GCSE Biology: Required practical activities - [DOCX Document] (2024)

GCSE Biology: Required practical activities - [DOCX Document] (1)

GCSE Biology: Required practical activitiesVersion 3.7

The methods provided in this Required practicals activities guide are suggested examples, designed to help your students fulfil the Apparatus and Techniques requirements outlined in the specifications.

Please note: it is the Apparatus and Techniques requirements which are compulsory and must be fulfilled. Teachers are encouraged to adapt or develop activities, resources and contexts to suit their equipment and to provide the appropriate level of engagement and challenge for their own students.

ContentsIntroduction 2Apparatus and techniques 3The practical science statement 4Risk assessment 5Required practicals summary 5Microscopy 9Microbiology 15Osmosis 23Enzymes 29Food tests 35Photosynthesis 44Reaction time 49Germination 55Field investigations 60Decay 65

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GCSE Biology: Required practical activities - [DOCX Document] (2)

IntroductionStudents need to undertake the required practical activities listed in the GCSE Biology specification (8461) so that they have the opportunity to experience all of the apparatus and techniques required by Ofqual.

In this guide, we suggest methods and activities for carrying out the required practical activities to help you plan the best experience for your students.

All of the activities we describe have been written and trialled by practising teachers and use apparatus and materials that are commonly available in most schools.

Why do practical work?

Practical work is at the heart of science – that’s why we have placed it at the heart of each of our GCSE science specifications.

There are three separate, but interconnected, reasons for doing practical work in schools.

1. To support and consolidate scientific concepts. Doing practical work enables students to make sense of new information and observations, and provides them with insights into the development of scientific thinking.

2. To develop investigative skills. These transferable skills include:

devising and investigating testable questions

identifying and controlling variables

analysing, interpreting and evaluating data

3. To build and master practical skills such as:

using specialist equipment to take measurements

handling and manipulating equipment with confidence and fluency

recognising hazards and planning how to minimise risk

This guide signposts opportunities for developing these Working scientifically skills (WS). Working scientifically is explained in more detail in the GCSE Biology specification on page 9.

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Helping you to plan

This guide includes:

teachers’ notes providing information and tips on setting up and running practicals

technical information providing guidance for technicians preparing for the practicals

student sheets providing a method for students to carry out the practical

Consider the particular focus of each practical lesson. By focusing on the reasons for carrying out a particular practical, you will help your students to:

understand the subject better

develop the skills of a scientist

master the manipulative skills required for further study or jobs in STEM subjects.

At least 15% of the marks in the written exams will draw on the knowledge and understanding students have gained by carrying out the required practical activities. It is therefore essential that you plan your practical activities with reference to the specification and make students aware of the key content that they need to learn.

You can find examples of the type of practical questions students can expect in our guide, Practicals in exams.

We have designed the methods in this guide specifically to help your students fulfil the Apparatus and techniques requirements outlined in the specification. We encourage you to adapt or develop these activities, resources and contexts to suit your circ*mstances and to tailor the level of engagement and challenge to your students. To help you do this, we’ve provided the guide in Word.

Apparatus and techniquesThe following table lists the biology Apparatus and techniques (AT). Students must be given the opportunity to experience all of these during their GCSE Biology course, regardless of the awarding body specification they study. The list includes opportunities for choice and use of appropriate laboratory apparatus for a variety of experimental problem-solving and/or enquiry-based activities.

Use and production of appropriate scientific diagrams to set up and record apparatus and procedures used in practical work is common to all science subjects and should be included wherever appropriate.

AT 1–7 are common with both of our GCSE Combined Science specifications. AT 8 is for GCSE Biology only.

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Where possible, we have added links to the Apparatus and techniques in our A-level Biology course, to show how the skills progress from GCSE to A-level.

Apparatus and techniques

AT 1 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, temperature, volume of liquids and gases, and pH (links to A-level AT a).

AT 2 Safe use of appropriate heating devices and techniques including use of a Bunsen burner and a water bath or electric heater (links to A-level AT a).

AT 3 Use of appropriate apparatus and techniques for the observation and measurement of biological changes and/or processes.

AT 4 Safe and ethical use of living organisms (plants or animals) to measure physiological functions and responses to the environment (links to A-level AT h).

AT 5 Measurement of rates of reaction by a variety of methods including production of gas, uptake of water and colour change of indicator.

AT 6 Application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field (links to A-level AT k).

AT 7 Use of appropriate apparatus, techniques and magnification, including microscopes, to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings (links to A-level AT d and e).

AT 8 Use of appropriate techniques and qualitative reagents to identify biological moleculesand processes in more complex and problem-solving contexts including continuous sampling in an investigation (links to A-level AT f).

The practical science statementUnlike the A-levels, there will be no practical endorsem*nt. Instead, we will provide the head of each school or college a Practical science statement to sign confirming that reasonable steps have been taken to secure that each student has:

completed the required practical activities detailed in the specification

made a contemporaneous record of such work done during the activities and the knowledge, skills and understanding derived from those activities

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The head of centre will need to return the signed statement to us by the date we will publish on our website, on our practicals page. We will also contact schools and colleges directly with the deadline date and send timely reminders if we don’t receive the form. Failure to send this form counts as malpractice/maladministration, and may result in formal action or a warning for the school or college.

Not having done some of the practicals, despite the school’s best efforts, will not stop a student from entering for the GCSE. However, it may affect their grade, because there may be questions in the exams that they won’t be able to answer.

Risk assessmentSafety is an overriding requirement for all practical work. Although all of the suggested practical activities have been suggested by teachers who have successfully carried them out in the lab, schools and colleges are responsible for ensuring that appropriate safety procedures are followed whenever their students undertake practical work, and should undertake full risk assessments.

Required practicals summaryMicroscopy Spec ref. Skills

Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells. A magnification scale must be included.




AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 7 – use a microscope to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings.

MS 1d, 3a

Microbiology(Biology only) Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates and measuring zones of inhibition.


AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 3 – use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of bacterial growth.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of bacteria to measure physiological function and response to antibiotics and antiseptics in the environment.

AT 8 – the use of appropriate techniques and qualitative reagents in problem-solving contexts to find the best antibiotic to use or the best concentration of antiseptic to use.

MS 5c

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WS 2.1, WS 2.2, WS 2.4

Germination(Biology only) Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of germinating seeds.Record results as both length measurements and as careful, labelled biological drawings to show the effects.


AT 1 - use appropriate apparatus to record length and time.

AT 3 – selecting appropriate apparatus and techniques to measure the growth of shoots or roots.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of plants to measure physiological function of growth in response to light or gravity.

AT 7 – observations of biological specimens to produce labelled scientific drawings.

WS 2.2, WS 2.3, WS 2.6, WS 2.7

WS 3.1

Decay(Biology only) Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change


AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record temperature and pH.

AT 3 – the use of appropriate apparatus to measure anaerobic decay.

AT 4 – safe use of microorganisms.

AT 5 – measurement of rate of decay by pH change.

MS 1c, MS 4a, MS 4c

WS 2.1, WS 2.4, WS 2.6, WS 2.7

Osmosis Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue.




AT 1 - use appropriate apparatus to record mass and time.

AT 3 - use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of osmosis.

AT 5 - measure the rate of osmosis by water uptake.

