31 Family Recipes for Whole 30 (2024)

Before I start listing recipes, I feel the need for a few disclaimers. First, I’m no expert on the Whole 30 or on a paleo diet. In fact, I don’t know what the real difference is between paleo and Whole 30, only that one is stricter than the other and only lasts 30 days.

Second, from what I can tell, these recipes are “allowed” on the Whole 30 plan as long as you use the modifications stated with the recipes. But again, I’m not an expert at all. I’ve read through the book, It Starts with Food and that’s where my info comes from. However, it’s a lot of info to digest, so I may be mistaken about a few things. Feel free to educate me kindly if I’ve gotten something wrong.

And finally, my plan is to do my best during my Whole 30 (starting Jan. 2). If somehow, soy sneaks in, or dairy disguises itself and I miss that ingredient on a product, or I forget myself and grab something I shouldn’t have, I am not going to worry about it. I have no intentions of cheating. But I do have the intention of being kind to myself and realizing that making big changes like this in the midst of busy family life is a challenge. It’s okay for it not to be perfect.

Be sure to read labels when you’re shopping. Soy sneaks into everything! I even found it in a tea I wanted to buy.

And a note on the meats: The Whole30 book suggests you buy grain fed, free range, high quality meats. I’ll probably be using a mix of meats that I buy in the grocery and some better quality. I’m not feeling like I need to do perfect on this point.

Pineapple Chili

No adaptation needed.

African Pulled Beef

No pita or yogurt sauce with this one, but you can easily have those available for your family. Serve it with baked sweet potatoes.

Beef Stew

Substitute parsnips instead of white potatoes. I think tapioca is okay for Whole 30. For me, it’s close enough. I don’t plan on downing a bunch of tapioca as a thickener, but it works so well in this stew that I’ll probably still use it. It’s such a small amount (1/4 cup maybe) for the whole batch of stew. (update: The instant tapioca has soy lecithin in it. I’m still going to eat this dish though. I’m not planning to have beef stew more than once or twice the whole month. You may feel differently about having that soy though.)

Chicken Veggie Soup

This is a recipe I created in preparation for Whole 30. I’ll add more meat next time I make it though.

Chicken with Summer Vegetables in the Slow Cooker

Leave out the wine in this wine and you’re good to go.

Beef Shwarma in the Slow Cooker, Chicken Shwarma, Chicken Gyros

Again, no pita or yogurt sauce. Serve it with cucumbers, baked sweet potatoes and other veggies.

Chicken Salad

You can either make your own mayo or search for one without soy in it. I think there are some good ones available if you’re willing to do the label reading.

Garlic Chicken with More Garlic in the Slow Cooker

This is such a flavorful recipe. Serve it with squash or sweet potatoes or other veggies.


You’ll have to leave out the sugar in this. Try a bit of apple juice instead. And serve it with roasted chicken.

Chicken Curry in the Slow Cooker

I love this recipe! Just skip serving it over rice. It’s really good with baked sweet potatoes.

Garlic Lime Tilapia

Use clarified butter and you’re good to go for this one!

Honey Dijon Pork Chops and Apples in the Slow Cooker

Leave out the honey. Use a little unsweetened apple sauce or apple juice instead, or just skip the honey/substitute altogether.

Asian Salmon (on the grill or in the oven)

You’ll have to substitute good quality beef broth for the soy sauce in this.

Dijon Tarragon Tilapia

Use clarified butter.

Tony’s Tilapia

Use clarified butter and read the labels on the seasoning to double check.

Tilapia with Veggies Baked in Foil

Read the labels on the lemon pepper or your seasoning of choice.

Whole Chicken in the Crockpot

Use this for the meat and the broth.

Italian Chicken and Tomatoes in the Slow Cooker

Leave out the cheese.

Zesty Crockpot Chicken

Serve it with something other than couscous. Try lots of veggies and a salad.

Italian Seasoned Salt Pork Roast and Italian Seasoned Salt Chicken

Skip the wine. If you use the slow cooker, you won’t need it anyway. If you use the oven for the pork, try a bit of water or apple juice.

Lemon Chicken Baked on a Bed of Sauerkraut in the Slow Cooker

This one if just fine to fix! No adjustments needed.

Mediterranean Chicken in the Slow Cooker

Another recipe that’s good as written.

Pork Chops Topped with Onion, Green Pepper and Pineapple

No adjustments needed.

Salsa Verde Steak in the Slow Cooker

Have all the fixings for your family, but have yours on a plate or in a lettuce wrap. Serve with lots of guacamole (keep the chips at the other end of the table!).

Skillet Chicken, Peppers and Tomatoes

No alterations needed.

Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore

Leave out the wine. Serve it with pasta for the family and spaghetti squash for you.

