. He quickly gave a dismissive wave. “It’s totally cool though, he’s not gonna be mad or anything.”

Steve was silent for a second, seemingly thinking to himself while he kept glancing between Eddie and the road. “What if we did something else until you sobered up?” He offered.

His first reaction was to reject, of course. That was definitely asking too much of someone who already stayed sober the entire night just for him. “You don’t actually gotta babysit me, Harrington, it’s fine,” he said with a chuckle, shaking his head lightly.

“I’m not babysitting you,” Steve gave a snort. “We’re hanging out. Ya know. What friends do,” he shot Eddie a smirk at this. “Though apparently you’ve been telling Robin you don’t consider us friends. Words hurt, Munson.”

Eddie rolled his eyes with an uncontainable smile. He hadn’t expected to be this happy over Steve calling them friends. “Fine, I guess you’ve earned official friend-status.”

“Good god you’re standards are high,” Steve chuckled. “Glad to know I made the list.”

“Yeah, but it’s like a constantly updating list and there’s a limited amount of spots,” Eddie rambled matter-of-factly. “So you never know when someone could bump you off. Gareth could come in on my next shift and offer me a blowj*b and you’re–” Eddie made a clicking noise in the side of his mouth, jabbing his thumb behind him. “Right off of there.”

Steve laughed as he asked “And where am I on the list?”

“Definitely last place,” Eddie maintained his sincerity, nodding certainly.

“Last place?” Steve looked over briefly, a smile on his face as he raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, yeah. Seven out of seven,” Eddie informed without hesitation.

Steve laughed loudly at this. “Who’s Gareth and where is he on the list in comparison to me?”

“He’s a… reasonably-annoying band member, and obviously he’s not on the list,” Eddie lolled his head to look at Steve, who had yet to inform him where he was taking them. “Hasn’t given me the blowj*b yet,” Eddie supplied plainly.

“Right, right, how foolish of me,” Steve nodded. “Well, until Gareth shows me up and I’m officially no longer your friend, I have something to show you.”

“You’re not planning on taking me out to the woods, murdering me, and burying me in a ditch are you?” Eddie asked, a morbid smile on his face. “Because that would be like, really uncool.”

“Dammit Munson” Steve said with exaggerated disappointment. “You guessed my plan! Gotta come up with something else now.”

“Aw jeez,” Eddie threw up his hands, pretending to be disappointed in himself. “That was rude of me. I dunno what I was thinking.”

“Yeah, well, watch yourself,” Steve scolded, but there was a lopsided smile on his lips. “Pull one more stunt like that and you’re off my list.”

Eddie gave a sloppy salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”


Out of the things Eddie expected to be in Steve’s trunk, a net-bag of old baseballs was not one of them. The bat, however, was par for the course. He was surprised by its lack of deadly add-ons, though.

“So you are gonna murder me,” Eddie stated.

“Not today, Munson,” Steve grabbed the bag of baseballs and the bat before shutting the trunk and locking it. “Follow me.”

“You just keep those in your trunk?” He asked as he followed Steve to a large clearing not far from the road, just before the treeline. They were on the outskirts of Hawkins.

“They’re good for clearing your head,” Steve said simply.

Steve led him toward a log lying on the ground, surrounded by empty bottles and cans. Besides broken glass lying around the log, the bottles were relatively neatly piled up.

“How often are you out here?” Eddie asked, noting the somewhat large quantity of bottles.

Steve shrugged, dropping what he held to the ground a healthy distance away from the log. “Pretty often, I guess.” Eddie didn’t know what he thought of this fact about Steve Harrington, his brain still too foggy to form all of his thoughts, but he knew it intrigued him. “Wait here,” Steve said before jogging over to the bottle piles, picking up a few and taking them to the log.

A strong breeze blew as Eddie watched Steve set up the bottles from afar. He crossed his arms, regretting his decision to abandon his jacket now that he was outside and sobering up. Slowly, yes, but surely.

When Steve jogged back he had a smile, “Okay, sorry. We gotta be kinda far back cause if the,” he took in a breath, pausing briefly, “glass shatters the wrong way… ya know… it could blind ya. But!” Steve interjected himself when Eddie furrowed his brows, pursing his lips in uncertainty. Eddie's face fell into a smile, however. “That’s what clears your head. The danger… and it’s fun,” he gave Eddie a charming smile, that mischievous look back in his eyes. “I promise.” Eddie thought Steve kind of had nice eyes, too.

“Well?” Eddie raised his eyebrows at Steve. “I’m expecting a demonstration, Harrington.” Steve’s grin practically split his face at these words. He dug out a ball from the bag and picked up the bat, spinning it around his hand in that cool-guy way that had Eddie smiling into his hand over how ridiculous he was.

“Watch and learn, Munson,” Steve winked with a click, not giving Eddie time to recover before tossing the ball straight up. His bat hit with a loud ’crack,’ shooting straight to a bottle and shattering it. “Yeah, baby!” Steve cheered as he fist-pumped in self-congratulations. He turned to face a very stunned Eddie.

“Okay,” Eddie scoffed in shock, “That was actually pretty impressive. I didn’t think you were actually gonna hit it first try.”

Steve popped the color of his jacket exaggeratedly, his face graced with the most arrogant smile Eddie had ever seen. “I keep telling you I’m more than just a pretty face,” he gloated, Eddie too at a loss for words to respond. Steve’s eyes glanced down to Eddie’s grip tightening on his arms before flicking back up. “You cold?”

“Little bit, but I’ll live,” Eddie shrugged.

“Take off your vest,” he said, tossing the bat onto the ground.

“You’re supposed to put clothing on when you’re cold, Harrington,” Eddie teased, but his limbs listened to Steve before his brain had time to think, already slipping off the vest.

“Yeah, yeah,” Steve flopped his hand dismissively, sliding off his own jacket and tossing it to Eddie. “Here. Gimme your vest. I run hot.”

Eddie caught it, luckily. “Okay, but you can’t steal it this time. It’s my last one,” Eddie smirked as he tossed his vest to Steve.

“Oh… I can, uh, give that back,” Steve said, uncertainty tinging his previously co*cky tone. “Sorry.”

“Nah, keep it,” Eddie said as he shrugged on Steve’s jacket which– wow-- overwhelmingly smelled like Steve. “It looked good on you.” Immediately Eddie felt heat flood his face as the words left his mouth, completely of their own volition.

Steve’s face lit up with a shocked laugh. “Thank you for saying that, I’m never letting you live it down.”

Eddie pointed at him accusingly. “You agreed we wouldn’t talk about anything annoying I did!”

“That’s actually not what we agreed,” Steve pointed back, “And it doesn’t matter because that doesn’t fall under annoying. Our deal doesn’t apply here, technically.”

“Whatever,” Eddie laughed, holding out his hand and waving it. “Just give me the bat so I can play your little ball game.”

Steve picked up the bat and got another ball before coming over to Eddie and handing them to him. “Just focus on hitting the ball first. It’s actually harder than it looks,” he advised.

“I get it, you’re a jock,” Eddie smirked, getting into a position he felt he could quickly transition into swinging. Despite his teasing, he did as Steve said, and to his disappointment, missed entirely.

“Told ya,” Steve supplied unhelpfully. Eddie shot him a weak glare before picking up the ball and trying again. He missed the second time as well, but managed to hit it dead on the third time around. It did not, however, hit a bottle.

“Not bad,” Steve encouraged. “It wasn’t too far off either,” Steve pointed a little ways away from the log. He picked up the ball bag and dumped the remainder of them onto the ground next to Eddie, but out of his way. “Try again.”

So Eddie did. He missed a few times here and there, but eventually the problem was no longer hitting the ball, rather getting it to go where he wanted. “Think it might be a hopeless endeavor, Harrington,” Eddie said with a sigh after another miss. He’d lost count how many it was.

“It’s not hopeless, drama queen,” Steve said with a playful roll of his eyes. He moved to stand behind Eddie, pausing and holding his palms open, “Can I try to help?” Eddie nodded for him to proceed. “Drop the ball, just grip the bat.” He obeyed.

Eddie had an idea of what Steve was going to do, but it did not include him resting his hands on Eddie’s waist and straightening his core. “Back straight, bend your knees a little,” Steve commanded, voice far too close to Eddie’s ear, making his breath hitch. He could only hope it wasn’t noticeable to Steve.

Despite the screaming state of his mind, Eddie did as he was told. Steve’s hands came to rest on the outside of Eddie’s forearms, guiding them to where they should be. This was supposed to be sobering him up, but Steve practically wrapping himself around Eddie was making his head spin all over again. “Relax,” Steve said softly in his ear, wiggling Eddie’s arms until they were forced to loosen. He breathed a quiet chuckle at Eddie’s rigidity.

“When you swing back,” he continued to speak quietly as he moved Eddie’s arms back slowly, then let his hands fall onto either side of Eddie’s waist. “Turn your whole body,” Steve twisted Eddie’s torso towards where his hands were holding the bat on the backswing. He kept one hand on Eddie’s waist and the other went back to his forearm. “Then when you swing forward, keep your eye on the target,” Steve briefly removed a hand to point at a bottle. “And follow all…” Steve rotated Eddie’s arms and torso until their upper bodies were turned the complete opposite way as the backswing. “All the way through.” Eddie turned a bit more to get a look at Steve’s face, but he made a noise of disapproval, grabbing Eddie’s chin and directing his gaze back to the bottle. “Eyes stay on the target the whole time, Munson.”

His hand fell from Eddie’s face to rest once again on his waist, but only for a moment before both his hands slipped away. He took a few steps backwards and Eddie found himself missing the pressure. He also found it a miracle he stayed standing.

Eddie swallowed thickly. Maybe alcohol and being alone with Steve was a precarious combination. Noted, he thought.

He tried a couple more times, trying to follow Steve's advice. “Harrington, I think you somehow managed to make me worse.”

“No! You almost got that last one,” Steve argued encouragingly. “Just try a few more times. You’re so close.”

“Whatever you say, coach,” Eddie conceded with a sigh, getting into position again. He took a deep breath, scouting the bottle he wanted to aim at beforehand. With a final attempt to focus his consciousness, he tossed the ball up and swung.

He heard the shatter before his eyes registered what they were seeing, and then a wide smile split his face as he jumped up and down, dropping the bat and throwing his arms up with a cheer. “Holy sh*t! I f*ckin’ did it!” He turned around to face Steve, still grinning as he dropped his arms.

Steve had cheered before Eddie did, and came over now to wrap a heavy arm around Eddie’s shoulders, tugging him into a triumphant side-hug as he continued to celebrate Eddie’s success. “I told you!” Steve exclaimed. “See? Wasn’t that worth it?”

“That was ridiculously satisfying,” Eddie said honestly, buzzing from the accomplishment.

Steve released him from the embrace with a smug smile. “Would you say it was a sobering experience?”

“Actually,” Eddie said. “Yeah. Kinda just feel like I have an adrenaline high.”

“You should go a few more times,” Steve gestured. “Then I’ll take you home.”

Eddie managed to hit three more bottles within ten attempts, which he thought was a pretty significant improvement. Turns out Steve might actually be a good teacher. When his infuriating, unintentional flirting didn’t get in the way, that is.

He pointedly ignored his disappointment when he and Steve switched their jackets back. He also pointedly ignored his enjoyment over the fact his vest now smelled a bit like Steve.


The lights were on in Eddie’s trailer when they arrived, his brow creasing at the sight. “It’s like three AM,” Steve commented. “I figured he’d be asleep.”

“Yeah, so did I,” Eddie agreed, his eyes lingering curiously on the illuminated windows. “Doesn’t matter, I guess. I’m sober now.” He popped open his door and got out, but kept it open as he bent down to look at Steve, one hand on the door and the other on top of the car. “Uh, thank you… for tonight,” Eddie gave an awkward smile. “Like… all of it, basically.” He chuckled, tacking on a teasing demeanor. “Guess it’s actually kinda cool to be Steve Harrington’s friend.”

Steve gave a dramatic roll of his eyes, but he was smiling as well. “I’ve been tryin’ to tell ya that,” his smile changed from one of amusem*nt to something more akin to… fascination? Eddie couldn’t quite pin it down, but he’d seen the man wear it occasionally, and it intrigued Eddie every time it was pointed in his direction. He wondered what Steve possibly found fascinating about him. “If only you weren’t so damn stubborn.”

“I’ll be sure to bring it up to my therapist, if I ever get one,” Eddie joked. He sighed before saying “Well, guess I’ll see you at work, Harrington. Night.”

“Night, Munson,” Steve said as Eddie closed the door. He gave Steve a final wave before unlocking his trailer and stepping in. Steve’s car didn’t start up again until the door was closed.

Sitting on the couch and watching tv with a nearly finished glass of whiskey, was Uncle Wayne.

“Hey, kid,” his voice was more gruff than usual, how it always was when he was tired after a long day at the plant.

“Surprised you’re still up,” Eddie commented, kicking off his shoes and hanging up his keys.

“Eh, yeah, well…” Wayne shrugged, eyes tired and movements sluggish. “Wanted to make sure you got in okay.” A pang shot through Eddie’s chest, but he swallowed it down. “Have fun?”

“Yeah, it was… it was cool,” Eddie nodded, giving a tight smile.

Wayne threw back the last of his whiskey before turning off the tv and standing with his empty glass. “Good, uh… that’s good,” Wayne nodded back at Eddie, ruffling his hair as he walked past him into the kitchenette, putting his glass in the sink. “Get some sleep kid,” Wayne gave a small, tired smile before heading to his room.

“Night Uncle Wayne,” Eddie called softly after him.

“Night,” he said before disappearing into his room, the door clicking quietly behind him. Eddie turned off the lights and headed to his room, closing his own door and leaning back against it with a long exhale.

He knew it wasn’t Wayne’s intention to make him feel bad, in fact the man would probably be deeply saddened that his worry would cause Eddie to feel guilty. But that just made it even worse. Eddie couldn’t imagine what Wayne went through the moment he came home that night last spring... All Eddie knew was when he came back his uncle was different. And even though he had no control over it, he had caused it. Here he was, still unable to stop causing more trouble than he’s worth.

That night Eddie dreamed he was in a room full of people, all too disgusted and full of disdain to look at him longer than it took to scowl in contempt.


eddie was gonna say "did u just swayze me?" but that movie wouldn't come out for three more years. nevertheless, it was the swayze-fication of steve harrington

Chapter 3: The Birds and the Bees: XXX Edition


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The first thing Eddie did after clocking in at work was make a beeline straight for his magazine drawer. He had searched through it three times just to be sure, but he was positive the magazine she mentioned wasn’t in there. Eventually he came to the conclusion that he must’ve taken it home. Made enough sense, considering there wasn’t much use for it at work.

He was working on the same song as last week when the bell jingled. Eddie looked up, expecting to see Robin coming in for her shift.

Instead of Robin, however, it was Steve, already in uniform. “Howdy, Munson,” Steve said as he entered.

“I thought Robin was working today?” Eddie asked with furrowed brows.

“Nah, she’s sick. I’m covering,” he supplied before heading to the back to clock in. Eddie returned his attention to his small notebook, trying to wrap up a thought he had before Steve came back out.

The bell jingled once more. Upon Eddie’s glance upwards, he saw the three painfully familiar faces of Jason Carver and his two lackeys, Andy and Chance. Eddie stiffened up, sliding his notebook off the counter and putting it on a shelf behind it. “Well, well, well,” Jason said with an irritated smirk. “Munson the Murderer works at f*cking Family Video Store!” His boys shook their heads in disdain beside him.

Needless to say, Jason was among the people who still believed Eddie welcomed the devil into his body.

“Careful, Carver,” Eddie couldn’t help himself, despite his nerves. “What would dear old daddy Christ say about that kind of language?”

“You’re a freak, Munson,” Jason spat, Eddie scoffing at the unoriginality of the insult. “I can’t believe they’d let someone like you work here.”

“I know, right?” Eddie went along, leaning one arm on the counter as he huffed in disbelief. “How could they trust me with the sensitive, private information that is the people of Hawkins’ weekly rental history? Ya know, I hear it’s a great position to have as an up-and-coming cult leader.” Suddenly Eddie was being hoisted above the counter, Jason gripping fistfuls of his clothes to pull him close in a threatening manner.

When Jason spoke again, forcing eye contact, he spoke in a low, even tone, “One day they’re gonna find you dead in a ditch, Munson. And I’ll get away with it just like you got away with what you did to Chrissy and the others.”

Eddie felt his throat clog at the mention of Chrissy, unable to hold up the unbothered facade. He had no response. There was no point saying, for the billionth f*cking time in his life, that he didn’t do it. With the way most people in Hawkins treat him, he might as well have.

“Hey!” An angry voice that could only belong to Steve shouted from behind him. “What the f*ck do you think you’re doing, Carver?” There were fast footsteps before Steve was in front of the counter, shoving Jason away from Eddie, hard. Steve followed the distance Jason was pushed with a few slow, antagonistic steps. He stared down Jason with a deep look of malice Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever seen in Steve.

“Showing the freak what it’s like to be scared,” Jason glared over at Eddie, who felt helpless in his ability to de-escalate the situation.

Steve stepped so close to Jason he was forced to look him in the eye, Steve towering a good three or so inches over him. In a low, steady voice he said “I think it’s time you leave.”

As Jason and Steve stared each other down, Andy and Chance started to flank Steve from behind. Eddie straightened, mentally preparing to spring over the counter if he needed. Jason shot Eddie a glare, clearly debating if this was worth it. It was three against two, they’d have the upperhand, but the store had cameras inside.

Barely bridled anger was clear on Jason’s face as he looked Steve in the eye. “C’mon boys,” he said. “Home Video Rentals has a better selection anyway,” and with a few more final glares, the three left.

Steve and Eddie looked at each other in silence, the air still charged from the aggressive encounter. Then, slow smiles split their face as they broke out into a laughter neither could hold back.

“Does he think we, two minimum wage twenty year-olds, care about the competition in the video rental industry?” Eddie questioned in disbelief once his laughter had died down a bit.

“Honestly,” Steve smiled with a shake of his head. “Probably. Don’t think that guy has ever worked a day in his life.”

As their final laughs cleared the air, Eddie dipped his head a bit before saying, “Uh, thanks, by the way. He’s…” Eddie chuckled. “Not my biggest fan, as you can see.”

“No problem,” Steve shrugged, smirking. “You just remember this moment when Gareth comes in for that blowj*b. I’m determined to hold that number seven.”

A genuine smile broke across Eddie’s face again at this, Steve coming behind the counter. Eddie rolled his eyes, sarcasm thick as he said, “Yeah, I’m definitely gonna think of you while I’m getting head.”

“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, Munson,” Steve smirked, lightly hitting his shoulder with the back of his hand before picking up a crate of magazines (ones they actually sell) he must’ve set down earlier. Eddie distracted himself from his blush by grabbing his notebook and tucking it away in his vest, where it hung in it’s usual spot over the stool.

Steve placed the flimsy crates of mags on the front counter, walking back around to start stocking the rack. “What’s in there, anyway?” He asked, not visible to Eddie until he walked back over and leaned on the counter.

“In what?” Eddie asked.

“That little book,” Steve clarified. “I see you writing in it a lot.”

“Uh… mostly songs, I guess. Some stuff for D&D campaigns, if we’re running one,” Eddie shrugged. “Random thoughts. I dunno. sh*t people put in notebooks.”

“Do you let people see this 'sh*t?'” Steve looked up at Eddie expectantly.

Eddie smirked. “Need to be higher on the list for that, Stevie.”

Steve chuckled. “What? Number seven and having a new nickname isn’t enough to grant me access to the mystery that is Eddie Munson’s mind?”

“Well, it quickly stops being a mystery if I let just anyone see, now doesn’t it?” Eddie retorted.

Steve shook his head with a smile. “Frustratingly logical reasoning, but I guess you have a point.”

A moment of idle silence passed as Eddie debated asking a question. It wasn’t an incredibly intimate one, but he didn’t know if Steve would take offense to it. He was also taken aback by his hesitancy to offend him, but didn’t have much time to sit on it.

“Out with it, Eddie,” Steve glanced up at him. “You’re burning holes into my head.”

“It’s just… why do you work here?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms on the counter as he leaned a little more forward. “Aren’t your parents wealthy like Carver’s?”

Steve’s lips twitched in amusem*nt. “Fair, but not all rich parents are so content with letting their adult kid siphon off their money with nothing in return.” Steve stood back up, leaning on the counter with his hands. “If I wanna move out, I gotta do it on my own dime,” a slightly dejected look crossed his face before it was washed away by a snort. “And my dad wants me out pretty bad, so…” he gestured to the store around them before letting his hands fall back on the counter.

Eddie couldn’t help but take in Steve standing in front of him, and thinking about what his younger self might say if he saw him and Steve conversing so… friendly. Not that Steve was ever particularly rude to Eddie, but he used to hang around people that were. “Ya know, Harrington, I still find it hard to wrap my head around the fact you’re actually a pretty decent dude.”

Steve chuckled, sliding his hands so he could lean on his forearms, now just barely infringing on Eddie’s space. “Jeez, Munson. You told me that like, over a year ago,” a genuine smile stretched his face as he asked “What more I gotta do to convince you?”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t convinced,” Eddie said simply, unable to tear his eyes away from the soft brown ones staring into him. “You just continue to surprise me, that’s all.”

There was a pause in their conversations as they observed each other, one that neither of them seemed to notice for a moment. Then, the bell above the door dinged, the two of them moving apart seemingly on instinct as a customer entered. Eddie cleared his throat, averting his gaze from Steve but unable to stop from stealing a few glances in his direction.

“You’re on rental cart duty,” Steve took great pride in informing Eddie of this, who groaned in response.

“I hate the rentals cart,” he whined.

“Yeah, so do I,” Steve chuckled. “But fortunately for me, and unfortunately for you, I’m shift manager and you have to do what I say.” Steve said smugly before heading toward the back again. He flipped around to face Eddie, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a chair to spin around on,” he waggled his eyebrows with a goofy smile before backing into the room and disappearing behind the door. Eddie couldn’t help but smile to himself as well.

It ended up being a busier day at the store, which Eddie was actually grateful for. It gave him a few hours of distraction, before inevitably what happened today would crawl under his skin and eat away at him.

And eat away it did, as he sat on his couch in the empty trailer. The lighting in the trailer was dim despite it still being the afternoon, as the curtains were drawn and Eddie couldn’t be bothered to turn on the lights. He stared at the floor in front of him in a catatonic state as an overwhelming sense of nothing filled him.

Everything was somehow both so loud and so dulled, like the adrenaline from earlier today was still coursing through him but something was blocking it from actually being felt. It left him with a juxtaposing composition of jittery and slow-moving thoughts that kept him too stressed to relax but too unresponsive to find a solution.

Eddie sucked in a shaky breath through his nose, blowing it out just as unsteadily as he tried to flip the switch to either feeling or not feeling, because being stuck in this in-between position was grating away at him. A part of him knew at some point he was going to have to face the 'feeling,' and that every time he took the easy way out it was like trying to dampen the inevitable blow of a bomb with clingwrap. But he couldn’t do it. Not for lack of trying, but simply because no matter what he did the switch never flipped. The dam never broke. All he could do was wait in agony for the other shoe to drop, and hope he was the only casualty.


For someone who constantly complained about being the babysitter, Steve frequently agreed to whatever the children asked with relative ease, Eddie had come to realize. Dustin had come into the video store while Steve and Eddie were working, asking the former if they could use his pool that weekend.

“You’re in luck Henderson,” Steve told Dustin. “Parents are out again for a few days.”

“Perfect,” Dustin grinned. “Man, it feels like your parents have been gone every weekend for a while.”

“That’s a blessing, not a curse, Dusty,” Steve said. “Just so I know, how many teenagers am I hosting, exactly?” Eddie gave a snort.

“Should be all of us,” Dustin shrugged, Steve making a displeased face.

“Christ, I feel like there’s so many of you,” Steve ran his hands over his face before turning to Eddie. “Munson, you gotta come. They outnumber me like…” Steve looked up as he visibly counted in his head, “Six to one. I’m callin’ Robin too.”

So here Eddie was, waiting for Steve to open the door in his only pair of swim trunks and a band tee. He slung his towel over his shoulder and leaned against the wall, Eddie momentarily wondering if he got the day wrong.

Then, a disheveled (and shirtless) Steve pulled open the door, staring at Eddie with those wide eyes he got when he was stressed. “Hi,” he breathed out simply, turning around and gesturing for him to follow. “Sorry, right before you rang the doorbell Henderson asked if they could jump off the roof,” Steve let out a heavy sigh as he closed the door behind them, leading Eddie through the house. “And I had to make sure that didn’t turn into a whole…” Steve gestured erratically. “Thing. Anyway,” He paused, turning to look at Eddie properly. “You came.”

“I said I would,” Eddie said with a small, teasing smile. And, so what? He couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Steve’s bare chest. Sue him. The hair was just as attractive to Eddie now as it was the first day he saw it. Going against his strong desire to do otherwise, he forced his gaze back up to Steve.

There was a brief pause as Steve examined him. For what, Eddie didn’t know. “Good,” Steve said pleasantly, quietly continuing through the house. Eddie took this time to soak in Steve's house. It was a pretty open floor plan, and yeah, definitely belonged to a rich person. There was an upstairs, and for a portion of the house there were large glass windows, giving you a full view of the pool. It seemed everyone else was already there, except for Mike and Will. Robin was sitting with her legs in the pool, talking to Vickie who was swimming. The rest of the kids were scattered either in the water or poolside. Dustin was yelling at Lucas about something, which Eddie couldn’t hear clearly until Steve opened the glass door.

“You could barely hold your handstand!” Dustin argued, the water splashing with his gestures. “It was literally five seconds! How do you win with five seconds!?”

“So? At least I was doing a handstand for five seconds,” Lucas defended himself. “God knows what your legs were doing. You looked like one of those…” he gestured distastefully. “Tube men outside of car dealerships.”

Eddie and Steve shared a look as they approached the pool. “I’m just glad they’re not on the roof,” Steve muttered. He would say Steve was joking, but they did once leave the kids and they apparently got immediately arrested.

“Eddie!” Dustin lit up when he noticed him. “You gotta judge our handstands. Lucas is trying to cheat me out of my victory.”

“Chill, kid. I just got here,” Eddie smirked. He reached behind his head and pulled off his shirt, Robin and Vickie whistling. Eddie laughed at this, tossing his shirt on a pool chair and taking a seat next to Robin. “Where are Mike and Will?” The Byers had moved back to Hawkins after Vecna was killed, and Eddie found out the Sheriff, Hopper, hadn’t actually died. Honestly, it was at the bottom of his list in terms of shocking events he'd witnessed that year.

They had simply said Hopper had some sort of mental break after nearly dying in a fire, and ran off to live in a secluded cabin, one that no one knew about. This was surprisingly on brand for what people knew of Jim Hopper, so everyone believed it pretty easily.

“They both couldn’t come,” Max supplied from across the pool, where she and El had their legs in as well. El seemed to find this funny, biting back a smile behind her hand.

“Yeah, they’ve been weirdly busy lately,” Lucas noted. Robin raised her eyebrows at Eddie, which Eddie returned, sharing a knowing look. Eddie wasn’t an idiot, and Wheeler talked about Will non-stop when he still lived in California. Seriously, it was like, clinical. “And I know Will paints but y’all I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think Mike has any hobbies besides D&D. So… I dunno even know what he’s doing.”

“Dad won’t let him come,” El supplied. Oh yeah, and Eddie learned Hopper was El’s dad. Also not very shocking, considering. “I don’t know about Mike.”

“Hopper won’t let Will come, but he let you come?” Lucas asked, unconvinced, before continuing sarcastically, “Yeah, sounds like Hopper.”

The doorbell rang, then, and Steve perked up from where he had been letting this conversation unfold in front of him. “Why don’t we all…” Steve began to propose. “Mind our own business, while Henderson helps me get the pizza?” He asked in that way parents and teachers did where it was technically a question, but really you had no choice.

“Why do I gotta help get the pizza?” Dustin challenged.

“Because I’m letting you swim around in my pool with your pubescent hormones free of charge– and feeding you,” Steve added in disbelief. “Now make a move.”

Eddie, Robin, and Vickie laughed at this interaction as Dustin reluctantly got out of the pool and followed Steve back to the door.

“Sick tats,” Vickie told Eddie, gesturing specifically to one on his chest.

“Thanks,” Eddie glanced at them in consideration, smirking, “I think so too.”

Lucas swam over to talk to Eddie about starting up a new campaign soon when Steve and Dustin returned. Steve had two pizza boxes in his hand, and Dustin had one and a stack of paper plates. The pizza was set on a pool chair, everyone making their way over.

Eddie was sitting on the foot of a pool chair, eating a slice of cheese pizza, when Steve sat down to do the same in the chair beside him. “So, Munson,” he said. “Am I still number seven?” He raised his eyebrows, eyes hard to see behind his sunglasses.

“Mmm…” Eddie hummed in dramatic consideration. “Guess you can be number six now.”

Steve pumped a fist into the air once, biting his lip in triumph. “Yes,” he hissed excitedly. “Who’d I knock down?”

“Uh…” Eddie wracked his brain for people he knew, knowing full and well the list was bullsh*t. “Jeff. Another band mate.”

“Gareth still off the list?” Steve asked in intrigue.

“Still off the list,” Eddie confirmed with a genuine chuckle.

Steve shook his head, sucking his teeth in disappointment. “Gotta get on that BJ, GareBear,” he deadpanned, pulling a sudden, loud laugh from Eddie.

“Yeah, he’s really gotta get on that,” Eddie agreed, still laughing. He shook his head as he looked out at the pool, laugh dying out and Eddie muttering to himself, “God, GareBear.” He and Steve both took bites of their pizza, silence between them as he watched the group having their fun. El was making the water dance and morph into cool shapes, Max watching on in awe (as well as Eddie.) Dustin had instead recruited Vickie and Robin to judge the handstand competition, the two of them laughing amongst themselves every time he and Lucas began to argue. Eddie smiled pleasantly. I’m glad I lived to see this, he thought.

Eddie glanced over at Steve, “So, where are your parents?”

It was barely noticeable, but Eddie gleaned that Steve seemed to shrink back into himself in the slightest. “This time? Aunt in Maryland, I think. Won’t be back till Wednesday,” Steve said, still looking at the pool. “And then my dad leaves Friday for some work thing, and usually when he’s out of town my mom goes to stay with one of her close friends… so…” Steve seemed to have drifted a little from the moment, but he brought it back quickly with a halfhearted smirk. “But don’t tell the little freeloaders that. They’ll infest my house and I won’t get a moment to myself,” he raised a soda can to his lips and took a long sip.

“Why do they travel so much?” Eddie found himself asking, watching for all the minute reactions Steve might have. Steve met his gaze for a second, but it was too hard for Eddie to read his expression behind the glasses.

“Uh, I guess… ‘cause they’re rich,” Steve said with a shrug, mouth downturned in slight distaste. “And they can.”

Eddie hesitated, debating if he should ask the question at the front of his mind, once again not knowing if it would be too personal. But he decided he wanted to know. “Guessing that’s why you’ve gotten so good at sniping bottles with baseballs?”

Steve turned his attention from the pool to Eddie. He gave a light scoff. “You’d guess correct,” he took another swig of his soda. “But I mean, hey,” Steve said, the energy picking back up in his tone, albeit a bit forced at first. “If my biggest problem is being alone in a big house with a pool– I got a pretty good life, right?” He gave a smile, but it was unconvincing to Eddie. Still, he didn’t push Steve’s clear attempt at changing the subject.

“Yeah, maybe,” Eddie said, noncommittal. They finished eating their pizza, occasionally commenting on something funny the kids did or firing back at a good-natured insult.

Eddie was walking back to the chairs after tossing his paper plate to possibly lay down and get some sun (he figured he had a lot to catch up on) when all of a sudden, Steve’s arms were wrapping around his middle. "Harrington! What the hell are you--" He cried as he was promptly picked up, and thrown into the pool before Eddie could even finish his protest.

Laughs and cheers became muffled as water surrounded him, clearing in a loud burst as he submerged with a gasp. “Why?!” Eddie cried as he flipped his hair back out of his face. He squinted up at a grinning Steve.

“Sorry,” Steve shrugged casually. “It was calling to me,” before Eddie could respond Steve was rushing right at Eddie for a cannonball.

“No!” Eddie yelled, scrambling to back up in time but to no avail. Steve crashed into the water inches in front of Eddie, water splashing directly in his face. When Steve popped up, still grinning, he was right in front of Eddie. His hair was slicked back, water droplets dripping from his nose and chin, shoulders glistening. He shook his head like a dog, Eddie scrunching his face to brace for the water, chuckling. “God, you really are a menace,” he said, trying to maintain an annoyed demeanor but mostly failing.

“You were taking too long to get in the pool,” he shrugged again as the two of them treaded water.

Eddie put on a disciplinary tone. “Ya know, Harrington, this could merit knocking you back down to seven.”

Steve hummed in uncertainty. “Will it, though?” He squinted, Eddie only now recognizing that his sunglasses were gone.

With a long and dramatic sigh, Eddie rolled his eyes. “I suppose not.” His lips quirked up into a smile.

“Guys, I have a question–” Dustin started, swimming up to Steve and Eddie with Lucas in tow.

No!” Lucas exclaimed urgently. Steve and Eddie raise their eyebrows at him in tandem. “Dustin,” Lucas urged through gritted teeth. “Do not ask them that.”

“Well if you’re not gonna tell me what it is!” Dustin threw up his hands at Lucas. “And I tried to ask Robin but you practically drowned me–”

“Yeah, for a reason,” Lucas pleaded.

“I have a feeling I might regret this question,” Eddie said cautiously. “But ask us what?”

“You see, Suzie asked me what something meant last night, and I assumed it meant taking someone out to eat, or something,” Dustin explained, Eddie growing more and more worried about the direction this might take. “She said she didn’t think that was it, because the girls she overheard were talking about it like it was such a big deal. And then I asked Lucas,” Dustin turned to Lucas pointedly. “And he jumped down my throat about it.”

“Out with it, Henderson,” Steve said simply. “What’s the question?”

“What does ‘eating someone out’ mean?” Eddie’s mouth fell open in shock, paired with an uncomfortable smile as he glanced at Steve, as if to say ‘you wanna handle this one?’

Lucas ran a hand over his face slowly, shaking his head. Steve stared at Dustin with raised eyebrows, face not too different from Eddie’s as Dustin glanced between the two of them.

“Uhh…” Steve choked on a laugh. “I… How old are you again?” He narrowed his eyes at Dustin, voice a higher pitch than usual.

“Fifteen,” Dustin answered simply.

Steve winced in uncertainty as he shared a look with Eddie, who just shrugged with a blustered laugh. “Hey, we can’t act like we didn’t know at that age, right?” Eddie muttered.

“Yeah, but still, I don’t wanna say it,” Steve muttered back, ignoring the teens right in front of them.

“Hello?” Dustin waved his hand back and forth. “I can hear you? C’mon, what does it mean?”

They both turned back to Dustin, Eddie staying completely silent and forcing Steve to take the plunge. Steve let out a final begrudging sigh. “It’s when… two consenting adults,” Steve was sure to stress this, raising his eyebrows pointedly at Dustin. “And at least one of them has a… vagin*...”

Eddie turned to Steve with furrowed brows. “They don’t need to have a vagin*,” Eddie said matter-of-factly. Steve’s face fell into one of utter confusion, blinking his eyes rapidly as he appeared to be doing rocket science in his head.

“They don’t?” He asked with wide eyes, brows practically at his hairline.

No,” Eddie attempted to telepathically communicate what he was referring to, like if he stared at Steve hard enough he’d hear his thoughts. “They don’t.” But it was to no avail, Steve now looking at Eddie like his world had just been turned upside down.

“Do you guys even know what it means?” Dustin accused.

“Yes,” Steve and Eddie answered in unison, as if Dustin was foolish for thinking they didn't.

“Look,” Eddie began, since he was pretty sure he now had to explain to Steve as well. “It’s something done during sex. One person…” Eddie grimaced deeply before he said, “Pleasures the other…” the other three made a disgusted face at this as well. “Using only their mouth and tongue.”

“So…” Dustin said thoughtfully, face still uncomfortable but the gears turning slowly. “Like a blowj*b?”

“No,” Steve said with a shake of his head. “But close,” he offered up, unable to fully force the encouragement.

“Same concept, but less sucking, and apply it to vagin*s and buttholes,” Eddie supplied.

Buttholes?!” Lucas and Dustin exclaimed loudly, drawing the confused attention of the girls, who had also been talking amongst themselves.

Eddie gave the girls a dismissive wave. “Playing a… word association game,” he called over. “Don’t worry about it.”

Ohhh,” Steve said, the realization finally hitting as he looked at Eddie. “I get it now.” Eddie nodded pointedly.

“But that’s where…” Dustin lowered his voice, eyes darting around. “sh*t comes out.”

“You piss out of your dick, don’t you?” Eddie retorted with an arched brow, Steve barking a laugh. “It’s called a shower, Henderson. And anyway, don’t worry about it. I’m… assuming you’re mostly gonna be dealing with vagin*s.”

“Hey, you never know,” Steve commented, mostly only directing this to Eddie.

Eddie gave a half shrug in agreement. “Yeah, ya know I always wondered.”

“Again,” Dustin said flatly. “You know I can hear you.”

“Point is,” Steve said with a small shake of his head, looking like he was making up whatever he was saying on the spot. “We’ll, ya know… support you. Whether it’s vagin*s or assholes.”

“Or both,” Eddie offered with a shrug. “As long as it’s safe and consensual we don’t care.”

Dustin hesitated before answering, him and Lucas looking between Steve and Eddie in clear uneasiness. “Thanks…”

Lucas splashed Dustin, who whirled on him. “Hey!”

“Told you not to ask,” Lucas shook his head, swimming away with an arguing Dustin on his tail.

Steve and Eddie simultaneously let out a heavy sigh, Eddie’s turning into a groan as he rubbed his face roughly with his hands. “Jesus Christ,” he said.

“I hated every second of that,” Steve said flatly, face appearing as if he had just eaten something that tasted bad.

“Sending ‘em to Robin and Vickie next time,” Eddie muttered, feeling somehow like he just ran a marathon.

“God, I hope there isn’t a next time.”

A few hours later, the sky was an amalgamation of orange and pink, hues of violet just starting to bleed down toward the horizon line. Eddie was dried off, save for his hair which always took hours to dry all the way, and in a change of clothes he brought, ready to take some of the kids home.

“Shotgun!” Dustin yelled as he ran passed Eddie and Steve, Max and Lucas following behind. Robin and Vickie had just left to take El home.

“You always get shotgun!” Max complained.

“You don’t like sitting in the back with me?” Lucas chuckled with a tone of mock dejection. Max stuck her tongue out at him with a playful smile as they slid into the back of Eddie’s van, closing the door.

Steve sighed as he came up beside Eddie, who was tying his shoes. “Ah, young love…” he said whimsically, before adding “And Dustin.” Eddie chuckled at this. “Thanks for takin’ them home, by the way.”

Eddie stood once he finished with his shoes, giving a shrug and a casual smile. “Figured the least I could do, considering you fed us and let us use the pool,” he snorted. “Those gremlins might be ungrateful but, I’m not.”

“Yeah, well, don’t go getting a big head,” Steve teased. “I’m just trying to get to number one.”

Eddie smiled at this, feeling a stupid sense of fondness at Steve's goal, whether it was a joke or not. “Good luck with that, Harrington.” He started to head for the van, but Steve stopped him by gently catching his bicep.

“Hey, uh, before you go,” Steve said, Eddie turning back in intrigue. Steve’s hand didn’t fall from his arm as he got his attention. “Robin sort of convinced me to throw a surprise party for Vickie. It’s her birthday next week, so I’m having a proper pool party– no fifteen year-olds this time,” he smiled a bit. “But, uh, you should come. You can try out the jacuzzi this time.” Steve waggled his eyebrows playfully, earning a light laugh from Eddie. “What’d you say? Starts at eight next Saturday.”

Eddie’s smile fell slowly into one of disappointment as he glanced away from Steve’s expectant gaze. “I’ll come, but I’ll only be able to stay for like,” Eddie shrugged. “Maybe three hours.”

“Caaan… I ask why?” Steve looked at him with big, curious eyes, dropping his hand to tuck both of them in his jean pockets as he leaned against the doorway. “Is number six good enough to get that information? Or am I gonna have to do Gareth’s job to pull it out of ya?”

Eddie’s laugh caught in his throat, effectively choking him for a second as a mixture of a laugh and a cough spilled out of him. Steve watched on in amusem*nt. “Nope, no. Don’t have to do… that,” he swallowed thickly, face heating as Steve chuckled at his reaction. Eddie shook his head with a more certain laugh. “You can’t just offer to give someone head for information, Harrington.”

Steve made a humorously confused face. “Why not? Historically, it’s worked very well for other people. But,” Steve sighed, tilting his chin down and looking up through his lashes at Eddie with a patient, knowing smile. “You didn’t answer my question.”

Eddie sighed, staring at a spot on the ground as he began to explain. “Wayne keeps staying up until I get home ‘cause he worries, and… I dunno. I feel like a jackass making him stay up when he works so much. But it’s fine,” Eddie gave a shrug, attempting a reassuring smile as he looked back up at Steve. “If I don’t drink and head out by eleven, I should get back a little before he gets home.”

Steve seemed to think about this, Eddie looking at him curiously. “What if,” Steve began. “You tell Wayne next time you see him that you’re sleeping at my place on Saturday.” He raised his eyebrows, his eyes so similarly resembling those of a begging puppy it made it too hard for Eddie to contain his smile. “He won’t be expecting you home, so no reason to stay up.”

“Mmm… I dunno,” Eddie said uncertainly. He wanted very badly– surprisingly badly– for that to be the solution, but he wasn’t sure. “Feel like he just might stay awake all night in that case.”

“Okay, how about this,” Steve said with a small smile, clearly determined to get his way. “You give him my number, and he can call here to talk to you when he gets off of work.” Eddie thought about this for a second, but wasn’t able to come up with a reason it wouldn’t work. “Yeah,” Steve grinned in accomplishment. “Try and poke holes in that.

“Alright, Harrington,” Eddie smiled back. “You wore me down. I’ll tell Wayne next time I see him. But you better be serious,” Eddie pointed a finger at him. “Because he will call.”

“Serious as a heart attack, Munson,” Steve held up a hand like he was swearing on the bible, goofy smile still stretching his face.

“I should get the little monsters home,” Eddie turned over his shoulder to look at the van, pausing when he saw not only Dustin watching intently from the front seat, but Max and Lucas leaning over the center console to see as well. They froze for a second, as if they were caught doing something they shouldn't, before Max and Lucas disappeared quickly into the backseat, Dustin looking up and around him in a horrible attempt at acting natural.

Steve chuckled with furrowed brows, Eddie turning back with a confused expression on his face. “Anyway…” Eddie said, “I’ll see ya later. And don’t be late to the store again tomorrow,” he pointed at him as he took a few slow steps backward in the direction of the van. “I’m opening with you and you’re the only one with keys.”

“Yeah, yeah, hey– who’s the shift manager?” Steve asked sarcastically. “Last time I checked it was me.”

Eddie just shook his head with a smile. “Later, Stevie.” When he closed the driver’s door behind him, he looked at the three kids with raised eyebrows. “Any particular reason for that, or…?”

All of them chorused their various versions of ‘no,’ shaking their heads. “Just…” Lucas started, trailing off as he clearly didn’t have an excuse lined up.

“Wanted to see what was taking so long,” Max finished for him with a shrug and an all too pleasant smile, one Eddie had come to recognize as a lying smile that worked on just about everyone, if you didn’t know her that is.

“Uhuh,” Eddie said, unconvinced as he started the car. What the real reasoning of their intrigue was, Eddie didn’t know, but he accepted a long time ago that the kids frequently came up with their own mysterious agendas, and unless it involved some interdimensional gate opening, it was best to stay out of it.

For the first time in a while, when he arrived home at the empty trailer, his head was too preoccupied to drag him into the melancholic stupor it usually did. He went to bed earlier than usual that night, body sluggish and weighted from swimming. Even in the dark, silence of his room, his brain’s thoughts circled drowsily around one topic and one topic only as he drifted into sleep: Steve Harrington.


chapter 4 is actually already finished! so expect that coming soon :)

Chapter 4: Love, Liability, and all Things in Between


also, i realized that canonically Eddie is 20/21, and Gareth and Jeff are juniors or seniors, but considering the amount of sexual jokes involving them im gonna make the executive decision that they're both nineteen and graduated with Jason Carver's class (which was technically, also Eddie's class. But Eddie is twenty, same as the show.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Despite Eddie’s nagging, Steve was in fact late the next morning. After about ten minutes with no sign of the man, he let out a sigh, digging into his pockets for a cigarette. “Dammit, Harrington.” He lit the cigarette and leaned against the side of the video store, tugging his jacket a little tighter around him at the brisk morning air, work smock hanging from one hand.

“Munson,” a voice that was definitely not Steve tugged Eddie’s eyes up from the ground. He tried to hide the way he stiffened at the sight of Jason, Andy, and Chance walking up. “Good. You’re here.”

“Carver, look. It’s way too early in the morning for me to be seeing your face,” Eddie said in a genuinely tired tone. “I mean, am I really the first person you wanna talk to in your day?”

There was no back and forth this time. Jason grabbed Eddie by his vest and slammed him against the wall, eyes wide with anger. Eddie winced at the impact, dropping his smock as he held his hands up in an attempted surrender, managing to somehow hold onto the cigarette.

“Fortunately for me, there won’t be much talking,” and then Carver’s hands were around his throat, squeezing. Hard. Eddie let out a choked noise, eyes widening and free hand trying to claw at Jason’s arm.

Jason glared back at him with a clenched jaw, face red and veins popping in his neck as he put his full force into choking the life out of Eddie. Eddie’s head began to feel fuzzy.

Before Vecna, Eddie was never a fighter. When it came down to it, he could never stomach fighting back dirty any time some jock would rough him up. Content to protect himself enough to soften the damage, and never taking that step into vicious territory.

But Vecna required him to be vicious. No matter how much it broke his spirit. Eddie had become accustomed to being thrust into situation after situation where he had to think of any way out, or he would die. Or worse, watch someone he cared for die.

Maybe that’s why, even with his mind drifting out of him, he was so readily able to press his lit cigarette into Carver’s hand. Eddie pressed with all the strength he had left, relief flooding him as Jason cried out, dropping Eddie and backing up a few steps. “f*ck!” He roared.

Eddie’s knees buckled as his feet hit the ground, feeling air flood his lungs before he began to cough raggedly. He only fell to his knees for a moment before forcing himself into a staggering walk, which slowly turned into a weak run away from the three men.

Three men who had just turned to pursue Eddie’s– painfully slow– escape, when suddenly a familiar car was screeching to a stop next to the sidewalk in front of him.

Eddie had never been happier to see Steve Harrington. Steve shot out of his car, slamming the door with wide eyes as he ran over to support a clearly still unstable Eddie. “Eddie?” He said urgently. “What–” he looked up then, obviously spotting Carver and his boys approaching. “Get in the car,” Steve commanded sternly, helping Eddie to the car by steadying his shoulders with his hands.

He opened the door and Eddie ducked into the passenger seat, finally starting to feel his sense of reality return. Steve closed the door behind him, running to get in the driver’s side as the three guys were now running toward them as well.

Andy had just managed to slam his hands against Eddie’s window, yelling, “You’re dead Munson!” Before Steve sped off.

“What the hell happened?” Steve asked urgently, breaths erratic from the adrenaline. He looked over at him then with wide, worried eyes that Eddie had come to know all too well.

“Oh, you know,” Eddie rasped out, voice hoarse. He was breathing heavily as well, still shaking from the events. “Carver must’ve heard through the grapevine I like choking, but he’s terrible at it,” Eddie joked, attempting a thoughtful look as his body desperately tried to return to homeostasis. “Hey, maybe he heard about my list.”

“He choked you?!” Steve exclaimed in disbelief, completely ignoring Eddie’s sarcasm. He examined Eddie between a few glances, still keeping eyes on the road. “Are you okay?” He asked, quieter.

Eddie met Steve’s eyes, breath finally slowing. He let out a final sigh of relief, voice tightened into a higher pitch than normal. “Yeah,” he shrugged. “Burned him with my cigarette.”

Steve looked back at him again, face lighting up in shock and amusem*nt. “You burned him with your cigarette?” He grinned, stealing a few more glances at Eddie. Where they were even driving, Eddie didn’t know. Eddie nodded, smiling at Steve’s reaction. “Munson. That’s pretty Ozzy of you.”

Eddie barked a laugh. “You don’t even know who he is!”

“I do now,” Steve defended, “I read about him in a few of your magazines. Seems like a… wild dude,” he glanced at Eddie with a smirk. “Nothing compared to some of the sh*t I’ve seen you do, though.”

And despite literally almost having the life choked out of him moments ago, Eddie couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his face at this. He shook his head, chuckling to himself as he looked out the window, unable to see even an inch of Steve for fear of his face splitting in half.

“It’s true!” Steve urged with a laugh, taking Eddie’s response as disagreement. Which he supposed it partially was. “Seriously. Ozzy hasn’t fought demobats. Hasn’t played a sick guitar solo that contributed to saving the f*cking world. He hasn’t even been to the Upside Down.” As much as Eddie’s innate reaction was to disagree, he had to give it to Steve, because he was making a surprisingly compelling argument.

Eddie tried to bite back the grin as he looked over at Steve, raising his eyebrows at the ridiculous man who just probably saved him a trip to the hospital. When Steve looked back at Eddie, he smiled at whatever he saw. “Think you’re taking this whole list thing a little too seriously,” Eddie teased lightly.

“Yeah, well,” Steve continued to smile as he watched the road. “I’m just stating the facts. And factually, you’re way cooler than Ozzy.”

“Whatever you say, Harrington,” Eddie mused as he, too, watched the road. He let out a sigh. “So… what do we do about work? Should I just quit?”

“What?” Steve whipped his head to Eddie again briefly. “Why would you do that?”

“They’re obviously not gonna let this go, Steve,” Eddie said seriously, disappointment spreading through him. He’d actually really started to like his time at the video store. “And you’re not always gonna be there to be all…” Eddie gestured flippantly to Steve. “He-Man. What if Robin’s there next time and she gets hurt somehow? I’d never be able to live with myself.”

Steve was silent for a moment, but Eddie could practically hear his brain working overtime. “Then… we keep a few bats at the store… and tell our boss so we can get them banned,” Steve shrugged. “If they come back again we call Hopper directly and explain why they’re bothering you. You’re not quitting,” he said that last part matter-of-factly, with a look at Eddie that further implied he’d made the decision for him already.

Eddie could practically feel the change in the atmosphere, Steve’s jaw tightening as he kept his eyes on the road. “I’m, uh…” He began, voice quiet and almost… trembling? It was almost unnoticeable, but Eddie picked up on it. “I’m so f*cking sorry, Eddie.”

This was practically as shocking to Eddie as what he’d just experienced with Carver. His brows furrowed deeply, stunned momentarily into silence by the sincerity in Steve’s voice. “For… what?”

Steve sucked in a hard breath through his nose, blowing it back out with force. His knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel. “You told me not to be f*cking late, and if I had just–” he cut himself off, irritation bubbling with his words. “If I had just shown up on f*cking time he wouldn’t have had a chance to lay his hands on you. I’m just… really f*cking sorry, okay?”

“Steve,” This earned the attention of the man in question, who examined him with charged eyes before turning back to the road. Eddie sat up, the overwhelming need to assure Steve he wasn’t to blame breathing energy back into him. “This was not your f*ckin’ fault,” Eddie gave a snort. His blame was so far from being placed on Steve, he almost couldn’t fathom how Steve came to such a conclusion. Though, he supposed given the circ*mstances, he would’ve likely come to the same one.

Steve seemed unconvinced, so Eddie continued. “No, I’m serious, Harrington. I’m not even entertaining your apology because–” Eddie shook his head with a gentle, but humorless chuckle. “It’s just not… applicable. So we’re good, alright?” He raised his brows at Steve expectantly.

When Steve looked back at him, his eyes were still widened into worried circles. “Alright,” he said quietly, looking back at the road. But Eddie could still see the tension held in his posture, hands gripping the wheel a little too tight for Eddie’s satisfaction.

“C’mon, Stevie,” Eddie gave a wide smile. “This any way to celebrate being bumped up to number five?” And when Steve looked back, that familiar grin spreading across his face, warmth spread through Eddie’s chest.

“Suck it, Gareth,” Steve muttered to himself triumphantly as he turned to the road.

“Well, for your sake let’s hope he doesn’t,” Eddie mused, earning a sudden laugh from Steve.

“Nah, it’s fine. Let him. I got a head start now.”

Apparently Steve had just been driving them around in the general area, finally circling back to the video store. Luckily, there was no sign of Carver or his friends. “If you want, take the day off, I’ll call Brenda and explain what happened,” Steve offered. Neither of them made a move to get out of the car right away, Eddie letting out a long sigh.

He thought about going back to the empty trailer, spending all day staring at that spot on the ceiling, now with added worry that Jason would show up at any second. “Nah. ‘Idle hands,’ and all that,” Eddie shrugged. “Anyway, I need the money. Might as well be here,” with a final look over at Steve, who was looking on in palely hidden concern, Eddie got out of the car.

Steve followed a moment later, but instead of unlocking the store door, he went around to his trunk. Eddie picked up his work smock, which still laid on the ground, dusting it off. When Steve closed his trunk he was holding the baseball bat. “Multi-use,” he said while shaking it lightly in the air.

Once Steve let them in, he said he was going to call Brenda, their boss, and headed straight for the back. Eddie followed him to clock in, but had no reason to stay to hear the call, instead walking back out to the checkout counter.

Eddie shrugged off his jacket and vest, hanging them on the stool before leaning on the counter with crossed arms. He let out a long exhale as he dropped his forehead against his forearms, letting his hair and body cloud him in a moment of peaceful darkness.

Worry began to crawl through Eddie. What if they burned down his trailer? What if they came looking for Eddie but found Wayne instead? Sure, he had a shotgun, but he was an older man and they were three healthy nineteen year olds. And it wasn’t like he answered the door with a loaded gun. Wayne wasn’t that level of paranoid, though guilt twisted deep in Eddie’s gut that maybe he should be.

“Hey,” Steve said in a quiet voice, Eddie lifting his head to see him examining him from his side. “You sure you’re good?”

“Yeah,” Eddie said reflexively, standing up and leaning against the counter with his back instead. “What did Brenda say?”

“Well, she said go home if you want… I’m guessing that’s still a no?” He raised his eyebrows at Eddie, who gave a weak smile as he tapped his nose twice. “She’s gonna get a camera installed in the parking lot. Carver and them aren’t allowed back. Mentioned maybe calling the cops.”

“Unfortunately, a few of the cops are more than happy to side with Carver,” Eddie sighed.

“Yeah, I know,” Steve said dejectedly. “I think it’s a good idea to call Hopper, though. Just let him know. And Sheriff Powell knows our side of the story now.” Hopper had joined the police again once he returned, but Calvin Powell stayed sheriff. Collaboratively, they were the leading forces making sure Eddie got declared innocent. Though, with the mental break claim, it was hard for Hopper’s words to carry much weight. Which is why Eddie owed a lot to Sheriff Powell, though he never thought in a million years a cop would be on his side.

He let out what felt like the billionth sigh that day, and it was barely eight AM. “You’re probably right.” Eddie’s voice was still strung out, but by now it hurt less to speak, thankfully.

Steve gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. “I’ll go call him. Here,” Steve handed him the bat. “Just in case.” He disappeared into the back room once more. Eddie decided to call Robin from one of the phones at the checkout counter. She’d probably want to know, and he thought it would be good for her to keep an eye out just in case. He didn’t think Jason would go so far as to hurt anyone that wasn’t directly standing in his way, but he’d rather be safe than sorry.

“I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch,” Robin said through the phone once Eddie finished recalling the events. “Pretty sick you put your cigarette out on him, though. Little prick deserves it.”

“Yeah, well,” Eddie leaned back against the counter, crossing his legs and the arm that wasn’t holding the phone. “Still would’ve been a goner if it wasn’t for Harrington. Who knows what would’ve happened if he didn’t show up when he did.”

“Kinda wish he used his monster-hunting skills on them, though,” he could hear Robin’s disappointment through the phone.

He scoffed. “It was three on two, Rob, and I had just nearly been unconscious. Don’t think our odds were good enough for that.”

“Still,” Robin sighed. “Would’ve been nice to hear Jason had his basketball career ruined before it even started ‘cause he took a bat to the knee.”

“Jesus,” Eddie breathed a genuine laugh. “Maybe I should be warning Carver about you.”

There was a pause. “I’m glad you’re safe, Eddie,” she said sincerely.

Maybe it was all the emotions running high from the morning’s events, but he felt his eyes prickle at the words. He swallowed before saying “Thanks, Rob.” Eddie cleared his throat, dismissing the heavy silence that had fallen once more. “Oh, by the way, forgot to tell you. Update on the magazine: Couldn’t find it. So I must’ve taken it home sometime after we looked at it.”

Another brief pause. “Uh… unless that day was in between my last shift with Steve and your first one back… it was definitely in there.”

“What?” Eddie asked. “How do you know?”

“I looked through the drawer after Steve got one on the shift before I told you. It was there,” she said with certainty. “You didn’t have a shift in between the time that I found it and the time that I told you.”

“Wait,” Eddie rubbed one eye with his fingers as he tried to visualize dates and times. “If you found the mag why didn’t you just take it?”

“Because it’s not mine and I didn’t know if you wanted it there,” Robin said simply. “Plus, what would Vickie say if she found– for me– straight p*rn in my room?”

Eddie glanced around and despite Robin not being able to see him, he shrugged. “I dunno. Probably laugh?”

Robin sucked her teeth. “Yeah, that does sound like her actually. Regardless, I didn’t take it, you didn’t take it…”

He let out a long groan, lowering his voice as he said, “Are you really telling me that there’s a gay p*rn magazine on the loose at the Family Video Store?”

“Well, not really on the loose,” Robin corrected. “Someone has to have it. If it’s not you or me, that leaves three other people.”

“So, Brenda, Colton, or… Steve?” Eddie glanced to the back room, making sure to whisper Steve’s name, then continuing with normal volume. “My money’s on Colton, honestly. I’ve been waiting for that shoe to drop.”

“Brenda said anything to you about it?”

“No, but she hasn’t been in the store while I’m working in a while,” Eddie sighed. “Steve called her about today, not me.”

“And I feel like essentially questioning you on your sexuality after what just happened would feel particularly cruel, so I doubt she’d ask to talk to you about it now,” Robin thought aloud. He heard footsteps growing closer from behind the backroom door.

“Gotta go, Steve’s coming back. I’ll keep an eye out,” he rushed in a quiet tone, the two of them saying their goodbyes as Steve came out of the backroom. Eddie hung up the phone and turned his attention to him.

“Talked to Hopper, Powell is gonna put Callahan on watch over the trailer park,” Steve said as he leaned against the counter opposite Eddie. “They didn’t tell him specifics, just that some of the richer kids had been harassing the other people there. Said he’ll try to keep someone posted there as much as possible for the next week or so.”

Eddie ran frustrated hands over his face. “Yup, definitely gonna make the drug dealing harder,” he sighed. “But what can ya do? I’ll just sell out of the van, or something. ‘Cause ya know, it’s not like having copious amounts of drug paraphernalia in a vehicle is like, a huge crime or anything. And boy,” Eddie scoffed sarcastically. “Good thing I don’t have a record, right?”

Steve looked like he genuinely felt bad for Eddie in that moment, and it was frankly a little jarring to the latter. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, but in earnest. “If you want, just lay low, and I’ll spot you cash until you can start selling again.”

Eddie forced out a sigh in an attempt to unscramble his frazzled brain as a million components of his life had been tossed into the air in a single morning. “It’s fine, Harrington. And this feels like you’re not taking what I said earlier seriously.” Eddie looked him in the eyes as he said “It wasn’t your fault. And I’ll manage. More sh*t to think about, but I’ll live,” he attempted a reassuring smile, but it fell flat.

“Yes,” Steve said pointedly, picking up the bat and slowly shedding the serious tone from his words. “You will. You’ll take this home, because I have many more, despite never having played baseball, and if Carver ever comes within fifty feet of you again one of us will shatter his shins,” and then he gave the most innocent, fun-loving grin as he mimed swinging the bat in slow motion. “Sound good?”

Eddie laughed a little, raising his eyebrows in marvel. “Sometimes you and Robin are like two halves of a whole idiot, ya know that?”

Steve’s face fell into one of confused offense, but he still wore a smile. “Rude,” he scoffed, as if stunned by Eddie’s response. “Incredibly rude.”

“I meant to say that with affection,” Eddie smiled. Then, a thought crossed his mind. “Hey uh, random question,” he pulled a brief, goofy face to make it seem like his intrigue was casual. “You didn’t happen to find a… weird mag in the drawer, did you?”

Steve seemed to think about this. “Weird how?”

“Nah, forget it,” Eddie gave a wave, knowing that if Steve had caught any glimpse of the magazine he’d have known exactly what he was talking about. “Robin thinks she might’ve left one here,” he lied, expecting it to be in Steve’s nature to pry at the mention of a ‘weird mag.’

To Eddie’s surprise, he didn’t. “Alright,” Steve shrugged. “If I see a… ’weird magazine’ I’ll be sure to tell one of you,” he smirked, before opening the backroom and pulling out the returns cart.