MS 1a, MS 1c, MS 2b, MS 4a, MS 4b, MS 4c, MS 4d

WS 2.1, WS 2.2, WS 2.4, WS 2.6, WS 2.7

WS 3.1, WS 3.2

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Enzymes Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme.

Students should use a continuous sampling technique to determine the time taken to completely digest a starch solution at a range of pH values. Iodine reagent is to be used to test for starch every 30 seconds.

Temperature must be controlled by use of a water bath or electric heater.




AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record the volumes of liquids, time and pH.

AT 2 – safe use of a water bath or electric heater.

AT 5 – measure the rate of reaction by the colour change of iodine indicator.

AT 8 – use of qualitative iodine reagent to identify starch by continuous sampling. (Biology only).

MS 1a, MS 1c

WS 2.1, WS 2.4, WS 2.5, WS 2.6.

WS 3.1, WS 3.2

Food Tests Spec ref. Skills

Use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. To include: Benedict’s test for sugars; iodine test for starch; and Biuret reagent for protein.




AT 2 – safe use of a Bunsen burner and a boiling water bath.

AT 8 – use of qualitative reagents to identify biological molecules. (Biology only)

WS 2.4

Photosynthesis Spec ref. Skills

Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.




AT 1 - use appropriate apparatus to record the rate of production of oxygen gas produced; and to measure and control the temperature of the water in the 'heat shield' beaker.

AT 2 – safe use of a thermometer to measure and control temperature of water bath.AT 3 - use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of oxygen gas production.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use and disposal of living pondweed to measure physiological functions and responses to light.

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AT5 – measuring rate of reaction by oxygen gas production.

MS 1a, MS 1c, MS 4a, MS 4c, MS 3a, MS 3d (HT)

WS 2.1, WS 2.2, WS 2.5, WS 2.6

WS 3.1, WS 3.2

Reaction time Spec ref. Skills

Plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time.




AT 1 - use appropriate apparatus to record.

AT 3 – selecting appropriate apparatus and techniques to measure the process of reaction time.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of humans to measure physiological function of reaction time and responses to a chosen factor.

MS 4a

Field investigations Spec ref. Skills

Measure the population size of a common species in a habitat. Use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species.




AT 1 - use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 3 - use transect lines and quadrats to measure distribution of a species.

AT 4 - safe and ethical use of organisms and response to a factor in the environment.

AT 6 – application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field.

AT 8 – use of appropriate techniques in more complex contexts including continuous sampling in an investigation (Biology only).

MS 1d, MS 2b, MS 2d, MS 2f, MS 3a, MS 4c

WS 2.1, WS 2.2, WS 2.3.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: MicroscopyTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells. A magnification scale must be included.

AT 1, AT 7

Using a light microscope to observe, draw and label cells in an onion skin


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a small piece of onion

a knife

a white tile


a microscope slide

a coverslip

a microscope

iodine solution in a dropping bottle

prepared animal and plant cells

Perspex ruler

Technical information

0.01M Iodine solution may be purchased ready-made or can be made up following the instructions on CLEAPSS recipe sheet 50.

Additional information

The techniques involved should be demonstrated to the students. The students should be allowed time to practice the technique of preparing a wet slide.

It is particularly important that they practise the technique of lowering the cover slip on to the slide so that no air bubbles are trapped.

Techniques requiring Additional information

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Lowering the coverslip on to the slide

Using the microscope Students should be given guidance in how to use an optical microscope, with particular reference to the coarse and fine focus controls.

Students should be able to see the following using 400 magnification.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Safety goggles should be used when handling iodine solution.

Wash off any spillages on the skin immediately.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

GCSE Biology required practical activity: Microscopy

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Student sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells. A magnification scale must be included.

AT 1, AT 7

Using a light microscope to observe, draw and label cells in an onion skin

Prepare a microscope slide to show the contents of cells from onion skin and animal tissue.

Use an optical microscope to observe, draw and measure the cells. You will also need to identify structures within the cells.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically


You are provided with the following:

a small piece of onion

a knife

a white tile


a microscope slide

a coverslip

a microscope

iodine solution in a dropping bottle

prepared animal and plant cells

Perspex ruler.

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Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Use a dropping pipette to put one drop of water onto a microscope slide.

2. Separate one of the thin layers of the onion.

3. Peel off a thin layer of epidermal tissue from the inner surface.

4. Use forceps to put this thin layer on to the drop of water that you have placed on the microscope slide.

5. Make sure that the layer of onion cells is flat on the slide.

6. Put two drops of iodine solution onto the onion tissue.

7. Carefully lower a coverslip onto the slide. Do this by:

placing one edge of the coverslip on the slide

use the forceps to lower the other edge onto the slide

8. There may be some liquid around the edge of the coverslip. Use a piece of paper to soak this liquid up.

9. Put the slide on the microscope stage.

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Using the microscope to look at animal and plant cells

The diagram shows a typical microscope.

This microscope has a mirror to reflect light up through the slide. Some microscopes have a built-in light instead of a mirror.

10. Use the lowest power objective lens. Turn the nosepiece to do this.

11. The end of the objective lens needs to almost touch the slide. Do this by turning the coarse adjustment knob. Look from the side (not through the eyepiece) when doing this.

12. Now looking through the eyepiece, turn the coarse adjustment knob in the direction to increase the distance between the objective lens and the slide. Do this until the cells come into focus.

13. Now rotate the nosepiece to use a higher power objective lens.

14. Slightly rotate the fine adjustment knob to bring the cells into a clear focus and use the low-power objective (totalling 40 magnification) to look at the cells.

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15. When you have found some onion epidermal cells, switch to a higher power (100 or 400 magnification).

16. Make a clear, labelled drawing of some of these cells. Make sure that you draw and label any component parts of the cell.

17. Write the magnification underneath your drawing.

18. Use this technique to draw a range of animal and plant cells on prepared slides.

Calculating the size of a single cell

19. Carefully place a Perspex ruler on top of your prepared slide so that it sits above a layer of onion epidermal tissue.

20. Place the ruler and the slide back on to the stage of the microscope.

21. Rotate the nosepiece to use medium power objective (totalling x100 magnification).

Adjust the position of the ruler until it lines up with a continuous group of cells across 1 mm of the ruler. 1mm = 1000 microns (µm)

22. Count the number of cells across the 1000 µm sample.

23. Calculate the size of a single onion cell in microns using the formula by dividing the number of cells counted by the length of the tissue sampled. In this case, the length of the tissue sampled is 1000 µm:

Length of cell in µm = Number of cells counted in sample

1000 µm

24. Write the actual length of the cell on the diagram you have drawn.

25. You can draw a 500 micron scale bar by using the following equation

Scale bar length = Drawn length of cell in µm x 500 Actual length of cell in µm

26. Use the microscope to make observations of other plant and animal tissues.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Microbiology

Teachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates and measuring zones of inhibition.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 8

Investigating the effect of antiseptics on the growth of bacteria


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a nutrient agar plate

a Bunsen burner

a heatproof mat

a disposable plastic pipette (sterile)

a culture of bacteria (E. coli– K12 or B strain)

a sterile glass spreader

filter paper discs

three antiseptics (such as mouthwash, TCP, and antiseptic cream)

1% VirKon disinfectant

a ‘discard beaker’ of disinfectant


clear tape

hand wash

a wax pencil

access to an incubator (set to maximum of 30°C).

