Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (1)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06

1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive?

2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons.

3.What differences existed between the Northern and Southern colonies?

4.Why did France and Britain go to war?5.What were the results of that war?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (2)

Focus Questions – 1/16/07

1.What is mercantilism?2.Describe the three parts of the

Navigation Acts.3. How did the British government

practice salutary neglect?4.Why were Enlightenment ideas

important?5.What was the Great Awakening?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (3)

Documentary Analysis

You are to complete the following when watching the documentary: For each section:

1. Write at least one complete sentence stating the main ideas of the section.2. Write at least one complete sentence describing something new that you learned from the section that you previously did not know.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (4)

Section 4: Conflicts in the Colonies

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (5)

I. War with the Natives

A. King Philip’s War

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (6)

II.The French and Indian War

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (7)

III. Pontiac’s Rebellion

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (8)

IV. Proclamation of 1763

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (9)

Constructing an Argument

1. Compare and contrast the colonial regions of America.

2. Compare and contrast the three colonial regions of America by examining their political, economic, and social similarities and differences.

3. Compare and contrast the three colonial regions of America (New England, Middle colonies, Southern colonies) by examining their political, economic, and social similarities and differences.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (10)

Focus Questions – 1/17/07

1.Explain the causes and the effects of King Philip’s War.

2.How did the British view and attitude toward the colonies change after the French and Indian War?

3.Who was Pontiac and why did he lead a rebellion against the British? How was the Proclamation of 1763 connected to this rebellion?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (11)

Essay Prompt

Compare and contrast the three colonial regions of America by examining their political, economic, and social similarities and differences

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (12)

Evaluating an Outline

Does the thesis statement make an argument? (How or Why?)

Is the outline complete? Are the body paragraphs supporting

the thesis? Is there an attention to detail in the

body paragraphs?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (13)

Essay “DOs and DON’Ts”

DO write legibly. DO include a topic sentence for each

body paragraph. DO balance your argument DON’T abbreviate common words and

phrases (b/c, w/o, gov’t, + . . .) DON’T write in the first person

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (14)

Focus Questions – 1/18/07

1. Who wrote this account? 2. According to the author who is provoking

fights in the streets of Boston? (2nd paragraph)

3. Why did the author deploy troops to protect the custom’s house? (3rd paragraph)

4. What happened after the troops arrived?5. Why did the author “surrender himself”?6. Answer #2 on the bottom of the paper.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (15)

Section 5: Revolution and the Early Republic

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (16)

I. Colonies Resist Britain

A. British Restrictions

1. Sugar Act (1764)

2. Stamp Act (1765)

3. Townshend Acts (1767)

. . . . . . .

“Taxation without Representation!”

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (17)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (18)

B. Boston Massacre

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (19)

Boston Massacre

October 1, 1768: British regulars arrived in Boston, MA to maintain order and enforce the taxes the colonists were asked to pay after the French and Indian War, such as the Townshend Acts

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (20)

Boston Massacre

March 5, 1770: The Twenty-Ninth Regiment came to the relief of the soldiers on duty at the Customs House. They were met by an unruly gang of civilians, many of them drunk after having left a local tavern.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (21)

Boston Massacre

It was dark, and the crowd threw snowballs, ice balls, horse manure, and anything else lying on the street at the soldiers. The crowd also taunted the soldiers by yelling and calling them names.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (22)

Boston Massacre

Captain Preston could not control the crowd as they taunted the soldiers. He ordered his troops "Don’t fire!" but with the commotion the troops fired and killed three men instantly; another two died later. The first man to die was Crispus Attucks, a black man

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (23)

Boston Massacre

This was not a massacre in the sense that a lot of people died -- only five died.

The funerals of the dead were great patriotic demonstrations

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (24)

C. Boston Tea Party

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (25)

II. Road to Revolution

A. Fighting Breaks Out

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (26)

B. Declaration of Independence

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (27)

S.M.A.R.T. Document Analysis

S – Source (Identify author, title, date of source)

M – Main Ideas/Points (made in

the document, minimum of 2 per page) A – Author’s Views/Opinions (What are they

and how do they affect his writing?) R – Relevance (to understanding history) T – Theme (overall message or point)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (28)

Unit 1 Vocabulary: Part 1(Define and use in a sentence.)

1.Columbian Exchange

2.indentured servant

3.royal colony




7.joint-stock company


9.Triangular Trade


11.boycott contract

13.natural rights


15.checks and balances

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (29)

Focus Questions – 1/22/07

1.Identify four laws passed in Britain that directly affected American colonists.

2.How did the colonists respond to these laws? List two forms of response.

3.What does “taxation without representation” mean?

4.How did Britain react to the Boston Tea Party?

5.Describe the contents of the Declaration of Independence.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (30)

III. War for Independence (American Revolutionary War)

A. The War Begins

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (31)

B. Winning the War

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (32)

C. War as a Symbol of Liberty

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (33)

Focus Questions – 1/23/07

1.Describe the results of the Battle of Bunker Hill.

2.Identify the two sides of the conflict.

3.Explain the importance of the Continentals victory at Saratoga.

4.Were the colonies truly egalitarian? Explain.

5.Who wrote Common Sense and what effect did it have?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (34)

Essay Concerns1. Follow the guidelines/rubric

-At least 2 sentences for introduction and conclusion.-Topic sentence for each body paragraph. (Ex.The economic part of life played an important role in the success of each colonial region.)