Turkey Breast in the Slow Cooker

Another good one to make meat and broth.

Virus Killing Soup

Watch the labels on the broth or use your own. Leave out the wine.

Whole 30 Menu for First 15 Days

I’ve put together a dinner menu with main dishes and sides for the first 15 days of Whole 30. You can find it here.

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31 Family Recipes for Whole 30 (2024)


Can you have oatmeal on Whole30 diet? ›

When you're on Whole30, toast, cereal, and oatmeal won't fly. But that doesn't mean you have to eat a plate of boring scrambled eggs each and every day. These casseroles, egg cups, breakfast stacks, and more will have you looking forward to your morning meal—and full way beyond your morning commute.

What pasta can you eat on Whole30? ›

No pasta recreations are allowed on the Whole30, per the Pancake Rule. However, single-ingredient veggie “noodles” such as spaghetti squash noodles or spiralized zucchini noodles are compatible and easy!

Can you have potatoes on Whole30? ›

Are Potatoes Whole30? Yes! As of January 2021, all varieties of potatoes are included in the Whole30 diet. Yet, the catch is that fries and chips are not included in the diet as they are not considered to be “real” or whole foods.

Is cottage cheese on Whole30? ›

Note, by definition, the Plant-Based Whole30 does not include animal protein (meat, seafood, or eggs), or animal-based dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt).

Is peanut butter Whole30? ›

Though peanuts and peanut butter aren't allowed on the Whole30 program, other nuts and nut butters are. Cashew butter is loaded with nutrients like healthy fats, magnesium, manganese, and copper.

Can you have popcorn on Whole30? ›

IS POPCORN WHOLE30? No — popcorn is made from a whole grain (dried corn AKA popcorn kernels), and grains are eliminated on the Whole30 diet.

Is any cheese allowed on Whole30? ›

Although traditional, dairy-derived cheese is a no-go during a Whole30, there's a world of dairy-free cheesy elements that's compatible.

Is hummus OK on Whole30? ›

Traditional hummus is made from garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas), which are a legume and Plant-Based Whole30 compatible. Just read your labels to make sure your hummus doesn't contain dairy or other ingredients that aren't a fit for the Plant-Based Whole30.

Can you eat bacon on Whole30? ›

You can also eat processed meats as long as they don't include any artificial preservatives or added sugars. So when your bacon craving strikes, stick to sugar-free uncured bacon. A hearty meat-based stew with some nutrient-rich avocado makes a great Whole30® meal.

Are bananas allowed on Whole30? ›

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Can I eat Chick Fil A fries on Whole30? ›

Potatoes of all varieties are in, but fries and chips are not. (This should not be a surprise. Fries and chips are about as Whole30 as Paleo Pop-Tarts.)

Can you have almond milk on Whole30? ›

It's got only four ingredients: water, organic almonds, organic acacia gum, and sea salt. You've seen this in literally every grocery store, and now you know: Yes, you can drink it while doing Whole30. Silk's unsweetened vanilla carton is fair game, too.

Is plain Greek yogurt Whole30 approved? ›

No legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, peanut butter and soy) No dairy (milk – cow or goat, cheese, yogurt and ice cream) No MSG or sulfites (food additives)

What is not allowed on Whole30? ›

Whole30 is a 30-day elimination diet with rules including the removal of alcohol, sugar, legumes, grains, dairy, and all processed foods. Followers of the diet have noted weight loss and increased energy, along with the identification of any problem foods.

Can you eat tomatoes on Whole30? ›

Tomatoes naturally contain sugar, so there will be some grams of sugar on the nutrition information, but all you need to worry about is that all the ingredients listed are okay for Whole30.

What grains are not allowed on Whole30? ›

Whole30 Elimination: 30 days
  • Added sugar (real or artificial) ...
  • Alcohol (wine, beer, cider, liquor, etc.) ...
  • Grains (wheat, oats, rice, corn, quinoa, etc.) ...
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, soy, and peanuts) ...
  • Dairy (milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, etc.) ...
  • Baked goods, pasta, cereal, chips, and fries.

Can I eat rice on Whole30? ›

While grains (including rice) are not compatible with the Plant-Based Whole30 elimination, rice is often used for the fermentation and processing of certain forms of soy, such as miso and tempeh.

Can you eat oatmeal on Whole Foods diet? ›

Whole foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (such as oats, brown rice and barley), nuts, beans, fish, shellfish and eggs. Minimally processed foods are foods that are a little processed, such as frozen produce or whole wheat flour.

What oatmeal is not whole grain? ›

Wondering about oat bran? Because oat bran is just the bran, and doesn't contain the germ or the endosperm, it is not considered a whole grain.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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