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Technical information

Cultures of E. coli bacteria, nutrient agar, and suitable disinfectants for the bench spray and the ‘discard beaker’ can be bought from educational suppliers. The instructions, and any risk assessment information, which accompany them should be followed carefully. Please note: when using E.coli, penicillin will not produce clearing.

Plastic petri dishes should be used as these can be destroyed by melting in an autoclave or sterilising pressure cooker, in a specialist autoclave bag (or roasting bag), immediately after obtaining the results. Discs can be cut from filter paper using a hole-punch. Glass spreaders are made by bending a 3‒4 mm diameter glass rod into an L-shape.

Plates should be secured with extra sticky tape before student viewing. It is important that condensation in the plates can still escape.

For sterilising glass pipettes or glass spreaders, wrap in greaseproof paper or foil and heat treat at 160oC for 2 hours. Sterile plastic pipettes and spreaders can be purchased.

1% VirKon disinfectant should be used as they have validation of sterilisation.

If ethanol sterilisation is to be used, the ethanol should be kept well away from any naked flames.

The incubator should be kept secure, either in a locked prep room, or locked if it is in the lab.

DISINFECTION: all equipment and materials and work surfaces must be disinfected using excess 1% VirKon for at least 10 minutes. Pipettes and spreaders should be placed into a discard beaker of 1% VirKon immediately after use. An A4 piece of paper that has been laminated to make it waterproof (or a similar sized piece of plastic) is a suitable work surface. The work surface should be placed in a tray of 1% VirKon, so that it is fully covered, for 10 minutes. The surface should be blotted dry with a paper towel before use. Always wear eye protection when using VirKon solution.

Additional information

The techniques involved should be demonstrated to the students and they should be allowed time to practice the techniques. Students can use water in place of the bacterial culture, before performing this experiment.

It is important that students work carefully but quickly to minimise contamination. The lids on the agar plates should be lifted for as short a time as possible at each step of the experiment. The lid should be replaced on the culture bottle immediately once the sample of bacteria has been removed with the pipette. At no point should any lids be placed down on the bench (it is less easy to forget the lid is off if you have it in your hands and no microorganisms are transferred to the bench).

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In particular, students will need to practise the following:

Techniques requiring practice Additional information

Flaming the neck of the culture bottle

This must be done whilst still holding the pipette and the lid of the culture bottle in your other hand (neither should be placed down on the bench at any point). The bottle must not be held still in the flame as the glass will crack – it should be rotated as it is very briefly passed through the flame.

Lifting the lid of the agar plate at an angle

The lid should only be opened at the side facing the Bunsen burner to avoid contamination

Practice placing drops of culture from the pipette onto the agar.

This needs to be done while carefully holding the lid over the plate.

Spreading the bacteria thoroughly around the agar plate right to the edges

This is best done by holding the glass spreader still up to the edge of the plate and rotating the plate. The lid of the plate must be held over it at the same time to avoid contamination.

Placing the filter paper discs onto the agar plate in the right positions

Students should hold the first disc with the forceps. They should lift the lid of the agar plate at an angle (as before) and place the disc flat onto the central dot in the first third of the plate. The lid of the agar plate should be replaced whilst the next disc is collected. This is repeated so that all three discs are in position.

Clear zones are not always perfectly circular so students should measure the diameter twice (at 90° to each other) and calculate a mean diameter for each clear zone.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Care should be taken to ensure that appropriate aseptic techniques are used when handling microorganisms.

There should be facilities available in the laboratory for students to wash their hands thoroughly before and after handling microbes.

Care should be taken if using ethanol in this experiment. Refer to Hazcard 40A.

Students should ensure that their work spaces and hands are thoroughly disinfected with 1% VirKon before and after the experiment. Refer to technical notes regarding disinfection.

Care must be taken to ensure that the lids on the agar plates are secured in place (but not completely sealed). Students must not remove the lids when making their clear zone measurements. Tape plates with two/three small pieces of sticky tape so that lids remain attached to the base.

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All equipment that has come into contact with the microorganisms should be suitably destroyed or sterilised immediately after the experiment.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Microbiology Student sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates and measuring zones of inhibition.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 8

Investigating the effect of antiseptics on the growth of bacteria

Prepare a lawn plate of bacteria. Then test the effectiveness of three different antiseptics.

Measure the diameter of the ‘clear zone’ around the disc. This is where there is no bacteria growing. The larger the clear zone, the more effective the antiseptic.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment

Ensure that your work spaces and hands are thoroughly cleaned before and after the experiment.

Care must be taken when handling microorganisms such as bacteria. You will use techniques called aseptic techniques during this experiment to avoid contamination.

Contamination can be where microorganisms from:

the surroundings get into your experiment and spoil your results

your experiment get into the surroundings and cause a potential health hazard

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You are provided with the following:

a nutrient agar plate

a Bunsen burner

a heatproof mat

a disposable plastic pipette

a culture of bacteria (E. coli)

a glass spreader

filter paper discs

three antiseptics (such as mouthwash, TCP, and antiseptic cream)

disinfectant bench spray

a ‘discard beaker’ of disinfectant

1% VirKon disinfectant


clear tape

hand wash

a wax pencil

access to an incubator (set to 30oC).

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Spraying the bench where you are working with disinfectant spray. Then wipe with paper towels.

2. Put the Bunsen burner on the heatproof mat in the middle of where you are working. Light the Bunsen on a yellow flame.

3. Mark the underneath of a nutrient agar plate (not the lid) with the wax pencil as follows (make sure that the lid stays in place to avoid contamination):

divide the plate into three equal sections and number them 1, 2 and 3 around the edge

place a dot into the middle of each section

around the edge write your initials, the date and the name of the bacteria (E. coli)4. Wash your hands with the antibacterial hand wash.

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5. Turn the Bunsen flame to blue.

6. Remove the lid of the bottle containing the culture of bacteria (keep the lid in your hand).

Then flame the neck of the bottle through the Bunsen flame. Do this by quickly twisting the bottle from side to side.

Use the disposable pipette to collect approximately 1 ml of the bacterial culture.

7. Quickly flame the neck of the bottle again and replace the lid.

8. Carefully lift the lid of the agar plate at an angle. Do not open it fully.

The lid should only be fully open on the Bunsen burner side.

9. Pipette the bacteria onto the agar plate and replace the lid.

10. Place the pipette into the ‘discard beaker’. Turn the Bunsen burner flame back to yellow.

11. Dip the glass spreader into the VirKon disinfectant.

Remove the glass spreader and tap off the excess. Then pass the glass spreader through the flame. Hold the glass spreader horizontally to ensure nothing drips down onto your hand.

12. Allow the spreader to cool for a count of 20 seconds.

13. Lift the lid of the agar plate. Again, the lid should be at an angle so only the side next to the Bunsen burner is fully open.

Spread the bacteria around the plate using the glass spreader.

14. Remove the glass spreader and put into the discard beaker. Lower the lid of the agar plate.

15. Put different antiseptics onto the three filter paper discs. This can be done by either soaking them in the liquid or spreading the cream or paste onto them.

16. Lift the lid of the agar plate as in step 8. Use forceps to carefully put each disc onto one of the dots drawn on with the wax pencil.

17. Make a note of which antiseptic is in each of the three numbered sections of the plate.

18. Secure the lid of the agar plate in place using two small pieces of clear tape.

Do not seal the lid all the way around as this creates anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions will prevent the E. coli bacteria from growing and can encourage some other very nasty bacteria to grow.