“Here,” Eddie said, grabbing the cart from Steve. “Figured if I’m gonna be here I might as well actually work.” In reality, he knew if he wasn’t busy he’d just end up thinking about this morning.

“That’s a first,” Steve teased, Eddie flipping him off as he pulled the cart around the checkout. “So…” Steve started, pulling out a magazine from Eddie’s drawer and plopping it on the counter. He was looking up at Eddie with those eyes that meant he was about to give him sh*t for something, the slightest amusem*nt tugging at his lips. “You said something about liking being choked?”

Eddie’s face turned bright red as he grabbed a candy bar from the checkout counter and didn’t hesitate to chuck it Straight at Steve. “Ah– Hey!” Steve startled into a laugh as the candy hit him with a dull ’smack.’ “I’m just making conversation!”

Eddie shook his head as he buried himself in returns, but was unsuccessful in biting back his smile.


Sure enough, when Eddie tried to pull into the trailer park, he saw the square frames of Callahan sitting in a parked police car. As much as this would cause trouble for Eddie’s second form of income, he agreed with Steve. Better safe than sorry.

Wayne got home earlier than usual that evening, though still around midnight. “Hey kid,” he said hoarsely, hanging up his keys and jacket before slipping off his work boots. “See they got a cop parked out there?”

“Yeah, uh, about that,” Eddie said, looking down at where his hands were fiddling in his lap. He hated worrying his uncle more, but he was scared of what could happen if he wasn’t on guard. Jason knew who Wayne was even outside of the trailer park, and who knew how thirsty for revenge he was. “Remember Jason Carver? The boyfriend… ex-boyfriend of…Chrissy Cunningham?” It was hard for Eddie to even say her name out loud, the words clogging in his throat like molasses. It was hard for Wayne to hear it as well, as was evident by the harrowed look that crossed his face the few times it was spoken on necessity, like now. Wayne nodded patiently, prompting Eddie to continue.

“Well, they keep comin’ around me looking for trouble–” Eddie was cut off by Wayne.

“Again?” He asked in frustration that was not caused by Eddie, rather clearly the loss of control either of them had over the situation. “How many people have to say you’re innocent before that silver-spoon jackass finds something else to beat his boredom?”

“I dunno, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie said with a shake of his head, staring at a spot on the floor but feeling lightyears away. “He and his friends tried something today, and thankfully Steve was there, but…” Eddie looked up at his uncle with earnest eyes, trying his hardest not to show how scared he was. “I want you to keep an eye out. Be careful. Maybe try to get a handgun to carry on you.”

“Already got one, don’t you worry about that, son,” Wayne scoffed. “If that waste of sperm comes around me it’ll be the last thing he does, I’ll tell you that.” Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle a little at this, Wayne joining in a bit as well. The somber atmosphere around them dissipated ever so slightly, and Eddie felt the weight on his chest lessen.

“You said they tried somethin’ today… you okay, Eddie?” His gruff voice and closed off demeanor might scare most people off, but Eddie knew there wasn’t a man who cared for his loved ones more than his uncle. “And don’t go lyin’ to me. I won’t leave ya alone until I hear the truth. And trust me, I’ll know,” he said this pointedly, and Eddie knew what he was very covertly referencing.

Technically, Wayne didn’t know any specifics on how Chrissy died, or why everything that happened after happened. All he knew from day one was that his nephew was innocent, and when Eddie had said there was an explanation to everything, but that he just couldn’t tell him, Wayne had taken his word. But Eddie could always tell Wayne knew there was more to the story in ways that he couldn’t rightly understand with his current knowledge of the world.

“Yeah, I’m okay Uncle Wayne. Really,” Eddie said, and it wasn’t really a lie.

Wayne fixed him with a scrutinizing look, but eventually gave way to a nod. “Well, uh, good,” he took a few steps so he could ruffle Eddie’s hair lightly, before looking down at him on the couch. Eddie could see the question brewing behind Wayne’s eyes; he always could. “So, you said this… Steve fellow helped you?”

Eddie smiled a bit. “Yeah, we work together. He’s…” Eddie debated for a moment before saying, “My friend, actually.”

“Well… I’m glad to hear you’re makin’ friends,” Wayne said. The man didn’t necessarily shy away from sharing affection, always making sure Eddie knew he was cared for and could trust him with anything. However, every time he did it was with this air of awkwardness, like he didn’t know what to do with himself while saying it.

“Me too,” Eddie said with another smile, before scratching his head. “Actually, uh. You know Vickie?”

“That’s uh… Robin’s girlfriend, right?” Wayne asked, clearly trying to recall. Eddie raised his eyebrows, because he had certainly never told Wayne that Robin was a lesbian.

“How do you know that?” He asked, a little baffled.

Wayne shrugged. “Robin told me herself one time while she was waitin’ for you to get back from work.” Eddie scoffed at this information, taken aback. “What? I didn’t care when you told me about likin’ fellas, why would I care what she does?”

Eddie laughed at this. “No, yeah, I didn’t think that. Just didn’t know you were so close with my friends,” he smiled up at his uncle, who seemed to find Eddie’s reaction amusing.

“Well I only know the one,” Wayne informed, and Eddie couldn’t help but feel that was the slightest burn.

“Anyway,” Eddie continued. “Steve’s actually throwing her a surprise party at his house,” Eddie smirked before saying “He’s rich and has a pool,” Wayne raised his eyebrows at this, whistling. “Yeah, I know. But… I know you get worried when I’m out late, so he offered to let me stay the night. And he said you can call his place when you get off work. Ya know, check in with me.”

Wayne seemed to consider Eddie’s words with a thoughtful sigh. “I mean… I’ve never stopped you from goin’ out before. Why the sudden need of permission?”

“I just…” Eddie trailed off, looking back to that spot on the floor. “I don’t like you losing sleep over me. Figured this way you wouldn’t.”

“Edward Munson I don’t want you ever for a damned second worryin’ about me, worryin’ about you,” Wayne immediately delved into that reprimansive tone, but it was born out of softness and not scolding. “But, uh… thank you. For being considerate. Lord knows where you got that trait from because it certainly wasn’t either of your parents, I’m sorry to say. But I’m glad you have it. Maybe more of it than I’ve seen in anyone.”

Sometimes Wayne rambled aloud like he was talking more to himself than Eddie, but it gave Eddie a lot of insight into his uncle’s mind. He hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear something like that until that moment, and he felt his throat tighten up just a tad.

“Anyhow,” Wayne shook his head with a dismissive wave. “Sounds as good a plan as any.” Eddie could see that question bubbling behind his eyes, this one taking a particularly long time to be voiced. Wayne sniffed awkwardly as he put his hands on his hips, looking down at Eddie. “Uh, this Steve guy…” He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. “He just a friend? Or do I gotta jog your memory on the importance of safety–”

Eddie let out a choked, embarrassed laugh as his face turned bright red. “Nope– no. Definitely… don’t need to do that. He’s just a friend. Straight as they come, trust me,” Eddie assured.

Wayne cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Good. Just, eh… makin’ sure.” Wayne gave an awkward thumbs up to the air before turning. “Alright, goodnight kid.” He gave Eddie a pat on the shoulder before making his way to his room.

“Night, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie replied, getting up and moving to his own room for the night.

Once the door was shut behind him, Eddie quickly unbuttoned his vest, which he’d fastened all the way to the top and popped his collar. He shrugged off his jacket and vest, which had been pretty uncomfortable in the warmth of the trailer, but it was necessary. He didn’t need Wayne worrying more than needed. He pulled back his hair, and wasn’t surprised with the sight.

On either side of his neck were dark, red and purpling marks, where Jason had strangled Eddie. As his fingers gently prodded the sore spots, a mixture of emotions toiled inside him. Fear, anger, and helplessness, but most consumingly: the overwhelming notion that he was, and always would be, a liability.


steve and robin trying to be the original tonya harding scandle (which wouldn't happen for another seven years, otherwise yes. there wouldve been a joke.) this fic is like, perfectly set before all the older pop culture references i wanna make and its MILDLY frustrating-- but we vibe.

sucks for yall bc do you know how insufferable i wouldve been incorporating Dirty Dancing into this? you have nooo idea. Dirty Dancing is to me what Grease is to steve, and i dont even find swayze hot.

Chapter 5: Freaks, Geeks, and the Jock That Hosts Them


bit longer of a chapter! didn't make sense to split it up so just kept it a little bigger. im gonna be honest im a little self conscious about how good this chapter is lol, so sorry if it's not up to par! (obviously i still think it's good enough to post but ya know, had some writer's block with how i wanted it to go down.)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Unlike Tammy Thompson’s party, Eddie couldn’t hear the music and conversation until he was in the driveway of Steve’s house. It was clear there was a speaker near the pool, but it didn’t sound like it was hooked up to a huge sound system. Eddie appreciated this greatly, as he wasn’t feeling up for not being able to hear himself think.

Steve answered the door surprisingly quickly, already shirtless and in a lot shorter swim trunks than Eddie had been anticipating. So much in fact, that upon the door opening Eddie had to stifle his surprise with a cough, covering his mouth to further hide the shock. He glued his eyes to Steve’s face, and Steve’s face only.

“Munson,” Steve smiled. “I definitely said it was a pool party.”

“Which is why I brought my swim suit,” Eddie shifted his torso, showing a backpack slung over his shoulder. “In the bag. Just need a place to change.”

Steve grinned widely, and it was then that Eddie noticed his eyes were slightly glassy. Is he already tipsy? Eddie wondered. “Right this way.”

He led Eddie upstairs this time and entered the first room at the top of the stairs, Eddie filing in after. “You can put it anywhere,” Steve gestured after turning on the lights, Eddie dropping it next to Steve’s bed. He instantly got distracted by a few pictures stuck to Steve’s full length mirror.

His eyes fell on one with Steve in the middle surrounded by all the kids, Nancy and Jonathan off to the side. He touched it with his finger lightly to adjust the glare, a small smile on his face. “When was this taken?” Eddie turned back to look at Steve, who was just watching him with a lopsided smile.

He walked over to examine the picture Eddie was looking at. “Uh, not long ago, actually. In the fall, when Nance and Jonathan helped the Byers move back,” Steve informed. “Jonathan’s friend Argyle– I assume you met him–” Steve smirked at Eddie. “Took the picture. I think it was the last day before Jonathan and Nancy left for college.”

“Definitely sold weed to him and Jonathan,” Eddie nodded. “Made more the week they were in town than the one leading up to Fourth of July.”

“Sounds about right,” Steve chuckled. “Now that you’re here, I’m gonna call Robin and tell her to come.” He walked over to the phone on his bedside table.

“sh*t, you were waiting on me?” Eddie asked, suddenly feeling guilty about how long he took trying to find a way to cover his bruises. He thought of concealer, but not only did he not have any, he was going to be in a pool. He even debated wearing a bandanna around his neck, but once again, the water would likely still be a problem.

“You’re only fifteen minutes late, Munson,” Steve smiled, holding the phone up to his ear and dialing. “Relax. Tonight is a stress-free night for everyone, alright? Robbay!” He cheered as, Eddie assumed, Robin picked up the phone. “Ya. Come over. Cool. Yes he’s here,” Steve glanced up at Eddie and waggled his fingers in a wave. Eddie waggled his back, an amused smile on his face. “‘Kay. See ya soon.” With that, he hung up the phone.

Eddie had taken off his jacket and vest, about to throw it on the desk chair beside him when he paused; something else was already there. “Is this my vest?” Eddie picked up the clothing before Steve could answer, confirming his suspicion.

“Come to steal it from me?” Steve asked, flopping onto his bed and propping himself up on his elbow, facing Eddie.

“Well, it’s mine,” Eddie snorted. “So it wouldn’t be stealing. But no, I said you can keep it.”

“If I recall correctly– and I do– You said I looked good in it,” Steve smiled arrogantly, clearly pleased with himself as Eddie’s face flooded with heat.

Eddie blew a raspberry, not looking at Steve as tried to wipe the embarrassed smile from his face. “Doesn’t sound like me.”

“But it was you, Munson, isn’t that what’s so funny?” Steve was grinning up at Eddie with big eyes. Eyes that dipped, and then he wasn’t grinning anymore, facing falling at once. He was up from the bed in an instant, eyes squinting at Eddie’s neck as he stepped right in front of him. Steve brushed Eddie’s hair behind his shoulders, holding it back with his fingers. Eddie’s heart beat harder in his chest.

He looked at Eddie’s neck with a clenched jaw. “Eddie… Is this from…?” Large hazel eyes scoured Eddie’s face as his question trailed off.

“It looks worse than it is,” Eddie offered, but it sounded weak even to himself. It was obvious to anyone what had happened. “Look, maybe I should go… I mean,” Eddie breathed a meek laugh. “A strangle-victim at a party is pretty off-putting, right?”

“No– are you kidding?” Steve let his hands fall to rest on Eddie’s shoulders then, and it felt like a shot of adrenaline straight to his system. He stared at Eddie with urgency. “Don’t let that f*ckin’... jockstrap of a human being ruin a fun party for you. I meant what I said; stress-free night. If someone asks you questions, I’ll kick them out,” Eddie laughed at this, shaking his head as he couldn’t help but drink up every ounce of the look in Steve’s eyes. A little glassy, but filled with sheer determination and excitement.

“Alright, alright,” Eddie laughed, suddenly folding under the intensity of the gaze and letting his eyes fall over Steve’s shoulder for a moment. “You don’t gotta do all that. Just get out of here so I can change and I’ll be down in a minute.” Eddie instructed, feeling like he had a time limit before he melted under Steve’s hands.

“Good call, I gotta cut the music and tell everyone to hide,” Steve gave him one final look, then squeezed his shoulders. “I’m glad you’re here, Munson.” And then left Eddie in a malfunctioning stupor, closing the door behind him. Despite knowing Robin was arriving shortly, he couldn’t help but stand there frozen for a moment. Finally, he forced himself to change in a rush.

The music outside had cut at some point while Eddie was changing, and by the time he got downstairs all the lights were turned off. He gripped the railing as he walked down the stairs. The last thing he needed was to die at Steve Harrington’s house from falling down the steps. And maybe it was his eyes taking awhile to adjust to the dark, but everyone was doing a really good job of hiding. He found his way into the living room, no one in sight.

“Hello?” Eddie called out in a whisper. He jumped as his eyes finally focused enough to see some of Vickie’s friends hiding behind Steve’s couch. Eddie clutched his chest. “Jesus f*cking Christ,” he breathed out.

Suddenly, a door to the right of him opened up. Eddie let out a scream that was cut short by a hand yanking him into the closet by the arm, closing the door behind him. “WHO–” A hand clamped over his mouth, and he could just barely make out Steve pressing a finger to his own lips as he shushed Eddie.

He let out a heavy exhale, finally feeling his soul return to his body. Steve dropped his hand from Eddie’s mouth to the shoulder he wasn’t holding. “f*cking–” Eddie swatted Steve’s chest as he whispered loudly, Steve letting out a pained whine that turned into a chuckle. “I almost dropped dead, Harrington!”

“Sorry!” Steve whispered loudly back, his hands still on either side of Eddie’s shoulders from where they had steadied him. “Robin’s gonna be here any second.”

It was now that Eddie realized just how close they were. The closet Steve pulled him into– which Eddie felt there was definitely a joke in there somewhere– was fairly small, though the floor was free enough of clutter for them to stand without being off balance. Their faces were just very close, and it was literally impossible for Eddie to not stare at Steve, his eyes now adjusted.

Eddie was glad it was dark in the room because the way Steve was looking at him, eyes wide and flicking back and forth between his like there’s some sort of equation behind Eddie’s own gaze, he could feel the blush engulfing his entire face and ears.

He swallowed thickly. “Don’t you need to let Robin and Vickie in?” Eddie asked, not knowing how long he could take this before he gave into his temptation and looked at Steve’s lips. Something he had been making a very conscious decision not to do.

“She’s got a key,” Steve supplied simply. Eddie found it interesting that Robin was close enough to have a key to his house, but that thought was immediately cut short as Steve’s eyes did what Eddie’s had been aching to do; darted to his lips. Eddie’s breath hitched, and with the entire house doing their best not to make a sound, he had a feeling it might’ve been audible.

But he didn’t care. Steve stared at his lips and lingered before flicking back up to meet Eddie’s stunned stare, the hazel eyes in front of him practically swallowed by blown pupils. It made Steve’s eyes appear impossibly large, and Eddie felt as if he might fall right into them.

Distant sounds of keys jingling and a lock turning cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter. Steve moved the hand closest to the closet door off of Eddie’s shoulder, bracing the knob. His eyes flicked back to Eddie, a smirk plastered on his face as he whispered, “Ready, Eddie?”

All Eddie could do was stare wide-eyed at Steve, nodding feebly.

The door opened down the hall, a muffled Vickie asking “Why’s it so dark?” And then Steve was flinging open the door, jumping into the hall and Eddie following only a second slower.

Surprise!” The entire room chorused as the lights flicked on, around twenty or thirty people that had somehow been invisible to Eddie now revealed.

Vickie let out a yelp before her hands were covering a massive grin, looking back at Robin with wide eyes. “Happy birthday, V,” Robin smiled at her before leaning in for a kiss. The crowd, Eddie and Steve more teasingly, ‘awed’ in unison.

Steve turned to address the crowd, then. “Party back on!” He yelled, pumping a fist into the air and earning a cheer from the room.

The group of people began to head back out to the pool, the girls coming over to briefly say their ‘hellos.’ Robin had brought swimsuits, and Steve told them to change in his room.

“Want a drink?” Steve asked Eddie as it sounded like someone turned the music back on outside.

“Yeah,” Eddie smirked. “Seems like I have some catching up to do.”

“Pfft,” Steve rolled his eyes as he led Eddie to the kitchen, the party-goers by the pool already resuming their activities. “Not even.”

“Who’s friends are these?” Eddie commented, only vaguely recognizing some of the people in attendance. He certainly didn’t know Robin to have many friends, either.

“Turns out Vickie was close with a lot of the band kids,” Steve informed as they arrived in the kitchen, a mound of alcohol and mixers laid on the counter.

Eddie scoffed, eyebrows raising. “These are all ex band kids?”

Steve laughed in shared disbelief. “Mostly. And no, the irony isn’t lost on me.”

Eddie mixed himself something satisfying, taking Steve’s advice of what fancy bitters and liqueurs to use, then the two of them headed out to the patio. Synthy dance music played over a chunky component stereo, far away from any water. There were only three people in the pool currently, and others were dipping their legs in or talking on lawn chairs. The hot tub, much to Eddie’s dismay, was in use, however.

“Is that Gareth and Jeff?” Eddie’s eyebrows raised, shocked to see his bandmates talking to some girls in the hot tub.

Steve laughed loudly. “Yeah, I nearly f*ckin’ lost my mind when Robin said Vickie knew them.”

“Now neither of them are on my list, they’re takin’ up the whole tub,” Eddie gestured dramatically.

“We’ll kick ‘em out later,” Steve assured with a smile, taking Eddie lightly by the elbow and directing him to the pool. Steve let go to sit down, dipping his legs in and looking up at Eddie. “You just gonna stand there?”

Eddie sat down cross-legged next to Steve, not sticking his legs in. “I’m still sober and it’s night time in the middle of spring. I’ll hold off until I don’t feel the cold.”

“Suit yourself,” Steve said, taking a sip of his drink and swinging his feet in the water idly. “What time’s Wayne callin’ ya?”

“Not for a while,” Eddie informed. “Said he’ll probably get home around midnight.”

“You don’t need to stay sober for that?” Steve glanced pointedly at Eddie’s cup.

Eddie gave a snort, smiling. “As long as I can still form words I’m good. How drunk do you think I plan on getting tonight?”

“Mmm…” Steve made a show of thinking. “I was hoping Chip Hudson’s birthday party 2.0.”

Eddie rolled his eyes with a humorous shake of his head. “Should’ve seen that one coming.”

Soon Robin and Vickie joined them. The four mostly laughed and talked amongst themselves, occasionally a few friends of Vickie coming over to say their ‘happy birthdays’ and catch up. Luckily, no one said anything about Eddie’s bruises, and he found himself able to forget them easily. The party went on, either the four of them or just Steve and Eddie breaking to re-mix their drinks every once in a while.

Vickie and Robin were in a deep discussion about their old band teacher with three other people, when Steve leaned over, speaking only to Eddie. “I need another drink. What about you?”

“Thank god I have no idea what half the terms they're saying mean– and I play an instrument,” Eddie muttered, standing up with Steve and following him back to the kitchen. It wasn’t empty, but the few people inside were off to the side having their own conversation.

“How do you feel about shots, Munson?” Steve arched a playful brow as Eddie closed the glass door behind them.

Eddie shot back a mischievous look of his own. “I’d say; you sure you can keep up?”

Steve let out a long whistle. “Careful,” he said, before continuing in a cliche western drawl, “Them’s fightin’ words.” He opened a cabinet and produced two shot glasses, placing them on the island, gesturing to the options. “Pick your poison.”

Eddie rubbed his palms together thoughtfully as he debated what would go down smoothest. He was eyeing the Jack Daniel’s when a familiar plucky guitar picked up from the stereo outside. Eddie and Steve looked at each other with bright eyes, smiles slowly tugging on each of their faces in recognition.

“Well, we have to, now,” Eddie grinned widely, grabbing the bottle of Jose Cuervo tequila and sliding it across the island to Steve, who caught it easily.

As the familiar upbeat saxophone of Tequila by The Champs played muffled from the pool, Steve filled their shot glasses and grabbed some lime slices from a nearby bowl.

He handed Eddie a lime and held up his shot glass, Eddie doing the same. “Cheers, Munson,” he said, playful eyes not releasing from Eddie’s for even a second.

“Cheers,” they clinked their glasses together and threw the shots back in unison, both quick to shove the limes in their mouths. As they knocked their empty glasses on the counter, the patio erupted into a shout of, “Tequila!

“Woo!” Steve exclaimed with a shake of his head, face downturned and wincing from the acrid taste. Eddie’s own face puckered in recoil, but it wasn’t as pungent as he expected. Steve looked at Eddie as he braced the counter. “Another?”

“You’re the one who said he wanted Chip Hudson’s birthday party 2.0,” Eddie smirked, moving his shot glass closer to Steve.

Two more shots later, Eddie and Steve were rejoining the patio with another mixed drink each, where more people started getting into the pool. Steve seemed to perk up as the song switched to “Don’t You Want Me by The Human League. “Great song,” Steve emphasized.

Eddie smiled as he observed a clearly inebriated Steve sipping his drink. “Isn’t this your mixtape? Shouldn’t every song on here be great to you?”

“Nah, Robin’s. She, like you, thinks I’m musically uncultured.”

“You are. This song isn’t bad, though,” Eddie had a humorous thought then. “What do you even do when you listen to music?”

Steve’s face was crossed half way between a smile and a frown in confusion. “What do you mean? I feel like I should be offended.”

“I just can’t picture you dancing,” Eddie shrugged.

“Munson, I dance with you guys at parties all the time,” Steve defended with a disbelieving chuckle.

“Mm… Do you, though?” Eddie asked, unconvinced. “Slightly swaying side to side is hardly considered dancing, Harrington.”

Steve scoffed in exaggerated offense. “I am an excellent dancer. Look, I’ll prove it to you,” and then he bent his arms at the elbows, holding up his drink as he began to dance in a ridiculous manner. To say it was dancing was generous, more accurately it was a concerning combination of overly-enthusiastic head bobbing and humorous gyrating.

Eddie was poorly hiding laughter behind his hand as he watched on in entertainment. “Harrington, that is abysmal.”

“Oh, yeah?” Steve grinned, suddenly taking Eddie’s drink from his hand and placing both their cups on a table nearby. He held out his hands, quirking an eyebrow. “But you don’t know how fun it is to dance with me.”

Eddie raised his own brows at this, ignoring how his stomach fluttered as he glanced between Steve’s open hands and his expectant face. “You really are drunk,” he chuckled in an attempt to dissipate the eager nerves that were building inside him.

“No better time to dance,” Steve charmed, gesturing a ‘come on’ with one hand. There was no biting back the smile that stretched Eddie’s face as he took Steve’s offer.

Steve grinned like a mad man as he began to pilot their arms to swing on the beat, pushing Eddie out and pulling him back in. He took Eddie by surprise when he maneuvered him into a reverse underarm turn, resulting in one of Steve’s arms wrapping around Eddie’s shoulder and pulling him into his side, still holding his hands crossed in front of him. He rocked them energetically side to side before spinning him back to the starting position, continuing to do a mix of swing and, seemingly, whatever the hell Steve felt like in the moment.

Eddie would catch Steve’s smiling eyes with his own bewildered ones, as he managed to pull off a dance meant for slower pacing to a much faster song. Albeit, a bit sloppily, and Eddie had no idea what to do with his feet, but impressive nonetheless. Especially since both of them were reasonably drunk.

Every time he and Steve knocked into each other, instead of feeling embarrassment, all Eddie could do was laugh. As Steve jostled their joined hands around comically, he sang along dramatically, “Don’t you want me, baby?

Despite looking like an absolute idiot, swinging their arms around and singing off-key to a poppy-love song, Eddie was struck with the realization that he found Steve Harrington painfully attractive.

He by no means was blind to the man’s looks before– his reaction to the still incredibly tiny shorts was proof– but something about this Steve was different. And sure, part of him recognized that ‘this Steve’ was the same Steve he’d gotten to know over the past year, but it was as if Eddie couldn’t see it clearly until this moment.

Ironic, considering his far-from-sober state. Or maybe it was just the tequila-vision and he’d wake up tomorrow finding Steve to be his tolerably-attractive straight friend. Honestly, Eddie didn’t know which version of reality he was hoping for.

To his disappointment Steve released him as the song ended, returning their drinks to their hands. “See? Told you I’m an excellent dancer.”

“Suppose you would be, if you’ve seen Grease that many times,” Eddie teased before bringing the cup to his lips.

“Sticks and stones, Munson,” Steve smirked playfully, his speech taking on the slow melt-together quality inebriated people had. “Sticks and Stones.”

Just then, a blond, skinny guy that Eddie didn’t recognize came up to them. “Hey, man, I can’t find your bathroom.”

“Here, follow me,” Steve said, before adding to Eddie. “Hot tub’s free. Go snag it before anyone else can and I’ll meet ya there.” He gave Eddie a wink with a click before leading the blond guy to the bathroom. Eddie, blustered for a moment as he was left in his absence. Spotting that Steve was right, he beelined for the hot tub.

As he took a few steps in, he heard Robin yell “Oo! Eddie’s got the hot tub!” And soon enough she had dragged Vickie over by the wrist, a drink in each of their free hands. “Saw you and Steve dancing. How close to Chip Hudson’s birthday party are we, then?” She teased as they joined Eddie in the jacuzzi.

“If that was a ten, I’m at a five,” Eddie made a face as he reconsidered this. “Eh… makin’ my way fast to a six.”

“If that wasn’t a ten, I’m scared to see what a ten actually is,” Vickie commented, Eddie smiling mischievously at her and wiggling his eyebrows.

“Noted. Must be at a five or higher for you and Steve to dance together,” Robin grinned.

“Hey, he’s at like a seven. That was not up to me,” Eddie defended, though inwardly he bubbled excitedly as he recalled what happened moments ago.

“Sure seemed to enjoy it, though,” Vickie noted, raising her eyebrows at him playfully as she tipped her drink to her lips. He simply mimicked her face, taking another sip of his own.

Steve arrived at the hot tub excitedly, joining them in the jets with a relaxed groan. He sat beside Eddie, placing his drink next to them as he stretched his arms across the lip of the jacuzzi.

Eddie couldn’t help but notice their close proximity, Steve’s chest hair plastering to him as he sank in. Eddie washed his thoughts away with another long sip.

“Did you guys see Gareth getting all close with that girl earlier?” Robin raised her eyebrows.

“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, eyes wide and energized as he sat up straighter suddenly. “I forgot! When I walked that guy to the bathroom, they came out together. Were totally hooking up.”

“What?!” Eddie and Vickie seemed to be most surprised by this, knowing Gareth best. More importantly, knowing his frequent bad luck in the way of girls.

“Wait,” Eddie looked at Steve humorously, “Did you say you forgot? In the time it took you to get from the bathroom to here?”

“Shhh,” Steve shushed loudly, sending an explosive shock to Eddie’s system as he wrapped the arm previously stretched behind him around his shoulders, pressing his finger sloppily against Eddie’s lips. A stunned, sideways glance at Robin and Vickie showed they were finding this very amusing. “That’s besides the point. Gareth might’ve just received what he’s supposed to give you.” He pulled away his finger, but his arm remained around Eddie’s shoulders. Then, he felt Steve’s knee press against his own. It felt like the jacuzzi jets were whirring in his stomach, rather than the water.

“What was he supposed to give you?” Robin asked with raised eyebrows, face showing she wasn’t sure if she actually wanted to know.

“Don’t worry about it,” Eddie pursed his lips with a nonchalant shake of his head.

“Damn, Steve,” Vickie chuckled. “You’re really lettin’ loose.”

“No kids, no friends to drive home. I feel like a middle-aged mom with the house to herself,” he gestured emphatically with the hand not around Eddie’s shoulders as he spoke. “And watch out!” Steve clapped the gesturing hand on Eddie's chest, suddenly jolting him, the latter blinking rapidly in surprise. A grin split Steve’s face as he cheered, “‘Cause Steve Harrington’s a MILF, baby!”

Eddie, along with Robin and Vickie, rioted into laughter. He removed the hand from where it might as well have seared into Eddie’s skin, reaching around to grab his drink before sipping.

“I’m definitely not gonna be letting you live that down when you’re hungover tomorrow,” Eddie mused.

“Well, you’re out of luck, Munson,” Steve looked over at him with heavy eyes, the amount of energy inside him not matching his drunken face. “‘Cause you callin’ me a milf is only gonna turn me on.” Eddie’s mouth actually fell open at this, his inebriated brain buffering to process what Steve said. And then, as if he had simply made a mundane comment about the weather, Steve moved on. “Actually, we should get you by the phone. Almost midnight.”

“sh*t,” Eddie had no choice but to ignore the blush ravaging his face, pulling himself free from Steve and standing up. He finished his drink in a long gulp before looking down at Steve. “Where is it?”

“I’ll show you,” Steve stood up as well. Vickie and Robin had become entangled in an obviously very intimate exchange as they left, their faces growing nearer in that way couples’ do during private conversations.

They dried off quickly with some towels Steve had left on a chair near the door. Eddie tossed his cup into the trashcan before they entered the house, Steve abandoning the rest of his drink on the island as they moved through the kitchen.

There were a few people in Steve’s kitchen, or milling about waiting for the bathroom, but Steve led Eddie past them and to a room on the other side of the house. It was an open floor plan, so there wasn’t a door, but it was far enough away from the music and chatter that it could only be heard faintly. Steve gestured to a phone on the wall, leaning against the arm of a couch, clearly not bothered about getting it wet. “Now we wait.”

“You don’t have to wait with me, ya know,” Eddie assured, leaning against the well next to the phone and crossing his arms.

Steve shrugged, a lazy smile permanently affixed to his face. “What else am I gonna do, sit in the tub while Vickie and Robin make out?”

Eddie smirked at this. “You know, some guys would be jumping at that opportunity.”

“Yeah, weird guys,” Steve emphasized, swaying a little even as he sat. “I’m not a weird guy,” he smiled matter-of-factly.

“No, but you’re certainly strange,” Eddie supplied.

“What’s strange about me?” Steve asked, words slurring together. The lights were dim in this room, making all the sharp edges of Steve seem to blur into something softer. And when he looked at Eddie with those big eyes, hazy and only seemingly capable of focusing on the latter, Eddie found it hard to concentrate.

Apparently noticeably so, as Steve co*cked his head curiously. “Munson?” When Eddie’s eyes perked up, attention visibly regained, he said “You were just staring at me for like, twenty seconds.”

Eddie cleared his throat, face burning brighter than any light in the room as he looked anywhere but Steve to compensate. “Must be closer to Chip Hudson’s birthday party than I thought,” he gave a sheepish chuckle.

Steve’s question was forgotten between the two of them as the phone beside Eddie rang. As he picked up the phone, Steve got up to lean his shoulder against the same wall. One thing Eddie noticed about drunk Steve was that he lost all sense of personal space, watching Eddie from so close it made his head fuzzier than the booze.

“Uncle Wayne?” Eddie answered.

“Hey, kid,” Wayne’s gruff voice greeted through the phone. “How you doin’?”

Eddie smiled softly at this. “Good, yeah.”

Steve wrapped his arm, once again, around Eddie’s shoulders and leaned their faces close, causing them to sway a bit with his unsturdy weight. Speaking definitely close enough to the receiver to be heard, Steve stage whispered, “Tell your Wayne I say hi.”

“Steve says hi,” Eddie relayed regardless, smiling at Steve’s intoxicatingly close face. There was a silence on the other end, Eddie furrowing his brows in slight confusion. “Uncle Wayne?”

“Yes, uh, I’m here. Eh… hello, Steve…” Wayne cleared his throat, meanwhile Eddie felt his heart leap into his own esophagus as Steve’s hand moved from his shoulder to his upper back, sliding slowly down to the middle as he gave Eddie a goofy thumbs up. He was, evidently, close enough to hear Wayne’s response.

There was so much skin to skin contact– so much Steve-- that his head felt like it was swimming in the bottom of the pool, utterly distracted by the way Steve was watching him eagerly. “Well, I can see you’re fine… I’ll… leave ya to it, Eddie.”

“See you tomorrow,” Eddie was surprised he was able to form words, his stomach doing what felt like a thousand consecutive backflips.

“Night, kid,” Wayne said, Eddie also wishing him good night before he hung up the phone. Steve moved out of Eddie’s space, but only in the slightest, his hand now splayed on Eddie’s lower back. He grinned at Eddie almost triumphantly. Eddie’s stomach tightened.

“See? Told you it was a good idea,” he dropped his hand from Eddie completely, and Eddie found himself following the touch. He stopped himself just before it was noticeable. “C’mon. We got three hours until I kick everyone who isn’t you or the girls out.”

And in three hours, Steve kept his promise. He cut the music, standing on one of the patio tables as he addressed the party-goers. “Alright, you know the drill. You don’t have to go home, but ya can’t stay here.” There was a chorus of disappointment, but people started making their way out nonetheless. About twenty minutes later everyone who was meant to be gone had left, and it was just the four of them.

“Guest bedroom, Steve?” Robin asked, words strung together slowly both from intoxication and tiredness.

“Ya,” Steve gave a weak wave, swaying so severely at the bottom of the stairs Eddie had to step in to catch him by his sides.

“Alright,” Eddie drawled out, admittedly a fair share of drunk himself. He managed to throw Steve’s arm around his shoulders, realizing he was getting oddly used to the action, and re-stabilized them. “You just lost your stair privileges. Not without me, at least.” Out of the four of them, he’d say he was still– miraculously– the most sober out of all of them. That didn’t say much, though. Vickie crawled up the stairs on all fours.

“Shower,” Steve muttered out, eyes almost completely closed as Eddie tried to navigate him to the first step.

Eddie gave an almost delirious giggle. “I think we’re way past that, buddy.” To be fair, they all at least rinsed off with the garden house. Tonight, that was the best it was gonna get.

Steve groaned in disapproval, but finally opened his eyes, which appeared to require quite a bit of willpower. He quickly closed one. Oh, boy, Eddie thought.

Eddie took the first step, Steve following after. “Rail, Harrington. No f*ckin’ way I can beat another murder trial.” He obeyed without any pushback, luckily, silently grabbing onto the rail as Eddie dragged them both upstairs.

Steve was a lot more solid than he looked, though he supposed maybe he should’ve expected that from the unfortunate amount of muscle. Eddie had to use the door for support as he swung them into the room, not bothering with the lights. They could see enough from the moon coming through Steve’s window.

“Are you even trying to move your legs, dude?” He looked over at Steve, who surprisingly had his eyes open, though barely.

“Yeah, look,” Steve slowly broke away from Eddie and, to the latter’s significant surprise, managed to stay standing. Though he quickly began to tip, and Eddie was at his side again, walking him over to the desk chair.

“Okay,” Eddie laughed lazily. “Let’s just keep you… not completely vertical,” he slumped into the chair, staring drowsily at the floor. Having to take charge on getting Steve to safety was a fairly sobering experience, but Eddie still had to move slowly himself. “Where do you keep your sleep clothes? I’ll bring them to you.”

“Top drawer. Boxers,” Steve pointed at his dresser, Eddie mentally preparing himself for the reality that was going to be Steve in boxers. He pulled open the drawer and immediately grabbed the first pair in sight, quickly shutting it as if it housed something evil. Eddie tossed the red boxers at Steve, who did not catch it, and instead was hit in the face. “Thanks,” he mumbled as they fell into his lap.

“You gonna…” God, Eddie was praying for his sanity that the answer to his next question was gonna be ‘yes,’ “Be able to get into them?”

“Definitely,” Steve said, but his eyes were fully closed again.

“For the love of god,” Eddie muttered to himself, rubbing his hands over his face roughly as he tried to get himself together for the possibility of changing Steve Harrington. Even if he was content with letting him get a rash, he’d have to sleep in a bed next to wet swim shorts.

“I’m sorry…” Steve slurred heavily, but he forced his eyes open into a wide, apologetic look. Eddie had never seen this wounded puppy look before, and it was enough to fully stun him in his already drunken state. “I’m being,” he hiccupped, eyes shutting a bit more, but looking at Eddie just as earnestly. “Annoying.”

“What?” Eddie furrowed his brows, his own lids growing heavier by the second. Guilt flooded him as he realized Steve thought he was bothered about taking care of someone sh*tfaced. “No, Steve, You’re not being annoying.”

“Promise?” Steve raised his eyebrows, eyes drooping.

“Promise. Now can you get changed? Or do I need to…” Eddie gestured with a grimace to the air between them. “Intervene?”

“No, no,” Steve waved dismissively. He attempted to steel himself into a calm resolve. “I’m going to stand up,” he announced.

Eddie couldn’t help but smile to himself. “Alright, I believe in you Harrington.”

“Thank you,” Steve said, still not standing up, eyes closed.

“You’re welcome.” Eddie replied simply.

“I appreciate you,” still not standing up.

“I appreciate you too.”

“Am I standing up?”

“Definitely not.”

“Damn,” Steve whispered in disappointment, prying his eyes open. “Okay, okay. I wasn’t really trying that time.” Slowly but surely, Steve rose from the chair, holding onto the back of it, where Eddie’s old vest still lay.

He was standing upright for a total of three seconds, Eddie raising his eyebrows in hope, but immediately sliding in to catch him as he began to lean a little too far for comfort. Eddie’s comfort, specifically. “Are you sure you can do this? I promise I won’t make it weird.”

“I can do it, I can do it,” Steve waved assuredly, Eddie taking a single step away, arms still outstretched and ready to catch his friend if he fell. “Why would you make it weird? Nothin’ you haven’t seen,” Steve breathed a laugh, as if his body didn’t have enough energy to produce more.

“‘Cause you know how guys get when they’re around gay guys–” Eddie didn’t cut himself off soon enough, his body going absolutely rigid, eyes widening in panic. f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck–

“Told you I’m not a weird guy,” Steve drawled sloppily, and then with exactly zero warning, Steve was sticking his thumbs into his swim trunks to push them down.

Eddie whirled around so fast he started to tip over, having to spread his arms out and bend his knees to keep from falling as the room spun. “For the love of the lord, Harrington, a little warning!” He scolded, back still to Steve.

“You’ll survive, Munson,” Steve slurred tiredly. It was only one garment of clothing, but it was clearly taking some time. Truthfully, though, Eddie was just glad he didn’t have to help. He didn’t think he’d survive.

And to think, at one point he swore to himself to not put himself in situations like this with Steve. Situations like that day, that made him hold out hope for pipe dreams. If Eddie from a year ago could see him now, he’d be deeply disappointed.

“You’re good,” Steve said, Eddie turning around, slower this time, to thankfully see Steve clothed. Still shirtless, but Eddie reckoned that was about as modest as the man was getting.

“Great,” Eddie said, moving over to his backpack and unzipping it. “Now get into bed before I have an aneurysm.” Steve did as he was told, flopping face first onto his bed. As Eddie pulled his own pajamas out of his bag, Steve groaned loudly into his bedspread. If he thought there was any chance that the girls were conscious right now, he might worry what they thought he and Steve were getting up to.

“I got the spins,” Steve whined, words muffled by his bedding.

“Well, hate to tell ya, Stevie, but they’re gonna get a lot worse,” Eddie said, standing up. “We didn’t bring any water up. Keep your face in the mattress, I’m changing.” Eddie commanded.

“We have water,” Steve said into the bed. “On the floor in the closet,” he gestured blindly to the direction of his closet before letting his arm flop back onto the bed. Eddie pulled on athletic shorts and a muscle tee before he made his way to the closet, opening it up. Sure enough, on the floor there was a half empty case of water bottles.

“You can look,” Eddie said as he grabbed two water bottles and got into bed beside Steve. Steve lifted his head, squinting at Eddie with a disgruntled face, his hair sticking up in a few places. Eddie smiled in amusem*nt at the sight. He held a water bottle out to Steve. “Drink half of that and you can go to sleep.”

Steve smirked as he forced himself onto his elbows, cracking open the water as Eddie did the same. “The babysitter becomes the babysat,” he spoke in a wise, whimsical tone before taking a few large gulps of water. Eddie watched his Adam's apple bob. He forced his gaze to his own bottle as he drank.

In the silence, Eddie began to feel bad for assuming Steve would’ve responded poorly to knowing he was gay. His lack of response to the information easily could’ve been because he was so inebriated, but Eddie was thankful nonetheless for him not making a big deal out of it. In a stroke of guilt-backed courage, Eddie decided to express this.

“Hey, uh, by the way…” he started, fiddling with the little plastic ring that remained around the bottle. “Thanks… for ya know. Not making it a whole thing when you found out I’m… gay.” It still felt weird to say in front of Steve, having become so accustomed to keeping him in the dark.

He wasn’t really in or out of the closet, either. Some people it was second-nature for them to know, others he knew he’d rather avoid the topic, and for the rest it just took time. Sometimes it felt like he’d never really stop ‘coming out.’

Steve was staring at Eddie in confusion, brows furrowed. “Yeah, no problem but… That was a while ago. Why are you bringing it up now?”

Eddie glanced around the room, his own eyebrows knitting together in concern. “...It was like five minutes ago.”

Steve shook his head, confusion deepening. “What?

“When do you think it was?” Eddie asked, eyebrows practically in his hairline as he stared at Steve.

Steve sat up all the way now, wincing and moving slowly but getting there eventually. “Hold on, did you think I didn’t know you’re gay until just then?” One of Steve’s eyebrows was arched high as he looked at Eddie in disbelief. Eddie was silent, only able to stare back with wide eyes. “Munson, you told me.”

“When did I–” Eddie’s face fell flat, the realization hitting him as he and Steve said in unison; “Chip Hudson’s birthday party–” Only Eddie continued, “Jesus f*ck.” He rubbed his eyes with his fingers, letting them rest there for a moment as so much contempt for one night coursed through his body. He could honestly go the rest of his life never hearing the words ‘Chip Hudson’s birthday party’ again, and it still wouldn’t atone for the amount of psychic damage that phrase had dealt Eddie.

“If it makes you feel better,” Steve said, speech still slowed but dragging Eddie out of his loathing as he dropped his hand from his face. “I kinda knew before you told me.”

“Don’t know if it does, but tell me why anyway,” Eddie requested.

“You rented Rocky Horror twice a week for three weeks straight,” Steve didn’t try to hide the grin that spread across his face, if he even had the capability to.

Eddie couldn’t help but fall into yet another near-delirious laugh, shaking his head at himself. “Yeah, that’s pretty damning,” he nodded, smiling at Steve who gave a tired huff of laughter.

Steve gave Eddie two soft pats on the shoulder, chugging more of his water and holding it up to Eddie’s eyeline, his own eyes still heavy with impending sleep. “Can I sleep now?”

Satisfied with the half empty bottle, Eddie smiled tiredly. “Knock yourself out, Stevie.”

The two maneuvered so they were both under the covers, Eddie sitting up still. Steve lowered himself onto his back after setting the bottle on the bedside table, eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow. “‘S nice when you call me Stevie,” he mumbled contently. Eddie felt a trill run up his spine. He looked over at Steve, eyes pinched closed in discomfort and one hand draped across his stomach.

Then, Steve let out another groan as he rolled onto his side, facing Eddie. “The spinsss…” he whined, squeezing his eyes tighter.

Before Eddie could regain control of his limbs, his hand was reaching over and massaging Steve’s head, fingers playing with his hair slowly. “These are the consequences of your actions, Stevie,” because now that Eddie knew he liked that name so much, he had a feeling he was gonna have a hard time calling him much else.

Eddie withdrew his hand as he lied down, Steve letting out a short hum of disapproval. “Impatient man,” Eddie mused with a smile as he replaced his hand in Steve’s hair, lackadaisically carding his fingers through it.

“Hmm…” Was all Steve could supply, eyes closed softly now instead of in discomfort. Eddie, despite sleep calling strongly to him as well, was buzzing off the moment. Steve with a peaceful expression, his face entirely free of co*cky grins or worried eyes. Eddie smiled fondly to himself as he grabbed some of Steve’s hair with the slightest bit more grip, still keeping his movement light and soothing.

At this, Steve’s brows furrowed in the slightest before he dropped his hand directly on top of Eddie’s stomach. The latter’s entire body froze up, his hand stalling in Steve’s hair. It was as if all the oxygen had been sucked from his body. Steve remained with closed eyes, and Eddie wondered if the man was already asleep.

He didn’t have to wonder for long. Slowly at first, as if unsure, the thumb on Eddie’s abdomen began to stroke in languid circles. Excitement bloomed from his core and shot through the rest of his body. He wondered if this is what it felt like to be struck by lightning.

Eddie resumed his movements in Steve’s hair, and Steve continued with his light patterns on Eddie’s stomach, over his shirt. Steve stopped first, his breathing dropping into something slow and deep. And even though he knew this meant Steve was asleep , Eddie couldn’t find it in him to stop playing with his hair until he drifted off himself.


if there's one thing i'll do, its put steve in absurdly tiny short shorts.

Chapter 6: Something You're Scared to Smother


once again im a little self conscious about this chapter, but its only bc i want to convey all the emotions i want to convey, and sometimes that's trickier than others. i have a blast writing these fics tho, nothing about it feels like a chore or obligation. im just a perfectionist lol, sometimes (a lot of the times) to a fault haha.

also chapters might upload a little slower over the next few days! just because i have some plans and wont have a lot of time to write. so if u see i go longer than usual without updating, it doesn't mean im dropping the fic! ik i said no promises on finishing, and that still stands (tho i have everything i want to happen planned out), but if i DID decide to discontinue this fic or put it on hold, i'd make an update about it so yall will know! srsly tho, no plans on discontinuing as of yet, so dont stress :p
btw sorry if i dont respond quickly/to all the comments. know that all the encouragement and compliments are deeply appreciated! i try and get to most eventually :p

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It doesn’t make sense,” Eddie shook his head in disbelief. “I checked this thing like three times. It wasn’t there.” He looked up at Robin earnestly from where he was crouched over the magazine drawer. Eddie had just been looking for a mag on his shift, and there it was. Stuck back in the middle of the pile. “I’m positive.

“So they put it back?” It was the only explanation, but neither of them understood why. “That’s… so stupid. It proves that someone took it in the first place.”

“See? Told you it’s Colton,” Eddie grabbed the magazine and examined it freely, the store dead empty. “Steve’s an idiot but he’s not that big of an idiot.” What Eddie was looking for, he didn’t know. Maybe a sticky note that said ‘Taken By: Blank.

“Mmm…” Robin hummed skeptically as Eddie began to flip through the pages, leaning back against the counter. “I dunno…”

“What?” Eddie scoffed, glancing up at her. “You think Steve’s gay?”

“Not strictly,” Robin shrugged. “I mean… are you really telling me you’ve never considered the possibility?”

Eddie paused his idle investigation for a moment. Obviously, he had, and quite hopefully. But he had been sure to crush those hopes as soon as they were born. And managed to keep them at bay for a year or so. Then Vickie’s birthday party happened. It’s been about two weeks and Eddie still wasn’t sure what to make of that night. Whether it be Steve’s overly-affectionate drunken state or, more agonizingly, the feelings it stirred inside Eddie, he was at a loss to define anything.

“Definitely considered it when I found out about Raiders and Grease,” he attempted a casual shrug, returning his attention back to the magazine. “Every once in a while I reconsider, but ultimately… I land on him being ‘straight.’”

“I’m just sayin’ don’t rule it out,” Robin said, wiping down the counter with a rag and spray bottle. But Eddie wasn’t listening, instead his eyes were focusing on the binding of the magazine. Close to the center, as if done with care but clearly not enough, there were small tufts of a torn page.

“Robin,” Eddie snapped his fingers softly, still examining the rips. When she turned to him he held the pages open, allowing her to see. On either side were raunchily clothed men– if one could still call it wearing clothing. More like a small scrap of sheer, tight fabric covering part of their dicks. “They tore a page out,” he smirked.

“Well done, Sherlock Holmes,” Robin teased. “You found out the person who stole it is– shocker– still gay.”

Eddie made a face, muttering to himself, “I thought it was impressive.” He continued to flip through the pages.

The bell jingling had him jolting upright, frantically shoving the magazine into the cubby behind the checkout desk. And thank god he did, because none other than Steve Harrington walked in.

“Hey,” he nodded at them, brows furrowing at Eddie. “See a ghost recently, Munson? What’s wrong?”

“Uh…” Eddie and Robin shared a brief glance as he fabricated an excuse. “I smoked before work. Thought you were Brenda and got a little,” Eddie raised both hands and shook them like tambourines. “Jumpy.”

“Which is it this time, Steve,” Robin thankfully moved the conversation along. “Raiders or Grease?”

“Very funny,” Steve said flatly. “Neither. I called like three times in the last hour and no one answered… which, with Munson’s explanation, makes a little more sense.”

“I stand strong in my decision to ignore those calls,” Eddie deadpanned.

Steve ignored him. “The children are demanding my home for a game night–”

“And you caved immediately–” Robin cut in.

“As usual,” Eddie promptly added.

Christ,” Steve scoffed with a stunned chuckle. “Tear me apart, why don’t ya? I was about to offer you free snacks and games– but I guess I’ll go f*ck myself.”

“When’s the game night, Harrington?” Eddie asked, bypassing Steve’s dramatics.

“Told ‘em they had to wait until Colton and Brenda are working so you two could come,” Steve said with a shrug.

“This Friday,” Eddie supplied, having checked the schedule at the start of his shift.

“Is that a yes?” Steve smiled expectantly as round eyes looked between Eddie and Robin.

Eddie shrugged, “As long as it’s not D&D, I’m in. I’m still making a PC for Will’s upcoming campaign, and Wheeler won’t stop nagging me.”

“Robbie?” Steve turned his pleading to her. “Vickie can come.”

“She’s actually gonna be out of town with her parents this week,” Robin informed. “But I guess that means I have nothing better to do.”

Steve fist pumped goofily, Eddie snorting at his enthusiasm. “I’m gonna go tell Henderson,” and with that he headed back out, bell jangling as he did so.

Eddie and Robin chuckled amongst themselves. “Definitely the demeanor of someone who hates babysitting,” Eddie commented sarcastically. He slid the magazine out from the cubby and rolled it up before tucking it as far into his jacket pocket as he could, placing it back over the stool. All thoughts of who stole it in the first place momentarily forgotten.


“Munson,” Steve sighed in relief as he opened the door. Yelling could be heard in the background, Dustin was definitely one of the voices, the other sounding like Lucas. “Thank god. So, now the demons are staying over and Robin bailed last minute.” He opened the door more and gave a frazzled gesture for Eddie to enter.

His eyes were wide in that stressed-mom look he got around the kids, and his hair looked like he had been running his hands through it in frustration. “Glad I had the foresight to bring beer,” Eddie held up the six-pack as he came in, the arguing growing louder. “Why’d she bail?”

“Her mom got her sick apparently,” Steve informed, leading Eddie into the living room where, sure enough, there were six teenagers.

“Eddie!” Dustin looked up enthusiastically. “Who do you think would make a better DM; Tolkien or George Lucas?”

Eddie paused his route to put the beer in Steve’s fridge. Mike was the one to ask, too-excited for Eddie’s liking, “Is that beer?”

“Not for you, it’s not,” Eddie said firmly, Mike’s face falling in disappointment. Eddie turned back to Dustin, he and Lucas pausing their bickering for Eddie’s answer. “And Tolkien, obviously. High fantasy was kinda his whole thing, don’t know if you noticed.”

“See!” Lucas exclaimed, turning back to Dustin with animated eyes. El, Max, and Will were watching from the couch in amusem*nt. “Told you! And Eddie’s actually a DM.”

“You two have no imagination,” Dustin said flatly, looking between Lucas and Eddie. “Imagine a campaign in a space setting– already insanely cool– and then it’s run by George Lucas? Also, I resent the fact you say I’m not a DM. I ran that one-shot over Christmas.”

“Which was a nonsensical dumpster fire. A fun dumpster fire, but a dumpster fire nonetheless,” Lucas was brutal with his critiques, but Eddie often admired the level of honesty. And Dustin never really took it to heart, knowing that Lucas didn’t have malicious intent. Anyone who knew Lucas Sinclair for longer than half an hour knew he was blunt, but didn’t have a genuinely mean bone in his body.

Eddie leaned in to speak only to Steve as the two boys continued to argue. “Let’s leave them to tire themselves out for a second,” he muttered, Steve promptly leading them to the kitchen.

“Did you have that much energy at fifteen?” Steve asked, opening the fridge for Eddie to store the beer.

“I don’t think I’ve had that much energy since grade school,” Eddie supplied as Steve shut the fridge, leaning against it and letting his head fall back.

He let out a long sigh, closing his eyes. “Just two minutes. I’ve been alone with them for an hour.”

“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it,” Eddie smirked, leaning back against the island across from Steve. He opened his eyes, raising his brows at Eddie. “You constantly have them over, or drive them around. If you hated it so much you wouldn’t do it so often. I mean you’re letting all six of them sleepover, for f*ck’s sake.”

“It’s called love, Munson,” Steve scoffed. “I grow three more gray hairs every time I see them but…” Steve shrugged, looking vaguely uncomfortable with the subject matter. “Not seeing them for a while is weird.” Eddie felt an almost floaty feeling in his chest. It was nice to hear Steve talk about people he loved.

“And they’re only sleeping over so I don’t have to drive them home at midnight,” Steve raised his brows again, more pointedly this time. “You’re welcome, by the way. You would’ve been driving half of them.”

Eddie chuckled at this. “Where are they all sleeping, anyway? Don’t you only have one guest bedroom?”

“Please. You think an expert babysitter such as myself didn’t think of the sleeping situations of a co-ed sleepover?” Steve placed a hand on his own chest, his face one of exaggerated disappointment. “It hurts when you underestimate me. The girls get the room, and the guys can spread out in the living room. I got an air mattress.”

Eddie held his hands up in mock defense. “My apologies,” he continued in a teasing tone. “How could I possibly make up for such transgressions?”

It was a rhetorical question, but Steve answered anyway. “You could start by staying over,” he gave Eddie that begging-puppy look. “Gonna need someone to help take them home in the morning, anyway.”

Eddie groaned. “I don’t wanna sleep in jeans, Harrington,” he gestured to his ripped black jeans.

Steve shrugged. “Then don’t. Borrow something of mine,” a coy smile twitched onto his face. “C’mon. You know you can’t say no to me.”

Wow,” Eddie scoffed in disbelief, a smile stretching his own face. “Conceited, Harrington. Very conceited.”

“But…?” Steve bit his lip, eyes boring impishly into Eddie.

He rolled his eyes, still smiling. “Fine. But tell your ego it’s for the kids, not you.”

“Ouch,” Steve said. “Feel like I just fast-forwarded twenty years to being divorced and in a custody battle.”

Eddie snorted at this. Someone, seemingly Will, yelling caused them to turn their heads in the direction of the living room. “Mike!” He heard Will laughing wildly, no real objection in his voice. “Get off me!”

Eddie and Steve looked at each other with raised brows. “Sound like a murder attempt to you?” Steve asked.

He barked a laugh. “Definitely not. By the way…” Eddie started, an amused smirk faintly on his lips. “You think splitting them up between boys and girls– with only a set of stairs and a single door in between them– is gonna stop anything?”

Steve held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, if the sexual exploration is biologically impossible to lead to a pregnancy, I say once I’m behind my door, I’m not comin’ out until morning.” He gave a considerate dip of his head. “Plus, I already had my own talk with the boys about the importance of protection.”

Eddie laughed in wonder. “Oh, I would’ve paid to watch you handle that minefield.”

“And you would’ve seen me handle it with grace, thank you very much,” Steve said in his defense, pushing off the fridge. “Now. Let’s get back in there before my house is suddenly on fire.”

When they walked back into the living room, Lucas and Dustin were still arguing amongst each other. Meanwhile, for some reason, Mike was struggling on top of Will on the couch, reaching for something in his hand. Both boys were laughing, a flash going off over them. This was when Eddie noticed Max and El standing back, a polaroid camera being lowered from El’s smiling face. She and Max shared a look, holding their own silent conversation before giggling between each other.

“Wheeler,” Steve said flatly, Mike sitting up from where he was looming over Will, whose face was bright red. Eddie bit back a laugh, hiding his smile further behind a fist. “Is there a reason you’re trying to suffocate Will in my home?”

“There’s not enough tokens for Monopoly, so we brought two of our own and Will’s trying to take the coolest one,” Mike whirled on Will again, the latter’s eyes lighting up in feigned innocence, a smile clearly suppressed. “Which was my figure last campaign.”

It was now that Eddie noticed a small figurine of a knight in Will’s hand, another one of a wizard in purple robes on Steve’s large coffee table. He recognized them from the last D&D campaign he ran for the kids.

“Fine,” Will relinquished, giving Mike the knight before swooping the wizard off the table. “But I call the wizard.”

“God, we’re playing Monopoly?” Eddie looked at Steve in dread. “Isn’t real life enough of a capitalistic nightmare? I’ve never even finished a game.”

“I finished one once, but it killed my soul,” Steve said flatly, addressing only Eddie. “But it’s the only game we got for eight players. And they were insistent on us playing, too.”

“Thank god I brought the beer,” Eddie muttered before clapping his hands, speaking to the rest of the room. “Right, let’s get this show on the road.”

Monopoly was set up, and Max requested (demanded) she play a mix tape she made, taking it upon herself to pop it in the stereo. A different one than the large component stereo outside, notably. Sometimes it pained Eddie how rich Steve was, but he tried not to hold it against him. Admittedly, he was the most generous rich person he’d met. Though Eddie didn’t hold out hope for that to extend to his parents.

After Steve was adamant about being the thimble (to Eddie’s peculiar amusem*nt) the game was underway. At about half an hour in, Steve was in the lead after an absurd amount of lucky rolls back to back. “No f*ckin’ way,” Lucas deadpanned, annoyed.

“You just landed on Boardwalk,” Dustin seemed deeply upset by this. “How do you keep doing this?”

“We gotta get you to play D&D,” Will smiled, more happy for Steve than bothered by his apparent accomplishment.

“Oh, yeah,” Steve said idly, checking his owned properties. “I have the other one of those. Guess I’ll buy it.”

Guess I’ll buy it, he says” Dustin mimicked with an exasperated roll of his eyes, as Lucas sighed out an ‘Oh my god.’

“Apparently you’re really good at this game, Stevie,” Eddie said. He’d only really played twice before, when he still lived with his parents and his nieces and nephews visited.

“Leave it to you nerds to have strats for Monopoly,” Max teased, earning an amused snort from Eddie.

“Of course I do,” Dustin said matter-of-factly. “Why do you think I’m buying all the railroads?” Eddie had an unfortunate feeling that they would not be allowed to abandon this game tonight.

“The railroad strategy is ass,” Lucas countered enthusiastically.

“Are you delusional?” Dustin responded in awe.

“As much as I love watching you put Henderson in his place, and appreciate that you do it so frequently,” Eddie interjected. “This game is going to take a million hours. Harrington, give El the money and Max the dice. Meanwhile, daddy’s gettin’ a drink,” and with that he shoved himself to his feet. He didn’t miss the disgusted grimace on Mike and Max’s faces.

“Get one for the other… chaperone?” Steve seemed to struggle to find the end of the sentence.

A chuckle burst out of Eddie as he discerned the situation, a taunting grin stretching his face as Steve couldn’t even look at him. “Were you just about to say ‘other daddy?’”

“I was, yup,” Steve nodded concedingly, pursing his lips and sucking his teeth uncomfortably. Dustin and Max, who had watched the interaction, made repulsed faces.

“Think before you speak, Steve,” Dustin said reprimansively.

Steve blustered in his defense, gesturing in disbelief. “I-I did! I didn’t even say it!”

Eddie took it upon himself to retreat to the kitchen, hearing Dustin say, “You thought it and that was enough,” as he walked away. By the time he returned, giving Steve a beer and taking his place beside him on the floor, Dustin was done scolding Steve and the game was progressing once more.

After another hour and a half, Steve let out a groan as he stretched. “Okay, executive decision: we gotta take a movement break,” Steve stood up stiffly, shaking out his legs. “Got that to look forward to in your twenties; even sitting down hurts.”

“I second the executive decision,” Eddie stood up as well, joints creaking and popping as he twisted his torso both ways.