2. Prove your thesis-Discuss each part of your proof in depth

3. Verb tense - be consistent

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (35)

IV. Plans for New Government

A. State Constitutions 1. Basic rights 2. Separation of powers 3. Voting 4. Qualification for Office

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (36)

B. Articles of Confederation

1. Government


2. Powers

3. Accomplishments

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (37)

Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation, was the basic law of the country from its adoption in 1781 until 1789, when it was superseded by the U.S. Constitution. When the founding fathers wrote up the Articles they wanted to avoid the tyranny that they had under British rule. As a result of this fear, they created a central (national) government that had very limited powers. This way, they thought, the government could not become so strong that it would abuse its power as the King had done

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (38)


The Congress, or central government, made up of delegates chosen by the states, was given the power to:

conduct foreign affairs make treaties, declare war maintain an army and a navy coin money establish post offices.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (39)


The government was unicameral, meaning it had only one house or legislative body. Each State had one vote.

There was no executive branch so there was no President.

There was also no judicial branch because it was expected that the states would judge lawbreakers.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (40)


It could not raise money by collecting taxes; it had to ask for money from the states who were under no obligation to give the money.

it had no control over foreign commerce it could not regulate trade between the states and dates were

free to tax each other. it could pass laws but could not force the states to comply with

them. Thus, the government was dependent on the willingness of the various states to carry out its measures, and often the states refused to cooperate.

it could not draft soldiers and had to ask the states to provide them willingly.

In addition, the articles were virtually impossible to amend, so problems could not be corrected.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (41)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (42)

C. Rejection of the Articles

Why? Problems:

1. Financial 2. Foreign 3. Domestic

Shay’s Rebellion

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (43)

D. Creating the Constitution

1. Compromises

a. Great

b. Three-



Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (44)

2. Separation of Powers

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (45)

3. Ratification of the Constitution

Federalists v. Anti-Federalists

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (46)

4. Bill of Rights

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (47)

5. A “Living Document”

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (48)

Comparative Timeline Activity

Objective: You are to create a timeline of early America containing three strands.

1. Identify and describe 10 important dates for each of the following sections (use your notes first and then the book):

A. America is Colonized (p 38-60)-Chpt 1B. Colonies Come of Age (p 66-86)-Ch. 1C. Independence (p 94-117) –Chapt. 2

2. Create three separate parallel timelines using the dates and descriptions from #1.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (49)

Practice Question

The first enduring settlement in the colonies was established by:

A. John Smith in Virginia

B. Puritans in New England

C. Anglican clergymen in Pennsylvania

D. Dutch in New Netherland

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (50)

Focus Questions – 1/24/07

1.The first government of the US was based on what document? Why did it fail?

2.Explain the Great Compromise.

3.What is “separation of powers?” Why is it necessary?

4.How is the Constitution a “living” document?

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (51)

Practice Question

The system of checks and balances is best illustrated by the power of:

a. Congress to censure one of its membersb. A governor to call out the National Guard to

stop a riotc. State and federal governments levying

taxesd. Congress to approve of the President’s

appointments to the Supreme Court

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (52)

Section 6: The New Government at Work

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (53)

I. The New Government in Action

A. Washington as President

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (54)

B. Hamilton & Jefferson

Two Conflicting Visions

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (55)

C. The Two Party System



Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (56)

D. The Whiskey Rebellion

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (57)

E. Foreign Affairs

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (58)

F. John Adams as President

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (59)

Focus Questions 1/25/07

1.Compare and contrast the views of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

2.George Washington rejected the opportunity to run for re-election in 1796. Why do you think he rejected this opportunity?

3. Explain the major recommendations issued by Washington in his Farewell Address.

4. Identify the major events that occurred during John Adams presidency.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (60)

Practice Question In the 1780s, all of the following

contributed to dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT:

a. a farmers revolt in Massachusetts

b. worthless paper money printed by many states

c. states refusing to assist the national government in raising operational funds

d. high taxes levied by the national government

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (61)

II. The Jeffersonian Era

A. Simplifying the Government

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (62)

B. The Louisiana Purchase (p 187)

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (63)

C. Lewis and Clark

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (64)

III. The Supreme Court

A. Judiciary Act of 1789

B. John Marshall

C. Marbury v. Madison (1803) Judicial review

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (65)

A to Z Review Exercise Create a list of terms related to the unit

we are studying (1492-1803). The list is to be created as follows:

Identify one important term, person, or event for each letter in the alphabet: (ex. A-Articles of Confederation)

For those letters that you cannot find a term, you may compensate by using other letters more than once.

*You do not have to describe each term.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (66)

Practice Quiz

1. Identify three rebellions we discussed.2. Compare and contrast the Articles of

Confederation and the Constitution.3. List and describe the duties of the three

branches of the government.4. Explain the causes and effects of the two

major conflicts we studied.5. Identify the first three presidents and the

major events occurring in their time in office

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (67)

Focus Questions – 1/13/06

1.How is the Constitution a “living” document?

2.Identify the cabinet departments and their leaders under George Washington.

3.Name the two dominant political parties in the late 1700s.

4.Explain Washington’s foreign policy recommendations for future presidents.

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (68)

Visual Sources

Focus Questions – 1/9/06 1.How did humans migrate to the Americas? How did they survive? 2.Why did Europeans want to colonize the Americas? List 4 reasons - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.