26. Incubate the plate at 30 °C for 48 hours.

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20. Measure the diameter of the clear zone around each disc by placing the ruler across the centre of the disc. Measure again at 90° to the first measurement so that the mean diameter can be calculated.

21. Record your results in a table such as the one here.

Type of antisepticDiameter of clear zone in mm

1 2 Mean

Mouthwash (1)

TCP (2)

Antiseptic cream (3)

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Osmosis Teachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 5

Investigating osmosis in potato tissue


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a potato

a cork borer or potato chipper/ vegetable stick cutter

a ruler

a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder


three boiling tubes

a test tube rack

paper towels

a sharp knife

a white tile

a range of sugar solutions (0.1 M ≥ 0.5 M)

distilled water

a top-pan balance (accurate to at least 0.01 g).

Technical information

Make up a solution of 0.5 M sucrose solution by adding distilled water to 171.2 g of sugar (dissolve by heating) and making up to 1 litre in a volumetric flask. Measure out 500 ml of this 0.5 M solution and place in a separate flask. Make the original flask up to 1 litre again by adding more distilled water to make the 0.25 M solution. This will provide enough for a class as each student needs 10 cm3 of each, in addition to 10 cm3 of distilled water.

To avoid students having to use sharp implements the potato cylinders can be prepared for them. They must be freshly prepared.

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Ensure that potato cylinders do not have any skin on them as this affects the movement of water molecules.

Additional information

Other sugar concentrations could be used (eg 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M and distilled water 0 M) and distributed across the class so that each student does three. The class data could then be collated before plotting the graph. Where the line of best fit crosses the x-axis is an approximation of the concentration inside the potato tissue.

The length of time that the potato cylinders are left in the sugar solutions can be adjusted to suit lesson timings. Better results are achieved if they are left for more than 30 minutes.

Note that fungi may grow in the test tubes containing potato in weaker solutions of salt or sugar. Test tube contents should be disposed of after viewing, the day after the potatoes have been placed in the solutions. Any test tubes showing visible growth of fungi should be sterilised by autoclaving.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Care should be taken with the use of cork borers and scalpels when students are cutting their own potato cylinders. Small kitchen knives could be used if available.

Care should be taken with the use of an electrical balance in the presence of water.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: OsmosisStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 5

Investigating osmosis in potato tissue

Osmosis is the movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane. The water moves from an area of high concentration of water to an area of lower concentration of water.

Plant tissues can be used to investigate osmosis. This experiment uses potato.

Potato tissue is cut into equal sized cylinders. The potato tissue is left overnight in sugar solution and distilled water. The changes in length and mass can then be accurately compared.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment

Care should be taken:

cutting potato cylinders

with the use of an electrical balance in the presence of water.

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You are provided with the following:

a potato

a cork borer or potato chipper/ vegetable stick cutter

a ruler

a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder


three boiling tubes

a test tube rack

paper towels

a sharp knife

a white tile

a range of sugar solutions

distilled water

a top-pan balance.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Use a cork borer to cut three potato cylinders of the same diameter.

2. Trim the cylinders so that they are all the same length (about 3 cm).

3. Accurately measure and record the length and mass of each potato cylinder.

4. Measure 10 cm3 of the 0.5 M sugar solution and put into the first boiling tube. Label boiling tube as: 0.5 M sugar.

5. Measure 10 cm3 of 0.25 M sugar solution and put into the second boiling tube. Label boiling tube as: 0.25 M sugar.

6. Measure 10 cm3 of the distilled water and put into the third boiling tube. Label boiling tube as water.

7. Add one potato cylinder to each boiling tube. Make sure you know the length and mass of each potato cylinder in each boiling tube.

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8. Record the lengths and masses of each potato cylinder in a table such as the one below.

0.5 M sugar solution

0.25 M sugar solution Distilled water

Initial length (mm)

Final length (mm)

Change in length (mm)

Initial mass (g)

Final mass in (g)

Change in mass in (g)

9. Leave the potato cylinders in the boiling tubes overnight in the test tube rack.

10. Remove the cylinders from the boiling tubes and carefully blot them dry with the paper towels.

11. Re-measure the length and mass of each cylinder (make sure you know which is which).

Record your measurements in the table. Then calculate the changes in length and mass of each potato cylinder.

12. Plot a graph with:

‘Change in mass in g’ on the y-axis

‘Concentration of sugar solution’ on the x-axis

13. Plot another graph with:

‘Change in length in mm’ on the y-axis

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‘Concentration of sugar solution’ on the x-axis.

Compare the two graphs that you have drawn.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: EnzymesTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme.

Students should use a continuous sampling technique to determine the time taken to completely digest a starch solution at a range of pH values. Iodine reagent is to be used to test for starch every 30 seconds.

Temperature must be controlled by use of a water bath or immersible electric heater.

AT 1, AT 2, AT 5, AT 8

Investigating the effect of pH on the enzyme amylase


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

test tubes

a test tube rack

water baths (electrical or Bunsen burners and beakers)

spotting tiles

a 5 cm3 measuring cylinder


a glass rod

a stop watch

starch solution

amylase solution

buffered solutions

iodine solution


Technical information

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A 1% solution of amylase and a 1% suspension of starch are appropriate for this experiment.

Amylase will slowly lose activity so it is best to make up a fresh batch, using the powdered enzyme, for each lesson. Otherwise any results collected on different days will not be comparable.

Starch suspension should also be made fresh. This can be done by making a cream of 5 g of soluble starch in cold water and pouring into 500 cm3 of boiling water. Stir well and boil until you have a clear solution.

A 0.01 M solution of iodine is suitable for starch testing.

Buffer solutions should be made using CLEAPSS recipe 18 (The Universal Buffer: Recipe 1). The optimum pH for amylase is pH 6. A range of buffer solutions between pH 5 - 8 would be appropriate.

Additional information

It is best to check that the amylase breaks down the starch at an appropriate rate before students do this experiment. At around the optimum pH of 6, the end point should be reached within 1‒2 minutes.

It might be appropriate for each student to test only one pH, working in a pair or a group, so that results can be pooled. This would ensure that the tests were performed in the same lesson, and therefore are more comparable.

A wider range of pH could be investigated and class results could be collated. This would require more water baths, but students could make their own using beakers and Bunsen burners etc.

Some amylases used in detergents are not denatured even at temperatures close to boiling water. Some amylases are also inhibited by buffers.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

All solutions, once made up, are low hazard. Refer to Hazcard 33 for amylase.

Iodine solution may irritate the eyes so safety goggles should be worn. Refer to Hazcards 54A and 54B.

Universal buffer solution is an irritant. Refer to Hazcards 9, 14, 72, and 91.

Safety goggles should be worn in the presence of hot water in water baths.

Care should be taken with the use of naked flames in this experiment if students are using Bunsen burners to make water baths.

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Care should be taken with the presence of water and electrical equipment, if electrical water baths are being used.

Note that some people are allergic to enzymes.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: EnzymesStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme.

Students should use a continuous sampling technique to determine the time taken to completely digest a starch solution at a range of pH values. Iodine reagent is to be used to test for starch every 30 seconds.

Temperature must be controlled by use of a water bath or electric heater.