“Lame,” Max said flatly, but got up herself. The kids broke off into their own conversations, music playing at a comfortable volume. Eddie and Steve were both on their second beer, but for Eddie that wasn’t enough to really feel anything. And, being quite familiar with what a drunk Steve Harrington was like, he had a feeling the same went for him.

“Ya hear that?” Steve pointed at Max with his thumb. “Lame to not wanna be in pain.” He gave a shake of his head before sipping his beer.

“Think there’s any chance of getting them to cut the game in an hour?” Eddie asked genuinely.

“Between Sinclair and Henderson,” Steve shook his head once. “No chance.”

Eddie’s eyes fell upon the only two teens not talking with the rest of the group; Mike and Will. The other four were talking by the stereo, and El seemed to have slipped off to the bathroom. But Will and Mike were on the couch, sitting close together and laughing about something unknown to Eddie.

Current inner turmoil aside, Eddie wasn’t an idiot. And even if he were, Mike and Will had been– one could say shamelessly– flirting during the entire game. Looks held for too long with too much intrigue, sitting too close together, one frequently looking at the other when they weren’t paying attention. It was textbook. There was no way their friends didn’t know either, and it seemed Max and El were particularly keen. But Eddie wondered if the boys knew, themselves.

Every once in a while, it was like one of them would realize they were showing their cards, tensing up and retracting from the other. Eddie supposed even if they weren’t gay, they were at that age where it was second nature to hide your affection for someone. He wondered when a person grew out of that. Eddie was pretty certain he hadn’t reached the age yet himself. Maybe for some people it never stopped being second nature.

“Pretty obvious, right?” Eddie mused quietly to Steve, glancing pointedly at Mike and Will as he took a sip of beer.

Steve looked over, observing for a moment but clearly being careful not to linger as he turned back to Eddie. “You’d be surprised how oblivious people can be,” he said with a shrug. “‘Specially at that age.”

A few familiar synthy beats played over the stereo then. At that exact moment, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and even Steve’s faces all lit up. The kids looked at each other with a fond happiness as Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush came on.

Max was the first of them to look over at Steve, a rare genuine smile splitting her face. Eddie watched in abject fascination as Steve smiled back, the kids beginning to loudly sing the intro to the song. Max waved Steve over as she sang, asking him to join them in dancing. Dustin and Lucas, noticing her mission, immediately began waving him over as well.

“C’mon Harrington!” Dustin grinned, doing a funny dance move to entice him.

Eddie clapped him hard on the shoulder, unable to restrain the smile on his face as he silently encouraged him forward. With a smile over his shoulder, Steve was pulled into the small circle, doing the honors of turning up the volume.

And If I only could–” Eddie felt like he was bathing in sunlight as he watched Steve erupt into the chorus just as passionately as the kids. All four of them were grinning like idiots and making dramatic embellishments as they sang along. Lucas wrapped his arm around Max’s shoulders and pulled her tight as they continued to sing at the top of their lungs.

As Eddie watched, El came up beside him as she returned from the bathroom. He gave her a small smile in greeting, which she returned before joining him in his observation. “That’s what saved her, right?” She looks over at Eddie with wide, perceptive eyes. “From Vecna?”

Eddie nods at her, a somber feeling tugging at him how it does any time he’s reminded of what these kids went through. Hell, might go through again. Who knows.

“I am glad you lived,” El said simply. Another warmth spread throughout him, comforting in the way a blanket was. He didn’t know El as well as some of the other kids, but she had a way of expressing how she felt as if she was purely stating a fact. Eddie admired it. He thought it took courage to be so sure of how you felt, even if the world might try to contradict you. With a small, pleasant smile she added, “You make Dustin happy. And Steve too.”

Eddie’s mouth fell open in the slightest at this, so stunned by the weight of these words he couldn’t even smile. With that, she left his side to grab the polaroid camera. She took a few pictures of the group for the remainder of the song, even standing on Steve’s couch to get a better angle at one point.

By the time the song ended, Max was actually crying, which Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever seen. Lucas, Will, and El erupted into an ‘awe,’ which Max made an uncomfortable face at as she wiped her tears on her sleeve. Son of a bitch, Eddie thought to himself with a soft snort, the scene almost enough to make him tear up himself.

But he held on, observing contently as the group began to wrap Max in a group hug, Will pulling Mike up to join by the wrist. As a smiling Steve began to place his arm on Lucas, he opened the other up toward Eddie’s direction. “Munson, get over here.”

A smile felt so deeply it stunned him spread across Eddie’s face. He put his beer next to where Steve had left his own to dance, and stepped into Steve’s half embrace, putting his other arm on Dustin.

As he realized that Will, El, and Lucas were also crying, Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle (maybe a bit to keep from crying as well.) “Congrats, Stevie,” he smirked over at the man beside him. “First sleepover at your house and over half of them are crying.” This earned a light chuckle from various members of the group, specifically the crying ones.

“What can I say, I know how to spice up a night,” Steve smiled back. And god he was looking at Eddie in that way only he did. Eddie was playing with fire allowing himself to indulge in such a look, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away.

“Alright, guys,” Max said, finally breaking free with a sniff, the group hug dissipating on her dismissal. “Never talk about this again or I’ll have to murder you, ‘kay?”

He slid out of Steve’s arm, Eddie clearing his throat as he took his seat on the floor. If he were allowing himself to be honest, which he’d been trying to do more often, he missed the contact. Maybe it was the flood of emotions from the heartwarming scene he witnessed and then took part in, but right now he wanted nothing more than Steve’s touch. Overwhelmingly, inescapably around him.

When Steve sat beside him, as if he read Eddie’s mind, it was closer. Nowhere near close enough, but if they moved in just the right ways their shoulders would bump against each other, or a knee brushing the other’s thigh. It was almost taunting, like Steve knew with every little touch he was getting Eddie eager for more.

The game continued on for nearly three more grueling hours, at least in Eddie’s opinion. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy spending time with the kids– far from it– but he didn’t think his brain was made to focus on one thing for that long. At least, if that thing wasn’t D&D or his guitar, of which he could focus on intently for hours at a time with ease.

In the end, Dustin won. And he was an incredibly sore winner about it. “BOOM! What’s that about the railroad strategy being ass?” Dustin made a gloating gesture to Lucas. “Look who’s bankrupt? You.”

“You only won because you practically robbed Harrington of his dark blues!” Lucas retaliated.

“Lucas, what you essentially just said to me is: you won by playing the game,” Dustin countered, and while he was technically right, his tone made Eddie want to root for Lucas.

“Yeah, but c’mon,” Lucas gave Dustin a knowing look, gesturing vaguely to Steve. “You took advantage of Steve’s… innocence.”

“That’s not better than calling me stupid,” Steve informed, Lucas giving him an only mildly apologetic look.

“So, Steve,” Mike came up then, clapping a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Eddie narrowed his eyes at the boy, knowing him well enough to see he was about to ask for something. “I was thinking… ya know, we’re really safe under your watch. We’re inside, under adult supervision…” Steve’s face fell into an unimpressed, knowing look. “What’d’ya say we have a beer?”

Steve stared blankly at him, shrugging his hand off his shoulder. “Absolutely not.”

“Please?” Mike tried, then looked to Eddie as if for help.

Eddie scoffed. “Keep dreamin’, Wheeler.”

Mike’s polite demeanor fell into one of utter disappointment. “C’mon… why not?”

“Because, for the night, I’m in charge of protecting your brain development,” Steve said in a parental manner. “And if I come downstairs tomorrow and even a single beer is missing you’re banned from my pool for the summer.”

“What if I’m not even the one who takes it?” Mike scrambled.

“Then you better be good at convincing your friends to behave,” Steve retorted easily, Eddie having to bite back a chuckle, feeling it would undermine Steve to laugh in the moment.

Eddie helped Steve bring blankets and pillows to the kids, Mike and Will blowing up the air mattress while the rest of them put away Monopoly. “Alright. Girls, you’re in the guest bedroom upstairs. The four of you stay down here,” Steve looked pointedly at Lucas before saying, “That means you Sinclair. I’m a light sleeper. One creaky floorboard and I’m on ya.”

Lucas looked at him in concerned confusion, brows furrowed. “And you’re… ‘on me?’”

“Don’t wanna find out what it means?” Steve asked before promptly answering his own question. “Then stay downstairs.”

They said goodnight to the boys before Steve led Eddie and the girls upstairs. Eddie bid his goodnights early, dipping into Steve’s room as he showed Eleven and Max to the guest bedroom. Eddie was examining other pictures on Steve’s mirror when Steve opened the door, stepping into the room before closing it behind him.

“Alright,” Steve let out a hefty sigh. “That’s all of them settled. Thank god.”

Eddie smirked. “These are the less-glamorous parts of being a milf, Stevie.”

“You’re never gonna let that one go, are you?” Steve muttered as he walked over to his dresser, pulling open two drawers. He grabbed a pair of boxers, a shirt, and shorts. “Catch,” Steve didn’t give him much time before throwing the shirt and shorts at him.

He caught them, dropping his jacket and vest onto the chair, where his old one still hung. “Thanks.”

“You can change in the bathroom,” Steve gave no warning before yanking off his shirt. Eddie, as always, turned away, heading to Steve’s bathroom. He had become very familiar with Steve’s bathroom the morning after Vickie’s birthday party. Though, not as much as Steve. That was a significantly rough morning for all of them.

The spare toothbrush Steve had given Eddie was actually still in its holder. Eddie didn’t know why something so small tightened his stomach, as if it was some incredibly thoughtful gesture. He brushed his teeth before getting changed, but stopped short when he saw what he was wearing. “You gotta be kidding me,” he muttered to himself in disbelief.

He headed back into Steve’s room. “Harrington,” he said, accusatory, as he closed the door behind him. “Do you even own shorts that are a normal length?” He gestured down to the absurdly short shorts, leaving far more of his thighs on display than he was used to. “I look ridiculous.”

Steve glanced him up and down unashamedly. “Give yourself some credit, Munson,” he said casually as he flipped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling tiredly. “You got nice legs.” Eddie couldn’t help but stare at him, wide eyed, as heat swallowed his face. He was so stunned when Steve spoke again, it sounded distant and it took Eddie a second to process. “You can turn off the light. I brushed my teeth before I came in,” he stifled a yawn.

Eddie did so before crawling under the covers next to Steve, who was shirtless once more. At this point, Eddie was learning to just appreciate the sight. “Can you believe Wheeler?” Steve chuckled. “The audacity.”

“You trying to say you didn’t try to score booze at fifteen?” Eddie raised his eyebrows, turning on his side to face Steve.

Steve smirked lazily up at the ceiling. “Guess you’re right.”

“Would you ever let them?” Eddie asked, genuinely curious.

Steve sighed in consideration as he also turned on his side to face Eddie, propping his head up on his hand. “I dunno. Maybe,” he seemed to think a bit more. “There’d be a strict limit. Like… one beer each, or something. And no pool.”

“As much as it pains me to feed your already concerningly large ego…” Eddie gave a brief smirk. “I think you’re the only person I’d trust to do it.”

Steve grinned at this, looking down at Eddie from behind long lashes. Eddie’s stomach fluttered. “You tryin’ to charm me, Munson?”

Eddie’s face heated rapidly once more, rolling his eyes as he looked anywhere but Steve momentarily. “See, this is why I don’t compliment you,” but he was smiling as he said this. When Eddie looked back, Steve was still observing him. “What are you worried about happening? Ya know, if you let them drink. You know one beer won’t put them at risk of drowning in the pool, right?”

“Eddie Munson,” Steve deadpanned, but Eddie could see right through to the mischief in his eyes. “May I remind you I am a three-time certified lifeguard, and as a three-time certified lifeguard I am deeply offended by your lack of regard for pool safety.”

Eddie laughed deeply at this. “You hosted drunk people in your pool like, two weeks ago!”

Steve pulled a face of shocked offense. “I did no such thing! Must’ve been my evil twin…” Eddie watched the gears turn in his head. “Ssstue…” he hissed out uncertainly before steeling his face into one of false certainty, a smile betraying his poorly glued together facade. “Stue… Carrington.”

Eddie barked a loud laugh, eyebrows shooting to his hairline. “You’re twin?” Steve nodded at this, Eddie following it up with “Who has a different last name than you?” Steve’s nodding was intercepted by a laugh as he seemed to realize his own absurdity.

“Yup,” he doubled down anyway, smiling wider as he looked at Eddie. “Which is ironic, ‘cause ya know, he’s evil. I’m the caring one.” Eddie laughed even harder, his hands coming to cover his face as he attempted to regain control of his senses.

“My god,” Eddie breathed out, finally catching his breath as a stray chuckle found its way out of his system. “Well… if we do this, I’ll be sure to look out for Stue Carrington. Make sure he’s not up to any nefarious plans.”

“You better,” Steve said plainly. “He’s a slippery bastard, I’ll tell ya.” The laughter between them died away, but their smiles lingered still. “Seriously, though,” he said. “Do you think it’s a good idea?”

Eddie shrugged honestly. “Better than them getting sh*tfaced in some stranger’s house for the first time. This way you can teach them limits– lord knows I would’ve appreciated that lesson,” Eddie scoffed, Steve chuckling. “In the end it’s up to you, though. It would have to be here. No way I’m letting a bunch of teenagers drink at my trailer while a cop is still parked down the driveway.”

“He’s still there?” Steve asked. “I thought Hopper was only gonna have someone there for a week or two.”

“Yeah, well. Apparently not long ago, Carver came into the station spouting some sh*t about how if they won’t do their jobs he’ll do it for them,” Eddie sighed, shaking his head at the reality. Steve was looking at Eddie with furrowed brows and intense, rounded eyes. Eddie gave a meek smile. “Relax, Stevie. It’s fine. Still got the bat, remember.”

“I don’t like that piece of sh*t walking around with a vendetta against you,” Steve said seriously, not a hint of humor in his demeanor.

“Nothin’ we can really do to stop it,” Eddie said, a bit defeated.

Steve scoffed dryly. “Hard to walk around with a vendetta if I make sure he can’t walk.”

Eddie smiled with an amused snort. “I said it’s fine, Harrington. You’re gonna give that pretty face of yours wrinkles,” he lightly poked Steve between his eyebrows, where a crease had once again formed. To his satisfaction, Steve’s face softened. “Besides. I’ve managed to keep business going fine outside the trailer park. The only real nuisance is I can’t smoke my weed in peace.”

A thoughtful look crossed Steve’s face at this. “You could always do that here, ya know.” Eddie silently raised his eyebrows. “Just sayin’,” Steve gave a one-shouldered shrug. “If you need peace.”

Eddie narrowed his eyes at Steve. “Is this just a really long-con to get free weed?” Steve barked a laugh at this, seeming caught off guard by Eddie’s question. Eddie grinned at the reaction, a strange sense of accomplishment flooding him. “If so, I applaud you, because it’s probably gonna work.”

“Probably?” Steve asked, chuckling still. “Meaning you don’t know? You’re the one who makes the decision!”

“I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we, Stevie?” Eddie smiled coyly.

Steve collapsed his arm and flopped onto his side with a soft groan, eyes closed as he said “Such a tease, Munson.” Something primal in Eddie’s abdomen stirred at this, his entire stomach suddenly vibrating with… anticipation. As if his body were planning to do something before his brain even fired the signal. All he could do was stare at Steve’s restful face in awe at the excitement one person was able to make him feel.

He tried not to think about how this friendship likely meant so much more to him than Steve, and how that set him up for certain heartbreak. When he was alone it was hard to forget such a grim factor, but with Steve right there in front of him… all he could think about was running his fingers through his hair again.

So he did. Timid at first, unable to hide behind the excuse of drunkenness, but eventually gaining confidence. As soon as he laid his hand on the side of Steve’s head, fingers gliding through soft strands, Steve leaned in closer to Eddie and his touch.

They were lying about as close as they could get without actually touching each other, minus Eddie’s hand in Steve’s hair. Without opening his eyes, Steve’s own hand twitched, knuckles brushing over Eddie’s forearm. Eddie’s breath squeezed to a halt inside him. Every fiber of his being was dedicated to anticipating Steve’s next move.

Steve’s fingertips slid onto Eddie’s arm, followed by his palm. And then Steve was pulling Eddie closer by his forearm, lightly, almost like a question. Eddie obliged easily. Nothing was said between them as Eddie’s other hand came to rest tentatively on Steve’s chest, the latter’s eyes still closed. He wanted to run his hand all over his torso, feeling every square inch of hair and learning the mould of his collarbones.

But he restrained. This was new. This was fragile. One wrong move and he could shatter the whole thing. He wouldn’t ruin a feeling this good just because he got greedy.

And anyway, it was hard to be upset when Steve was placing his hand on Eddie’s side. Eddie felt his whole stomach fill with air as his large hand spread across his ribs, fingers splaying wide as he slowly stroked up and down once.

It didn’t feel right to break the silence, but Eddie needed more, even if just a little. The only way he could think to communicate this to Steve was to tug ever-so-lightly on his hair. And god was it worth it.

A quiet rumble resonated in Steve’s throat, sounding almost hungry as suddenly he pulled Eddie flush against him, burying his face into Eddie’s collarbone. Eddie couldn’t help it; he gasped quietly. His heart was pounding dangerously in his chest as he fisted Steve’s hair more urgently, other hand splaying wider across his chest, desperate to cover every inch it could.

Steve’s hand on his side was heavy as it seemed content to explore up and down Eddie’s side, his breaths fanning almost raggedly against Eddie’s collar. Not that Eddie’s breathing was any more even, if anything it was more so distressed than Steve’s.

Now seemingly unsatisfied with containing his exploration to Eddie’s side, Steve’s hand traveled onto his lower back, pressing him impossibly closer. Eddie’s head was spinning, because this wasn’t timid or uncertain; the way Steve was grabbing at Eddie was downright needy. A shiver ran up his spine as Steve’s fingers brushed over the bare skin where his shirt had ridden up. He wanted more than anything for Steve’s hand to slide under, for Steve to pull back and look at Eddie with those big, pleading eyes. But this was getting Eddie dangerously close to a very embarrassing situation, one which Steve’s small shorts would do little to hide.

As if reading his mind, Steve gradually slowed until only his thumb was rubbing languidly on his lower back. Eddie continued gently running his fingers through Steve’s hair, essentially cradling his head as his face was still buried in the crook of his neck. If he couldn’t still feel his breath against his skin, slower now, he’d wonder if the man was suffocating.

Still reeling from the exchange, Eddie struggled to categorize what just happened as platonic or romantic. Of course, he knew he wanted it to be more than platonic. There was no denying it to himself anymore, as Steve’s actions had just cemented whatever he might’ve been pushing down into place.

But Eddie never had close friends like Robin or Steve before. He grew up in a fairly affection-starved household, up until he moved in with Wayne– and even then, they both found it hard to express their love past a certain point. Was this just what real friends were like?

What if Eddie were reading too much into it, and everyone but him knew that this was just how friendship worked? What if he acted on the wrong cues, and dashed everything he had with Steve against the rocks? He’d done it before with other guys, so how could he trust himself to know?

You make Dustin happy,” Eleven’s words echoed in his head, loud as a symphony. “And Steve too.

What he had with everyone, not just Steve, was too f*cking good. He couldn’t risk it. He wouldn’t risk it. At least, he didn’t have the courage to tonight.

So for now, he took what he could get. He pushed that dull, hollowing ache down and let the warmth of Steve consume him instead. Even when Steve’s breathing slowed and his grip on Eddie loosened, the latter found himself lying awake long after. Simply soaking in all he could of this moment, all he could of the friend in his arms. For the second night, Eddie fell asleep embracing Steve.


and before yall ask: im not sure if im gonna put full smut in this fic, but u never know! i have to see if it feels right as i go. but i'd love yalls opinions on the matter! no promises that theyll sway me in either direction, but if u have an opinion on whether there should be smut in the future feel free to lmk! (as well as to what extent, if u like!)

Chapter 7: To Crawl From Hell With Someone


new chapter is finally here! this time, beta read by the wonderful @amrice on tumblr!

edit: also not me gaslighting you about chip hudson's name. it's chip, not chad. sorry yall im gonna be honest the names blended together LMAO. i'll go back and fix it now. if yall thought u were losing ur minds: it was me instead. i now have a note in my phone that says 'CHIP hudson,' so hopefully it wont happen again. if u see any other continuity errors like that feel free to lmk! depending on how easy it is to fix i'll go back and do so

Chapter Text

It was perfectly normal. Happened all the time and it didn’t always mean something. Hell, if Eddie were honest, it happened more days than it didn’t. But he was a relatively healthy guy in his early twenties, it was to be expected. Nine times out of ten, it wasn’t a problem. Unfortunately, however, this morning would be the one out of ten times it was very much a problem.

Morning wood while sharing a bed with a guy friend might not even be that big of a deal in normal circ*mstances. It was, as Eddie was feverishly repeating to himself in his head, a normal function of his body. But these were not normal circ*mstances.

For one, Eddie was in absurdly tiny shorts, that would do absolutely f*cking nothing to hide his current predicament. Though, visibility was not the issue here. When Eddie awoke that morning he and Steve were in practically the same position as when they fell asleep, except Eddie’s leg was between Steve’s thighs. Causing far too much friction as their fronts were wedged completely together. The only thing saving Eddie from disintegrating from embarrassment was the fact that Steve was still asleep, breathing deeply into the crook of his neck.

This was wildly overshadowed by the fact that Steve was also hard, Eddie able to feel it plainly through the man’s boxers.

Eddie remained frozen in place, ignoring his painful arousal and excitement. Instead focusing on the utter fear coursing through him, hoping maybe he’d… scare it away, or something. His hands remained glued to the same spots as when he’d woken up and realized the scenario he was in; one loosely webbed into the hair at the back of Steve’s head, and the other arm slung around his side and pressing him to his own chest. In the drowsy moments of waking he had splayed his hand softly over the bare skin and muscle of Steve’s back, before stilling in panic as reality flooded his senses.

So here he was, trying to work up the courage to carefully move out of Steve’s hold– which was heavy and tight around his own torso– so he could excuse himself to the bathroom and try to piss away the problem. But frankly, it was taking every brain cell alive to not focus on how Steve felt against him.

And if that weren’t bad enough, Steve had to huff emphatically into his neck, grinding himself down on Eddie’s leg needily. Eddie bit his lip to keep quiet, pleasure shooting through him. He was hit with the urgency to get the f*ck out of Steve’s bed before this got worse, but absolutely loathed the notion.

Regardless, as soon as he composed himself from the action (or as Eddie saw it, sabotage from some sort of divine force,) he slowly unwrapped his arms from Steve. He was careful not to wake Steve as he unraveled himself out of the bed, Steve’s face only scrunching in the slightest as he grabbed his clothes, quietly stepping into the hall. Some of the kids could be heard talking downstairs, the guest bedroom door now open, but Eddie quickly walked into the bathroom next door. He locked the door behind him and let out a sigh of both frustration and relief, head thumping lightly against the door. Jesus f*cking Christ.

After changing and successfully ‘pissing it away,’ as Eddie called it, he reentered Steve’s room just as quietly as when he left. He was still on the bed, lying mostly stomach down with something reminiscent of a pout on his face.

Just about the last thing he wanted to do right now was wake Steve up, but the clock on his bedside table showed it would be noon soon, and they should probably get the kids home. He reached over and gently shook Steve’s shoulder. “Harrington,” when Steve only pulled a disgruntled face with a grumble of protest, Eddie shook harder and raised his voice.

“Harrington!” Steve’s eyes pried open, but just barely as he squinted up at Eddie. “There are children in your house that need to be driven home, and I can’t do it alone.”

As Steve began to rise, the confusion of sleep cleared and a look of panicked realization was replaced. He stopped rising midway, pulling the covers up a bit more. Eddie steeled his face into one of utter aloofness.

“‘Kay,” Steve rasped, rubbing his eyes with the hand not propping him up. “Be down in a sec.” His voice was throaty from sleep, hair sticking up in all directions. Eddie had a strong urge to stay and stare, but instead he left with a nod.

All the kids were up as Eddie got downstairs. “Thank god,” Dustin said, exasperated. “We’re all starving.”

“Does it look like this is my house?” Eddie retorted, raising his eyebrows. “You can eat when you’re home. Get dressed ‘cause Harrington and I are driving you back.”

“Knew I should’ve just made us eggs,” Max muttered as she and El, already dressed, headed back up to the guest bedroom, likely to get their bags.

Ten minutes later and miraculously everyone was ready to head out, Steve running a frantic hand through his hair as he came down the stairs. “Alright. Henderson, Wheeler, Sinclair. You’re with me.” Steve stated as he tugged on his sneakers. He opened the door and waved all the kids out first. “Munson,” he pressed two fingers lightly to Eddie’s chest, stopping him from walking through the doorway. “I owe you for roping you into carpool. Meet me at the diner down the street from Family Video after you drop off the youths and I’ll buy you lunch.”

“Youths?” Eddie smirked, Steve just giving him an expectant look. “Harrington you don’t gotta–” Eddie started, but Steve cut him off.

“I know, but I’m gonna,” he said plainly. “Unless you got something better to do…?”

Eddie’s lips downturned in consideration. “Guess I don’t. But I’m changing when I drop off Max.”

“Can you two hurry up?” Dustin called, Eddie and Steve turning to see all the kids staring at them as they waited outside their respective cars, doors locked.

“Or feed us,” Mike suggested flatly.

“Ya know you guys could be walkin’,” Steve called over before returning his attention to Eddie. “Meet you in thirty, Munson.” Steve gave him a clap on the shoulder before heading to his car. Eddie watched after him curiously for a moment before starting for his own.


“So…” Max started. It was just her and Eddie now, on their way to the trailer park. Sabbath played quietly over the sound system. “I have a question.”

“And I’m sure you’re gonna ask it,” Eddie barely got out the sentence before she was talking again.

“Are you and Steve like… a thing?” This earned an immediate scoff from Eddie, though part of him tightened at the question.

“Why would you think that?”

She shrugged from the passenger seat. “You guys did get pretty close when we were killing Vecna.”

“We all got close killing Vecna,” Eddie stated back.

“Yeah, but it was different with you two,” Max contradicted, Eddie glancing over at her to try and get a read on her. A certain memory couldn’t help but spring to mind, but he moved on from it just as quickly as it popped into his head.

“You don’t think he got closer with Nancy?” He asked.

“But you stayed close,” it was like Max had predicted his questions, rattling off an answer almost as soon as he asked it.

“Harrington and I are just friends,” Eddie’s brows furrowed then as he looked back over at her. “Wait a minute, you know I’m gay?”

Max looked at him with a completely unimpressed expression. “We live right next to each other. I see you bring guys around and you crank up the same mixtape every time.” She glanced him up and down. “At least you used to. Haven’t in a while. That’s also why I’m asking.”

“Anyone ever told you that you’re irritatingly nosy?” Eddie raised his eyebrows at her briefly. “And it’s not easy pulling guys in Hawkins, alright?” He defended. Eddie obviously omitted that the meaningless hookups had started to grate away at him. Truthfully, after Vecna, they lost their spark.

“Whatever you say,” she sang with a sigh as they pulled into the trailer park. Eddie made a mental note to make a different mixtape. Eddie turned off the car, the two stepping out and Max crossing over to head for her trailer. “See ya.”

“Yeah, hey–” Eddie called after her. “Start minding your business, Mayfield!” She didn’t look over her shoulder until she’d unlocked her door, smirking arrogantly at him as she gave a finger-waggling wave. He sighed in defeat as she disappeared behind her door.

When he opened his own door, Wayne was on the couch watching tv, beer in hand. “Hey,” Eddie said as he shut the door behind him.

“Mornin’, kid,” Wayne said, sipping his beer. “Fun night at the Harrington boy’s house?” He delivered plainly, the slightest hint of a smirk on his face.

Eddie ignored his jestful implication. “Yeah. Basically babysitting, but it was alright.” Then, his face fell, guilt twisting deep. “sh*t, I forgot to call you and say I was staying over.” Eddie’s face scrunched at his idiocy as he scratched his head. “Sorry. Did I keep you up all night?”

“Don’t worry about me, son,” Wayne scolded lightheartedly. “Figured you were just staying over.” A question was forming behind his eyes. “I saw you take the Mayfield girl… She was… involved… with what happened last year. Wasn’t she?” It wasn’t accusatory, every part of Wayne was earnest, but almost with a certainty.

Eddie took a moment. Wayne was only paying attention to him, the tv on low and barely audible. He didn’t feel there was any reason to lie. “Yeah,” Eddie said. “She was.”

Wayne nodded smally. “You were suddenly closer with her, when I had never seen you talk much before. So I figured,” he shrugged.

Eddie hesitated once more, but offered. “So was Steve. And the rest of the younger kids from my D&D group. More than that, actually,” he scoffed softly, a small smile of disbelief on his face as he thought about just how many people were involved in killing that thing. “It was a pretty big… mess.”

“If…” Wayne trailed off as he looked at Eddie intensely. He spoke quietly, “If anything ever started happening again, anything at all… I want you to tell me, alright, Eddie?” Eddie stared back at him, brain unable to decide on an answer. “Even if you think I’ll think you’re crazy… or that I’ll think differently of you. Just… let me help as much as I can, alright?”

A confusing mixture toiled inside of Eddie, between gratefulness and stark heartbreak. More than what Vecna did to his life, and more than the pain he had to endure– has to endure– nothing will make Eddie ache more than the colossal weight it shoved onto Wayne. And those kids. And Chrissy’s family…

With clenched jaw and watery eyes, throat too tight to speak, Eddie nodded curtly. Wayne returned this, before clearing his throat and turning his gaze off of Eddie. “I won’t keep ya. Sure you got plans.”

Eddie gave a harsh sniff before clearing his own throat. “Just, uh, getting lunch with Steve. I’ll be back soon.” Wayne gave another nod, Eddie disappearing into his room to change.

When he pulled into the diner he already saw Steve’s car in the lot, and made a point to hurry inside, not wanting to keep him waiting. Steve looked up as the bell jingled, wiggling his fingers in a goofy wave as he spotted Eddie from his booth. Eddie walked over and slid in on the opposite side of him.

“Sorry, got caught up with Wayne,” Eddie said as he opened the plastic covered menu and began to scan it.

“sh*t, he wasn’t upset about you not coming home was he?”

“Wayne doesn’t really… get upset. Unless I’m being reckless,” Eddie grimaced guiltily as he recalled his uncle. “But he looked tired. Apparently assumed I was staying over. Not sure I entirely believe him.”

“Am I gonna have to start reminding you to call home like I do with the children?” Eddie glanced up to see Steve smirking at him over the rim of his coffee. Eddie gave him a flat look as a waitress came up then, asking if they were ready to order. He couldn’t help but notice how overtly cheery she was taking Steve’s order.

“Can’t take you anywhere, Harrington,” Eddie teased once she walked away.

“What can I say?” He said boredly. “Blessing and a curse… anyway, I’ve been wondering,” he leaned his elbows on the table. “What does Eddie Munson get up to when he’s not working or saving the world?” Steve smirked. “Or hanging around me.”

“Mmm…” He hummed in disagreement. “I see it more as you hanging around me,” he corrected, quietly thanking the waitress as she circled back around with the coffee he ordered. Steve raised his eyebrows in that way he did whenever Eddie skirted around answering a question.

Eddie thought about this as he began mixing his coffee to his liking. If he were honest, he didn’t really know what he did anymore. The things he valued before started to seem… obsolete, since Vecna. He still loved his old hobbies, he just supposed he missed the person he used to be when he did them before. He shrugged as he stirred his coffee, settling on a palatable answer. “Drugs. Music. D&D. Casual sex. Ya know, things that generally make people not wanna take me home to mom.”

“Casual sex?” Steve raised his eyebrows in playful intrigue.

Eddie scoffed. “Don’t sound so surprised, Harrington. Might not have your pretty face but I do alright for myself,” he pursed his lips in consideration. “Well, as alright as I can do in a small town, I suppose.”

“So…” Steve continued. “Does that mean you’re seeing someone?”

He laughed shortly at this. “Definitely not. Mostly closeted hookups in, well, a certain kind of bar. The only of its kind in Hawkins,” Eddie raised his cup, saying more to himself than Steve, “Guess the casual sex has been on hold recently.” He took a sip of his coffee.

“And there’s… no one you have your eye on? Ya know,” He gave a half shrug as he grabbed his own mug. “More seriously.”

Eddie studied his face, but the only thing he could glean was curiosity. “Why the sudden intrigue in my love life, Harrington?”

“I dunno,” Steve frowned with another shrug. “This is usually what Robin and I talk about. But ya know, girls.” Right, Eddie reminded himself. Girls.

“To answer your question: No. I guess not. Painfully single– and loving this little reminder, by the way,” Eddie swirled his finger in a circle, gesturing to the table between them. “Hey, maybe I should track down Chip Hudson. Apparently he was interested. Was he hot?”

Steve scoffed hardily. “Absolutely not,” he said enthusiastically. “You really don’t remember what he looked like?”

“Not really,” Eddie said easily. “C’mon, how bad could he be?”

“Consider yourself lucky for not remembering, Munson,” Steve stated sincerely, Eddie chuckling at his strong opinion. “I’m serious. Chip Hudson looks like a thumb.”

Eddie let out a genuine laugh at this, sighing slightly as it died down. “Eh… what do you know, anyway?” He dismissed, still smiling a bit as he drank his coffee.

The waitress returned with their food and the two of them were mostly focused on their plates for a few minutes. Until Steve decided he had another question. “Thought about my offer at all?” he waved his fork around a bit. “Smoking in peace?”

He smirked. “Who knew Steve Harrington was a stage five clinger,” he teased, Steve rolling his eyes humorously. “Soon, probably. Definitely getting tired of going into the woods to smoke.” He made an uncomfortable face, shimmying his shoulders as he said “Gives me the heebies.”

Steve snorted in amusem*nt. “Maybe after this–” but whatever he was about to suggest was cut off by a blonde girl with a perm walking up, beaming at him.

“Steve Harrington?” She asked enthusiastically, as if she just stumbled upon an urban legend in the flesh. “It’s been so long!”

“Uh… yeah, Heidi. Hey, long time no see,” Steve wasn’t rude, but Eddie could tell he was uncomfortable. Eddie knew that discomfort well; it was the kind you get when a hookup that was just a hookup might have the idea that they’re more than that. He’d personally been both people in this situation, and it left him with a strong sense of second-hand embarrassment.

Not to mention annoyance. He wanted to know what Steve was going to say. But he tried to bite that down.

“Ooo,” she cooed, “Nice shirt. It looks good on you.” She lightly grabbed the fabric around his shoulder between her fingers, tugging in the slightest before releasing. Eddie agreed, but her saying it made irritation slither through him.

“Uh… thanks,” Steve said with a tight-lipped smile.

“So, my friend Heather– do you know Heather?” Steve nodded, though Eddie couldn’t tell if he was actually telling the truth. “She’s throwing a party this weekend. You should come,” she looked him up and down pointedly, a seductive smile on her lips. She hadn’t acknowledged Eddie at all since coming up, but now she glanced over at him briefly. The way she looked him up and down was in contempt. Eddie wiggled his fingers in a wave that one might say was snarky. She turned back to Steve. “You can bring a friend or two.”

“Uh, ya know I’ve been goin’ out a lot recently,” he said. “Think I’ll have to pass. Thanks for the invite, though.”

Her face fell in disappointment at this. “Oh, uh… yeah, no worries.” She quickly fixed her face back into a smile. “Nice seeing you again, Steve.” Steve gave a nod to this, and she was on her way.

Eddie raised his eyebrows at Steve, taking a long sip of his mug. Annoyance made way for teasing as the girl left, and Eddie was trying to distract himself in the latter feeling. Steve rolled his eyes before saying “Yeah, yeah. Can’t take me anywhere.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Eddie defended with a slow shake of his head as he set his mug back on the table, continuing to eat.

“Uhuh,” Steve said flatly. They finished eating not long after, mostly talking about Dustin or Eddie answering Steve’s questions about his band. To which he admitted that he and the band have been meeting less, since everything. Not that Eddie wanted to quit, quite far from that, but he found the music he was making recently to be too… personal. And it’s not like the guys understand most of the context.

All they know is that Eddie was briefly on the run for an apparent murder, and that was the only explanation they had for his sudden closed off behavior. Luckily, they believed him when he said he really didn’t do it. And didn’t ask for details. Which was also lucky, considering Eddie would have none to prove his innocence.

Steve doubled down on his insistence to pay, which Eddie allowed with little pushback this time. They were stopped beside Eddie’s van, Steve swinging his keys idly in hand and looking at the ground. “Ya know… you said the band wouldn’t get what your new songs are about, but,” he looked up, an uncertainty edging behind his eyes. Almost… self conscious. It was a rare sight to see in Steve, and for some reason every time he did it left Eddie feeling… special. “I would. At least more than them. You should play something for me sometime.”

Eddie smirked. “Suddenly have an interest in heavy metal?”

“Hardly,” Steve said truthfully. “But what do I know?” He gave a snort, quoting Eddie back to him with a lopsided smile. “Maybe I just need someone to show me the ropes.”

“Maybe I’ll have to do that, then,” Eddie leaned back against his van, finding himself unable to wipe a smile from his own face. “You can come to the trailer sometime. I’ll give you a private show.”

Steve’s smile stretched into a grin as he began to take a few slow, backwards steps to his car. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Munson,” he walked around to the driver’s side, looking over the bonnet at Eddie. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” And with that, he got into his car, Eddie sliding into his own with his chest tight and stomach threatening to float out of his throat.

He started his car with a sigh, and as he began his drive home the excitement he was feeling began to give way to something much more sour. Eddie was resenting himself for the jealousy that curled around him when the girls had shown obvious intrigue in Steve. He had no claim over the man, who, despite Eddie’s treacherous feelings, was just his friend. Steve hadn’t flirted back, miraculously, but Eddie needed to prepare himself for the event that he did.

Eddie still didn’t know what to make of their… objectively intimate exchange the night before, but he was dead set on operating as if it were nothing.

In the hypothetical scenario where Steve was not only into guys, but into Eddie specifically, wouldn’t he have told him the night of Vickie’s birthday party? The subject of Eddie’s sexuality got brought up, and it would’ve been the perfect time for Steve to at least say he wasn’t straight either.

Even though Eddie was trying to stay focused on this fact, his resilience was fading. He was finding himself thinking more and more about that day over a year ago. But it provided only more confusion.

He’d be hit with the heartaching hope, just to recall the stark rejection. Paired with the insanity of the situation that facilitated it… the whole thing was beginning to be too much for his head.

When he pulled into the trailer park, he did what he always did now when the world was too loud and there was no one to scream with; grabbed his weed and Walkman (a Christmas present from the kids) from his room and told Wayne he’d be back in twenty, before allowing himself to be swallowed by the tree line.


A vicious, snarling whir consumed Eddie’s ears. Pain ripped into his calf as the demogorgon’s talons stuck into his flesh. An agonized scream tore from his throat as the creature dragged him sharply across the forest floor of the Upside Down.

Gaping, flowered maw peeled open above his face. Dripping ooze from seemingly thousands of jagged teeth sprayed across him as it let out a distorted scream of its own.

This was how Eddie was going to die.

He managed to stick it out right to the very end, Vecna freshly destroyed by Eleven, and he was going to die mere feet away from the gate. Oddly enough, only one thought could occupy his mind in that final moment: he hoped Wayne knew he didn’t do it.

Heat erupted in front of him as a stream of fire engulfed the demogorgon’s head, narrowly missing Eddie himself. He cried out in pained relief as the claws retracted from his leg, the creature scurrying off with another tortured screech.

“Eddie?!” Steve was over him in an instant with wide, panicked eyes. “You gotta get up right now.” Eddie didn’t have time to protest as Steve pulled him up with urgency. He cried out in pain as he put weight on the injured leg. Steve threw his arm around his shoulders, not giving him time to adjust before moving them forward at an excruciatingly fast pace. “Sorry Munson, we gotta move.”

Eddie really had been close to the finish line, the road entirely visible from where he had been downed. Steve managed to pull them through the gate where Fred Benson died, Eddie helping as much as he could to climb his way out of the small crater.

Steve pulled Eddie away from the gate, dragging him across the empty road. They’d gotten separated from the rest of the group, but the general plan was for everyone to get to the nearest portal and go through it. They collapsed onto the road in exhaustion.

Eddie was still grunting from the searing pain in his leg, breath ragged from exertion. Steve was sitting behind him, arms wrapped around his shoulders and letting Eddie lean on him for support. “Son of a bitch,” Eddie hissed out between harrowed breaths.

“You’re okay,” Steve panted out assuringly, clutching Eddie to his chest. His head drooped forward with an exhale, temple brushing against Eddie’s as the latter continued to stare at the gate in shock. His whole body was racked with tremors, adrenaline still pumping through him.

“Holy f*cking sh*t,” Eddie gasped out, unable to form any other actual thoughts. His chest was still heaving as he turned his head to look at Steve, their faces close and Eddie’s eyes wide. “You saved my f*cking life.”

Steve was so close to him that if either turned their head more, their noses would hit. Large hazel eyes were staring so deep into his own, Eddie could feel the frazzled charge behind them shoot straight through him.

If it wasn’t Steve’s eyes practically picking apart his soul that had Eddie even more convinced he was dreaming the events of the last week or so, it was his arms wrapped around Eddie’s torso. Eddie had clutched Steve’s shoulder behind him awkwardly in their scramble, and it still hung there as his other clung onto one of Steve’s arms in front of him.

“Don’t ever f*cking do that again,” it was a cross between a plea and a demand, Steve’s arms tightening in the slightest around Eddie’s chest. He still spoke breathless and quiet, but it was with a necessity that shook Eddie to his core. “Scared the sh*t out of me.”

Eddie had no response. All he could do was stare in perplexity at Steve. Luckily, Steve was doing the functioning for both of them. “C’mon,” Steve puffed an exhale as he heaved them to their feet. Eddie bit back a groan as weight was momentarily put on his calf, Steve adjusting them so Eddie was draped over his shoulder once more. “We gotta get off the main road. You’re still wanted.”

“How could I forget,” Eddie breathed out, exasperated. Steve harbored most of the weight as he led them toward the treeline. “Looks like you saved me just for me to spend the rest of my life in a cell.”

“Don’t talk like that, Munson–”

“It’s the truth,” Eddie’s voice raised more than he intended. Steve looked at him with concern as they began to walk slowly, headed to where Steve parked his car, which would likely be hours away. Especially at the pace Eddie was moving. “Killing Vecna doesn’t prove my innocence. And there’s no f*cking way I can explain what happened with…” Eddie sniffed harshly, looking at the fallen leaves of the forest. He found it harder and harder to say her name as time went on. Eddie thought that was backwards to what everyone told you about death. He felt somehow cheated. “Well, there’s just no f*cking way,” he muttered in defeat.

“Listen. We’ll figure it out, alright?” Steve looked at him in earnest, mind visibly searching for a solution behind wild eyes. “We’ll get you a good lawyer, a-and we’ll all come up with a solid alibi for you.”

“A good lawyer?” Eddie scoffed bitterly. “With what money, Harrington? The only option I got is a court-appointed attorney.”

“Then– then I’ll pay for it myself,” Steve blustered momentarily, but this offer still left him far from assured. He knew how courts worked. And he knew how people saw him, even before all of this.

“And when your fancy lawyer fails and I still end up with a life sentence?” He didn’t expect Steve to keep supplying answers, knowing that there was likely no future for him that didn’t involve steel bars.

“Then… I’ll pay off the judge– or we’ll f*cking change your identity and move you as far as we can– Munson,” Steve halted their walking, looking at Eddie with determined eyes. “We just destroyed a monster that was killing people by invading their minds. And, not to suck my own dick here, but it’s not the first time I’ve done it. We’ll figure it out,” he emphasized again.

Their faces were all too close again, especially for Steve to be looking at him so intensely. For a second, Eddie almost let himself believe it. Fall head first into the delusion he’d make it out of this and still be a free man. When someone was looking at you like that, how could you not? But Eddie knew what happened every time he got his hopes up.

“That’s all real sweet, Harrington,” Eddie said, too defeated to commit fully to the sarcasm. “But forgive me for not believing you ‘til I’m living it.” He tried, weak as he was, to start their walk again. Steve stopped him before he even started, placing his free hand on his chest.

“Munson,” Steve had an air of uncertainty and hesitation, something Eddie didn’t see much of when it wasn’t pertaining to creatures beyond their wildest imagination. He found it mildly hard to cut through the static in his brain with Steve’s hand still on his chest.

Steve sighed. He seemed to find it harder to maintain eye contact with Eddie now, only catching his eyes briefly here and there. “You mean… a lot to Henderson. And maybe a week ago it would’ve gone against every fiber of my being to say this, but I’m starting to think you’re not bad for the kid.”

“Great pep talk, Harrington,” Eddie said flatly.

“Will ya shut up?” Steve gave him an exasperated look, one Eddie recently realized he found very entertaining. “I’m getting to it. Point is, you’re in this sh*t with us now whether you like it or not. I didn’t risk my life to save your ass back there just for you to lie down and take it from small town courts.” Steve searched his eyes, as if to see if his words held impact.

Eddie’s frustrated pessimism softened into pained uncertainty. He couldn’t find it in him to believe Steve fully, but he didn’t want the man to think him ungrateful, or to feel guilt at his inability to help. Eddie was about to muster up as much of an air of reassurance as he could, when Steve’s face fell into one of, somehow, exasperated sheepishness.

“Alright, look. I’m about to say something that if you ever bring up to anyone, not only will I deny it ‘til the day I die, I’ll have to kick your ass,” he gave Eddie a severe stare. Eddie raised his eyebrows in curiosity, urging Steve to continue.

He dropped the hand from Eddie’s chest and ran it through his hair as he looked anywhere but Eddie, as if fighting some internal debate. He fixed Eddie with a level look, as he seemed to come to a decision of sorts.

“Over the past week or whatever, you’ve learned a lot of f*cking insane sh*t about the world,” his brow creased in the slightest as he continued to look Eddie in the eye. “You also got… probably one of the most horrifying ways to learn about it. And I gotta be honest,” he scoffed softly, devoid of humor or malice and more accurately laced with compassion and awe. “I don’t know how you’re still sane enough to form a sentence.”

He paused for a moment, as if to regather his thoughts, though Eddie hadn’t the faintest idea what those consisted of. Steve couldn’t quite meet Eddie’s eye again. “I’ve seen you do f*cking batsh*t things in order to protect those kids– to protect Robin and Nance… and me…” He met Eddie’s gaze once more, no trace of uncertainty or leftover nerves as Steve calmly but intently examined whatever it was he saw. “You’re important, Munson. To all of us.”

It’s not that Eddie felt like he didn’t matter. Wayne loved him, and in his darkest times made him feel like he was still worth something– even if he couldn’t see the shape of it himself. But he never realized how his default was feeling unimportant, until here Steve Harrington was making a point to contradict his subconscious existence. And god, how could he not believe those eyes when they were fixed him with such absolute sincerity.

The silence was far from noticeable as Eddie felt terrifyingly translucent under this consuming stare. And then this stare was directed elsewhere. Steve’s eyes dragged languidly down to Eddie’s lips. His heart picked up in his chest, as if he were suddenly powered by the wings of a hummingbird. The man’s eyes were swallowing down every inch of Eddie’s mouth, irises drawing closer together in the way they do when someone focuses on something close. Whatever caught Steve’s attention was keeping it and all Eddie could do was watch in abject… anticipation.

Steve’s eyes flicked back up to Eddie’s. Eddie wasn’t entirely sure if he was breathing. A hundred percent of his attention was dedicated to Steve and only Steve. He was so sure in that moment that Steve was going to kiss him, he couldn’t stop himself from looking at the other man’s lips as well. When his eyes dragged back up to Steve’s, it was almost as if he were asking Steve a silent, but hopeful question: “What’s happening?”

The hope that had been teeming in Eddie’s chest was crushed with a simple clearing of Steve’s throat. Steve looked away, starting their slow pace again. “We should get going,” he said, once again unable to look at Eddie as he carried them through the woods. “It’s gonna be dark soon.”

Embarrassment and shame flooded Eddie, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the side of Steve’s face as they walked. His brow was furrowed as he wondered what he did wrong, but realized it was more accurate that he misread the situation. Finally, looking at Steve became too much. He thought he’d rather crawl right back into the Upside Down and never come back out, but he trudged on in silence, angry with himself for not being able to walk on his own. Angry for thinking such an idiotic thing would happen. Steve was straight, for f*ck’s sake. And even if he wasn’t, Eddie should know by now that he doesn’t get the fairytale ending. He never would.

Chapter 8: People Who Stay


if y'all haven't seen the "Grease Lightnin'" scene from Grease, it's gonna be referenced in this chapter so i'd say it's worth the watch. it's only like a 4 min. vid on youtube and honestly... travolta looks fineeee. anyway, i know some younger ppl read my stuff, figured i'd mention.

Chapter Text

Work had become something Eddie dreaded. Sure, he didn’t love waking up early for low-paying customer service, but when he got to spend time with Robin or Steve it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. However, now spending so many hours alone with Steve was tremendously tense. And not in a fun way.

It had been almost three weeks since Eddie saw Steve outside of work, that day at the diner. When he did have to see Steve at work, it was long, mostly silent hours. Eddie didn’t really know if it had been a conscious decision of his, honestly. They left the diner on good terms, but Eddie got into his own head about… well, about everything.

At first he’d say no, that he didn’t plan on not agreeing to things that involved Steve. It was just him making up vague excuses as to why he couldn’t come over for a movie night with Robin, or a day in the pool with the kids.

You just need a little distance, he had told himself. You’ll go to the next one. Every time Steve asked he had an excuse. He stopped responding as enthusiastically to things Steve would say, keeping replies short and simple. Stopped initiating conversation, dropped the playful teasing. He was never rude, but even Eddie could feel how uninvested he came off. But no matter how aware of it he was he couldn’t stop.

Steve still tried, but eventually he tried less. And when he did try, often it was as if he were scared of breaking Eddie. Like he was handling something fragile. Talking to someone he didn’t know. Eddie didn’t blame him, he knew he was pulling away out of nowhere. Still, the f*cking knowing did nothing. The worst was seeing how dejected Steve looked. Eddie stopped being able to look him in the eyes.

Honestly, if he didn’t need the money and it wouldn’t get him fired, he’d call out from as many shifts with Steve as he could. The fact that it wasn’t even Steve’s fault only made the guilt twist deeper.

After clocking in he traded his jacket for his work smock, draping the jacket in its usual spot on the stool. Today was going to be an eight hour shift, and Steve was already doing the returns cart. “Hey,” he said. As much as Eddie closed himself off, Steve never stopped greeting him and saying goodbye. Even if Eddie was already halfway out the door.

“Hey,” Eddie mimicked, walking over to the side of the counter that had new movies. He began to sort them by genre so it would make shelving them faster. It was a relatively large shipment this time, which might be grueling in normal circ*mstances, but Eddie was thankful for the distraction.

About a quarter of the way through Eddie’s sorting, Steve came over and leaned on the other side of the counter with his arms. “So…” He started, Eddie glancing over at him but continuing to sort the movies. “I don’t know if you’re busy, but Vickie’s having Robin and I over tonight to watch Rocky Horror. Naturally, I figured I’d invite you,” he gave a smile, but it was one that felt foreign on Steve’s face. Meek. Meek didn’t suit Steve. Eddie couldn’t believe he’d found himself missing those arrogant, co*cky smiles, but it was one of the things he’d longed to see most these past few weeks.

“I, uh…” Eddie wanted to go, of course. Tim Curry in a corset and fishnets was hard to pass up, but he still didn’t think it was wise for him to see more of Steve. “Can’t, unfortunately. Dinner with Wayne, one of his rare nights off.” A total lie, Wayne would actually be working late tonight.

“Right…” Steve said defeatedly, hanging his head a bit as he nodded. He looked over Eddie with wide, examining eyes. Eddie forced his focus to remain on the movies in front of him. “Just thought I’d ask.” Steve knocked his knuckles softly on the counter before pushing off, heading for the back room.

Once Steve disappeared behind the door, Eddie dropped the movie in his hands back into the pile in frustration. He let out a sigh as he rested his forehead on the counter, closing his eyes as he tried not to let the guilt consume him.

He knows he should just go. He knows he should just tell Steve why he needs space. But that would mean admitting… a lot. And every time he thought about what Steve might say, all he could remember was the rejection he felt last year.

It’s not that he thought Steve would be cruel, he knew he wouldn’t. But everything would change. The same tension that choked the Family Video store now, would remain. If not get exponentially worse, and eventually Eddie would be only Robin’s friend. Not Steve’s.

He had recovered last time because it was only one confusing week of high strung emotions; the main thought preoccupying his mind hadn’t even been Steve. Clamping down the feelings was nearly as easy as pinching the water flow of a hose.

These past few months, though, he’d gained so much insight into Steve. Saw so much he didn’t have the opportunity to see in all the chaos. In a lot of ways, he felt part of Steve took root in him. Having to rip that out was sure to cause damage, and Eddie didn’t think he had the constitution for it.

The hours passed arduously slow, Steve spending a lot of it in the back room, which Eddie was thankful for. When he did come back out, he had an impish smile on his face. Eddie, concerned about what he was up to but not wanting to encourage it with a question, dragged his eyes back down to the magazine he had been flipping through.

He watched Steve in his peripheral, however, pluck a movie from the rack and head over to the tv, popping in a tape. When the intro to Grease began, Eddie bit back a smirk.

Steve, a pleased smile on his face, continued to go around taking inventory, pausing every once in a while to watch a scene. Eddie noted he stopped to watch the entirety of the Summer Lovin’ scene before resuming his work. Eddie’s amusem*nt must’ve shown on his face, because when Steve looked over, he smiled mischievously.

“Knew all I had to do was give you the chance to make fun of me for Grease,” he mused to himself as he wrote something down on his clipboard.

Eddie couldn’t help it, he took the bait. “Had to do it for… what?”

Steve looked back over at him, smug smirk still firmly in place. “Get you to smile,” he shrugged, returning once more to his clipboard. It felt like a spear through his chest, exploding warmth from the epicenter of where it pierced. Eddie shook his head, returning to his magazine, but unable to remove the small smile tugging his lips.

“Ya know,” Steve said, walking languidly down the aisle he was in. His eyes were on his work and not Eddie, giving the latter the opportunity to watch on more freely. “You can keep trying to ice me out, Munson.” He met Eddie’s eyes with complacency. “It’s not gonna work.” He let his gaze linger on Eddie for a second before getting back to writing.

“I’m not… icing you out,” Eddie said, but it felt weak even to him.

Steve scoffed. “Yeah, right. Wayne, who has never had a night in the middle of the week off in the entire year we’ve known each other, is suddenly home nearly every week for dinner,” he looked over with an unimpressed face. “And you’re suddenly the busiest drug dealer in Hawkins.” He turned back to the racks, writing down another title.

Eddie’s face fell, frustration with himself making his head feel garbled. “I’m not trying to ice you out.”

“Doesn’t matter either way,” Steve said matter-of-factly. “Could hardly call myself one of your top five friends if I let ya.” He kept taking inventory, Eddie staring at his back in mild awe. But a thought in the back of his mind still reared its ugly head; You don’t deserve this.

He turned back to his magazine, chewing on his lip. When the scene with the T Birds in the auto shop came on, Eddie unashamedly turned his attention to the screen, leaning on the counter as he sat on the stool. There were few things more attractive than John Travolta in that scene, and he wasn’t gonna deny himself the viewing pleasure.

In his peripheral, he saw Steve glancing over at him in amusem*nt as the guys talked around the car, but he ignored him. Seriously, he can’t put Travolta in all black and tight pants and expect the man not to stare.

He’d been successfully ignoring Steve until he came to stand in the middle of the large aisle that led to the checkout counter, a look on his face that showed he was up to no good. He stared Eddie down with a barely contained grin. Eddie looked at him in curious concern. “Harrington, why do you–”

But he was cut off by Steve saying “Systematic,” in time with Travolta, promptly popping his work smock halfway off on the beat, mimicking Danny Zuko with his leather jacket. Eddie’s eyes widened as he got an inkling of what was about to happen. No f*ckin’ way this asshole’s gonna–Hydromatic,” Steve ripped off the vest entirely, holding it in his hand.

“We do not need a musical–” Eddie began, but was once again cut off by a still widely smiling Steve.

“Ultramatic,” Steve threw his vest off to the side, where it now hung off one of the movie racks. Eddie covered his shocked smile with one hand, leaning back on his stool as he watched on with something that was a mix between horror and fascination. It was like a car crash you couldn’t look away from. “Why, it’s Greased Lightnin’!”

Eddie’s mouth was falling open in a stunned scoff as Steve furthered the bit, knowing all the words as he began to dance in the same wiggly-hipped fashion as John Travolta. Eddie’s dismay, as it was frankly making it impossible not to grin like an fool, it was just as hot in tight blue jeans and a well fitted polo shirt.

Steve continued to dance, goofily but somehow pulling it off, as he sang along in an exaggeratedly deep voice. Then, fully dropping Eddie’s jaw to the floor with an amazed burst of laughter, as Danny ran up the car Steve box jumped fully onto the counter. “Steve!” Eddie scolded, looking around to confirm that no, no one was in the store.

But Steve just dropped into a squat similar to Danny’s, hand scanning the invisible horizon flatly as he sang “Go, Greased Lightnin’ you’re burning up the quarter mile.” This part of the dance he apparently knew to a T, but it was hard for Eddie to even focus on that as his position left him face-level with Steve’s crotch.

He knew he looked like a gaping idiot, staring at Steve with an amused, red face, but he couldn’t stop himself. Steve dropped his squat immediately into a sit, legs hanging over the counter in front of Eddie so close that the latter jerked back in fear of being hit. Eddie’s breaking point was Steve mimicking the seated hip wiggle practically in his face.

“Alright, alright!” He laughed, rubbing both hands hardily over his face. “Consider your spot at number five secured, Harrington. Just for the love of god, stop.”

Steve beamed at Eddie in satisfaction, but didn’t get down from his seat on the counter. Practically dangling above Eddie’s lap. His ankles could touch Eddie’s thighs if he moved his legs too much. “Does… that mean you’ll come watch Rocky Horror?” He looked down at Eddie expectantly.

Eddie sighed, his internal debate quickly becoming harder to hold as he looked into Steve’s hopeful eyes. “Look. I can’t come tonight, but the next thing you invite me to I’ll actually say yes. You and Robin can drag me there kicking and screaming if I try to say no.”

Steve clapped once in triumph, pointing at Eddie enthusiastically. “Verbal consent! Holdin’ it to ya, Munson,” with that he swung his legs back around the counter and hopped off, retrieving his work smock from where it landed and putting it back on.

Eddie tutted, shaking his head as he stood up to take his break, of which he usually spent smoking outside. “Using Travolta against me…” He glanced over at Steve as he shrugged on his jacket over his work smock. “You fight dirty, Harrington.” With a smirk, because he couldn’t help himself, he added, “Dirty works on me.” Eddie exited the store, feeling Steve’s eyes on him the whole way out.


It had been a week or so since Steve’s ridiculous song and dance, and surprisingly he hasn't cashed in on Eddie’s promise. Eddie thought he was going to a couple of days after, when their phone rang in the middle of the day and Wayne called him over to say Steve was on the line. Steve rarely called, and when he did it was to ask about something related to either work or the kids.

“What’s up, Harrington?” Eddie asked.

“Nothing. That’s the problem,” Steve answered dully on the other end. “Store’s dead and Colton called out at the last minute, so I’m stuck alone.”

“If you’re trying to get me to fill in I’m definitely counting that as my obligatory yes,” Eddie deadpanned.

“You’re not gettin’ out of it that easy, Munson,” Steve teased. “I’m just calling ‘cause I’m bored out of my mind. What are you up to?” Eddie’s chest tightened, immensely grateful that Steve couldn’t see the stupid grin that stretched his face.

That wasn’t the only time Steve called, either. A few days ago, Wayne was calling him back to the phone. This time he was sure Steve was inviting him to something.

“What, you alone again, Harrington?” Eddie teased, leaning against his wall.

“No, Robin’s here,” Steve said simply before raising his voice. “Robin! Say hi to Munson!”

Eddie heard a faint voice say “Hey, Eddie! Steve’s been debat–” Steve quickly cut her off, loudly.

“Yeah, yeah that’s enough! Thank you,” he sighed before returning to a reasonable volume, whatever Robin was going to say now silenced. “Anyway… Tell me you’re doing something more interesting than me.”

Eddie chuckled. “Definitely not interesting to you. I was in the middle of making a PC for Will’s D&D game… I’m afraid Wheeler might kill me if I don’t get it done by the end of the week.”

“I’ll take what I can get,” Steve stated. “I’ve read through all your mags– twice! And I can only hear Robin,” he raised his voice a bit at this, as if pointedly calling out Robin, “talk about her sickeningly sweet relationship so much,” he started normally again, “before I go insane.”

“You heard it here first, folks,” Eddie smiled to himself. “Steve Harrington hates gay people.”

“Oh my god,” Steve sighed, but Eddie could hear his amusem*nt. “Are you gonna tell me about your nerdy game, or am I gonna have to start round three of the drawer?” After laughing more at Steve’s expense, Eddie began to ramble about all the intricate parts of his character, and how they tied into the campaign Will was setting up.

He didn't finish making the PC that day, all Steve’s fault of course. So he was doing it now, and just as he thought he’d gotten the final part of his backstory down, he heard the phone ring in the living room.

“Hello?” He heard Wayne answer, muffled through his closed door. There was a pause before his uncle was yelling from the phone, “Eddie! It’s the Harrington boy again!”

