21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (2024)

Valentine’s Day should not be just limited to romantic relationships, but also extends to the bonds we share with our friends and classmates. This love season, why not spread appreciation with some adorable DIY Valentines for classmates? Not only will it be a fun and creative activity, but it will also show how much you value your classmates and the connections you have with them. In this blog post, we will share 21 options that are easy to make and perfect for celebrating the bond of friendship on Valentine’s Day.


  • Classmates Bond Celebration on Valentines Day
  • DIY Valentines for Classmates to Cherish the Cute Connections
    • DIY Valentines Gifts for Classmates Who are Girls
    • DIY Valentines Gifts for Classmates Who are Boys
    • DIY Valentine Classmates Gifts for A Group of Friends
  • Suggested Group Activities Besides Gifting DIY Valentines Ideas for Classmates
  • Conclusion

Classmates Bond Celebration on Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day provides a wonderful chance to honor the camaraderie shared with your classmates. They’ve been your companions through the highs and lows, adding joy and lasting memories to your school days. So, classmates are meant to be celebrated on this special day.

We have at Bespoke gift various ideas for you to choose your own way of expressing. Let’s discover now!

DIY Valentines for Classmates to Cherish the Cute Connections

Welcome to the realm of heartwarming DIY Valentines gifts for classmates, where we delve into the art of crafting occasion gifts that celebrate such cute relationships within your school circle.

DIY Valentines Gifts for Classmates Who are Girls

Girls are known for their love for cute and pretty things. So why not find some gift ideas for Valentine’s Day that cater to their interests and preferences? Here are some choices for your female classmates:

  • Heart-Shaped Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are a popular gift for any occasion, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. Instead of buying them from the store, why not make your own heart-shaped bath bombs for your classmates? You can customize the scents and colors to suit each of your classmates’ preferences, making it a thoughtful and personalized gift.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (1)

  • Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a classic way to show your appreciation and love for your friends. You can make them using embroidery floss in your classmates’ favorite colors or choose a color that represents your friendship. There are various patterns and designs you can try, such as chevron, diamond, or fishtail. You can also add charms or beads to make it more unique and special.

  • Hand-Painted Mugs

Mugs are a practical and useful gift that your classmates will surely appreciate. But instead of buying them from the store, why not hand-paint them to be DIY Valentines for classmates? You can use ceramic paint or sharpies to create unique designs and messages on the mugs. Your classmates will love sipping their morning coffee or tea in a mug made especially for them.

  • Personalized Plant Pots

Buy small, plain plant pots and paint them with vibrant colors or decorate them with patterns. Add each classmate’s name or a special message to make it unique. Plant small succulents or colorful flowers in each pot, symbolizing growth and the blossoming of your friendships.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (2)

  • Customized Tote Bags

Tote bags are so practical and stylish that they are considered among the best Valentines gifts. Purchase plain canvas tote bags and use fabric paint or markers to create personalized designs. You can draw symbols that represent shared interests or inside jokes, or simply write each classmate’s name in a creative way.

  • Scented Sachets

Craft scented sachets using dried flowers, herbs, or potpourri. Choose scents that you know your classmates will enjoy. Create small fabric pouches and fill them with the scented mix. Tie them with a ribbon and attach a cute tag expressing your appreciation. These sachets can be placed in drawers or closets to add a delightful aroma to their spaces.

  • Homemade Chocolate Truffles

Prepare delicious homemade chocolate truffles as a sweet and indulgent treat for your classmates. You can experiment with different flavors, such as dark chocolate, white chocolate, or adding various toppings like nuts or coconut. Package these DIY Valentines for classmates in small, decorative boxes or bags and include a personalized note expressing your gratitude and best wishes.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (3)

DIY Valentines Gifts for Classmates Who are Boys

Boys may have different interests and preferences compared to girls, but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate thoughtful gifts, especially DIY Valentines for classmates. Here are some ideas for your friends:

  • Candy Bouquet

Who says bouquets are only for girls? Make a candy bouquet for your male classmates using their favorite candies and chocolates. You can arrange them in a jar or a flower pot and add some tissue paper or ribbons to make it look more presentable. This is a fun and creative way to give your classmates something sweet for Valentine’s Day.

  • Personalized Keychains

Keychains are a practical and useful gift that your male classmates can use every day. You can make them more special by personalizing them with their names or initials. You can use polymer clay to mold the keychain into any shape you want, such as a heart, star, or their favorite cartoon character. You can also add some paint or glitter for a more eye-catching design.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (4)

  • DIY Pop-Up Cards

Instead of buying generic cards from the store, why not make your own pop-up cards? You can use cardstock paper and decorate it with markers, stickers, or cut-outs. Then, add a pop-up element, such as a heart or a message, to make it more interesting. Such DIY Valentines for classmates, especially in which effort and creativity is put into, will make them appreciate it.