AT 1, AT 2, AT 5, AT 8

Investigating the effect of pH on the enzyme amylase

The enzyme amylase controls the breakdown of starch in our digestive system. We are able to simulate digestion using solutions of starch and amylase in test tubes. We can also determine the optimum conditions required.

The presence or absence of starch can be determined using iodine solution. In this experiment, we can measure how long the amylase takes to break down the starch at different pHs

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment

Safety goggles should be worn throughout

Take care with boiling water.

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You are provided with the following:

test tubes

a test tube rack

water bath (electrical or bunsen burner and beakers)

spotting tiles

5cm3 measuring cylinder


a stop clock

starch solution

amylase solution

buffered solutions covering a range of pH, each with a labelled syringe/ plastic pipette

iodine solution


Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Place one drop of iodine solution into each depression on the spotting tile.

2. Place labelled test tubes containing the buffered pH solutions, amylase solution and starch solutions in to the water bath

3. Allow the solutions to reach 30 °C

4. Add 2cm3 of one of the buffered solutions to a test tube.

5. Use the syringe to place 2 cm3 of amylase into the buffered pH solution.

6. Use another syringe to add 2 cm3 of starch to the amylase/buffer solution.

7. Immediately start the stop clock and leave it on throughout the test.

8. Mix using a glass rod.

9. After 10 seconds, remove one drop of the mixture with a glass rod.

Place this drop on the first depression of the spotting tile with the iodine solution.

The iodine solution should turn blue-black.

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10. Use the glass rod to remove one drop of the mixture every 10 seconds. Put each drop onto the iodine solution in the next depression on the spotting tile.

Rinse the glass rod with water after each drop

Continue until the iodine solution and the amylase/buffer/starch mixture remain orange.

11. Repeat the procedure with solutions of other pHs

12. Record your results in a table such as the one here.

pH of solution Time taken for amylase to completely break down the starch in seconds (s)

13. Plot a graph with:

‘Time taken to break down starch (s)’ on the y-axis

‘pH of solution’ on the x-axis


14. Calculate the rate of reaction and plot a graph with:

‘Rate of reaction’ on the y-axis

‘pH of the solution’ on the x-axis

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Food testsTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. To include: Benedict’s test for sugars; iodine test for starch; Biuret reagent for protein.

AT 2, AT 8

Using qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

food to be tested

a pestle and mortar

a stirring rod

a filter funnel and filter paper

5 beaker, 250 ml

a conical flask

4 test tube

Benedict’s solution

iodine solution (0.01 M)

Sudan III stain solution

Biuret solution

kettle for boiling water

a thermometer

safety goggles.

Technical information

Benedict’s qualitative reagent (CLEAPSS)

Benedict’s solution or DNSA (see Recipe sheet 34) should be used to test for reducing sugars. Glucose, lactose and maltose are reducing sugars and give a positive test. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar and does not give a positive result.

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No hazard warning symbol is required on the bottle as the concentrations of each of the constituents are low.

Qualitative Biuret Reagent (CLEAPSS)

This does not keep so only prepare what is required.

General hazards:

Sodium hydroxide (solid) and 2 M solution. See Hazcard 91.

Copper sulphate, see Hazcard 27C.

Preparing 1 litre of Qualitative Biuret reagent:

wear safety goggles

weigh out 0.75 g of copper(II) sulfate(VI)-5 -water

prepare 1 litre of 2 M potassium or sodium hydroxide solution

dissolve the copper(II) sulfate(VI) in the alkali and label the solution CORROSIVE

A purple or pink colouration indicates the presence of protein.

Iodine solution (CLEAPSS)

A 0.01 M solution is suitable as a test reagent for starch and may be purchased ready-made or can be made up following the instructions on CLEAPSS recipe sheet 50.

The concentration of solutions decreases with storage. Check that the solutions work before use in the laboratory.

Sudan III stain solution

Dissolve 0.5 g of dye in 70 ml of ethanol and 30 ml of water, using a warm water bath, and filter. Ethanol is HIGHLY FLAMMABLE (see Hazcards 32 and 40). Label the solution HIGHLY FLAMMABLE.

Wear safety goggles.

Additional information

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The techniques involved should be demonstrated to the students. Students should be allowed time to practice the techniques by testing pure substances first in order to see the expected colour change. The following are suggested for this purpose:

Biuret test – albumen solution (eg 1% concentration)

Benedict’s solution – glucose solution (eg 1% concentration)

iodine solution – starch solution (eg 1% concentration)

Sudan III – any suitable oil.

In particular students will need to practice the following:

Techniques requiring practice Additional information

Use of a pestle and mortarWhen crushing the food it may help to add a small amount of sharp sand

FiltrationStudents may need to be taught how to fold the filter paper correctly

Use of water bathStudents may need to learn how to use a beaker of hot water as a water bath

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Biuret solution contains copper sulfate, which is poisonous, and sodium hydroxide, which is caustic.

Safety goggles should be worn when carrying out the tests.

Wash off spills on skin immediately.

Ensure that there is no eating or drinking during testing.

Suggested foods for testing

Proteins: milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, tofu, apple, potato, yeast, cooked beans, eggs.

Lipids: olive oil, sesame seed oil, grape seed oil, margarine, butter, lard, milks (full fat, semi-skimmed, skimmed), egg white solution, egg yolk solution.

Carbohydrates: potato, bread, cooked noodles, biscuits, sugar, apples, flour, corn starch.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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38Copyright © 2016 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Food testsStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. To include: Benedict’s test for sugars; iodine test for starch; Biuret reagent for protein.

AT 2, AT 8

1. Testing for sugars

In this experiment you will test one or more foodstuffs for the presence of carbohydrates.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment

Safety goggles should be worn when carrying out the tests.

Wash off spills on skin immediately.

Take care with boiling water.


You are provided with the following:

food to be tested

a pestle and mortar

a stirring rod

filter funnel and filter paper

2 beaker, 250 ml

a conical flask

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2 test tube

Benedict’s solution

iodine solution

kettle for boiling water

a thermometer

safety goggles.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Use a pestle and mortar to grind up a small sample of food.

2. Transfer the ground up food into a small beaker. Then add distilled water.

3. Stir the mixture so that some of the food dissolves in the water.

4. Filter using a funnel with filter paper to obtain as clear a solution as possible.

The solution should be collected in a conical flask.

5. Half fill a test tube with some of this solution.

6. Add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution to the solution in the test tube.

7. Put hot water from a kettle in a beaker. The water should not be boiling.

Put the test tube in the beaker for about five minutes.

8. Note any colour change.

If a reducing sugar (such as glucose) is present, the solution will turn green, yellow, or brick-red. The colour depends on the sugar concentration.

9. Take 5 ml of the solution from the conical flask and put it into a clean test tube.

10. Add a few drops of iodine solution and note any colour change.

If starch is present, you should see a black or blue-black colour appear.

11. Record your results in a table such as the one below.

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Name of food tested Colour produced with Benedict’s solution

Colour produced with iodine solution

2. Testing for lipids

In this experiment you will test one or more foodstuffs for the presence of lipids (fats).

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment:

Safety goggles should be worn when carrying out the tests.

Sudan III contains ethanol, which is highly flammable. Keep the solution away from naked flames.

Wash off spills on skin immediately.


You are provided with the following:

food to be tested

a pestle and mortar

a stirring rod

2 beaker, 250 ml

a test tube

Sudan III stain solution.

safety goggles.