Eddie had a smile on his face as he came to the phone, Wayne raising his eyebrows at him as he passed it over. Eddie mimicked him, Wayne stepping outside for a cigarette.

“Hello,” Eddie said.

“Think your uncle’s getting tired of me,” Steve’s comment earned a chuckle from Eddie.

“Don’t worry about him,” Eddie assured, still smiling. “Bored again?”

“Uh, no actually,” Steve said, piquing Eddie’s interest. “Finally have that invite for ya. I guess some of Vickie’s friends are throwing a costume party next weekend.”

“In June?” Eddie asked, but immediately followed it up with another question, “Wait are these the ex band kids?”

“Uh… I think so.”

“That explains it,” Eddie mused, more to himself than Steve. “Gay people love a theme.”

Steve breathed a laugh. “So that’s a yes?”

“I said I would, didn’t I?” There was a small silence. Eddie’s brows furrowed. “Harrington?”

“I know we joked about it, but…” he trailed off momentarily, sounding uncertain. “If you’re… busy, again, it’s okay. Don’t come if you don’t want to.”

Eddie bit his lip and let his head thump against the wall, feeling like a total dick. “No, really. I wanna come.”

“You sure?” He could almost hear the smile growing on Steve’s face, which was contagious through the phone.

“Yes, Harrington, I’m sure,” he chuckled with an eye roll, even though Steve couldn’t see. “Think I already have a costume in mind, anyway.”

“And what would that be?” Something about the tone in Steve’s voice made a trill of excitement run up Eddie’s spine.

“Probably Frank-N-Furter,” he informed. “Have everything already, anyway.”

“Fishnets included?”

Eddie felt his face burn bright red, but he kept his confidence as he said, “Obviously. Who do you think I am? You saw how much I rented the movie.”

“Yeah, but you don’t see me with a leather jacket and tight black pants,” Steve chuckled.

“Which is honestly inconsiderate of you,” Eddie supplied before he could stop himself. His face fell and erupted into flames once more as he heard his words repeat in his head.

There was a silence, and Eddie was just about to backpedal when Steve finally responded, smirk audible even through the phone. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind, Munson. Guess I have something to make up for.”

Great, Eddie thought. You basically just doomed yourself to a night of Steve dressed like Danny Zuko. Like that’s gonna make your life easier.

“Shut up,” he muttered, no malice behind the words. “Look, I gotta go finish that thing for Will’s campaign. Wheeler literally biked to my trailer yesterday to tell me to hurry up.”

“Kid’s got it bad, doesn’t he?” Steve scoffed.

“Yeah, and I’m not looking to get murdered in the name of love.”

“Alright, alright. We’ll all sort out who’s driving later. Since apparently doing your nerd things is more important than talking to your fifth-best-friend,” Steve teased.

“Uhuh, don’t cry about it too hard, Stevie,” Eddie teased back. After Eddie hung up the phone he walked outside to smoke a cigarette of his own. Wayne was drinking a beer and smoking what was likely his second cigarette, sitting in a fold out lawn chair. Eddie took a seat in the empty one next to him, an ashtray perched on the arm of Wayne’s chair in between them.

“So,” Wayne said shortly, ashing his cigarette. He glanced at Eddie in that inspecting way he did, when he knew he was being nosy. “Steve’s been callin’ a lot.”

Eddie gave him his own side eye as he lit his cigarette, determined not to entertain Wayne’s playful suspicion if the man wouldn’t directly ask him. “Guess so. He was inviting me to a costume party next weekend.”

“Ain’t it a bit early for a Halloween party?” Wayne took a sip of his beer.

“It’s not for Halloween,” Eddie informed with a puff. “Just for fun.”

“Ya know,” Wayne cleared his throat. “You, uh, you weren’t hanging out with Steve as much these past few weeks…” Wayne fixed him with a scrutinizing look. “He didn’t do somethin’ to hurt you, did he? Did he pressure you?-- I’ve been askin’ more about him around town and I hear he’s somethin’ of a heartbreaker–”

“No– God, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie chuckled. “He didn’t do anything. I was just… needing some time to myself,” then, he looked at Wayne as he remembered the most important omission. “And we’re still just friends.”

Wayne had a smirk on his lips as he took a hit of his cigarette. “Okay,” he sounded unconvinced, but Eddie left it. “But if you ever stop bein’ just friends–”

Eddie interjected with an “Oh my god…” smiling sheepishly while running his free hand over his face. Wayne continued without missing a beat.

“He does anything to hurt you and he’s gonna have to answer to my double-barrels, alright?” He raised his eyebrows at Eddie.

Eddie scoffed, laughing as he raised his own eyebrows back. “He hurts me and you’ll shoot him?

“Depends how bad he hurts ya,” Wayne shrugged matter of factly. “But I was talkin’ about these double-barrels,” Wayne flexed both of his arms like a bodybuilder, kissing his biceps.

Eddie grimaced. “That’s… the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done.” Wayne was chuckling, clearly amused with himself. They smoked in silence for a few minutes before Wayne finished his cigarette, the sun not far from setting.

“Right. Better get ready for work,” he sighed heavily as he stood up, pausing to look at Eddie. “You good for dinner?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” Eddie assured.

Wayne nodded. “See ya, kid,” with a quick ruffle of Eddie’s hair, Wayne disappeared back into his trailer. Meanwhile, Eddie tried to visualize where all the things for his Frank-N-Furter costume were.


Eddie had come to a decision. It was going to eat him alive if he didn’t tell Steve… something. Maybe he could downplay it, because truthfully, he was worried about how much he liked Steve. ‘Like’ wasn’t even a strong enough word, and he knew that, but the alternative was… a thought that brewed a treacherous amount of doubt in Eddie.

The ‘telling him’ part was enough to start with. He wasn’t even going to do it right now, deciding to wait until the end of a shift where he wouldn’t have to see Steve the next day. Despite this not being for a few more days, Eddie felt jittery as he drove home from work.

Even though he was on edge, he was also… hopeful? Eddie was definitely anticipating a polite rejection. However, the way Steve had been acting since Steve Harrington: The Musical, he couldn’t help but entertain the idea that there wouldn’t be a rejection at all.

Something about him had been more… direct? It wasn’t anything overtly different, but every tease or invasion of space was just a little bit further than usual. Of course, Eddie also considered Steve might just be happy his friend isn’t completely ignoring him anymore. In his mind, it could go either way.

All of this had him feeling good as he pulled into the driveway. Though, the cheerful smile on his face gave way to confusion. It was nearly nine, and Wayne was never home on the nights Eddie closed. Yet, his car was still in the driveway and the lights were on in the trailer.

Eddie cut the engine with a furrowed brow, becoming increasingly unsettled. The door was unlocked as he opened it with a sudden urgency. He let out a heavy sigh of relief as he saw Wayne on the couch. “Uncle Wayne,” he breathed, feeling his heart start to beat normally again. “What are you doing here?”

This is when he noticed the severity on his face. “Eddie, I think you should sit down a minute,” Wayne said gently. Eddie stiffened, the fear from moments before flooding back tenfold.

“What? Just tell me,” His voice was small with consternation.

Wayne seemed to steel himself into a resolve, letting out a quiet sigh. “Your mother just called me… You said the Carver boy was still giving you trouble?”

The crease between Eddie’s brows deepened, not seeing the connection between Jason and his mom. “Yeah, but not really since that day– Uncle Wayne, what’s going on?”

“Jason Carver has apparently threatened your parents… And your mother…” It was rare that Wayne got really, honestly mad. But he could see the anger boiling under his skin as he tried to speak calmly. “No longer feels safe having you legally associated with the family. They’re changing their last names and… And they’re disowning you, Eddie.” He spoke the last part so quietly, as if speaking such a thing was too cruel for the man to bear.

But Eddie heard it loud and clear. Everything seemed to sort of… zoom out. Like he could see himself, but not exactly. More like instead of controlling his limbs, he was controlling joysticks that controlled them. Everything a second delayed and detached.

His mouth had fallen open, he realized. He also realized he hadn’t said anything. He should probably say something. “Oh,” Eddie felt his mouth say, nearly a whisper.

“I’m sorry Eddie,” Wayne was up from the couch in an instant, wrapping him in a firm hug. Eddie just stood there for a second. When he felt a few tears roll down his cheek, Eddie embraced him back. As the tears flowed faster and faster, Eddie hugged tighter and tighter.

“It’s okay, son,” Wayne’s gritty, warbled voice comforted. He was patting Eddie’s back calmly, but at some point Eddie’s silent crying turned to choking, quiet sobs. “You’re never gonna be alone, Eddie,” he rasped. A sudden, louder sob racked Eddie’s body. “Not as long as I’m kickin’. I promise… I promise.”

But even Wayne couldn’t stop the world from imploding in on Eddie. “What did he even do to them?” He croaked out as he broke the embrace, desperate for some kind of answer. “Why didn’t they just go to the cops?”

“You know boys like Carver… they don’t gotta play by the same rules we do,” Wayne gruffed. “He’s got money, and that’s all you need to silence people. Or to get people to silence people. He was calling you all sorts of terrible things, the main one being a murderer.” Eddie squeezed his eyes, a few tears streaming down his face as he brought a shaky hand to his mouth. This was happening. “I’m sorry, son. If I didn’t want to look after you I’d risk a charge on that vile sonuvabitch. Been thinkin’ about giving your parents both a slap, too.”

Your parents, it echoed in his head, distorted and unfamiliar. The room because suffocatingly smaller, and he realized he needed to be out. Out of this trailer, where that spot currently loomed directly over him.

“I–I gotta go,” he blustered, concern crossing over Wayne’s face.

“Eddie, I don’t th–” but Eddie cut him off.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Wayne, I’m just gonna go out for a bit,” He turned over his shoulder as he frantically made his way out the door, adding a shaky “Don’t wait for me, okay?” He didn’t wait for a response either, closing the door and getting into his van. Wayne opened the door right after him, watching on with a pained expression as Eddie pulled out of the driveway.

Chapter 9: Who You Run Toward


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It wasn’t a conscious decision of Eddie’s. He just drove and let his body take him where it did. Which was Steve’s front door. And now that he was there, he couldn’t help but regret ringing the doorbell, but he’d done it before he had time to think.

The longer Steve took to answer the more fidgety Eddie got. By the time the door opened, Eddie was bouncing anxiously in place. He stilled when he saw Steve, for some reason feeling surprised, unable to find what to say despite a million thoughts swarming his head.

Steve’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, taking in Eddie’s demeanor. “Uh, hey… What’s up?” It took so much of Eddie’s concentration just to move his jaw, he couldn’t find any words.

“Who is it, Steve?” A woman’s voice came from somewhere inside, and immediate regret flooded Eddie.

“U-uh, just a friend!” Steve called back. This seemed to be enough for whoever asked, as Steve stepped out and closed the door. “Sorry, my parents are here. What happened?” Apparently it was obvious something happened, though Eddie supposed he wasn’t doing much to hide it.

Eddie’s brain blustered to a start. “A lot… I guess,” he offered, meekly trying to keep his tone lighthearted. “Sorry, I didn’t expect your parents to be here,” he shook his head, not able to look anywhere other than his shoes. “I should… leave,” he took a step back.

“No–” Steve held up an urgent hand. “I mean, don’t leave. Just…” he looked back at his door, clearly trying to work something out in his head. He turned to Eddie, determination in his eyes, “Give me a minute. Stay here.” Eddie nodded timidly, Steve immediately disappearing back into his house and closing the door.

It was quite a few minutes before Steve returned, and Eddie started to wonder if he should just leave. But eventually Steve opened the door again, and at the entrance of his house was… a lot of different things Eddie didn’t expect.

For one, a f*ck ton of blankets and pillows. (That was something Eddie had also learned about rich people: they always have an absurd amount of blankets and pillows.) There were also two backpacks that looked packed to the brim, a lantern, and a small portable stereo.

Eddie was so stunned, for the smallest fraction of a second he forgot why he drove there in the first place. “This is where you explain, Harrington,” he said quietly, still worried he couldn’t talk above a certain volume without ripping into a scream. If he had the mental stamina to smile, he would’ve.

“Well, you’re a man who defies odds, Munson,” Steve gave a light smirk before bending down to pick up a backpack. “Out of all the days you could’ve picked to show up on my doorstep unannounced, you chose one of the rare times my parents are home.” He punctuated his sentence with a teasing smile, shrugging on the backpack. Which was apparently heavy, given Steve’s slowed movement. “Now help me load this sh*t into the back of your van.”

Eddie was still buffering as Steve picked up a stack of blankets, but soon hurried over to open the back of his van. They finished putting the rest of the stuff in the van in silence, which Eddie was grateful for. His limit of not losing his mind while speaking was quickly being reached.

He was headed for the driver’s seat when Steve stopped him with a scolding noise. “Uh-uh. Not happening, Munson. No offense, but I don’t want you drivin’ me around when you’re all… twitchy.” Eddie thought about protesting, but he didn’t have the energy. He handed over his keys with a small sigh before heading around to the passenger side.

Eddie was already strapped in when Steve paused outside the driver’s door. “Oh, one sec. Forgot somethin’.” He walked to the back of his car, opening it up and pulling out a bat and the bag of baseballs. Steve also grabbed something from up front, shoving it into his jacket pocket before Eddie could see what it was.

Eddie raised his eyebrows at Steve as he lightly tossed the items into the back of the van. “We’re going to ball log?”

“We gotta come up with a better name than ‘ball log’,” Steve responded as he sat down. He let out a cleansing sigh before turning to look at Eddie with his full attention. “And yes.” He started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

“Your parents don’t care?” Eddie checked the clock on the dash. “Kinda late.”

Steve scoffed. “Trust me they do not care,” he murmured, before adding, more upbeat, “Which is good for us.”

Eddie nodded, the reality of what his night had been starting to sink back in. Steve seemed to be waiting for Eddie to speak on his own accord, but Eddie didn’t think he had the fortitude to. At some point, Steve appeared to have realized this as well. “So…” He started. “You gonna tell me what happened?” His tone was uncertain yet curious.

“Would you believe me if I said it was just to smoke weed?” He jested dejectedly, watching the road ahead of them.

Steve let out a quiet snort. “No chance.”

“Right. Didn’t think so,” Eddie responded flatly. “Thought I’d at least try.” He saw Steve glance at him in his peripheral vision, and even without fully seeing it he knew what look he was giving him. You’re dodging the question.

Eddie let out a long sigh, but his hands were trembling at even the thought of recounting everything. Definitely couldn’t begin to relay whatever the f*ck was going on inside him. He needed more space for this. Ground beneath his feet. “I think I wanna wait until we get there,” he hated how small his voice sounded.

“Okay,” Steve said, glancing over at Eddie momentarily. “Do you wanna listen to music or something? Ball log is kinda far.”

“Yeah,” Eddie blinked a few times, the fog in his head mucking up his response time.

“Reach into my pocket,” Steve commanded, Eddie giving him a wildly confused look. Steve glanced over, giving him an unimpressed face. “My jacket pocket. I only got three tapes, but I brought them just in case. Ya know, if you want something different from your… chaos music.”

Eddie reached into the pocket closest to him and found, sure enough, three tapes. The one on top was The Visitors by ABBA. He held it up to Steve with a raised eyebrow.

“ABBA?” He breathed a laugh, Steve giving him an unamused face.

“Listen, it was an impulse buy,” Steve said seriously, Eddie outright laughing, which made him get more defensive. “Seriously. I had just gotten the car, and I just wanted something to listen to– They’re the start of the alphabet–”

Eddie snorted hardily at this. “This is definitely making me believe you, keep going,” Eddie said as he put the ABBA tape in his lap, examining the next one.

“I don’t gotta prove myself,” Steve muttered with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The next tape had a white piece of paper with writing as the only cover. It read “To: Steve” with “Max’s Mix” underneath in purple marker. Eddie smiled, small but genuine. “Thoughtful,” he commented. “Considering she and Dustin are your number one bullies.”

Steve smiled lazily at this. “Yeah, well. Guess we all show our love differently, or whatever,” he said noncommittally. Eddie put Max’s tape in his lap as well, looking at the final one.

He felt warmth bloom in his chest as he stared at the Christmas present he’d gotten Steve last year: Hot Space by Queen. He remembered feeling bad because all he’d gotten him was the tape, but Steve got him a new watch. Apparently Steve remembered his last one broke when Carver chased him into Lover’s Lake. Eddie was wearing it now. In fact, he wore it every day. It’s his only watch, afterall.

“Be honest, how much have you actually listened to this?” Eddie teased half heartedly, still feeling low battery.

“Considering it’s one of three 8 tracks I keep in my car, I’d say pretty often, Munson,” Steve said back, smirk tugging his lips. A full-fledged smile stretched Eddie’s own face, reminding him that he could still form one. It was a needed reminder.

He put the Queen and ABBA tape in his center console, popping in Max’s mix. “What’s with all the stuff, anyway? How long are you expecting to spend at the ball log this late?”

“Well, like I said, you decided to cash in on that peace promise the one time we wouldn’t have peace,” he ragged lightheartedly, “So I had to improvise. We’re turning your van into a metal tent on wheels for the night.”

Eddie raised his eyebrows, immediately thinking of having to sleep in jeans. “I didn’t bring anything to sleep–”

“Jeez, Munson,” Steve took a moment to smile over at Eddie in amusem*nt. “Someone needs to show you how to let go of control. Relax. Humor me, let me be in charge.” He fixed Eddie with a look before returning his gaze to the road. Eddie stared at him with a tight-lipped, hesitant smile. But eventually he sighed and collapsed back against his seat, settling in for whatever Steve had planned. They listened to Max’s mix in a comfortable silence on low for the rest of the ride. Eddie pointedly didn’t think about what he said he’d do next time he saw Steve. There was already… too much.

Instead of parking on the road, Steve carefully drove Eddie’s van into the clearing before cutting the engine with the ball log behind them. “C’mon,” Steve said quietly, popping open his door. “We got setting up to do.”

Eddie followed Steve to the back of his van, opening the doors and– actually listening to Steve’s request– let the other man take the lead. Steve put essentially everything that wasn’t a pillow or blanket on the ground before climbing in the van, having to hunch over. He lined the sides of the van with a copious amount of pillows, concentrating them in a small wall behind the backs of Eddie’s seats. Once this was done, he looked at Eddie, who felt mildly useless just watching him work.

“‘Kay, help me lay the blankets out,” Steve said as he hobbled over to the folded blankets. “The goal is for our backs to not feel like we slept in a van tomorrow,” he gave Eddie a lopsided smile. Eddie’s lips twitched upwards in the slightest. They layered the floor of the van in blanket after blanket. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but it certainly wasn’t painful to sit on by the time they were done.

Steve bent down and turned on one of the camping lanterns he brought, setting it on the edge of the open van. He picked the other one up before giving Eddie a playful smirk. “Be right back…” He said in a spooky voice, wiggling his fingers for added effect before jogging off.

A light came on in front of the log, bottles already set up on top. Steve headed back to Eddie, who was sitting on the edge of the open van. It actually wasn’t that dark, considering the moon was nearly full and they were far from the treeline, but the lamp still helped. The stars were surprisingly bright out here, though he supposed it wasn’t saying much compared to the light pollution of town.

“So,” Steve breathed as he arrived back. There was no playful smile on his face, seeming hesitant to speak. Eddie swallowed, looking at his feet hanging off the van. “Still need a minute?” He wasn’t rushing, merely asking in earnest.

“I don’t think I’m ever gonna wanna say it out loud,” Eddie gave a meek, humorless laugh. “So I might as well do it now.” He ran his hands roughly over his face with a long sigh. Steve sat next to him, shoulder to shoulder.

Eddie currently felt like he was going to blink out of existence at any second, and the touch reminded him he was still corporeal. Steve crossed his arms loosely, he and Eddie seeming to stare into the same spot on the ground.

He took a deep breath, trying to force as much volume into his voice as possible, but he could barely muster more than a whisper, “My parents disowned me.” It felt so foreign in his mouth, to his ears. Carried so much weight yet, somehow… none at all.

Steve was looking at him now, his eyes wide in Eddie’s peripheral. He couldn’t stomach seeing his face, no matter what it wore. “Eddie… I…” It was the kind of thing that rendered others speechless, Eddie knew that. He didn’t expect Steve to have anything to say. He didn’t know what he expected to gain from telling Steve. Eddie just knew he wanted to.

“I’m sorry, Eddie,” he said finally, sounding in disbelief himself. A solid but comforting hand snaked up his back, Steve resting his hand around the back of Eddie’s neck. He lightly massaged Eddie’s neck, slowly.

Eddie gave a weak shrug and shook his head in defeat. “It’s okay,” he whispered, even quieter. He felt like crying, felt it welling up inside him like an impending monsoon. But the tears never fell. Instead, he leaned into Steve more.

“No,” Steve said firmly, shaking his head. “I-It’s not okay. How could they do that to you?” Eddie rarely saw Steve mad, but the look on his face was one of pure disgust.

“Uh, well,” Eddie said shakily. “Technically, it’s because of Carver.” Steve’s movements stopped as he stared at the side of Eddie’s face, eyes indignantly wide.

Carver?” Steve echoed. “What the f*ck did he do?”

“Threatened them, apparently,” Steve rolled his eyes, but it was a full head movement, the hand not on Eddie coming to wipe over his mouth in disbelief. Eddie noticed one of Steve’s legs was now bouncing, moving the both of them a bit. He began rubbing Eddie’s neck again as he faced him once more, waiting for him to continue. “They… don’t feel safe being related to me, or something,” Eddie shook his head again, dropping his gaze even further.

“That’s f*cking bullsh*t,” Steve spat. “I’m gonna kill Carver.”

“Honestly, it’s not even worth it. This would’ve happened eventually,” Eddie said bitterly, face downturned in a frown. “This was just the excuse they decided to go with.”


“No, it’s true, Steve,” Eddie insisted, brows knitted tightly together as he still avoided Steve’s face. “There wasn’t… any one reason why my parents hated me. It wasn’t like I did anything specific, it was just… everything about me. All of it,” he gestured flippantly with one hand before letting it fall back in his lap, “Went against everything they valued. Whether it was D&D, heavy metal, how I dressed,” Eddie sighed, voice wavering. “Being gay,” he sucked in a harrowed breath. “Just one disappointment after the other, far as they were concerned.

Eddie fiddled with his rings, twisting one around repeatedly. “I uh, I live with Wayne because they found out I was selling weed at fourteen,” he snorted lightly. “Was trying to save up to move out as soon as I could. But they, uh… just kicked me out instead. In reality, though, I knew they always thought something was different about me. Ya know, from when I was younger, and didn’t know there was… somethin’ to hide.” Eddie shrugged but his shoulders stayed tensed up, his voice croaking in the slightest as he finished the sentence.

“They’re f*cking idiots, Eddie,” Steve’s hand moved from Eddie’s neck to tussle his hair, resting on the back of his head. Eddie loosened again, though not entirely. His entire being felt clenched. “You deserve more than them.”

Eddie couldn’t help but scoff bitterly. “Whether I deserve it or not seems irrelevant. The whole town already wants me dead.”

“Then f*ck the whole town–”

“That’s easy for you to say, Harrington!” Eddie’s voice came out louder than he intended, but now that he was yelling he was feeling the anger. His words began to spill out of him. “What’s the f*cking point in anything if everyone thinks I’m a f*cking murderer?” He spat the words with so much vile, abject disgust that it took his whole body to do so. He stood up then, curling his hands in the air as if doing so might pull free some way to make all of this stop.

Eddie began to pace as he spoke. “I might as well have lost the trial the way this town treats me. I only got a job at the video store because of Robin, and people avoid me like the plague or track me down because they think I’m some– some f*cking sick freak, who kills people in the worst way– and, on top of that–” Eddie balled his hand into a fist and hit his leg for emphasis, still unable to meet Steve’s eyes as he poured himself out to the ground. “I can’t even f*cking blame them!”

Eddie held his arms outstretched widely before both hands raked through his hair. “I have no excuse as to why I didn’t kill her. I can’t even be that f*cking mad at Carver, because he thinks I killed his girlfriend in the most–” Eddie sucked in a sharp breath as he stopped his pacing. When he spoke again it was strained, “Horrifying, gruesome way. In a way that makes it impossible to fathom a human being could do it, but it must be, because what else is there…?” Eddie trembled in place, his eyes staring somewhere far away from the clearing entirely.

“I saw it,” Eddie whispered, simple and shaky. “And I never stopped seeing it.” His eyes met Steve’s for the first time. The world around him seemed to halt as he rasped in a tiny, microscopic voice, “I thought she was gonna be my friend.”

But Steve must have heard it, because a look crashed over his eyes, mostly of pain. Eddie didn’t have long to see it, as almost immediately Steve wrapped his arms around him. The dam inside Eddie finally broke as Steve clutched him tightly, one arm over his shoulders and the other around his side. Eddie cried almost silently into Steve’s shoulder, fisting his shirt into his hands. Though his sobs were quiet, they racked Eddie’s entire body.

Steve rubbed circles over his back, tucking his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck when a particularly harsh heave rippled through him. “Look, I don’t know what to say, Eddie,” he lifted his face just enough to speak, softly in Eddie’s ear. “But you got people on your side,” with their proximity, Eddie heard him swallow. “You got me on your side.”

Eddie hugged him tighter, burying his own face into Steve’s neck, his crying finally subsiding. “Thanks, Steve,” he murmured into his skin. They just stood there for a moment, embracing each other, but it wasn’t awkward for even a second. Even with Eddie knowing what he would tell Steve next time they saw each other.

Eddie initiated the pull away, and that’s when he saw Steve’s eyes were red and glassy. At some point, he must have been crying as well, though Eddie didn’t know when. Steve ran a hand through his hair, clearing his throat as he seemed to think about something. Eddie raised a curious eyebrow.

Steve had one hand on his hip, the other stroking his chin as he narrowed thoughtful eyes on Eddie. “Think you need something to let off some steam,” he walked over to the van, grabbing the two bats (one Eddie still had from that day with Jason, and the other being Steve’s) as well as the bag of baseballs.

“I could barely hit the target when I wasn’t a mess,” Eddie countered, wiping his eyes with his hands. “Don’t think I’m gonna have much luck now.”

“Don’t know ‘til you try, now do you?” Steve smirked, tossing a bat at Eddie, who thankfully caught it. Eddie rolled his eyes, the faintest smile on his face as he walked a few paces closer, Steve in tow with the ball bag. Once they were roughly where they stood last time, Steve dumped the baseballs between them. “Alright, you get a few warm up shots and then we’re competing, Munson.”

“Such a jock,” Eddie muttered teasingly. Steve lightly shoved his shoulder with a smile.

“Start swingin’. You want a jacket you can actually move in?” Steve asked.

“Oh, what? Is it not good form to hit baseballs at trash in a leather jacket?” Eddie mocked with as much energy as his lagging body could muster.

“Hey, I just don’t want you saying I had an advantage,” he plucked the brown windbreaker he was wearing between his fingers briefly.

“Whatever you suggest, teach,” Eddie started lining up his ball for his first practice swing, Steve retreating to the van. He tossed the ball directly up in the air and took a swing, missing his first time. And his second. “Damn, I forgot this was actually hard,” Eddie muttered to himself.

“Here,” Steve said as he jogged back over, holding out a yellow crew neck. Eddie recognized it, of course. He wore it frequently, but it was also what Steve was wearing the first time Eddie went to the Upside Down. Well, he wore it that day. He was mostly shirtless for the actual Upside Down bit. “If you’re capable of wearing something other than black, denim, or leather.”

“Ha ha,” Eddie said dryly, dropping the bat and taking the sweater. He shrugged off his jacket and vest before also dropping them to the ground, tugging on Steve’s crewneck. Eddie was instantly surrounded by Steve’s cologne and whatever he put in his hair. Overall, a sweet and musky scent that made a calm wash over Eddie.

“Thanks,” he said, pulling his hair out from inside the sweater. Steve just stared at him. Eddie, partially in order to compensate for his creeping blush but mostly because he couldn’t help himself, said, “Don’t let my ravishing good looks throw you off your game, Harrington. I might just win this little competition of yours.” With that he picked the bat back up, lining up another shot.

“In your dreams, Munson,” Steve scoffed. He watched as Eddie took a few more practice swings, giving tips or teases as he pleased. Once Eddie started consistently hitting balls, and even hit the targets, they recollected the baseballs. Steve set up a few more bottles to replace the ones Eddie hit, and the competition started.

Eddie got twenty tries to hit as many bottles as he could, and Steve got fifteen, to make it more fair considering Steve was an expert. He had to give it to Steve, it was the perfect distraction. Between the competitive nature of the two of them and their messing around, Eddie found himself laughing and distracted nearly the entire time.

Even as the competition finished (Steve winning as predicted,) Eddie found his mind wandering back to Wayne’s news less and less. Though it was still there. In the silences. The pauses in conversation, no matter how brief. But Steve was helping.

“I can’t believe you missed so badly we lost a ball,” Steve chuckled.

Eddie knocked his shoulder against his scoldingly, but he was smiling himself. “Way to kick a guy when he’s down, Stevie.”

“You still did better than last time,” Steve commented. “But I guess that wasn’t hard to do.”

“You’re brutal,” Eddie scoffed in amusem*nt as they both crawled into the van, Steve discarding the extra lamp in the front seat. Eddie leaned on the pillows propped up against the seats. Steve was crouching over one of the backpacks, pulling out a few bags of chips before he let out a triumphed “Aha!” He produced a six pack of beer before coming to sit next to Eddie. The interior of the van was smaller with all the pillows, so they had to sit close, legs and arms pressed against each other.

“What if the cops come and we gotta leave?” Eddie asked, unsure.

“Munson,” Steve scolded playfully. “Told you to relax. I’ve slept out here in my car a few times, no one really goes through here. Plus, we got a few trees covering us.” It was true. While the trees between them and the road were few, leaving the street partially visible, if you didn’t turn off onto the small clearing you likely wouldn’t notice a car there at all. “Don’t drink if you don’t wanna, but we’re fine. I promise,” he looked at Eddie as he said the last part, taking on a more serious tone as he held his gaze.

Eddie was already focusing on something else he said, however. “You sleep out here by yourself?”

Steve shrugged as he pulled a can free, offering it to Eddie. He accepted, cracking it open. “Sometimes. When my parents are home and I need space.” He got his own can and opened it, placing the rest of the six pack next to him.

“You don’t talk about them a lot,” Eddie noted, inspecting Steve as he took a sip of his beer.

Steve shrugged again. “There’s not much worth saying, I guess.”

Eddie’s brows creased a bit. “What’s worth saying, then?” He asked gently, aware he was treading on rocky ground. Steve’s parents were clearly a subject he didn’t like indulging in, and he’d already made this a wildly emotional night for the man. When Steve seemed to hesitate, Eddie rushed to add, “You don’t have to tell me.”

“No, it’s fine,” Steve said simply, taking a sip of his drink. He pursed his lips, staring out of the van into the clearing, where blue moonlight shimmered on dewy grass. “You know how I said they travel so much because they’re rich and they can?” Eddie nodded.

“Well… it’s basically confirmed that it’s… to get away. From me,” Steve pressed his lips into a tight line as he looked down at his can, finger tracing the rim idly. “I mean, I kept them happy enough for a while. Between basketball and swimming, it kind of made up for the bad grades. But… I dunno. After everything started and I’d… seen what I’d seen. Fought for my life– for other peoples’ lives… The little I was doing to keep them neutral to my existence was a lot harder to keep up.”

Eddie pressed his shoulder more into Steve’s. Steve pressed back. He continued to stare into his lap or out at the field, not looking at Eddie since he’d started talking about his parents. He scoffed, the humor behind it bitter. “I mean I couldn’t exactly explain that I’d been fighting monsters, or tortured by Russians. They never really cared who I was before everything, but once I stopped trying as much, it was like I had no…” Steve shook his head, searching for a word. “Worth. My mom tried to suggest I work for my dad, and I considered it for a while.”

“Why didn’t you do it?” Eddie asked.

“Because I could tell he hated the idea,” Steve snorted dryly. “Before everything he wanted it, but… I guess I quickly fell from ‘nuisance’ to ‘f*ck up’ in his eyes. Probably just didn’t wanna deal with me.” Steve said all this as if it weren’t incredibly cruel. As if he were only recounting a rough day. A pang shot through Eddie at the dejected look in his eyes.

“You’re not one, by the way,” Eddie said gently. Steve met his gaze with a questioning expression. “A nuisance. Or a f*ck up.”

“Maybe not,” Steve said simply, looking out at the clearing again. “But they’re still right. I have… no f*cking idea what I want to do with my life.”

Eddie snorted at this. “Harrington, we’re twenty. And while everyone else was figuring out what they wanna do for the rest of their lives, you were killing monsters and keeping the people you loved alive.” Steve seemed unconvinced as he nodded, and Eddie wasn’t having it.

“I’m serious, Steve,” Eddie said as he readjusted to face Steve more, the arm that had been against his angling so he could rest his hand on Steve’s shoulder. This completed his goal of gaining Steve’s attention, looking at Eddie with rounded eyes.

“I don’t see anyone care about the people they love the way you do. Not often, at least. I mean,” Eddie shook his head, trying to find a way to convey such an important message so it would sink in. “You always know how to get me out of my head. I see how much you do for the kids and how much you mean to them. If someone you care about needs help, you don’t quit until you can find a way to help them.”

Eddie felt like he was rambling, and also like he could gush for hours more about all the amazing things that made up Steve. Instead, he ended with, “Anyone can learn how to be a lawyer, or a f*ckin’ scientist. Sure others might be better at it than some, but if someone wanted it enough they could do it. But what you have,” Eddie tightened his grip on Steve assuringly, voice quieting down in sincerity. “That can’t be taught, Stevie.”

Steve’s attentive eyes flicked back and forth between Eddie’s, lips slightly parted as he examined whatever he saw. Eddie just hoped he took what he said to heart. Steve’s searching expression gave way to an almost sheepish smile. “Thanks, Munson,” and then for the second time that night Steve was tussling Eddie’s hair. He held his head in place, giving him a playfully stern look as he said, “Noted. But tonight’s not about me.”

He removed his hand from Eddie’s head, placing his beer at the edge of the van as he got up and crawled so he could open the center console. Eddie leaned to the side so Steve wasn’t smothering him as he searched for what he wanted.

When he sat back down, he grabbed the small stereo, the Queen tape in hand. “Prepare to be relaxed,” he popped in the tape and sat up again, Eddie chuckling as he had to lean over once more. The beginning of ‘Staying Power’ played softly from the boombox that Steve placed in the seat behind them. Grabbing his beer, he collapsed next to Eddie again.

Steve held out the can with a coy smile. “Cheers, to Eddie Munson.” Eddie gave him a skeptical look, not raising his own drink. Steve rolled his eyes humorously. “C’mon, can’t leave me hanging. It’s bad luck.” He jostled his beer a little.

Eddie snorted. “Don’t think that’s how that works, but whatever,” Eddie said, holding his gaze as he clinked the cans together. “Cheers.” The plucky guitar and Freddie Mercury’s silky voice filled the van as they both threw back a long gulp.

“Gotta ask,” Steve started after a moment of drinking in comfortable silence. “This put me any higher on the list?”

Eddie laughed at this, having expected a serious question. “You’re really not giving up on that, huh? You’re a stubborn man.” Eddie arched his brow playfully at him before taking a sip.

“I like to think of it more as ‘resilient,’” Steve stated.

“Delusional, too,” Eddie noted, Steve knocking his shoulder against Eddie’s, though he had to pull back first in order to do so. “Guess this’ll get you to number three.”

“Oho,” Steve said with an enthusiastic grin. “Making big jumps this time. Not gonna lie, was kinda hoping this would get me to number one.”

“Whoa!” Eddie exclaimed sarcastically, grinning back. “Slow your f*ckin’ roll, Harrington.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Steve held up his free hand in defense. “That was a lot to ask.”

“A lot to ask,” Eddie repeated, unable to stop smiling at Steve. “That’s a highly sought after position.”

“And I know this,” Steve shook his head at himself, feigning disappointment but being betrayed by a chuckle. “I don’t know what I was thinking.” Eddie finished the rest of his beer, now having to be the one to lean into Steve’s space as he dug around in the front of the van. He noticed that Steve made no effort to lean away, Eddie’s middle hovering mere inches from his face.

He produced a plastic bag from a gas station, sitting back down. “Trash,” Eddie jostled the bag before disposing of the can. Steve took a final swig and tossed his own in as well. Eddie lightly threw the bag behind them, into the seat.

“By the way, apparently Vickie has some job interview right before the party, so I offered to pick her up and meet you guys there,” Steve informed, which reminded Eddie of something.

“Speaking of. You wanna borrow the jacket for Zuko?” Eddie nodded at his jacket and vest at the edge of the open van.

“Was actually gonna stick to just the shirt.”

“slu*t,” Eddie coughed. Steve raised his eyebrows at him.

“Don’t pretend like you’re not excited,” he smiled arrogantly. Maybe if Eddie had more tenacity, and the night hadn’t worn him down to his bones, he’d turn his head. Hide the worst of his blush and not let himself indulge in the way Steve was looking at him. As if Eddie were some fantastical image that he couldn’t wrap his head around, nor get enough of.

It would be so easy to lean in. To look at Steve’s lips and grab him in both hands. And maybe if this were the night he told Steve, he would have. However, the idea of dumping his feelings on the man after he just unloaded his f*cked up family history… it made Eddie cringe internally with guilt. It was too much to burden him with. Regardless, he couldn’t stop himself from stealing a glimpse at Steve’s lips. But it’s all he allowed himself.

Steve’s brows creased in the slightest, and the action was enough to remind Eddie that tonight was not the night. Eddie cleared his throat and severed the tension, looking at his hands as he fiddled with his rings again. He could still feel Steve staring at him, but he refused to look back.

“For f*ck’s sake, Munson,” Steve loudly huffed out, his head thumping back against the seat behind them. Eddie looked at him in confusion, an agonized expression on Steve’s face. Steve sat up straighter suddenly, gesturing emphatically as he said, “I can’t take it anymore!”

Steve was speaking in his kids-are-stressing-me-out tone, raising his voice but not aggressively yelling. His eyes were wide and feverish as he looked somewhere in front of him. “I haven’t felt this insane since the first time I saw a demogorgon.” All Eddie could do was continue to stare at him, getting the feeling that Steve was about to start rambling; what he always did when he was frustrated.

“I cannot get a f*cking read on what you think of me. I mean seriously, you pushed me to my limit. I find out I like guys–” Eddie’s eyes bulged so large he was sure they’d fall out of his head. He waved his hands about as he spoke, a sure sign of pent-up energy he’d apparently been holding. “And even though it still scares the sh*t out of me to think about, you have driven me so far up the wall, that I have to f*cking say something.

Eddie was starting to wonder if tonight was even real. “What are you saying?” His eyes were glued to Steve, even in this moment not letting his hopes run away with him before he knew for certain what was happening.

“One minute we’re all over each other and you’re looking at me the way you do–” The way you do, “And the next it’s like you can’t stand the sight of me. I have nothing to compare…” Steve shook his head, gesturing flusteredly to the general vicinity. “This, to.”

All the sounds around them seemed to be sucked out of existence as his frazzled, crushingly earnest eyes finally met Eddie’s. “Are you into me or not, Eddie?”

Eddie opened and closed his mouth a few times, brain so overloaded that he couldn’t settle on a response. So he went with his only discernible instinct.

He grabbed Steve’s face in both hands and crashed their lips together, Steve immediately pushing back so much that it almost knocked Eddie backwards. Steve’s lips didn’t leave his for a second as one hand gripped Eddie’s waist, the other roughly cupping the side of his face.

Eddie felt drunk, eyes shut as he let Steve overflow him. His smell, his skin, the taste of his lips. Sweet and tinged with beer. It felt as if a light was glowing from deep in Eddie’s core, and if he were to open his eyes it would be bright enough to illuminate part of the clearing.

The hand on Eddie’s face threaded its fingers into his hair, Steve seeming still unsatisfied with the nonexistent space between them. Meanwhile, the hand on his waist was begging for him to move closer as well, though their positioning didn’t really allow for that. To make up for it, Steve licked at Eddie’s bottom lip. He barely had time to open his mouth before Steve’s tongue was invading it, Eddie grunting in appreciation. His head spun.

But the inability to deepen the kiss began to frustrate him. Eddie broke free, being filled with pure delight as he saw a low-lidded Steve wantonly chasing his lips. He downright pouted at Eddie, and the latter thought he might as well have been rapidly ejected into space.

The grin on Eddie’s face was coming from a place he’d never felt before. Like what one wears while looking at something full of mystery and wonder, something with unlimited possibilities. Looking at Steve was like staring into the center of a supernova.

Their faces were barely inches apart as Eddie took in the sight in front of him. Steve’s lips were pink and pupils blown impossibly wide. Eddie’s hands were back to delicately holding Steve’s face, as if worried he might somehow destroy such a beautiful sight. One thumb traced Steve’s jaw, the other brushing over his cheekbone. He wanted to commit everything about this moment to perfect memory.

Steve’s hand in his hair softened as he let it cascade down the side of Eddie’s neck, eyes following his exploration as it drifted to his shoulder. He languidly stroked Eddie’s shoulder before looping two fingers into the neck of not only Steve’s sweater, but his shirt as well, tugging it down a bit. Steve watched with heavy lids as he ran his thumb along his collarbone, giving special attention to where it jutted and dipped in the center of his throat.

One of Eddie’s hands dropped enough for him to lightly place his knuckles under Steve’s chin, gently tilting it up so he would look at him again. With Steve looking up at him through his lashes like that, all doe-eyed and pleading, Eddie felt weak in the knees even while sitting.

He had made Steve look at him for a reason, but it was long forgotten as Eddie slowly pressed their lips together again. This kiss was just as deep, but now slow and savory. Despite the carnal desire growling inside him, he took his time as he moved their lips almost lazily. Eddie decided then and there he wanted to try kissing Steve in a million different ways.

Steve pulling again on his waist reminded him of why he’d stopped their kiss in the first place, and he broke it once more. “Munson,” Steve breathed a complaint, tugging a smile to Eddie’s face.

“I can’t touch you how I want like this,” Eddie explained in a whisper against Steve’s lips, who wasn’t allowing more than an inch between them. Steve’s hand clutched his waist tighter, driving Eddie to his limit. “Lie down,” he commanded, pride surging through him at the blush it brought to Steve’s face. Eddie withdrew himself enough for Steve to lie down, eyes wide in anticipation as he watched the former.

With a coquettish smile, Eddie slung his leg over Steve, effectively straddling him. Steve’s hands immediately went to Eddie’s hips, pushing him down needily. Eddie bit his lip to stay quiet, but in this position there was no hiding how turned on he was. Even through his jeans, he could tell the situation was the same for Steve.

And dear god he could not handle Steve looking up at him like that, eyes wide and lips parted in an impishly fascinated smile at Eddie’s reaction. Eddie shook his head lightly as he took Steve’s jaw in one hand, firmly but not hard, squishing his face lightly. “Patience, Stevie. What would everyone say if they knew you got hard just from making out?”

“You act like I can’t see you, Munson,” Steve’s words were slightly distorted due to Eddie’s hand grabbing his face. Steve’s eyes flicked to Eddie’s groin, hands taking a detour to travel up Eddie’s thighs, slow and taunting.

Eddie held himself up with his free hand as he leaned down, directing Steve into another kiss. As Eddie’s hips rolled so he could deepen the exchange, Steve’s hands traveled to his ass. He gripped Eddie roughly with both hands, causing him to groan into Steve’s mouth.

Deciding to let his greed win, Eddie moved his lips from Steve’s mouth to his jaw. He placed kisses down Steve’s neck, reveling in the needy way Steve ran his hands over Eddie’s sides.

“Jesus Christ, Eddie,” Steve panted out, tilting his head back more as Eddie seemed to hit a sweet spot. He got to work sucking, satisfaction washing over him as Steve’s breath fluttered. “Really been holdin’ out on me.”

Eddie pulled away from Steve’s neck momentarily, “Am I making up for it?” He smiled playfully, ducking his head back to the spot he was working on.

Steve gave a weak snort. “I dunno, why don’t you keep going so I can see if it’s working?” He teased.

“Mmm…” Eddie hummed skeptically into the crook of Steve’s neck. He moved down a bit on Steve, placing a leg between his. To which Steve instantly spread his wider, pulling down impatiently by the hips. “I’d say it’s working.” Eddie rolled his hips onto Steve’s harder than before, relishing in the way Steve’s head fell back, mouth parting in a groan. He made a vow that he’d find every way he could to get more sounds like that from Steve.

“But, uh…” Steve sounded suddenly uncertain, causing Eddie to pull up from where he had been sucking kisses onto his neck. Steve sighed as his eyes flicked between Eddie’s a few times. “Look. I wanna keep going crazy badly-- trust me,” he scoffed dryly, eyebrows twitching in emphasis. “But you’ve had… a really insane night,” Eddie glanced away at this, swallowing. “I’d feel like an asshole if we did anything more.”

Eddie let out a long, contemplative sigh as he lowered himself to lay on top of Steve, holding himself up only enough to see him. Steve had a furrowed brow. “I really wanna ignore the fact that you’re right,” he said disappointedly.

Steve chuckled. “Yeah, I sorta have this whole thing about not sleeping with emotionally vulnerable people. Kinda lame, I know,” he said sarcastically, earning a small laugh from Eddie. He dropped his forehead onto Steve’s chest as the laugh dwindled away, then turned his head to let it rest on Steve. They laid in a comfortable silence, Steve running his fingers through Eddie’s hair idly, lulling him into a sort of trance.

After an indeterminate amount of time, somewhere between five and thirty minutes, Eddie pushed himself off of Steve. “I’m gonna change.”

“You can use the van,” Steve said, crawling out and tossing one of the backpacks closer to Eddie. He shut the back, and Eddie was left to dig through the clothes. He settled on the shorts (almost normal-sized, surprisingly), opting to keep on his shirt and Steve’s sweater. Steve seemed to have thought of everything, including toothbrushes and toothpaste. He grabbed the paste and one of the brushes and popped open the back of the van, hopping out.

“All yours,” Eddie said. Steve pulled out a water bottle from the other backpack, tossing it to Eddie and promptly unbuckling his belt, not bothering to close the van doors. Eddie rolled his eyes, sitting at the edge of the van with his back to Steve. “Tease,” he muttered as he started brushing his teeth, not having to look to know Steve was smirking.

“You can look now, prude,” Steve’s amused voice came from behind him. When Eddie turned around Steve was only wearing gray sweatpants.

“Jesus, aren’t you gonna be cold?” Eddie assumed Steve wouldn’t make things harder since their mutual agreement to not go farther, but it was apparent that wasn’t the game they were playing.

“Good thing I have you to warm me up,” Steve said matter-of-factly, starting to move everything that wasn’t a blanket or pillow into the seats behind him, allowing for more space. Eddie turned away again, still not content to give Steve’s ego the boost of seeing his face redden. When Eddie finished brushing his teeth Steve started on his, rushing to finish and close the van doors behind him.

“Yeah, that’s what clothes are for, Harrington,” Eddie chuckled as Steve hurried to crawl under the blankets next to him. “Staying warm.”

Eddie wasn’t lying down, but he wasn’t fully sitting up either, reclined against the pillows. Steve didn’t hesitate to tuck himself into Eddie’s side, his head leaning back against Eddie’s shoulder. “Ya know, technically, we’d both be warmer if we were naked,” he noted, a stupid grin splitting Eddie’s face at how ridiculous Steve was.

“Think that would make our little agreement a lot harder,” Eddie mused, his fingers carding into Steve’s hair. Steve turned into the touch, an arm wrapping around Eddie’s middle. A tingle exploded through Eddie’s entire body. He continued to massage Steve’s head and play with his hair.

Steve’s hand trailed over Eddie’s ribs, fingers splaying and exploring the area leisurely. Eddie’s free hand came to rest on Steve’s bicep, loitering over the bare skin and simply taking in the feel of Steve. As he looked down at the man sprawled over him, he was filled to the brim with overwhelming adoration. Not just for Steve, but for this moment. This beginning. Beginning of what? He didn’t know, but he’d never wanted something to stay so desperately. Eddie was so happy it scared him.

He didn’t know what he and Steve were, but for one night of his life he stopped letting himself worry about what would happen next. Tonight, Steve was here, and he couldn’t go a second without draping himself all over Eddie. In the end, they didn’t smoke, but frankly Eddie didn’t need it. This feeling was so new, and so all-encompassing. He felt far from sober as he drifted off to sleep, Steve more on top of him than the blankets underneath them.


thoughts? btw, im thinking this fic will probably have anywhere from 3-5 more chapters, including an epilogue

Chapter 10: Antici...pation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why do I gotta go in?” Eddie asked, slumping against the driver’s seat. “You’re the one who left the lipstick in there.”

“What’s the big deal? It’s just Steve’s house,” Robin was doing her eyeshadow in the mirror, already in her Daphne costume.

“Yeah, but Steve’s not here,” Eddie pointed out.


So?” He echoed. “It’s… weird. Me going into his house when he’s not there. What if his parents are home? I’ve never even met them before.”

“They’re not here,” Robin rubbed particularly at a spot on her eye, attempting to wipe away some of the makeup. “He told me. Now can you hurry up? It’s in his room.”

“Why not just borrow mine?” Eddie gestured to the center console, where he had makeup for Frank-N-Furter, which he would be changing into once they parked at the party. It would be cramped, but he’d manage.

“Because it’s not my color, duh,” Robin paused to look at Eddie flatly. He rolled his eyes.

“Fine,” Eddie sighed. “I swear to god if his parents are here… you owe me.”

With Robin’s spare key in hand, Eddie went to Steve’s front door. He stared at it for a moment, grimacing in uncertainty. It felt… wrong not to knock first. At least that way if his parents were home, he wouldn’t scare the everloving f*ck out of them.

Eddie gave an unsure knock, listening for a moment. He didn’t hear anything, and all the lights were off, so he unlocked the door and stepped in, shutting it softly behind him. Eager to get out of the house as quickly as possible, Eddie took to the stairs hurriedly. Steve’s room was clean, and frankly Eddie didn’t think he’d ever seen it messy, which surprised him.

He scanned the bedside table first, eyes trailing onto the floor at some stuff poking out from under Steve’s bed. There looked to be a small box with yearbooks, and some clutter around it. Eddie spotted the tube of lipstick and picked it up, but the glossy, bright orange and red paper underneath it caught his eye. A part of Eddie knew what it was before he picked it up, but having his suspicion confirmed made his mouth fall open.

A single magazine page lined with creases where it had been folded, and on it was a very scandalous man. Specifically, a man in a tiny, leather and studded jockstrap, which did nearly nothing to cover his dick. In addition to this, the man was shirtless under a leather vest, adorned in silver rings and necklaces. Black lined his large, dark brown eyes and thick lashes. Most notably, though, was the long, fluffed out brown hair.

Eddie let out a shocked scoff, hand coming up to cover a smile as his face erupted into flames. It looked uncannily like him, of course. He would definitely be using this against Steve. He slid the paper back to its spot, hiding it better than Steve did, before heading back to Robin with the lipstick.

“Why are you suddenly so giddy?” Robin glanced over at him as he slid into the car, taking the lipstick and keys from him. He must’ve still been smiling.

“I’m not giddy,” he contested, starting the car and heading to the party. Which was being hosted at Gareth’s house, to Eddie’s complete amazement. Apparently Gareth threw parties now.

They parked across the street from the house, Robin waiting in the passenger seat while Eddie was fumbling around trying to get into costume. After getting into makeup and the rest of the costume, he clipped the garters to his stockings, slid on his heels and hopped out of the back of the van.

“Jesus Christ,” he hissed at the cool breeze, locking up the van and Robin coming to walk beside him as he wrapped his gloved arms tighter around him. “Cold as sh*t.”

“The price of being a slu*t,” Robin teased, smiling over at him.

“Which can be solved with alcohol,” Eddie supplied before turning to look at her fully. “How’s the face, by the way? Feel like I couldn’t see sh*t in the van.”

Robin earnestly inspected his makeup. “Looks good.”

“Is this thing really all former band kids?” Eddie asked, still worried he might be wearing this outfit in front of the wrong group of people. He had asked Robin before if it would be… safe to go as Frank-N-Furter, and while of course he trusted her affirmation, he couldn’t help but get antsy.

“Technically I think there’s some theater kids, too,” Robin informed. Good, Eddie thought. Say what you will about band and theater kids, at least the odds of him getting hate-crimed went down significantly in their company.

There was a surprising amount of people, all dressed in various extravagant or funny costumes. The house was one story, most people in the living room as they entered, but Eddie could spot people in the backyard through the sliding glass door. Thanks to all the body heat, it was luckily warmer inside, allowing Eddie to relax a bit.

Robin and Eddie made their way to the kitchen, which was also filled with people, making themselves some drinks. Eddie planned on getting tipsy quickly, but was going to cut it off early so he’d have enough time to sober up for the drive home.

“So… we gonna talk about it?” Robin asked after sipping her drink, the two of them leaning on a wall and people watching as they drank.

“Talk about…?”

“The fact you and Steve obviously have a thing going on,” she clarified, Eddie’s attention snapping to her. She gave him an unimpressed look. “Please. I’ve known you two were into each other for a while now–”

“Thanks for telling me, that was really helpful,” Eddie snarked.

Robin ignored him. “But the way he was acting around you the other day in the store… And he had a hickey. Nice job, by the way.” She gave two thumbs up, one lackluster because she was holding her cup. He supposed neither of them were really hiding it from her, but he didn’t think it would be so obvious.

“It’s nothing crazy,” Eddie couldn’t stop the grin that stretched his face as he looked out over the crowd. “We just… made out a little. And we slept together in my van,” Robin’s eyes widened, and he quickly corrected, “Not like that. As in we were both asleep in my van, simultaneously.” He took a long sip of his drink, excitement prickling him at the memory.

“When’s the wedding?” Robin teased.

Eddie shot her a look. “Do not joke like that when he gets here, for the love of god.”

“Speaking of…” Robin smiled slyly, her eyes fixed on the front door. Eddie looked over and his jaw dropped.

“You’re f*cking kidding me…” Eddie deadpanned, unable to take his eyes off of Steve, who was wearing nothing but the smallest, tightest golden speedo and sneakers. All he could do was gape at Steve, who spotted them and smiled before heading toward over. Of course this bastard came as Rocky.

“He said I couldn’t tell you,” Robin defended without Eddie even saying anything.

He looked at her with wide eyes, tearing them away from Steve’s incredibly naked body. “Well you could’ve anyway!”

“What’s the matter, Munson,” Steve grinned, beyond proud of himself. Without shame Steve looked Eddie up and down, taking his time before meeting his eyes once more. “See a ghost?”

Robin gave Vickie (who Eddie had failed to notice until this moment) a quick kiss before sliding her arm around Vickie’s waist. Vickie was, of course, dressed as Velma.

“Eddie, you look amazing!” Vickie beamed, taking in his costume.

Eddie, still reeling from Steve, forced his brain to function. “O-oh, thanks,” he smiled, pointing between her and Robin as he added, “Very cute, by the way.”

“Where’s my compliment?” Steve pouted, but there was an unhealthy amount of mischief in his eyes.

Eddie gave him a playfully scolding look, but his eyes languidly drifted over Steve’s form. They loitered on the unavoidable bulge in his speedo, Eddie momentarily wondering how he was going to survive tonight. “Did you come as Rocky just so I’d call you pretty?” He teased.

Steve made a show of thinking. “Pretty, handsome, sexy, hottest person in the room,” Steve shrugged. “Whatever you prefer.”

“Gag,” Robin interjected. “Vickie and I are going to get her a drink,” she held out her hand for Vickie to take, which she did.

All four of them ended up heading to the kitchen, the girls wrapped up in their own conversation as Eddie leaned a hip against the island, facing Steve as he began to mix a drink of his own. Eddie glanced him up and down, smiling hopelessly into his cup.

“Somethin’ funny?” Steve arched a playful brow.

Eddie shook his head, more in amazement than contradiction, knowing that Steve was well aware of what had Eddie so disoriented. “You’re a menace. What am I gonna do with you?” He asked himself more than Steve, taking another sip.

“Well,” Steve smirked, pausing his drink mixing briefly. “I have a few suggestions.”

Eddie chuckled, trying to contain himself, but frankly he was buzzing with excitement. Steve finished mixing his drink, also turning to lean on the island and give Eddie his full attention. He, once again, looked Eddie up and down without shame. “Like what you see, Harrington?”

A pleased smile twitched his lips. “Very much,” he murmured, then glanced around the kitchen minutely. He took a leisurely step closer into Eddie’s space, and with his free hand, looped a single finger under the garter on Eddie’s thigh.

His breath hitched as Steve lightly snapped the elastic, not enough to cause more than a miniscule sting, though Eddie was far from opposed to that notion. His knuckles grazed lightly over Eddie’s bare thigh, as he lowly said, “Especially these.” Whether he was referring to the garter, the fishnets, or simply Eddie’s legs, he didn’t know, but it made his abdomen swirl eagerly.

“Ya know for once I thought I’d be wearing less clothes than you,” Eddie commented, reveling in how Steve was only looking at his lips, finger still rubbing slow patterns on his leg. Eddie thought momentarily that his own lack of clothing might become a problem if Steve kept touching and looking at him like this.

Steve met his gaze with a shrug, retracting his hand from Eddie’s thigh. “We can still make that happen,” he bit his lip as he flicked his eyes to Eddie’s, the look in them something that should be considered criminal.

“We just got here,” Eddie smirked. “Seriously. Patience. Look it up.”

Steve rolled his eyes with a goofy smile, feigning an exasperated sigh. “Ugh, fine. I guess we’re in charge of getting those two home, anyway,” Steve looked over at Vickie and Robin. Vickie was sitting on the counter, Robin standing in between her legs and resting her free hand on Vickie’s waist, clearly in the middle of an amorous exchange. Admittedly, their courage to be so open in public reassured Eddie of their environment, and this only made his urge to touch Steve surge.

“A few hours won’t kill ya, Stevie,” Eddie smiled.

“You don’t know that,” Steve retorted, perhaps also gaining bravery from their friends because he took another step closer, sliding a hand onto Eddie’s hip.

Eddie glanced around, his voice low with hesitancy, “You don’t care about people seeing?” Even if they didn’t have to worry about a dangerous situation, they were still at a party with a bunch of people they went to high school with. Steve Harrington kissing Eddie Munson was to be at least a minor spectacle. The biggest shock would likely be Steve, of course, but where Eddie lacked popularity in high school, he certainly made up for during the murder trial.

Steve scoffed. “Have you seen how we’re dressed, Eddie?” He purred into the slowly narrowing space between their faces. “Don’t think we’re telling them anything they don’t already know.” He glanced away for a moment, suddenly unsure of himself as he began to withdraw his hand. “But if you don’t want me to–”

“No!” Eddie interjected eagerly, following Steve’s hand in the slightest. “I want you to,” he said earnestly, for some reason feeling breathless. Which only worsened when Steve replaced his hand on Eddie’s waist, a pleased smile on his face. In the heels, Eddie was an inch or two taller than him, and he noticed he rather liked the sight of Steve looking up at him with big, mesmerized eyes.

Steve started to lean in for a kiss, but Eddie’s mind somehow cleared enough for him to catch Steve’s jaw in his hand, fingers and thumb pressing into his cheeks to halt him. “Ah,” Eddie scolded. “Lipstick.” He knew this wouldn’t last long into the night, but he wanted to see how long he could have his fun.

“You’re the worst,” Steve mumbled through his squished lips, pulling out of Eddie’s grasp.

“Uhuh, truly evil.”

A few drinks later, the four were talking to Jeff and a few of Vickie’s close friends, when Gareth (dressed as Spiderman, without the mask) came up. Apparently, they were of the chosen few for spin the bottle, but with a twist. Initially, Eddie thought they were a bit old for the game, but Gareth insinuated it would be a smoking game.

Eddie wanted to, but mentioned that he and Steve had to drive home eventually, and they were both a few drinks in. This was when Gareth gave an option to the group: anyone who stuck around the next day to help clean a little could spend the night. The offer was accepted by everyone except Vickie’s friends, but they still followed to the room.

As much as he made fun of Gareth, Eddie forgot it was actually pretty fun to spend time with him and Jeff outside of D&D. After barely managing to graduate with them, Eddie didn’t have the energy for campaigns, and gradually the same for band practice. He wasn’t incredibly close with them outside of their shared interests, but they’d supported him through the trial. Seeing how much it shook Eddie was enough for them to believe him, and that was something he had to be grateful for.

There was only one other person in the room when Gareth ushered them in, closing the door behind them. “Kenny, these are people. People, this is Kenny.”

They chorused a ‘Hi, Kenny’ as everyone began to form a circle on the floor. It was Gareth’s bedroom, Eddie had been in it before. Various posters of either action movies or heavy metal bands littered the wall, and the room itself was cleaner than Eddie had ever seen it.

Due to the heels, but also not wanting to flash innocent bystanders in his skimpy underwear, he sat on one side with his legs bent beside him, planting a hand on the ground to lean on. Steve sat next to him, effectively positioning their shoulders so they were leaning on each other, in addition to their own hands. Not shockingly at all, Steve cared very little about how on display he was, one knee bent and the other leg crossed underneath it and leaving him extremely visible. Sometimes it baffled Eddie how comfortable Steve could be with his body, but he supposed the man probably got used to being in barely any clothing, with swim and all.

“Alright, rules are easy,” Gareth says, reaching behind him to open a drawer on his bedside table, rifling through it. He pulled out a little wooden box and placed it in his lap. “You spin, but whoever it lands on you has three options. Number one: do a body shot off of them. Two: Shotgun one of…” he paused as he opened the box, producing two joints. “These babies. And number three, for those of you driving: kiss them. Obviously both people have to agree to whatever the choice is.”