  • Customized Phone Stands

Craft personalized phone stands using wood, acrylic, or even repurposed materials. You can engrave or paint designs that reflect each classmate’s interests or hobbies. Practical and unique, these phone stands are both functional and a great reminder of your thoughtful gesture.

  • Homemade Jerky or Snack Packs

Prepare homemade beef jerky or assemble snack packs with an assortment of their favorite treats. Package them in individualized containers or customized bags, adding a personal touch by including a note with a pun or a joke related to the snacks. It’s a tasty and thoughtful gift for your male classmates.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (5)

  • DIY Desk Organizer

How about DIY Valentines for classmates to help them get easy with their study time. Craft a practical and stylish desk organizer using wood, cardboard, or other materials. Customize it with compartments for pens, sticky notes, or other stationery items. Paint or decorate it with designs that match each classmate’s personality or interests.

  • Handmade Wallets or Card Holders

Create custom wallets or card holders using leather, fabric, or even duct tape. Personalize them by adding initials, favorite colors, or unique patterns. Handmade wallets are not only functional but also showcase your effort and creativity, making them a thoughtful and practical gift for your male classmates.

DIY Valentine Classmates Gifts for A Group of Friends

If you have a close-knit group of friends in your class, you can also make DIY Valentines ideas for classmates that everyone can enjoy together. Here are some ideas for group gifts:

  • Friendship Photo Collage

Gather all your favorite photos with your friends and create a collage to hang on the wall or frame as a gift. You can arrange the photos in a heart shape or spell out “Friends” using the pictures. This is a sentimental and heartfelt gift that will remind your friends of all the fun memories you have shared together.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (6)

  • DIY Chocolate Bark

Chocolate bark is a delicious and easy-to-make treat that you can customize with different toppings and flavors. You can make a big batch and divide it among your friends, or you can make individual ones with each person’s favorite toppings. Package these DIY Valentines for classmates in cute bags or boxes and add a tag with a sweet message for your friends.

  • Personalized T-Shirts

Matching t-shirts are always a hit among friends, and you can make them even more special by personalizing them. You can use fabric paint or iron-on transfers to create unique designs and messages on the shirts. It could be a group photo, inside joke, or a quote that represents your friendship. Your friends will love wearing these personalized t-shirts and showing off their bond with you.

  • Customized Friendship Bracelets Set

Instead of individual bracelets, create a set of matching or complementary friendship bracelets for each member of your friend group. Choose colors and patterns that represent the unique personalities within the group. This way, everyone gets a piece of the collective friendship bond.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (7)

  • Group Memory Jar

Have each friend write down their favorite memories or inside jokes on small pieces of paper. Collect these notes in a decorated jar, creating a group memory jar. It’s a delightful way to reminisce about shared experiences, and you can revisit the memories whenever you gather. How meaningful these DIY Valentines for classmates are!

  • DIY Board Game Night Kit

Put together a board game night kit. Then, create custom game cards or incorporate inside jokes into classic games. Include snacks, drinks, and perhaps a trophy or medals for the game night winners. It’s a fun and interactive way to celebrate your friendship with a game night designed just for your group.

  • Friendship Scrapbook

Take the friendship photo collage idea a step further by creating a full-fledged friendship scrapbook. Include not only photos but also mementos, quotes, and notes that capture the essence of your group’s bond. This collaborative project allows everyone to contribute and results in a beautiful keepsake that documents your shared adventures and laughter.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (8)

Suggested Group Activities Besides Gifting DIY Valentines Ideas for Classmates

Aside from exchanging gifts, there are also other fun activities you can do with your classmates on Valentine’s Day. Here are some suggestions:

  • Valentine’s Day Potluck

Organize a potluck with your classmates and have everyone bring their favorite dishes or treats. This is a great way to try different foods and bond over a meal together and set the ideal stage for DIY Valentines for classmates, as well. You can also make it more interesting by having a theme, such as red and pink foods or heart-shaped dishes.

  • Movie Night

Gather your classmates and have a movie night with some of your favorite romantic comedies or feel-good movies. You can also make it a marathon and watch a series together. Don’t forget to prepare some snacks and drinks to make it a cozy and enjoyable experience.

  • Secret Cupid Exchange

Similar to Secret Santa, you can organize a Secret Cupid exchange among your classmates. Each person will draw a name and give a small gift or card to their assigned classmate. This is a fun and exciting way to show appreciation and spread love within the class.

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (9)


With these 20 adorable DIY Valentines for classmates, we hope that those who have added joy and lasting memories to your school days can feel the full gratitude from you. The essence lies not in the expense or extravagance of the gift but in the sincere thought and effort invested in creating it. Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

21 DIY Valentines for Classmates: Best Gift Ideas (2024)


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