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Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Use a pestle and mortar to grind up a small sample of food.

2. Transfer the ground up food into a small beaker. Then add distilled water.

3. Stir the mixture so that some of the food dissolves in the water. Do not filter.

4. Half fill a test tube with some of this solution.

5. Add 3 drops of Sudan III stain to the solution in the test tube. Shake gently to mix.

6. If fat is present: a red-stained oil layer will separate out and float on the water surface.

3. Testing for proteins

In this experiment you will test one or more foodstuffs for the presence of protein.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment:

Safety goggles should be worn when carrying out the tests.

Biuret solution contains copper sulphate, which is poisonous, and sodium hydroxide, which is caustic.

Wash off spills on skin immediately.


You are provided with the following:

food to be tested

a pestle and mortar

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a stirring rod

a filter funnel and filter paper

2 beaker, 250 ml

a test tube

Biuret solution

safety goggles.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Use a pestle and mortar to grind up a small sample of food.

2. Transfer the ground up food into a small beaker. Then add distilled water.

3. Stir the mixture so that some of the food dissolves in the water.

4. Filter using a funnel with filter paper to obtain as clear a solution as possible.

The solution should be collected in a conical flask.

5. Put 2 cm3 of this solution into a test tube.

6. Add 2 cm3 of Biuret solution to the solution in the test tube. Shake gently to mix.

7. Note any colour change. Proteins will turn the solution pink or purple.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: PhotosynthesisTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 5

Investigating the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis in pondweed


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a boiling tube

freshly cut 10 cm piece of pondweed

a light source

a ruler

a test tube rack

a stop watch

0.2% solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution

a glass rod.

Technical information

Native species of Cabomba or Elodea could be used as the pondweed in this investigation. Both can be bought from tropical fish shops and some large garden centres.

Cabomba is recommended as it is the most reliable as it produces the most bubbles. Cabomba should be kept in a well aerated tank prior to its use. If Elodea is used, it is suggested that the plant is placed in a beaker of water in front of a lamp for 2‒3 hours before starting the investigation.

High intensity light sources (at least 1000 lumens) need to be used for the practical.

It is best to use an LED light source as they give off less heat, although care should be taken to ensure that they emit the correct wavelengths required for photosynthesis. If these are not available, use a normal light bulb but place a beaker of water in between the boiling tube and the

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light source to reduce the chance of temperature affecting the results. Low energy light bulbs should not be used as the light intensity may be too low to promote measurable photosynthesis.Additional information

Graphs can be drawn of number of bubbles per minute against distance from light source.

Light intensity is proportional to 1/distance2. Higher attaining students may want to draw their graphs of number of bubbles against light intensity instead.

If no bubbles appear from the cut end of the pondweed when placed closest to the light source, cut a few millimetres off the end or, if necessary, use a new freshly-cut piece of pondweed.

Students could work within a group in order to investigate a wider range of distances and with increments of 5 cm instead of 10 cm. Group results could be collated.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

0.2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution is low hazard. Refer to Hazcard 95C.

Care should be taken when handling glassware.

Care should be taken with the use of lamps that may get hot.

Use a large beaker of water in front of hot light sources.

Care should be taken when using mercury-containing light bulbs (eg compact fluorescent tubes).

Use light sources that absorb any UV light given off by the bulb/tube.

Care should be taken with the presence of water and the electrical power supply for the lamp.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: PhotosynthesisStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of a factor on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 5

Investigating the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis in pondweed

Plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis is affected by many factors, such as:

light intensity

light wavelength.

Aquatic plants produce visible bubbles of oxygen gas into the surrounding water when they photosynthesise. These bubbles can be counted as a measure of the rate of photosynthesis. Pondweed is an example of an aquatic plant.

The effect of light intensity can be investigated by varying the distance between pondweed and a light source. The closer the light source, the greater the light intensity.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk assessment:

Care should be taken:

when handling glassware

with the use of lamps that may get hot

with the presence of water and the electrical power supply for the lamp.

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You are provided with the following:

a boiling tube

freshly cut 10 cm piece of pondweed

a light source

a ruler

a test tube rack

a stop watch

0.2% solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate

a glass rod.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Set up a test tube rack containing a boiling tube at a distance of 10 cm away from the light source

2. Fill the boiling tube with the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.

3. Put the piece of pondweed into the boiling tube with the cut end at the top. Gently push the pondweed down with the glass rod.

4. Leave the boiling tube for 5 minutes.

5. Start the stop watch and count the number of bubbles produced in one minute.

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6. Record the results in a table such as the one here.

Distance between pondweed and light source

in cm

Number of bubbles per minute

1 2 3 Mean





7. Repeat the count twice more. Then use the data to calculate the mean number of bubbles per minute.

8. Repeat steps 1‒7 with the test tube rack and boiling tube at distances of 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm from the light source.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Reaction TimeTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4

Investigating whether practice reduces human reaction times


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs a:

metre ruler




Technical information

Students should use their weaker hand for the ruler drop test. They should ensure that they have not done any practicing before the start of the experiment but start taking measurements immediately so that the effects of any practicing can be seen.

Ruler measurements can be converted to reaction times using the conversion table below.

Additional information

The following conversion table can be given to students in order to determine reaction times.

Graphs of reaction time against attempt number can be drawn.

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n tim

e (s

























om r




81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100



n tim

e (s

























om r




61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80



n tim

e (s

























om r




41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60



n tim

e (s

























om r




21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40



n tim

e (s

























om r




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Care should be taken to avoid injury from the falling ruler.

Care should be taken to ensure that students do not experience any discomfort when being used as the subjects of investigation.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Reaction TimeStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4

Investigating whether practice reduces human reaction times

Messages travel very quickly around your body through the nervous system. This is so that you are able to respond to changes in the environment. The time it takes for you to respond to such a change is called your reaction time.

Athletes spend hours practising to try to reduce their reaction time. This is to help them improve their performance in their particular sport. Responding quicker to the starter’s pistol in a race can gain you the advantage over other runners.

You will conduct a simple, measurable experiment called the ruler drop test. From this you can determine whether your reaction time can be reduced with practice.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk Assessment

Care should be taken to avoid injury from the falling ruler

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You are provided with the following:

a metre ruler

a chair

a table

a partner

Read these instructions carefully before you start work:

1. Use your weaker hand for this experiment. If you are right handed then your left hand is your weaker hand.

2. Sit down on the chair with good upright posture and eyes looking across the room.

3. Place the forearm of your weaker arm across the table with your hand overhanging the edge of the table.

4. Your partner will hold a ruler vertically with the bottom end (the end with the 0 cm) in between your thumb and first finger.

Practice holding the ruler with those two fingers.

5. Your partner will take hold of the ruler and ask you to remove your fingers.

6. Your partner will hold the ruler so the zero mark is level with the top of your thumb. They will tell you to prepare to catch the ruler.

7. Your partner will then drop the ruler without telling you.

8. You must catch the ruler as quickly as you can when you sense that the ruler is dropping.

9. After catching the ruler, look at the number level with the top of your thumb.

Record this in a table such as the one here.