Gareth pulled out a lighter and put the box back in the drawer, grabbing the ashtray as well. “Anyone wanna start?” He looked around at the group.

“Your game, Gareth,” Eddie pointed out. “You start.”

“Okay,” Gareth shrugged, leaning over to spin the empty vodka bottle he had placed in the middle of the circle. It landed on one of Vickie’s friends, Eleanor, someone who Eddie had come to know well enough in the past hour to know she was way out of Gareth’s league. “Uh, you can decide,” he said timidly. Eddie noted Steve hiding a cringe behind his cup, taking a long sip. Eddie playfully pushed against his shoulder in a gesture that said ‘be nice,’ but he was biting back a smile as well.

Eleanor was dressed as the bride of Frankenstein, her natural hair styled into the impressive updo, white spray-dye in a wavy pattern on either side. She smiled sweetly, but there was a hint of amusem*nt in her eyes at how nervous Gareth got. “You know what? Body shot. Pass the salt and the limes, Kenny,” she commanded, and Kenny obliged. Gareth’s face was bright red as Robin, Vickie, and Jeff erupted into an ‘Ooo!’

“You know how to do a body shot?” She asked, somehow not coming off condescending. Gareth sheepishly shook his head ‘No.’ It was clear the guy hadn’t got much more practice after Vickie’s birthday party. Eleanor smiled again. “It’s okay. Everyone pay attention, I don’t like repeating myself.”

“One person lies down,” she did so, the group scooting to accommodate her lying on her back. “First step, you lick somewhere flat on this person, and then pour salt over it,” Gareth’s eyes widened at this, Eddie snorting into his cup at his bandmate. “Typically the neck but you can do the hand or somethin’, too. Here,” she held out her hand, Gareth taking it questioningly. “C’mon, we don’t got all night,” she chuckled. He licked the back of her hand, sprinkling out salt onto it.

“Next, pour the alcohol into the belly button,” Steve and Eddie could barely contain their laughter at Gareth’s face when she pulled up her dress, revealing her belly button. She was wearing shorts, sure, but apparently that was still more than what Gareth was used to. He followed Eleanor’s orders with little hesitation, face redder than his hair. “And now I put the lime slice in my mouth, and you gotta pull it out without your hands after the shot.” Kenny handed her a slice without prompt, and she placed the rind in her mouth.

The group erupted into a cheer as Gareth licked the salt off Eleanor’s hand, sucked the shot out of her belly button, and grabbed the lime out of her mouth with his teeth. His face puckered as his hand squeezed the lime more. Steve and Eddie shared a pleasantly surprised look over the rim of their cups.

“Right,” Eleanor laughed. “My turn.” The game continued, eventually Steve letting Jeff do a body shot off him for his turn (though they agreed on the hand instead of the neck, which Vickie called them cowards for.) And now it was Steve’s turn to spin.

While Eddie wasn’t outwardly crossing his fingers for it to land on him, in his soul he was. He wanted it so bad he could practically see it happening. This being said, it still took a second for Eddie to register when it actually did land on him.

“Oh no,” Robin said flatly, voice dripping with sarcasm. “What ever will you two do?”

“Okay,” Eddie admonished with an unimpressed look before turning to Steve. “Which one is it, Harrington?”

“Well… I’ve never shotgunned from someone before,” he offered.

“Perfect time to learn,” Eddie grinned, the alcohol in his system filling him with confidence. He took the joint from Gareth. It had already been lit, but went out since no one chose to shotgun for a while. Eddie sat up a bit more, Steve doing the same.

“Alright, what am I doin’ here?” Steve asked.

“I’m gonna take a hit, and I pass the smoke to you by kissing you,” Steve’s eyes lit up at this.

“Technically,” Gareth chimed in. “You don’t have to kiss.”

“C’mon, Gareth,” Eddie criticized. “You like, just stopped being lame thirty minutes ago.” Robin laughed as Gareth made a face.

“After that I just inhale like normal?” Steve redirected his attention back to the moment.

“Yup,” Eddie put the joint to his lips and relit, taking a small hit to get it to cherry before raising his eyebrows at Steve. “Ready?” He asked, lips tight to hold the joint. Steve nodded, and Eddie took a slow pull before gently guiding Steve’s face closer by the jaw. His eyes fluttered closed as he locked their lips, pushing the smoke into his mouth. Eddie pulled away to observe a heavy-lidded Steve as he inhaled again, holding it before blowing out, eyes fixed on Eddie’s.

Someone in the group whistled as a few others ‘whooped.’ There was a particularly guttural and enthusiastic yell, and Eddie laughed as he had a sneaking suspicion it was Robin. She was a few more drinks in than him.

“Good job, Stevie,” Eddie praised, admiring his lipstick staining Steve’s face. He didn’t care about messing it up anymore, much more content to see it smudged over Steve’s lips. He passed the joint to Gareth and sat back in his spot, Steve returning his shoulder to its place against Eddie’s. Eddie ended up shotgunning with Robin on his turn, laughing in light-hearted disgust after they broke the kiss.

“Eugh,” Eddie grimaced.

“If either of us needed any confirmation about being gay, that was definitely it,” Robin said, earning an enthusiastic nod from Eddie.

The game continued, Eddie having a few body shots done off of him and doing a few in return, until the group naturally split off into their own conversations.

“Wanna get another drink with me?” Steve asked, a smile permanently affixed to his face after shotgunning a few more times, eyes glassy and red. It was an intoxicating sight. Eddie nodded, his own cup empty as well. Steve stood first, offering Eddie his hand as he was a bit wobbly in the heels now that he was reasonably inebriated.

Steve kept his hands lightly on Eddie’s waist as he followed him into the kitchen, less people occupying it now as about a third of the party-goers seemed to have gone home. There were three people talking closely, and a couple was making out against the far counter.

Steve’s arms wrapped around Eddie’s middle as his chest pressed into his back, Eddie pouring a random bottle of rum into his cup. Eddie laughed drunkenly as Steve started kissing the side of his neck, one hand moving from his waist to pull his hair aside.

“You tryin’ to get me to make a mess?” Eddie teased as Steve continued pressing lazy kisses to his skin. “Here,” Eddie pushed the cup into Steve’s hand. “Keep yourself entertained.” Steve took the drink and stepped to Eddie’s side, but still hovered close.

“What’d you think the chance of us getting a room to ourself is?” Steve asked quietly while Eddie mixed his own drink, also a rum and co*ke. He wasn’t sober enough to care about it tasting good.

“Slim to none,” Eddie supplied, Steve groaning lightly. “But he has a guest bedroom. So maybe.”

“Probably for the best,” Steve said, disappointed. “Doubt either of us are gonna be sober enough anyway.”

“How responsible of you,” Eddie noted as he tasted his drink, the bitterness just manageable enough.

“Yeah, well. It’s not really that noble,” Steve smiled as he looked over Eddie, his eyes momentarily glued to the latter’s lips. “I wanna actually remember it.”

Eddie scoffed, smiling over at Steve. “Trust me, you will.” Steve gave a dramatic, pained roll of his eyes, swaying into Eddie and briefly resting his forehead to his shoulder. “C’mon. Let’s go find a couch or something. The heels and various substances are getting to my legs.” Eddie led them to the living room, where there was, surprisingly, a spot on the couch available. On the other end was a guy talking to two other people in chairs, so Steve and Eddie sat close on the opposite side.

When Steve sat down he wrapped his arm behind Eddie’s waist, his other hand hooking under Eddie’s crossed legs and pulling them over his own, leaving the hand on top of his knee. He was as in Steve’s lap as he could get without actually being in it.

“Jeez, Harrington” Eddie chuckled, slinging the arm closest to Steve around his shoulder and raking his fingers through the back of Steve’s hair. He smiled in satisfaction when Steve’s eyes dropped shut momentarily. “You’re a touchy drunk.” This was not a complaint, the mixture of Steve’s clinginess and the alcohol in his system leaving his stomach warm.

“I’m not just drunk,” Steve defended weakly, his eyes scoring over Eddie’s face again, the latter still playing with his hair. “And can you blame me?” Steve’s eyes traveled to Eddie’s crossed legs, hand splaying further up his thigh. It didn’t slow until it reached the top of his stockings, two fingers sliding into the elastic. Eddie felt that familiar tug in his abdomen, and knew this was dangerous territory, especially with this underwear already putting him on full display.

“Steve,” Eddie warned, pulling lightly on Steve’s hair. Steve’s head fell back a bit, eyes fluttering as they looked at Eddie. “We’re both in very revealing clothing, need I remind you?”

“No reminder needed,” Steve smiled lopsidedly, punctuating the sentence by pressing his lips to Eddie’s. The kiss was slow and wanton, but still took Eddie by surprise. Eddie’s eyes fell shut as he reciprocated, his other hand coming up to cup Steve’s jaw, thumb brushing over Steve’s cheek as he deepened the kiss. Eddie licked pleadingly at Steve’s lips, which opened quickly to accept his tongue.

Steve hummed into Eddie’s mouth as his hand traveled higher on his thigh, resting on the side of Eddie’s ass. This left a stir in Eddie’s lack-of-pants, and he broke the kiss hastily, a sucking ‘pop’ ringing out. “Alright, you’re cut off,” Eddie smiled to himself. “We’re not gonna be those people at a party.”

Steve groaned dramatically, Eddie’s hand dropping from his hair as his head fell back in emphasis. “But it’s so fun being those people,” he whined before lifting his head again.

“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie sympathized, allowing his eyes to trail over Steve’s body. Something on his stomach caught his attention, his fingers grazing over gnarled, pink skin on his lower abdomen. It’s not that he’d never seen the scars from the demobats, but he’d never really allowed himself to properly look before.

“I know,” Steve smiled humorously. “To think, I could’ve been a model.”

“Still could,” Eddie said matter-of-factly. “The scars are pretty badass, anyway.” Eddie moved on from the scar and instead spread his hand wide over Steve’s side. He didn’t think he’d ever get over being able to run his hands over a shirtless Steve.

“Think we’re ever gonna get any work done at the video store again?” Steve mused.

Eddie scoffed. “Depends on if you can behave yourself.”

Steve sighed, “I guess if I gotta.”

At the mention of the store, he debated bringing up the magazine, but decided to hold off. That was something pretty juicy to use against Steve, and he didn’t wanna waste it on the first opportunity he got. “Where do you think Robin and Vickie ran off to?” Eddie asked instead, looking around the room and seeing no sign of Daphne or Velma.

“Don’t think they’ve come out of the bathroom yet,” Steve supplied, Eddie snorting. “They had the right idea.”

“I mean…” Eddie started, looking over Steve. “We could always get to the guest bedroom early…” He raised his eyebrows, silently asking for Steve’s opinion.

“I’m serious about the sober thing, Munson,” Steve looked pained to say it.

“I am too, I am too,” Eddie assured. “And we won’t, but…” he looked around the room, Steve following his gaze. “Less eyes, at least.” He snaked his fingers into the hair at the nape of Steve’s neck.

Steve bit his lip, eyes flicking between Eddie’s for barely a moment. “Yeah, let’s go to the room,” Steve nodded eagerly, Eddie laughing.

“Let’s tell Gareth we’re turning in early and I’m gonna get my clothes from my car,” Eddie planned, standing up and Steve following in tow, abandoning their drinks on the coffee table.

Upon telling Gareth, he informed that he’d already dragged an air mattress into the guest bedroom so the four of them would have a place to sleep. This put more urgency into Eddie and Steve, hoping they could get some time alone in the room.

“Meet back here after we grab our clothes?” Eddie asked, stumbling in the slightest as they exited the warmth of Gareth’s house into the cold night.

“Absolutely not.” Steve stated obviously, a hand coming to Eddie’s lower back as he guided him down the lawn. “I’m not leaving you walking around at night dressed like that. Where’d you park?”

“‘Cross the street,” Eddie pointed, a lazy smile permanently affixed to his face. Steve kept his hand on Eddie’s back while they crossed the street, waiting for him to grab the clothes he wore on the way over and change into his sneakers. Once Eddie locked the van up, they retrieved Steve’s clothes from his car and made their way back into the house.

At least half of the people were gone by now, but the music was still playing loudly and a few boisterous conversations were being had as Eddie led the way to the guest bedroom. Steve closed the door behind them. Sure enough, in front of the twin bed there was an air mattress.

“You agree we get dibs on the bed, right?” Steve asked, toeing out of his shoes.

“Obviously,” Eddie responded while untying his corset. He popped it off and threw it on a chair in the corner. Steve’s eyes raked over Eddie’s practically naked form, and no matter how many times it happened it made something spark in Eddie, every time. “Control yourself, Harrington. I’m about to be butt-ass naked for a second.”

“Actually,” Steve smiled slyly, stepping into Eddie’s space and tugging him lightly forward by the hips. “I was hoping you’d keep the fishnets and these,” his pointer finger tapped over Eddie’s underwear. “On. If they’re not too uncomfortable.”

“They’re not,” Eddie said simply, smirking at Steve as he used his shoulder to support him while he took off his shoes. He stepped away from Steve and put the sneakers in front of the chair where his clothes were, picking up his shirt and tugging it on. He unclipped the garters and threw them on the chair before doing the same to the gloves and pearls. Eddie, predicting he might want to take off his makeup at some point, had a travel sized pack of wet-wipes in his jacket. He grabbed one and walked back to Steve.

“Here,” he said, lightly holding Steve’s chin still between his fingertips as he held up the wipe. “Keep your mouth closed.” Steve obliged, watching Eddie with salacious eyes as he wiped off the lipstick stains that had graced his face for most of the night. “There,” he said, before beginning to wipe his own makeup off.

Steve held eye contact, gaze almost daring as he hooked his thumbs in the golden speedo and started to strip. “My god,” Eddie rolled his eyes, flopping lazily face-first onto the bed with a long sigh.

“No one told you not to look,” he could hear the smirk in his voice.

Eddie turned his head to speak, still not looking at Steve, “I don’t want this night to be impossible to get through.” He buried his face into his crossed arms, enjoying the dark as he let his legs hang off the bed.

He felt the bed dip in between his legs. A hand slid slowly up his calf, over his thigh, his ass, up his back, over his shoulder blades. Finally it traveled down again to rest on the small of his back. Eddie turned his head to see as much of Steve as he could, which was not much. Enough to see he was only in boxer briefs, hovering over Eddie. He let his head fall back down.

A weight was slowly lowered on top of Eddie, Steve laying himself down. “You’re not making our lives easier, Stevie,” Eddie mumbled into a mixture of his hair and arms.

“I’m a master of self control–” Steve was cut off by a single, honking laugh from Eddie. “What? I am.

“You’re currently fully on top of me,” Eddie retorted.

“Wait, I get it,” Steve said, bringing his lips close to Eddie’s ear. “You’re worried about your self control.”

“My self control is impeccable,” Eddie stated. “As is evident by the fact that I can make up for your horrible self control.”

“Then we shouldn’t have a problem,” Steve murmured, suddenly rolling his hips against Eddie’s ass while a hand traveled up his side. “Right?”

Eddie buried his face into the comforter, sighing in exasperation. Steve’s hand left his waist to pull Eddie’s hair to the side, exposing his neck. He began to kiss Eddie’s neck, starting at his jawline and traveling lower until he was kissing the nape. He trailed kisses onto Eddie’s shoulders and began rolling his hips minutely against Eddie’s ass, breathing the slightest bit heavier. Eddie turned his face enough to talk. “Steve,” he warned as Steve grinded down in a deep, slow movement. Feeling that he was hard made Eddie’s own dick twitch.

Steve tried to place a kiss to Eddie’s mouth, but could only catch the corner with his position. “Flip over,” he rasped before kissing his cheek, then his jaw.

Eddie couldn’t help but laugh as he obliged. His stomach fluttered at Steve’s eagerness to keep his lips on him. “What were you saying about self contr–” his sentence was cut off by Steve kissing him impatiently as soon as he flipped over. And– oh-- being front to front was much more challenging, especially with Steve moving like that.

As he kissed Eddie, Steve’s leg slid further in between Eddie’s thighs. Meaning every time Steve rolled his hips, he was grinding their dicks together, only separated by two thin pieces of fabric. Eddie’s hands fell onto Steve’s hips, adding force and guidance to his movements. This eventually had both of them panting so heavily they had to break their kiss just to catch their breath.

Steve didn’t waste long before he was kissing Eddie’s neck again, continuing with slower hip movements. When he sucked at a particularly sensitive spot, Eddie’s mouth fell open with a small gasp. Steve kept sucking and licking, occasionally nibbling in the slightest– which only left Eddie wanting more.

Eddie was currently so hard it hurt, his head spinning blissfully as Steve writhed against him. This was when he decided he wanted Steve’s mouth back on his, and fisted his fingers into the man’s hair, dragging him up into a hungry kiss. Steve moaned loudly into Eddie’s mouth, the sound reverberating through him as he completely annihilated Steve’s hair.

When Steve grinded his hips down harder once more, Eddie took Steve’s bottom lip between his teeth and pulled lightly. The moan he let out this time was not at all muffled by Eddie’s mouth.

Eddie shushed Steve with an indulgent smile, his hand covering Steve’s mouth firmly. “Stay nice and quiet for me.” He saw the pout in Steve’s eyes before he even pulled his hand away, both hands returning to Steve’s hips. Eddie admired Steve’s face as his hands glided up his sides, before dipping to cup Steve’s ass roughly. He marveled when Steve’s eyes scrunched closed, lips pressed into a line to suppress the grunt he let out.

“We should stop soon,” Steve rushed in a throaty voice that made Eddie’s head flip upside down.

“Finding it hard to hold onto your control, Harrington?” Eddie teased with a full faced grin. Apparently the answer was yes, as Steve was dipping his head for a messy kiss almost immediately, which Eddie chuckled into. Before he knew it Steve was trailing kisses down his neck again, but now his hands were sliding under Eddie’s shirt and exploring his chest. “You’re right though,” Eddie panted out, hating to admit it. “We should st–”

The doorknob jingling cut him off, and he didn’t even have time to ask Steve if he locked the door before it was swinging open, light flooding in.

Eddie and Steve yelled their various protests as Robin and Vickie appeared in the doorway. “Whoa-ho-ho! No!” Robin shouted, shielding her face with her hand and quickly closing the door again, Vickie also yelling incoherently.

Eddie looked at Steve, frozen in place, and he didn’t need to see himself to know his face was bright red. Steve got off of Eddie, who quickly tucked himself under the covers as Steve stepped uncertainly toward the door. The silence hung in the air for a moment, Steve looking back at Eddie with raised eyebrows, silently asking what he should do by holding his palms open. Eddie just raised his own eyebrows back, shrugging.

For a moment, Eddie wondered if Robin and Vickie were even still out there. But then Robin’s muffled voice cut through. “Hey, uh… guys?”

Eddie and Steve shared an uncertain look before both replying, nearly in unison, “...Yeah?”

Hate to interrupt… but we do actually have to… sleep in there with you.”

“You’re uh– you’re good,” Steve called back, then cleared his throat with an embarrassed wince. “Just… don’t open the door until I say so.” He quickly got under the covers next to Eddie before saying, “You can come in!”

The door opened slowly, Robin’s head peeking through first, followed by Vickie’s. The four of them sort of just stared at each other for a moment, the guys sitting up stock straight in bed. “How’s it… goin’?” Robin attempted as Vickie shut the door.

“Oh, ya know,” Eddie said at the same time Steve said, “Good it’s– it’s… good.” Both answered in a strained, high pitched voice.

Another painful silence, and Eddie could see something bubbling to explode out of Robin. He raised his eyebrows at her, which seemed to be enough to pop the cap. “I’m just gonna come out and say it: please don’t f*ck while we’re sleeping–”

What?” Eddie exclaimed immediately.

“Ew,” Steve said, disgusted. “What is wrong with you?”

“Obviously we wouldn’t do that,” Eddie piggybacked, Robin holding her hands up in defense.

“Just wanted to be extra clear,” she said. “I’m happy you two are finally f*cking but I don’t wanna be around for it.”

Eddie scoffed, looking at her in concern. “Yeah. Don’t worry. Feeling is mutual, Rob.” The girls disappeared from their sight as they sat down on the air mattress.

Robin popped her head up to say, “Thanks for stealing the bed, by the way. Thought you were some sort of gentleman, Steve.”

“I’d offer to switch, but I’m gonna be honest Robin,” Steve pursed his lips. “You do not want me to stand up right now.”

“Ew,” Vickie called from the mattress, Robin’s face contorting. “Disgusting,” she said as he flopped back onto the mattress, out of sight again. Eddie smacked Steve’s chest lightly.

“What?” He gestured in confusion. “I was being honest.”

“I’m going to sleep,” Eddie declared to the room, lying down on his side, facing Steve. “Night guys,” he said to Robin and Vickie. They chorused their own ‘goodnights.’

There was a small silence before Steve spoke up. “No one wants to say goodnight to Steve? Okay, yup. Feels great, guys.” He complained as he also turned to lie on his side, facing away from Eddie.

“Night, Steve,” Robin and Vickie chorused flatly before returning to an indecipherable, whispered conversation.

Steve looked over his shoulder at Eddie, quietly saying “I don’t get a goodnight from you?” Eddie rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide the smile that stretched his face.

He gave a dramatic sigh, but moved closer and wrapped his arms around Steve, pulling him close to his chest. Steve immediately scooted back into Eddie, placing his own arm on top of the one Eddie slung over him. “Night, Steve,” Eddie whispered in his ear before placing a long kiss to his neck.

“Night,” Steve murmured back. They laid in relative silence for a moment, besides Robin and Vickie’s hushed conversation. This was when Steve decided to press back into Eddie’s groin with his ass, Eddie burying his mouth against Steve’s shoulder to contain himself.

He brought his lips to Steve’s ear to whisper, “Try that again and you’re sleeping on the floor.” This position was already making his hard on incredibly challenging to ignore, though getting walked in on did startle him enough to help.

Eddie felt Steve chuckle against him before muttering, “Sorry. Just wanted to see what would happen.” Eddie shook his head in disbelief, despite Steve not being able to see. After pressing a final kiss to Steve’s shoulder, he closed his eyes and slowly forced himself to sleep.


so, on the topic of smut. It will likely be more along the lines of what was in this chapter (though likely going a bit further), focusing on explicit foreplay without going into the details of full smut, leaving that up for implication rather than being written out.

HOWEVER, this being said. I have an idea for a fic after this one, which may or may not happen, definitely not until after vol 2 is released. but the general premise will involve a lot of full smut (with plot of course)
i'll go more into details probably in the author's note of the epilogue (which won't be for another few chapters), but thought i'd mention it now as well

Chapter 11: Slipping St. Peter a Fifty


so uh, i'd say this chapter is like 80% smut. there will probably be one more smut scene before the end of this fic, but i don't think it will go as in detail as this one (though this one could've still gone farther. i'd say this is still pretty mild smut compared to what's out there-- and what i've personally written, not that any of that is available to the public lol)

read the end of chapter notes for insight to how quickly the last few chapters will be up btw.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“And what do we say when your parents ask what movie you saw?” Steve asked the group, stalling them outside the cinema after buying tickets to Evil Dead II.

“Spaceballs,” The kids chorused, Steve apparently prepping them prior to this.

“And what’s it about?” He asked.

“Making fun of Star Wars,” They answered in unison once more. Eddie glanced between Steve and the kids in amusem*nt.

“Very good. Now get inside,” he gestured to the doors, all six leading them into the cinema. Dustin was hanging back however, narrowing his eyes at Steve, scrutinizing. Steve furrowed his brows at him. “What?” He asked impatiently.

“Since when do you wear turtlenecks?” Dustin asked, a short laugh erupting out of Eddie before he could stop it.

Steve shot Eddie a glare before answering Dustin. “I’m widening my wardrobe. You should try it sometime,” Steve flapped Dustin’s plaid overshirt in distaste.

“Suzie likes the way I dress,” he said matter of factly.

“She hasn’t seen you in like, two years!” Steve argued.

“So? I send her pictures,” Dustin retorted before following El into the theater, ending the conversation.

Eddie couldn’t help but laugh at the drained expression in Steve’s eyes. He looked at Eddie blankly as they trailed behind the kids. “Is my exhaustion funny to you?”

“Yeah, little bit,” he said honestly, not bothering to hide his levity. Steve rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile twitching his lips.

Steve leaned closer in the slightest, dropping his voice to say “Ya know, you’re the reason I have to wear this ridiculous thing in the first place. You could try and defend me.”

“I already told you that you look hot, Harrington,” Eddie teased quietly, smiling widely at him. “I know you’re just fishing for compliments.” Steve rolled his eyes, but there was clear amusem*nt on his face.

Steve had roped Eddie into chaperoning half the kids to an R-rated movie, not that Eddie particularly minded. After picking up a few extra shifts while Colton had the flu, there wasn’t much time to hang out with Steve since the party.

He kept up with calling Eddie, however it wasn’t anywhere near the same. They also worked a few shifts together, sure, but they were constantly paranoid of being… too obvious. Eddie a little more so than Steve. Not that Steve wasn’t cautious– they had to be– but Eddie worried a lot about giving Steve a reputation. To be gay was one hard thing, but to be in a hom*osexual relationship with Eddie Munson was a social death sentence in Hawkins. He could only hope not a literal death sentence, as well. Eddie didn’t like to think about that.

Regardless, Eddie was grasping at straws for alone time with Steve, not that they’d be getting any of that tonight, either. However, there were few things Eddie enjoyed more than watching Steve stress over the teens.

“Couldn’t we have just seen another movie while they watched this one?” Steve suggested as they walked into the dark room, a frown on his face. The previews were still playing, but they spoke softly anyway.

“I don’t get how horror movies scare you,” Eddie chuckled quietly as they followed the kids to the seats. It was a fairly empty theater to Eddie’s surprise, considering it was a Friday night. “You’ve seen way scarier sh*t.”

“They don’t scare me, okay?” Steve whispered back, holding up a hand in defense. “I just don’t like jumpscares.”

“That counts as getting scared, Harrington.”

“They’re cheap scares,” Steve said more emphatically, earning a shush from Dustin down the line. Steve leaned forward to look at him with a wrinkled brow. “It’s a preview,” he whispered loudly.

“Yeah, for a movie I’m interested in,” Dustin said bluntly. They both leaned back, Steve shaking his head. Eddie merely watched in amusem*nt. Barely twenty minutes in and Steve had jumped at two incredibly bad jumpscares. The second of which he clutched Eddie’s arm, before pulling it away in annoyance at Eddie’s poorly hidden smile.

“Shut up,” Steve whispered, dropping his hand in his lap and focusing back on the movie. Eddie glanced as inconspicuous as possible down the line of their younger friends. The ones further down he didn’t really have to worry about seeing, the only ones able to notice being Mike or Will. He thought if anyone needed to see Eddie holding Steve’s hand it was one of them, especially Mike. At least that was how he justified not being able to resist.

He slowly slid his hand into Steve’s, keeping them in his lap as he laced their fingers together, to hide it more. With so few people in the theater, they didn’t have to worry about strangers, but he and Steve didn’t really talk about whether or not they’d tell the kids.

Not that Eddie thought any of them would care, but still. Felt like something they should agree on before they started acting more openly. Steve gave Eddie’s hand a quick squeeze as they continued to watch the movie.

Twenty minutes later, a jumpscare got Steve worse than ever. He muttered out a frustrated, “Son of a bitch,” as he sunk back into his seat with a sigh. Eddie gave Steve’s hand a long squeeze, rubbing slow patterns with his thumb as he observed the latter fondly. As Steve settled down his other hand came to play with Eddie’s rings. He noted, much to his enjoyment, that when the movie got particularly tense, Steve’s fiddling sped up.

When the credits rolled, Eddie released Steve’s hand before the two of them led the kids out of the theater. “Alright,” Steve said, addressing the group once they were out of the cinema. “Sinclair, Henderson, Wheeler, you’re with me.”

“Can we get ice cream?” El asked, pointing over at an ice cream shop across the street. A few of the kids agreed with eager nods, Steve looking at them with his hands on his hips. He looked across the street, then at Eddie, who merely shrugged.

Steve let out a long sigh before saying, “Fine. Quickly.”

That was how they ended up sitting inside an ice cream shop for nearly half an hour, Steve realizing he’d rather babysit for longer than risk any of them spilling ice cream on his seats. “How long does it take you guys to finish ice cream?” He complained from where he sat with crossed arms, mostly talking to Dustin and Max, who were closest to them.

“What, you got somewhere to be?” Max asked, sarcasm dripping from her words as she turned back to Dustin and Lucas, not even giving Steve time to answer. Steve looked at Eddie, gesturing to them in disbelief.

“Well… do you?” Eddie asked, taking a sip of the vanilla milkshake they were sharing.

“...No,” Steve grumbled.

“You… wanna do something?” Eddie asked, a mischievous smile stretching his face.

A smirk twitched on Steve’s own lips, but disappointment quickly replaced it as he said, “Can’t. Parents are home.”

Eddie shrugged, keeping his voice low as he leaned forward. The kids were wrapped up in their own conversations, but he kept his words as vague as possible just in case. “Wayne’s gonna be at work ‘til early in the morning. You could always stay over.”

“Sure you don’t mind?” Steve asked as he also leaned forward, the playful smirk already returning to his face.

“You’ve had me over to your place how many times?” Eddie snorted, sliding the toe of his sneaker slowly up Steve’s calf. “Not to mention when you planned an overnight camping trip on the spot. Very… impressive, by the way.” He glanced Steve up and down pointedly. Steve bit his lip while looking at Eddie’s.

“I’ll drive over after I drop the rest of them off,” Steve said quietly, whirling around to address the group in a louder voice. “We’re leaving in five minutes, and if your ice cream isn’t finished by the time we get to the car, you’re tossin’ it,” he announced. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all rolled their eyes in unison.

“Lame,” Max said from beside them.

Steve looked at her incredulously, “You’re not even going in my car.”

“Still lame,” she turned back to Lucas. Eddie laughed, perfectly content to encourage her bullying.

An hour later and there was a knock on Eddie’s door, excitement rushing through him at the sound. Eddie pulled the door open, a smile coming to his face at Steve, a backpack slung over one shoulder.

“Long time no see,” Steve returned the smile, Eddie opening the door for him to come in. “I didn’t see a cop on the street,” he noted as Eddie closed the door behind him. He toed off his shoes, leaving them next to Eddie’s.

“I told Hopper to not worry about it,” Eddie supplied.

“And he just listened to you? After Carver threatened your parents?”

“To be honest I think he and the sheriff were getting sh*t for posting someone here so often. Besides, it’s for the better. If Carver comes around I wanna finally handle it myself. So he knows I’m serious and f*cks off,” Eddie shrugged, irritation creeping at the mere thought of Jason.

Steve’s eyes were intense as he looked at Eddie, filled with concern. There seemed to be an inner debate going on in his head, but whatever it was he let it lie. “And you’re sure that you’re against me tracking him down with the bat?”

“I’m sure,” Eddie scoffed fondly, all irritation from before forgotten. Steve followed him to the bedroom so he could drop his bag off. Eddie rummaged through his bedside drawer, producing a joint and holding it up to Steve. “What’d’ya say?”

Steve had a contemplative smirk on his face as he sat on the foot of Eddie’s bed. “Kinda had other activities in mind,” his smirk fell away as he added, “Unless you don’t want to.”

“I want to,” Eddie said simply, digging the lighter out of his pocket and taking a few languid steps toward Steve. “Don’t worry. We have all night,” he grinned widely as he lowered himself onto Steve’s lap, straddling him. Steve’s hands automatically went to his waist, looking up at Eddie with bright eyes. Eddie placed the joint in his mouth and lit it, careful not to get too close to Steve’s face. He tossed the lighter on his bed as he took a pull, tilting his head to blow smoke upwards, away from Steve.

He looked back down at Steve, who was watching him intently. “Wanna practice your shotgunning skills?” Steve just nodded, hands sliding under Eddie’s band tee. A pleasant trill ran up Eddie’s spine.

Eddie took another hit, his free hand cupping Steve’s face gently as he pressed their lips together softly, passing the smoke to him. When Steve exhaled it was between them, not enough smoke left to cloud them terribly. “‘Atta boy,” Eddie said lowly, beaming down at him in pride. Steve pressed his lips to Eddie’s, trying to pull him even more into his lap. Eddie chuckled into the kiss, but reciprocated, the hand cupping Steve’s face coming to hold his jaw between his fingers.

He pulled away, still holding Steve’s face. “Your turn,” he held the joint up to Steve’s lips, which parted, the tip of the joint burning brighter as he took a hit. “Don’t inhale again. Hold it in your mouth, and blow it into mine,” Eddie commanded before pressing their lips together, accepting the smoke from Steve. He held it before exhaling away from them.

“How’d I do?” Steve asked, his voice husky. Whether from the smoke or otherwise Eddie didn’t know, but it made his stomach coil tight.

Eddie smiled down at him, getting their mouths barely an inch apart before saying, “Very good, Stevie.” He kissed Steve slowly, almost painfully so, but he wanted to soak up every ounce of the man possible. Steve’s hands were firm on Eddie’s waist as he pushed up into the kiss as much as he could, chasing Eddie’s lips when he broke away.

He unraveled himself from Steve’s lap, grabbing an ashtray from the nightstand and sitting all the way back on the bed. Steve seemed to be looking around Eddie’s room, getting up to wander over to his music collection first. He looked through the cassettes, pulling a few out to look at them before putting them back. “Didn’t realize you listen to so much stuff that… isn’t metal,” he commented, holding up an ABBA cassette. “You literally made fun of me for listening to ABBA.”

“So you admit you listen to it?” Eddie smirked smugly, punctuating the sentence with a puff of smoke. Steve merely pulled a childish face before putting the tape back. “Just ‘cause metal’s my favorite doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate other music.”

Steve stopped by the bed to take a few hits from the joint before passing it back to Eddie, continuing his examination of his room. He tapped Eddie’s guitar, looking over his shoulder. “Still have to play for me sometime.”

“Maybe tomorrow,” Eddie said, ashing into the tray.

Then, Steve stalled, spotting something further down the wall. Eddie had a feeling he knew what it was before the boy even said anything. “I definitely didn’t notice those last time,” he walked over to the handcuffs hanging on Eddie’s wall, plucking them off and turning around to face Eddie, slack jawed. Steve was grinning at his discovery. “Do I get to see these in action?”

Eddie felt his face heat as he rested the joint in the ashtray, which he put on the bedside table. “One day, if you want to,” he said, leaning back with his arms crossed behind his head. “But I have a rule about no kinky sh*t until you’ve had vanilla sex first.”

Steve laughed almost deliriously, and Eddie could tell by his eyes even from here that he was reasonably high. “Hate to break it to ya, Eddie, but I’m not a virgin.”

Eddie laughed as well, partially at Steve’s words and partially at how frankly adorable he was. “I’m aware. But I’m assuming you’ve never f*cked a guy before?” He gave a half shrug as he added, “Or been f*cked by one?”

“Well… no,” Steve said, hanging the handcuffs back up and flicking the extension chain a few times. He crawled on top of the bed next to Eddie. Well, on top of Eddie was more accurate; his face buried in Eddie’s shirt and entire upper body strewn across him. “Was hoping to change that tonight,” his words were muffled as he spoke into Eddie’s chest, the reverberation sending tingles throughout him.

Eddie couldn’t help but laugh again as one arm came to wrap around Steve’s shoulders, his other hand raking through his hair. Steve’s arm around Eddie tightened, his thumb rubbing slow circles over a spot on his ribs. “Jeez, dude. You’re like the hornie*st man alive.”

Steve lifted his head, meeting his gaze. His eyes were glassy and red, bringing out the flecks of green in his irises. Eddie tried to commit as much of Steve’s face in that moment to memory. “I’m not the one with handcuffs on my wall.”

Eddie’s face split into the widest grin he might’ve ever worn. “No, but you do have gay p*rn under your bed.” Steve’s face fell from his lazy smirk into one of utter shock. Eddie soared at the sight. “And ya know what I thought was so funny?” He gloated, laying it on thick. “The guy looked almost exactly like me.”

“How did… When did you…” Eddie could see the cogs turning inSteve’s brain.

“Right before the costume party,” he supplied simply. “Robin had me go in to get her lipstick. I hid it back better than you did, by the way. You're welcome.”

Steve’s face was bright red, a sight that didn’t happen often, and Eddie was relishing in it. He dropped his forehead to Eddie’s chest in embarrassment, Eddie carding his fingers through his hair as he continued to smile down at the boy.

“Really, Harrington, you’ve had that picture for so long. Should’ve just asked to see me in a jockstrap sooner,” he didn’t let up, enjoying the mortified groan this caused to ripple through his chest from Steve.

He finally lifted his head, face still pink as he said, “Would’ve saved us a lot of time, huh?”

Eddie scoffed. “A ridiculous amount of time.” He sat up then, forcing Steve to do the same. “C’mon. I’m making us boxed mac and cheese, and you’re going to pretend it’s gourmet.” He tugged Steve up from the bed by the wrist, dragging him to the kitchen.

They talked while Eddie cooked about what made a horror movie actually good (Steve was adamant that it was a mostly trash-filled genre, and Eddie was bringing up all the good horror movie moments he could think of– which were a lot.) Eventually this conversation continued on the couch, Steve pulling Eddie’s legs onto his lap as he rambled. If he were honest, it was less of a conversation and more of Eddie talking at Steve while they ate, but Steve seemed content to pay attention.

At least mostly. Every once in a while Eddie could tell Steve got distracted by either touching or looking at Eddie. “Are you even listening?” Eddie asked when he noticed Steve staring at his lips for too long, a hazy look in his eyes.

“Yeah,” Steve said simply.

“What’d I just say?” Amusem*nt dripped from the question.

“Uh… The Shining is underrated,” Steve said, not confidently.

Overrated,” Eddie corrected. “Why would anyone say The Shining is underrated?” The conversation somehow got moved to D&D not long after, Steve interjecting to ask questions more. Many of them were questions he’d asked before, but Eddie didn’t mind reminding. He was honestly hoping one day Steve would play in a campaign, even if it was just a one shot, but he felt like he had to sell the appeal a little more before bringing it up.

Eventually, Steve was lying in between Eddie’s legs, almost his full weight on top of him as he kissed Eddie’s neck lazily. Eddie was idly playing with Steve’s hair as he talked, “But that’s why I said we shouldn’t worry about a paladin if no one’s gonna be a cleric, because–” Steve lifted his head to give Eddie a long, slow kiss, cutting him off.

“Eddie,” Steve said against his lips, a thrill running through Eddie. He’d come to realize he really enjoyed when Steve called him by his first name. “I haven’t been high for half an hour, and as much as I love watching those pretty lips of yours talk,” Eddie felt warmth swarm his face, “I wanna see them in a few different uses.” His stomach swirled in excitement at Steve’s words, and he decided he couldn’t care less about what he was just talking about.

“Gotta get off me first,” he teased, Steve rolling off him and leading the way to Eddie’s room. As soon as the door was shut Steve’s mouth was on Eddie’s, the latter pushing Steve to the edge of the bed.

“Wait,” Eddie said, pulling out of the kiss after a moment. He got up, pulled out his go-to mixtape and popped it in his stereo. “Sound travels here,” he smirked, returning to the bed and crawling over Steve as “Forget Me Nots” by Patrice Rushen played. As much as Eddie would be more than happy to have some Dio or Sabbath on, he found it didn’t get most people into the mood. Besides, as he told Steve, good music was good music.

Eddie kissed him again and slotted his leg between Steve’s. He promptly pressed his thigh into Steve’s groin, because god he finally could. No time crunches, or inebriation, or f*cking life altering moments to get in the way. Eddie had Steve all to himself, and he was already moving his hands under Eddie’s shirt.

Eddie began to kiss Steve’s jaw, then his neck. He tugged the polo aside to reach his collarbone, but was annoyed with the lack of access. Eddie sat up tugging at the bottom of Steve’s shirt. “I don’t need to tell you how to take your shirt off, do I, Harrington?” he teased, smiling down at him. Steve didn’t have to be told twice, sitting up and yanking his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor.

Instead of lying back down, Steve sat up more, running his hands up Eddie’s sides. Steve looked up at Eddie with eyes that made his head swoon. “I showed you mine…” He simpered, Eddie immediately tugging his own shirt off and letting it join Steve’s on the floor. Steve took him in with sultry eyes, hands gliding up his sides as he sat up to place a slow kiss to his chest, followed by more urgent ones around it.

Eddie ran his fingers roughly through Steve’s hair, the other hand smoothing over his shoulder. Eventually the urge to explore Steve’s chest with his own mouth won out, Eddie pushing him back down onto the bed and moving down his body. He sucked kisses almost rabidly, determined to leave as many marks as possible.

Steve’s hands were tangled in Eddie’s hair, breathing heavily underneath him while Eddie worked on placing a hickey over his collarbone. “I have a question,” Steve rasped out.

Eddie pulled his lips off of Steve just enough to say, “Yes?” before continuing his work.

“Were you joking when you said you… liked being choked?” He asked, and Eddie lifted his head to look at him.

Eddie chuckled. “Told you, no kinky stuff tonight. Should’ve asked me earlier.”

“I didn’t really know how to steer the conversation from D&D to sexual choking,” he said flatly, earning a genuine laugh from Eddie. “C’mon, just a question. I’m not gonna stop wondering.”

Sighing, Eddie said, “Fine. Technically it was for the joke. I’d rather do the choking.” Steve’s eyes fell to Eddie’s hand on his stomach.

No,” he scolded with a wry smile.

“I know, I know,” Steve sighed, the roll of his eyes a mixture of amusem*nt and frustration.

“Any more questions, or…” Eddie was very eager to get back to his task, but didn’t want to shut down Steve’s curiosity entirely.

Steve hesitated for a moment, brow creased in the slightest. “Is it… actually choking someone? Like… they can’t breathe?”

“Uh, no. Shouldn’t be,” Eddie supplied. “There are people who do it wrong, I guess. It’s more like… cutting off the blood flow. Basically makes you lightheaded.”

“Oh,” Steve said simply, a thought clearly still brewing behind his eyes. “How do you… even figure out you’re into that?”

“Well, uh… depends on the person. Maybe someone does it to you, or asks you to do it to them. Bunch of different ways.”

“How did you find out?” He asked, eyes rounded in curiosity. His hands were resting on Eddie’s waist now, no longer running over his body; attentive.

A bashful smile crept onto his face as he recalled the memory. “You really wanna know?”

Steve gave a small shrug, glancing him up and down briefly. “Only if you wanna tell me.”

Eddie brought his hand up to trace idle patterns on Steve’s sternum, distracting himself with his chest hair. “It was probably sophom*ore year. Your friend, Tommy, thought I was looking at him in the locker rooms– I wasn’t, by the way– and…” He shrugged.

“Long story short, in an attempt to threaten me, he slammed me up against the lockers by the throat, neither of us wearing more than boxers… and even though I was scared, there was a thought in the back of my mind that it was… kinda hot,” he smirked down at Steve, ignoring the warmth that rose to his cheeks. “Luckily not hot enough to be a problem, it was still Tommy,” Eddie smirked. “Not exactly Mr. Irresistible, ya know?”

“Nah, he can’t be Mr. Irresistible,” Steve couldn’t contain his smile, Eddie a hundred percent certain he knew what Steve was going to say next: “That’s me.” His grin was gigantic and utterly idiotic.

Eddie shoved a palm onto Steve’s face playfully. “I f*ckin’ knew you were gonna say that,” he laughed. Steve pulled his hand away by the wrist, laughing as well. “Dumbass,” he muttered affectionately. But Steve was already staring at Eddie’s hand again, holding it above his face to inspect. He traced lightly over Eddie’s knuckles and rings with his other hand, one of his thumbs coming to press inside Eddie’s palm.

With a sigh, Eddie lowered their hands so he could look Steve in the eye again. “How about this… I’m going to try something, and you can tell me your thoughts,” Eddie proposed, hesitant. He saw the excitement flicker behind Steve’s eyes. “But then we put the rest of this conversation on hold. Deal?”

“Deal,” Steve seemed too invested in what was about to happen to even make a flirty remark, eager eyes looking up at Eddie. The sight alone was enough to make a deviant excitement rumble inside him. He put his hand on Steve’s chest to steady himself as Eddie switched to straddling Steve, sitting back on his knees. Steve released Eddie’s hand to snake his own up his thighs, looking up salaciously.

“Tell me if I should stop,” he said, simple and quiet as he placed his hand over Steve’s throat, not applying any pressure. Steve was suspiciously still as he kept his eyes on Eddie. “Thoughts? Questions?” Eddie smiled mirthfully. “Comments, concerns?”

“I… can see the appeal,” Steve said tentatively.

Eddie smiled down at him, lowering his face barely inches from Steve’s, not removing his hand. “What’s that mean, Stevie?” He glanced at Steve’s lips before flicking his gaze back to his. “Not interested,” Eddie placed a gentle kiss on Steve's lips. “Completely neutral,” another kiss, holding it for a second longer. “Or very interested?”

He pulled away to see Steve’s face clearly, thumb stroking patiently on the side of Steve’s neck. Eddie watched his Adam’s apple bob, face rosy. “Very interested,” he said gruffly, hands splaying wider over Eddie’s thighs. His breath stuttered in his chest as Steve rubbed over his dick. Steve’s hands came to grip Eddie’s hips, holding him in place as he thrusted halfheartedly under him.

This snapped Eddie out of his pleasure induced haze, his hand pulling away to trail down Steve’s chest. “Guess you have that to look forward to, then,” he purred before going straight back to kissing Steve’s neck, moving his body down to once again slot his leg between Steve’s. From this position, he could clearly feel that he was not the only one hard, even in jeans.

Steve was rutting against him needily, one hand in his hair and the other over his shoulder blade. His short, quickened breaths underneath Eddie had him practically drooling. Before he could fight the urge Eddie licked a long, slow strip up the side of Steve’s neck. In response Steve whined, hips bucking into him urgently.

“For f*ck’s sake, Eddie, please touch me,” he panted out, words rushed together. Eddie wasted no time, immediately making room between them to palm Steve, who open-mouth moaned in response. Eddie pressed his lips to Steve’s greedily, swallowing another moan from the man as he continued feeling him through his jeans.

Eddie moved his hand from Steve’s hard on to his belt, tugging once as he broke apart just enough to speak against his lips. “Can I?” He asked, own voice husky. Steve continued the kiss again before urgently croaking out a “Yes.”

Steve’s belt jingled as Eddie made quick work of unbuckling it. As soon as he got Steve’s pants undone he shoved his hand down them, roughly groping Steve over his boxer briefs. Eddie leaned back enough to admire the pleasure washing over Steve’s face, which was flushed. Pink, slightly swollen lips parted to allow more moans to escape.

Moans that Eddie quickly muffled by shoving his tongue in Steve’s mouth. He took his bottom lip between his teeth and tugged, remembering how much Steve liked it before. Eddie released Steve’s lip, the latter’s head falling back against the bed with a pant. Eddie brought his mouth to the juncture of Steve’s neck and his shoulder, grazing his teeth over the spot before biting down delicately.

Steve attempted to suppress a long groan, it rumbling deep in his throat. Eddie, knowing if he kept going at this pace he might actually drive the man insane, finally slid his hand inside Steve’s boxers, wrapping around his dick. “f*ck, Eddie,” his hand fisted in Eddie’s hair, Steve’s head lifting to bury his face in the crook of his neck. He rolled his hips into Eddie’s hand, grunting against his shoulder.

“sh*t,” Eddie muttered, realizing something as he pulled his hand out of Steve’s pants. He let out a noise of disappointment, pulling back to look at Eddie with furrowed brows. Eddie chuckled, lightly. “Should’ve taken the rings off, my bad,” he went to remove one of his rings.

Steve’s hand flew to his wrist, catching it. “Wait,” he said breathlessly, staring at Eddie with wide, gleaming eyes. “Keep them on.”

A grin stretched across Eddie’s face as a thousand filthy, vulgar images of Steve flashed through his mind. He replaced the ring he had started to take off, and returned his hand to Steve’s dick, which was now slicked with precum. He made a mental note to wash his rings tomorrow, though he was eager to have Steve make a mess of them now.

Eddie hadn’t seen it yet, but from the feel alone he could tell that Steve had a lot to work with. Though, admittedly, he’d had expected that. Or maybe just hoped. Either way, he wasn’t surprised by the impressive size.

As Eddie leisurely stroked Steve, albeit somewhat restrained from the boxers, he dipped his head for a slow, deep kiss. Steve hummed soft moans into the kiss, which gradually picked up in volume and frequency as Eddie quickened his pace.

Steve’s breaths were becoming stuttered and uneven. Before Eddie could even pull his hand away (not content to let Steve finish that easy), Steve hastily broke the kiss. “Wait, wait–” Eddie immediately paused his movements, releasing his grip and leaving his hand to rest on Steve’s abdomen. He pulled back to look at Steve, searching his face for signs of a problem.

There didn’t seem to be one, a devious smirk crossing his face. “‘S no fair, I don’t get to touch you.” Steve pushed on one of Eddie’s shoulders, the latter allowing himself to be flipped onto his back. Eddie marveled at him as Steve stepped out of his jeans before falling easily back onto the bed. A knee came to rest between his legs as Steve grinded down onto him, hands cupping either side of Eddie’s face while crashing their lips together.

Steve trailed slow kisses down his neck, then his chest. He inched off the bed to place small, gentle ones on Eddie’s abdomen, hand palming through his jeans. Eddie’s mouth fell open in a jagged exhale as he looked at the sight of Steve on his knees, working lower and lower. Steve paused to look up at Eddie through long lashes, hands frozen on Eddie’s belt as he silently asked permission. He nodded his head enthusiastically.

He immediately went to work on unbuckling Eddie’s belt, tugging his jeans down his thighs as soon as he popped them open. Eddie laughed as the movement jerked him down the bed a bit. “How many times I gotta tell you about patience, Stevie?” Eddie lifted his legs for Steve to pull them off all the way, the jeans also joining the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Eddie was left in his underwear, excitement curling deep in his stomach as Steve hovered back over him.

Steve watched Eddie’s face intently as his hand rubbed slowly over his boxers. Eddie’s chin tilted up, biting his lip as his breath hitched. Steve’s face split into a grin. “Trust me, I’m gonna take my time,” he ran his hand more firmly over Eddie’s hard on, earning a long, deep hum of approval.

Eddie’s head fell back with a groan as Steve’s hand slid smoothly into his boxers, wrapping around his co*ck and pumping slowly. Eddie looked back to see Steve still observing him intently, eyes blown out with pure lust and lips parted as if in deep focus. In one quick movement Steve was kissing Eddie, seemingly starved, while he continued to stroke him. Eddie moaned, his co*ck leaking as Steve parted their lips himself, sliding his tongue into his mouth.

Steve broke their kiss, Eddie gasping for air as he redirected his lips to just above Eddie’s underwear. With his other hand he slipped his fingers into the waistband of Eddie’s boxers, tugging them down enough to suck a kiss onto his hip bone. Steve’s other hand didn’t stop, instead his fist rolled over the head of Eddie’s dick with intent, which immediately pulled out a string of moaned curse words from the latter.

“Jesus f*cking Christ, Steve,” he breathed out after regaining enough composure to do so. Steve pulled up from giving Eddie’s hip a hickey, removing his hand from Eddie’s dick (much to his dismay.)

Two fingers of each hand slipped back into Eddie’s waistband, Steve looking up at him with craving eyes. “I wanna see you,” he held eye contact as his lips dipped down to place a gentle kiss below Eddie’s belly button.

“Believe me I am not stopping you,” Eddie huffed, frankly willing to do anything the man wanted if it got Steve touching him again. A wicked smile spread across Steve’s face as he slowly pulled Eddie’s boxer’s down, his dick springing free. Heat flooded his face at being so on display in front of Steve, but there was little room to be insecure when Steve’s eyes were looking down at him, seeping with an unsatiated desire.

Steve took Eddie back into his hand, pumping slowly again and splaying his free hand over one of Eddie’s thighs. His head fell back in another moan, Eddie propping himself up on his elbows so he could easily look at Steve when he wanted. “God, Eddie,” Steve muttered in a throaty voice that made Eddie’s co*ck twitch in his hand. “You’re f*ckin’ perfect.”

Something in Eddie soared, his chest tightening as the hand on his thigh adventured over his hip, up his side, and back down to his leg again. Eddie lifted his head to look at Steve, catching his licentious stare. Another grin stretched Steve’s face, dangerously impish. “Think it’s time I had my interview for number one, don’t ya think?”

Eddie’s eyebrows shot up at this. “Do you even know how to–” but he was cut off by Steve taking Eddie into his mouth slowly. A loud groan, almost able to be mistaken for pain, tore through Eddie, his toes curling. “f*ck…” he whined with scrunched eyes, unable to contain himself.

He opened his eyes, impatient to see Steve, and was not disappointed with the sight. Steve’s long lashes fell across his flushed cheeks while he took Eddie as far as he could. Eddie’s hand shot out to tangle in Steve’s hair, breathy whimpers spilling out from him as he watched the debauched scene in front of him, Steve’s mouth unrelenting.

And when Steve’s eyes opened again, filled with eagerness and curiosity as he looked up at him, Eddie was certain he'd somehow scammed his way into heaven.


by the way, my carpal tunnel is acting up since i've basically been writing nonstop since vol 1 released (not on obligation, i just genuinely want to write this much) so i'll probably take a few days break to let that chill out. this means i probably wont finish this fic before the release of vol 2 as planned, but that doesn't mean i'm wont finish it at all. if updates are slow thats why!

Chapter 12: Face to Face With Your Drunken Standards


little bit of a shorter chapter bc it would've been too long if i didn't split it here! CONTENT WARNING for referencing HIV & AIDS in this chapter, and it's going to be a focal point next chapter as well. no one contracts it of course, im not here for that trauma p*rn BS, but it was the eighties, and essentially the height of the AIDS crisis. i think it's important to be mindful of this, as it was a tragic part of history and was weaponized as a means to commit genocide against queer people by the reagan administration.
if ur younger, u might not know much about this besides it being mentioned in passing. i strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with what queer people during this time had to go through, as unfortunately it is a massive part of our history. not to mention it was one of the main driving forces for lgbt ppl to start forming community with one another. there's a reason we see so few elder queer people, and unfortunately, the AIDS crisis and specifically the intentional neglect towards queer people is to blame.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Eddie awoke, it was to a hand running slowly up and down his stomach. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, registering that it was morning, and Steve was in his bed. Which meant everything last night actually happened. A sleepy smile stretched his face, taking in Steve’s unruly hair on his chest.

Steve must’ve noticed he was awake, because he twisted his head to look at Eddie properly. “Morning,” he said simply, voice still scratchy from sleep.

“Morning,” Eddie echoed, moving the hand that was around Steve’s side to play with his hair, lackadaisical. He attempted to clear the gruffness out of his throat before asking, “You been up long?”

Steve shook his head, “A little over half an hour, or something.”

Eddie snorted. “I’d consider that long, but whatever.”

Steve let his head lie back down on Eddie’s chest, inching impossibly closer as Eddie continued running his fingers lazily through his hair. Their legs were entangled, Steve’s hand still exploring Eddie’s torso, dipping dangerously lower. The stiffness jutting into Eddie’s side did not go unnoticed.

“Clearly it’s been an agonizing half hour,” Eddie teased.

“Shut up,” he murmured. “Thought it would go away but it didn’t.”

“Unfortunately for you, it’s gonna have to remain unresolved,” Eddie informed, a bit disappointed himself as he took his hand away from Steve’s hair, letting it fall on his shoulder instead. He looked over to check the clock on the bedside table to confirm his thoughts. “Wayne’s definitely home by now, and I don’t trust you to be able to keep quiet. Last night was proof enough.” And they hadn’t even gone all the way. The thought of what Steve might sound like when they did was one Eddie didn’t let himself linger on, lest he end up with the same problem as Steve.

“Really?” Steve asked, surprise lilting his words. “I haven’t heard anyone inside.”

“Trust me, that man moves silent as hell,” Eddie said with a grimace. “Learned the hard way. Many times.”

“Yikes,” Steve said grimly, before sighing longly. “Guess I should get off of you then.” He was unmoving.

“That would be a start,” Eddie concurred. Steve still didn’t move. “You’re not moving, Steve.” He said flatly, Steve unable to see the amusem*nt on his face.

“Alright, alright,” Steve huffed as he rolled off Eddie. “Jeez, be a little more eager to get rid of me, why don’t ya?”

“Dramatic,” Eddie noted, unable to keep the fond smile hidden.

“Wanna get food at the diner?” Steve asked. “On me,” he reached out to affectionately trace over a spot on Eddie’s neck. This is when he noticed all the very visible hickies on Steve’s neck and… well, pretty much dappled across his entire torso. But the neck ones would be hard to hide.

Eddie cringed a bit as he turned Steve’s head by the chin to inspect further. “Thank god you wore a turtleneck last night. Otherwise your first time meeting Wayne was about to be a lot more awkward.”

“Uh, look in the mirror, Eddie,” Steve said as an almost ‘gotcha’ statement. Eddie expected one, maybe two marks he’d have to own up to, but not six. One of which was a very clear bite mark, though that one might be concealable under a shirt. “Jesus f*ckin’ Christ, dude,” Eddie held his hair up to examine them further.

“Don’t even start, you have less than me,” Steve retorted. “And don’t you have makeup, anyway?”

“Not concealer,” Eddie said, dropping his hair and turning back to face him. “I mean, not like Wayne really cares but… I did kinda stress the fact we’re just friends.”

“He can’t prove I gave them to you,” Steve shrugged from the bed. Eddie gave him a pointedly blank look. “Okay, so it’s pretty obvious I gave them to you. I could always sneak out the window?”

“He’s definitely seen your car in the driveway, Steve,” Eddie chuckled genuinely. “It’s cool. He won’t tell anyone. This just might be… unpleasant. Especially since he was asking around about you–”

What?” Steve’s eyes bulged. He ran his hands over face roughly. “Well, what’d he hear?”

Eddie’s face scrunched in hesitation. “Basically… that you’re kind of a slu*t,” Mortification washed over Steve’s face, Eddie quickly trying to do damage control. “It’s fine, Steve. Why do you care what he thinks about you anyway? Wayne literally couldn’t care less if you’re into guys.”

“No, it’s not that,” he shook his head. “It’s just– he’s your uncle, and this is the first time meeting him,” Eddie could hear the start of a Steve-Ramble commencing. “And not only has he heard I’m some sort of… some sort of– hussie--”

Hussie?” Eddie laughed out, eyebrows raising at Steve. This did not deter his spiral.

“--But I’ve clearly just done something nefarious with his nephew–”

Eddie covered his face as his laugh shook him harder, gaping at Steve as he repeated, “Nefarious? Who are you?”

“I know big words, too, okay?” Steve defended.

“Henderson again?” Eddie asked, laughter now gone but leaving behind a large grin in its place.

No,” He doubled down, only adding to Eddie’s amusem*nt. “Read it on the back of a movie during my last shift… And then I asked Henderson what it meant.”

“There it is,” Eddie teased briefly. “Look, seriously you’re stressing too much. It takes a lot to get Wayne mad. And it’s not like we’re teenagers.” Eddie scoffed. “Remember, he’s already well aware I’m not exactly the virgin Mary.”

Steve gave him a long, debating look before sighing. “Fine,” he stood up, the stress seemingly having helped his problem. He picked up the black turtleneck from the floor, seeming to have a moment of appreciation for the clothing before tugging it on.

“You should… probably wear that to the diner, too,” Eddie said, concern creeping into his tone. “Just in case. Both of us being covered in hickies is… questionable.”

“I’m gonna swing by my place and shower, anyway,” Steve said as he stepped into his pants. He’d never even changed into the sleep clothes he brought, both of them opting to sleep in underwear. “I definitely smell like sex.”

“Good call, I’ll just meet you there,” Eddie pulled on the shirt from last night and some sweatpants nearby, knowing he’d only be wearing them before a shower. He looked at Steve with raised eyebrows. “You ready?” Steve looked reluctant, but gestured for Eddie to lead the way nonetheless.

Wayne was leaning over the counter in the kitchenette, eating scrambled eggs and drinking coffee. They’d slept past noon, so it was likely the man had already gone to bed after his shift, and this was also his morning. “Morning,” Eddie said, Wayne turning to face them fully, instantly inspecting Steve behind Eddie.

Eddie took it upon himself to start the introduction, not allowing the silence to linger. “Uncle Wayne this is Steve, Steve… Wayne.”

Steve stepped forward, stretching out his hand for Wayne to shake. “Uh, hello, Mr. Munson. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Eddie bit back a smile at the formality, hiding it more with a small cough as Wayne shook Steve’s hand.

Wayne was giving him a scrutinizing stare, sizing him up. “Steve… I’m assuming you’re the Steve Harrington who’s always callin’?” He asked, Eddie giving his uncle a look as Steve’s mouth opened and closed for a second.

“Yes, uh– that’s me,” Steve chuckled tightly, clearing his throat uncertainly at the end. “Sorry… about that.”

His eyes flicked from Steve to Eddie, almost immediately zeroing in on his neck. He narrowed his eyes back at Steve, not angrily, but furthering his analysis. “Last I heard, Steve was ‘just a friend’,” Wayne’s eyes fell back on Eddie, raising his eyebrows as he took a long sip of his coffee.

“Uncle Wayne,” Eddie scolded lightly, knowing his uncle was just taking the opportunity to make Steve sweat a little. And it certainly looked like it was working. Steve’s eyes were wide with unease and concern, a look he frankly hadn’t seen since fighting Vecna. “Okay, well, you’ve met. I’m gonna walk him out.”

