Dairy Free Sour Cream Recipe - My Whole Food Life (2024)

March 18, 2014May 24, 2017 Melissa King Dips, Spreads and Sauces, Recipes

Y’all this Dairy Free Sour Cream is where it’s at. Many people are moving away from dairy these days. Maybe because so many kids these days cannot tolerate it. My own daughter is allergic to dairy.

It makes her skin break out. Sure there are dairy free sour cream products on the market, but those are usually soy based.

Since most soy in this country is GMO, I thought I would come up with my own vegan and paleo sour cream recipe.

This is also a vegan sour cream recipe! It’s super easy to make too! In addition to this recipe, I also have a dairy free cheese sauce and a dairy free ranch dressing.

This recipe actually came about by accident. I was trying to make a sauce for another recipe and after I made it, I realized it tasted JUST LIKE sour cream. So viola! That is the story of this delicious discovery.

Dairy Free Sour Cream

Dairy Free Sour Cream

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Prep Time 5 min Serves 1 cup sour cream adjust servings

Dairy Free Sour Cream Recipe - My Whole Food Life (2) Dairy Free Sour Cream Recipe - My Whole Food Life (3)

A dairy free, soy free sour cream made from real ingredients!



  1. Soak the cashews overnight.
  2. Drain and rinse them the next day.
  3. Add the cashews to a blender and blend for 1 minute.
  4. Add in the lemon juice and vinegar and keep blending.
  5. Lastly, add in the water and salt. Blend until it's smooth.

by Melissa King

Recipe Notes

This sour cream should keep in the fridge for a couple weeks. I haven't tried freezing it yet. If the consistency is a little thick, you can add a little more water until you reach a desired consistency.


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  1. This is so creative! Is there nothing cashews can't do?


    1. Thanks! Cashews are amazing!


  2. I hate to buy a bottle of apple vinegar just to get 2T for his recipe. Is there something I can substitute? I have someapple juice in the frig. Thanks


    1. It really helps contribute to the flavor of this recipe. You can try using white vinegar, but I can't promise it will be the same.


  3. This sounds great! On the same lines of this recipe, have you tried to make vegan yogurt yet? Do the same with the cashews (my recipe called for 1/2 almonds, 1/2 cashews), 1 cup medjool dates, 2-3 cups water, cinnamon and/or vanilla If desired...yum!P.s. There are thousands of uses for apple cider vinegar! I can never keep enough of it!!!


    1. I haven't yet, but I am going to try soon!


      1. OH yes please do a homemade vegan yogurt recipe! I have to go dairy free for health issues and I am missing my usual greek yogurt and fruit in the morning so much!


        1. I will add it to my list of things to try. I think the flavor of the sour cream is very close to what I remember yogurt to be.


  4. I really wish you had a Pinterest share button. That's where I try to keep all my online recipes.


    1. I do have Pinterest sharing buttons. They are at the top and bottom of each post. If you can see them, you can also go to my Pinterest recipe page. http://www.pinterest.com/mywholefoodlife/my-recipes/


  5. Thanks for the great recipe! How long does this last in the fridge?


    1. Thanks! I am guessing about 1-2 weeks.


  6. I am trying to cut back (even more than I already have) on dairy, so your recipe is one I have to try. It sounds like it tastes really good!


  7. This sounds great, however my son is allergic to tree nuts. Do you have any suggestions for a nut-free alternative for the cashews? Thanks!!


    1. Thanks! I think it might work with white beans as well, although you may need to add more liquid to thin it out.


      1. Many thanks to Melissa and all her readers and their comments. I am an adult with so many food allergies and health issues exacerbated by certain foods. I can always count on you all to come up with substitutes that I would never have thought of which fit beautifully into my diet! Thanks again!!


        1. You are so welcome!


  8. Pingback: Mini Vegan Cheesecakes | My Whole Food Life

  9. I wonder how this would do as a substitute ingredient in a recipe. Will it have the same trade and texture as if you were using regular sour cream? Just wondering.


    1. I'm not sure. I haven't tried using it in a recipe yet. However, I did have a reader make an onion dip for chips using it.


  10. I've always loved sour cream dips but because of lactose intolerance in other members of my family I look for alternatives other than yogurt. I am just not a big fan of yogurt, I like it once in a while but not as a sour cream substitute. I hesitated to look at your recipe, thinking "another yogurt" recipe, but I looked anyway. Thank you, thank you; I use raw organic cashews in a chia pudding recipe that everybody likes and now thanks to your recipe I can make my dips again.


    1. You are so welcome. I hope you enjoy it!


  11. I have a bag of cashew flour from Trader Joe's. Do you think I substitute that for the soaked cashews?


    1. I am not sure that will work.


  12. It is not hyperbole when I say this recipe has changed my life. Thank you.


    1. You're welcome! :)


  13. Hey Melissa, do I soak the cashews in the fridge or on the counter? I tried making your ranch dip but I couldn't get a smooth consistency... Not sure if it was the cashews, soaking them in the fridge, or my blender... Thanks!


    1. I soak mine on the counter. How long did you soak yours and what kind of a blender do you have? I was able to get a smooth consistency in my Vitamix. I am sorry yours wasn't smooth. :(


      1. Mine soaked overnight and all day in the fridge... I only have a ninja master food prep and drink maker, I thought it was a pretty good blender but after some research it has barely any power compared to a "professional" blender... Maybe time for an upgrade! I'll try on the counter and see if that makes a difference too. Thanks Melissa!


        1. Let me know if it works better when they are soaked on the counter.


  14. To the above commenter with the blender question: I usually use a food processor and then give a final whirl in my blender to get a super smooth consistency for more difficult to puree dishes. My blender is not on the same level as a vitamix which is why I use this system. I find it works well - I made the vegan cauliflower "alfredo" sauce that is floating around the web these days with this method and it turned out perfectly smooth.


  15. Pingback: Healthy French Onion Dip | My Whole Food Life

  16. Hi :) Thank you for a good recipe. I am not a big fan of acv, so this tasted too much for me. Will half the amount or try white vinegar next time.


    1. Thanks!


  17. Do you know where I could find the cashews? Health store or my local supermarket? I can't wait to make this as I'm lactose intolerant and love sour cream so much! Thank you!


    1. You can find cashews at most health food stores. Just make sure you get raw, unsalted.


    2. I get cashew pieces at my health food store for cheap!!


      1. Me too!! The pieces are so much cheaper


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Dairy Free Sour Cream Recipe - My Whole Food Life (2024)


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