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Drop test attemptsRuler measurements in cm Reaction times in seconds

Person 1 Person 2 Person 1 Person 2











10. Have a short rest and then repeat the test. Record the number on the ruler as attempt 2.

11. Continue to repeat the test several times.

12. Swap places with your partner. Repeat the experiment to get their results.

13. Use a conversion table to convert your ruler measurements into reaction times.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Germination Teachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings. Record results as both length measurements and as carefully, labelled biological drawings to show the effects.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 7

Investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of mustard seedlings


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

white mustard seeds


cotton wool

a ruler


access to a light windowsill and a dark cupboard.

Technical information

Cotton wool should be damp but not in excess water. The amount of cotton wool and water needed should be determined before students do the experiment.

Seeds will require a day or so to germinate (depending on how warm it is). Alternative seeds, such as cress or Brassica rapa, could be used instead of white mustard seeds. However, white mustard seeds are bigger and easier to handle so these are recommended.

Partial light can be achieved by alternating a day on the windowsill with a day in the dark cupboard.

Additional information

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To measure the height of the seedlings students should rest the ruler on the cotton wool and then gently hold the seedling to its full height against the ruler. Care should be taken to ensure the seedlings are not damaged during measuring.Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

The equipment and techniques used in this experiment are not hazardous.

Wash hands after handling seeds.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Germination Student sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings. Record results as both length measurements and as carefully, labelled biological drawings to show the effects.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 7

Investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of mustard seedlings

Germination is the start of growth in a seed. Water, oxygen and warmth are required for the seed to germinate. Once a seed has germinated, the shoots will only continue to grow if placed into the correct conditions.

Mustard seeds germinate easily and quickly when placed on damp cotton wool. Light affects the growth of the newly germinated shoots. The effect of light can be determined by measuring the height of shoots with a ruler.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk Assessment

Wash hands after handling seeds.

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You are provided with the following:

white mustard seeds


cotton wool

a ruler


access to a light windowsill and a dark cupboard.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Set up three petri dishes containing cotton wool soaked in equal amounts of water.

2. Put ten mustard seeds in each petri dish.

3. Put the petri dishes in a warm place. They must not be disturbed or moved.

4. Allow the mustard seeds to germinate.

Add more water if the cotton wool gets dry (equal amounts of water to each petri dish).

5. Each petri dish should have the same number of seedlings after the seeds have geminated. Remove excess seedlings from any dish that has too many.

For example, one dish has eight seedlings which are the fewest compared to the other petri dishes. Therefore, remove seedlings from the other petri dishes so that each dish has eight.

6. Move the petri dishes into position.

One should be placed on a windowsill in full sunlight.

One should be placed in partial light.

The third should be placed in darkness.

7. Measure the height of each seedling. Do this every day, for at least a week.

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Record the heights in a table such as the one here.

You will need a table each for:

full sunlight

partial light


DayHeight of seedling in full sunlight in mm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean








8. Calculate the mean height of the seedlings each day.

9. Plot a graph with:

‘Mean height in mm’ on the y-axis

‘Day’ on the x-axis.

The graph should include data for full sunlight, partial light and darkness.

Compare the data.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Field investigationsTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Measure the population size of a common species in a habitat. Use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 6, AT 8

Investigating the population size of daisies in trampled and un-trampled parts of a school field


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a 0.5 m2 quadrat

a 30 m tape measure

a clipboard

a pen


Technical information

A good trampled area of the field might be a football pitch, and the un-trampled area could just be along the very edge of the field where the grass has not been cut or not cut as often.

A shorter transect line could be used if space is limited and quadrats could be placed closer together.

Several students can work independently along one transect line if the number of tape measures is limited. Alternatively string or rope can be used as the transect line by marking intervals along it with a marker pen.

Additional information

Exactly what counts as a daisy plant should be demonstrated to students to ensure they are counting whole plants (rosettes) and not just counting flowers. Students will need to kneel or

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crouch down and may need to use their hands to determine how many plants are within the quadrat (especially in the longer grass of the un-trampled area).Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

CLEAPSS members can use safety guidance in “SRA 08, School Grounds”.

It is advisable not to undertake this experiment if the conditions are very wet as students may slip on wet grass.

The areas to be used should be checked beforehand to ensure that no hazardous materials, such as broken glass, are present. This is especially necessary where items could be hidden in the longer grass.

Care should be taken when using tape measures that may recoil back if not carefully locked in place.

Care should be taken to ensure that students place the quadrats carefully along the transect line and do not throw them around, as this could cause injury to other students.

Students should wash their hands thoroughly after the activity, before there is any hand to mouth transfer. Protects against plant and fungal allergens etc.


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Field investigationsStudent sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Measure the population size of a common species in a habitat. Use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 6, AT 8

Investigating the population size of daisies in trampled and un-trampled parts of a school field

The size of a population of animals or plants in a habitat can be estimated by taking samples of the organisms from the habitat. The larger the sample, the more accurate your estimate of the population size is likely to be.

Plants can be sampled more easily than animals because they are unable to move around within the habitat. By sampling, population sizes can be compared between different areas.

You will compare the population sizes of daisies in trampled and un-trampled areas of your school field. You will use a transect line and a quadrat to do this.

Learning outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

Risk Assessment

Wash hands after handling seeds.

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You are provided with the following:

a 0.5 m2 quadrat

a 30 m tape measure

a clipboard

a pen


Read these instructions carefully before you start work:

1. Put the 30 m tape measure across a trampled area of the school field to form a transect line.

2. Put the 1 m2 quadrat against the transect line. One corner of the quadrat should touch the 0 m mark on the tape measure.

3. Count the number of daisy plants within the quadrat.

4. Record the number of daisies counted within the quadrat in a table such as the one here.

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Distance along thetransect line in m

Number of daisy plants per 1 m2 quadrat

Trampled Un-trampled







Mean number of daisyplants per m2

5. Move the quadrat 5 m up the transect line and count the number of daisy plants again. Record in the table.

6. Continue to place the quadrat at 5 m intervals and count the number of daisy plants in each quadrat.

7. Calculate the mean number of daisy plants per m2 for the trampled area.

8. Move the 30 m tape measure to an un-trampled area of the school field to form the new transect line.

9. Repeat steps 2‒7 for the un-trampled transect line.

10. Compare the population size of daisies in the trampled and un-trampled areas of the field.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: DecayTeachers’ notes

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 5

Investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.


In addition to access to general laboratory equipment, each student needs:

a small beaker containing full fat milk or single cream (not UHT)

a small beaker containing sodium carbonate solution (0.05 mol dm−3)

a small beaker containing 5% lipase solution

250 cm3 beakers, to be used as water baths

test tubes

a test tube rack

a marker pen

10 cm3 plastic syringes

a stirring thermometer

stop clock

Cresol red, in a dropper bottle

an electric kettle, for heating water

ice, for investigating temperatures below room temperature.

Technical information

Sodium carbonate solution, 0.05 M. Make with 5.2 g of anhydrous solid or 14.2 g of washing soda per litre of water. See CLEAPSS Hazcard; it is an IRRITANT at concentrations over 1.8 M.

Lipase solution is should be freshly made, but it can be kept for a few days in a refrigerator.

Additional information

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Please note: Because the natural process of decay in milk is slow, it is difficult for students to monitor in normal class time. Instead we have suggested an approach which speeds up the process through the addition of lipase. Therefore the procedure suggested should serve as a ‘model’ for the investigation of decay in milk. The fall in pH in natural decay would be due to the production of lactic acid. In this model, the fall in pH is due mainly to the production of fatty acids.