“It was nice meeting you,” Steve said to Wayne, still clearly on edge. Wayne merely held his mug up, then took another sip. He was watching them walk out when Eddie turned to his uncle with an entertained smile, mouthing a humorous “What’s wrong with you?” before closing the door behind him.

“Great,” Steve said sourly as he walked to his car. He slumped back against the driver’s door, crossing his arms. “He hates me.”

Eddie rolled his eyes lightheartedly. “He doesn’t hate you. That’s just…” He shrugged. “Wayne.”

“Well, I hope you’re right,” Steve sighed, glancing back over at the trailer. His head snapped back to Eddie, eyes wide in mild panic as his posture stiffened. “He’s watching us,” he whispered. When Eddie looked over, the curtain was pulled back and Wayne was standing in the window, watching them unashamed over his coffee.

Eddie waved at him to go away, giving him a disappointed look. Wayne stepped back and the curtain closed. He shook his head, looking back at Steve. “Sorry he’s… nosier than he looks. Meet you at the diner in an hour.”

“Make it two,” Steve said. “Gotta find my other turtleneck.”

“You have two turtlenecks?” Eddie asked, baffled into an open smile.

“Yeah, and ya know, thank god I do,” Steve moved to open his door. “Looks like I’ve been mauled by a bear.”

“Nah, bears don’t seem to be your type,” Eddie joked, though it went completely over Steve’s head, who furrowed his brows. Eddie moved on, deciding it unimportant. “Now hurry up. I’m hungry.”

Steve smiled widely, saying his goodbye as he slid into his seat. Eddie watched him pull out of the driveway, wishing he could’ve kissed him, but one of his elderly neighbors was watering her plants not far away. Plus, it was the middle of the day.

“So,” A voice directly behind Eddie made him jump, spinning around.

He felt his heart return to normal as his eyes settled on a smug Max. Eddie didn’t even hear her approach. “Jesus Christ!” Eddie yelled to expel the panic that had been induced. “I don’t enjoy you sneaking up on me all… Children of the Corn.”

“Thought you and Steve were just friends,” she completely ignored him. Great. Eddie’s lie certainly wasn’t holding up today.

“Yeah, we are,” he and Steve really needed to have that conversation about what to tell the kids. “Friends stay over at each other’s houses. Try it sometime instead of spying on me.”

She raised her eyebrows, her smug smile deepening. “Friends come over at one AM to listen to your sex mixtape?”

sh*t. He knew he’d forgotten to do something. “Jesus, Mayfield, it’s a normal mixtape– and I thought I told you to mind your business?”

Max shrugged. “This is more fun to me.”

Eddie sighed, running a palm over his face. Clearly they were busted, and he needed to do some damage control. “Okay, look. Don’t tell any of the others. It’s… new,” sincerity filled his voice more as he said, “Especially for him.”

“Yeah, whatever dude,” she said nonchalantly, sliding her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “I like knowing sh*t, but I know how to keep a secret.”

Eddie scrutinized her for a moment, a brief thought about how her and Wayne would get along scarily well. “Thanks,” he said genuinely. He knew she was good for it. More than a lot of the kids, Max was able to grasp the severity of situations, even if she tried to make it seem like she took everything as a joke. “And uh… we weren’t… too loud, were we?” He didn’t want to ask the question, but more than that he didn’t want to subject her to it again.

“Gross,” she said with a disgusted face. “But no.”

“Good, good,” Eddie nodded awkwardly, clearing his throat. “I’m just gonna…” he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, pointing at his trailer.

“Right,” Max smiled wryly, taking a few steps backward to her own trailer. “Wouldn’t wanna keep Steve waiting.”

“Okay,” Eddie said defensively, taking that opportunity to end the conversation before she could rub it in more. Wayne was still drinking his coffee when he came inside, now moved to the couch. “Steve thinks you hate him,” Eddie informed.

“I don’t hate him,” Wayne said simply. “Got my eye on ‘em, though. Do him some good to know that.”

“He’s well aware,” Eddie smirked. “I’m gonna shower and meet him for lunch.”

“Hold on a sec,” Wayne said, halting Eddie’s steps toward his room. He walked curiously back over to his uncle, who had a serious expression on his face. Technically, he always sort of had a serious expression, but this was one Eddie rarely saw. “Obviously, you two are more than friends now, and I know you’re an adult–”

“Oh, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie cut off, cringing. “Don’t tell me you’re having another sex talk with me. We’ve been through this and it was a painful experience for the both of us. Not to mention I’m twenty-one.”

“Yeah, well this one’s a little different because you didn’t have…” Wayne searched for the right words. “Well, somethin’ more consistent than what you’re used to. And I need to know you’re being safe.”

“I told you I get tested and always use a condom–”

“Listen, son,” Wayne cut him off. “I’m serious. Sit down, please. Just hear me out, for my sake if anything.” He patted the empty couch next to him. Wayne’s severity putting him on edge, Eddie hesitantly took a seat, giving him his full attention.

“Things… change when you get into something… more serious. You might think it’s safer to… not be so worried about protection,” he didn’t know where Wayne was going with this, but it was clear the man wouldn’t let this go. Eddie knew what worry looked like well in his uncle. “Ya know, because it’s just you two. You’re not seein’ anyone else, and neither is he. Or that’s what he tells you,” and thus, the point had presented itself.

“Except, if he’s cheating on you and lyin’ about it…” Wayne’s eyes were almost… pleading. “You got a lot more to risk than a broken heart.” Eddie’s jaw clenched as his stomach sunk in the slightest. It was something that scared Eddie too much to think about often, though that didn’t stop him. Of course it would be something Wayne worried about as well.

He didn’t think Steve had anyone else he’d be hooking up with, though technically he had the right to do so. They weren’t official, and while the idea of him being with someone else bothered him for the average reasons, he needed to consider the possibility. sh*t happened, people made mistakes, but all it took was one wrong decision to put both of them right into another nightmare.

“Just… please,” Wayne's voice trembled as he spoke again, his eyes glassy and intense as he held Eddie’s stare. His hand came to rest heavily on top of Eddie’s head. “I can’t lose ya, Eddie. Not after I just got ya back. And I know it’s selfish but…” Wayne’s jaw visibly clenched as he swallowed thickly, tears prickling Eddie’s eyes as he watched the pure desperation in his uncle. “I won’t survive outliving you. I just won’t.” Wayne gave a harsh sniff, eyes watery.

Eddie’s throat was sealed shut. All he could do was knock Wayne off balance with a crushing hug, which the man quickly returned. Eddie clutched him as a few silent tears broke free, spilling over his cheeks. “I’ll be careful. I promise,” he finally managed to rasp out.

The embrace lasted a few moments longer before Wayne pulled back, both of them wiping their eyes and clearing their throats awkwardly. “Didn’t mean to dump all that on ya before your plans.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Eddie waved dismissively, standing up. “I, uh… need to have that conversation with him, anyway. He’s probably never had to worry about it until now. Straight people uh, sort of have a habit of thinking they can’t get it.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then,” Wayne brought his mug over to the sink, starting on his dishes. “Oh, and, uh,” he turned over his shoulder to look at Eddie. “We’ll be havin’ Steve over for dinner soon. See if he passes my test.”

Eddie snorted. “You have a test?”

“Oh, yeah,” Wayne said as if it were obvious. “Been waitin’ to use it. This one seems like he might be sticking around, so,” he shrugged, turning back to the dishes.

Eddie shook his head in amused disbelief. “I’ll tell him to start studying, then.” With that, Eddie started to get ready.


The diner wasn’t busy, considering they were eating a couple of hours after most took their lunch. They’d just ordered, Eddie’s mind far from the moment as he thought on what he needed to talk to Steve about. He wasn’t dreading the conversation about the kids, really. Whatever Steve decided he’d be fine with. His worries were on the darker subject.

What if it scared Steve off completely? He wouldn’t blame him, it’s a harsh reality to consider. Eddie would try to settle for Steve as a friend in that scenario, because he cared for the man passed being… whatever they currently were. But what if either of them realized they couldn’t be just friends anymore. What if Steve decided he couldn’t have Eddie in his life?

“Eddie,” Steve tapped their shoes together under the table, snapping Eddie out of his impending spiral. He hadn’t even noticed when he started bouncing his legs, but they were piloting at a rapid speed. “You’re getting all… twitchy again. What’s up?”

He blinked a few times to bring him back to the moment, making an effort to still his legs. Eddie decided to start with the easy topic, keeping his voice low despite being away from the other customers. “So… Max knows about us.”

“How?” He furrowed his brows.

“Well, for one, it’s her. And she’s my neighbor,” Eddie pointed out, Steve wincing.

“She didn’t… hear, did she?”

“No, thank god,” Eddie breathed out, still deeply relieved about this fact. “She has her own annoying f*ckin’ ways, though. Couldn’t lie my way out.”

“Okay, so Max knows… Is that why you’re so freaked?”

“No… but we should talk about what we’re… telling them, right?” Eddie took extra care in speaking quietly. “Or start hiding it better. I told Max not to tell any of the others, but who knows if any of them already have their own ideas. So… what do you wanna do?” Eddie flicked his eyes briefly to Steve’s brown turtleneck. He really does have two. “We can’t both suddenly get into a turtleneck phase.”

“Okay, okay,” Steve held up his hands briefly before letting them fall back in his lap. “We got a little… carried away.”

“In general we should be more careful of that… during,” Eddie said, Steve nodding in agreement.

“With the kids…” Steve trailed off in thought for a moment, staring at a spot on the table before shrugging and meeting Eddie’s gaze. “Well, I mean, what do you wanna do? I’m not really the… expert.”

Eddie snorted hardily at this. “I’ve never had to deal with hiding my affairs from the group of snooping teens I’m frequently surrounded by.” Eddie glanced around the diner, whispering as he leaned in. “You’re not a one night stand I just gotta bring around late at night. I see you literally all the time, and most of it we’re not alone,” he sat back, still speaking softly but more casual. “I honestly don’t care what we do. Can’t imagine any of the kids giving a f*ck, honestly, but it’s still our business. Your business,” He made sure to fix Steve with an earnest look. “Really. It’s up to you.”

Steve’s eyes were wide in contemplation, speculating over Eddie as he worked through whatever was in his head. He sat forward, leaning his elbows on the table. “How about we… reel it in a little around the kids, but don’t stress about it too much. If one of them asks us outright… we tell them,” Steve shrugged. “And make sure they don’t tell anyone else.”

This seemed like as good a plan as any to Eddie, but there was one thing he was getting hung up on. “And– just so we’re on the same page,” Eddie clarified. “What are we telling them, exactly?”

An amused smile spread across Steve’s face as he looked at Eddie, leaning in further. He was about to answer when he glanced over Eddie’s shoulder, and sat back quickly, his face falling into a blank expression. A few seconds later and the waiter was beside him, lowering their food onto the table. They voiced their thanks, Steve’s eyes following the waiter as he left before continuing the quiet exchange.

“I guess I didn’t really think about that,” Steve said simply. “Uh… what do you wanna tell them?”

“It’s up to you,” Eddie repeated humorously, eating some of his fries.

“You kinda know this better than I do–”

“For f*ck’s sake, Steve,” Eddie leaned back with a chuckle, running a hand over his face. He leaned forward again, a tired smile on his face. “I’ve been fighting this,” Eddie gestured circularly to his own torso before flicking his hands at Steve, wiggling his fingers in his direction. “Since Vecna, alright? I’m trying to follow your lead, but I can’t do that if you don’t take it in the first place.” Fondness spread through him as he looked at Steve, even in his mild frustration, because a timid Steve was still incredibly endearing.

Steve stared at him for a moment, then a smirk appeared, and Eddie instantly knew he wasn’t getting a serious answer. “Two things,” Steve held up two fingers before leaning in to quietly say, “One: I got the impression last night that you like taking the lead–” Eddie rolled his eyes, ready to scold him, but Steve continued with a bit more volume. “Two: Really?” His smirk stretched into a smug grin. “Since Vecna?”

“Jesus f*ckin’ Christ,” Eddie ran his hands over his face exasperatedly. “I’m not even gonna entertain that. What do you wanna say, Harrington?” The smile on his face surely betrayed the rest of his annoyed demeanor.

The toe of Steve’s sneaker pressed into Eddie’s calf, sliding minutely up his pant leg. It was hidden between their other legs and the wall, one of the few actions they could get away with. “I mean… I don’t plan on seeing anyone else, do you?”

Eddie’s brows creased slightly. “No.”

“I think people call that ‘dating’,” Steve teased, sliding his elbows a bit further across the table. A smile twitched Eddie’s lips at this. “So, if they ask, we tell them that.”

He couldn’t help but beam back at Steve, soon finding it too hard to contain himself if he continued and busied himself by loading ketchup onto his fries. “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Steve asked, taking a bite of his own burger.

Eddie paused, looking around the diner warily before turning back to Steve. Even being in the back with few other people around them, this was still something Eddie didn’t feel comfortable talking about in public. “We shouldn’t talk about it here. And it’s kind of… heavy.”

A perturbed look crossed Steve’s face, but he nodded. “How do you feel about another night at ball log?”

“Guess we’re not comin’ up with another name, huh?” Eddie joked dryly. “Alright. When do you wanna go?”

“Tonight?” Steve offered before taking another large bite of his food.

“What, the thought of going a night without me is too much to bear?” Eddie teased with an arrogant smirk.

Steve rolled his eyes playfully, removing his shoe from Eddie’s calf, as if in punishment. “God forbid I take you seriously and wanna talk about whatever’s got you so worked up.”

“Tonight works. I’ll come by at eight,” Eddie bit down his own burger hungrily, now that the stress had subsided minimally.

“My parents are home, by the way,” Steve said, the carefree demeanor he had maintained for the majority of the conversation slipping. “Thought I’d… give you a heads up.”

“Should I… stay in the car, or…?” Eddie asked uneasily. He didn’t know how much Steve’s parents knew about him, at least in relation to their son. He was positive they knew who he was, of course. Unavoidable.

“No, no,” Steve brushed off quickly with a dismissive wave of his hadn. “I just thought you might… wanna know. I doubt they’ll even ask who I’m hanging out with.”

Sensing his mild distress, Eddie pressed his own shoe against Steve’s leg, smiling impishly at him. “I could always get all dressed up and meet them. Ya know. Collared shirt, tie, khakis,” They both laughed at this, Steve especially. “Whole nine yards.”

Please don’t put on khakis,” this furthered their laughter.

Eddie made a show of being offended. “You don’t think I could pull them off?”

“It’s not about looking good, it would just be… weird,” Steve cringed. “Like… Bizarro World.

“I’m surprised you were able to make that reference,” Eddie commented with a small scoff. “Bit nerdy for you, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, well. Been hangin’ around you too much,” he smiled, taking another bite out of his burger.

The bell over the entrance to the diner jingled, Steve’s eyes flicking over Eddie’s shoulder. They quickly snapped back to Eddie’s, wide as he whispered, “No f*ckin’ way.”

“What?” Eddie asked quietly, concern inching into him and freezing his gaze on Steve. He pulled his shoe away quickly.

Steve held his soda up to his mouth, blocking it from view as he muttered, “Chip Hudson just walked in.” He took a sip, still looking pointedly at Eddie.

Eddie’s eyes bulged, and he couldn’t resist the urge to look over his shoulder. A vaguely familiar blond guy who was very clearly an athletic type scanned the diner for a place to sit. Eddie whipped back around to face Steve with his own dumbfounded look. Steve was right when he said Chip wasn’t attractive.

“Oh my god,” Eddie mouthed silently in distaste.

Steve nodded enthusiastically, mouthing, “I know.”

“Ew,” Eddie mouthed back, brow creasing in concern over the fact that man had apparently been hitting on Eddie. He looked like a frat house birthed him itself.

“Told you,” Steve mouthed once more, holding up his thumb and nodding at it pointedly. “Thumb.”

Eddie looked back once more to see if Chip did indeed look like a thumb, but was immediately met with the man’s gaze. Chip’s off-puttingly blue eyes (unsettling even from a distance) lit up at the sight of Eddie, making his way to the table.

“Oh god, what is he doing?” Eddie whispered as he turned back towards Steve. He was usually elated when people didn’t shrink away from him in repulsion, cross to the other side of the street, or generally look at him in disgust– but he had zero urge to talk to this man.

“Eddie!” Chip beamed as he came up to their table. “Long time no see,” his eyes fell on Steve, greeting him with nowhere near as much enthusiasm. “Harrington.” Steve waggled his fingers in a lazy wave, not doing much to hide the disapproving look on his face.

“Uh, Chip,” Eddie gave a weak smile. “Good to see you.” It was always awkward talking to someone who clearly knew him, meanwhile he had been too blackout to remember much about him. Frankly, everything he knew about Chip Hudson was not only second-hand, but against his will.

“You know,” Chip leaned one hand on the table, angling himself so he was only really addressing Eddie. A glance to the side showed a clearly annoyed Steve, who was glaring at the side of Chip’s face. Up close, Eddie noted that he could really see the thumb-resemblance. Something about how his jaw transitioned into his neck. “I was kinda hoping I’d see you at another one of my parties, but so far you haven’t showed up.”

“I haven’t heard of you throwing any more,” Eddie lied. Robin, Eddie, and Steve had collectively heard of more than a few of Chip’s parties, but never felt the need to go. Thinking back, he realized Steve was always most adamant about how lame it would be. Which was directly contradictory to everything they said about Chip’s birthday party. Honestly, Eddie was surprised he’d never noticed that.

“Guess our invitations got lost in the mail,” Steve said flatly, earning the mildly irritated attention of Chip.

“Consider this a formal one, then,” Chip smiled back over at Eddie confidently. “I’m having one this weekend. Bring whoever you want.”

“Uh…” Eddie looked over at Steve, who seemed to be trying to communicate something telepathically to him. He gave up on deciphering the message quickly, turning back to Chip. “Maybe. We might have plans, but if not we’ll… stop by.”

“It’s gonna be pretty fun,” Chip tried to sweeten the deal. “I can be your personal bartender.”

“We’ll think about it, Chip,” Steve immediately chimed in, narrowing his eyes at the blond. They shared a hostile look.

A tense silence hung around for a few seconds before Chip’s gaze fell back on Eddie, softening as he ignored Steve. “Hope to see you there, Eddie.” With that, he walked away, leaving Eddie to raise his eyebrows at Steve with a devilish smile.

“Easy, boy,” Eddie purred once Chip found a table across the diner, voice low and teasing. “Didn’t know I also got a guard dog.”

“f*ck off,” Steve rolled his eyes, a smile twitching his lips regardless as he turned his attention to his food.

“Ya know, I expected him to be one of those guys who didn’t know yet,” Eddie commented idly. “But I think he knows.”

“You think he knows?” Steve repeated. “Jesus, no wonder you never noticed when I was flirting with you.”

“In my defense, half the people you talk to it looks like you're flirting,” Eddie reminded. “I didn’t know if you knew you were flirting.”

“Point taken,” Steve rescinded. The two of them finished eating over lighthearted conversation, Steve somehow, once again, being able to distract Eddie’s mind from all the worrying it was trying to do. He double downed on paying, which Eddie fought more this time, but eventually let happen. He’d do his share of spoiling Steve in other ways.

Soon, though, all of Steve’s distractions washed away, and Eddie was left alone in his van with only his concerns for company. Even the fact that he’d slowly become more accustomed to not talking himself down, leaving Steve to do damage control, added to the frenzy in his head.

If Steve did end up not… wanting Eddie around… did he even still know how to pick himself up? Not only was it unfair to Steve to constantly push his baggage onto him, it wasn’t sustainable for him to rely so heavily on someone else.

Before everything with Vecna, he only had to worry about Wayne dying, and how he would survive the devastating blow of that. If he even f*cking could. But now… there were so many people he couldn’t lose, and it was like he was juggling all of their lives at once. It felt like if he stopped worrying about all the possible outcomes of any given scenario, it would be the one time things go catastrophically wrong.

He often felt that way before Chrissy, but after… he practically never stopped waiting for the final blow. Just another bullet point on the long list of things that had changed about him, he supposed. His confidence, his innocence, all of it was stripped from him. He had to rebuild himself from scratch. Reality simply had different rules than it did before, and it left Eddie with the inability to feel like he knew what he was doing– in any aspect of his life.

For a long time, it didn’t feel like Eddie ever stopped running. Like he wasn’t living, rather simply surviving. But spending time with Robin was what started to bring him out of that. Make him feel like he could breathe a little. And practically nothing reminded him of why he stuck it out more than being with the kids. Watching them laugh, grow up, finally be children.

And Steve… Steve brought the color back. Everything was somehow more… vivid. It all had a shape. He hadn’t realized how small his world had become until Steve opened it up again.

More than anything, Eddie didn’t want to lose that. Any of it.


i know i said i'd take a few days off from writing, and while i intended to take more off, my hand actually started feeling better quicker than i assumed. plus i was itching to write lol. still gonna be taking it slow though, so this fic still won't be finished before vol 2. guessing the next chapter should be in a few days, maybe the day after vol 2 is released. (depending on who dies i have a feeling i will immediately be retreating to this universe in order to cope lmfao.)

Chapter 13: Hell or High Water


so... volume 2 certainly... happened. if u don't want spoilers i recommend not going into the comments or reading the authors note after this chapter. i'll go into more detail in the other author's note, but sorry if this chapter isn't up to par with the others. It was definitely hard to write like normal after... that abomination of an season finale (in my opinion, and ik opinions can't be correct or incorrect, but no offense this opinion is objectively Correct.) also sorry if i haven't been responding to comments as much, i was staying away from any form of social media till i watched volume 2, and then i got a lil depressed after it lmfao.

CONTENT WARNING: smut, violence, implied hom*ophobia, discussions of HIV/AIDS

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Eddie left early for once in his life to pick up Steve. Embarrassingly early, actually. He parked down the street and waited for half an hour before actually pulling into Steve’s driveway. All attempts to get his mind to focus on anything other than various worst case scenarios had been completely thwarted. Whether it be guitar, D&D planning, or even smoking, he was always dragged back.

But here he was at Steve’s door, nonetheless. He was a live wire as he knocked, tension tearing his stomach apart with every dragging second. When Steve opened the door, he tried to steel himself, feeling like his erratic nature was overwhelmingly apparent.

“Hey,” Steve said, thinly veiled concern flashing in his eyes as he took in Eddie. Thankfully, he didn’t choose to comment then. “Everything’s here, we just gotta load the van,” he gestured to the floor, where the same supplies as last time were stacked neatly. Even in his distress, Eddie found Steve’s surprisingly well-put together side endearing. He felt a little more glued to the ground.

Steve opened the door wider so they could start bringing things to Eddie’s van, not really saying much while doing so. Eddie supposed since Steve made a habit of camping out in his car, it wasn’t all that weird to his parents that he was doing so. Though, he wondered if the appearance of a sudden camping buddy would garner attention.

There seemed to be more than last time, for one Steve had a small cooler now, and somehow even more blankets. Admittedly, they were pretty stiff the next morning last time, so the extra padding was probably a good call.

“Is this your new friend?” They were nearly done gathering the supplies when a woman’s voice cut in. Dread seeped into every fiber of Eddie’s being as he stood up to see an older woman, probably mid forties, with long brown hair. More notably, she had Steve’s eyes. But her’s were cold in a way he seldom saw in Steve, only when it was directed toward Carver.

“Uh, yeah, mom,” Steve said, confirming what Eddie hoped would somehow be false. “This is Eddie.”

“Yes, so it is,” her smile was tight-lipped and disparaging. It might as well have been a punch to the gut.

Miraculously, Eddie worked his mouth into the best smile he could manage. He switched the stereo into his other hand, sticking his free one out to shake. “Mrs. Harrington, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

She glanced at his hand before raking her eyes back up to his, narrowing slightly. For a moment he thought she was going to refuse, but eventually she shook it. Mrs. Harrington didn’t say a word to Eddie, turning to fix Steve with a look. “Come and talk to us in the kitchen before you leave.” With that, she disappeared back into the house.

Steve looked at Eddie with remorseful eyes, stepping close as he spoke softly, “I’m sorry. Just ignore her, alright?”

Eddie cleared his throat with a nod, his skin crawling with… embarrassment. “Don’t worry, it’s… it’s cool,” he shook it off. That didn’t stop Steve from looking at him like a wounded animal, which only twisted shame deeper inside Eddie. “Here, give me the cooler. You can go talk to them.” He gestured for Steve to pass the cooler to his free hand, which he did hesitantly.

He didn’t waste time dipping out of the house and back to the van, securing the stereo and cooler on the floor between the front and back seats. Eddie knew he should just wait by the van. He could try and lie, telling himself he thought there was more to bring back to the car. But he knew that wasn’t true. His curiosity mixed with all the horrid things in his imagination were too much.

Thanks to Steve’s open floor plan, he didn’t need to move farther than the entryway to hear the Harringtons’ conversation, though it was faint.

“But you didn’t tell us which Eddie he was,” Steve’s mom hissed in a hushed tone, clearly unhappy.

“Because it doesn’t matter!” Steve argued back, exasperated but still trying to keep his voice down.

“Don’t you raise your voice at us, Stephen,” a gruff male voice commanded, not bothering to keep himself quiet. “You know damn well you were hiding this from us. Do not play me for a f*cking fool.”

There was silence, anger boiling inside Eddie. He wanted to defend himself, defend Steve. He wanted to scream. But he remained frozen in place, time only resuming when Steve’s father spoke again. “Do you even know what he was on trial for?” That was right, Steve mentioned he found a way to get the money for Eddie’s lawyer without telling his parents what it was for. In that moment, the guilt might as well have swallowed Eddie whole.

“He didn’t do it,” Steve’s voice was deadly even as he responded.

“How do you know that, Stephen?” His mother combatted.

“And even if he didn’t,” his dad cut in before he could answer. “Do you know what people say about him? That he’s a queer.” Eddie’s stomach sunk, suddenly feeling a thousand pounds heavier and a million miles away.

“He’s my friend,” Steve stood his ground, but it sounded like Eddie’s head was in a fishbowl. He didn’t need to hear anymore, walking back to the van in a daze.

His immediate reaction was to get in and drive home, but digging into his pockets reminded him Steve already asked for his keys. Instead he slid into the passenger seat, deflated in rejection as he stared somewhere far from Steve’s driveway.

He didn’t know how long it had been, feeling like he snapped back into consciousness when Steve closed his door. His hands gripped the steering wheel as he let out a long, exasperated sigh before letting his shoulders slump. Steve looked over at Eddie, glancing over him in that way that made Eddie want to shrink inside himself.

“I’m sorry about that,” Steve said softly, pausing before asking, timidly, “Did… you hear?”

Eddie nodded smally, no longer able to look at Steve. “I should just go home, Steve,” Eddie whispered out, meaning to speak at full volume. He swallowed thickly, his emotions starting to choke him. “What are we even doing?”

“What do you mean, Eddie?” Steve asked gently, lightly pulling one of Eddie’s hands in between his own.

“Us. What are we doing? What am I doing?” Eddie shook his head, knowing that wasn’t an elaboration. “This… what comes with being with… me,” he spat the word as if it were poison. “It shouldn’t be your introduction into dating guys. That’s already hard enough.” He finally met Steve’s eyes, and he instantly regretted it. The wounded look that lay there pierced right through Eddie.

Steve turned in his seat to face Eddie more properly, rubbing Eddie’s hand with his own. “But it’s exactly what you said, Eddie. It’s gonna be hard either way. Shouldn’t it be for someone who’s f*cking worth it?”

Eddie shook his head lightly. “I don’t think that’s me, Stevie,” he said weakly, voice cracking as his eyes began to well up. The words looked like they broke Steve to hear just as much they did for Eddie to speak.

“Well… y-you don’t get to make that decision,” Steve blustered firmly, rounded eyes overshadowed by a tightly knit brow. “Not for me. And honestly,” he scoffed humorlessly, “I don’t think there’s anyone else in this stupid, f*cking town that’s worth it.” Eddie knew what it looked like when Steve was scared. Knew it far better than he wished he did. The Steve in front of him was filled with fear, and a fearful Steve was a determined Steve. When he was looking at him like that, with that familiar intensity he’d come to know so well, Eddie didn’t know if he had the strength to leave it behind.

Steve dropped his head a bit, eyes closing tightly, his thumb swiping rhythmically over one of Eddie’s knuckles. “But, if you really don’t want to be around me right now, say the word and I’ll take you home,” he opened his eyes to look at Eddie again. “I don’t want you driving like this.”

Eddie stared back at Steve, taking in every worried line and flick of his eyes. “No,” it felt like he spoke in slow motion, drained from the day. “I wanna be around you.”

A smile spread across Steve’s face, though worry still lied underneath. He held Eddie’s gaze as he brought his hand up to his lips, pressing a long kiss to his knuckles before releasing it to start the car. Steve popped the Queen tape, which he’d brought again, in on his own accord. They listened in silence the whole ride, Steve’s hand coming to hold Eddie’s when they hit the straight-away.


Steve took a seat next to Eddie in the back of his van, their legs dangling off the side as they stared out at the moonlit clearing. There was some chirping and chittering of summer bugs and the occasional rustle of the nearby trees, but other than that it was silent.

They sat side by side for a moment, Eddie readying himself to take the plunge. Admittedly, their conversation in Steve’s driveway had calmed his nerves in the slightest. The nerves that remained were fighting the soothing effect of his leg and shoulder pressed to Steve’s, tying him to the moment.

“Right,” Eddie croaked, voice dry from disuse. He swallowed before continuing, “Think I’ll go insane if I keep trying to figure out the right way to start this, so I’ll just… do it.” Steve looked at the side of his face, waiting with patient but anxious eyes. When Eddie spoke it was more to the field than Steve. “How much do you know about… AIDS?”

Steve was still and silent for a moment, before shifting next to Eddie a bit. “Uh… I guess not much, now that I think about it. Just that… gay people get it.”

Eddie nodded slowly in understanding. “I figured. Uh, well… not to be the bearer of bad news but straight people can get it too. And it’s something you’re gonna have to think about now,” he kept his voice gentle, not wanting to come off condescending or overly fearful. “I’m gonna be strict on us using condoms.”

He finally looked at Steve properly. His brow furrowed, “We didn’t use a condom last time.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t have penatrative sex. It’s unlikely to contract it otherwise,” Eddie affirmed, though Steve didn’t seem to be panicked, merely inquisitive.

Steve gave a light scoff, “I dunno, my mouth was pretty penatra–” Eddie cut him off by covering his mouth with his hand, chuckling lightly. He shook his head at Steve in wonder.

“I’m tryin’ to be serious here, Steve,” Eddie smiled, nonetheless appreciative of Steve managing to lighten some of the heaviness.

“Sorry, sorry,” Steve apologized with a small smile of his own when Eddie withdrew his hand, waiting for him to continue.

“Either way, I haven’t been with anyone since my last test and I was clear,” Eddie assured further. “That’s the other thing; testing. I’m gonna need you to start going with me. I’ll show you the clinic I go to. You sort of have to know the right places.”

“Alright,” Steve agreed easily, shrugging. “Testing and condoms. Why were you so stressed to talk to me about this?” He asked softly, leaning into Eddie’s shoulder more.

“It’s not just testing and condoms,” Eddie shook his head. He slid his hand into Steve’s, lacing their fingers together, meeting his eyes with a serious look. “Most people who get it in their twenties don’t live past their forties, Steve. I need you to know… what’s at risk. The clinic can tell you more about it but… I had to bring it up,” Eddie snorted lightly. “Actually, Wayne was the one who pushed me to.”

“Really?” Steve raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, he’s worried that we’ll want to skip on protection because we’re together,” Eddie pursed his lips at Steve in sympathy before he said, “Thinks you’re gonna sleep around, basically.”

“Oh, god,” Steve groaned, running his free hand over his face. “He really doesn’t like me.”

“He’s just protective,” Eddie reassured. Maybe Wayne didn’t like Steve a little, but he didn’t need to let him know that. He knew once his uncle got to know him, his reservations would slip away and he’d probably get along fine. “And… he raises a good point.”

Eddie looked away from Steve for a moment, trying to find the best way to say this without offending him. “Look, I get more than anyone that sh*t happens,” he fixed him with an earnest gaze. “There are a million situations you could be in where… maybe you end up sleeping with someone else– I know,” Eddie cut himself off when he saw the protest forming on Steve’s face. “I don’t think you will. Really. Just hear me out.”

When Steve stayed silent, settling back a bit, he continued. “If it does happen, for whatever reason… please just tell me,” he breathed out the last part. “I might be pissed, or hurt, or whatever– but it won’t be the end of the world… even if it happens more than once. And trust me,” a smile crept onto Eddie’s face as he squeezed Steve’s hand tighter, taking in his attentive eyes. “As far as I’m concerned I got Hawkin’s finest,” he reveled in the bashful smile that stretched Steve’s face, the man glancing away as pink dusted his cheeks. Dear god, Eddie thought, momentarily awestruck by the man next to him.

“But…” he continued when his brain kickstarted back to life. “If I’m ever a f*ckin’ idiot, I’ll tell you.” Steve was looking at him with that slack-jawed smile, eyes wide in something akin to wonder. Eddie would give anything to know what went through Steve’s head when he looked at him like that.

“Okay,” Steve said finally, voice quiet even against the hushed night. “But I’m not gonna sleep with anyone else, Eddie,” his smile stretched into that of one with swelling confidence, laying the charm on thick as he said, “Didn’t I already tell ya you’re the only one worth it in this town?”

Eddie had an idiotic grin of his own when he playfully shoved his free palm into Steve’s face, falling with him as he pushed Steve down onto the bed of the van. “You really don’t have an off button, do you?” He teased, lying on his back with his head turned to look at him properly.

Steve sighed with a smile, eyes round in earnest. “If I’m ever more of an idiot, I’ll tell you,” he said simply. At some point, the tightness in Eddie began to melt away. He almost couldn’t believe he was so close to the brink a mere hour ago.

And just like that, the conversation Eddie dreaded all day was said and done, weight successfully lifted from his chest. Eventually they changed into sweats, Steve practically forcing his yellow sweater on Eddie, and put on Hot Space again. Eddie made a mental note to expand Steve’s tape collection when he could.

“You’re telling me you couldn’t tell at Vickie’s birthday party?” Steve laughed. They’d somehow gotten on the topic of how long it took for Eddie to get a hint.

“You were plastered!” Eddie laughed back in defense. “I thought you were just a touchy drunk– which you are.”

“The fact I only wanted to touch you didn’t say anything?” Steve smirked devilishly, Eddie’s face heating as he rolled his eyes playfully.

“Guess not,” he said, firing back at Steve with a suggestive grin of his own. “I was too distracted by how much I liked you touching me.”

A lopsided smile stretched Steve’s face as he leaned over, a hand coming to cup Eddie’s jaw as he planted a long kiss on his lips. They were lying in the bed of the van, Eddie’s hand coming to rest on Steve’s waist as he deepened the kiss. He wondered when it would stop feeling like he stuck his tongue in an outlet. So far kissing Steve never failed to leave Eddie supercharged, his whole body jittering from the thrill.

As Steve’s mouth moved hungrily against his, Eddie shifted them so he was on top of Steve, sliding a knee between his legs. Steve’s hand on his face traveled to the hair behind his ear, fisting there as the other came to pull Eddie closer by the waist.

Steve parted his lips, silently asking for Eddie’s tongue, which he happily provided. Eddie pressed his knee into Steve’s groin, causing him to hum pleasantly into the former’s mouth. As Eddie broke the kiss to place one on Steve’s jaw, traveling down his neck, Steve’s hand moved to tangle in the back of his head.

Eddie pulled his shirt collar back, indulging in the way Steve bucked his hips against him as he lightly bit the crook of his shoulder. He lapped his tongue over the bite mark before sucking a kiss. They had to be careful where they placed hickies, but Eddie by no means had any plans on foregoing them entirely.

He sat back on Steve enough to pull at his shirt, the man taking no time to sit up and yank it over his head, tossing it behind him into the backseat. Eddie rewarded him by crashing their lips together, pressing deep into it before biting Steve’s bottom lip and tugging. He observed greedily as Steve’s eyes screwed shut, a gasped moan escaping him. Works every time, Eddie thought to himself in satisfaction.

“Eddie,” Steve said suddenly, eyes popping open to fix him with an urgent look. “Choke me.” Once again, Eddie was certain he’d died and woken up somewhere far better than he deserved. With Steve looking at him with eager eyes and requesting such a thing, he instantly stiffened in his pants.

“You sure?” Eddie somehow managed to hold himself together enough to still think rationally.

Steve’s hands came to grip either side of Eddie’s waist tightly, grinding their hips together. Eddie bit his lip, eyes closing as he grunted “Yes. Please,” Steve pleaded breathily.

Eddie sat up a bit, sliding his hand to softly cradle the side of Steve’s face for a moment. The man leaned into the touch, eyes wide in anticipation. “If you want me to stop, just tap me a few times, alright?” Steve merely nodded, clearly ready for Eddie to get on with it.

He chuckled lightly, leaning their faces close. “I’m serious,” he spoke quietly, lips barely an inch from Steve’s. “I’ll be upset if you want me to stop and don’t tell me,” Eddie brushed a thumb over Steve’s cheek, not breaking eye contact for a second. “You don’t wanna upset me, do you Stevie?”

Steve was utterly frozen under Eddie, staring back with pupils blown wide, his entire face beat red. “I’ll tell you,” Steve breathed out.

Eddie smiled down proudly. “That’s my boy,” he rumbled before pressing a slow but firm kiss to Steve’s lips, then pulled back. His hand trailed down to Steve’s throat, fingers splaying across it as he simply indulged in the sight below him. As soon as Eddie’s hand wrapped the span of his throat, Steve’s lips parted and he tilted his chin up in the slightest, as if trying to give Eddie more access. He looked up at Eddie, eyes rounded in clear arousal.

He began to lightly squeeze the sides of Steve’s throat with his fingers, eyes covetous as he watched for Steve’s reaction. Steve seemed to sink into the pillow more, relaxing under Eddie’s touch as his lids fell heavy, tilting his head back more to look at him through thick lashes.

Eddie placed a gentle kiss on Steve's cheek, keeping their faces close as he asked, “More?” Steve nodded minutely. Eddie abided, bringing their lips back together as he increased the pressure. Steve’s hands slid gingerly under Eddie’s (Steve’s) sweater, fingertips traveling lazily upwards. Eddie broke the kiss, but kept his grip on Steve, grinding his hips down on him. Steve groaned, rocking against Eddie.

He released Steve’s throat, trailing his hand slowly onto his chest, his other hand coming to cup Steve’s face once more. “Thoughts?” Eddie asked with a smirk, already well aware of his answer.

Steve breathed out a snort as he lifted his head to look at Eddie better. “I think you can feel my ‘thoughts’,” he smirked, bringing his hands down to grip Eddie’s ass as he rutted against him once more. Eddie rode the movement, chasing the friction and the pleasure it brought with slow grunt.

“Hmmm,” Eddie hummed innocently, making a show of thinking before meeting Steve’s eyes once more. “Ya know, I don’t think I can,” he created enough space between their hips to palm Steve roughly through his sweatpants. Steve’s head fell back onto the pillow, biting down another groan as he writhed under Eddie’s touch. “That’s better,” Eddie smiled over Steve smugly.

“Tell me somethin’, Stevie,” Eddie purred, continuing to rub over an even more vocal Steve. “How many times did you think of me while touching yourself to that magazine?”

Steve moaned, hips bucking urgently into Eddie’s hand. “A lot– f*ck,” his head pressed back more into the pillow as Eddie’s hand slipped into his briefs, curling around him. His smile deepened at the whine that escaped Steve after.

“C’mon,” Eddie dragged casually, lazily stroking Steve inside his underwear, going nowhere near the pace he knew Steve was hoping for. “Details, and maybe I’ll be nice.”

“After every time we hung out,” Steve rasped out, Eddie rewarding him by rolling his hand over the head of his dick. His own erection swelled when Steve’s back arched up a bit. “O-or talked on the phone,” he interrupted his shaky words with a moan as Eddie moved over a sweet spot. “f*ck, I just needed you so bad. You have no idea what you do to me, Eddie.”

Eddie just took in the sight of the lusted-over look in Steve’s eyes, face splotchy and lips parted to allow for his tremoring breaths. “Very good, Steve,” he kissed him firmly before trailing down Steve’s body, stopping when he was just above his sweatpants.

Sliding his fingers into both of Steve’s waistbands, Eddie tugged them down only enough to place kisses along his V-line. Steve’s hand fisted into Eddie’s hair. “f*ck, Eddie, please,” he rasped again.

Eddie smirked as he paused to look up at Steve. “‘Please’ what?” He punctuated the question by licking a strip over Steve’s hip bone. He squirmed underneath him with a whine that was eroding away at his own restraint.

“You know what,” Steve retorted, sounding like he ran a marathon.

Eddie pouted in feigned ignorance. “I don’t think I do,” he grazed his teeth lightly over the hipbone before biting down. Both of Steve’s hands were in his hair now, one knee bending briefly as he floundered in his denied pleasure. It dizzied Eddie how turned on Steve was from so little. “It’s simple,” Eddie’s voice rumbled as he brought his mouth to hover not even an inch over the tent in Steve’s sweats. “Use your words, and get what you want.”

He rubbed a hand up Steve’s thigh as he dragged his lips teasingly over the fabric. Steve’s eyes squeezed shut as he pressed his lips into a tight line, a hand leaving Eddie’s hair to run over his own face. “Fine– f*ck! I want you to go down on me, okay?” He loved when Steve got so impatient his frustration showed. Eddie’s patient smirk deepened into a salacious grin.

Instead of pulling Steve’s pants down, he sat up and yanked his sweater off, tossing it to the side. He smiled down at Steve as he slipped his fingers back into Steve’s waistband, pausing to say, “Don’t wanna ruin your sweater, and I don’t plan on stopping until you make a mess.” He didn’t give Steve time to process before yanking his briefs and sweatpants down simultaneously, his hard-on springing up to slap his stomach.

Eddie was barely able to contain himself as he discarded Steve’s clothes somewhere in the van. His mouth watered at the precome leaking onto Steve’s stomach. Eddie snaked his hands up Steve’s thighs, over his hips, along his sides, still not giving him what he wanted. You couldn’t really blame him for taking his time, not with the sight of a flushed, dripping Steve below him.

“So worked up already, Stevie,” Eddie cooed as he lowered his lips to kiss Steve’s stomach, pointedly avoiding his dick as he trailed down to his hip. “Who knew ‘the King’ liked being choked so much?” He teased, Steve too busy trying to contain himself to respond.

Eddie parted Steve’s legs a little more, hands exploring everywhere but his co*ck as he began to place kisses along his inner thigh. He moved closer and closer to where Steve wanted his lips most, nose grazing him enough for the man to thrust his hips, the hand in Eddie’s hair tightening.

“Eddie, for the love of god–” Steve was cut off by Eddie licking a long, slow strip up his length, earning a strained hum from the man. Eddie’s hand wrapped around Steve before taking him into his mouth, almost able to take him to the hilt on his first go. Both of Steve’s hands were now fisting in Eddie’s hair, a loud, choked moan falling from Steve as he arched off the bed of the van. “f*ck, Eddie,” he gasped out as Eddie slowly backed off of Steve before taking him in further, this time succeeding in bottoming out.

Eddie was fairly sure that over the next hour, they managed to scare off every animal in a five mile radius with the noise.

“Jesus Christ, Steve,” Eddie panted out, having just finished on Steve’s stomach. The man below him looked utterly wrecked; face flushed, hair looking like he’d been in a wind tunnel. His lips swollen and red, and a light sheen of sweat slicked his chest hair to him. Eddie was sure his appearance was just as ragged, feeling his hair sticking to his forehead. “See that you’ve kept your stamina from swimming.”

Steve smiled up tiredly, but eyes still lighting up at the praise. “Gimme twenty minutes and some orange juice and I’m ready for round two,” he grinned.

Eddie scoffed in disbelief as he reached to the side for the washcloth Steve brought (clearly he had ambitious prospects for the night, of which he certainly fulfilled.) “You’re gonna give me a heart attack,” Eddie joked, cleaning the mess off of Steve’s stomach.

He slid off Steve to put his boxers back on, clamoring over the backseat– not so graciously– falling onto his back with an ‘oof.’ “What are you doing?” Steve chuckled, popping his head up over the seat.

Eddie started to roll down the back windows. “Letting out the humidity. It’s like a f*ckin’ rainforest in here.” The van doors were closed throughout that experience, and he knew opening them now would be freezing, so he settled for this.

As he flopped back over the seats, Steve had to roll out of the way last second to avoid a painful collision. He’d also put his briefs back on, the two of them moving to face each other as they lied on their sides.

He took in every curve, angle, and mole of Steve, who looked right back at him with tired but intrigued eyes. The silence between them was comfortable as Steve slid his hand over Eddie’s waist, pulling him closer and wrapping his arm around him.

Nothing else made Eddie feel the way he did when he looked at Steve. So… full. Of a lot of things. Joy, wonder, attraction. But also fear. When he looked at Steve, he saw all the things he couldn’t bear to lose.

“What are you thinking about, Eddie?” Steve asked quietly, his face apparently showing signs of his mildly perturbed state.

Eddie’s own hand came to snake over Steve’s side, thumb brushing languidly over his waist. “Are you ever so happy it scares you?” Eddie’s voice was small when he found it. “Like… you know at some point it’s gonna have to be over.”

Steve’s brow creased in the slightest as the arm around Eddie unwrapped, his hand instead coming to rest over the side of his jaw and neck. His thumb brushed smoothly over Eddie’s cheek. “Not until recently, but yeah.”

“How do you… deal with it?” Eddie asked earnestly. “Because now that I’ve seen how good it can get… I don’t know if I can… live in the bad again.” Somehow saying it out loud was treacherous. Like admitting it solidified it as truth. His arm tightened around Steve.

Steve gave a half shrug, not tearing his eyes away from Eddie’s for a second. “Things can’t stay bad forever, either,” he leaned in more, the hand curled between them coming to splay over Eddie’s bare chest. “And now I know what I’m holdin’ out for.”

Eddie loved a lot of people. He loved Wayne, he loved the kids, he loved Robin. But he didn’t know what being in love meant. He’d always wondered how people knew; what made them realize the love they felt for a person was… more. In that moment, staring into Steve’s eyes as his thumb brushed soothingly over his cheek, he got his answer.

He didn’t know when he’d fallen in love with Steve. Maybe it was Vickie’s birthday party, or the first night he took him to the clearing. Hell, maybe it was the day they killed Vecna, when Steve pulled him through the gate and told him he was important. All Eddie knew was tonight, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he was in love with Steve. So in love with him he didn’t feel like the word ‘love’ was big enough, like nothing in the English language would be able to describe the explosion in his chest when he looked at the man in front of him.

He hoped soon he’d be brave enough to say it.


“You sure you wanna do this?” Eddie asked, walking alongside Steve. It was a little later in the evening, the streets fairly empty. “We could always go back to mine and watch a movie or something.”

“I’m sure,” Steve said simply. “I’ve always been kinda curious about it I guess. Besides, it’ll be nice to be in public and not… have to be on the lookout.”

“Yeah, but it’s pretty damning if anyone sees us go into a gay bar together,” Eddie spoke lowly despite no one else being in sight. “Just wanna make sure you know what you’re signing up for.”

“You worry too much about what I sign up for, Munson,” Steve smiled over at him. They had parked a few blocks over just in case, as Eddie was concerned people would recognize Steve’s car if it was in the lot.

They talked idly about a movie night at Steve’s, him planning to let the kids stay over again once his parents left for the weekend. “C’mon, why can’t we watch a horror movie?” Eddie chuckled, knowing exactly why.

“Because if any of them have nightmares, they’re wakin’ our asses up in the middle of the night,” he retorted.

Eddie looked at him, unconvinced. “Yeah, the kids will have nightmares. Mayfield frequently bangs on my window to scare the sh*t out of me– just ‘cause she’s bored. We should all thank god she’s not the one with crazy mind powers.”

“Whatever. I’m still pushing for Raiders of the Lost Ark,” Steve grumbled.

“You just wanna ogle Harrison Ford,” Eddie teased, bumping his shoulder against Steve.

No,” Steve said defensively. “It’s a fantastic movie.” Eddie looked at him with raised eyebrows. Steve rolled his eyes. “And who doesn’t enjoy Harrison Ford, anyway?” He finally said, Eddie laughing.

They turned onto the street of the bar, Eddie prepared to continue his teasing when a voice behind him flushed his veins with ice. “Well, well, well,” Steve and Eddie stopped in their tracks, turning to look over their shoulder.

“Here we go,” Steve muttered as Jason and Andy walked leisurely toward them. They must have come out of the restaurant they just passed.

“The freak and his purse dog. Done hiding behind the cops, Munson?” Jason leveled with a stern look in his eyes.

Anger coiled around Eddie’s stomach like a snake, eyes narrowing on Jason. “You should really start a fan club, Carver,” Eddie’s words were void of his usual nonchalance despite the patronizing words. “Much healthier way to curb your obsession. Ya know, instead of stalking me.”

Jason closed the space between them with a couple of steps, attempting to intimidate but for once in Eddie’s life the rage inside him made him impunitive. “Careful, Munson. I don’t see Hopper around to cover your ass.”

Steve stepped between them, pressing his fingertips into Jason’s chest. “Why don’t you go play vigilante somewhere else?” His voice was low and steady.

Jason scoffed, wild eyes fixing on Steve in a scrutinizing stare. “You know what? You stick up for the freak a lot, Harrington,” a smug smile twitched his lips. “Careful, don’t wanna catch anything–” he barely had time to finish the sentence before Steve’s fist struck Jason across his cheekbone.

Jason let out an anguished growl as he staggered back. “Son of a bitch!” He grabbed Steve roughly by the collar and slammed him up against the building next to them. He wasted no time to land two punches to Steve’s eye. Everything somehow slowed to a stop and moved in double-time. Eddie, who rarely fought humans, reacted before he even had time to think.

Andy swung again, but Eddie managed to dodge clumsily out of the way. His fist shot out, cracking Andy directly on the nose with his rings. Andy cried out, a mixture of pain and primal rage as his hands flew to his face. The sight stilled Eddie briefly as he shook out his hand, staring in awe at his success.

Out of the corner of Eddie’s eye he had seen Jason drop from Eddie’s kick, stooping in front of Steve. “Always in the f*cking face!” He yelled in frustration as he swiftly brought his knee up to slam into the underside of Jason’s jaw. This had Jason down for longer, shaking his head as if in an attempt to whisk off the pain. Eddie let out a delirious laugh at the sight as Jason cradled his face. It was likely Steve’s action resulted in him biting his tongue.

Unfortunately, this allowed Andy enough time to recover, slamming his fist into Eddie’s lip. He cursed under his breath as he scrambled back, hand coming to cover the injury. There was blood on his fingers when he pulled them away from his face, not getting more than a second before Andy brought his knee hard into Eddie’s stomach. Eddie doubled over, the air being sucked from his lungs.

Eddie was on one knee, looking up at Andy looming over him as he no doubt prepared another brutality. Before he had the chance to act, Steve was in front of Andy, shoving him back. “What are you waiting for?” Steve antagonized, staying on his toes as he brought his fists up in front of his face. “Carver to tell you how high to jump?”

Andy took the bait, swinging on Steve, who ducked and barreled into Andy’s middle, steamrolling him into the wall. This wasn’t enough to stun Andy for long, bringing his elbow down to collide with Steve’s spine.

Steve’s knees buckled, Andy grappling at his jacket and flipping their positions. He slammed Steve up against the wall, fist pulling back to land another blow. Steve, ever the quick thinker, moved his head just in time for Andy’s knuckles to crunch into the wall.

f*ck!” Andy cried out, recoiling and cradling his hand. Eddie, finally catching his breath, was set on helping Steve. Before he could take the first step, however, he saw Jason was fully standing again, and his eyes were locked onto Eddie.

He moved at Eddie with impressive speed, but Eddie’s panicked instincts were faster. At the last second Eddie dropped to his knees, Jason now off balance from his unexpected miss. Eddie threw his full weight into Jason’s legs, knocking him onto his back, head hitting the pavement with a sickening thud.

Steve took their brief upperhand as an opportunity to glance next to him, eyes falling on a metal trash can beside him. Steve grabbed the lid by the sides and swung it into Andy’s ribcage. Eddie watched as he dropped to the ground with a choked noise, curling in on himself slowly.

Eddie didn’t hesitate any longer, scrambling on top of Jason. He pulled back his fist, channeling a hostility unlike any other he’d known as he cracked his rings against the bridge of Jason’s nose. The younger man cried out, eyes swimming as they struggled to focus on Eddie above him. But it wasn’t enough, the fury inside him unsatisfied, Eddie brought his fist down once more, the blow landing on Jason’s cheek. Jason barely had the stamina to groan out.

Tears welled in his eyes as he balled Jason’s shirt into his fists, jerking his torso off the ground so the man was forced to look at him. “Just leave me the f*ck alone!” He yelled through gritted teeth, Jason’s head lolling back as Eddie jostled him. Jason was practically limp and seemingly barely conscious, but his eyes were still struggling to stay on Eddie. His voice shook with venom as he spoke again, low and panting. “I didn’t kill Chrissy, and I don’t give a f*ck if you believe me anymore. But if you ever come near me, my family, or my friends again, I will do anything to protect us. Get that through your thick. f*cking. Head.” He was almost pleading as he trembled over Jason.

Eddie was still gripping him, chest heaving, when he felt a gentle touch snake over his shoulder. He flinched away at first, jolting to look at who it was. His eyes softened as he saw Steve crouching over him, the rampage that was building inside him starting to slip away.

“Eddie, we gotta go,” Steve said, soft but urgent as he started to pull Eddie up. He dropped Jason to the ground, Andy still laid out as well.

His legs moved on their own, allowing Steve to guide him into a clumsy jog. About a block down Eddie realized Steve was swaying, struggling to keep steady. “sh*t,” Eddie pulled Steve’s arm over his shoulder, placing his other hand on his side to support him better as he took the lead in getting them back to Steve’s car. “We gotta get you to a doctor.”

“No,” Steve drawled out urgently, eyes scrunching closed for a moment. “We’re going to Hopper’s.”

“What?” Eddie shook his head. “No, we’re going to the hospital. This is, what? Your millionth head injury?”

“Doesn’t matter,” he grumbled out as they trudged along. “They can help me at the Byers’ house. I’ll see a doctor later, right now we need to get ahead of all the legal sh*t Carver is gonna throw our way.”


“No, Eddie,” Steve forced out. “We’re going to Hopper’s, and that’s it. He’ll know what to do.”

“What if you’re really f*cked up–”

Steve cut him off once more. “Then I’ll still be f*cked up tomorrow. Besides if something happens to me and you get–” Steve forced an exhale through his nose, Eddie unable to tell if it was out of pain or frustration. “It’ll all be for nothing, okay?”

Eddie gave him a long look as they neared the street Steve parked on. He knew that look in Steve’s eyes, even when they were battered and worn. He wasn’t budging on this. Eddie let out a huffed sigh. “Fine. But as soon as we’re finished with Hopper we’re getting you to a doctor.”

They arrived at Steve’s car not long after the compromise, Eddie gently lowering Steve into the passenger seat before getting the keys from him and sliding in the driver’s seat. “You better not f*ck up my car,” Steve muttered, eyes closed as he leaned his head against the headrest.

Eddie scoffed in disbelief. “That’s really what you’re worried about right now?”

“No, but I’d rather worry about that than whatever bullsh*t we’re gonna have to deal with,” he said simply. “And you drive like a sixteen year old.”

“I do not,” Eddie disagreed.

“Mayfield is almost a better driver than you, and that’s saying something,” even in his down-trodden state, he managed a weak smile. Fondness bloomed in Eddie’s chest as he looked over him, worry tinging the edges of his comfort. There was silence for a minute or two, Eddie forcing himself to think about anything other than the million things that could go wrong. He was failing miserably, until Steve spoke again; “Did he really call me a purse dog?”

It would never fail to amaze Eddie how Steve could make him laugh in even the most serious of times. “He definitely did,” Eddie was still grinning.

“I’ve been called a lot of things, but that one might be the most insulting,” Steve said, amused but clearly not having the energy to maintain his smile.

“If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re a very pretty purse dog,” Eddie smiled over at him, feeling accomplished when he saw the corners of Steve’s mouth upturn. They drove in relative silence, Eddie making witty commentary whenever it looked like Steve was dozing off, forcing himself to swallow his trepidation.


“Oh my god,” Joyce’s eyes rounded in horror as she opened the door. “What the hell happened to you two?” She ushered them in, leading Steve and Eddie to the couch. Eddie lowered Steve onto the couch, instantly turning his head to inspect his face. His lids were already puffy, eye and cheek bruised and swollen.

“Carver,” Eddie said frantically. “Where’s Hopper?” Before Joyce could answer, the man in question rounded the corner.

“Jesus,” he looked over them. “What the hell is going on?”

“We got into a fight with Jason and one of his friends,” Eddie explained when Steve attempted to sit up, instantly needing to collapse back against the couch.

“It’s bad,” Steve mumbled, eyes closed as his head lolled back.

“Yeah, I can f*ckin’ see that,” Hopper said flatly.

“I’ll get the first aid kit,” Joyce disappeared out of the living room as Eddie began filling in Hopper on what occurred.

Joyce had confirmed that Steve had a concussion, bringing a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a dishrag to hold. Eddie had migrated to the arm of the couch to allow Steve to lie down all the way. Luckily, Will was apparently at Mike’s for the night, and El at Max's. Eddie was glad they wouldn’t have to see this.

“So Carver didn’t swing first?” Hopper clarified, pacing in front of the coffee table.

“No, Steve did,” Eddie supplied, knowing that was their first mistake.

Hopper let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand over his face roughly as he continued his pacing. “You’re not giving me much to work with here, kid,” he directed his comment to Steve.

“You didn’t hear the sh*t he was saying,” Steve attempted to sit up in defense, Eddie promptly putting his hand on Steve’s chest and pushing him back down gently. “Besides, that son of a bitch wasn’t going to leave Eddie alone otherwise.”

“Well, he’s certainly not gonna leave you alone now!” Hopper retaliated emphatically. “Even if we tried to say it was self defense considering his previous threats– which is already weak considering who Carver is and who the town thinks you are–” he looked at Eddie pointedly, and even though he knew it was Hopper just stating facts, shame swarmed him. “It sounds like you two left them in a much worse state than you are. This doesn’t look good, for either of you.”

“Why do you think we came straight here?” Steve argued. Over their time clearing Eddie’s name and the trial, Hopper, Steve, Eddie, and even Joyce had spent a lot of time together behind the scenes. It took more than a few elaborate, provable lies, and they needed people like Hopper and Chief Powell to direct the things they needed to worry about. Not to mention pull the strings as much as they could from the inside. The two who got the closest, however, were likely Hopper and Steve.

After long nights of planning at the Hopper-Byers household, Eddie would frequently wake up on the couch to see Hopper and Steve talking quietly over coffee, clearly furthering their plans to help Eddie. He’d written off Steve’s dedicated involvement, considering he did end up paying for an extremely good lawyer, and it made sense in Eddie’s head that he would want to be clued in.

It of course meant the world to Eddie when Steve did so much to help, and frankly the man’s dedication during that time made it some of the hardest months to bury what had been awoken that day in the woods. But looking back on that now, his relationship with Steve being what it was, his heart swelled as he looked down at him on the couch. Before he could think better of it, he laced his fingers into Steve’s hair, soothing him in a way Eddie knew would work. Steve relaxed properly into the couch, the knot between his brows loosening.

“I can only help so much. I mean, did you need to hit him with the lid of a trash can?” Hopper asked, incredulous.

“Well, we’re obviously gonna tell people yes,” Eddie answered matter-of-factly. Hopper glared at him.

No one is going to believe that when Carver eventually takes legal action– which he definitely will do. At least not with how things are now,” Hopper shook his head, still pacing.

“I’m not following,” Eddie admitted, frustration seeping into him the longer he looked at Steve’s battered face. “And we need to speed this up. Steve needs to see a doctor.”

“Steve’s gonna have to get a lot more roughed up before he sees a doctor. You both are,” Hopper finally stopped his walking, fixing them with a serious stare. Steve, Eddie, and Joyce looked at him in confusion.

“Jim, I agree, he needs to see a doctor,” she looked over at Steve in concern briefly. “I’ve seen this kid have more head injuries in the past four years than any person should have in their whole life.”

“We go to a doctor to fix you two up, we have to tell them how you got hurt. We can’t lie, because if they look through medical records during whatever the Carver family tries to throw at us, we might as well stamp ‘guilty’ on Eddie’s goddamn forehead,” a frustrated Jim Hopper could easily be intimidating, but when you knew him, you knew how to tell when it was really just worry. Eddie could see his brain working overtime as he tried to piece together a solution. “So when we go to a doctor, not only do we have to know exactly what we’re telling them, we have to provide proof that they needed to go as far as they did.”

“What are you saying?” Eddie snorted. “Beat the sh*t out of each other so it looks worse?” He hadn’t been serious, but the look on Hopper’s face made all traces of amusem*nt flee his body as his hand in Steve’s hair stalled. “Are you deranged?”

“We’re not doing that,” Joyce stated over Eddie’s question.

“It’s the only option we have,” Hopper insisted.

“Steve’s already concussed!” Eddie pulled his hand out of Steve’s hair to gesture over him, returning it to start his light massaging once more.

“And we’re frankly lucky he is!” Hopper fired back sternly before his shoulders sagged, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath. He looked back at them, a slightly calmer resolve. “Obviously I don’t want to see you two get hurt. But I also don’t want to see either of you in jail because of some rich scumbag.”

“He’s right,” Steve finally spoke, Eddie’s attention snapping to meet his eyes. “ We didn’t beat your charges just to get thrown in jail now. And you’re more at risk than I am… A lot of people are still gunning to see you behind bars, Eddie.” Steve’s eyes were wide and unyielding as he held Eddie’s gaze, his voice quieting towards the end, as if to cushion the blow of reality.

Eddie bit his lip as he searched for the right answer in Steve’s stare. The thought of Steve having to get hurt more than he already did, just for him… it cored Eddie just to imagine. But Steve and Hopper were both right, and he knew it.

“Fine,” he relented, hating the decision more and more as he made it. “But we’re doing most of the damage to me, and no more headshots for Steve.”

“Will this even be enough?” Joyce gesticulated frantically to the general area. “How do we know we’re not just hurting them for no reason?”

“We don’t,” Hopper said simply. “But it’s either we try this, or roll over and let the Carvers basically decide what happens to both of them.”

“I’ll go first,” Eddie stood up, retracting his hand from Steve’s hair.

“No,” Steve protested, starting to sit up again. “I’ll go first.”

“I don’t think so, Harrington,” Eddie, once again, pushed him back against the couch. “Gives you more time to rest.”

“I’ll watch after him. Make sure nothing gets worse,” Joyce put a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder, holding an earnest gaze.

Eddie nodded in somber appreciation before turning to Hopper. “How are we doing this?”

Joyce moved Steve to Jonathan’s room, leaving Hopper and Eddie in the living room. Hopper pushed the furniture out of the way, giving them room in the middle. Hopper handed Eddie a rag. “To bite down on,” he informed, apprehensive.

Eddie took it, steadying Hopper with a reassuring look, or at least as much of one as he could muster. “Don’t hold back. And don’t feel bad.”

He placed the rag between his teeth, closing his eyes as he braced himself for some kind of impact. “Tell me when you need a break,” Hopper said, and then pain erupted from his ribs.

Eddie doubled over, a grunt muffled into the cloth before taking a punch to the gut. His eyes pressed tighter when Hopper’s shin connected to his side, an agonized cry shaking him painfully as he dropped to his knees.

There were firm but careful hands pulling him to sit up, a choked noise croaking out as Hopper maneuvered him. “I’m sorry, kid,” it was almost a whisper, the first tear finally spilling out of Eddie’s closed eyes as the pain washed over him. “I have to hit your face some. I’m sorry. Trust me, face injuries gain the most sympathy.”

Eddie only nodded frantically, humming through the anguish as he tilted his face up, still keeping his eyes closed. The rag fell from his mouth as Hopper’s fist collided with his cheek, a sob wracking his body. White hot fire shot through his ribs at the heaving. “Again,” Eddie hissed through clenched teeth, his breath quick and uneven. He shoved the cloth back into his mouth, Hopper landing another blow to the same cheek not long after.

He didn’t know how much longer he lasted. After another five or so blows to various places on his body, time started to disappear. Eventually, a knee to his back ripped a scream from him that failed to be quieted even by the rag, devolving into a helpless sob. “Stop,” Eddie whispered out, trembling on the floor as he clutched his sides. Even the shallowest breath felt like he was shattering his ribcage. “Please stop.”

“We’re done,” Hopper said gently, sitting next to him and rubbing his hand over Eddie’s bicep. “We’re done. You did it,” he soothed as Eddie wept quietly beside him. During times where he was in less physical pain, it always shocked Eddie how compassionate Hopper was for such a rough man. He supposed maybe some people were made to be fathers, even if they didn’t think it themselves.

Hopper ended up carrying Eddie to Will’s room, lying him in the bed as carefully as he could, though it did little to silence his afflictions. He’d barely been alone in Will’s room a minute before Joyce was beside the bed, hand coming to hold Eddie’s. “How’s Steve?” He croaked, using all the energy he had to look at her.

Her lips pressed into a melancholic smile as she looked over Eddie with so much care, he thought it was enough to crumble him to nothing. Eddie wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of a mother’s warm gaze, and he thought that people who felt it frequently must think themselves invincible. Like even the sharpest parts of the world softened to them. He also wondered how much of this effect came with being a mother, and how much was just Joyce.

“He’s doing a lot better. No vomiting. Even walked to the living room on his own,” she assured tenderly. “The concussion doesn’t seem to be too severe, at least in my opinion. And though I’m not a doctor, I’ve been cleaning up those kids for years now. Not to mention who I’m dating,” she added that last part with a sheepish, humorous smile, Eddie only able to offer a weak exhale and twitch of his lips in return.

She held Eddie’s hand in both of her’s now, rubbing them soothingly. “He’s gonna be okay. You both are. This isn’t the worst either of you have been through. Remember that.”

Then, Eddie’s stomach sank like a stone as a familiar, pained cry rang through the house, the door not enough to muffle it. Horror scooped away at Eddie’s insides as the sounds of Steve’s agony carried from the living room.

Tears sprang to Eddie’s eyes, his face still wet from the last time he cried while he began to sit up, as eventually it became too much. Listening was more excruciating than anything Hopper did to him. “This isn’t worth it.”

“Eddie,” Joyce moved one of her hands to his shoulder, halting him. She looked at him with watery eyes, but steeled them into a resolve regardless. “I know the next few minutes are going to be hard, but you’re going to get through it. We’re going to get through it,” she gave his hand an affirming squeeze. “And then we’re going to figure out what we’re gonna say so we can get both of you to a doctor.”

A choked, almost desperate yell came from the other room. Tears rolled silently over Eddie’s cheeks, closing his eyes in an attempt to shut out the sound, or maybe reality. His jaw clenched to a painful extent as he gripped Joyce’s hand tighter. She sat beside him on the bed, cradling his shoulders as she pulled Eddie into her lap. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” she soothed, rubbing his arm slowly while all he could do was sob into her embrace.

“It's my fault,” he gasped out, clutching onto her like she was the only thing tethering him to the Earth. “I did this to him,” his voice was nasal and desperate, torso burning with every cry that shook him, but he didn’t care. In his mind, it was the least he deserved. What could he possibly have to offer that was important enough to protect at such a cost? How could he even live with himself after making Steve do such a thing for him?

“Hey– look at me,” Joyce turned him gently, a severe look in her eyes as she cupped his face in her lap with both her hands, forcing his attention on her. “Don’t you say that. You didn’t ask for any of this. When I heard what happened to you…” a few stray tears ran down her face as she trailed off for a moment, the suffering in her face sinking into Eddie like sharp claws. When Joyce spoke again, her voice was tight and cracking. “It broke my heart. Imagining how alone you were. How scared. And when I met you, got to know you over the trial… It all made so much sense why everyone was so determined to help.”

Eddie’s heart filled with lead as more of Steve’s cries were heard. Joyce held his face more firmly, but not harsh, demanding his gaze through the noise. “How much Will looks up to you alone is enough to tell me the world needs people like you, Eddie. And the people around you choose to help you because they love you. Not because they have to,” she ran her knuckles gently down one side of his face. “Word of advice; if you wanna repay them, allow them to love you. You’re so young, and you’ve got a long life ahead of you. Don’t…” she shook her head while she seemed to gather her words. Her lips turned down in a frown as she stared at Eddie pleadingly. “Don’t choose to live it alone because you think you know what you deserve.”

Eddie trembled in Joyce’s hold, hoping that if he looked into her condoling eyes long enough he’d believe her words. No more cries came from the living room, but it just left Eddie feeling emptier, the silence somehow ringing out just as loud.

Not long after Steve’s cries stopped, Will’s door creaked open to reveal a solemn Hopper. “He’s resting in Jonathan’s room, if you want to see him,” Hopper informed, face riddled with guilt. “We’ll give you two some time to recover before we start figuring out what we’re gonna say.”

Eddie groaned as he sat up, Joyce steadying him as he stood. “Can you walk?” She asked mildly. Eddie took an experimental step, managing to stay upright even as his ribs screamed at the movement. He winced, nodding in response. Joyce hovered near him as he walked slowly to Jonathan’s room, knocking lightly on the door before twisting the knob, leaning his weight on it to take some strain off his aching body.

“Eddie?” Steve’s strained voice asked in the dark room, having to shield his eyes at the light he let in. Eddie quickly closed the door behind him before hobbling over to the bed. He began to lower himself onto the ground beside it, but wounded whimpers fell from Steve as the boy tried to scoot over in the bed.

“You shouldn’t be moving so much,” Eddie placed his other hand on Steve’s chest, but he merely gritted his teeth as he continued to make room. Once he’d made enough for him, Steve’s hands came to tug gently on Eddie’s forearm. He obliged, of course, crawling into bed next to him, wincing as he did so.

“How bad is it?” Eddie asked in a small voice, eyes large as he looked over Steve.

“I’ll live,” Steve said in a raspy voice, entwining his arm with Eddie’s as he laced their hands together, cheek coming to rest lightly on Eddie’s shoulder.

The guilt crawled through Eddie’s skin like roaches scurrying away from the light, the silence only amplifying his unease. “I’m so sorry, Steve,” he whispered out, unable to find his voice anymore.

“You don’t have anything to apologize for, Eddie,” Steve reassured hoarsely, throat sounding as raw as Eddie’s felt.

“If it weren’t because of me–” Steve instantly cut him off.

“You keep saying that if it weren’t because of you things wouldn’t happen– and the truth is it doesn’t matter,” Steve’s hand tightened around Eddie’s, the two of them holding the conversation without looking at each other, as it was too physically demanding. “You know what wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you? Vecna dying. Hawkins wouldn’t even f*cking exist right now if it weren’t for your help. And even if it did, I’d have been dead a million times without you. A lot of us would be.”

Steve’s face scrunched into a wince as he forced himself to sit up, looking Eddie in his eyes despite the monumental effort even the smallest movement took. “So if I want to get the sh*t beat out of me to keep you around, just let me, okay?” His eyes darted around Eddie’s face, filling with disconcertment as he took in the fresh injuries. His free hand came to carefully brush a strand of Eddie’s hair out of his face. A small but genuine smile appeared on his face. “I don’t know what way I gotta put it for you to finally get it through that painfully beautiful head of yours, Eddie, but I’d rather be beaten up and shunned by everyone in Hawkins than stop talking to you.”

Eddie knew he was selfish, indulging in people and things he didn’t earn. But Steve knew exactly how to make it impossible for Eddie to deny him what he wanted. Even if he thought what Steve wanted wasn’t good for him. That he wasn’t good for him. Maybe it was finally starting to sink in that Steve was old enough to make his own mistakes, and he should just be grateful that he’s one of them.


and historians would call them camping buddies :)

so, fun fact. i finished through the fight scene before volume 2 dropped, and then i watched it and was like welp... guess the first chapter back after that is gonna be angst LMFAO. no but seriously this chapter was gonna be way angstier and then i literally didn't have the heart to follow through. for those of u worried about this fic not being finished, obviously im not making any promises, but i do plan on finishing this fic. though i think there will only be one or two more chapters and then the epilogue.
but yeah im kinda self conscious about this chapter bc it was really hard to stick to a consistent tone after vol 2, kinda wish i waited to finish this fic before watching but it is what it is lol. so once again sorry if this isn't the best! hopefully i can bring back my confidence in the last few chapters, because this fic deserves a strong send off.

also yall are hilarious bringing up all the things ive written that aged poorly LMFAOOO after i watched i thought of like a couple of things that made me laugh (deliriously, like one does when they're in shock) but yall in the comments and on tiktok have been pointing out so many more and damn.... the duffer bros rlly did me like that.

and if u wanna know my thoughts on volume 2: absolute trash. not even bc im bitter about him dying (tho i definitely am), just from a story telling/narrative perspective, that was the most absolute ass writing i have ever witnessed (in a show that previously had decent writing.) like im ngl, it kinda ruined all the seasons before for me, and i have no interest in watching season 5 (not saying i wont, i'll probably get around to it, but im for sure not invested in the plot or arcs of any of the characters anymore. mostly because i don't trust them to 1: fix all the bullsh*t they did in ep 9, and 2: give any of the characters a justified, satisfying send off-- even if they don't die.)
but i ranted enough about that on my tumblr (fairyfried) and tiktok (gourdgremlin) if u wanna hear more. honestly i still have some thoughts to share so i'll likely make more on the THOUSANDS of ways they f*cked up. fr though i dont even know how you screw up so colossally lmao. and to hype it so much that you release it in separate parts for... that??? yeah, the duffer bros should be embarrassed, especially since those are the first two episodes they ever wrote on their own apparently (it f*ckin shows.)

and dont even get me started on how out of character ALL OF THEM were written. the dialogue being weak was one thing, but the fact that none of the characters sounded like themselves (save for a few moments, two of which were improvised)?? like hello... yall have been with these characters for YEARS how do u not know how to match the tone OF YOUR OWN CHARACTERS?? and this isn't saying i do it better at all-- im nowhere near a professional writer-- but what the hell djfsdkjajsl

not to mention u can tell they didn't wanna put any effort into the only canonically queer couple of the show and literally just copy and pasted robins personality onto vickie lmfao. but ANYWAY now im done.

Chapter 14: Promises to Keep and Plunges to Procrastinate


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Eddie what the hell happened to you?” Mike asked as he slid into the backseat next to Lucas, Max in the front. The silence hung heavy in the car like the humidity of a summer’s day. Max and Lucas had tried to pry over his battered appearance, but Eddie shut them down as reassuringly as he could. However, he was already losing patience at hearing the question.

“Don’t stress yourself out, Wheeler. I’m fine,” Eddie said as he began to back out of Mike’s driveway, heading for Steve’s.

“He won’t tell us,” Lucas informed pointedly.

“Why not? If something’s happening we need to kno–”

Eddie cut him off. “And if there was something you guys needed to know, we’d tell you. So just try to let it go and enjoy movie night, alright? Besides, like I said, I’m fine.”

“Bullsh*t,” Mike stated defiantly. “Your face is like, seventy percent yellow and green and you’re trying to tell me you’re fine?

“sh*t happens, Mike. It doesn’t concern you,” Eddie doubled down.

“You're our friend, Eddie, how doesn’t it concern us?” Lucas argued, both he and Mike on the edge of their seats as they bore holes into the back of Eddie’s head.

“Because it doesn’t,” Eddie shot back, sighing to calm himself down. He knew they were just worried and trying to help, but the thought of burdening the kids with all the Carver bullsh*t was something that left him barren. Not to mention thinking about the ordeal had consternation gnawing away at him. “And when we get to Steve’s I don’t want any of you bombarding him with questions, either.”

“Steve’s hurt too?” Mike asked, a glance in the rearview mirror showing his eyes were wide.

“It looks worse than it is,” maybe it was partially a lie, but Steve and Eddie both agreed they didn’t want to get the kids involved with this unless it was absolutely necessary. And ‘necessary’ to them meant only if they had to explain why one of them was suddenly in jail, likely Eddie out of the two.

“Do you have anything to say about this?” Mike whirled on Max in the passenger seat, who had been silent since before he’d gotten in the car.

Max looked perturbed, and it had taken a lot of convincing on Eddie’s part to get her to drop it, considering they were alone first on the ride to Lucas’. “If he doesn’t wanna talk about it, we shouldn’t make him.” Luckily, she understood how Eddie felt more than anyone when it came to constantly being asked if they were okay.

What?” Mike questioned, incredulous.

“Seriously, let’s just drop it. At least for tonight,” Eddie cut in again, knowing it wouldn’t just be for tonight. “If you really wanna help, you’ll let me distract myself with movies and Steve’s expensive beer.”

It was clear that none of them wanted to let it go, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last he’d hear about it– especially from Dustin– but thankfully they did, riding in silence to Steve’s.

When Steve led them into his living room, the atmosphere was just as thick as the van. Will and El were sitting in silence on the couch, Will looking fearful as his leg bounced rapidly. Meanwhile Dustin was standing in front of them, visibly outraged.

“Are you hearing this sh*t?” Was Dustin’s greeting as he looked at Lucas, Max, and Mike.

“I told you not to bring it up when he got here, Henderson,” Steve scolded, hands going to his hips.

“Like hell I’m gonna do that!” Dustin exclaimed. “You can’t leave us in the dark like this! After everything we’ve been through you think we can’t handle whatever it is you’re not telling us?”

“Now isn’t time to play detective–” Steve rounded, but Dustin cut him off.

“I’m not playing anything, Steve! I let it go the first time I saw Eddie, looking like he’d had the life squeezed out of him– all because you asked me to. But you can’t keep treating us like kids!” He gesticulated wildly, eyes fierce and brow furrowed in determination. This was partially news to Eddie, as he’d always wondered why Dustin never said anything after the time Jason strangled him. It wasn’t in the kid’s nature to let that go– as the current situation was proving– and amidst the argument a brief spark of appreciation for Steve spread through Eddie.

“You are kids,” Eddie retaliated.

“Not normal kids!” Mike yelled from behind him, walking further in the room to look between Steve and Eddie, their agreement to drop it lasting not even a minute after walking through the door. “Don’t act like we’re some… fragile little ten year olds.”

“It’s not that we don’t think you can handle it, it’s that you shouldn’t have to,” Eddie emphasized.

“And we shouldn’t have had to handle any of the sh*t we went through!” Lucas was the one to interject now, gesturing passionately to Will on the couch. “Will was in the Upside Down for a f*cking week, and got Mindflayed. We thought we saw his body get dragged out of a lake. We’ve saved Hawkins– what–” he looked around at the rest of the younger kids. “Four times? Don’t even get me started on the sh*t El has been through– or the people we’ve lost!” His voice squeaked as emotion flooded him, looking back at Eddie with a desperation that hollowed out his chest. His words quaked as he said, much softer, “Don’t f*cking tell me we don’t deserve to know what’s going on. Not after everything.”

Eddie’s heart shriveled inside of him, jaw clenching as he looked back at Lucas, the silence filling the room almost electric. He swallowed thickly, sharing a look with Steve. Steve’s brows were set, eyes flicking between Eddie’s. He didn’t know what Steve was thinking, but Eddie knew Lucas was right. It wasn’t fair to treat them like brittle children, when frankly every one of them was stronger than Eddie could ever hope to be.

Eddie ran his hands roughly over his face with a sigh, all the kids’ eyes glued to him. “We got into a fight with Jason and Andy,” Eddie made the decision for him and Steve, a sideways glance to check if that bothered him. Steve gave a small, reassuring nod to continue. “It got pretty bad, but we handled it.”

“Jason and Andy did this?” Will’s voice came out small, eyes watery and rounded in horror.

“Not exactly,” Steve took over, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall behind him. “Some of it, yeah. But we… did some real damage to them. We knew it looked bad, so we went to Hopper for help.”

“When?” Will asked, shaking his head lightly in confusion.

“You and El were at Mike’s and Max’s,” Eddie supplied calmly, the worked up nerves finally slipping out of him.

“And you didn’t tell me?” The hurt was clear in Dustin’s voice as he stared wide eyed at Eddie. He looked… betrayed. Eddie wanted to disappear.

“It’s not your battle to fight, Henderson,” Eddie said softly, throat tight as remorse curled around it.

“If Jason did not do this to you,” El started slowly, speaking in that ever gentle tone of hers. “Then who did?”

Steve sighed. “Hopper knew it would look worse, our injuries compared to theirs. So he…” he gave a weak shrug, waving vaguely to the air with one hand before letting it fall to his side.

Hopper did this?” Mike asked, bewildered.

“He had to,” Eddie instantly defended. “It was the only thing we could think of. We got our sh*t together on a story to tell the doctor after, that way we could at least plead self defense.”

“Well, it was self defense,” Max stated, raising her eyebrows at them. “Right?”

“Obviously. The fight would’ve happened either way,” Steve confirmed. “But… I did swing first.” The kids all let out various sighs of disappointment, Lucas running a hand over his face.

“Oh my god,” Dustin grumbled to himself, rolling his eyes. “That’s like the number one rule of fighting, Steve. Even I know that. Never throw the first punch.”

“Yeah, well I’m pretty sure you would’ve thrown it yourself if you heard the sh*t Carver was saying,” Steve retorted.

“What was he saying?” Will asked.

Steve and Eddie shared a brief look. “Nothing. It’s not important,” Steve brushed off. “So far we haven’t heard of Carver taking legal action, but it was only a week ago.”

“Now you know everything,” Eddie said, more than ready to wrap up this conversation. “So can we please move on?”

“Only if you promise to keep us in the loop,” Lucas said firmly.

“Well, I’m guessing if we don’t I’ll have six obnoxious teenagers banging on my door until you drag it out of us, so,” Eddie sighed. “If anything changes, we’ll tell you.”

“Promise?” Dustin didn’t take his eyes off Eddie, the remnants of his hurt still clear.

Eddie held the gaze in earnest, nodding smally. “I promise.” Dustin’s lips pressed into a tight line as he nodded back.

“Right, if we’re all done with this little intervention, I’m gonna go grab the movies,” Steve clapped his hands together, pushing off the wall before turning to Eddie. “There’s popcorn in the pantry. Mind starting it?”

A small but genuine smile stretched Eddie’s face. “Count on me, Stevie.” Steve just smiled back, the two of them looking at each other as if they’d made some sort of inside joke before Steve clapped a hand on his shoulder, moving past him.

Eddie made his way into the kitchen and began raiding Steve’s pantry, marveling at how well stocked it was. Rich people, he snorted to himself light heartedly.

He brought two bags of microwavable popcorn out, debating if he could put them both in at once. Deciding he didn’t wanna risk blowing up Steve’s microwave (which he definitely couldn’t afford to fix,) he decided to practice patience and only pop one in.

Eddie could hear the kids and Steve arguing over watching a horror movie in the living room, Steve sounding like he was losing the battle, when Will entered the kitchen. “How’s it hangin’, Byers?” Eddie asked, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms.

He didn’t miss the uneasiness about Will, his hands fidgeting in front of him and eyes unable to hold Eddie’s gaze for more than a second at a time. “You okay, man?” Eddie asked, more seriously.

“Does…” Will trailed off, staring somewhere at the floor between them. “Does Carver do this to you… only because of Chrissy?” When his eyes met Eddie’s, one would think Will was looking at a demogorgon instead of Eddie. His heart sank into his stomach.

Eddie pressed his lips together as he debated on how to approach this, but his hesitance seemed to spur on Will’s nerves more. “It’s just…” Will looked over his shoulder before stepping closer, lowering his voice. “I saw you and Steve holding hands when we saw Evil Dead and… I guess I’m just wondering if… that’s part of it.”

He didn’t know how much more he could take of seeing these kids in pain. The way Will’s voice trembled and he couldn’t seem to keep himself still made Eddie want to wrap himself around the boy and shield him from the world. From people like Carver. “I could lie to you, and say no. That it’s not part of it, but…” Eddie shook his head. “I’d rather you know what you’re up against,” he looked at Will pointedly when he said this, a small shock crossing the young boy’s face as his eyes rounded slightly at Eddie, before softening into a sort of relaxed acceptance. Will stayed silent, now able to look Eddie in the eyes as he waited for him to continue.

“Yes. That’s part of it. Though I’m not sure he’d bother with me if it weren’t for… what he thinks I did,” Eddie swallowed as he tried to keep a grip on his composure. “But that’s what sucks. When you’re like us, and people don’t like you for one reason, they’ll always lump that in with it. Use it against you. Try to shame you for it.”

He could see water welling in Will’s eyes, jaw clenched as he stood completely still. Eddie took a few steps forward, placing both his hands on his shoulders firmly and not letting his gaze waver from Will’s. “But you never let them make you feel ashamed. Ever, you understand me?” His throat closed once more, own voice becoming shaky as he watched a few silent tears spill over Will’s cheeks. “Promise me.”

Truthfully, he wanted to be brutally honest with the boy. Tell him that it was so much more than just Chrissy, or Eddie being gay. It was the fact that Eddie lived in a trailer, and Carver probably lived in a two story with a lawn and a backyard. It was the fact that if one of Carver’s friends smoked weed, it wasn’t the end of the world, but Eddie would be considered skeevy for selling it to them. But that was too much to put on the kid, especially as he saw the clear terror in his eyes. Today he found out how brutal the world could be to people like him. People that he loved. Eddie couldn’t bear to shatter any more of his spirit.

Will’s tears were flowing freely, the boy shaking under his hands, lip quivering as he restrained himself from making his cry audible. “I promise,” he whispered out, so quiet Eddie could barely hear it.

Eddie grit his teeth as he pulled Will into a crushing hug, the latter clutching his back as his shoulders began to shake, the softest sobs muffled by Eddie’s chest. “It’s not all bad. I swear,” Eddie rasped out, tears now rolling down his own face. Maybe it was from all the emotions flying around earlier, or maybe his heart just ached that much for the sensitive, compassionate boy he’d come to know fairly well over the past year or so. “There is so much that makes it worth it, okay? You just gotta be brave enough to stick around for it.”

The microwave beeping snapped them back to reality, Eddie and Will laughing with sniffles into the hug before pulling apart. They smiled at each other, the warmth returning to Eddie as he saw a glimmer of something akin to hope in Will’s eyes. “Alright, go help them pick out a movie, since you’re one of the only ones with taste. I’ll finish up this,” he gestured to the other bag of popcorn.

Will nodded, wiping his face with his shirt sleeves before heading back into the living room. Eddie rummaged through Steve’s kitchen for bowls, dumping the finished bag into one and starting the other. When he reemerged into the living room, bowls in hand, it seemed the group had decided on a movie, everyone settling into their spots. Eddie set the bowls on the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch next to Max, Lucas on her other side with an arm around her. Mike and Will were on the floor in front of him, El in a chair and Dustin leaning against it while also sitting on the floor. Steve had brought out blankets for everyone, and pillows for those on the floor.

“What did we decide?” Eddie asked, Steve coming over to take a seat beside him after putting in the movie.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” Dustin informed, Eddie smiling in approval. Steve dragged a blanket over both of their laps, relaxing back with a content sigh. Eddie slung his arm across the back of the couch behind Steve. He smiled to himself as Steve pressed closer into his side, leaning against him as the movie started up.

It only took about five minutes for Steve’s arm to snake behind Eddie’s waist, his hand resting on the latter’s hip as they watched. His thumb rubbed gentle, calming strokes just above Eddie’s hip, the latter relaxing his arm over Steve’s shoulders fully. Turns out, in practice, neither of them cared too much about keeping the subtlety around the kids.

About half way through the movie, Eddie noticed Dustin in his peripheral vision looking over, his brows knotting together as he stared at them in confusion. Eddie bit back an amused smile, trying to keep his expression blank as Dustin’s brain clearly chugged to put pieces together.

He tapped El’s leg next to him, nodding for her to look over at Eddie and Steve. She simply shrugged with a pleasant smile as she turned her attention back on the movie. It was around this time as Eddie’s brain and eyes wandered, that he took note of Mike and Will in front of him on the floor. They were holding hands between them, keeping them mostly hidden from the others with their legs. Except for Eddie and Steve of course, as they were directly behind them.

A gooeyness spread within Eddie, like his chest was being filled with warm honey. He knocked his knee lightly against Steve’s, nodding to the boys in front of them discreetly. He watched a small smile spread Steve’s face before he shook his head, directing the radiance of his cheerfulness at Eddie. That syrupy comfort seeped lazily through Eddie, weighing down his limbs and forcing him to melt into the couch, into Steve.

Eddie hardly paid attention to the rest of the movie, especially since he’d seen it before, instead deciding to indulge in the tranquility overflowing him.

The movie finished, and the kids decided they wanted to watch another. Eddie took this opportunity to grab him and Steve beers, but when he turned around to walk back out, Dustin was standing in front of him. The dejected look on his face stopped Eddie in his tracks. He was pretty sure he knew what Dustin was upset about before the boy even spoke.

“Do you… not trust me anymore?” He didn’t expect his words to be so crushing, however. There was hurt straining his voice, but also anger, his brows drawn tight and eyes wounded as he stared at Eddie. “Why did you stop telling me things?”

“Dustin, it’s not about you. I didn’t want any of you to worry about Carver–”

“I’m not just talking about Jason, Eddie,” Dustin closed his eyes briefly and shook his head, sounding almost exhausted. “Did you really think you couldn’t tell me?”

He pressed his lips together, setting the beers down on the counter beside him. Guilt was Eddie’s shadow, always attached and leeching, bringing darkness to even his brightest moments. In moments like this, Eddie was sure he was more shadow than person. “You couldn’t lose my trust if you tried, Henderson,” he placed a hand on Dustin’s shoulder, swallowing his culpability in order to fix what his carelessness had caused. “We didn’t want to make it a big thing, but I at least should’ve told you.”

“Yeah, you should’ve,” Dustin agreed solemnly, but the main heat of his anger had died out. Now all that remained was hurt, and somehow that ripped Eddie apart more. He’d rather the kid be enraged with him than feel an ounce of neglect. “How serious even are you guys? Neither of you seem like relationship material.”

Eddie scoffed out a laugh, a smile tugging his cheeks. “I’d be more offended, but I didn’t think we were either. Especially not me,” Eddie shrugged. “Just didn’t seem like something that could be in my cards, but… guess we’re both trying it out and seeing what happens.” And he forgot how well this damn kid knew him, Dustin’s eyes narrowing instantly.

“Bullsh*t ‘just trying it out,’” Dustin co*cked his head, unconvinced. “Your smile right now looks more idiotic than Will’s.”

Eddie raised his eyebrows. “So you know about that now?” Last time the topic of Mike and Will was brought up in Steve’s pool, the other boys seemed pretty oblivious.

“Uh, yeah, it’s pretty f*ckin’ obvious, Eddie,” Dustin said flatly. “Consider yourself lucky. You guys don’t even see the worst of it.”

Eddie laughed, Dustin joining in, his spirits slowly seeming to pick up. “So… we good?”

“Yeah, we’re good,” Dustin nodded simply. “But if you and Steve break up I’m not choosing between you two. You guys can suck it up.”

Eddie chuckled with a roll of his eyes, plopping a hand on Dustin’s hair and tussling it, much to the boy’s annoyance. “Hey, hey!” He ducked out of Eddie’s hold, tentatively brushing the sides of his hair back into place. “Watch the luscious locks.”

“God, your hair is crunchy, dude,” Eddie wiped the residue on his jeans before picking up the beers. “You’re gonna f*ck up the curls, ya know? Don’t listen to everything Steve tells you about hair.”

“Why not? The ladies love it,” he retorted.

The ladies?” Eddie raised his eyebrows once more. “What happened with Suzie?”

“Nothing,” Dustin shrugged as he and Eddie walked back to the living room, Max and Mike arguing emphatically over two movies while Lucas, Will, and El looked on in amusem*nt. “She knows I just like a little harmless attention.”

Eddie laughed boisterously at this, sitting beside Steve and passing him his beer. He quirked an eyebrow at Eddie, who’s smile deepened. “Think you had a concerning amount of impact on that kid’s development,” he nodded over at Dustin, who began to join the argument between Mike and Max.

“Concerning?” Steve feigned offense, a small smirk betraying him. “He should only be so lucky to get some of the Harrington charm.”

This earned a hearty eye roll from Eddie. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Yeah, but it worked on you, didn’t it?” Steve held out the neck of his bottle to Eddie. “Cheers.”

Eddie smiled, a deep sigh carrying out all the stresses of the night as he clinked their bottles together. “Cheers, m’dear.”

Will, Max, and El eventually strong-armed Dustin, Mike, and Lucas into watching Footloose. Eddie didn’t really care what they watched, honestly. With Steve tucked back into his side, the children’s laughter and bickering filling the room, the bubbling in Eddie’s core was enough to float him high above the ground. Eddie never would’ve guessed there were people like this out there for him. The movie started, but Eddie was walking on the moon.


“I really don’t get what you’re so stressed about, Eddie,” Robin said, slowly working through the pile of tapes she had to rewind. “He’s obviously crazy about you.”

“Being crazy about someone isn’t the same as being in love with them,” Eddie retorted.

“Since when?” She looked over at him. “There are two things that drive humans more insane than anything; grief, and love.”

“What if I tell him and he gets weirded out by how quick it is?” Eddie sprawled his arms over the counter, looking up at Robin with a grimace.

“He’s not gonna get weirded out,” Robin said simply.

“You don’t know that.”

“You two are my best friends, doofus,” Robin looked at him flatly. “How many times I gotta tell you I’m pretty sure I know Steve better than he knows himself. In fact, I’m so confident he’ll say it back I’ll eat my own hand if he doesn’t.”

Eddie groaned dramatically as he slumped off the counter and slid his back down it, sitting on the store floor. “I hate this,” he complained as his head thumped against the counter behind him.

“So why even make this whole elaborate plan, anyway?” Robin questioned, out of view. “Just tell him when it feels right.”

“Because,” Eddie sighed in exasperation. “I’m going f*cking crazy. Every time I look at him I just wanna…” he shook his head, holding his hands out in front of him and clutching the air. “Scream it at his stupid, gorgeous face. And when I’m not with him, he’s all I think about. I mean this can’t be healthy, Rob.”

“So tell him. You don’t need to be… Charles Dickens.”

“I’ve never told anyone I’ve loved them before, not in this way,” Eddie admitted softly, eyes glazed over as he looked at the movie racks in front of him. “I just… don’t wanna f*ck it up.”

“You’re not gonna f*ck it up,” Robin assured, and suddenly her upside down face was hanging in front of him, hair dangling. “What’s that bullsh*t the kids are always saying? ‘Friends don’t lie’?” Her face was quickly turning into a tomato, so she pushed herself back up, disappearing from Eddie’s view.

“But it’s like… I picture myself saying it to him– saying the words ‘I love you,’ and,” Eddie cringed, shaking his head uncomfortably. “It just feels… wrong. Like… I’m not meant to say things like that. The thought of telling anyone I love them makes me wanna never look another human in the eye.”

“You tell me you love me all the time,” Robin contradicted. “And Dustin.”

“That’s different,” Eddie sighed again. “It’s not romantic.”

“So? Why does that matter?”

Eddie bit his lip. Why does it matter? He wondered to himself. “I don’t know, romance just feels like… something meant for other people, ya know? Like I wasn’t… made right for it.” For a long time Eddie was able to convince himself that he was fine not having those sweet, innocent ‘young love’ experiences. And it worked for a while. But ever since Steve… he needed it more than he needed air to breathe.

“That’s ridiculous, Eddie,” Robin’s voice was softer, more genuine. “You can’t be made wrong for love.”

“But what if I am?” He asked quietly, his question more directed to the universe than Robin. “Anyway, how am I supposed to tell him if I can’t even think about saying it?”

“You just gotta rip the bandaid off. Next time you see him, blurt it out. You’re charismatic enough to pull off a tumbled out love confession.”

Eddie scoffed. “What happened to ‘friends don’t lie?’” Eddie exhaled in defeat. “I am farrr from charismatic.”

“Eddie, you’re probably the most charismatic person I know, next to Steve,” he heard something slide across the counter, and suddenly Robin was dropping to her feet in front of him. She looked down at him and crossed her arms. “And let’s face it, most of his charisma is just because he’s dumb and hot.”

The faintest smile tugged Eddie’s lips as he thought of Steve’s stupid, perfect face. The pleasant feeling was quickly overwhelmed by his nerves once more. “As if. Name one time I’ve been charismatic and not generally off-putting,” he challenged. Robin opened her mouth to answer, but Eddie cut her off, closing his eyes to summon his patience. “And if you f*cking say Chip Hudson’s birthday party I’ll actually commit a murder.” He opened his eyes to see Robin’s mouth closed. “Exactly,” he concluded.

“That’s not fair because there isn’t any one instance!” She argued. “You’re not occasionally charismatic, you’re always charismatic. It’s just not in the same way that Steve is. There are different ways to be charming. So… stop getting caught up in whether you were ‘made for love,’” Robin bobbled her head as she made air quotes. “And just tell your equally stupid boyfriend you love him.”

He rolled his eyes, because it didn’t matter how charismatic Eddie was, in reality he was still scared sh*tless. But maybe Robin had a point, and maybe he started thinking a bit more seriously about how he would actually tell Steve. Not just this far away notion, a fantasy that he liked to speculate both in fear and wonder. What he could honestly, tangibly see himself doing.

“Fine,” Eddie sighed, long and dramatic as he slumped a little further onto the floor. “I’ll tell my…” Eddie gestured noncommittally to the air, “stupid boyfriend I love him. Or whatever.”

“Laying on the ex-theater kid a little too thick, don’tcha think?” Robin teased, but there was a pleased look on her face as she walked back behind the counter.

The bell over the door jingled, and a look to the side revealed none other than the boyfriend in question. “Hey,” Steve greeted them, brow knitting together slightly as his eyes landed on Eddie. “Why are you on the floor?”

“Because he’s a misogynist who likes to make his female coworkers do all the work,” Robin supplied smoothly, Eddie scoffing as he pushed himself to his feet.

“Ouch,” he draped his fingers over his chest in mock offense. “Demoted to coworker?”

“Not if you actually do the returns cart,” she raised her eyebrows in amusem*nt, nodding to the cart.

“Why are you here?” Eddie asked as he pulled the returns cart over to him. He’d brought it out a while ago, but the store had been empty nearly all day and he decided wallowing was more entertaining.

“Jeez,” Steve snorted. “I thought I was visiting people who enjoyed my company,” Steve shook his head, crossing the store to lean against the checkout counter, near Eddie and across from Robin.

Eddie rolled his eyes, but a wide smile stretched his face as he took a few steps closer to Steve, crowding his space. He ran his hand roughly through his Steve’s hair, messing it up. “Hey– man, c’mon!” Steve protested, jerking his head away and trying to do damage control from Eddie. “This takes time, ya know? Not all of us can roll out of bed with perfect hair.”

Eddie batted away Steve’s hands and began to fix the mess he’d caused, an amused smile on his face as he brushed Steve’s hair back into place. “Quit fishing for compliments, pretty boy,” Eddie lightly tapped his cheek twice before moving to start on the returns, not missing Steve’s flustered, pink face.

“Eugh,” Robin made a disgusted face. “You two are hard to watch. Go make babies somewhere else.”

“Shut up,” Steve muttered. “I came here because– once again– you would assume no one works here. How did I call five times and neither of you hear it?”

“Oh… those were you?” Eddie pulled an only mildly regretful wince.

“Told you it was the same asshole calling back to back,” Robin directed this towards Eddie, who snorted.

Steve made a gesture to say ‘what gives?’ but moved on regardless. “Anyway,” he pushed off the counter to stride closer to Eddie. “I came here to say you can tell Wayne we’re on for Sunday.”

“Oooo,” Robin cooed scandalously from behind the counter. “Meeting the family, Steve?”

“I’ve already met him,” Steve said with a childishly defiant face. “It wasn’t… the best.”

“I keep telling you that he doesn’t dislike you that much,” Eddie tried to assure for the millionth time.

That much,” Steve muttered mockingly. “But it doesn’t matter. Because come this Sunday I’ll be his favorite person.”

“Okay, well, that’s a little ambitious,” Eddie stated realistically, smirking at Steve’s unamused face.

“Glad you have so much yet so little confidence in me,” Steve drawled sarcastically. Eddie shot him a wink with a click of his tongue. “Also, are we all still on for tonight?”

“Yeah, Vickie and Gareth got the tents and stuff for the bonfire,” Robin informed. “I’m bringing the food so that leaves drinks and… various substances to you two.”

“I call ‘various substances,’” Eddie raised a hand.

“Guess that leaves drinks to me,” Steve glanced over at Eddie, an almost mischievous smile creeping onto his face. “Pick me up at 8?”

Eddie’s own smile lit up as he nodded, but it quickly dampened. “Should I… park down the street. Ya know, ‘cause of your parents.”

“Nah, they’re out of town right now anyway,” Steve shrugged. “And even if they weren’t, they can get over it.” Eddie’s smile returned in the form of a full-face grin.

“Ooo,” Eddie teased. “King Steve likes pissing off his parents. Naughty boy.”

Robin gave a theatrical gag. “Get a room. One that I’m not currently in.”

Steve hung around for quite a while longer, doing his best to distract Eddie from actually working, and Robin frequently chiming in to scold him for leaving her with more work.

The bonfire had been Steve’s idea, suggesting they invite some of the others to ball log for a night under the stars. As long as no one brought anything crazy, like fireworks, they should be able to keep it pretty under wraps considering how secluded it was.

It wasn’t for no reason, either, intended to be a celebration of sorts. At least to those who knew there was something to celebrate. Not long ago, Hopper called them down to the station to update them on anything with Carver, and for once it felt like the stars were aligning for Eddie. Apparently, Jason’s parents were getting fed up with his long lasting fixation on Eddie. Hopper had been expecting them to press charges, but instead they stated the whole rivalry was bringing a bad name to their family.

Supposedly, it wasn’t very good for the son of an influential, rich family to be getting in constant street fights, even if they were against Eddie. Essentially, what was said went along the lines of ‘keep Eddie away from our son and we’ll do the same.’

Regardless of the good news, the feeling that it was too good to be true kept picking at Eddie. Even now, as he took his break in the back room, listening to Steve ramble out one of Dustin’s recent bullyings of the group-appointed babysitter.

“And it’s like, dude,” Steve shook his head. “I’m the one who showed you how to do your stupid hair in the first place. Ungrateful little sh*t.” Eddie heard what he said, but his brain was lagging to garner a response. He must have been staring off for a while, as Steve tapped his shin with his shoe, moving to sit on the uncomfortable metal bench next to Eddie. “You got that look again. What’s up?”

“What look?” The fog in Eddie’s brain cleared enough for him to ask, dragging himself back to the back room.

“Like you’re trying to do long division in your head,” Steve said plainly, earning a dry snort from Eddie.

“Sorry, it’s just,” Eddie shook his head, biting his lip for a moment as his leg began to bounce. “Don’t you think it’s a little convenient? Carver’s family suddenly wanting nothing to do with us? I mean,” Eddie lowered his voice, despite no one being around. “We beat the sh*t out of him. The big and powerful Carvers don’t want some kind of payback? To have the last word?”

Steve sighed, his hand sliding up Eddie’s back and into his hair, massaging slowly. Eddie relaxed into the touch, shifting closer into Steve’s side. “Didn’t you say you ran into Carver at the diner a few days ago and he didn’t do anything?” It was true. Eddie was getting a coffee at the diner down the street before his shift, and Jason had been eating alone. The man had glared daggers into the back of Eddie’s skull for every second he was in the restaurant, but that was it. No confrontation. Didn’t follow Eddie out. Nothing.

Eddie nodded, looking over at Steve, who continued to tangle his fingers lazily in the hair at the back of Eddie’s head. “So… for now, it seems the Carvers were serious about wanting to cut Jason’s bullsh*t off. Trust me, if there’s one thing rich parents hate, it’s having a kid with a… less than perfect reputation. It’s all about looks.” Steve’s words drove a stake right through Eddie’s sternum. The distant look in Steve’s eyes as he used this to affirm Eddie made him want to lock Steve away from the rest of the world forever. Keep him to himself, where nothing and no one could make him feel like a mistake. Especially his wretched parents.

“And even if they want to do something down the line, we’ve done all we can for now. Went to pretty f*cking extreme lengths, too,” Steve smirked halfheartedly at Eddie, who’s eyebrows quirked in recognition. Steve’s fingers splayed deeper into his hair, his other hand coming to rest on Eddie’s bouncing knee, slowing it to a stop. “There’s no point in worrying, because whether we’re stressing the whole time or living our lives like normal, what’s gonna happen is gonna happen. Just… try and enjoy the wins while we have them.”

Eddie’s eyes searched Steve’s skeptically, teetering on the edge of giving in and clutching to his overworked instincts. Steve’s hand moved from his leg to hold Eddie’s jaw, thumb brushing over his cheek as his eyes flicked from Eddie’s to his lips, then back. “You deserve to be happy, Eddie,” his voice was soft, almost a whisper as he spoke now. “I wish you’d start seeing that.”

Steve’s heady eyes blinked slowly back at him, appearing utterly enamored with Eddie’s face. And just like that, Eddie watched his worry shrink away from him as he fell into Steve’s comfort. When Steve held him so gently, looked at him so amorously, he felt like he was facing the world with the strongest armor known to man.

Eddie sighed longly, bringing his hand up to cover the one cradling his face. “I’ll never know how you do that, ya know.”

Steve’s brows creased in the slightest. “Do what?”

Eddie shook his head lightly, trying to find the words. “Make the world… move slower. Even if it feels like I’m being shot out of a f*ckin’ canon,” Eddie punctuated his sentence with a soft chuckle, which Steve returned.

“I’m more than just a pretty face, remember,” Steve said haughtily, but had a goofy smile on his face. Eddie laughed, eyes falling closed as he let his forehead rest against Steve’s.

He could do it now. It was the perfect time. Just say it, he tried to encourage himself. I love you.

“We’re gonna be okay, Eddie,” Steve said softly, thumb starting up its languid strokes over Eddie’s cheek once more.

I love you.

Steve laughed into his words as he said, “And honestly, I’m ready to pack you up in a Winnebago and take you across the country if things start turning south.”

I f*cking love you.

“Uh… assuming you’d let me, obviously,” Steve added timidly. An almost painful smile quivered Eddie’s lip as he had to fight back the tears prickling behind his closed eyes. He’d found that happening more recently; being so full he couldn’t help but spill out. The words were clawing their way up his throat, scratching at the back of his teeth. Eddie silenced them by crashing a desperate, devouring kiss to Steve’s lips. That was a plunge for another day. Right now, he was taking his wins while he had them.

The hand covering Steve’s slid to his shoulder, down his side, while his other came to cup Steve’s face. Steve pressed into the kiss, which was slow and hungry, like both of them were savoring every morsel the other had to offer.

The sound of the backroom door opening had them jumping apart, but it only revealed Robin. Her face fell into one of disgust. “Gross, guys. When I said ‘get a room’ I didn’t mean this one,” she walked past them to sit in the spinny chair, which was usually claimed by Steve. “And your break is over, Eddie. You two will have plenty of time to suck each other's faces later.”

“Thought we were supposed to be wingmen,” Steve said to Robin as Eddie stood up. She simply stuck her tongue out at him. Eddie chuckled to himself as he reentered the front of the store, leaving the two of them in the back room, excitement for the night teeming in his stomach.


it's pretty much official that next chapter will be the last chapter, though maybe it will end up being two more if it runs too long, then tack on the epilogue chapter. but anyway, hopefully these fluffy moments make up for all the angst of last chapter lmaooo (even tho it seems like yall ate that up.)

Chapter 15: The World Found Only in the Eyes of a Lover


it's finally here! read the author's note at the end for some info :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Eddie had led the trail of cars to ball log, Steve riding shotgun with their usual setup in the back. They’d also brought a tent from Steve’s for the others in addition to what Vickie and Gareth were bringing. It wasn’t going to be a big group of people, but Steve and Eddie brought enough alcohol and weed for a small houseparty. Better safe than run out of party favors, and all that. Now, the tents were set up, as well as the back of Eddie’s van, and a small bonfire had been built not far from where everyone would be sleeping. A large boombox was set up near the foldout lawn chairs everyone brought, upbeat grungy music playing out of it. The night could finally commence.

“Pick your poison,” Steve gestured to the cooler of drinks, which was next to a pile of hard liquor. Eddie opted for a vodka soda, caring more about how quickly he got drunk rather than how good it felt going down. Steve made himself the same, taking a sip as he looked out at everyone else.

Robin and Vickie were talking to Eleanor and Kenny, who they’d met at the costume party. Meanwhile, Jeff was chasing Gareth around with a long stick, taking swipes at the air behind him and laughing.

“Ya know, Gareth and Jeff aren’t half bad,” Steve noted, Eddie nodding with an amused smile.

“Yeah, they’re pretty alright,” he mused, watching as Jeff tackled Gareth to the ground, the two rolling around. “Gareth doesn’t even know you were in competition with him.”

Steve smirked over at Eddie. “Was it ever really a competition?”

Eddie breathed into his cup. “No. ‘Specially not with a mouth like yours,” Eddie slid his free hand into the back pocket of Steve’s jeans, the latter leaning into him. He reveled in the way Steve’s eyes blinked and fluttered around every time Eddie managed to fluster him, which was pretty frequently.

Jeff helped Gareth off the ground, clapping him on the shoulder as the two of them laughed while walking over to the drinks. They both smiled in greeting at Eddie and Steve. “Thanks for telling us about this place,” Jeff looked around the clearing, up at the stars. “It’s really… peaceful.”

“Even if it’s currently filled with idiots,” Gareth added with a smile, pouring himself a mixed drink, Jeff doing the same.

“Thank Steve,” Eddie swayed into him more. “King of ball log.”

“Here, here,” Jeff raised his cup, Steve doing the same with a small smile.

“Yeah, well. This place is nice alone, but…” Steve shrugged, looking over at the other four laughing around the bonfire. “Sometimes it’s better with people who will appreciate it.”

“So, uh, Eddie,” Gareth started, looking a bit unsure of himself. “I know you’ve got a lot going on, but the guys and I were thinking of getting together to jam next week. Nothin’ serious, just a casual thing,” he smiled encouragingly at Eddie. “If you feel like it, you should stop by.”

Warmth curled around Eddie’s chest, unable to contain himself from returning the smile. Even after all this time of not keeping in close touch, and everything in the trial, it lightened Eddie that Gareth and Jeff still tried to reach out to him. “Yeah, man. I’ll, uh, I’ll check my work schedule.”

Gareth beamed, “Great.”

“We can move the day around, too,” Jeff said happily. “Afterall, what’s a jam sesh without Munson’s wicked guitar skills.” He playfully shoved Eddie’s shoulder, making him chuckle. What he would give to tell them about playing Metallica on top of his van in an alternate dimension in order to summon a herd of demon bats.

“And…” Gareth looked over at Steve. “Suppose if Harrington wants to see us in action, he could stop by.” Steve looked mildly shocked, his mouth falling open a bit as he looked over at Eddie.

“You did promise you’d play for me,” he smirked lightly.

“Plus, it’ll give Eleanor someone to talk to,” Jeff grinned coyly over at Gareth. “For some unknown reason she’s been coming around to practice more.”

Gareth’s face was red as a tomato as he smiled down at his shoes bashfully. A grin split Eddie’s own face, his hand retracting out of Steve’s pocket to ruffle Gareth’s hair. “Atta boy. You two been hanging out since the party?”

Gareth bit his lip to try and contain his clear enjoyment, bobbling his head back and forth as he gaily weighed his thoughts. “Here and there, yeah, here and there.”

“More like all the time,” Jeff was not taking Gareth’s modesty for a second, clearly determined to expose the love affairs of his friend. “You’re a hard man to get a hold of now.”

Jeff and Gareth devolved into a teasing conversation over Eleanor as they made their way over to the fire pit, where everyone had taken purchase in the lawn chairs. Eddie’s free hand slid over Steve’s hip as he came to stand in front of him. “It’s official,” Eddie simpered. “You’re in with the boys.”

“Boys down, Wayne to go,” Steve said humorously. “Think they’ll get annoyed of me hanging all over you at practice?”

“I guess you’ll just have to keep it in your pants, Harrington,” Eddie said lowly, snaking his hand around Steve’s lower back as he leaned in for a slow kiss, lightly frustrated by his inability to deepen it from their lack of free hands.

“Hey!” They heard someone yell from the pit, both of them breaking the kiss to look over at Robin. “Dingus and doofus! Quit your mating ritual for five seconds and join us!” She was smiling widely, holding hands with Vickie between their chairs.

Eddie and Steve chuckled as they looked back at each other. “We’ve been summoned,” Eddie said.

“Guess the whole point of this was to be social,” Steve sighed, his free hand tugging Eddie’s along as he led them over to the bonfire. There weren’t any more lawn chairs, but there was a large flannel blanket spread out on the grass. Steve sat down first, putting his drink to the side. As Eddie lowered himself onto the blanket he didn’t even have a second before Steve was pulling him down onto his lap, causing him to fall clumsily over the man and narrowly avoiding spilling his drink.

“Easy,” Eddie laughed, sitting perpendicular to Steve and draping his legs over the eager man’s lap. “Or this blanket is about to become a lot more flammable.”

“Yeah, well, it’s my blanket anyway,” Steve wrapped one arm around Eddie’s middle, his hand holding around the latter’s stomach while the other fell over the side of Eddie’s thigh. Tingles erupted through Eddie, Steve’s necessity for being close to him never failed to make him feel like he was on the high of his life with no comedown in sight.

“Alright. It’s not a proper night out without a drinking game, right?” Eleanor bit down a puckish smile as she looked out across the group, who gave their various ‘woo’s’ of agreement. She had a small stack of plastic shot glasses next to her, and one of the silver tequilas that Steve brought. “I’m sure we all know how to play Never Have I Ever, but in case you don’t, it’s simple: one person says something they’ve never done, and if you have done that thing, you take a shot. Since I suggested the game, I’ll start.”

Her round, brown eyes rolled thoughtfully as she tapped her chin with a delicate finger, lips pursed as she surveyed the group. “Alright, never have I ever had sex outside of a house.”

Eddie’s amused eyes instantly snapped to Steve’s, whose face was glowing pink in the light of the campfire. Eddie grinned over at Eleanor. “We’re gonna need two shots over here,” he held up two fingers as the group ‘Oo’d’ loudly. Eleanor poured the shots and passed them down the line of people until they arrived at Eddie and Steve. He put his mixed drink to the side and passed a shot to Steve. Eddie held his up with a smirk, “Cheers, m’dear.” Steve tapped their cups together before they both threw back the shots.

“Did no one bring a chaser over,” Steve rasped, face puckered from the alcohol.

“Can’t hang, Steve?” Vickie teased, earning a smile from Eddie, but she was already letting go of Robin’s hand to get up, walking over to the cooler.

“Uh,” Kenny chimed in, raising a bony hand. “I also need one.”

You do?” Gareth’s eyes bulged over at Kenny. “No f*ckin’ way, since when?”

“I don’t tell you everything,” Kenny shrugged his scrawny shoulders simply, accepting the shot from Eleanor before throwing it back, face barely flinching. He pushed his glasses back up his nose, where they had slid down.

Steve and Eddie shared a quiet look of surprise, Vickie returning with a 2 liter of Sprite and a small stack of plastic cups. “Always the quiet ones that are secretly wild,” Steve muttered quietly in Eddie’s ear. Eddie snorted in agreement. Vickie began pouring Sprite into the cups and passing them down the line to people, Steve and Eddie placing theirs next to the mixed drinks after both taking a cleansing sip.

A few more people went, and then Kenny came in with a wrecking ball of a statement that managed to get everyone in the group besides him. “Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender.” As Jeff and Gareth reached for their shots to be pourn, it was now Eddie’s turn to stare in disbelief.

You two have?” He asked, incredulous, pointing between them. “When? Where– Who?

Jeff laughed, Gareth’s face reddening in the slightest. “It was on a dare, with each other. Some party a while back,” Jeff informed.

“Man,” Eddie shook his head in disappointment. “I miss all the good sh*t!” There were a lot of things Eddie mourned missing out on due to the trial and… everything with Vecna. But for some reason the insignificant, little things were what really made him long to undo time.

“Ya know, if you two were really his friends,” Vickie started, a sly glint to her eye. “You’d recreate that moment for our dearest Eddie.” Eddie’s face brightened as he grinned over at them in excitement, raising his eyebrows in a silent question.

Both Jeff and Gareth were demure, laughing sheepishly as various people in the group encouraged this. Most notably, Steve and Eleanor.

“C’monnn,” Steve dragged as Eleanor chanted “Do it! Do it!” at the same time.

Jeff and Gareth shared a look, both of them wearing abashed smiles. “Neither of us threw up last time,” Jeff shrugged.

“Speak for yourself,” Gareth snorted. “I was hurling into a plant not even twenty minutes later.”

“That’s because you tried to prove you could chase whiskey with hot peppers instead of limes,” Jeff laughed, Steve grimacing at this.

“Allow me to sweeten the deal,” Eddie chimed in, maneuvering himself in Steve’s lap to pull out a joint from his vest pocket, holding it up to the group. “You two kiss and we light one of these. Fair trade?”

“While it offends me that you think I’m so easily bought,” Jeff said, a smirk quirking his lips. “You are not wrong.” He looked over at Gareth, raising his eyebrows.

Gareth shrugged. “I was gonna do it for free, but you already offered, so no take backs,” Gareth shared Jeff’s amused look, moving out of his chair to sit up on his knees so he had a better angle. “Bring it here, big guy.” Gareth took Jeff’s face in both his hands, their lips crashing together in a kiss while the group cheered boisterously. The kiss kept going longer than Eddie expected, bringing about another wave of cheers, Steve whistling loudly. As they separated, both of them cringing through a smile, the group racketed their applause.

“That was…” Eddie couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. “Sensational. Well done, boys. Your reward, as promised,” he held up the joint, signaling he was going to throw it. Gareth readied his hands, thankfully catching it. Gareth crawled forward to light the tip of the joint on the bonfire before settling back in his lawn chair.

The joint was passed around as the game continued, Eddie taking it gladly when Vickie handed it over to him. He’d taken three hits when Steve leaned in close to whisper in his ear, making sure to gently tuck Eddie’s hair behind it first, “Plan on hogging that all night or does Number One on the list get a turn?” A shiver slid down Eddie’s spine at Steve’s lips moving against the shell of his ear.

The group was lightly bullying Gareth for something Eddie didn’t quite catch, his head far too wrapped up in Steve encroaching all around him. When he turned his face to look at him, he had to lean back so as not to knock their noses together.

“Open wide, pretty boy,” Eddie simpered, flipping the joint around and holding it up for Steve. Steve didn’t break eye contact, their shared gaze crackling like the firepit in front of them as he tilted his head back to take the joint between his lips. The cherry burned brighter as he took a hit, releasing the joint and blowing out smoke after holding for a second. “More?” Eddie asked, Steve merely nodded and took the joint back between his lips when Eddie moved it closer.

At some point the game dissipated into a natural conclusion, another joint passed around leaving everyone reasonably high and drunk, a comfortable atmosphere hanging over all of them. Eddie was sitting on the blanket still, Steve in front of him in between his legs as he roasted a marshmallow, the group gathered around the fire mostly talking in pairs. Save for Gareth and Eleanor, who were walking along the treeline together, an occasional laugh from one of them carrying over.

Eddie let out a relaxed sigh, his arms coming to wrap around Steve’s middle as he rested his chin on his shoulder. “‘S nice,” Eddie mumbled, body fuzzy and head swimming lightly as he gazed into the popping fire.

“What is?” Steve asked, slowly rotating the marshmallow.

Eddie shrugged against Steve. “Everything,” Eddie was getting lost in the rise and fall of his back against Steve’s chest. “The stars, the privacy,” Eddie tightened his arms around Steve’s waist, pressing a kiss to the base of his neck before letting his chin fall back on his shoulder.

“Our friends,” Our friends. The statement flooded him with a radiance that was unrelated to the fire. Some of them he barely knew, others he was mending a drifted relationship, and a select few he trusted with his life. But he couldn’t deny that he knew the source of that fizzing, overwhelming simmer inside him. “You,” he said finally. “Mostly you.”

He could see the apple of one of Steve’s cheeks rise in a smile with a content snort. The hand not holding the stick craned to entangle in the hair on the side of Eddie’s head, rubbing slowly. “I really don’t wanna move, but we kinda committed to this marshmallow and it’s seconds away from falling apart,” Steve informed.

Eddie released Steve with a reluctant sigh, leaning back on his palms as Steve leaned forward to grab the chocolate and graham crackers. Eddie, unashamedly, marveled the view of his ass as he did so. Maybe it was a mixture of booze and weed, but he was finding it especially hard not to picture all the things he’d like to currently be doing to the man in front of him.

When Steve turned around, Eddie had to drag his eyes up to meet his face. Steve smirked, using his knees to walk himself over to Eddie and kneeling in between his open legs. “Enjoying the show, Munson?” He teased, holding out the stick with the cooling marshmallow on it. “Hold that.” Eddie obliged, keeping one hand on the ground for support.

Steve broke a graham cracker into two squares, placing a block of chocolate on one half and closing them around the marshmallow, pulling it off the stick. “See? And you thought I was too drunk to make s'mores,” Steve smiled triumphantly, inspecting his work in front of his face.

“Well?” Eddie asked, opening his mouth, implying for Steve to feed him.

“I spend all the time roasting the marshmallow and I don’t even get the first bite?” He raised his eyebrows. Eddie simply nodded, mouth remaining open. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile, but placed the s'more in Eddie’s mouth regardless. Eddie bit down, holding Steve’s gaze all the while and pulling off of the s'more slowly, a string of marshmallow sticking to his chin.

“My compliments to the chef,” Eddie’s words were muffled as he tried to keep his mouth closed as much as he could.

Steve frowned at the marshmallow goo that got squeezed onto his fingers. “Man, you got it all over my hands,” he switched the s'more into the opposite hand, trying to flick off the sticky white fluff to no avail. He looked at his fingers for a second, a goofy smile stretching his face as eyes came back to Eddie, glassy and hazy from the night’s activities. “Heh, ya know what this kinda reminds me of?” He held up his fingers in front of Eddie’s face.

Eddie hated that this made him downright giggle. “Shut up,” he ran a hand through Steve’s hair, messing it up. The man merely laughed, clearly too inebriated to care about his appearance anymore.

He removed his hand from Steve’s hair to instead wrap around the wrist of his soiled hand. Eddie smirked up at Steve impishly. “You know I always clean up after my messes,” and just like that he took one of Steve’s marshmallow-coated fingers into his mouth, sucking slowly and looking up at Steve with rounded eyes.