If thermostatically controlled water baths are available this would be preferable to using hot water in beakers.

Ideally, at least five different temperatures should be investigated, ranging around 60 °C.

If timer is short, class results may be pooled rather than individual students carrying out a number of different temperatures and repeats.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment and risk management are the responsibility of the school or college.

Sodium carbonate solution, 0.05 M. Make with 5.2 g of anhydrous solid, or 14.2 g of washing soda per litre of water. See CLEAPSS Hazcard 95a; it is an IRRITANT at concentrations over 1.8 M. Please see Hazcard 95a.

There is an allergen risk with all enzymes. See CLEAPSS website for details.

For Cresol red, see CLEAPSS Hazcard 32


The practical should be trialled before use with students.

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GCSE Biology required practical activity: Decay Student sheet

Required practical activity Apparatus and techniques

Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.

AT 1, AT 3, AT 4, AT 5

Investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change

You will use an alkaline solution of milk. When lipase is added to the milk the fat in the milk is broken down into fatty acids. This makes the pH lower.

Cresol red is an indicator that is purple in alkaline solutions of about pH. When the pH drops below pH 8.3 Cresol red becomes yellow.

Learning Outcomes




Teachers to add these with particular reference to working scientifically

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You are provided with the following:

a small beaker containing full fat milk or single cream

a small beaker containing sodium carbonate solution

a small beaker containing lipase solution

250 cm3 beakers, to be used as water baths

test tubes

a test tube rack

a marker pen

10 cm3 plastic syringes

a stirring thermometer

a stop clock

Cresol red, in a dropper bottle

an electric kettle, for heating water

ice, for investigating temperatures below room temperature.

Read these instructions carefully before you start work.

1. Half fill one of the 250 cm3 beakers with hot water from the kettle. This will be the water bath.

2. Label two test tubes:

one ‘lipase’

one ‘milk’

3. In the ‘lipase’ test tube put 5 cm3 of lipase solution.

4. In the ‘milk’ test tube put five drops of Cresol red solution.

5. Use a calibrated dropping pipette to add 5 cm3 of milk to the ‘milk’ test tube.

6. Use another pipette to add 7 cm3 of sodium carbonate solution to the ‘milk’ test tube.

The solution should be purple.

7. Put a thermometer into the ‘milk’ test tube.

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8. Put both test tubes into the water bath. Wait until the contents reach the same temperature as the water bath.

9. Use another dropping pipette to transfer 1 cm3 of lipase into the ‘milk’ test tube.

Immediately start timing.

10. Stir the contents of the ‘milk’ test tube until the solution turns yellow.

11. Record the time taken for the colour to change to yellow, in seconds.

12. Repeat steps 1‒11 for different temperatures of water bath.

You can obtain temperatures below room temperature by using ice in the beaker instead of hot water.

13. Record your results in a table such as the one here. Plot a graph of your results.

Temperature of milk in °CTime taken for solution to turn yellow, in seconds

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

69Copyright © 2016 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

GCSE Biology: Required practical activities - [DOCX Document] (2024)


What are all the required practicals for GCSE biology? ›

Required Practicals - Biology
  • Rates of decomposition. AQA Biology 12:08. ...
  • Measuring the Distribution of Organisms. AQA Biology 06:02. ...
  • An Introduction to Enzymes. AQA Biology 16:30. ...
  • Microscopes and Magnification. ...
  • Culturing Microorganisms. ...
  • Osmosis. ...
  • Enzymes in the digestive system. ...
  • Investigating the rate of photosynthesis.

Do you have to do practicals to pass GCSE science? ›

Change from coursework to required practicals

There is no coursework in the new linear system, but practical work (scientific experiments) remains an integral part of the GCSEs. Each exam board has specified certain practicals that are mandatory for all students.

What are the practical activities of biology? ›

Examples are: carrying out operations such as sorting of specimens, dissection of specimen and observation of growth rate, food testing and experimenting with chemicals. Practical activities in biology provide opportunities for students to actually do science as opposed to learning about science.

How to prepare a slide GCSE biology AQA? ›

Making slides
  1. Peel a thin, transparent layer of epidermal. cells from the inside of an onion.
  2. Place cells on a microscope slide.
  3. Add a drop of water or iodine (a chemical stain).
  4. Lower a coverslip onto the onion cells using forceps or a mounted needle. This needs to be done gently to prevent trapping air bubbles.

How to get 9 in GCSE biology? ›

For GCSE Biology the mantra “slow and steady wins the race” is certainly true.
  1. Aim to understand as much as possible when you go through each topic with your teacher. ...
  2. Identify your weakest topics and spend more time on these. ...
  3. Spaced repetition, spaced repetition, spaced repetition.

How to revise biology required practicals? ›

7 ways to revise the required practicals
  1. Get a clear understanding of the apparatus and techniques. ...
  2. Summarise and review key concepts. ...
  3. Practise past practical questions. ...
  4. Perform the practical again. ...
  5. Create revision concept maps and diagrams. ...
  6. Utilise flashcards for key terms and formulas. ...
  7. Analyse data and interpret results.
Oct 4, 2023

What is needed for biology practical? ›

Dissecting tool kit: In school levels, for attending biology practical, students are instructed to bring their own dissecting tool kit which usually contains of a scalpel, pins, probes, scissors, a glass slide, a dissecting knife, coverslips, etc.

What are the basic practical skills in biology? ›

During their study of Biology, students are expected to acquire experience of planning, implementation, use of apparatus and techniques, analysis and evaluation.

How do you ace biology GCSE? ›

These GCSE Biology revision tips will help students succeed:
  1. Make thorough revision notes: Students should have well-organised, detailed revision notes on all exam topics. ...
  2. Use mind maps to understand complex biological processes. ...
  3. Practice past papers: Past papers help students understand the GCSE Biology exam structure.

Why do you put a drop of water on a microscope slide? ›

Using a pipette, place a drop of water on the specimen. Then place on edge of the cover slip over the sample and carefully lower the cover slip into place using a toothpick or equivalent. This method will help prevent air bubbles from being trapped under the cover slip.

What is in the GCSE biology syllabus? ›

The primary topics covered by the AQA GCSE Biology, one of the more common specifications, are Keeping Healthy, Nerves and Hormones, The Use and Abuse of Drugs, Interdependence and Adaptation, Energy and Biomass in Food Chains, Waste Materials from Plants and Animals, Genetic Variation and its Control, Evolution, Cells ...

What do you need for biology GCSE? ›

1. What do you need to know for GCSE Biology?
  • The nature and variety of living organisms.
  • Structures and functions in living organisms.
  • Reproduction and inheritance.
  • Ecology and the environment.
  • Use of biological resources.
Jan 30, 2020

How many required practicals are there for A-level biology aqa? ›

12 required practical activities

These have been specified by AQA. They cover the apparatus and techniques for each subject – so teachers do not have to worry about whether they are all covered.

How many modules are there in GCSE biology? ›

You'll find a list of all the GCSE biology topics in this article. There are seven main subject areas covered in the exam, split across two separate papers: Cell biology. Organisation.

How many practicals are there in OCR A-level biology? ›

In our specifications, 12 Practical Activity Groups (PAGs) are presented, which provide opportunities for demonstrating competency in all required apparatus and techniques.


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.