Steve’s mouth had parted, low-lidded eyes watching on in silence. Eddie moved to the other finger, doing the same just as slowly. It was when he was sucking Steve’s thumb into his mouth that he heard an “EW!” that sounded suspiciously like Robin.

He pulled off Steve’s thumb with a pop, looking over to see Robin in Vickie’s lap, who still sat in the lawn chair. She was looking on with a disgusted face, meanwhile Vickie appeared amused. “This is a public area. You two are like… brothers to me. Go do that nonsense in the van!”

Eddie laughed loudly, meanwhile Steve decided to argue. “You don’t hear us complaining when you shove your tongue down Vickie’s throat!”

“That’s just kissing!” Robin defended. “I have a very detailed window into your sex lives that I would frankly like to pull the curtains on.”

“Such a prude, Buckley,” Eddie tutted with a mockingly disappointed shake of his head.

Robin shook her own head, turning back to Vickie, muttering, “You see what I gotta put up with?”

Eddie and Steve looked back at each other, devolving into a fit of laughter in which Steve drove his forehead into Eddie’s shoulder, careful to keep the rest of the s’more away from him. “We got in trouble,” he snorted hardily as he sat back up. He took a bite of the s’more, nodding his head with a deep hum that had Eddie shifting in place. He was quickly losing the ability to keep Steve’s clothes on and his hands off.

They heard a loud laugh which sounded like Eleanor’s, and then someone shushing her, but it was closer than before. Eddie looked around, Steve doing the same. The treeline was bare, but upon further inspection he saw movement in one of the tents. Gareth’s laughter, which he knew well, followed soon after.

Eddie and Steve shared an entertained look, but there was something sultry behind Steve’s eyes as he bit his lip. “What d'ya say, Stevie,” Eddie grinned up at him. “Wanna get a room?”

An eagerness flooded Steve’s eyes. “I’d say, ‘hurry up and put this in your mouth,’” Steve held up the last bite of the s’more, Eddie quickly pulling it into his mouth and scrambling to stand up with Steve.

“You got your wish, Rob!” Eddie declared, Steve downing the last of his mixed drink before letting himself get tugged along by Eddie. “When the van’s a-rockin’ don’t come a-knockin’,” he sent a wink her way, which she returned with a mixture of distaste and amusem*nt.

Steve turned over his shoulder while being pulled away to add, with a point of his finger, “And do not forget to put the fire all the way out,” he raised his voice as they got further away, stumbling slightly over his own feet. “If we get interrupted by a forest fire, I’m telling you all the places in the video store Eddie and I have done it!”

Eddie heard a cry of repulsion from Robin behind him, followed by “God, it’s the Family Video Store!” This pulled a cackle from Eddie as he got them the rest of the way to the van. While he was unlocking the van, Steve’s hands were already trailing up his sides as he kissed Eddie’s neck.

As soon as Eddie threw the doors open he hopped in and turned around, grabbing a fist full of Steve’s shirt and dragging him in. They laughed drunkenly as Steve clamored into the van, closing the doors behind them.

Steve’s mouth was on Eddie’s in an instant, pushing them down onto the mountain of blankets and pressing sloppy, hungry kisses as his hands started to push Eddie’s outer layers off. Steve broke the kiss to say, “I’ll be honest–” Eddie cut him off by reconnecting the kiss, pulling away as he finally freed himself of his vest and jacket. “I don’t even care if we do anything–” another urgent kiss, followed by Eddie tossing his jacket over the backseat. “I just needed to–” another kiss. “Touch you–” when Eddie smashed their lips together this time he held it, pushing longly into it, as if he were trying to swallow Steve right then and there.

This time Eddie broke the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting them. “You know how well flattery works on me, Harrington,” he grinned wickedly before yanking his shirt over his head, discarding it with his jacket. Steve didn’t wait to do the same, Eddie back on him and sucking kisses onto his neck like a rabid animal. Eddie took a deep inhale, pressing his nose into Steve’s skin just so he could fill every sense with him. Steve hummed as his hands roamed over Eddie’s bare back.

When he got to the junction between Steve’s neck and shoulder, he couldn’t resist, biting down on the skin there. Steve whimpered out a choked moan, hands shooting to Eddie’s waist and gripping so tightly he thought it would leave bruises. Eddie slotted his leg in between Steve’s, who immediately started to buck his hips against him.

“f*ck,” he rasped out as Eddie lapped his tongue over the bite mark. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Eddie.” Both of them were already breathing heavy, the van alight with panting and wispy moans, mostly from Steve.

“Oh, yeah?” Eddie smirked against his shoulder before coming up to look at him with patronizing eyes. “Why’s that?” He dipped his head to the other side of Steve’s neck, nibbling there and relishing in the way Steve writhed underneath him.

“Because I love you so f*cking much I don’t know what to do with myself,” he rushed out, still breathless. Eddie froze solid, all of his movements halting. Did he hear him right? Steve also went still underneath him, so he must’ve.

He pulled off of Steve, eyes feeling wider than they ever had been as he looked at the man’s face. It was stalled in utter panic. “sh*t, I’m sorry– that’s– that’s a lot,” one of the hands on Eddie’s waist moved to cover shield his eyes, Steve’s mouth pulled back in a tight wince. “I know it’s really soon, you don’t have to say–”

Eddie crashed his lips into Steve’s, eyes squeezing tight from how much desperation coursed through him. Because I love you so f*cking much I don’t know what to do with myself. The sentence exploded in his chest, his lips moving slow but crucially, as if the moment he broke the kiss he’d suddenly snap awake to an empty trailer and realize all of this had been one long, crushingly beautiful dream.

But when he pulled away Steve was still right there underneath him, looking up at Eddie with wide, shimmering eyes that searched his own. “Of course I f*cking love you, dumbass,” Eddie chuckled out, but was too stunned to pair it with a smile.

His hand came up to brush over the side of Steve’s cheek, holding it as his thumb ran over the planes of his face. This time a smile did spread his face as he laughed deliriously, his forehead dipping down for a moment as he tried to get a grip on the fact that this was reality.

He beamed down at Steve, meeting his eyes once more and unable to tear his own away from the sight. Steve was looking at Eddie in a way he’d never seen anyone look at him. Like he was delicate, but not fragile. Something worthy of being gentle with. Something you choose to handle with care, not because you had to for fear of breaking.

There wasn’t a poet or scholar skilled enough to put the way Steve made Eddie feel into words. No amount of prose or rhyme and meter could capture the universe that swirled inside Eddie when he looked at the man below him. Much less the words of an inebriated twenty-one year old, so Eddie decided to leave that task for another day. For now, he did what he knew how to do, and kissed Steve. This time just as gentle as the boy looked at him.

Eddie smiled against Steve’s lips. Considering the close proximity of the van to the rest of the tents and the way sound traveled in the clearing, he had a feeling Robin’s window was about to get a whole lot bigger.


“Go easy on him, alright?” Eddie pleaded with Wayne, who brought the platefuls of food over to the coffee table for their dinner with Steve. “He’d hate if I told you this, but he’s really nervous about making a good impression.”

Wayne gave Eddie a far too innocent shrug. “Only gotta be nervous if there’s somethin’ to hide,” Wayne brought his beer to his lips, taking a long sip as he raised his eyebrows at Eddie.

Eddie gave him an unamused look, a knock at the door gaining both of their attention. “That’s him,” Eddie made his way over.

“Least he’s punctual,” Wayne muttered.

Eddie looked over his shoulder at Wayne, lowering his voice to say, “Can you at least try to be normal?”

Wayne gave a roll of his eyes, making the sign of the cross before holding up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

“That’s not the scouts’ salute, and you’re not even religious,” Eddie stated simply, but opened the door nonetheless. He could practically see the frayed nerves firing behind Steve’s wide eyes, and Eddie couldn’t help but smile fondly.

“Uh, hey,” Steve held up a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 whiskey. “I didn’t know what to bring… so I brought this.”

“You didn’t have to bring anything,” Eddie smirked, opening the door wider for Steve to enter. Wayne was watching them over the rim of his beer, scrutinizing Steve from his spot in the chair.

“Mr. Munson,” Steve greeted. “It’s good to see you again. I, uh, didn’t know what sort of drink you like so I brought a whiskey.” Steve handed over the bottle, Wayne taking it to inspect. He looked up at Steve in silence, eyes flicking to Eddie. Eddie rounded his own behind Steve, mouthing ‘be nice.’

“Not the worst taste I’ve seen,” Wayne said gruffly, setting the whiskey on the table. “Eddie, why don’t you bring us some mugs so we can give it a whirl?” Eddie nodded, stepping into the kitchenette to grab three mugs. “Have a seat, Stephen.” Eddie watched out of the corner of his eye as Steve shuffled to sit in front of one of the plates, which Eddie had already filled with food. He knew Steve well enough that he’d be on time, and not have to worry about it getting cold. Especially since Steve had been worrying nonstop about tonight since before they’d even had a date set.

Eddie returned with the mugs, sitting on the couch next to Steve and between Wayne in his chair. “Hope you like stir fry,” Eddie pursed his lips into a smile, racking his brain for a way to cut the tension in the room.

“Yeah, yeah, stir fry’s uh, stir fry’s perfect,” Steve assured, followed by a clearing of his throat. “Thank you for having me,” he directed this mostly at Wayne, who was pouring all of them their whiskey. Eddie noted he gave Steve far more, sliding the mug across the table with his ever analyzing stare. Steve’s eyes widened slightly when he peered into the mug, but he didn’t say anything. Eddie bit back a smile. As much as he felt for Steve, he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying his overly jittery nature.

“So, Stephen–” Wayne started, but Eddie cut him off.

“You can call him Steve,” Eddie said pointedly, but Steve rushed to interject.

“No, no, h-he can call me whatever he wants–” Steve shifted his gaze to Wayne, giving a meek smile. “You can call me whatever you want.”

Wayne’s silence lingered a moment longer as he looked at Steve, face unreadable. That is, to people who didn’t know him like Eddie did. He could tell Wayne was mad with power, enjoying every bit of this. “So, Steve,” he picked up his fork and began mixing around his stir fry. “What are your intentions with Eddie?”

“Jesus Christ…” Eddie muttered, running a hand over his face to hide his embarrassment. “I promise I told him not to do this,” he looked over at Steve earnestly.

“What?” Wayne shrugged. “‘S a simple question.” He funneled stir fry into his mouth, gaze locked on Steve as he chewed.

“No, it’s okay,” Steve assured. “Uh… well. My intentions are… pure, I promise. I’d never do anything to hurt him.”

Wayne’s eyes narrowed on him slightly. Eddie could hear the gulp from Steve, who glanced off to the side briefly, clearly sweating under Wayne’s survey. “You ever cheated on anybody, Steve?”

“Uncle Wayne,” Eddie immediately scolded. “You can’t just go around asking people that.”

“Well, when they’re not datin’ my only nephew, I don’t,” Wayne retorted.

“No, uh, it’s a– it’s a fair question,” Steve provided, even though it most certainly was not a fair question. “And, no. I haven’t cheated on anyone.” Eddie’s eyebrows quirked up, the corners of his mouth downturning briefly as he took in this information for himself. He wasn’t going to lie, that was kind of a surprise to him.

“That so?” Wayne stated more so than asked. “You got quite the reputation around town, ya know.”

“Okay, no,” Eddie shut down. “He came here for dinner, not an interrogation.”

“I made no such promise,” Wayne stated simply, bringing his mug of whiskey to his lips as he leaned forward, zeroing in on Steve once more.

“Really, it’s okay,” Steve said to Eddie, looking him in the eyes. They were fearful, but there was something resolute there as he turned to Wayne. “The truth is, I know what people say about me. And I’m not gonna pretend like I didn’t earn it at one point but…” Steve pressed his lips together, looking down at his plate momentarily before meeting Wayne’s gaze with severity. “I think I’ve changed a lot since then, for a lot of reasons. And I think your nephew is…” he exhaled lightly, shaking his head a bit, as if he were in awe. “The most amazing person I’ve ever met. Honestly I can’t believe he keeps me around,” he smiled sheepishly. “Like I said, I’d never do anything to hurt him, and if I did, frankly I think I’d show up for a beating from you personally.” Steve gave a weak, uncertain chuckle.

Despite this being hell for Steve, and a bit for Eddie, the latter couldn’t help but smile over at him. Steve met his look, giving a tight lipped but genuine smile of his own in return.

Wayne leaned back in his seat again, eyes still narrowed on Steve as he took a long sip of whiskey. He stayed silent as he put the mug on the table, Eddie looking between them as he ate his stir fry in silence. It felt like he was watching reality TV.

“Good answer,” Wayne said plainly, and Eddie watched as Steve sagged in his seat, deflating in relief. He took a gulp of his own whiskey before tearing into the stir fry, giving Eddie the impression he was too anxious to even think about eating until now.

“Wow,” Steve said after chewing his first bite, pointing at the plate with his fork. “This is really good. Did you make this?” He looked over at Eddie.

Wayne scoffed hardily. “Please. Eddie couldn’t cook his way out of a life-or-death situation if he had a five-star chef directin’ him through every step,” Steve and Wayne laughed, Eddie shooting Wayne a glare.

“Laughin’ a little too hard there, Stevie,” Eddie said flatly, brow lowered. “You said you liked my eggs.”

“A-and I do!” Steve blustered, eyes flicking between Eddie and Wayne. Wayne raised his eyebrows in amusem*nt at Steve, as if to say ‘uh oh.’ “I think you’re a… great cook.”

“That was a long pause,” Eddie deadpanned. “I’ll remember this, Harrington.”

“Didn’t mean to get ya in trouble,” Wayne smirked into his mug. The tightness that hung around them slowly loosened as the dinner went on, Wayne asking if Steve played any sports and Steve offering his background of basketball and swimming. Steve even managed to make Wayne laugh with a joke about some football players, which completely went over Eddie’s head.

However, soon the conversation got to how Eddie was as a kid, and he was severely missing when Steve was the topic of discussion. “I’ve never seen a child fall down more than Eddie,” Wayne grinned, Steve looking on with intrigue, shooting a quick, teasing look at Eddie. “And I wasn’t even the one primarily taking care of him at the time. Can’t imagine the sh*t he got into on the daily. Ya know,” Wayne sat forward more, a gleam to his eye as he talked to Steve. “He used to run around butt-ass naked, beggin’ for someone to chase ‘em around. Lord knows why, think he just liked the thrill–”

“Alright, we can move on from this anytime–” Eddie tried to interject, face already bright red as he’d heard this story a million times, but Wayne wasn’t having it.

“And so one time he ran out down the street– they lived in a little house at the time– and ran into one of the neighbor boys his age–”

Okay!” Eddie clapped his hands together a few times. “Very funny, we can stop now!”

“Wait, I wanna hear,” Steve waved at Eddie, eyes rounded at Wayne as he waited for him to continue.

“I’m talkin’ crashed right into him, knocked ‘em over on the sidewalk an’ everything,” Wayne’s mouth turned up in a devious smirk. “Now, I knew long before Eddie told me that he liked fellas, and how he acted around this neighbor boy was how I knew. Every time I visited he was goin’ on and on about ‘em. He wudn’t even that old, either. Maybe five or six.” Steve looked over at Eddie in absolute hilarity, his poorly hidden laughter only deepening when he saw the displeased look on Eddie’s face. “I was chasin’ him down the street of course, tryin’ to wrangle him back in because I was left in charge, and I come out to see him crawlin’ off the boy, and Eddie just starts wailin’ at the top of his lungs. Absolutely mortified–”

“Yeah, feeling something real similar right now,” Eddie urged, voice pitched high but his words muffled as he had his face in his hands. His skin was so hot he thought he might give his fingers third degree burns.

“He gets up to run over to me, and–” Wayne smacked his hands together, chuckling. “Faceplants directly onto the sidewalk. Starts cryin’ even harder. Whole time this neighbor kid is just watchin’ on, probably confused outta his mind.”

Steve started laughing, but pressed his lips into a tight line when he saw the daggers Eddie was side-eying at him. “Oh, c’mon,” Steve broke, grin plastered to his face unashamed. “That’s a great story.”

And he didn’t stop crying for an hour after,” Wayne added mirthfully. “Kept sayin’,” Wayne pitched his voice into one that was squeaky, “‘Jake doesn’t like me anymore.’ Would’ve broke my heart if it weren’t so damn funny.”

Steve laughed harder as Eddie groaned, flopping back against the couch. “Glad both of you sick f*cks get a kick out of a child suffering.”

“Oh don’t give me that,” Steve smiled over playfully. “Just last week a kid ate sh*t in the store and I had to make you go in the back room because you were laughing so hard.”

“Okay, glad both of you get a kick out of my suffering,” Eddie corrected, Wayne and Steve sharing a look of horribly hidden levity. “Now if you don’t mind, I think it’s time Steve and I start the movie,” he looked over pointedly at Wayne, who held his hands up in surrender.

“Alright, alright. No one wants the old man around, I get it,” he guilt-tripped lightheartedly, Eddie rolling his eyes with the faintest smile.

“You could always watch it with us?” Steve offered, glancing at Eddie for approval.

“Uh, no he cannot,” Eddie informed. “You guys have ganged up on me enough for one night, thank you very much.”

“Eh, I can join you two another time,” Wayne said with a sigh, pushing himself out of his chair. “Way past my bedtime anyway.”

He started to gather the plates, but Steve was up in an instant. “Here, let me take care of these,” he stated, taking Wayne’s plate and stacking them with the others. “Least I could do for having me over.”

Wayne hesitated for a moment, Eddie watching on in curiosity. His uncle was very heavy-handed in drilling in the importance of being a good host, not letting your guests do any work. So it was a shock to Eddie’s system when Wayne nodded, grabbing his mug of whiskey from the table. “Suit yourself,” he took a long sip of his drink, observing as Steve brought the plates over to the sink and began washing up. “I’ll try to stay out of your hair, but, uh, remember,” he looked at Eddie, pressing his lips into a line and raising his eyebrows before he said, “‘S a small trailer. Walls are thin.”

“Ew…” Eddie groaned out. “Yup– nope– got it. Goodnight, Uncle Wayne,” he shook his head with a grimace, not missing the amusem*nt in Wayne’s eyes as he threw back the last of his drink, placing the mug on the kitchenette counter.

“G’night, boys,” Wayne said with a long sigh, making his way to his room. He stopped in front of the kitchenette. “Oh, and uh, Steve,” Steve paused his dishwashing to turn over his shoulder. “Good havin’ you over.”

A bashful but genuine smile stretched Steve’s face. “Yeah, good being here.” Wayne gave a single nod before disappearing to his room, the faint click of the door shutting behind him.

Steve looked over at Eddie with wide eyes, mouth open in pleasant surprise. Eddie grinned as he got up from the couch, coming to lean against the counter next to Steve and crossing his arms.

“I think that went well,” Steve beamed, continuing his scrubbing of a plate.

“Yeah, who knew all you needed to bond was my humiliation,” Eddie pursed his lips, Steve chuckling. He rinsed off the final dish and set it on the small drying rack before coming to place his hands on Eddie’s hips, stepping into his space.

Steve shrugged, eyes amorous as they scanned Eddie’s face. “Maybe don’t be so cute when you’re humiliated and I’ll enjoy it less.”

Eddie rolled his eyes, but there was a smile pushing his cheeks that he couldn’t hold back. “Shut up,” he muttered, quickly cut off by Steve’s lips gently pressing to his. His hands came to tangle around Steve’s neck as he moved his lips languidly against Steve’s. Steve broke the kiss, dragging his nose over Eddie’s cheek before placing a kiss there, then another on his jaw. He pulled back just enough to look at Eddie.

Time seemed to stand still as they observed each other. Looking into Steve’s eyes was unlike anything Eddie was used to. The closest he could compare it to was actually what it felt like the first time he crawled into the Upside Down. Maybe the fear he felt was different, but the sense of abject disbelief and wonder that something so complex and magnificent could exist all this time without Eddie ever even realizing, that was all the same.

When it came to fear, Steve made Eddie realize there were two different kinds: the good and the bad. Steve was endless possibilities, a new world for Eddie to stumble through and discover all the intricacies of. What scared him wasn’t what he would find, rather that the world would be looking right back at Eddie, figuring out all the beautiful and ugly parts of him. But Steve is who helped him realize that there was beauty to find, and that not everyone runs at the first sign of choppy water.

There was so much brimming inside Eddie, he knew for certain he’d explode if he didn’t at least try to let it out. And more than that, in this moment he wanted nothing more than for Steve to know how much he meant to him. “You were right in front of me this whole time,” Eddie’s hands came to cup Steve’s jaw, thumb brushing over his temple and cheekbone. “I won’t pretend that I didn’t have a stupid, small crush on you in high school,” Steve’s eyebrows raised at this in tandem with the corners of his lips, but he stayed quiet, letting Eddie continue.

“But that was different. You were… unobtainable. Barely knew who I was. And I didn’t see,” Eddie glanced him up and down briefly, giving a light shake of his head as his eyes settled back on Steve’s. “All of this. Who you actually were, or could be. Between the kids, Robin, and you… everything matters so much more to me now. Like… I was just waiting for the lens to focus.”

Steve’s eyes pierced him with an intense ferver, one that undid Eddie and stitched him back together all at once. Eddie gave a soft snort, chin dropping as he looked down at the space (or lack thereof) between them. “Sorry, that, uh, probably sounded stupid. And like I was miserable before. I wasn’t, not really. At least not until…” Eddie trailed off, swallowing as he let his hands fall onto Steve’s shoulders, thumbs stroking over the skin of his neck. He didn’t need to think about that right now. He steadied himself in Steve’s eyes instead. “I guess… I just didn’t know what I was missing out on.”

“None of that sounded stupid,” Steve was quick to assure, brow lowering in sincerity. They both were speaking in quiet tones, this conversation for them and them only. Eddie could’ve sworn they were the only two people on Earth. “Eddie, the way you face the world…” Steve worried his bottom lip between his teeth. “Even when it’s so cruel to you, you never stop caring for people. Never act out of spite. The fact I’ve only seen you really, truly mad once… I dunno. It gives me hope that there’s… more to all this,” he gave a shrug, rolling his eyes in a gesture to the space around them. “Seeing how much you mean to people– mean to me– it just makes me think we all have something to offer.”

Steve’s head dropped a bit, eyes looking away from Eddie’s for the first time in what felt like an eternity. “That I have something to offer. And I’ve… never felt that way before,” and just like that his gaze snapped back to meet Eddie’s. “So thank you, Eddie.”

Steve’s words nailed him to the spot, the backs of his eyes prickling. His hands snaked up to grab Steve’s face again as he pressed a long, greedy kiss to Steve’s lips. Two tears broke free as he worked his lips slowly against Steve’s, rolling down his cheeks as a weightlessness like no other overtook him.

He broke the kiss to look at Steve with watery eyes. “I love you,” Eddie whispered, voice straining to contain the happiness that threatened to burst through him like he were a poorly constructed dam holding back a tsunami.

Steve pressed his forehead to Eddie’s, eyes squeezing shut as his own hands came to hold either side of Eddie’s face. Eddie let his own eyes fall closed, jaw clenching as a smile quivered his lips. Steve took in a deep inhale before pushing it out, slowly. “Good. Because I don’t think I’m ever lettin’ you go, Eddie,” he whispered, voice cracking with a short, exhaled laugh, as if from disbelief rather than humor. The only thing in Eddie’s mind was Steve’s voice as another tear fell down his cheek. “Not unless you make me.”

Eddie knew one day this feeling would have to end. The other shoe would drop once more. Whether it was Steve leaving, or simply another thing life threw in his path. But at that moment, Eddie couldn’t care less. A lifetime of a thousand tragedies would be worth it for even a single blip in his timeline with Steve Harrington.


AHHH i can't believe the plot-driven part of this story is actually over (there's still an epilogue.) i'm actually kinda emotional typing this?? i was emo when i finished Not So Bad, but i'm really proud overall of what i've made with this story. and while i'll always treasure NSB, and am IMMENSELY proud of it, this fic really has a special place in my heart. thank u so much to all of u who have been along for the ride, whether u lurked or shared ur kind words, i appreciate u to no end <3

as for future fics, i actually have something pretty exciting early in the works. it's gonna be a little different than these past two fics (and no, it's not the smut driven one i was talking about-- though there will be FULL smut, which i didn't even include in this fic. and i still plan on doing that other fic i talked about, but further down the line.)
i'll go into it more when more of it is done, and it will likely be in the chapter notes of the epilogue, but all i'll say for now is: vampires.

Chapter 16: Epilogue


and finally, the DND chapter! btw, i know it's not the version they'd play back then, but i wrote this with 5e rules bc frankly it's the only version of DND i know even a fraction about. additionally, i've only played three times myself, so if there's anything that doesn't make sense/isn't accurate, just ignore it for the sake of the chapter lmao.

also, for the few people that asked for Eddie's sex mixtape, i shall give it to you here. (i'm a strong believer that while eddie prefers metal overall, he appreciates good music regardless. plus, he'd know metal isn't exactly mood-setting music, and probably consulted robin on what to add.)
Just the Two of Us by Grover Washington Jr. and Bill Withers
Strawberry Letter 23 by The Brothers Johnson
Body Language by Queen
I Was Made for Loving You by Kiss
Love Me Two Times by The Doors
Cool Cat by Queen
Let's Stay Together by Al Green
Use Me by Bill Withers
I Want'a Do Something Freaky With You by Leon Haywood
I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby by Barry White

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“They’re making fun of the character you made me,” Steve said as Eddie took his seat next to him in the Wheelers’ basem*nt. It was finally time for Will’s campaign, and Eddie had roped Steve into playing.

“Really, a human fighter, Eddie?” Dustin critiqued, taking his spot across from them. “I was hoping for a little more pizazz from a seasoned dungeon master.”

“Gimme a break, Henderson,” Eddie leveled. “It’s Steve’s character, afterall. Baby’s first D&D campaign.”

“Hey,” Steve looked over, offended in the way that entertained Eddie to no end. “You said I did well on the crash course you gave me.”

“And you did,” Eddie assured, rubbing his hand over Steve’s shoulder, but met Dustin and Lucas’ gaze, quietly shaking his head.

“I’m… right here,” Steve looked between them, as if in disbelief over his audacity. “I can see you.”

“At least tell me you came up with a good name,” Lucas chimed in.

“We didn’t come up with a name yet,” Eddie told him. “I didn’t come up with one for mine, either.”

“I expected more from you, Eddie,” Dustin said blankly, and his sincerity brought a snort from Eddie.

“It’s just a name, Henderson,” Eddie placated. “It’s the least fun part of making a character.”

What?” Lucas and Mike exclaimed in sync. “It’s literally used more often than backstories,” Lucas added.

“So all our other campaigns you just,” Dustin waved his hand around flippantly. “Chose NPC names with reckless abandon. No care for how it could deepen the character.”

“When you ask me the name of a random merchant that you’re never gonna talk to for more than three seconds, yeah,” Eddie retorted. “For recurring characters I put a little more effort in. But it’s different when I’m DM’ing. Anyway, don’t get your panties in a twist. I can come up with a perfectly fine name on the spot,” he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms haughtily.

“So do so,” Dustin gestured with a high pitched voice.

Eddie puffed up his cheeks, blowing out a tight exhale. “Kevin,” he said finitely.

Kevin?” Lucas, Dustin, and Mike yelled in unison.

“And you’re proud of Kevin?” Lucas deadpanned, eyebrows raised. “You think this is something to be proud of?”

“Alright, Sinclair, since Kevin isn’t good enough, come up with something better,” Eddie challenged.

“I did my job and came up with my name on time,” Lucas raised his hands in defense. “This is your burden to carry.”

“Kevin isn’t even a fantasy name,” Mike critiqued.

“Fine!” Eddie threw up his hands. “If that’s too realistic for you D&D snobs– which I didn’t think I raised you to be–”

Raised us?” Dustin asked pointedly, but Eddie ignored him.

“I’ll make it more ‘fantasy,’” Eddie mocked as he air-quoted the word, pausing as he searched his brain for a name, but for the life of him nothing was coming up. “Jevin.”

“You think that’s better?” Dustin stared at him, incredulous.

“How is Jevin a fantasy name?” Lucas countered.

“People aren’t named Jevin in reality, therefore it’s fantasy,” Eddie argued emphatically, throwing a rubber eraser at Lucas, who jumped in his seat as it smacked against his chest. Steve snorted.

“That’s a very generous use of the word ‘fantasy,’” Dustin stated, Eddie sticking his tongue out.

“What are you gonna name your character, Steve?” Mike asked. Steve had been watching the interaction mirthfully.

Steve shrugged. “I dunno. Probably just Steve.”

Lucas, Mike and Dustin collectively made noises of disapproval. Dustin rolled his eyes, but it was more a full body movement. “You can’t just use your name.

“Why not?” Steve opened his palms to the ceiling in question. “You told me you can do almost anything in this game, and I can’t be a guy named Steve?”

“It’s not fantasy if you’re just you!” Mike argued.

“Fine, I’ll be…” Steve sighed, shaking his head in thought. “Sleeve.”

Sleeve?” Lucas, Dustin, and Mike once again exploded in unison as a cackle erupted from Eddie. He leaned his elbows on the table, shoulders shaking as he laughed into his hands.

“What is wrong with you two?” Dustin shook his head. “Steve, I expected this from you,” Steve once again held out his hands in confusion, eyebrows furrowing at the jab. “But you, Eddie? Get yourself together.”

“Hey, at least mine was better than Sleeve,” Eddie retorted, Steve looking at him confounded.

“How is Jevin better than Sleeve?” He rounded on Eddie.

“At least Jevin is kind of a name,” Eddie lolled his head to look at Steve frankly. “I mean, c’mon. Sleeve? How is that the name of any intelligent lifeform?”

“What do you mean?” Steve sat forward in emphasis, bewildered. “I’m Sleeve… Carrington. Just rolled in from Sleeveville,” he said it so seriously, Eddie wanted to mock him but another laugh racked his body, sounding more like it came from an elephant’s trunk as it forced its way through tight lips.

“Your parents named you after the town you’re from?” Lucas held his hands parallel to each other, shaking them at Steve in an attempt to get him to see how ridiculous this was.

Steve chuckled, sharing in Eddie’s hilarity as he doubled down, “Yeah.”

“Is Sleeve Carrington the brother of your evil twin, Stue Carrington?” Laughter still clung to Eddie’s words.

Steve pursed his lips, looking at Eddie as if he were stupid for asking. “No. He’s his husband, obviously.”

Eddie chuckled hardily before saying, “Right, of course. How could I be so bigoted?”

“You really gotta work on that, Munson,” Steve teased, humorous eyes laid on Eddie.

Dustin gave an exasperated huff, rolling his eyes to look at Will, who had been observing in idle amusem*nt while writing something in his notes. “Will, you done yet? If we don’t start soon I’m worried about what we’ll have to witness.”

Steve made a face at him while Eddie slid down in his seat, looking under the table to hook his foot around one of the legs of Dustin’s chair and giving it a hard tug. Dustin jolted forward with his seat, hands slamming onto the table for stability.

His face fell into one of genuine annoyance, looking at Eddie with severe eyes as he pointed his finger at him, “Child abuse.” Mike laughed at this, Eddie quirking his eyebrows in an almost challenging response.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Will informed, a smile on his face. Amidst the bullying, Eddie couldn’t help but soften at the brightness behind Will’s eyes as he watched all of them. After all he heard about what the kid went through, he was glad Will was finally getting to have a modicum of a childhood. Even if it were long overdue.

“Are we just letting them be named Jevin and Sleeve?” Mike asked, looking between the three younger boys.

“Honestly, I couldn’t give less of a sh*t anymore,” Dustin shook his head in tired defeat. “I want to actually start this thing before Steve’s hairline starts receding.”

Never speak of such horrible things, Henderson,” Steve pointed a finger at him.

Soon, the campaign was underway. The general premise Will had set up for them was that Steve, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike traveled together, completing risky jobs for high paying customers. All of them were essentially doing it against their will, since not a single one of them was an Evil alignment, and the jobs typically called for less-than-savory actions. They worked for a powerful man who paid them to complete the requests of his clients, and while they did get a pay cut, their loyalty to the man was based on him threatening people close to them if they failed to comply.

Eddie helped Will one-on-one with a few details, and when he did they came up with the idea that Eddie would actually oppose the group, at least at first. The group’s characters were unaware of Eddie tailing them in the shadows, and were currently in the room with an enchanted dagger they were meant to be stealing.

“And the dagger is in the chest we just opened?” Mike asked Will.

“Yeah,” Will clarified easily, giving a half shrug.

“There’s nothing else?” Lucas was the one to ask.

“Nope,” Will might’ve been the most innocent, but his answer was too innocent.

Dustin narrowed his eyes at Will. “And the chest wasn’t trapped? For such an important item that we barely survived to even see?”

“The chest wasn’t trapped,” Will affirmed, the lightest of smiles tugging his lips. Eddie scrutinized the boy himself, unaware of most of the things he had planned for the campaign besides the details he helped with.

“Can I just pick up this thing, or what?” Steve asked, seemingly growing impatient.

“You can pick it up,” Will confirmed.

“Great,” Steve seemed like he was going to end his sentence there, however Will kept looking at him, expectant but patient. Will did a pretty good job of pushing players to interact, especially since Steve really had no idea how much you could do in D&D. “I… do that.”

“Make a… constitution saving throw,” Will requested. Eddie, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike all side-eyed him, knowing something was up, but not what.

Steve picked up Eddie’s d20 and rolled, as they were sharing his set. He looked at the number, then his character sheet. He seemed to be struggling to remember what stats he needed to check, Eddie leaning over to point at his saving throws. “Add that one.”

“Thanks, uh,” Steve looked up at Will. “Five.”

Five?” Lucas repeated, eyes widening. “What’s your modifier?”

“That’s the plus, right?” Steve asked, Lucas nodding. “Plus one.”

“He rolled a four,” Eddie informed with a smirk.

“God, Eddie’s the only one out of all of us who knows how to roll tonight,” Dustin ran his hands over his face. It was true, Eddie had stayed completely hidden due to his high rolls, and the group had only narrowly avoided death in order to get to the room due to their long string of bad rolls.

“You walk over to the chest,” Will started, leaning forward on his forearms. “You pick up the dagger, and as soon as you do, your head spins like a runaway carousel, instantly nauseating you. As you double over and begin to violently throw up, the dagger clatters to the stone floor beside the chest.”

Eddie smiled, having a feeling he knew where Will was going with this, and already loving it. The three younger boys’ brows furrowed in confusion, Dustin being the one to ask, “Does he take damage?”

“No,” Will supplied in an airy tone. “But even as he thinks he’s done throwing up, another wave of nausea crashes over him, and he hurls again.”

“Why?” Steve asks.

“You don’t know why,” Will answered simply.

“I wanna pick up the dagger,” Mike stated, Lucas rounding on him.

“After it just made Sleeve– and I quote– ‘violently throw up’?” He asked.

“We’re gonna have to pick it up at some point,” Mike pointed out before looking at Will with a light smile. “I pick it up.”

Will held his smile with his own for a brief moment before saying, “Constitution saving throw.”

Mike rolled his d20, glancing at his sheet before saying, “sh*t! I have a plus three in constitution and I still only got a nine.”

“We’re gonna be dead by the end of session one,” Lucas muttered as he closed his eyes, propping his elbow on the table and leaning his forehead into his hand.

“You pick up the dagger and are hit with the same nausea and dizziness, enough to make you drop it in order to steady yourself, but you manage to stop from hurling,” Will notified.

Mike gave a high pitched hum as he looked at Will skeptically. “Really? You sure I don’t manage to hold on, too?” He laid on a thick smile, turning to face Will fully.

Will rolled his eyes with an idiotic grin. “I can’t play favorites, Mike,” he glanced to the side before adding, in a more quiet tone but with no real attempt to hide his words, “And I already halved your fire damage in one of the combats.”

“Yeah!” Dustin exclaimed in outrage. “Quit trying to flirt with the DM to get out of consequences.” Lucas snapped and pointed at Dustin, nodding in agreement.

“Okay, fine,” Mike rolled his eyes. “Maybe we stop touching the dagger.”

“I’m gonna pick up the dagger,” Lucas immediately said, already picking up his die to roll.

What?” Mike reeled. “You just thought it was a bad idea!"

“No, Lucas is onto something,” Dustin chimed in, leaning forward as his brows knitted together in thought, attention turning to Lucas. “I think you should pick it up.”

“Finally,” Lucas sighed in relief as his d20 clattered on the table. “It’s still not high, but it’s at least above a goddamn ten. Twelve.” Eddie had a pretty strong theory forming in his head, but he wanted to let it ruminate before he acted on any ideas.

“You pick it up, and while you suddenly feel off-balance, you’re able to hold your ground, and your grip on the dagger,” Will told Lucas. “However, with each second you hold it, the spinning in your head worsens, and you feel your mouth salivating, bile creeping up your throat. Do you continue to hold it?”

Lucas seemed to weigh his options in his head before saying, “Yes.”

“Make another con. save,” Will directed, Lucas obliging.

“sh*t,” Lucas hissed. “It’s a f*ckin’ eight.”

“You projectile vomit all over Torc, who is still recovering in front of you,” Will smiles widely.

“Hey!” Mike cried out. “Why on me? He could’ve thrown up on himself!”

“It’s the least he could give us after your bullsh*t halved fire damage,” Dustin pointed out bitterly.

“Hang on a second,” Eddie sat forward, suddenly sidetracked. “You three were giving us sh*t for our names,” he shook a thumb between him and Steve, “But your name is Torc?” His eyes bugged at Mike.

“What’s wrong with Torc?” Mike furrowed his brows defensively.

“You’re kidding. Torc the half-orc,” Eddie said dryly. “That’s such a lazy name!”

“Not lazier than Sleeve,” Mike defended, gesturing to Steve emphatically.

“Can we get back on track?” Dustin cut in, Mike and Eddie slumping back into their chairs, Eddie giving a dismissive wave of his hand. “What’s everyone’s alignment?” He looked around the group. Eddie smiled at Dustin, a wave of pride rushing through him as he realized he and the kid were on the same train of thought.

“I thought we said those didn’t really matter, considering we have to do whatever The Hunter tells us to do,” Mike brought up, ‘The Hunter’ being their boss.

“Of course they matter,” Dustin said simply. “Will wouldn’t have put emphasis on us needing them if they didn’t matter. I’ve just been trying to figure out why they matter in this campaign, and I think I have.”

“True neutral,” Lucas answered Dustin’s question, before adding, “And I think you’re right.” It seemed he was also on the same wavelength as Eddie and Dustin.

“What about you two?” Dustin pointed with his pencil between Mike and Steve.

“Chaotic neutral,” Mike supplied, Steve scanning his sheet.

“Uh… Lawful good,” he informed, Lucas and Dustin both having an emphatic reaction to this information. Eddie smirked in amusem*nt.

“I knew it,” Dustin dropped his pencil onto the table aggressively.

“It’s a f*cking cursed item,” Lucas sighed, Mike rolling his eyes with a short groan. Will watched on in delight.

“What’s a cursed item?” Steve asked, looking between Lucas and Dustin.

“What it sounds like, Steve,” Dustin said flatly, earning a snort from Eddie. “Basically, it’s having negative effects on us because of our alignments. Not all cursed items work the same, but it seems this one doesn’t agree with our morals.”

“Which makes our job of carrying this thing through the Sea of Thieves a lot harder,” Lucas informed. The ‘Sea of Thieves’ wasn’t an actual sea, just the name of a seedy area in the world run by those who have to act drastically to get by. It was dangerous, but especially if you were carrying anything even remotely valuable.

“I’m gonna take a guess that it would be pointless for me to try picking it up,” Dustin said, glancing over at Will for confirmation. Will shrugged, once again using his innocence to his advantage.

“Can I do an arcana check on the dagger?” Lucas asks.

“Go for it,” Will encouraged, Lucas rolling his die.

“Thank god, a decent roll,” Lucas rejoiced. “Fourteen on the die so… eighteen.”

“Damn,” Mike said. “Evander the wood elf is smart as sh*t.”

“And don’t forget sexy,” Lucas grinned superciliously, running a hand over his chest smoothly and doing a couple of body rolls. Eddie chuckled at this, the corner of Steve’s mouth twitching up with an entertained huff.

“With an eighteen,” Will paused for a moment, biting his lip in thought. “You know for sure this is a cursed item. And the magic radiating off of it is… one that makes your own crawl in your skin. How does Evander go about this?”

Lucas pressed his lips together. “I think he hovers his hand over the item but doesn’t touch it, fighting through the uneasiness as he tries to connect his own magic with it. When he realizes what it is, he turns to the group and says, ‘none of us are going to be able to carry this thing. Not with our bare hands.’”

“Uh, dear Willis,” Eddie chimed in, holding up his pointer finger.

“It’s William,” Will corrected with a laugh, giving Eddie his attention.

“I’d like to emerge from the shadows and make my entrance,” Eddie smiled over mischievously.

“Alright, how are you doing it?”

“I’m still in the rafters, right?” Eddie asked.

“The rafters…” Steve muttered more to himself than anyone, chuckling with a small shake of his head.

“Correct, you are still in the rafters,” Will confirmed.

“I’d like to drop down as close to the dagger as possible and grab that sh*t,” Eddie snatched the air with his hand.

“Roll for…” Will looked up as he contemplated. “Let’s start with dexterity, and if all goes well I’ll have you do a sleight of hand check, even though they’re obviously going to see you.”

Eddie rolled for dexterity first, as Will asked. “That’s…” Eddie let out a low whistle. “Nineteen for dex and…” he clapped his hands together once in triumph after seeing his second roll. “Twenty f*ckin’ three for sleight of hand, baby!”

“Jesus Christ,” Dustin said with a shake of his head.

“What’d you get on the die?” Mike asked, baffled.

“Nineteen,” Eddie waggled his eyebrows at him, a smug smile still on his face.

“Can any of you idiots start rolling like that, please?” Lucas looked between Steve, Mike, and Dustin.

“You land lightly on your feet, bending at the knees and falling gracefully into a crouch before swiping the dagger mere inches away from Evander,” Will paused, eyes narrowing in consideration. “Since you essentially sneak-attacked them, I’ll say you can do one more thing before they have time to react, especially since all except Nubjorn are looking worse for wear.”

Steve chuckled, earning an eye roll from Dustin. “Why do you keep laughing every time they say my character’s name?”

“Because it sounds like they’re saying ‘newborn,’ dude,” Steve’s chuckle bubbled a bit more. “And you’re a dwarf. Was that not on purpose?”

No,” Dustin defied indignantly. “Lucas and I are the only ones who put more than three seconds of thought into our names.”

“Clearly you didn’t think long enough, Henderson,” Steve’s levity continued at Dustin’s brustleing. “You named yourself ‘Newborn.’”

“Wait a minute,” Mike said suddenly, it dawning on him that he’d just been insulted as well. “I put thought into my name.”

“And you only came up with Torc?” Lucas raised his eyebrows at him, Mike merely scrunching up his nose and bobbling his head in response.

“I thought it was clever,” Will offered with soft, rounded eyes at Mike, who returned the look with a genuine smile.

“Can we get back to me, thank you very much?” Eddie looked amongst the younger kids.

“Attention whor*,” Steve muttered, garnering a pointed ruffle of his hair from Eddie. “Hey– would you–” Steve batted his hand away, leaning out of his reach as much as possible from the close proximity of their chairs. “It’s all the time with you.”

“I draw my rapier and hold it at the ready, in case any of them try to take the dagger from me,” Eddie told Will, who nodded.

“How do you guys react to this?” Will asked the rest of the group.

“Is he able to hold the dagger?” Mike asks.

“Yeah,” Will shrugs. “He holds onto it fine.”

“I pull out my whip–” Dustin started, Eddie cutting him off.

“You have a f*cking whip?” His eyebrows shot up behind his bangs.

“Yes, I have a f*cking whip,” Dustin repeated back. “And I want to snap it at the hand holding his rapier.”

“Dustin instead of having you roll to hit his AC, I’m gonna have you roll your dex against Eddie’s constitution saving throw,” Will directed, both Eddie and Dustin rolling their d20’s.

“I got… sh*t,” Eddie frowned. “A six.”

“It’s your first bad roll of the night, calm down,” Dustin countered before saying, with a smug smile, “Sixteen.”

“Jevin’s rapier falls to the ground, I’m not gonna say you take damage, though and…” Will tapped the eraser of his pencil against his chin. “Technically we could go into initiative for this if we really wanted, but I don’t think it’s worth it. I’ll just say Sleeve, Evander, and Torc can all do one thing before Jevin can react, and it will happen in rapid succession to each other.”

In the end, Lucas kicked away the rapier, Mike smacked the dagger out of Eddie’s hand with his club, and Steve restrained him. As cool as Eddie’s entrance had been, he certainly lost the upper hand fast, but he somewhat expected that when dropping into a confrontation of one versus four.

“As much as I enjoy being manhandled by a buff guy,” Eddie smirked, addressing the group as Jevin. “This is not exactly making me wanna help you four with your little predicament.” The four of them had been trying to threaten Eddie into carrying the dagger for them as they traveled through the Sea of Thieves, after seeing that he could hold it without issue.

“It’s either that or we kill you right here,” Dustin responded.

“Uh, Newborn–” Steve chimed in, Dustin instantly cutting him off.

“It’s Nubjorn.

Steve ignored this completely. “If we do that we’re right back to square one with no one to carry the dagger.” While Eddie was restrained, they’d tried picking the dagger up with cloth or putting it in a bag, but no matter what the effects eventually got to them.

“You have a better idea?” Dustin raised his eyebrows at Steve.

Steve smirked over at Eddie, glancing him up and down as he said, “What if you get to share my bedroll.”

All the younger boys, except for Will, who was chuckling, groaned in disgust. “Dollar. In the jar,” Dustin pointed to the empty cookie tin they set up for every time someone flirted grossly. So far, Steve and Eddie were the only ones who had to put anything in. Though Eddie argued hard for Mike to toss one in when he told Will he had nice eyes in an attempt to get out of being spotted stealing a necklace.

“Oh c’mon,” Steve rolled his eyes. “It makes sense! We gotta convince him to help!”

“Gotta say, that’s definitely sweetening the deal,” Eddie defended.

Jar,” Lucas backed up Dustin. Steve rolled his eyes again with a huff, digging in his pocket and putting his fifth dollar in the cookie tin. And they’d not even been playing for two hours. “Besides, isn’t Sleeve a married man?”

Steve shrugged with a coy smile. “He knows I like to have fun.”

“What if we give you some of our cut?” Dustin offered.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mike chimed in. “We didn’t agree to that.”

“Well, it’s either we give him a cut to help us, or we don’t get paid at all, and let The Hunter kill and torture our loved ones before leaving us to die an agonizing death,” Lucas rambled off matter-of-factly. “What sounds better to you?”

“Fine,” Mike sighed, Lucas looking at Steve and Dustin for confirmation. They merely nodded. And so Eddie joined the party officially, but also under the condition that he was to have his hands restrained.

“Ya know,” Eddie simpered over at Steve, lowering his voice as the younger boys went over a detail from earlier in the session. “Nice change of pace, you tying me up for once.”

Steve’s eyes widened as he glanced over at the younger guys, a flustered smile twitching his lips as he said. “Careful, or we’re both gonna be broke by the time we leave here,” under the table, Steve’s hand splayed over Eddie’s thigh, just above his knee, giving a squeeze. “But, uh, we could always… give it a try. In real life.”

Eddie’s smirk widened into a devious grin. “Promises, promises, Stevie,” Eddie leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Maybe that’ll be your reward for indulging me tonight. All wrapped up at your disposal.” He leaned back to examine the damage done, smugness seeping out of him as he took in the redness of Steve’s face and his glazed over eyes.

Steve cleared his throat, snapping himself out of his stupor before addressing the group. “So how much longer we goin’ for, exactly?” Eddie chuckled to himself.

“Uh…” Will checked his watch. “Probably two more hours.” Eddie reveled in the way this deflated Steve.

“Alright, executive decision,” Eddie said, standing up. “Smoke break for the adults. Be back in ten.” He shrugged on his jacket and vest, Steve following him as he put on his windbreaker.

“Get out all your sick sex jokes while you’re at it,” Dustin called after them, Eddie flipping him off without looking back as he ascended the stairs.

There was a crisp breeze outside, but not harsh enough to make them shiver. It would be one of the last few warmer nights, Eddie suspected, considering summer was quickly giving way to fall.

“God, two hours,” Steve complained as they leaned against the side of the Wheelers’ garage, both of them pulling out their own cigarettes.

“You’re not too bored, are you?” Eddie asked, leaning over to light Steve’s cigarette before his own.

“What? No,” Steve said genuinely after blowing out a puff of smoke. “But now you got me all worked up with… images in my head.”

“Oh, yeah?” Eddie asked coyly. “What kind of images?”

Steve rolled his eyes, but there was a smile there. “I think you know what kind of images.”

“Haven’t a clue, Stevie,” Eddie supplied innocently. “Care to fill me in?”

“No, because I don’t want to make these next two hours more painful.” They both took a long pull from their cigarettes.

Steve and Eddie had been going strong the whole summer, with no sight of slowing down. He came around to the trailer a lot more, especially after Eddie told Wayne what his parents were like. Wayne started inviting him over for dinner more often, warming up to Steve quite quickly after their first meal. This was no surprise to Eddie, of course, as he knew Steve was a great guy and there was no reason for Wayne to dislike him. Plus, it finally gave Wayne someone to talk sports with.

“By the way, you think Wayne is gonna like the mug I got him for his birthday?” Steve asked, looking over at Eddie with eager eyes. He also found it ridiculously endearing at how much Steve enjoyed Wayne’s approval, as well as how well he treated his uncle. They hadn’t been going out for that long in the grand scheme of things, but Steve was just as thoughtful towards Wayne as he was with Eddie. Sometimes to a fault, at least for Eddie, because Steve refused to be as handsy with him when Wayne was home, even if the man was in his room for the whole night.

“He’ll love it, but I keep telling you not to encourage his addiction,” Eddie smirked. This was the third mug he’d gotten the man, and Wayne’s collection was already concerningly large.

“Well, I wanted to get him that watch, but you said he wouldn’t accept it,” Steve muttered, flicking the ash off his cigarette before taking another drag.

“He wouldn’t. It would be a waste of money,” Eddie shrugged, taking his own puff. “It takes him a while to accept expensive gifts from people. Maybe by Christmas, though,” Eddie shot him an amused look. “Assuming you plan on sticking around.”

Steve sighed, draping his arm over Eddie’s shoulders and pulling him closer. “Keep tellin’ ya, Eddie,” he placed a loud kiss to the side of Eddie’s head. “Not gettin’ rid of me that easy.”

Eddie smiled to himself as he leaned into Steve, pursing the cigarette between his lips as he wrapped his own arm around the man’s waist. He took the cig with his free hand, exhaling out smoke as he said, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

They finished their cigarettes and headed back inside, the guys not-so-patiently waiting for them. Well, Will was patient, but Will was always patient.

“Finally,” Dustin rolled his eyes dramatically. “Can ya shrivel your lungs any slower?”

“Yeah, we were worried you guys started…” Mike grimaced. “Other activities.”

“I don’t wanna hear it, Wheeler,” Steve pointed a scolding finger at him. “Not after what I found you and Byers doing in my hot tub.”

Eddie’s eyebrows shot up as he looked at Mike, who had his face in his hands, then Will’s bright red face as he averted everyone’s gaze. Dustin and Lucas winced in disgust. “Yeah,” Steve said. “Scarred me for life. I’d rather watch a demogorgon eat a small fuzzy animal.”

“I’ve… never been so conflicted about asking a question,” Eddie stated, his curiosity eating away at him but also incredibly fearful of the information he might gain.

“I wouldn’t tell you anyway,” Steve shook his head minutely, a haunted look in his eyes as he stared at the table. “That’d mean I’d have to say it out loud.”

Anyway!” Will interjected loudly, face still firetruck red. “Let’s start again, shall we?”

“Dear god, yes please,” Mike mumbled into his hands, and so they continued. It was proving quite difficult to get out of the dungeon they were in, however, as everyone besides Eddie was rolling horrendously. And Eddie was currently tied up.

“Okay, I vote we release Jevin so he can help,” Mike said, frustrated as he just started making death saving throws. Needless to say, combat was not going in their favor.

“I second the vote to release Jevin,” Lucas held up his hand.

“And if he just takes the dagger and runs?” Dustin retorted.

“He’s not gonna take the dagger and run,” Mike argued back.

“Hey, you never know what a Jevin on the loose might do,” Eddie held his hands up in defense.

“You’re not helping,” Mike said flatly.

“You guys can vote all you want, on my next turn I’m freeing Jevin,” Steve stated simply.

“You can’t just free Jevin!” Dustin retaliated. “We have to agree.”

“Three against one, we’re freeing Jevin,” Lucas declared.

“It’s your turn, Lucas,” Will said. “You wanna use your action to free Jevin?”

“It takes my whole action?”

“And your full movement, from where you are in relation to him,” Will informed.

Lucas sighed. “Yeah, I guess I’ll free Jevin.”

“When he betrays all of us, prepare for me to tell you ‘I told you so,’” Dustin grouched.

“Nothin’ we’re not used to, Henderson,” Steve shot back in a bored tone, Eddie smirking.

“You unwrap the cloth binding Jevin. He’s now able to wield his weapons, cast spells, and take his full movement,” Will says. “Just in time, because it’s your turn, Jevin.”

“Alright, uh… how far am I from Torc?” Eddie asked.

“It’s a big room, it would take you two turns to get to him,” Will says with a sympathetic look. “You could only make it to about where Sleeve is.”

“Well, since our druid is currently being throttled by an orc, I guess I’ll take my full movement to get as close as I can,” Eddie settled, knowing he needed to touch Mike’s character in order to heal him. “And I’ll cast Hideous Laughter on the orc that’s got Newborn.”

“It’s Nubjorn,” Dustin corrected for the millionth time that night. “Jesus Christ, I preferred it when you and Steve didn’t get along. At least I only had to deal with one of you buffoons at a time.”

Buffoons?” Steve repeated, arching an eyebrow at Dustin. “Do you make a conscious decision to talk like a sixty-five year old?”

“And careful, Henderson. This buffoon is about to save your ass,” Eddie pointed out, before looking at Will with less confidence. “I’m about to save his ass, right?”

“The orc failed the wisdom save, so yes,” Will smiled. One of the things Eddie enjoyed about Will’s DM’ing, was that it was very clear he enjoyed watching the players succeed. There was a time and place to make them suffer, which Eddie got a huge kick out of doing, but just as equally, there needed to be wins. This was why Eddie actually wasn’t opposed to Will halving Mike’s fire damage, as it prevented him from making death saving throws in the first combat. “The orc drops Nubjorn, and doubles over in hysterics. Anything else you wanna do? Still got a bonus action.”

“Yeah, uh, give…” Eddie glanced around at the three younger boys before his eyes settled on Steve. “I give Sleeve Bardic Inspiration.”

“Great. Steve, you get a d6 to use on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw,” Will looked at Eddie. “How do you do it?” He prompted.

“Uh…” Eddie squinted his eyes in thought before shrugging. “I smack him on the ass and say ‘go get ‘em, tiger.’”

“I wink back,” Steve said immediately, sharing an intimate smirk with Eddie.

“Can you stop flirting when I’m making death saving throws right next to you?” Mike asked, judgment clear in his voice.

“Jar. Both of you,” Dustin nodded at the cookie tin.

“What?” Eddie protested. “I just said the first thing that I came up with!”

That was the first thing you came up with?” Lucas criticized.

Eddie shrugged. “I like playing bards for a reason.” In the end, they both paid the cookie tin toll. Eddie was able to get Mike up by the next round, and with a random stroke of luck for all of them, they managed to turn the combat in their favor and escape from the dungeon with the dagger. fJevin was once again tied up, however, a decision pushed by Dustin.

“And, with the party setting up camp on the outskirts of the Sea of Thieves for the night, I think that’s where we end the session,” Will smiled, closing his notebook. “So, how’d I do?” He looked to Eddie first, which had a smile breaking across the latter’s face.

“Kickass, Byers,” Eddie praised genuinely. “You got a real skill.”

“It was really good, Will,” Mike chimed in with a smile that crinkled his eyes, gaining Will’s attention. Eddie’s heart warmed at the way Will’s eyes sparked when they laid on the other boy.

“Besides the obvious Mike-favoritism,” Dustin teased lightly, pink dusting Will’s face as a sheepish smile crossed it. “It was really fun. I’m glad we’re making this a full length campaign.”

Lucas nodded in agreement, before jutting his chin at Steve. “What’d you think, Steve? Too nerdy to come back?”

“Nah, like Henderson said; it was really fun,” Steve said as he shrugged on his windbreaker, Eddie doing the same with his layers. “I’d play again. And I dunno much, so it doesn’t really mean anything, but you’re good with words, Byers. Felt like a bedtime story.” Will beamed up at Steve before looking away bashfully.

“Alright, think it’s time we take our leave,” Eddie stretched his arms over his head, walking languidly towards the stairs. The younger kids were all staying at Mike’s for the night, so luckily he and Steve weren’t on chaperone duty. “These bones weren’t made for sitting for practically four consecutive hours,” he reached out to ruffle Will’s hair as he passed by, adding, “Nice job again, Byers. Glad you did the books I gave you justice.”

The group chorused their goodbyes, and soon the brisk night air was welcoming Eddie with open arms again. “Thanks for humoring me,” Eddie smiled lightly as he walked beside Steve, carding his fingers into the back of Steve’s hair as they made their way to his car. It was pretty late, so they didn’t really have to worry about eyes being on them.

Steve gave a slow blink as he let out a content sigh. “Yeah, ‘course. Think that was the most I’ve used my imagination in… well, ever,” he snorted.

“Now, that’s not true,” Eddie teased as they stopped next to Steve’s car, pulling his hand out of the man’s hair. Steve leaned back against the driver’s side, Eddie stepping into his space and lightly placing his hands on Steve’s hips. “If I remember our phone call a couple of nights ago correctly– and I do– you had quite the vivid imagination.” Even in the low, pale light of the moon, Eddie could see the blush creep onto Steve’s face as he turned a bashful smile to his feet.

“Yeah, well,” Steve met Eddie’s eyes again. “Guess you’re very… inspiring.” Steve hooked his fingers in Eddie’s belt loops and pulled him flush against him, his eyes flicking down to Eddie’s lips in a silent plea.

A smirk lingered on Eddie’s face as he placed a kiss to Steve’s lips, pulling away long before he wanted to. “We should finish this back at the trailer. Wayne’s only gone for another…” Eddie removed one of his hands on Steve’s hips temporarily to check the time. “Five hours.”

“Jesus,” Steve chuckled. “I’m not sure if even I have the stamina for five hours, Eddie.”

“We’ll just have to see, I guess,” Eddie shrugged purely. “We still have to talk about that reward, remember?”

Steve’s eyebrows raised at this, an eager smile growing on his face. “You were serious?”

“As a heart attack, Stevie,” Eddie supplied smoothly, relishing in his excitement.

“Yeah, let’s hit the road,” Steve said certainly, instantly turning out of Eddie’s gentle grip and digging out his keys, rushing to unlock the car.

Eddie couldn’t wipe the grin on his face as he walked around to the passenger side, sliding in when Steve got in and unlocked the door for him. As Steve sang along in a pointedly obnoxious manner to Dancer by Queen, getting nearly all the words wrong, Eddie’s entertained laughter surely gave way for an overwhelming fondness. Watching Steve’s goofy grin, expressive eyes, and hands tapping off-beat on the wheel. It was something so simple, but it left Eddie speechless.

This was a side of life Eddie never knew if he’d get to see. Even before Vecna, he just didn’t think this kind of story was made for him, no matter how often he dreamed for it to be. Enamored with the man beside him, Eddie finally felt confident that he was far from the conclusion of whatever the world had in store for him– for them. Eddie knew he’d ever stop being mesmerized by Steve Harrington, the man who told him he was important and helped him see a future.


aaand that's it! im really proud of how this story came out, and i mentioned it before, but as much as i love NSB, this fic really does have a special place in my heart. thank you to everyone who read, supported, commented, and especially to those who made their own art for the fic! (and to all of you taking the time to make translations/podfics!)

now to talk about the next fic i'm writing, bc it's something i'm incredibly excited for! i mentioned this was gonna be a little different, and here's how: i will be writing Steve's pov, and it will be mirrored with my friend's fic who will be writing Eddie's pov for a canon-compliant/fix it vampire Eddie fic :) the first chapter is already in the works, but note that updates will be slower as this is a huge collaborative effort. i'll update this author's note with the name of both our fics as well as her username once the first chapter is posted, but i'll also be talking a little bit about it on my tiktok (gourdgremlin) if ur interested on hearing more. if not, u can follow me here for a notif when i post! her fic info will be put in the summary of the fic to eliminate as much confusion as possible, too
obviously you don't have to listen to this advice, but when the fic is released i STRONGLY recommend reading her pov as well-- if not first-- as it will give context to /what/ eddie is, and how all of that works. it starts during the two day time skip, since the duffer bros wanted to skip over some of the most important sh*t and FRANKLY we think we can do better /lh. we plan on not making it longer than seven or eight chapters though, so it shouldn't be too much to read both of our POVs. (honestly, if youre wanting to choose one, i'd say her pov is gonna have more important information.)

so... that's all! thank u again for the support and all the kind comments. i read them all, even if i cant get around to answering all of them <3

Keep it Steady, Eddie - outofmygourd (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5750

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.